Quarterly DELTA CHI
Alabama Chapter on a Roll! Remembering
Spring 2013
Social Media
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XXX In The Bond Inside The Quarterly Volume 110 Number 2 Summer 2013
In The Bond Alabama Chapter Remembering Jack Pinto Campus Scene Coast to Coast Upcoming Events Keeping in Touch Our Brothers Who Serve Farewell & Parting
2 3 8 10 24 26 27 27 27
Delta Chi Quarterly (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc. Fulton, MO. Three-year subscription $35 Five-year subscription $50
Address Changes Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529 Editor: Mick Dean, Truman State ’08 E-mail: quarterly@deltachihq.org Website: www.deltachi.org/quarterly
Layout and Design Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93 Boom Creative, Inc. E-mail: info@boom-creative.com www.boom-creative.com
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The Importance of Education How did you discover Delta Chi? Unless you’re a “legacy” or knew a brother before stepping foot on campus, you probably discovered Delta Chi after you first made the decision, like all of us, to seek higher education. As freshmen, we packed up our belongings, gathered up our courage, and left home for college. We left with hopes of good grades, thoughts of a rewarding career after graduation, and visions of a bright future. Sometime after, we discovered “fraternity” and Delta Chi. Discovering Delta Chi is the best thing that has happened to me. I have often said, “If it were not for Delta Chi, I would not be where I am today. And, for that, I am very grateful.” But “fraternity” - Delta Chi - can be very distracting and difficult for a young student who is still trying to adjust to college life. Does Delta Chi assist “in the acquisition of a sound education”? Try to answer that truthfully. Are we taking the time to show Associate Members where the campus tutorial center is? Are we showing them where the library is, (granted they should already know that!)? Are we assigning brothers with good GPAs as mentors to the Associate Members to help them with their studies during and after the AM period? Are we inviting in our Faculty Advisor to speak to the Associate Member class about the importance of their grades and the impact it will have on finding good jobs after graduation? Or... are we doing the Associate Members AND brotherhood a disservice by putting education on the back shelf and not stressing the importance of grades and the impact they will have on their future? Are social events more important than studying? Is it acceptable, and
sometimes funny, to just blow off a class? Are we not giving appropriate study time and appropriate hours for the Associate Member class to prepare for class and tests, or just plain study? We must remember, that education is the first and primary reason you came to college. Fraternity is great, and I am all for it, but grades are a necessary prerequisite to truly enjoy fraternity. Imagine what will happen to your chapter or colony if the brothers start to have poor grades and it continues...eventually you will lose the chapter or colony, but what happens to you? Your Delta Chi experience will be sub-par, and, if you graduate, you probably will not acquire the job or salary that you really wanted and dreamed of when you left home to go to college. So let’s look at some positive ideas to help you stay focused. 1. F ind your role models. Are they well educated? Are they focused on their goals and have their priorities in order? 2. W ork hard. Share your successes. Share them with your alumni as well, and take the praise. Everyone likes a good pat on the back. 3. B e social. That doesn’t mean be a party animal. It means be responsible, have intelligent conversations and listen to what people say. It is amazing what you will learn from people, especially your alumni, if you just take the time to listen. 4. F ind your motivation. When people start to get bad grades they start to deceive themselves that a particular class is a waste of time and they will never need it. It will be the professors fault. Stay motivated, ask yourself, “What would my role model do?” Look for inspiration from family or friends, but improve and take responsibility. 5. S et goals. Write them down and put them in a place where you can see them every day. Share your goals with family and friends. Then, stay focused on achieving them. As you achieve them, cross them of and add new goals. Make sure they are realistic, attainable, and have a set date for achievement. Delta Chi and the acquisition of a sound education should go together, not work against each other. Together they will enhance your college and fraternity experience. Go to class. Study. Tutor a brother. Help each other to realize the importance of education and assist each other in the acquisition of a sound education.
This paper is FSC certified at the mill and is 10% post-consumer waste. Forestry Stewardship Council is a nonprofit organization based in Bonn, Germany that sets global standards for responsible forestry.
Miles Washburn “AA” Massachusetts ’87 52nd “AA” Life Loyal Member
Alabama Chapter
ALABAMA CHAPTER ON A ROLL! Written with significant contributions from Chuck Carlin, Alabama ’57
Founded in 1927, the Alabama Chapter has enjoyed a storied history as the state’s oldest Delta Chi Chapter. Today, the Chapter and the University are now riding the crest of the Crimson Tide’s three recent BCS Football Championships that have undoubtedly contributed to the tremendous surge in the size of the student body from slightly more than 19,000 in 2000 to over 33,000 in 2013. Not just because of this, the Chapter now finds itself with more than 100 student members due to the continual hard work of the student members and support of the Chapter’s alumni. As a result, the Chapter House’s facilities have been stretched to their limits something made even more problematic by the realistic expectation of even more membership growth. The decision to improve the Chapter House became obvious, first, by the recent wave of construction activities in the University’s Greek community. To remain competitive, the Chapter felt it needed to upgrade the house. After careful consideration, it was decided to renovate and expand the current house so that, as far as facilities are concerned, the Chapter’s prominent position on campus would be secure far into the future. This decision was made even easier by the fact that the house itself is in reasonably good condition, having been originally built in 1971. Also, since 1998 almost a half-a-million dollars have been invested, most from alumni, to provide a functional facility of
which all could be proud. Alumni also felt that it was just as important to give to future generations of young men the same opportunity past members had to be part of Alabama Delta Chi. These opportunities would be made possible by a flourishing student membership residing in a modernly-equipped, attractive, comfortable Chapter House. With all this in mind, in spring 2012, the Alumni Board of Trustees and the House Corporation made the formal decision to commit almost four million dollars to address the pressing need for a larger, improved, code-compliant house with a capacity of at least 125 student members.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
− − − − − −
2008: 2009: 2010: 2011: 2012: 2013:
21,082 22,343 23,702 24,884 26,234 28,026
− − − − − −
2008: 2009: 2010: 2011: 2012: 2013:
35 42 40 64 69 71
Alabama Chapter
alabama chapter house The Alabama Chapter’s new home will more than double in size and triple in capacity, with 18,000 sq. ft. of living space and a sleeping capacity of 34 men. The Dining Room (125/127) takes the place of the old Fellowship Hall. It will seat 110 men and will also serve as the Chapter Room. A modern kitchen will extend into the area of the old dining room, with an access hall leading to efficient food service/dish-return areas. A large Fellowship Hall (136) will now be located in the new back wing. The enclosed Courtyard (128) includes landscaping and a covered, grand colonnade walkway outside the dining room, running from the front wing to the back wing.
The renovated, enlarged Food Service Areas (120/121/123/126/ 141-143) will extend into the old dining room, with an access hall from the first floor common area that also leads to the new dining room/chapter room located in the old fellowship hall. Extensive renovation work will result in the current Front Entry Foyer (102) being completely transformed into a reception area worthy of a prominent fraternity house. Arched doorways will lead from both sides of the foyer into a completely redesigned common area. The foyer’s ceiling will be stepped-recessed, with crown molding and a new, attractive hanging light fixture, while the open-common area will have dropped-ceilings with integrated florescent lights installed behind opaque panels. The House Director’s Quarters (105-111) will be enlarged and renovated, with much attention to details from our hard working house director Ms. Vivian Anderson, who has also been much involved in the redesign and upgrade of the food service areas.
Alabama Chapter
Blueprint for the Future Entry onto the house grounds from the back street will be controlled by two strategically placed, iron gates that can be secured. The fellowship hall also has a large, roll-up door that opens to the Courtyard Patio (128). The patio extends along the back wing to the dining room doors, which also open to the patio. It then extends to and along the front wing, providing a center area of grass.
An entirely new, Two-Story Wing addition will be built along the backside of the house’s lot, resulting in an enclosed, fully landscaped courtyard, surrounded on three sides by the house, the fourth side being the existing brick fence. The new fellowship hall will be on the first floor of the new wing, while the second floor will consist of new sleeping rooms/baths suites and a lounge area.
The house will now be ADA compliant, code compliant, fitted with fire safety components, and it will offer residents wireless internet, cable television outlets, and security cameras. A long-desired (by many), new, aesthetic look for the front of the house will involve replacing the old front lawn lights with a spotlight sited at the base of each front porch column, allowing each to be illuminated from below. All four columns, as well as all other exterior house trim, will be repainted white. And the ornamental railing on the top of the front porch will be repainted black. The combination of newly repainted, base-lit, porch columns, with new, darkbronze light fixtures on each side of the new, double, front doors with dark-bronze hardware, a newly repainted, porch-top railing, and new windows and shutters, along with a new, attractive, darkbronze light fixture suspended from the center of the porch SECOND ceiling to just above the front doors, added to the new, sloped front walk, will provide an imposing, eye-catching house-front, especially when lit up at night.
The house’s current Single-Occupancy Rooms (205-213) will be completely renovated, including new furniture. The new wing of the second floor will now include Suite-style Bedrooms (221-259) and a Separate Laundry Room (204/242). Each new suite will have two single-occupancy sleeping rooms and a shared bath. All sleeping rooms will have new furniture, as well as wireless internet access and cable television outlets. For safety, all rooms will now include smoke detectors and an attractive, heavy-duty locking entrance door.
XXX Alabama Chapter
FINANCING Student Chapter Contributions Over time, the substantial financial contribution of the Student Chapter will provide the vast majority of the project’s final cost. Historically, this has always been the case when the Alabama Chapter has undertaken major housing projects, such as the 1935 construction of the Chapter’s first-owned house, the 1971 construction of the current house, and the mid-’80s construction of the fellowship hall. Since 2005, the Student Chapter has also been a steady contributor of a portion of the nearly $500,000 that has provided a substantial base for the current project. Moving forward, the Student Chapter will make the necessary monthly payments to the University on the 30-year, $3.25 million dollar mortgage loan that represents the bulk of the current project’s funding. In addition to the monthly mortgage loan payments, scheduled to begin in summer 2014, the Student Chapter is also contributing $150,000 for furniture, furnishings, and other non-construction costs. Under the University’s organization, donations from alumni will also be used to pay down the mortgage principle, reducing the Student Chapter’s financial obligation over time.
Project Funding by the Numbers 3,750,000
30-year construction mortgage loan Of which,
1,000,000 is allocated to renovations and 2,750,000 to expansion
$ $
Alumni Fundraising Goal Money to reduce mortgage loan principle
To be paid by student members through live-in fees
Upfront contribution from the Chapter for new furniture and other non-construction costs
Projected Total Cost
THE PROJECT Alumni, ABT and House Corporation Contributions Based on the recent experiences of several UA Greek organizations, alumni leaders chose Pennington & Company, a fundraising, consulting, and public relations company (whose President is Patrick Alderdice, Ball State ’92) to assist with the Chapter’s $1,000,000 fundraiser. Jon Vice, Alabama ’70, graciously accepted the nomination from the ABT to lead the effort. Vice, an entrepreneur in the fields of hospital administration and charitable fundraising, has proven to be the ideal person for this demanding position. Thus far, Vice and Pennington & Company’s efforts have yielded a total of $834,000 (as of 8/18/2013) in cash and pledges towards the project. Brothers have given to the effort through traditional donations, five-year gifts, tax-advantaged IRA withdrawals, furniture, and even construction supplies. The drive’s ultimate goal has been to personally contact every one of the Chapter’s nearly 1,000 living alumni and share with them this historic, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Chapter, of course, plans to recognize the name and contribution level of each donor in a permanent display in the renewed house. The fundraising effort’s two largest donors at the time of publication happen to be two individuals who’ve given so much of their time to ensuring the success of the project: Brother Vice and Stan Williams, Alabama ’60. Williams, along with Vice, hosted and attended a number of meetings in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa with Hendon & Huckenstein Architects, University officials, and other project leaders. Williams was instrumental in negotiating the details of the mortgage loan and also securing temporary housing for the student members until the project’s completion. Without both men’s leadership and tireless efforts, many suspect that the project wouldn’t be able to reach its final stages, as the Chapter is actively preparing for the formal dedication to be held during the summer of 2014.
All of the learning experiences as a student member of Delta Chi and the long lasting brotherhood bonds enjoyed as an alumnus have truly been gifts that I cherish. It is for these reasons that I hold the Chapter in such esteem and continue to work to ensure its success. The renovation and expansion of the Chapter house is another major mile marker in this journey.
~ Stan Williams ’60 House Corporation President
Alabama Chapter
ALABAMA ALUMNI The Alabama Chapter has given the University of Alabama many of its most prominent graduates. Among them is Former “AA” Jefferson J. Coleman, Sr. ’29, who had a distinguished 50-plus years career as a University executive and for whom the school’s current basketball arena, Coleman Coliseum, is named. Another is incumbent U.S. Senator Richard C. Shelby ’57 (AL-R). Shelby Hall, the newest, largest academic building
on campus, is named in Senator Shelby’s honor. Many distinguished doctors, dentists, lawyers, educators, engineers, businessmen, clergymen, career U.S. armed services members, and countless others, have been first members of the Alabama Chapter. There was never a question about allowing the proud legacy of these brothers to be diminished by a failure now to provide an equally prestigious Chapter House.
Jefferson J. Coleman, Sr. ’29
Senator Richard C. Shelby ’57
THE STUDENT CHAPTER, directed by Sam Wells ’55, were winners of the 1955 IFC Step Singing Competition on the University’s Main Library front steps, singing - Happy Wanderer, Soon I Will Be Done With The Troubles Of The World, and Delta Chi’s Bond Song. This recording of the bond song was used for many years at International Conventions and the chartering of new chapters.
FEBRUARY 12, 1927 Alabama Chapter Installation
Remembering Jack Pinto
On Dece mber 14, 2012, tw children enty and six adults l their liv ost es at S andy Ho Element o k ary Sch ool in a senseles s act o f violenc This tra e. gedy str uck clo home fo s e to r so ma ny of u none clo s , but ser than one Delt brother a Chi . On this day, Dea n Pinto, ’93, trag Lehigh ically lo st his s Jack A. on, Pinto.
to responded i The world d Delta Ch n a , k o o H t Sandy elp suppor h o t d e d n a respo er. Here is h t o r b w o of a fell just some f o n io t c e coll g efforts. in ir p s in e thes
Remembering Jack Pinto
T-shirt Fundraiser
it best as, “brothers supporting Mark Schramka, Northwestern Alumnus, described funds for the Jack A. Pinto Charitable raised globe the s brothers.” Delta Chi brothers acros asing t-shirts designed by Colleen Fund during January and February 2013 though purch a ’08. Florid South Hennessy-Sullivan, the wife of Nick Sullivan,
d Vendor, has done many t-shirt and gear Colleen, a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and a Greek License none had been this large or meaningful. In but past, projects for Delta Chi chapters and colonies in the ed the shirt to be royal blue and red. design Colleen Giants, York New the team, honor of Jack’s favorite memorial sleeve and featured Jack’s the as ated design was heart, The left sleeve, being closest to one’s initials, date of birth, date he left us, and angel wings. “I made a Facebook Event and invited Mark Schramka; Marquez Brown, Iowa ’01; Shawn Roof, New Haven ’00; and the South Florida brothers,” Colleen shared. “It took knew.” Scan the QR code to off from there because those guys invited everyone they visit the Facebook event ,” explained Roof. “The response was absolutely amazing and heartwarming I ordered a few shirts as well,” added Schramka. “I invited people and kept plugging it every chance I got. rs Facebook Event and made aware of the effort. Membe Through crowdsourcing, thousands were invited to the shirts. more or one for orders placed alumni many many, and gs, passed sign-up sheets around during chapter meetin Roof recalled. “Brothers were ordering additional “Orders for three, four, or five shirts started coming in,” orders in support of the cause.” placing shirts for their families, and even non-Delta Chis were over 800 shirts and raised $5,200 for the Jack A. In all, brothers, friends, and family members purchased ly serving overseas purchased shirts to wear. current s Pinto Charitable Fund. In fact, some Delta Chi brother uted, though. Kevin Emery, California Univ-P.A. Ordering the shirts wasn’t the only way brothers contrib costs low for the fundraiser. Colleen, Nick, and g ’99, donated 400 shipping mailers to help keep shippin get all of the orders sorted out, packed, and lyto tireless worked r Chapte Florida members of the South and also donated a case of shirt blanks to the price itive compet a for shipped. TSC Apparel offered the shirts special for those serving overseas. truly ing fundraising effort. Individuals even donated to do someth ns to send not only their shirt, but also a box full of “Within the Facebook group we raised separate donatio Colleen added. (Use photo of goodie box here) goodies as an act of kindness to keep with Jack’s spirit,” r, friends, and family across the globe can work togethe The fundraising effort not only showed how brothers, hood. of brother but also the level of compassion inherent in the bonds nds all hurt. When one of us needs something, there are thousa we hurts, us of “It is comforting to know that when one of people we can all upon for help,” reflected Roof.
Scan this QR code to visit the “Remembering Jack Pinto” Facebook Page.
continued on page 23
XXX Campus Scene Manpower, calculated as
Chapter/Colony GPA
000 of August 26, 2013
0.00 Spring 2013
Zac Cochran ’14 “E”
Keith Lipp ’15 “E”
Before graduation, our chapter has grown to 121 brothers, and we’re actively looking forward to a successful summer recruitment effort. During the spring semester, we completed a number of community service events, including building houses, building dog shelters for kennels, and a number of University and sorority hosted events. We’re also looking forward to the renovations and expansion projects that will soon be completed on our chapter house.
Grant Winfield ’16 “E”
Our intramural softball championship team
This spring, we have made great strides as a chapter, as we again earned the highest GPA among fraternities on campus. Several brothers will attend graduate programs in the prestigious HAAS School of Business. Our “Delta Chi World Cup” raised funds and awareness for The V Foundation and brought our whole Greek community together. We’re looking forward to growing as a chapter and increasing our presence on campus this fall.
Adelphi Colony
Mercedez Martinez ’16 “E” Leadership Consultants Bill Halaby, South Florida ’12, Evan Lieb, West Chester ’12, and Nick Stitt, Augusta ’12 set foot on Adelphi’s campus with the goal of enhancing the well-established Greek community. In doing so, they changed the lives of 23 young men while creating a strong foundation for Delta Chi’s future at Adelphi. During the Colony’s first semester on campus, Delta Chi staff worked with the Founding Fathers to expand bonds, develop a network base, and earn a positive reputation with the Faculty and other organizations. Through continued events, friendships between organizations grew quickly. At our “Beat Cancer” event, which benefited The V Foundation, we padded ourselves with pillows, and 130 individuals paid one dollar to swing a faux baseball bat at us. We were one of the highest attended teams during Relay for Life, and our fundraising efforts exceeded $400.00. We also hosted a “Penny Wars” event, with the proceeds going to establish an annual Earth Ball event in the near future. We also co-hosted a softball tournament with Phi Sigma Kappa and a football BBQ mixer with Pi Lambda Phi. We participated in Delta Delta Delta’s letter-writing campaign to raise funds for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. We also hosted a brotherhood event with a Super Smash Bros. Competition. During Greek Week, brothers participated in every event, and we brought home first place at the Greek Marathon. Andy Jacobs ’13 also led the way for our third place finish at Greek Sing.
We collected 82 bags of clothing for the Mustard Seed organization during our “We Want Your Pants” clothing drive. We also hosted a “hide and seek” social event at IKEA, and our band performed well during the ‘Greek God and Goddess’ battle of the bands and dancing competitions. During our Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) Night, we were enlightened with three inspiring speeches after recognizing three outstanding professors. Many of our Associate Members from last term have already taken on key positions within the Chapter. In fact, one half of our current executive board is comprised of first-year brothers. Our brothers are also excelling academically while also keeping whole and healthy through participation in intramural sports and independent physical endeavors. We look forward to continuing our growth in the coming seasons.
Greg Caplin ’13 “A” Our chapter focused on three aspects this semester - philanthropy, recruitment, and the elimination of chapter debt - and we’re extremely proud to say that this has been a successful spring semester. With the help of our alumni, IHQ, and our ABT, we’ve restructured our chapter’s finances and eliminated our debt. On April 13th, we hosted our second annual Earthball event, which raised $4,053 for The V Foundation. This event pushed our annual contribution total to $5,124, and we’re working to increase this total to $10,000 before the 2014 Convention in Scottsdale. We also welcomed 12 men into our brotherhood this spring, meeting the recruitment goal we set as a chapter. Our brothers welcomed members of Delta Chi’s Staff, local and area alumni, and others to Washington D.C. During the NIC’s lobbying campaign for the Collegiate Housing Infrastructure Act (CHIA). Finally, Al Custard ’15, our former Recruitment Chairman and current Vice President of IFC, ran for Student Body President.
Appalachian State
David Gordon ’14 “E”
Our achievements during our first semester on campus will guide us towards future opportunities as our colony grows.
The final four teams pose for a photo at our 4th annual “Big Bounce” event
Our brothers with Pi Lambda Phi after the Greek Marathon
On April 7th, we welcomed four men into our brotherhood. On April 14th, we hosted our fourth annual “Big Bounce” philanthropy event, which was successful in raising both funds and awareness for The V Foundation.
Campus Scene Arizona
Brett Rothberger “E”
Greg Corso ’15 “E”
The Arizona Chapter is currently on Level 4 Corrective Action for alcohol and hazing violations until 12/31/2013.
The Binghamton Chapter is currently on Level 3 Corrective Action for hazing violations until 5/31/2014.
During the weekend of March 1st-3rd, our brothers welcomed our mothers to campus for our first annual Moms’ Weekend. Mothers traveled from all across the country to visit our big brick house, spend time with their sons, and catch our reigning College World Series Championship baseball team compete against the University of South Florida. We also hosted a Fathers’ Weekend, during the weekend of April 20th, where we planned a go-cart racing outing and several group dinners.
Ian Friedman ’15 worked to make this year’s Miss Aphrodite event the most successful one we’ve had so far. The event raised $4,500 for The V Foundation, twice as much as last year’s event. We also saw a number of alumni return for the city’s annual Parade Day, a St. Patrick’s Day celebration.
Arizona State
Fahd Qabazard ’14 “E” In January, we participated in the University’s first Dance Marathon, which raised over $60,000 for local children’s hospitals. This spring, we were recognized with ASU’s Greek Cup for best overall performance throughout all intramural leagues, and we brought home championships in soccer and softball. Our brothers also volunteered at the Special Olympics Qualifier held in Mesa, AZ.
Timothy Helms ’11 “E” We hosted our first formal in seven years with a trip to New Orleans, where our brothers and guests enjoyed outstanding cajun food and generous Louisiana hospitality. Also, for the first time since Auburn joined the SEC, one of our brothers, Ben Durand ’15, is a member of Auburn’s football team. Our housemother, Charlotte Danielson, hosted brothers who were unable to travel home for easter for a feast with friends and family. We’re all very grateful for her support and assistance.
Bowling Green
Chris Tsirigotis ’14 “E” Our chapter has focused on recruitment and philanthropy, and we’ve currently raised over $3,000 for The V Foundation. Brothers dominated many of the philanthropy competitions throughout the spring term, and we also placed second at Greek Sing. Also, our spring alumni outing was a huge success.
Michael Aisenberg ’14 “E” Brothers participated, with some shaving their heads, in Relay for Life, and we raised $2,000 for the event. For Earth Day, we participated in a highway clean-up with our local police department. We also hosted an alumni networking event at a cigar bar.
Cal Poly
109 3.07
Riley Kuhn ’14 “E”
Matthew Herren ’13 “E”
Participants in Cal Poly’s “Strongman” competition Brothers and contestants at the Augusta Chapter’s first ever “Jimmy Jog” 5k race
Recently, Augusta State University successfully merged with its neighboring medical college, Georgia Health and Sciences University, and is now named Georgia Regents University. Since the merger, we’ve been working to ensure that the traditions we’ve established over the last 30 years will assist us in maintaining our presence moving forward. We began the semester with a semi-formal, where we also invited members of the Kennesaw Chapter and their dates. With the help of 13 local sponsors and over 30 participants, we raised $2,500 for The V Foundation during our first “Jimmy Jog” 5k Run. Following the event, we hosted a social event at the Pinnacle Club on the 16th floor of the Wells Fargo Building in downtown Augusta. We’ve maintained the highest GPA among fraternities, and Ming Chen ’15 was recognized as the Best New Greek Member on campus.
Our second “Strongman” competition at Pismo Beach was a success, and we’re looking forward to seeing it as an annual tradition. Several fraternities registered teams and competed in a series of events, including bench press, sled pull, brick hold, and atlas carry. All of the proceeds from the event went to The V Foundation.
California Univ – PA
Eric Myers ’15 “E”
This spring, we welcomed three men into our brotherhood. Our brothers brought home third place during Greek Week, and we came in second place in the President’s Award. We also organized a “Livin’ it up for Livers” event to assist our sweetheart’s father, who needed a lifesaving liver transplant. With the help of all students, we raised $1,500 to assist Stephanie Marhefka’s father. Our brothers also volunteered and raised funds for a number of other organizations’ philanthropies.
Adrian Tam ’15 “E”
Case Western Reserve
This spring, we hosted our 23rd annual White Carnation Formal, where brothers and alumni came together to strengthen our chapter’s bonds. Our brothers brought home second place during Greek Week, and we also hosted a pig roast with the Behrend Agricultural Club. Jeremy Omard ’13 received recognition with the Jackson Lethbridge Tolerance Award, an award given to a junior, senior, or graduate student for their outstanding efforts to enhance the understanding of diverse cultures and create a community where all individuals are accepted and valued equally.
We welcomed eight men into our brotherhood as members of our Epsilon class. These men embody our values of friendship, character, justice, and education, and we’re proud to have them as brothers. We hosted our first “Shave a Life” campaign, where we raised money to have some of our brothers’ heads shaved. Over two weeks, eight brothers shaved their heads to raise $2,010 for Relay for Life. We’re also proud to announce that Christian Wargo ’13 will serve as a Leadership Consultant this next year.
Hyung Chul Kim ’15 “E”
XXX Campus Scene Central Michigan
Zachary Ernat ’14 “E”
Corpus Christi
No submission received at time of publication.
Richard Kompf ’14 “E” This spring we welcomed eight men into our brotherhood through our recruitment efforts. Our brothers also raised over $1,700 for The V Foundation this semester, and we received the “Outstanding Philanthropy” Award at the Region VII RLC. Brothers also participated in local community service events, including the “Chill-a-bration,” a 5k race, “Spring Bliss,” “The Great Cortlandia,” and a blood drive.
Suraj Pindoria ’14 “E”
“A” Andrew Clark ’13 during the annual Kimball Classic golf outing
Our annual “Kimball Classic” alumni golf outing was a success, with many alumni visiting from all around the country. With our efforts to raise funds for The V Foundation proving successful, we’re raising our pledge for next term to $2,500. Justin Hauenstein ’13 was elected IFC President. With a new house, improved relations on campus, and high morale among brothers, we’re looking forward to making the most of the upcoming fall semester.
Central Missouri
No submission received at time of publication.
We teamed up with Sigma Kappa to host the “Kick in the Grass” kickball tournament. The event featured teams from Greek and non-Greek organizations, and our Delta Chi team brought home first place. Through the event, we raised $300 for The V Foundation, and there was even an alumnus from the New Haven Chapter in attendance at the event. We’re also actively preparing for our fall recruitment effort. 16
No submission received at time of publication.
Jeremy Freight ’15 “E” This spring, we raised over $5,000 for The V Foundation, in part from our “I Got Snagged for Jimmy V” event. Attila Mihalik ’14 was elected SGA President for the 2013-14 school year. Toland Lam ’13, Matt Smith ’13, Kevin Spillane ’13, Dan Houdek ’13, and Keith Pickering ’13 completed their ROTC programs and will become officers in their respective branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.
East Carolina
James Curley ’14 “E”
For the past two quarters, we have hosted our “Pie a Delta Chi” philanthropy to raise money for The V Foundation. During the winter event, Will Kallander, Old Dominion ’96, matched every donation, which helped us reach our fundraising goal for the year. Our brothers have also participated in a number of other Greek philanthropies throughout the year. Also, we’ve focused our efforts on improving our grades, and we’ve implemented a new scholarship plan this spring.
Nolan Leeman ’14 “E”
Paul Reitz ’17 “B” Mark Schramka, Northwestern Alumnus, assisted us in hosting our annual “Cuts for a Cure” in April, which raised over $600 for The V Foundation. Brothers from our colony also volunteered for Cincinnati’s Flying Pig Marathon. Additionally, nearly half of our brothers made the Dean’s List this spring.
Brothers during a city street cleanup
Weston Peters ’14 “E” The Clemson Chapter is currently on Level 3 Corrective Action for hazing violations until 12/31/2013. During Greek Week, our brothers competed in sports events, challenges, trivia, and a dance competition, and we brought home fourth place this spring. We also brought home first place in Chi Omega’s “Boot Camp,” a military-style field day event which benefits the Make-A-Wish Foundation. As the semester came to a close, we initiated nine men into our brotherhood. We’re excited that these men will enhance our diverse culture as we move forward.
Coastal Carolina
Zak Brodstein ’15 “E” Submission not suitable for publication. 12
East Stroudsburg
Robert Rinehart ’15 “E”
No submission received at time of publication.
Our brothers have volunteered this spring to clean up the three streets in Greenville, NC that our chapter has adopted over the years.
Brothers pose for a photo after a chapter meeting with our Faculty Advisor Dr. Levitt
Riley Corpac ’15 was elected IFC Recruitment Chairman, and Jay Kanevsky ’14 was elected IFC Philanthropy Chairman. This year, our brothers hosted many events, including our “Pie-A-Chi” event, raffles, a study session,
Campus Scene and other events to raise money for The V Foundation. Our brothers also participated in many other Greek organizations’ events throughout the semester. During our Greek Awards Banquet, we received the “Chapter of the Year” award. We believe this year will be a great stepping stone for a bigger and stronger chapter on campus in the future.
Eastern Illinois
prizes by Walmart. We have raised $741 for The V Foundation through our 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Brothers also participated in a local can drive throughout Fredonia.
Jonathan Janiec ’14 “A”
We welcomed two men as associate members this spring, and they’re already highly involved in the Chapter. We sponsored the “Take Back the Night” event on campus, which featured guest speakers and a march through campus to raise awareness about sexual violence. We also held a very successful alumni weekend, with many alumni making the trip back to Charleston.
After mourning the death of our brother, Grant Goldstein ’12, we came together to create a productive spring semester. Brothers volunteered their time to read to children at Columbus Middle School and participated in the Ronald McDonald Walk for Kids. We raised over $1,000 for The V Foundation from our annual bachelor auction. By bringing home first place in Sigma Kappa’s “UV Week,” we earned another $100 for The V Foundation. With our chapter now in good standing with the University, we ended the semester by initiating 17 new brothers into our bond.
Eastern Washington
Sean Durkin ’14 “E”
Aaron Jones ’14 “E”
Dylan Hyde ’15 “E”
The spring quarter began with the initiation of two men into our brotherhood, and we welcomed Nathan Simms and Billy Reed as associate members for the spring quarter. With last year’s second place still fresh in brothers’ minds, members have been practicing three or four times each week for Greek Week’s football and basketball competitions. We raised $420 for The V Foundation through our participation in the EWU “Drag On,” a drag show that promotes sexual diversity. We’re also actively planning our first annual improv show to benefit The V Foundation. Finally, with recruitment efforts continually growing, we’re working on acquiring a new house with the help of Ed Worthen ’86, the President of our newly formed House Corporation.
Having finished second during last year’s Greek Week, brothers came out of the gate swinging at this spring’s Greek Week. During the 90’s themed week, our brothers not only brought home first place, but we swept every event and ended with nearly double the number of points as our closest competitor. Our brothers also focused their efforts this spring on a twoweek long canned food drive, where brothers established an area of the main campus to collect donations. We collected over 90 pounds of food to donate to the Second Harvest Food Bank in Erie, PA. In addition, Mitchell Carroll ’14 was elected IFC President, and Dylan Hyde ’15 was elected IFC Vice President of Public Relations.
Dennis Tommey ’14 “E”
Joseph Streble ’14 “E”
George Mason
On April 13th, our brothers participated in Relay for Life for the first time. Brothers walked the track throughout the night, and we raised a total of $1,200 for the event.
We hosted several events geared towards our alumni this year, including a brunch, Homecoming celebration, our chartering anniversary, and more. These events help to keep our alumni close, and they also bolster our brotherhood.
Georgia Southern
Joseph McKeel ’15 “E” At the RLC this spring, we initiated Michael Blaser as an alumnus. After organizing Region VIII’s RLC, Andrew Giacini ’15 was selected by UF’s Student Government President as the Student Government Chief of Staff. Our annual Earthball tournament raised over $5,100 for The V Foundation, and the women of Delta Delta Delta brought home first place this year. Our brothers were also heavily involved with Dance Marathon. Together with the women of Chi Omega, we won second place in our category at the event and raised over $45,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network. Brothers also brought home first place at Chi Omega’s volleyball tournament and Pi Beta Phi’s flag football tournament. We worked to have the second highest attendance for the Greek Blood Drive, and brothers also participated in Project Makeover at Idylwild Elementary School. Our intramural basketball team also brought home first place this spring. We are looking forward to having an even greater fall semester. Go gators!
Florida State
Jake Poteat ’13 “E” Jake Poteat ’13 served as the FSU Dance Marathon’s Executive Director, and our colony raised the second-most funds among fraternities on campus, over $15,000 for the event. Kasey Schaettle ’14 was recognized as the second place individual fundraiser. Our brothers raised over $2,000 for The V Foundation through planning a “D-Chi Disney” competition and charity poker night for parents. Finally, our brothers brought home second place at Alpha Gamma Delta’s Water Wars.
Joseph Gemerek ’15 “E” Our Chapter brought home first place during Greek Week, and our brothers brought home every mens’ award. Carl Raffa ’15 won first place in Delta Phi Epsilon’s “Deepher Dude,” an event that raises money for cystic fibrosis research. We hosted our third annual Spring Egg Hunt, where over 100 local children sought out 2,000 eggs with two bicycles donated as grand
The Georgia Southern Chapter is currently on Level 2 Corrective Action for hazing violations until 12/31/2013.
Georgia Tech
G. Hunter Mitchell ’14 “E” We kicked off the semester by extending bids to 11 exceptional associate members. A few weeks later, we went on our spring semester brotherhood retreat to Gaitlinburg, Tennessee where we rented a three-story cabin fit with two pool tables, multiple flat screen TVs, and a hot tub. While there, we set goals, discussed chapter improvements, and hosted one of our most proud traditions: The Brotherhood Football Game. After the Buff team took home a convincing 35-21 victory, we headed back to Atlanta. There was a huge outpouring of support from the chapter for this year’s Dance Marathon hosted by GT for the Kids. Spearheaded by our own Drew Keller ’14, Lishan Mu ’13 and several other brothers, Dance Marathon raised $56,014.16 for children’s cancer research. Arjun Meka ’14 and Harrison Bartlett ’14 both received noteworthy academic honors this semester. The John H. Ridley Scholarship was awarded to Arjun, recognizing a junior in the College of Sciences planning to apply to medical school who has best demonstrated outstanding scholastic achievement and interest in research. Harrison, winner of the Henry Ford II Scholarship, was recognized for obtaining the best academic record of all Biomedical Engineering Students. We participated in the annual Greek Week competition, highlighted a strong showing in TUG, captained by David Bertram ’14 and Mo Khosravanipour ’13. Finally, we rounded out the semester with our annual chartering anniversary banquet. This year’s banquet yielded very high attendance and we enjoyed a great night rekindling the Delta Chi spirit!
XXX Campus Scene Gorham State
Ian Leslie ’15 “E”
In February, we participated in Camp Sunshine’s annual Polar Plunge and raised close to $420, which will support children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. Brothers also participated in the University of Southern Maine’s Day of Service, where we spread out to clean up trash in Casco Bay, rebuilt local trails in Portland, and packed medical supplies to ship overseas. At the Region VII RLC, our chapter received the “Chapter of the Year” award, and we also gained valuable insight into improving our chapter’s operations. And, while we said goodbye to eight graduating seniors, we also welcomed four new enthusiastic men into our brotherhood this spring.
Ronald Green ’13 “E”
government to resurrect the campus fishing club. We would also like to thank “AA” Miles Washburn, Massachusetts ’87, for his visits to our house and the challenge coins he shared with us.
Matthew Swinkin ’14 “E” We welcomed ten men into our chapter this spring. Our annual Miss Hofstra pageant, which benefits The V Foundation, was a huge success. We also participated in multiple community clean-up programs in the neighborhoods around our University.
Adam Barnes ’15 “E” Our brothers participated in numerous volunteer opportunities, including setup and takedown at the American Heart Association Ball, the Open Gait Therapeutic Riding Center, and Team USA soccer games at Louisiana-Pacific Field in Nashville, TN. We were able to donate the proceeds from the soccer games to The V Foundation. Brothers also participated in a number of philanthropic events hosted by other campus organizations. Alex Capps ’13 currently serves as IFC Vice President; Brian Roy ’14 serves as IFC Secretary; Adam Barnes ’13 serves as Chairman of the IFC Philanthropy and Community Committee; and Ricky Jenkins ’14 serves as Chairman of the IFC Intramural Committee. Keaton Aldrup ’13 is President of Order of Omega, and Brian Roy ’14 and Logan Ausderau ’13 were recently inducted into the organization. Our brothers also dominated Greek Olympics during Greek Week, winning the event for the third year in a row.
Brothers pose for a photo
This spring, our brothers hosted a number of community events, including BBQs and a basketball tournament, and we participated in alcohol awareness week. Our brothers and associate members also took a trip to Ambergris Cave for snorkeling, surfing, and volleyball. We’re also planning another event for our local Rescue Mission soon.
Jeff Calhoun ’16 “E”
Ben Hill ’14 “A” Our membership has grown to the highest number in some time, and we had a strong year to match. During our winter quarter, we won Greek Olympics, which included a variety of sporting events. We recently held a successful “Pie a Delta Chi” philanthropy event to raise money for The V Foundation. We also recently made a strong showing in this year’s Greek Week and hope that another win will make it four in a row!
Matthew Rolph ’14 “E”
Our team at Alpha Xi Delta’s “Autism Speaks” flag football tournament
Along with newly crowned Miss Greek Illinois, the brothers of the Illinois chapter have continued showing support for philanthropic endeavors raising awareness for those less fortunate. Members have participated in events including flag football tournaments to broom-ball games on ice. This summer, the Illinois chapter will focus on connecting active members with chapter alumni. After another successful school year, we cannot wait for our Wrigleyville rooftop reunion with Delta Chi brothers both old and new.
Illinois State
Michael Bovino ’14 “E” Tournament organizer Brian Allyn ’13 with the winning foursome: Nicholas D’alberto ’13, William Grady ’13, Max Ettenborough ’12, and Chris Swan ’13
We initiated a total of 12 men into our brotherhood this school year. Brothers participated in Relay for Life and a charity golf tournament on April 20th organized by Brian Allyn ’13. The golf tournament was a great success and saw teams from nearly all fraternities on campus show support. In total, the event raised $900 for The V Foundation. Our chapter participated in intramural floor hockey, basketball, and volleyball. We also have brothers involved in club hockey, lacrosse, and the outdoor adventure program. Ian Ford ’15 recently procured funding from student 14
Brothers after the Tau associate member class initiation on April 6, 2013
Campus Scene As spring comes to a close, we’re proud to announce that we have raised $2,400 for The V Foundation, and our brothers have completed 940 community service hours. Involvement in student organizations among brothers has increased from 11% last year to 95% this year. In fact, both the Student Government President and IFC President are Delta Chis this year. We’re actively preparing for fall recruitment, and we’ve also purchased our chapter house.
Tyler Napier ’15 “E”
Iowa State
John Kraus ’15 “E” In our first full semester as an organization on campus, we accomplished many things. We participated in Greek Week, attended the Region IV RLC and received the Outstanding New Colony Award, and learned many things about running our organization. We’re currently working on our first Earth Ball philanthropy event, and we’re excited for what lies ahead.
Jacksonville State
James Madison
No submission received at time of publication. 54
Jordan Ardakanian ’15 “E”
Brothers at the conclusion of Miss Greek IU 2013
The Indiana Chapter is currently on Level 4 Corrective Action for alcohol and hazing violations until 12/31/2014.
This year’s “Miss Greek IU” philanthropic pageant raised $22,500 for The V Foundation, nearly double last year’s total of $12,500. This year’s event was hosted by Miss Indiana USA 2013 Emily Hart and featured 18 contestants from different sororities on campus. Participants were judged in different categories, including gown, interviews, and their organization’s philanthropy. Theta Phi Alpha’s Chelsea Chaffee brought home the 2013 Miss Greek IU crown. At the 63rd annual “Little 500” race, Drew Manix ’13, Sam Mintz ’15, Fransisco Borrayo ’15, and Brandon Leviton ’14 finished in 26th place. This year also marked the 20-year reunion of the 1993 Delta Chi Little 500 championship, the 8th in our chapter’s history and the most of any fraternity.
Josh Engel ’15 “E”
We welcomed seven associate members into our chapter this spring, and we’re already looking ahead to a strong fall recruitment effort. Our brothers have been extremely active in every aspect of chapter operations. We cohosted a Dippin’ Dots sale on campus with the women of Kappa Alpha Theta, with the proceeds split between our respective philanthropies. Together, we raised just under $1,000 during the event, and our brothers look forward to setting the bar even higher next year. Many brothers also participated in a number of service activities, including Relay for Life, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Boys and Girls Club, an easter egg hunt hosted by Sigma Sigma Sigma, and a local blood drive that the Chapter hosted. We also held a shoe drive for those less fortunate and also donated a care package for our troops overseas. Brothers participated in intramural street hockey and softball, and we hope to bring home the championships in these sports next year. Socially, we held our annual Shrimp Boil, several concerts at our house, and mixers with nearly every sorority on campus.
Brice Overdorff ’14 “E” Five men became brothers this spring through our recruitment efforts, and our brothers brought home first place during Greek Week and the “Organization of the Year” award. Our brothers also logged more community service hours and raised more money for The V Foundation than we have in recent memory.
Matt Smith ’15 “E” On April 19-20, 2013, the Chapter celebrated 90 years of Delta Chi at KU. The chapter invited all alumni back to the chapter house for a weekend of celebration. The event began Friday night with a cookout at the chapter house followed by a gathering at the Jayhawk Café. It was a fun way for alumni to reconnect, share stories, and meet the current undergraduate members.
The Iowa Chapter wins the first annual Greek Life Broomball Tournament with Kappa Alpha Theta
This spring, our informal recruitment efforts yielded 10 associate members. We also restarted the tradition of our annual spring alumni golf outing. Brothers teamed up with the women of Kappa Alpha Theta and brought home first place at the first ever Greek Life Broomball Tournament. Also, our intramural softball team reached the second round of playoffs this year. Summer will bring excitement for a packed fall semester. Nine current members’ younger brothers will be attending The University of Iowa this fall, and we’ll be hosting two philanthropic events this fall: “Puppies and Pizza” with Alpha Phi, and a currently untitled event with Alpha Xi Delta. Both events will benefit The V Foundation. We’re also planning a reunion for all alumni from the 1980s to be held September 7th.
Saturday began with coffee and donuts before a business meeting was held, where “A” Kyle Crane ’14, House Corporation President Jim Bjerkan ’73, the Kimball Foundation’s Eldon Shields ’71, and ABT president Dwight Wallace ’68 all delivered status reports. In this meeting, Bjerkan announced that the House Corporation is in the beginning stages of a house renovation project, and that alumni could look forward to more information this summer. Lunch featured a catered barbeque lunch that led into an afternoon of socializing and telling stories amongst one another at the house. We’d like to thank all alumni who made the trip for the celebration. The weekend was a unique opportunity to meet many brothers from all time periods, with our most senior alumnus hailing from the pledge class of 1937.
Kansas State
Michael Kennedy ’14 “E” We teamed up with Kappa Delta, Sigma Kappa, Acacia, Sigma Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, and Triangle for Kansas State University’s 100th annual Greek Week. We won nearly every event, and our team SUMMER 2013
XXX Campus Scene brought home first place overall. During Greek Week, we learned that our Homecoming partners will be Alpha Xi Delta and Tau Kappa Epsilon. We hope to continue our hard work and win Homecoming this fall. At the Fraternal Excellence Awards, we received the “Purple Circle Award for Fraternal Excellence”, recognition for our “Jimmy Vk” philanthropy, and “Community Service Event of the Year” for our Adopt-a-Family event. Zach Stroth ’15 was also recognized as the 2012 Fraternity Chapter Member of the Year.
The Kennesaw Chapter is currently on Level 3 Corrective Action for hazing violations until 5/31/2014.
Don Ebben ’12 “E” This winter, we welcomed six men into our brotherhood. Our winter formal was a blast and featured our largest alumni turnout ever. However, our brothers primarily focused on philanthropy throughout the term. Through planning five different events, our brothers raised over $2,000 for The V Foundation. We also welcomed several men as associate members, and we’re looking forward to an exciting summer term.
Joseph Andrew ’16 “E” We welcomed eight men as associate members through our recruitment efforts this spring. Brother participated in Habitat for Humanity, helped out in the local community, and hosted a dodge ball tournament to benefit The V Foundation.
Lake Forest
Davis Oser ’15 “E” In the past year, we have welcomed 17 men into our chapter. Brothers raised over $2,000 for The V Foundation, and we’d also like to congratulate Edward Vrtis ’07 for receiving the “Outstanding ABT President” Award for Region V this spring.
Geordie Connell ’13 “E” This spring, we welcomed four men into our brotherhood. In February, we organized a brotherhood trip to New York City with our alumni. In April, we worked with Kappa Alpha Theta to host a fundraiser at “The Goose,” a local sandwich shop, to raise money for The V Foundation.
Charles Caudle ’14 “E” This year has been good for our chapter. We held several community service events, including cleaning our adopted road. Due to our brothers’ recruitment efforts, we’ve grown to 22 members before graduation. Our brothers have also been hard at work to improve our grades.
Long Beach
Rain Gregorio ’15 “E”
Our Gamma Psi associate member class was seven strong due to our successful recruitment effort, which included an alumni BBQ, an ultimate frisbee tournament, and hookah night in the house. This spring, brothers participated in our Del-Tiki Dance-Off at Will Rogers Middle School in Long Beach, and we raised over $1,500 for The V Foundation. We also hosted a cupcake cook-off between the sororities on campus and a “Taco Tuesday” event, where brothers cooked homemade tacos for our campus community. Brothers volunteered during a local garden clean-up, and we improved relations with our neighbors through newsletters and free car washes. We also worked hard to give back to our families and our “BB” Charles Wade ’70 for all their support in our endeavors this year.
Louisiana Tech
Ernesto Diaz, Jr. ’15 “E” We hosted a softball tournament and home run derby, which raised $2,500 for The V Foundation. Brothers participated in the University’s “Big Event,” where different organizations volunteer at locations around the community. Our assignment was to help clean and repair the local Presbyterian church. Later that month, we also helped the local Catholic church. Christopher Berry ’14 and Nelson Dúran ’15 became Orientation Student Leaders, and Berry was also elected IFC Vice President. We also enjoyed our annual alumni crawfish boil with live music, alumni, family, and friends.
Bradley Guin ’16 “E” The LSU Chapter is currently on Level 2 Corrective Action for hazing violations until 5/31/2014. Recruitment efforts in the spring, led by Aaron Moseley ’14 and Lowell Potter ’16, yielded five associate members. We brought back our alumni newsletter, which will allow alumni to stay informed of chapter and International Fraternity news and events. Finally, Philanthropy Chairman Rob White ’14 organized a kickball tournament for our Greek community that raised over $1,000 for The V Foundation.
Jacob Moe ’14 “E” After initiating 14 men this year, we are now the largest chapter on campus. We hosted our very first “Jimmy V Week,” and we saw an excellent turnout for our Earth Ball tournament. Drew Danforth ’13 and Jacob Moe ’14 both hold positions on IFC. We’re proud of the strides we’ve made as a chapter this year, and we’re very excited to host the first RLC in Mankato next spring.
James Correa ’15 “E” This spring, we welcomed 21 men into our brotherhood, our largest associate member class to date. We held an event to raise funds for the USO and raised over $200. Brothers also participated in the Greek-wide “Air Band” event, finishing in the top five. Chris Steiner ’16 was elected IFC Vice President of Programming.
Jeffrey Dickerson ’15 “E” For Earth Day, brothers planted trees, azalea bushes, shrubs, and begonias with the first grade class, student-taught by Eli Hensel ’13, at a local elementary school. We would also like to extend congratulations to our 11 graduating seniors: Scott Hamlin ’13, Eli Hensel ’13, Zeke Taylor ’13, Matthew Wohl ’13, Christopher Duplaga ’13, Calvin Britton ’13, Andrew Bane ’13, Aaron Heaberlin ’13, Adam Mendez ’13, Adam Jarvis ’13, and Seth Rabatin ’13.
Joseph Scarpati ’14 “E”
John Marino ’12 and Scott Doppenberg ’14 finishing the Spartan Race with an Oklahoma Chapter alumnus
Our spring recruitment effort, led by James Weitzman ’15, yielded 13 new members as part of the Beta Epsilon associate member class. Over 50 brothers supported Daniel Schweitzer ’14 as he participated in the D.C. Rock-n-Roll Marathon. We brought home first place at Alpha Tau Omega’s “Craig’s GladiATOrs” event, which consisted of a series of
Campus Scene obstacle courses and athletic competitions. Jeff Robinson ’14 also led our brothers to our second intramural championship of the year - indoor soccer. In April, we hosted our annual alumni golf tournament in memory of Ben Petty ’03, who passed away a decade ago. Our chapter was also recognized, with distinction, by the University due to excellent campus, community, and Greek involvement.
Julian Pinto ’13 “E”
Brothers stop for a photo with their Greek Week teammates
Bryce Holstad ’14 “E”
Brothers pose for a photo
We welcomed five men into our brotherhood this spring, and these men have already taken on leadership roles in our chapter. We volunteered at several soup kitchens and survival centers in our area, and brothers also participated in Relay for Life, raising more money than any other fraternity on campus due to donations from brothers, alumni, and friends. With the help of the women of Chi Omega, our team contributed $3,000 for the event.
Joseph Shapiro ’15 “E” Our hard work with recruitment allowed us to welcome 27 men into our brotherhood this spring, and we already have an associate member class of nine men in place for the fall semester. Our brothers completed 850 community service hours, and we also raised $5,000 for The V Foundation during our “Delta Chi Presents: Jimmy V. Sweethearts for Cancer Research” philanthropic event. Our chapter received the Darrel Hart Chapter Improvement Award this year. Suraj Maraboyina ’01 also received the Brian Breittholz Award for Outstanding Chapter Advisor. Without his help, none of our successes would have been possible. He is someone who deserves every bit of our respect and recognition because he means so much to our brothers.
Garrett Stephens ’14 “E” We have added 15 new brothers to our bond this year, and they’ve all been active in our chapter’s endeavors. We hosted our second annual March Madness Bracket Challenge on campus and raised $2,000 for The V Foundation with the help of our alumni, friends, family, and the lovely women of Delta Gamma. This year, we added an electronic donation system to our website, which allowed us to significantly expand our reach for the fundraiser.
Michigan State
The Minnesota fireplace provides warmth once again
After nearly ten years, our front room fireplace is again ready to fill our 92-year-old house with warmth. Relaxing after a long day of classes, watching a Gopher sports victory, and warming up during a chilly Homecoming parade will all be enriched by the rejuvenated flame. The project, led by J.D. Spangler ’91, is the first completed by The Historic Housing Foundation, an organization dedicated to preserving our house. We’d like to also thank all of the alumni who’ve made this and other things possible for our chapter.
Mississippi State
David Miller ’15 “E”
As we began our second semester of operations, we welcomed three men as associate members. Brothers attended our first RLC, and we held our first semi-formal in April. In March, we held a joint formal on the Mississippi Gulf Coast with the LSU Chapter. With the support of an alumnus, we also held a brotherhood retreat on the Gulf Coast. During the weekend of the spring football game, we held a very successful family/alumni event. We also worked diligently to plan for summer and fall so we’d be in a good position for recruitment and moving into our new house. We would like to thank our alumni for their tireless support and generosity, which will bolster our future success on campus.
Brock Scoville ’15 “E”
Kyle Collins ’13 “E”
We initiated 18 new members into our brotherhood and look forward to the great contributions they will make within our chapter. We teamed up with Kappa Alpha Theta for Greek Week and brought home second place at “MTV Night.” Our first ever Battle of the Bands event, held in April, had a great showing, and we raised nearly $1,000 for The V Foundation. Despite the cold weather, all who attended our alumni golf outing had a great time, and we’d like to thank all of our alumni who made the trip back. On April 21st, brothers invited their mothers to our house for a silent auction, which raised $500 for The V Foundation. Finally, we’d like to thank our graduating seniors for their contributions and positive influence within the Chapter.
Brothers sing a capella during Greek Week
XXX Campus Scene Brothers camped outside of the campus library in order to raise awareness for The V Foundation, and a canning competition event between sororities raised almost $4,000. We also competed in “Rocking Against Multiple Sclerosis” (RAMS), where brothers performed a lip sync and dance routine. We finished second in the dance and third overall in the competition. We teamed up with Sigma Sigma Sigma and Delta Sigma Phi for Greek Week to compete in sporting events, such as flag football and basketball, and also a theatrical performance centered on the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Brothers also fielded an entire a cappella group for the in-between acts during Greek Week. This spring also marked our current chapter’s 25th year on campus. During our celebration, Ray Galbreth ’69 and Executive Director Justin Sherman, Central Missouri ’08, spoke to brothers, alumni, and guests. We humbly accepted gifts from Ray Galbreth and “BB” Mark Sexton ’93. We hope to continue building strong connections between our student members and our alumni as we move forward.
Missouri State
campus. We also brought home our third Greek Week Championship in three years. Brothers also brought home the Greek Life Intramural Football Championship. At our very first “Chi Ultimatum” philanthropy event, we teamed up with another fraternity on campus to raise thousands of dollars for cancer research.
Northern Colorado
Konstantin Sandler ’16 “E” This spring we hosted a concert to benefit The V Foundation. We’ve also now earned recognition by the IFC and are waiting to regain campus recognition. We would like to thank “BB” Gage Ostoff ’07 for his assistance through these times and also congratulate our graduating seniors.
Northern Illinois
Rene Ruiz ’14 “E”
Becket Duncan ’13 “E”
Brothers participating in the annual “Tugs” competition
This spring we recruited and initiated six men without spending a dime from our recruitment budget. In April, we held a “White Carnation” parents and alumni weekend, with more than 40 alumni and parents making the trip down for golf, dinner, and brunch. Our dodge ball tournament raised nearly $1,500 for The V Foundation. We brought home third place during Greek Week with the help of Theta Chi, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Gamma Rho, and Sigma Pi. During Greek Week, brothers recorded hundreds of hours of community service, and we donated thousands of cans to The Rare Breed.
Jake Emrick ’15 won the title of Dream Man during Delta Zeta’s Dream Man & Greek Goddess philanthropy event, our second brother to win this title in three years. Our brothers spent time this spring supporting the women’s basketball team, attending each of their home games. This year, six out of seven sororities competed in our Earth Ball philanthropy, and we raised $1,400 for The V Foundation by selling t-shirts, penny voting, wristbands, and generous donations from individuals. This year also marked the first year since returning to campus that our brothers competed in Tugs, a campus-wide, trenched tug-of-war elimination tournament. We teamed up with Phi Kappa Sigma for the event, though most of the participants were Delta Chis. Each year, teams are ranked based on their previous performance, and we improved from last place to 6th place in one year.
Northwest Missouri
Brothers pose for a photo after the VIP Awards Banquet during Greek Week
No submission received at time of publication.
New Haven
Our fourth annual Pudding Tug-of-War was a success, and, in total for the semester, we raised $2,100 for The V Foundation. During the event, teams of five from various student organizations compete in an elimination tournament. The tug for victory is tough, but the chocolate fun is worth it for all participants. 18
Tim LeVan ’14 “E”
We welcomed two men as associate members this spring, and, with the help of Glen Buickerood, Appalachian State ’11, we focused on improving our relations with sororities on campus. Our brothers and guests, including some brothers from the Jacksonville State Chapter, also had a great time at our “Legends of the West” social event.
Northern Arizona
Kenton Kong ’15 “E”
This spring, we were recognized with awards from the University for highest fraternity GPA, best chapter advisor, and most outstanding fraternity on
No submission received at time of publication. The Northwest Missouri Chapter is currently on Level 3 Corrective Action for alcohol violations until 12/31/2013.
Adam Tyson ’13 “E”
North Alabama
Dylan Kraslow ’15 “E” We initiated 21 new members this spring and also gained two new associate members. Once again, our brothers earned the highest GPA among Greek organizations during the Winter Quarter, with a 3.61 average. Our brothers continued to contribute to the campus community by holding leadership positions in campus organizations and participating in both community service and philanthropic events, such as GreekBuild and Dance Marathon. We’re also actively preparing for our Dad’s Day and Delta Chi Movers events.
Ohio State
Mark Rickel ’89, ABT President Our “Mini-Masters” philanthropy event, which featured an 18-hole puttputt course throughout the inside and outside of the house, entertained more than 40 teams and raised over $900 for The V Foundation. Live coverage of the Masters in Augusta was played in the background while the “Mini-Masters” took place. Steve Grushetsky ’15 and six other brothers spent several weekends volunteering at the Colony Cats Adoption Center,
Campus Scene a volunteer-based non-profit organization whose primary mission is to address cat overpopulation in central Ohio through public awareness efforts. On April 7th, brothers presented the 2013 John Bricker Sorority Women of the Year Scholarship Awards. The award was established in honor of Former Governor of Ohio John Bricker ’16 to promote and support academic excellence among the members of the Greek Community. This year’s winners were Jessica Hamilton, Lindsey Daugherty and Delany Cook.
123 2.81
Bobby Widner ’14 “E” The Purdue Chapter is currently on Level 1 Corrective Action for alcohol violations until 12/31/2013. Our brothers earned over a 3.0 gpa, while also bringing home intramural championships in dodge ball and indoor soccer. Our annual Mothers’ Day event was a huge success, raising over $5,000 towards house improvements. We also hosted a dodge ball philanthropy at the new Co-Rec facility on campus. Finally, we established a committee to prepare and race in the annual Purdue Grand Prix.
Nahom Negash ’15 “E”
Brothers with the recipients of the John W. Bricker Sorority Woman of the Year finalists
Rhode Island
No submission received at time of publication. 40
Kevin Avjian ’15 “E” During our winter term, we hosted other Region I chapters for the 2013 RLC, which was a great way for our brothers to meet other chapters and learn new skills. Brothers brought home first place at Chi Omega’s philanthropy and third for Kappa Delta’s “Mock Rock.” Our annual “I Spy Delta Chi” philanthropy raised $3,200 for The V Foundation.
Penn State
Matt Carvalho ’15 “E”
Oregon State
We welcomed 14 men into our brotherhood this spring, and our brothers brought home first place during Greek Week. Our intramural soccer and volleyball teams reached the playoffs. We also contributed over $1,000 through participating in various philanthropy events.
This spring marked our tenth year on campus. We welcomed four new members into our chapter. We won the Red Bull Chariot Race, and brothers brought home second place in intramural dodge ball.
Stephen Carico ’15 “E”
Stephen Savitski ’95 “BB”
Brothers take a photo on campus
During this year’s Greek Unity Week Dance Competition, our brothers were 0.8 points behind the first place finishers, and we ultimately brought home second place. We raised $800 for The V Foundation during our Earth Games last Fall, and our recent Cupcake Wars raised another $1,300. Our brothers are continuing to work hard to establish ourselves on campus and within Delta Chi.
Lawrence Olivadoti ’14 “E” Brothers pose for a photo during the spring golf outing
The Penn State Chapter is currently on Level 3 Corrective Action for hazing violations until 12/31/2014. THON raised $12,374,034.46 this year, and our brothers worked with Kappa Kappa Gamma to raise $163,504.52 of this total. In April, we welcomed alumni back to campus for our alumni golf outing and dinner.
Joe Molisani ’15 “E” With the initiation of 14 associate members this semester, our manpower is now 81 men. Brothers logged 450 service hours assisting the Boys and Girls Club and cleaning up the Oakland community. We also held our second annual golf outing to benefit The V Foundation. Four brothers, Christian Ranallo ’15, Rob Tessier ’16, Anthony Smith ’15, and Joe Molisani ’15, participated in Dance Marathon, which benefitted the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
We raised over $1,500 for The V Foundation during our March Madness Bracket Tournament. In April, then brothers participated in Rutgers’ annual Dance Marathon and raised $6,000 for the Embrace Kids Foundation. This spring, we also distributed our first alumni newsletter in ten years and hosted our first alumni dinner. Michael Baran ’13 received “The Pillars” award, the most prestigious award given to Greek students who left a lasting impression on Rutgers Greek Life. We ended the spring semester with our annual formal on a yacht on the Hudson River with over 70 brothers and guests.
Michael Austin ’13 “E” This spring, we welcomed 13 men into our brotherhood as part of our Eta associate member class. We held our first annual Mothers’ Day event four our brothers’ mothers and our alumni’s mothers. Brothers also participated in a community service event at the Boys and Girl’s Club. Our brothers barbecued, played with the kids, and helped out with anything that was needed. Our intramural soccer team made it to the playoffs, and Nielson Gabriel ’13 was recently elected Student Body President. We’re all very excited to see what he’ll accomplish. SUMMER 2013
XXX Campus Scene South Florida
Bradley Ellis ’14 “E”
Chapter brothers and alumni after our annual “Red and Buff” football game
Our “Lady of the Leges” raised $7,658.40 for The V Foundation, which will greatly assist us in our goal of raising $15,000 before the 2014 Convention. In addition to this event, our brothers also supported seven other charitable programs hosted by other Greeks. We are also proud to welcome the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life’s “Russ Driscoll Exemplar Award,” commemorating Order of the White Carnation Member Russ Driscoll, Florida ’57, who left this world in January. The award is given to an individual who displays exceptional dedication and impact within USF’s Greek Community. This year’s recipient was our very own Kevin Simmons.
Southeast Missouri
Marc Erlanger ’15 “E”
We welcomed eight men into our brotherhood this spring. During Greek Week, our brothers raised $810 for local charities, collected over 1,700 cans for the Salvation Army, and brought home third place overall. We’re actively planning for an alumni gathering to be held September 21, 2013 in conjunction with Southeast Missouri’s football game, which will be held at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, MO.
Southern California
Robert Becker ’14 “E”
This spring, we hosted a Fathers’ Weekend, which included a BBQ at the house and a Dodgers’ baseball game. At our sixth annual active-alumni football game in Alhambra, our brothers defeated the alumni team. We held a big-little retreat at Lake Cachuma, near Santa Barbara, and we also held our formal at The Mirage in Las Vegas. We finished the semester by initiating three new members into our chapter.
Southern Illinois
No submission received at time of publication.
Spring Hill
Stephen Nash ’16 “E” We welcomed nine new members this semester, bringing us closer to our goal of chartering. We raised over $200 for The V Foundation during our “Pie a Delta Chi” event, and our brothers also participated in Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash and Phi Mu’s “Kickballin’ for Kids.” Our intramural soccer team also made it to the playoffs this semester.
Stephen F. Austin
Brothers pose for a photo with the Syracuse Crunch Cheerleaders
Ryan Bradley ’14 “E” Our brothers are involved in many organizations on campus, and we’re very excited with our recent recruitment results. Brothers have also excelled academically, as our GPA has improved. We plan to continue down the paths of success that our brothers have set their sites on.
South Dakota State
Spencer Gladis ’15 “E”
Unpredictable. This is about the only word that can describe this past semester for our chapter. We have had an amazing philanthropic semester, raising over $2000 for charity. We continue to be a dominating force on our school’s Students’ Association holding twelve voting seats, including two executive board members, and also maintaining the presidency for the twelfth consecutive year. On a much more somber note, we were forced to say goodbye to a friend and brother. Brother Adam Ellis ’12 passed away at the age of 23. Although this was such a tragic event, it brought our brotherhood so much closer together, with over 50 brothers attending his funeral. We welcomed five men into the bond on April 13, 2013. We are also thrilled to have started construction on our housing expansion and remodel. These investments will more than double the occupancy of our house, making it one of the largest chapter houses on campus. We look forward to having a commercial kitchen, new study spaces, and updated facilities throughout the house. We would like to extend a huge “Thank You!” to all of our alumni that have so generously donated a significant amount to make this all possible.
Anthony Baez ’16 “E”
Our GPA is rising and is currently above the Greek Life average. Brothers have volunteered countless community service hours at the Boys and Girl’s Club and during our TXDOT trash pickups. Brothers continue to be involved in many clubs and intramural sports on campus, and we were the champions of the Greek Week soccer tournament.
Jake Moskowitz ’15 “D” Our annual “D-Chi Cup” broom ball tournament, which benefited The V Foundation, saw many fraternities, sororities, and other student organizations participate. To prepare for the event, participants were welcomed by the Syracuse Crunch hockey team to attend a game and pick up skills for the upcoming tournament. Our chapter also hosted Region VII’s RLC in March, and we’d like to congratulate this semester’s Omega associate member class on their recent initiation. 20
Our participants in the “Greek God” competition during Greek Week
Campus Scene Texas
Robert Diamond ’16 “E” Our recruitment efforts yielded six new members who we initiated at the end of the semester. Brothers participated in intramural basketball and made it to the playoffs, and we narrowly missed the playoffs during intramural softball. Brothers also participated in Alpha Delta Pi’s kickball tournament. We’re working to plan an annual basketball tournament to benefit The V Foundation. Four brothers also participated in IFC’s annual golf scramble. At our spring alumni weekend in Dallas, we learned that we’ve successfully refinanced our property and house, which will pave the way for a new house in the coming years. We’ve already begun planning for fall recruitment, and we look forward to a very successful fall semester.
Brothers pose with their first place trophy after Greek Week
Truman State Our “Delta Force” team during Alpha Delta Pi’s kickball tournament
Texas Tech
Chase Yull ’15 “E” Our brothers participated in over a dozen community service events this spring, and we also raised over $37,000 for Children’s Miracle Network during Raiderthon. We hosted Region III’s RLC and were able to show our fellow brothers the best of Lubbock, TX. This summer, we will host our annual alumni golf tournament at the Indian Creek Country Club in Carrolton, TX.
Jacob Williams ’14 “E” On April 12 −14, we welcomed approximately 170 people back to Angola for our annual alumni weekend, including Delta Chis and Beta Phi Theta alumni - the local fraternity our chapter was founded from. Among those in attendance was “CC” Keith Shriver, Florida ’79. Next year’s alumni weekend will mark the 45th anniversary of Delta Chi’s presence on campus.
Troy State
Chris Gross ’15 “E” We welcomed nine men into our chapter this spring through our spring recruitment efforts. Our team swept nearly every event during Greek Week, earning a total of 88% of all points possible. The second place team earned only 63% of the total points possible. Austin Brauer ’14 participated in Delta Zeta’s “Big Man on Campus” competition, which consisted of a fun-wear, formal wear, and talent competition. For his talent, Brauer showed off his dancing skills by performing the dance from Beyonce’s “Single Ladies.” Joe Murphy-Baum was named an All-Conference player, #3 for singles and #2 for doubles, for Truman’s tennis team. Our brothers also finished the semester with the fourth highest GPA, with our brothers collectively earning a 3.1. This spring also marked the 35th anniversary of our chartering, which we celebrated during our alumni reunion. Founding Father and “AA” Emeritus Larry Nothnagel ’79 spoke in front of brothers, alumni, and guests. Nothnagel shared stories about the founding of our chapter, its growth and challenges throughout the years, and our founding “BB”, “BB” Emeritus Joe Crabtree, Alumnus. Former Executive Director Ray Galbreth, Missouri ’69, knew Crabtree personally and shared, “Joe not only cared about Delta Chi, but he cared about you … as a person.”
Zach Harvey ’16 “E”
Our participants in the “Greek God” competition during Greek Week
We hosted our three-day luau fundraiser to raise money and awareness for The V Foundation. This event is the single biggest event we host each year, and our brothers work hard to raise the bar each year. Nine brothers attended the Order of Omega banquet in March for recognition of their academic achievement. We also welcomed home Adam Jones ’12 and Thomas George ’11 from Afghanistan, and we await the safe return of Jake Magill ’12, who is currently serving overseas.
Tom Devenny ’15 “E” Brothers brought home first place during Greek Week, and Logan Grey ’18 won “Mr. Greek” during the “Mr. & Mrs. Greek” competition. Ryan Greenley ’14 was elected Inter-Greek Council President. We held our 6th annual benefit concert with Sigma Beta Rho, where students, including Milos Djordjevic ’14 and Joe Kenny ’15, performed to raise money for The V Foundation. This year’s event was held on Student Appreciation Day, which helped us double the number of donations collected.
XXX Campus Scene Valdosta
West Chester
Jon Headley ’14 “E”
Shawn Kurnik ‘ 15 “E” We welcomed nine men into our chapter as part of our Iota associate member class. Our new members went to the driving range with some of our alumni, which was a great opportunity for them to meet our alumni and have a great time. Brothers brought home first place during Greek Week and won a number of the events throughout the week. Tony LaFratte ’15 was recognized with the “Emerging Student of the Year” Award, and John Matz ’15 received the “Fraternity Emerging Leader of the Year” Award. Our chapter also received the “Overall Excellence for New Member Development” Award.
West Georgia
Dean Lowery ’14 “E” Brothers compete in a tug competition
We welcomed four associate members into our chapter this spring. Brothers brought home first place in intramural Greek league softball, and we placed second in Sigma Nu’s Tug Competition. We also held our third annual Joshua Dykes Memorial Softball Tournament, which raises money for a fallen brother’s family and also a family in need.
Virginia Commonwealth
Peter Giambone ’14 “E”
On April 13th, we initiated our Alpha Psi associate member class along with two alumnus initiates. Peter Giambone ’14 organized our first Parents’ Cookout on Sunday, April 14th, where we smoked a pig for the 30 pairs of parents in attendance. A select group of brothers, including most of our current executive board officers, met with Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell to discuss leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University. We also held our annual “Jimmy V 3v3” basketball tournament, and 20 teams participated this year. Our alumni also celebrated a 20-15 win at our annual “Kimball Cup” active-alumni softball game.
No submission received at time of publication.
We initiated two members from our Psi associate member class, and we held our second annual Buffet Bash, complete with 8,000 lbs of sand and a live band. We also held a spirit night at Chick-Fil-A. Our annual Mother-Son day was held at our school’s cafeteria with a catered meal and bingo, and brothers retold funny stories so our moms could share in our experiences.
West Virginia Tech
The West Virginia Tech Chapter voted to cease operations on 8/17/2013. If you have any questions regarding the Chapter, please contact Justin Sherman at 319-337-4811 or justins@deltachihq.org
Western Michigan
he Western Michigan Chapter’s Charter was suspended by the “AA” as directed by the Board of Regents on May 31, 2013 for failure to meet the size requirement as put forth by Delta Chi Law. Please direct any questions regarding the Chapter to Kevin Madden at kevins@deltachihq.org.
Andy Johnson ’14 “E” Our brothers participated in several philanthropic events, including “Pie a Ti-Sig” and “Dine with the DZs.” We continued to participate in intramural basketball and the IFC softball tournament. Our brothers also participated in numerous community service events at local grade schools. Brian Skweres ’14 won the Panhellenic Council “Big Man on Campus” event.
Ryker Oldenburg ’15 “E”
William & Mary
Brendan Carrick ’15 “E” Our spring recruitment effort yielded nine new members, the most our chapter has ever seen in the spring, and our manpower is now approaching 70 men. In April, we hosted our most successful philanthropy event to date. The “Delta Chi Pepper Philanthropy” consisted of collecting donations across campus in buckets with brothers’ names on them. The top five fundraising brothers had to eat a Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper, the current hottest pepper in the world. All five brothers gladly endured the fiery pepper, and the event in total raised over $2,600 for The V Foundation. We’re looking forward to moving into our 17-person house, which will be completed in September.
Brothers in front of the house
During the winter quarter, brothers earned an intramural championship in volleyball and brought home second place in basketball. We initiated a total of 25 men this calendar year. We held our “Sun Splash” philanthropy event in the spring. With 12 of 17 sororities on campus participating, we raised $900 during the event. The house’s showers were retiled; our internet was overhauled; and the front yard had a $3,000 renovation. One of our brothers was elected President of the Marketing Club, and another serves on the IFC Judicial Board.
Washington State
Sam Gwinn ’15 “E”
We welcomed 13 men into our chapter, and our brothers participated in multiple College Hill street sweeps. Our mothers’ weekend featured brunch and an auction that raised $3,000 to split between house improvements and recruitment efforts. 22
Winston Howard ’14 “E” Thing spring, our brothers teamed up with local elementary school students to raise money for The V Foundation. During half-time at a UNCW basketball game, the children were cheered on by the entire crowd, as each free-throw shot they made meant more money would be raised.
Zohaib Mardhani ’15 “E” We followed up last semester’s strong recruitment effort by initiating seven men this spring. Our brothers also assisted Phi Sigma Sigma in raising $300 for The Welcome Center.
Rembering Jack Pinto Connecticut Area Alumni Chapter
ing there is anyth if s u d ke as have is very Many people get through th s u p el h to nds, they can do ll of our frie A . s ve li r u o od in r met have difficult peri e we have neve pl o pe en ev d d to neighbors an us. We wante to s u ro ne ge and ty that been so kind the communi to k c ba ve gi e that find a way to ort. We realiz pp u s h c u m so of our son has given us over the loss t ge r ve ne l il omfort from while we w measure of c a in ga do e Jack, w s in need. helping other . Pinto … the Jack A ed at re c e w onor Jack’s To that end, in order to h nd u F t if G le e fund Charitab amounts in th ll A t. ri pi s ations kind and giving itable organiz ar h c rt o pp u to s milies will be used children and fa to rt fo m o c ho have that provide ose of you w th r o F . ed ne how to most in formation on in t, s re te in ng the QR expressed an und by scanni fo be an c te contribu code below. pt u who have ke yo f o l al k an th We sincerely oughts th r us in you and prayers. ricia Love, Dean, T and Ben Pinto
Jack (left) with his best friend JJ (right)
Scan the QR code to to visit the Jack A. Pin Charitable Gift Fund
Victor Cruz Wide Receiver New York Giants
J. J. Watt Defensive End Houston Texans
Through a fundraising effort during December 2012 and January 2013, members and friends of the Connecticut Area Alumni Chapter donated over $3,800 to the Sandy Hook School Memorial Scholarship Fund, established by the University of Connecticut Foundation. In this photo, John Tunila, Connecticut ’81, presented a check to Gregory Knott, Planned Giving Officer for the University of Connecticut Foundation on March 7, 2013. At the presentation, Tunila commented, “The Connecticut Area Alumni Chapter appreciates the Foundation’s efforts to establish this fund so our members can honor the memory of Jack Pinto and support the University’s mission. The officers of the Connecticut Area Alumni Chapter wish to thank all of our friends and members who contributed to the fund.”
Donors Cappy Amodio, Connecticut ’79 Mark Auletta, Connecticut ’89 Eric Bennett, Connecticut ’88 Craig Clabaugh, Connecticut ’78 Kevin Coyne, Connecticut ’86 Joe Cunningham III, Connecticut ’07 Greg Feduik, Connecticut ’78 Clare Fitzgerald Mark Fitzgerald, Connecticut ’79 Melissa Fitzgerald Tim Fitzgerald Jim Garvey, Connecticut ’84 Les Granow, Connecticut ’78 Seth Greenspan, Connecticut ’88 James Grimm, Connecticut ’61 Jeff Lewis, Connecticut ’83 Jim Lodigiani, Connecticut ’78 Dom Marino, Connecticut ’79 Mark McDonald, Connecticut Faculty Robert Moser, Connecticut ’77 Eric Phillips, Connecticut ’11 Lennox Plummer Jenna Rossi Jon Russo, Connecticut ’89 Eric Strausser, Connecticut ’88 John Tunila, Connecticut ’81 Brian Waxler, Connecticut ’81 David Weber, Cornell ’68 Scott Westvold, Connecticut ’84 Mike Zlotnick, Connecticut ’10
XXX Regional Updates
5 2 6
Regional Updates
A Letter from Region IX Region IX had a great spring semester capped off by a memorable RLC in April. This year we traveled to North Carolina, and the Wilmington Chapter graciously hosted us for the weekend. Attendees experienced a wide variety of presentations and discussions ranging from chapter financial management to improving our identity on campus. The Conference culminated with a casino night, where brothers played various casino games to earn raffle tickets. Prizes for the event included Delta Chi merchandise and jewelry, including a pearl badge. We’re already looking forward to next year’s conference, to be held in Washington, D.C. and hosted by the American Chapter. Check deltachiregion9.com for more details. ITB, Doug Chananie, East Carolina ’07 Regent – Region IX Life Loyal Member
Alumni Events
2014 RLCs
Southern California Area Founders’ Day Dinner
All-Florida Founders’ Day Dinner
Regional Leadership Conferences
Taix Restaurant 1911 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026
Daytona International Speedway 1801 W International Speedway Boulevard Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Monday, October 14, 2013 (Columbus Day) Reception: 6 p.m. Dinner: 7:15 p.m.
Sunday, October 27, 2013 Photos and Pit Tours: 5:30 p.m. Reception: 6:30 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m.
Look for dates and locations in an upcoming issue of the Quarterly for Delta Chi’s 2014 Regional Leadership Conferences. Each RLC welcomes alumni attendees, and the event is a great way to network with fellow alumni and rekindle your passion for Delta Chi.
For information contact: Donald LaPlante Alumni Chapter Treasurer donlaplante@gmail.com 562-928-6735
For information contact: Don Turk dturkx2@bellsouth.net 352-332-4555
INTERNATIONAL CHAPTER MEETING Join brothers across the world in learning what’s going on in Delta Chi. The Fall 2013 Quarterly will feature additional information about signing up for this conference call. Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:00 p.m. EST Dial In: 877-229-8493 / ID#: 110378
59th international convention scottsdale, arizona July 30 – August 4, 2014 26
Keeping in Touch Appalachian State Born to Brother and Mrs. Reed Davis ’02, a son, James Lyon, on March 26, 2013. Arizona State Born to Brother and Mrs. Chad Wolett ’94, a daughter, Lux Elizabeth, on April 11, 2013. Huntsville Brother Tyler Moulder ’13 married Holly Johnston on January 5, 2013. Brother Jonathan Bolden ’11 married Emily Love on April 27, 2013. Brother Stephen Gooch ’13 married Stephanie Long on September 22, 2012. Kansas State Born to Brother and Mrs. Jack Bauer ’05, a son, Jack Ryan, on May 1, 2013. Kettering-A Brother Bryce Burland ’04 married to Melissa Nickel on April 20, 2013 Long Beach Born to Brother and Mrs. Brian Colsell, a son, Brian, on May 21, 2013. Louisiana Tech Born to Brother and Mrs. Tom Aldrich ’92, a son, Christiano Angelo and a daughter, Caterina Angelica, on April 17, 2013.
Marshall Born to Brother and Mrs. Matthew McCourt ’99, a son, Kian Samuel, on September 4, 2012.
South Dakota State Born to Brother and Mrs. Billy Karlen ’09, a daughter, Carleigh Rose, on April 24, 2013.
Brother Michael Messinger ’11, married to Christine Schmidt on October 12, 2012.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Shadoe Thomas ’10, a daughter, Meadoe Joy, on March 1, 2013.
Maryland Ken Kilby ’88 was ranked #57 on the “Top Security Executive Rankings” out of a national pool of over 10,000.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Bojan Salihagic ’11, a daughter, Gabriella Rose, on August 31, 2013.
Missouri Born to Brother and Mrs. John Pancorvo ’05, a daughter, Briella, on March 14, 2013.
Texas Tech Born to Brother and Mrs. Clark Daves ’09, a daughter, Kolbie Kaye, on July 5, 2012.
New Mexico State Born to Brother and Mrs. Dennis Tyson ’03, a son, Everett Dennis, on May 14, 2013.
Windsor John Rozich ’88, received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for service to his community and country.
Ohio State Born to Brother and Mrs. Jason Porter ’04, a son, Ashton Thomas, on May 18, 2013.
Whitewater Born to Brother and Mrs. Jovan Djokovic’ ’95, a son, Jovan Ljubomir, on March 1, 2013.
Brother Brett Stoll ’05 married to Nicole Theetge on May 11, 2013 Sacramento Born to Brother and Mrs. Sean Malone ’02, a daughter, Samantha, on April 13, 2013.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Llanden Morgan ’06, a son, Llandry, on May 12, 2013
Born to Brother and Mrs. Tony Hagans ’12, a son, Titus, on April 26, 2013.
Our Brothers Who Serve. We Salute You! We salute our brothers who choose to serve their country. For brothers who have served in an active combat zone, Delta Chi has a lapel pin to recognize their bravery. To inquire about our “Men at War” lapel pin, or share photos, news, and updates about brothers serving in the military, please email quarterly@deltachihq.org. Eastern Washington James Lee ’12 is enlisting in the Army as a Mental Health Specialist. Mankato Dan Ravenscroft ’14 is currently serving in Afghanistan.
Farewell & Parting These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting. Alabama
Idaho David Freer ’96, January 1, 2013
Ohio State Thomas Davis ’87, April 29, 2013
Stanford Stanley Rickard ’55, March 7, 2013
Osgoode Hall Darcy Duke ’63, July 31, 2012
Indiana Otis Bowen ’39, May 4, 2013 James Burner ’60, February 10, 2013
Union Lewis Hallenbeck ’40, December 4, 2012
Joseph Thomason ’54, January 21, 2012 James Anderegg ’62, March 11, 2013 Gerald Vick ’63, March 10, 2013
Kansas Millard Musselman ’48, April 13, 2012 Charles Wright ’68, February 26, 2013
Purdue Charles Zergieberl ’53, November 15, 2012
Whitewater Martin Ciebien ’74, April 22, 2013 Lukas Kaup ’97, March 8, 2013
Cal Poly
Lehigh William Perrin ’73, March 20, 2012
William Dollar ’54, April 24, 2013 Jerry Cornelius ’55, August 17, 2012 Carl West ’61, April 28, 2013
Geoffrey Greer ’11, April 13, 2013 DePauw Martin Kean ’73, September 24, 2011 Frostburg Gregory Murphy ’95, July 23, 2012
Michigan State Richard Mosner ’52, August 8, 2012 was incorrectly listed underneath the Michigan Chapter. Christopher Mansueti ’82, April 26, 2013
S.M.U. John Biggers ’55, February 1, 2012 South Dakota State Adam Ellis ’12, March 29, 2013 South Florida Craig Drabyk ’00, February 22, 2013 Southern Illinois Steven Hogan ’78, April 26, 2013
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CHAPTERS: 123 Abracadabra www.calgreeks.com/author/ucbdx
Davis www.deltachidavis.com
Iowa State facebook.comIowaStateUniversityDeltaChi
Adelphi facebook.comAdelphiUniversityDeltaChi
Denison www.denisondeltachi.com
Jacksonville State facebook.com/jsudeltachi
Alabama www.deltachiua.org
Duquesne www.duqdx.com facebook.com/duqdx
James Madison www.jmudeltachi.com facebook.com/JMUDX
East Carolina “East Carolina University Delta Chi Alumni”
Johnstown www.upjdeltachi.com/Welcome.html
East Stroudsburg facebook.com/deltachi.esu
Kansas www.kansasdeltachi.com “Delta Chi The University of Kansas”
Alberta www.deltachi.ca “Delta Chi Alberta” American www.audeltachi.com “Delta Chi American” Appalachian State facebook.com/appalachianstate.deltachi Arizona www.deltachiarizona.com “Arizona Delta Chi Alumni”
Eastern Illinois facebook.com/EIUDeltaChi Eastern Washington www.deltachiewu.com “EWU DChi Alumni”
Arizona State “The Delta Chi Fraternity at ASU”
Embry-Riddle www.eraudeltachi.com “ERAU Delta Chi”
Auburn www.audchi.com facebook.com/groups/AUDeltaChiAlumni
Florida www.ufdeltachi.com “Florida DX Alumni”
Augusta www.dxaugusta.com “Delta Chi Augusta Georgia Alumni Chapter”
Florida State facebook.com/DXFSU
Behrend behrend.orgsync.com/org/deltachi25022 “Delta Chi the Behrend Chapter” Binghamton deltachibinghamton.weebly.com Bowling Green www.bgdeltachi.com facebook.com/deltachi.bgsu Bryant www.bryantdeltachi.org “Delta Chi Bryant” Cal Poly www.cpdeltachi.com “Cal Poly Delta Chi Alumni” California Univ-PA 317 Green St., California, PA 15419 Case Western Reserve facebook.com/DeltaChiCWRU Central Michigan “Delta Chi Fraternity Central Michigan University” Central Missouri www.ucmdeltachi.com Charlotte facebook.com/DeltaChiCharlotte Cincinnati www.ucdchi.com “The Delta Chi Fraternity Cincinnati Colony” Clemson www.deltachiclemson.com “Clemson Delta Chi E” Coastal Carolina www.ccudeltachi.com “Delta Chi Coastal Carolina Chapter” Cornell www.cudx.org Corpus Christi www.dchitamucc.org facebook.com/dchitamucc Cortland deltachicortland.blogspot.com “Delta Chi Cortland Fan Page”
Fredonia www.fredoniadeltachi.com “Delta Chi-Fredonia Chapter” Fullerton www.deltachicsuf.com “Delta Chi Csuf” Gannon www.gudeltachi.com facebook.com/deltachi.gannonchapter George Mason gmudeltachi.chapterspot.com “Delta Chi GMU” Georgia Southern www.gsudeltachi.org facebook.com/gsudeltachi Georgia Tech www.gtdeltachi.com facebook.com/GTDeltaChi Gorham State www.gscdeltachi.com Hamilton “Delta Chi- Hamilton Chapter” Hayward www.deltachihayward.com facebook.com/delta.chihayward
Kansas State kstatedeltachi.chapterspot.com facebook.com/DXKSU Kennesaw www.kennesawdeltachi.com facebook.com/KSUDeltaChi
Southern California www.uscdeltachi.org facebook.com/USCDeltaChi
Missouri State www.mostatedeltachi.org “Missouri State Delta Chi”
Southern Illinois siuc.deltachi.org “SIU Delta Chi Chapter”
Montclair www.deltachi-montclair-alumni.org facebook.com/groups/deltachimontclair
Spring Hill “The Delta Chi Fraternity Spring Hill College”
New Haven www.unhdeltachi.com “Delta Chi New Haven Chapter”
Stephen F. Austin “Delta Chi at Stephen F. Austin State University”
North Alabama “Delta Chi Fraternity North Alabama” Northern Arizona nau.deltachi.org
Syracuse “Delta Chi Syracuse” Tarleton “Delta Chi @ Tarleton State”
Northern Colorado ncdeltachi.webs.com “Delta Chi at Northern Colorado”
Texas www.texasdeltachi.org “Texas Delta Chi Alumni”
Northern Illinois “Northern Illinois Delta Chi Fraternity”
Texas Tech “Delta Chi Texas Tech University”
Kettering-B www.ketteringdeltachi.org facebook.com/groups/ketteringdeltachi
Northwest Missouri www.nwdchi.com facebook.com/groups/nwdchi
Tri-State trine.deltachi.org “Delta Chi at Trine University”
Lake Forest www.lfcdeltachi.org facebook.com/DeltaChiLFC
Northwestern www.nudeltachi.org facebook.com/DeltaChiNU
Troy State www.troydeltachi.org “Delta Chi Fraternity Troy Chapter”
Lehigh www.lehighdeltachi.com facebook.com/LUDChi
Ohio State www.osudeltachi.com facebook.com/OSUDeltaChi
Kettering-A asection.ketteringdeltachi.org facebook.com/KUDXA
Livingston uwadeltachi.weebly.com facebook.com/uwa.deltachi
Oklahoma www.okudeltachi.com “Oklahoma Delta Chi”
Truman State www.tsudeltachi.com “Truman State Delta Chi” USP facebook.com/USPDeltaChi
Long Beach “Delta Chi Long Beach Alumni Association”
Oregon State www.osudeltachi.org “Delta Chi The Oregon State Chapter”
Valdosta “Delta Chi Alumni Valdosta State”
Louisiana Tech latech.deltachi.org facebook.com/DeltaChi.LATech
Penn State www.greeks.psu.edu/ifc/dx facebook.com/DeltaChiPSU
Virginia Commonwealth www.deltachivcu.com facebook.com/deltachivcu
LSU sites.theginsystem.com/deltachilsu facebook.com/LSUDeltaChi
Pittsburgh www.pittdeltachi.com facebook.com/pittdeltachi
Washburn sites.theginsystem.com/deltachiwashburn facebook.com/DeltaChiWashburn
Mankato www.deltachimankato.mfbiz.com “Delta Chi Mankato Chapter”
Purdue www.deltachipurdue.com “Delta Chi at Purdue”
Marquette www.marquettedeltachi.com facebook.com/MUDeltaChi
Washington www.uwdeltachi.com facebook.com/DeltaChiUW
Radford rudeltachi.blogspot.com facebook.com/DXofRU
Washington State facebook.com/deltachiwsu
Marshall “Delta Chi Marshall Chapter”
Rhode Island “Delta Chi - The University of Rhode Island Chapter”
West Chester ah778422.wix.com/wcudeltachi facebook.com/wcudeltachi
Riverside www.deltachiucr.org facebook.com/DeltaChiUCR
West Georgia facebook.com/DeltaChiUWG
Hobart people.hws.edu/deltachi
Maryland “Delta Chi Maryland Alumni”
Hofstra www.dxhu.org “Delta Chi Fraternity, Hofstra Chapter”
Massachusetts www.umassdeltachi.com “UMass Delta Chi Alumni”
Huntsville facebook.com/DeltaChiHSV
Miami www.deltachimiami.com
Illinois www.illinoisdeltachi.com facebook.com/IllinoisDeltaChi
Michigan www.umdeltachi.com
Illinois State www.ilstu.deltachi.org “Illinois State University Delta Chi Fraternity”
Missouri mizzou.deltachi.edu “Delta Chi Missouri Chapter Alumni”
Michigan State msu.deltachi.org “Delta Chi Michigan State University”
Indiana www.indianadeltachi.com
Minnesota www.mndeltachi.com facebook.com/umndeltachi
Iowa www.uiowa.edu/~deltachi
Mississippi State “Mississippi State Delta Chi”
Rutgers www.rutgersdeltachi.com “Rutgers Delta Chi” Sacramento facebook.com/csusdc South Dakota State www.sddeltachi.com “SD State Delta Chi Alumni”
Western Michigan “Delta Chi WMU Alumni” Whitewater sites.google.com/site/uwwdeltachi “Delta Chi Alumni Whitewater Chapter” William & Mary wmpeople.wm.edu/site/page/deltachi01
South Florida www.usfdx.com facebook.com/sofla.deltachi
Wilmington student.uncw.edu/org/deltachi “Delta Chi UNCW Chapter”
Southeast Missouri sites.theginsystem.com/deltachisemo “Delta Chi - Southeast Missouri Chapter”
Windsor www.deltachiwindsor.com facebook.com/deltachiwindsor