As we begin to expand our STEM literacy, we focus on a summer reading assignment to reinforce the habit of reading for pleasure, enrichment, and information, to encourage exploration of scientific concepts and viewpoints, and to maintain active reading and writing skills during the summer months. Why should you read? Just as exercise builds stronger muscles, reading builds a stronger brain. When you read, you discover new and different ways of living, thinking, and behaving. Reading helps each of us better understand our world and the people in it. Reading can take you to amazing places and help you find out about anything you want to learn. In many ways, regular reading is just the smart thing to do. Recent brain research on reading has shown that the brain chemistry of a person reading a book is very similar to that of a person actually experiencing what is in the book. An example would be the story of a soldier. A person reading a well-written account of life on a battlefield can actually feel the emotions that a soldier experiences while in battle. Tips For Success Pick a certain time (preferably each day) that is dedicated to reading Read with your family members or friends and talk about what you are reading Visit your public library or local bookstore regularly Keep Post-It notes or other note-taking items nearby to mark down a word that you don’t know or a concept you don’t understand Listen to the book on tape while you read the book If you do not understand a word or concept, read the passage out loud Ask yourself questions when you are reading new information such as "What is the main idea?" "How does this information relate to the last section?" "Why is this important to know?" The worst thing that a Delta student can do is to get discouraged while reading and give up. Please do not be discouraged if you are having trouble finding or reading one of your book choices. Your teachers and principal are here to help. Email Mrs. Holmberg at dholmberg@psd1.org or Mrs. Stairet at linda.stairet@rsd.edu if you need any assistance whatsoever. Please choose two of the following books to read over the summer. Most, if not all, are available at our local libraries. If you are interested in your own copies, used ones are widely available online and at the Bookworm or Adventures Underground in Richland. New copies are available in most bookstores. Assignments are attached. Choose one assignment per book.
Allen, John Paulos Adams, Douglas Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Bodanis, David Bortz, Alfred Bradbury, Ray Brain, Marshall Brody, Arnold Bryson, Bill Card, Scott Orson Card, Scott Orson Carsen, Rachel Clarke, Arthur Comins, Neil Crichton, Michael Curie, Eve Dewdney, A.K. Doyle, Arthur Conan Dubner, Steven & Levitt, Stephen Ehrlich, Robert Ettlinger, Steve Feynman, Richard &
Innumeracy, Beyond Numeracy The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy I, Robot Foundation Series Electric Universe: How Electricity Switched on the Modern World To the Young Scientist: Reflections of Doing and Living Science Fahrenheit 451 What if…? Intriguing Answers for the Insatiably Curious The Science Class You Wish You Had A Short History of Nearly Everything Ender’s Game Ender’s Shadow Silent Spring Rendezvous with Rama What if the Moon Didn’t Exist? Voyages to Earth that Might Have Been Andromeda Strain Madame Curie: A Biography Yes, We Have No Neutrons: An Eye-Opening Tour Through the Twist and Turns of Bad Science Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet Freakonomics Nine Crazy Ideas in Science Twinkie, Deconstructed: My Journey to Discover How the Ingredients Found in Processed Foods Are Grown, Mined (Yes, Mined), and Manipulated Into What America Eats Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! Adventures of a Curious
DRAFT Leighton, Ralph Feynman, Richard Feynman, Richard Feynman, Richard Friedman, Thomas
Character Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by its Most Brilliant Teachers What Do You Care What Other People Think? Further Adventures of a Curious Character The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works The World Is Flat
Gibson, William
Gilder, Joshua & Anne-Lee
Heavenly Intrigue: Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, and the Murder Behind One of History’s Greatest Scientific Discoveries
Gladwell, Malcom
Outliers, Blink, Tipping Point
Gonick, Larry and Huffman, Art Gonick, Larry and Criddle, Craig
The Cartoon Guide to Physics The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry
Gould, Stephen
The Panda’s Thumb
Greene, Brian
Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam, A Life in Physics
Hanlon, Michael
Ten Questions Science Can’t Answer (Yet!): A Guide to Science’s Greatest Mysteries
Harper, Charley
Birds and Words
Hawking, Stephen
A Brief History of Time
Hawking, Stephen
The Universe in a Nutshell
Heinlein, Robert
Starship Troopers
Heinlein, Robert
Stranger in a Strange Land
Herbert, Frank
Highfield, Roger
Physics of Christmas: From Aerodynamics of Reindeer to the Thermodynamics of Turkey
Kakalios, James
The Physics of Superheroes
Kolbert, Elizabeth
Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change
Krauss, Lawrence
The Physics of Star Trek
Le Couteur, Penny and Napoleon’s Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History Burreson, Jay Lovell, Jim & Kruger, Apollo 13 Jeffrey
DRAFT Minichino, Camille
The _______ Murder (H, He, Li, Be, C, B, O, N)
Niven, Larry
Orwell, George
Poe, Edgar Allen
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Reisner, Marc
Cadillac Desert: The American West and its Disappearing Water
Roberts, Jeanie
Lucky Science: Accidental Discoveries from Gravity to Velcro
Sachs, Oliver
Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood
Sagan, Carl
Schlosser, Eric
Fast Food Nation
Shelley, Mary
Simmons, Dan
Simmons, Dan
Simmons, Dan
The Fall of Hyperion
Simon, Garfield
Mauve: How One Man Invented a Color That Changed the World
Sinclair, Upton
The Jungle
Sobel, Dava Sobel, Sobel
Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time Galileo’s Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love
Stephenson, Neil
Stewart, Melissa
Science in Ancient India
Truss, Lynne
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves
Tufte, Edward R.
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Verne, Jules
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Vonnegut, Kurt
Player Piano
Vonnegut, Kurt
Slaughterhouse Five
Wells, H.G.
The Island of Dr. Moreau
DRAFT Wells, H.G.
The Time Machine
Wells, H.G.
The World of the Worlds
Wheeler, John
Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam, A Life in Physics
Summer Reading Project Choices Select one of the following projects per book to demonstrate, in a creative manner, your understanding of one of the books you read. All projects are due by Monday, August 29th. Most projects include an oral explanation that may last no longer than three minutes. The oral or written presentation is part of your final score. For novels and works of fiction your project should reflect your understanding of the following elements of fiction writing: Theme Narration Setting Conflicts Symbols Characterization For non-fiction works (biographies, explorations of real world science or events, statistical analyses) your projects should reflect your understanding of the following characteristics of non-fiction writing. Purpose or message Writer’s stance or perspective Important concepts Intended audience GRAPHIC PROJECT CHOICES Develop a comic strip, drawn by hand or on a computer, which is at least 12 frames long and highlights important scenes or concepts from your book. Short dialogue balloons are acceptable, but be sure to include an explanation of each scene at the bottom of each frame. Share with class in a brief (<3 minute) presentation and turn in to your teacher.
Create a scrapbook for the main character or central purpose in the book. Include artifacts that describe the character or purpose in detail. Be creative-avoid actual pictures from the book. Each artifact must be labeled and explained. Share with class in a brief (<3 minute) presentation and turn in to your teacher.
Graphic Project Expectations:
Selection of Scenes or Concepts o Cover the essential events/concepts o Reveal the central theme or message o Capture the significant characters, settings, and conflicts in the work
Organization, Layout, and Design o Organize clearly the selected concepts/scenes o Use an appropriate, effective, easy to follow layout of material o Display the basic elements of design (rule of threes, placement, proportion, etc.) o Employ white space effectively
Visual Appeal, Artistic Quality o Use color and form effectively o Incorporate elements of the work’s imagery or symbolism o Show artistic merit and quality through composition and drawing skills o Demonstrate an artistic point of view or style appropriate to the work
Clear and Effective Dialogue, Explanation and/or Commentary o Write dialogue appropriate to the character(s) that reveals central conflict of the scene and develops the character(s) o Provide concise and complete explanations for scenes or artifacts o Use print face, handwriting, or font that is readable and reflective of the tone or relevance of the scene or artifact.
Presentation Technique o Keep to the time limit o Display the visual effectively o Organize comments around a central idea or point of emphasis o Avoid reading the text to the audience, summarize or highlight instead o Speak clearly, maintain a pace that is lively, but easy to follow o Present a comfortable, composed demeanor while speaking
PRESENTATION PROJECT CHOICES A ‘Bag That Book’ Project which uses an appropriate container (Can? Bag? Box?) that you decorate to reflect the book and place six items that have a connection to the book. OR You must explain the container decorations and items to your class in three to five minutes and in a brief, written report to your teacher.
Can you prove in less than five minutes that you read your book? Give a 2.5-minute presentation in which you try to convince your audience to read the book and to convince your teacher that you read the book. Fellow students and your teacher have 2.5 minutes to ask you questions about the book.
Presentation Project Expectations:
Keep to the time limit o Know the time limit o Pace material and speaking to maximize time usage
Display visuals effectively o Use appropriate physical or technological aids to display visuals
DRAFT o Incorporate visuals to enhance, not detract, from the presentation o Negotiate effectively the presentation of both visuals and the speech
Organize comments around central ideas or points of emphasis o Introduce your presentation so the audience is engaged and ready to listen o Present the body of the speech in a clear, easy to follow order o Conclude so the audience clearly understands the central message(s)of your talk
Avoid reading the speech to the audience o Use notes o Maintain eye contact with the audience o Look at all parts of the audience o If answering a question, summarize or incorporate the question into the answer
Speak clearly, maintain a pace that is lively, but easy to follow o Avoid verbal pauses o Speak at a pace that is engaging and easy to keep up with o Use standard English, grammar, and vocabulary where appropriate o Violate standard English usage as a way to better achieve the speech’s purpose o Speak loudly enough o Vary the tone of voice while speaking
Present a comfortable, composed demeanor while speaking o Stand with an appropriate posture o Keep a relaxed, slightly open stance, knees flexed, not locked o Gesture effectively o Move deliberately o Answer questions directly, unhurriedly, with good eye contact o Avoid fidgeting and nervous habits o Avoid chewing gum
TECHNOLOGY PROJECT CHOICES Develop a mock MySpace/Facebook page for a main character or figure from your book. Required: “About Me”/Profile section that includes a detailed description, interesting facts, and friends (if appropriate). Complete five other options: Pictures of people, places or events; heroes; description of family; goals; favorites; music; movies, TV and books. At least three links to sites/content the character/figure would value. Provide
Develop a play list of at least five (school appropriate) songs that one or more of the characters or figures in the book would have on his/her play list. Include a chorus or verse from each song and identify which character would have listened to that song and explain why. Be sure to type the play list, verses, and explanations.
DRAFT a written explanation for your selections.
Technology Project Expectations:
Select an appropriate character o Choose a character that is important to understanding the central theme/purpose of the work
Reveal significant insights into the character o Cover the essential events/concepts o Reveal the central theme or message o Capture the significant characters, settings, and conflicts in the work o Demonstrate understanding of the work’s central purpose, message or theme
Display comfort and skill in using the technology o Employ standard usage, spelling, and punctuation where appropriate o Employ commonly recognized text shorthand where appropriate o Apply sound judgment/concern for privacy in selecting information to post on social networking sites. o Manipulates/Navigates the technology effectively
Explains selections and information posted effectively o Presentation Keep to the time limit Display the visual effectively Organize comments around a central idea or point of emphasis Avoid reading the text to the audience, summarize or highlight instead Speak clearly; maintain a pace that is lively, but easy to follow Present a comfortable, composed demeanor while speaking o Written Explanation Provide concise and complete explanations for selections Employ standard usage, spelling, and punctuation where appropriate
WRITTEN PROJECT CHOICES Can be handed in to your teacher with a written commentary or shared with the class. Create a newspaper Write a collection of four Create an interview page with at least four (or more) poems (each at with the author, typed newspaper articles least 15 lines long) character or figure
DRAFT based on people, events, and ideas from the book. Be sure to write the articles in newspaper styles—straight news, features, advice columns, etc.—and place them on a Newsprint size page in columns so it resembles a newspaper. You may include relevant pictures or ads. Attach a written explanation or be prepared to present your work to the class in <3 minutes.
about significant events, characters, settings, themes, conflicts, ideas, concepts etc. in the book. Include titles for each poem. In your commentary or sharing, you must explain why you wrote each poem and how each one relates to the book. Attach a written explanation or be prepared to present your work to the class in <3 minutes.
from your book. Write seven questions to ask a main character or figure and then write what the character’s response to each question would be. Be sure the answers refer to specific details in the book and give insight into the character/ figure. Attach a written explanation or be prepared to present your work to the class in <3 minutes.
Written Project Expectations:
Select appropriate characters, events, or ideas o Use characters, events, ideas significant to understanding the central purpose or theme of the work
Use a format appropriate to the type of project o Write newspaper articles using journalistic techniques of strong lead, small paragraphs, concise style, and straightforward diction o Write interview questions that are clear, probing, and respectful o Write interview answers that are thoughtful, thorough and reflect the characters, figures, or author or ideas of the original work o Write poems that employ the techniques of compression, imagery, and meter o All projects typed using appropriate fonts such as Times New Roman, Century Schoolbook, Garamond, or Arial
Demonstrate clear understanding of the literary elements of the work o Incorporate characterization, imagery, symbolism, and diction similar to the original work into the project o Select the project can that best demonstrate the literary and compositional elements of the original
Connect projects to the work’s major concepts/events and central theme/purpose o Communicate the understanding of the work through the project o Reflect on the central themes/purposes of the work in the explanation
Write correctly and effectively
DRAFT o Employ Standard English grammar, spelling, and punctuation o Violate Standard English Grammar, spelling, and punctuation with care and purpose to achieve a desired effect in poetry or create characteristic answers to questions o Write with style, voice, and diction appropriate to the project and engaging for the audience ď&#x201A;§
Presentation Technique o Keep to the time limit o Display the visual effectively o Organize comments around a central idea or point of emphasis o Avoid reading the text to the audience, summarize or highlight instead o Speak comfortably and clearly, maintain a pace that is lively, but easy to follow