Learning at Delta High School is paramount. We strive to create learning environments within our school that are conducive to individual and group study, personalized growth, and immersion in STEM problemsolving. Visitors and guests, while critical to the success of Delta, are second to the learning needs, objectives, and activities of students. The level of interest in Delta High School is high and is expected to remain that way. Schooltypes, politicians, business partners, community members, prospective parents and students, and the press have all expressed sustained interest in observing Delta in action. Delta’s policies regarding visitation have been established to promote and to protect student learning. The students and faculty at Delta aim to be welcoming and hospitable while minimizing interruptions to the learning process. The Delta community will allow its spaces and routines to be rearranged temporarily and intermittently for approved guests. A guest is defined as any person that is not directly affiliated with Delta High School or its students. All guests must be preapproved by the principal and scheduled in advance. Based on our learning objectives, some guests may be declined or delayed. Guests are encouraged to preread online Delta resources to familiarize themselves with frequently asked questions, goals, outcomes, and instructional strategies used for teaching and learning. A visitor is defined as any person that is a family member of a current Delta student or a member of the Delta High School Advisory Board. All approved guests and visitors must register in the Main Office (R100) and will be accommodated accordingly.