Computer Use Assessment This simple diagnostic tool will help us to assess if any equipment or training is necessary for you to participate in online communications and online coursework. Please answer the following questions by selecting the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ box. Your honest assessment will guide us in preparing you for your work at Delta. Name I am a Delta Student Delta Family Member of Access Assessment Are you able to… Yes
Access the Internet at home? If yes, continue to Email Assessment If you do not have Internet at home, do you have easy access to the Internet in a location close to your home? Does your family own a computer? If your family owns a computer, are you able to use it? If your family qualifies, would your family be able to accept and care for a refurbished computer? If your family were given a refurbished computer, would your family be able to provide highspeed Internet access to your home? If your family qualifies for a grant or stipend to provide Internet access to your home, would your family be able to provide adequate supervision of the use of the Internet? Email Assessment Are you able to… Create a new message? Send a message? Save a draft message? Reply to sender of a message?
Reply to all recipients of a message? Forward a message? Create mailboxes? Transfer messages to mailboxes? Retrieve messages from various mailboxes? Find someone’s email address? Edit and organize mailboxes? Create a signature? Resend a previously sent message? Receive attachments? Sort mailbox by sender? Sort mailbox by date? Leave mail on the server? Create filters? Queue a message for future sending? Web Assessment Are you able to… Yes
Click on a link to view another page? Add a bookmark? Go to a bookmarked page? Enter a URL in a location box? Use the home, back, refresh, and forward buttons? Cut/copy and paste a URL to another application? Find information using a search engine? Edit and organize bookmarks? Increase the font size in your browser? Remove the button tool bar? Create a social networking site such as a MySpace or Facebook page? Maintain/edit/change a social networking site? Turn off Java? Clear local cache? Save a web page graphic to a local drive? Create a web page by using a web editor? Create a web page by entering html source code? Publish a created document for browsing on the web? View document source? Office Suite Assessment Are you able to…
Create a new document? Open an existing document? Save a document? Rename a saved document? Print a document? Copy or cut a section of a document? Change the color and style of the font? Check spelling? Change the tab stops in a document? Adjust the margins in a document? Replace all occurrences of a particular word with a different word? Create a numbered/bulleted list? Insert or delete a table? Create mailing labels? Create a PowerPoint presentation? View a slide show before presenting?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! The information gathered will be used to assess the needs of Delta High School students and families as we move forward with out technology plans.