2022 Year in Review

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AUGUST 1, 2021 — JULY 31, 2022

OF CONTENTS FORGING THE FUTURE // 2 Greetings from the President // 4 The Idea of Forging the Future // 5 A Message from the Campaign Chairman // 7 A Gift to Inspire the Future // 8 Forging the Future Campaign Priorities // 9 Your Impact // 10 Forging the Future Through Philanthropy // 12 Making Wellness A Priority // 13 Rewarding Excellence // 14 Delts Crafting a Legacy // 16 Committed to Excellence // 18 Enhancing the Experience // 20 Top Chapters // 22 A Parent’s Perspective // 24 Save the Date: Delt Day of Giving 2023 // 25 A Life Well Lived: Remembering Orland K. Johnson // 26 Statement of Financial Position // 28 Investment Report // 29 Looking Forward // 30 Board of Directors and Staff // 31




Greetings on behalf of the

Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation

Since I started at the Delt Foundation, I can’t think of a time where I have been more excited for the joint work of the Fraternity and the Foundation. As we step into the next generation of our Forging the Future Campaign, I encourage you to give some serious consideration of those valuable relationships related to Delta Tau Delta and how the Fraternity might play a bigger role in your life today.

Upon traveling to various chapters to celebrate significant milestones this past year, a constant variable remains true across the board. The financial resources the Delt Foundation offers to the Fraternity, our chapters, and members enable innovation and empower each Delt to create his own path towards excellence.

Our ability to fulfill this challenging obligation is made possible thanks to you, our most loyal donors.

Whether a group is just meeting for the first time to start a new chapter, or celebrating a 150th anniversary, the fact remains the same that men of all generations need what Delta Tau Delta provides. As we go about the work of Forging the Future for Delta Tau Delta in the next 163 years, I want to express my sincerest appreciation for your continued support of the Foundation and this Campaign.

As always, it is a great day to be a Delt!

Steven K. Vedra | Butler University 2002 President, Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation

The Idea of Forging the Future

The Forging the Future Campaign is designed to secure the financial assets necessary to empower every Delt and every chapter to develop a future that is focused on excellence by leveraging the programs, initiatives, and resources available to them through Delta Tau Delta.

The idea of Forging the Future is rooted in the concept that we all have the ability to write our own story, to utilize the tools and skills we have learned to shape the world around us, and the belief that we are each endowed with the gift of self-authorship.

With the support of Delts worldwide, we can indeed craft a future of our own making. We envision a future where nationally supported programs have a local impact; where every Delt, regardless of background, has the ability to commit himself to a life of excellence; where the Fraternity can innovate, test, and adapt its approaches and shape not only the future of Delta Tau Delta but indeed the world.

Forging the Future is more than a fundraising effort, it is a mindset, a belief structure, a mantra that allows each of us to envision and secure our collective potential.


Thank You for Forging the Future

There was likely a time in your life when Delta Tau Delta was the center of your universe. Whether you realized it or not, Delt brought to life the lessons of the classroom, the chapter room, and the world to form a learning laboratory that you would rely on throughout life. As we look to the future, young men need what Delta Tau Delta has—now more than ever. Thank you for supporting the Forging the Future Campaign!

Click here to watch a short message from Kent

Sincerely, Kent R. Hance (Texas Tech University, 1965) Forging the Future Campaign Chairman

A Gift to Inspire the Future

Prior to pledging Delta Tau Delta, Monroe E. Trout, M.D. (University of Pennsylvania, 1953) had already been living out our values of truth, courage, faith and power. From a very young age, he committed to making an impact on society through a life of excellence and he continually works to instill those values in all he encounters.

Monroe and his wife Sandy recently made an initial Silver Level commitment to the Forging the Future Campaign. Also a member of the Bethany Society and the Order of the C—, the Trouts are grateful to know that our Fraternity uses their gifts to provide essential member training.

Brother Trout commented, “The Fraternity taught us how to be good leaders and that is one of life’s most important lessons.” Trout’s wife, Sandy, also noted that generosity has a domino effect, “We hope our gift inspires people to give in return, throughout their careers.”

Delt has given Trout a life of friendship no matter where he and Sandy have lived. Whether it be meeting his best man in the Omega Chapter, reconnecting with long-lost brothers, or befriending new faces around the country, Trout has always been eager to create new bonds of brotherhood. He credits the ability to make and connect with so many friends

as one of Delt’s most commendable assets. Notable lifelong relationships have included Jim Bowersox, Don Kress, Alan Brackett and many others over the years. Recently, Trout reconnected with Bryan Weatherup, a Delt from San Diego who is now serving overseas in the military, proving that Delta Tau Delta is not just for undergraduates.

Sandy, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and member of Kappa Alpha Theta, quickly adopted and mimicked her husband’s love for and devotion to Delt. Sandy admires the lasting impact of fraternities and sororities. She elaborated, “it gives you a small island in the great ocean of a university.”

Dr. Trout has earned Silver Level recognition for his gift to the Forging the Future Campaign. He is also a member of the Bethany Society and has reached Al Sheriff Associate designation for his lifetime giving.

*As of 10/11


As an organization focused on bettering mankind, Delta Tau Delta has always responded to the unmet needs occurring outside the classroom. Today, we must reinvest in those transformational experiences that can only be learned through participation in realworld experiences and in a supportive and nurturing living and learning environment.

Member Programming & Support is focused on the personal and professional development of members who, as a result, will have a positive impact on the life of their chapter and the Fraternity. Within this priority area you will find initiatives like the Presidents Excellence Institute, the Volunteer Coaching Summit, and our Health and Wellness initiatives.

Investment in member programming and support will allow the Fraternity and Foundation to provide programs and resources at the national level that have local impact both on individuals and chapters. This priority area is focused on the high impact practices that have the most positive outcomes. Through additional investment in this priority area, we can build on existing programs and expand on newly created programs.

A strong scholarship program adds value to the national Fraternity by ensuring the resources necessary to keep young men enrolled are available and creates a competitive advantage in recruitment. Additionally, a program of this type provides tangible recognition for young men who are striving to lead lives of excellence while at the same time setting them up for a post-collegiate life with less educational debt.

As we forge a future for Delta Tau Delta that is bright with opportunity, we must consider the single largest barrier to membership—access. The ever-rising costs of a college education coupled with the declining enrollment of men, our chapters will be faced with recruiting from a smaller and smaller pool of prospective members unless we are part of the solution.

The Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation is committed to building a robust scholarship and fellowship program that provides undergraduate men access to a college education and opportunities to augment that education with advanced developmental opportunities.

Businesses around the globe invest in research and development to maintain market share, remain top in their industry, and meet the needs of their customers. For Delta Tau Delta our product is simple; we provide a transformative experience, that separates Delta Tau Delta from the rest of the fraternal world and develops boys into men who will lead with integrity.

Your investment will be used to develop new curriculum outside of budgets, deliver top speakers on urgent topics, conduct research and ensure that Delta Tau Delta is at the forefront of all organizations on campus. To our knowledge, no other Fraternity today has the ambition to revolutionize the membership experience through designated funding. Without these resources, Delta Tau Delta will lose the opportunity to recruit the best and brightest, develop critical skillsets, and position us as THE top membership experience on campus. Our goal is to use research, best practices, and industry trends to anticipate needs in advance of their necessity, Forging the Future of Delta Tau Delta in a way unseen in any other fraternal organization.

Member Programming & Support Scholarships & Fellowships Innovation & Adaptability

Davis K. Roberts

As a firstgeneration

fraternity man, Davis K. Roberts (East Carolina University, 2024) knew he wanted something enriching, challenging, and educational out of his Greek experience. As the president of the ECU Colony Chapter and now president of the Kappa Iota Chapter, upon its installation at the 2022 Norfolk Karnea, Roberts has helped forge his own future and a brotherhood that would make his freshman self very proud.

In a short time, Roberts has already led Delts at East Carolina University to great success. While the transition from a colony to a chapter can take time, the Kappa Iota Chapter has held the top GPA and community service hours performed among all Greek organizations, despite being smaller than some other organizations. After raising $56,000 for philanthropy last year, Roberts and his brothers have their sights set on breaking $100,000 this year.

“Joining Delt has been one of the best decisions I’ve made because of the many ways I’ve seen myself grow. Whether it’s enhancing my public speaking, leadership, or conflict resolution skills, I’m a totally different person than I was a year ago—for the better.”

Roberts’ main goal in joining Delta Tau Delta was to create a community his former self would’ve been thankful to be a part of.

He wanted to find a place that would support him personally, academically, and professionally. After experiencing multiple Delta Tau Delta national and regional events, the Kappa Iota president is confident he’s in the right place.

“Thanks to the Delt Foundation, I’ve been able to attend PresX, Southern Division Conference, and Karnea, where I recognized the magnitude of Delta Tau Delta as an international organization and made a connection to something bigger than just my chapter.”

To Roberts, making connections with his brothers and being a role model for someone is an important part of keeping the Delta Tau Delta morals strong.

“I had volunteers and other brothers who really took me under their wings and supported me, and it’s something that I want to make sure I can give to others so they can have the same experiences. In the future, I’d love to help create a great alumni group and have a strong presence within our growing chapter.”

DELTA TAU DELTA 2022 // 10
Joining Delt has been one of the best decisions I’ve made because of the many ways I’ve seen myself grow.
FORGING THE FUTURE // 11 Thanks to the Delt Foundation, I’ve been able to attend PresX, Southern Division Conference, and Karnea, where I recognized the magnitude of Delta Tau Delta as an international organization and made a connection to something bigger than just my chapter. FUNDS RAISED $7.3 million in new planned gift commitments 2,352 Donors made gifts in 2022 4,354 Gifts were made to the Annual DeltFund 5,383 Gifts were made across all Foundation Funds $790 Average gift size across all funds Grants to Delta Tau Delta GRAND TOTAL OF GRANTS $60,614.00 Scholarships & Fellowships $19,833.07 Program Attendance Grants $186,679,12 Need-based Grants $1,206,218.00 Educational-Space Grants SAMUEL E. BUSS (UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA – KEARNEY, 2024) Attending division conference and Karnea has taught me that the Fraternity is more than a social body; it presents each brother with an opportunity to grow and develop. DAVIS K. ROBERTS (EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY, 2024) impact $4,252,249 $200 Average gift size to annual DeltFund $868,167 Raised for the Annual DeltFund GRANTS IMPACT $500,000.00 $1,973,394 196 Scholarships & Fellowships Awarded 778 Division Conference Participants 77 Catalyst Participants 43 Ignite Participants 3,057 Membership Impact Study Participants 109 PresX & New Member Educator Training Participants “ “ RAISED ACROSS ALL FUNDS Click here to watch a short message on the Delt impact

Through Philanthropy

Arthur J. vonWerssowetz, III

Today, more than ever, it is critical that we invest in the programs, initiatives, and resources that supplement the in-class experience. The Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation is steadfastly committed to Forging the Future by providing the financial resources necessary to ensure the Delt experience provides every member with a competitive edge in life. This is only accomplished through the philanthropic investment of generous Delts like Arthur J. “Von” vonWerssowetz, III (University of Tennessee, 2005)

From his home in Ireland, vonWerssowetz, III makes giving back to Delt a priority. He does so with the confidence that Delta Tau Delta’s positive impact on undergraduate members is worthy of his investment. Achieving recognition in the Bethany Society less than two decades after graduation, vonWerssowetz understands the privilege and responsibility that comes with donning the iconic green blazer.

A firm believer in philanthropy, vonWerssowetz began offering his time and treasure to Delta Tau Delta as chapter consultant following graduation in 2005. Now residing in Dublin with his wife, also a University of Tennessee graduate, and their two children, vonWerssowetz works for professional services giant Ernst & Young.

vonWerssowetz is called to invest in Delt through the Foundation because together the

Fraternity and Foundation are advancing in spaces that most universities miss–primarily in the areas of mental health and financial wellness. The intentionality that the Foundation and Fraternity demonstrate when deploying resources is something that makes the University of Tennessee alumnus proud to be a part of the organization.

“Later, you realize how much you were given as an undergraduate and the opportunities that were made possible because of the Foundation, so I really feel an obligation to return the favor now and pay it forward.”

Over the years, vonWerssowetz has seen a transformation of the Foundation—a renewed sense of purpose in developing and sustaining relationships across the organizations. The Foundation enhances the opportunity to reconnect with chapter brothers and Delts nationwide while also doing good works for the whole of Delta Tau Delta.

“Giving back and investing your own resources makes you feel like you’ve got skin in the game. You are committed to having a direct impact on the future.”

vonWerssowetz made his first gift in 2005, the year of his graduation. Since then, he has regularly been recognized as a member of the Order of the C—, achieved Bethany Society status, and Al Sheriff Associate recognition for his lifetime giving. Join Brother vonWerssowetz in Forging the Future by making a gift to the Campaign today!


Making Wellness A Priority

A recent nationwide study of more than 20,000 respondents by Cigna found that current college students report a higher level of loneliness than other adults. The Educational Advisory Board (EAB) reported, “Gen Z respondents—those between the ages of 18 and 22—scored highest for loneliness” on the UCLA Loneliness Scale.

One way to combat loneliness is through an intentionally developed sense of belonging. Members of Delta Tau Delta benefit from a sense of belonging built on brotherhood; including shared experiences, developmental programs, and resources designed to enhance personal wellness and wellbeing.

According to the EAB (2021), Students’ sense of belonging on campus is one of the top factors in their retention and persistence. But belonging is hard to define and even harder to measure. Through a review of academic literature and conversations with university leaders, EAB has broken down student belonging into five specific, defined components.

1 2 3 4 5

Delta Tau Delta is serving up belonging on college campuses across America. In addition to fostering brotherhood, the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and Educational Foundation has partnered to bring a host of resources to every Delt that are consistent with best practices in the wellness and wellbeing space that are known to increase positive outcomes.

Foundation donor Justin M. Vatti (Moravian University, 2020) highlighted the importance of our focus on wellness and wellbeing.

”If there is something the pandemic taught us, it is that we as humans need to take care of ourselves and those around us as it relates to physical, emotional, and mental health. Delta Tau Delta’s newer focus on wellness and wellbeing truly incorporates all aspects of health and wellness, and exemplifies the excellence of our brotherhood. This initiative includes important programs such as offering TalkSpace to members, which provides on-demand counseling and therapy. Delt has also partnered with the JED Foundation which promotes emotional health, provides resources, and prevents suicide. My favorite wellness and wellbeing initiative that Delt has created is Building Up Brothers, which is a toolkit for chapters to learn strategies on how to improve their wellness; whether they are struggling or not. I know the wellness and wellbeing initiatives funded by the Foundation and created by the Fraternity is making a huge difference in Delta Tau Delta members - so that they can live Lives of Excellence and continue Forging the Future.”

The Delt Foundation dedicates resources from the Wellness and Wellbeing Fund to support these and other initiatives. Make a gift today in support of these vital efforts!

What do the most connected generation and the loneliest generation have in common? They are in fact, the same generation.
DELTA TAU DELTA 2022 // 13
Seamless Student Experience Mental Health and Wellbeing Active and Engaged Learning Cocurricular and Social Engagement Faculty Mentoring and Support JUSTIN M. VATTI’S GIVING PRIORITIES INCLUDE THE WELLNESS & WELLBEING FUND, THE DELT PRIDE SCHOLARSHIPS FUND, AND THE ANNUAL DELTFUND.

Kershner scholar award


The Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation is pleased to continue the tradition of recognizing young Delts who have a strong commitment to academic excellence and lifelong learning. The Kershner Scholar program was created in the 1970s to encourage consistent academic achievement and improvement.

The award is named after Frederick D. Kershner, Jr. (Butler University, 1937). Brother Kershner served meritoriously in a number of roles at the local, regional, and national levels. Kershner is past international president of Delta Tau Delta, and the longest-serving director of academic affairs in the Fraternity’s history.

Today, the Foundation recognizes undergraduate Delts with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale as Kershner Scholars. Additionally, individuals meeting this criterion are invited to apply for the Outstanding Kershner Scholar Award and Scholarship.

The recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Kershner Scholar Award and Scholarship was Samuel E. Buss (University of Nebraska – Kearney, 2024). Buss boasted a GPA of 3.941 as a chemistry major with an emphasis on public health sciences. He is also perusing a minor in finance. He elaborated on his choice of studies,

“When you mix all of that together, I believe it will properly prepare me for my future goal, to own and operate my own pharmacy. Being

a chemistry major is not for the light of heart and nothing comes easy. I take some of the notoriously hardest classes on this campus, and oddly enough that is exciting to me.”

Academic excellence is important to Brother Buss and he helps others focus on excellence too. He elaborated, “During the week, when I am not studying for my own classes, I am a tutor on campus for past classes I have taken, so I can help younger students.” His passion for helping others excel in the classroom doesn’t stop with his tutoring job—he is helping Delts too. Buss shared how he is helping the men of Theta Kappa, “There have been many occasions throughout the past few semesters where I would spend nearly every night of the week at the house helping others study and understand their material for their upcoming exam or quizzes.”

Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation, Vice President of Advancement, Dr. Tony E. Vukusich commented, “Sam Buss exemplifies many of the same qualities as Fred Kershner. Buss has a relentless desire to learn and to help other Delts learn too.

Through scholarship and fellowship awards, the Delt Foundation strives to offset the ever-rising costs associated with getting an education and enable participation in developmental experiences. These costs are often a barrier for many young Delts. Buss commented, “The Foundation has helped alleviate the financial burden that college brings and has further allowed me to place a stronger focus on my studies and experience college the way it should be. These scholarships have allowed me to spend less time working and more time studying and making connections with brothers.”


Outstanding Young Philanthropist

Tim P. Cullen // Tulane University, 2009

Tim gave his first gift to the Foundation as an undergraduate, joining the Crescent Society with a gift of $20, and Tim has given every year since. Joining the Foundation Board of Directors in the fall of 2020, Time quickly looked for ways to engage other young alumni. He has demonstrated his leadership by making a gift commitment to the Forging the Future Campaign in its infancy. Brother Cullen is leading the way through his contributions of time, talent, and treasure.

Outstanding Foundation Volunteer

M. Buck Byrne // Ohio State University, 1966

Brother Byrne is a longtime donor, making his first gift to Delta Tau Delta nearly 10 years before the advent of the Foundation. He is also a longtime volunteer, having given of his time to the Beta Phi house corporation for decades. In 2020, Buck joined the Foundation Board of Directors and quickly got to work raising funds to establish the Paul M. Falkenbach fund in honor of his late chapter brother.

Norval & Diane Stephens Outstanding Philanthropist

Jeffry L. Henning // Iowa State University, 1971

Jeff has been leading the way for Delta Tau Delta for decades. His generosity of spirit has impacted countless undergrads through his support of initiatives like Ignite, The Charge, and division conferences through contributions to the Annual DeltFund, the New Chapters and Colonies Fund, and the Gamma Pi Scholarship Fund. Most recently, Brother Henning made a Titanium Society commitment to the Forging the Future Campaign.

The Delt Foundation accepts nominations for awards on a rolling basis. Submissions received prior to June 20, 2023, will be reviewed by a panel of volunteers, staff, and friends of the Foundation.


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Evangelos S. Levas


Evangelos “Angel”

S. Levas (University of Kentucky, 1954) has continuously served Delta Tau Delta as a generous and thoughtful brother. His profound professional leadership skills have helped Delts following in his steps lead lives of excellence for decades.

The son of Greek immigrant parents, Levas proved his dedication to serving those around him from a young age, as he transformed the family eatery Coney Island Restaurant into the Levas’ Restaurant alongside his late brother, John V. Levas (University of Kentucky, 1957).

Through the Fraternity, Levas volunteered his time as southern division president, division vice president, Arch Chapter treasurer, and a member on the Delta Epsilon House Corporation Board. Thanks to his many years of service, Levas was cited to the Distinguished Service Chapter, the highest award presented by the Fraternity, in 1980.

Brother Levas has been a generous donor to the Delt Foundation for many years, making his first gift in 1973. He supports a variety of educational initiatives through contributions to the Delta Epsilon Educational Fund, the Colonies and New Chapters Fund, the Annual DeltFund, and others. He recently committed to a Platinum Society level contribution to the Forging the Future Campaign by creating a generous gift plan. His most recent generosity underscores his commitment to Delt adding to the impact of future gifts outlined in his estate plans.

Foundation President, Steve K. Vedra (Butler University, 2002) underscored the importance of estate gifts, “Individuals like Brother Levas, who make these types of planned gift arrangements, understand that they have an opportunity to craft a future for the next generation and beyond. We are grateful for his past, current, and future generosity.”

Levas is recognized as a member of the Bethany Society, Heritage Society, and in 2014 was the recipient of the Crystal Vision Award. The Crystal Vision Award is the highest recognition awarded by the Foundation—having been awarded to only eight individuals since the award’s inception. The Crystal Vision Award recognizes individuals who have made contributions of $1 million or more to the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation, among other acts of generosity.

Join the Heritage Society today by including the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation in your estate plans. Planned gifts are often made through direct-bequests, beneficiary designations, life-income plans, and other financial tools that can reduce estate taxes or even create an income stream for you and your loved ones. The Delt Foundation offers free resources for creating a will, updating your beneficiaries, and disclosing gifts designated for Delta Tau Delta.


Prior to the printing of this article Brother Levas entered Chapter Eternal. Gifts in his honor can be made at Delts.org/give.

Thanks to his many years of service, Levas was honored with the Distinguished Service Chapter in 1980, the highest award presented by the Fraternity.


Just two years into his Delt experience, Andrew S. Welch (University of Southern Mississippi, 2024) is already hard at work forging a future of his own and for the Fraternity. Previously serving his chapter as the director of new member education, Welch was later elected president. More recently Welch earned a new title — a title new to him, in a position new to Delta Tau Delta. At the 2022 Norfolk Karnea, he was selected to serve as the inaugural student director on the Arch Chapter. As such, he officially represents the voice of the undergraduate membership.

It is no exaggeration to say that Welch is already giving back. In addition to volunteer positions with his chapter and now the Fraternity he joined the Crescent Society in 2022. Welch certainly has set the groundwork for a lifetime of giving to Delta Tau Delta. At just twenty years old, that is a tall order.

Q: What made Delt stand out to you during the recruitment process and how has that transitioned during your undergraduate career?

A: I first went to a ping-pong tournament that the chapter was hosting and that’s when I met all the brothers. I became closer to some of the other guys and would go there almost every day. I was searching for a brotherhood and strong community base, and I found exactly that at Delt. I was able to immediately jump in as the director of new member education and development and have a direct role in ushering in the new generation. As president, serving my chapter in this capacity has been so rewarding as an individual and really keeps me motivated to continue doing the good work of the Fraternity and improve it when it might not be at its best.

Q: You’re recognized as a member of the Crescent Society for beginning your journey of giving back to the Foundation as an undergraduate. What made you decide to start donating?

A: Giving someone an experience that they wouldn’t have been able to have because of financial reasons is an extremely rewarding thing to do, and I think we’re called to do that as a Delt. Seeing brothers find success that they might not have been able to achieve makes me proud to be a part of this fraternity.

Q: What does it mean to you to have also been selected as the Ken File Scholarship for Undergraduate Excellence recipient?

A: To be selected on a national scale in a very selective group is something I’m extremely grateful for and relieved to know it will help ease the financial burden that comes with being an undergraduate. The Delt Foundation gives undergraduates across the nation the ability to achieve these goals, and through these opportunities I’ve been fortunate enough to keep my experience going.

Q: How do you feel Delt has molded your undergraduate experience and how do you hope it plays a role in your future?

A: Because of Delt, I’ve learned how to develop leadership opportunities and my own skills. I’ve been granted so many different chances to join organizations and receive honors from the university that wouldn’t have been made possible if I weren’t a Delt. In my own future, I hope to be able to give back to Delt, both through my time and treasure. I want to be a part of someone else’s undergraduate experience and help them wear their letters for one more day, like others have done for me.

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Recently Abby M. Paragon, coordinator of Foundation communications sat down with Brother Welch for an interview. Click here to watch a short message from Andrew

Brother Jeremy R. Jackson (Kennesaw State University, 2005) has been forging the future since he became a founding father of the Iota Theta Chapter early in his collegiate career. During his undergraduate days, he served as the new member educator, treasurer, vice president, and chapter president. Today, Jackson is a member of the Order of the C—, the Bethany Society, the Heritage Society, and the Delta Alpha Kappa Society.

Q: What were the first few years of your Delt experience like as an undergraduate?

A: I found a sense of belonging and an immediate connection with the expansion team. As a founding father of my chapter, I was also a founding pledge educator, and both were positions I was very thankful to have held. Delt played such a huge role in my own learning experience, and I was able to grow without having that fear of doing it alone.

Q: How were you impacted by the Foundation during your undergraduate years?

A: I attended numerous leadership academies as a colony member. These experiences funded by the Foundation are where I had my first real experience of brotherhood. I was able to apply what I learned back on campus and share it with the colony. Building relationships off teamwork, brotherhood and camaraderie helped lay the groundwork for the existence of our chapter today.

Q: What inspired you to make your first gift to the Foundation?

A: It was the only way I felt I could repay the debt I owed to the Fraternity for being such a critical part of my development as a young man. To truly experience it firsthand and know all the benefits I reaped from it, it was obvious I needed to provide a secure future for young men to have the same experiences that I did. I found a home, and place to belong, thanks to Delt. I continue my investment in the Foundation because I can see immediate results impacting all people across our Fraternity.

Q: What does it mean to you to be a part of the Order of the C—?

A: For me, it’s not about being recognized, but about giving back to an organization that gave me a gift I can’t repay and has impacted so many different facets of my life. Delt has fulfilled more throughout my life than what I realized I needed.

Q: How do you hope the future of the Fraternity and Foundation are transformed?

A: I think Delt is moving in a direction that is very values-based. Teaching and empowering young Delts to identify their values and encouraging them to live them is important. What it means to be committed to a life of excellence will continue to evolve just as the Delt experience evolves over time.

Q: How do you see Delt continue to play a role in your future?

A: Without a chapter in that close of proximity to me, it becomes more important to continue to give of my treasure and continue to develop these strong relationships I’ve made because of Delt. It’s clear that a little bit of work goes a long way in this Fraternity.

Q: What message do you have for others to start giving back to Delt?

A: A small gift goes a long way in terms of building a strong foundation for the Fraternity. I see it as a small investment compared to how much the average member can benefit.

Recently Jackson answered a few questions about his Delt experience. Jeremy R. Jackson COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE

committed to a

life of excellence

Delta Tau Delta provides members educational opportunities and learning experiences through its member development framework, the Life of Excellence (LOE). Launched in 2022, the Life of Excellence is a way for Delts to identify areas of growth while providing them the confidence and competence to meet or exceed their own expectations. This framework enhances both the undergraduate and alumni experience — as each member follows their own path of lifelong learning and discovery.

The goal of the LOE is simple: to help members develop into emotionally conscious, effective, and modern leaders. The Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation, through the Forging the Future Campaign, is committed to cultivating the financial resources necessary to support the LOE framework and the programs, initiatives, and resources that comprise it.

The LOE framework is made up of four domains:

Grounded in values identification, identity development, talent discovery, and the advancement of self-authorship the Personal Leadership domain is focused on equipping Delts with the tools needed to align thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Rooted in the idea that a commitment to a life of excellence extends to one’s personal health and the health of the community around them, the Wellness and Well-being domain centers around equipping Delts with the tools and resources needed to overcome life’s challenges.

Cemented in our commitment to preparing Delts to be strong and capable professional leaders, the professional development tenant is concerned with career exploration, relationship building, and workforce preparedness.

Embedded in the concept of fraternity is the power derived from belonging to a community. The Strengthening Community domain is focused on developing belonging, fostering inclusion, and being a steward of Delta Tau Delta for those who follow.

Click here to watch a short message from Alex Kennedy

DELTA TAU DELTA 2022 // 19

Every Month

Benjamin Gerlinger

From day one, Delta Tau Delta has helped shape the future for Benjamin Gerlinger (University of Minnesota, 2014). The Fraternity played a critical role in his development; even as an undergraduate he hoped he could one day find a way to repay the Fraternity. Now an alumnus, Gerlinger is able to positively impact the Delt experience for our current undergraduates through his involvement with the Delt Foundation. His ongoing commitment as a recurring donor has earned him recognition in the Foundation’s Delta Alpha Kappa Society.

Joining Beta Eta during a “rebuilding” phase, Gerlinger was able to hold a very pivotal position and lead change that would shape the future of the chapter. Initially acting as the secretary and later spending two years as chapter president, Gerlinger moved mountains in collaboration with his chapter brothers.

“When I joined, our numbers were low, so I knew it would be a good opportunity for me to really improve my leadership skills. As president, we saw exponential growth and were eventually awarded the Court of Honor, which was a huge accomplishment considering where we started from.”

Through Gerlinger’s recurring contributions, he has earned membership in the Order of the C—, the highest recognition for annual giving. His generosity is a direct result of the

leadership experiences and positive impact Delt had on his development. Today, Gerlinger lives in Atlanta with his wife and their two children. An equity research analyst for the Hovde Group, the Minnesota alumnus boasts nearly a decade of experience in investment banking.

“Delt gave me an opportunity from day one. Once I was able, I knew it was time to repay Delt for the opportunities that were provided to me. My goal is to ensure today’s young Delts have those opportunities too. I have come to realize the Delt experience expands far beyond your college days—the networking opportunities and relationships are incredibly valuable. I want to pay my good fortune forward; making a monthly gift accomplishes that goal in a way that fits my lifestyle.”

Gerlinger acknowledges how easy giving back to Delt can be. His contributions are forging the future for the next generation every month. By making automated gifts instead of a single annual gift he is able to make a bigger impact in the long run. “To me, it was the idea that giving the same amount month after month was a fool-proof and ample way to enhance the experience, provide a sense of belonging, development opportunities, and valuable resources to those coming after me.”


Click to learn more about establishing a gift


Innovation and adaptability is a core focus of the Forging the Future Campaign and a priority for Delta Tau Delta. Supported in part by the Educational Foundation, the Membership Impact Study (MIS) is an annual assessment project designed to better understand the member experience over time.

We believe in order to provide a premier fraternal experience the Fraternity must understand how undergraduate men are experiencing membership in Delta Tau Delta. There are fundamental questions that the organization can always use to determine its value to members and society: How is the Fraternity successfully fostering an impactful experience? Where do the opportunities for improvement exist? Do the Mission and Values resonate in the undergraduate experience, and to what degree? How does the Fraternity enrich the lives of young men?

Understanding answers to these questions and making meaningful decisions around support, program offerings, and priority setting will only make the Fraternity better. The purpose of the MIS is to help the Fraternity answer these core questions so we can make informed, impactful decisions for the future of the organization and for current and future members.

The Fraternity will be able to use the data to design programs and chapter support models to bolster or address areas of operations. We will also be able to produce chapter reports to be shared with chapter officers and volunteers. We believe being transparent about chapter and national data will help local chapter leaders make decisions about chapter culture and will assist all members in understanding the direction and strategic choices made by the Fraternity.



Order of the C—

Purdue University – 9 Butler University – 8 Iowa State University – 8 American University – 7 Tulane University – 7 University of Cincinnati – 6 Oklahoma State University – 6

Bethany Society

University of Texas/Austin – 33 Ohio State University – 26 Oklahoma State University – 20 University of Missouri – 16 University of Cincinnati – 15

Heritage Society Cornell University – 4 Indiana University – 4 Ohio University – 4

Delta Alpha Kappa Society

Southeastern Louisiana University – 7

University of Southern Mississippi – 7 American University – 5 Missouri University of Science & Technology – 5 Ohio State University – 5 University of Kentucky – 5



DELTA TAU DELTA 2022 // 23


Character is an important trait, and Delta Tau Delta has demonstrated a strong commitment to developing that in these young men. He is surrounded by a good group; they really lean on each other.

Sending your child off to college for the first time is an emotional and stressful endeavor for any parent, let alone when the COVID-19 pandemic gets thrown into the mix. During Stefano F. DeRossi’s (Emory University, 2024) first year on campus, his mother Maria DeRossi recalls him experiencing a sense of isolation. A feeling he shared with so many other first-year students. Now a junior, DeRossi proudly serves the Beta Epsilon Chapter as the social chairman, a feat made possible thanks to the comfort, camaraderie, and inspiration he’s experienced as a Delt.

DeRossi’s path to brotherhood was similar to many other Delts across the country. Upon meeting a few undergraduate brothers, DeRossi realized his desires and values aligned with those of Delta Tau Delta and the Beta Epsilon members. From the start, he knew it was the right fit for him. “It was the perfect balance between dedication to school, social activities and the Fraternity,” Maria noted.

After treating her son and a few of his chapter brothers to dinner on a visit to campus, Maria was confident that her son was where he needed to be. To her, being a part of the Fraternity has had a far greater impact on her son than spending time with other young men would ordinarily accomplish.

Maria is also proud of the work Delt is doing to help young men forge their own future. “I am delighted they are learning essential life-skills in a nurturing environment.” In 2022, the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and Educational Foundation launched the Forging the Future Campaign to ensure young men like Stefano DeRossi have the resources necessary to learn and grow.

Maria chose to contribute to the Foundation in recognition of what it has given her son— a home away from home. “I wanted to give because I’m proud of the good culture he’s a part of and the sense of ownership he’s adopted.” Maria also credits her desire to give due to the comfort she has knowing her son is in an environment that showcases a sound support system he can thrive in. “I wanted him to develop as a holistic young adult and to be surrounded by a group of male role models, and I know that he’s found that with Delt.”

Maria’s gift, along with nearly 350 others from parents, counts towards the Forging the Future Campaign goal of raising $25 million. In 2022, parents contributed more than $20,000 to the DeltFund and were the single largest donor group during our most recent day of giving. Follow Maria DeRossi’s lead and make a gift today.

Day of Giving.
of Giving
we continue to
Tau Delta. Join us on April 12 by making a gift to the Delt Foundation and encouraging those around you to do the same. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE 2023 DELT DAY OF GIVING, CONTACT FOUNDATION@DELTS.ORG. April 12, 2023 Save the date
Last year,
donors reached new Day
a record-breaking $458,285
from 408
While that amount is surely something to be proud of, we’ve got
sights set even higher as
future of Delta


The purpose of life is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.


Orland K. Johnson

A lifelong supporter of Delta Tau Delta and the Educational Foundation, Brother Orland K. “O.K.” Johnson (Lawrence University, 1952) entered the Chapter Eternal earlier this summer. Fondly remembered for generously giving his time, talents, and treasure, O.K. was an emeritus member of the Wisconsin State Bar, in the banking industry for more than 40 years, and served the Delt Foundation in numerous ways, including as director on the Board and a member of the Executive Committee.

Recognized as an Al Sheriff Associate, O.K.’s devotion to the Educational Foundation began four years before its founding. Making his first gift to Delta Tau Delta in 1977, O.K. was a decorated donor and belonged to the Order of the C—, Bethany Society, and the Heritage Society.

Brother Johnson offered service to the Beta Gamma House Corporation to assure the chapter’s reestablishment at the University of Wisconsin and its continuation as a positive influence for young Delts seeking brotherhood, manhood, scholastic excellence, and leadership development. On Delta Nu’s 80th anniversary, O.K. was recognized by his alumni chapter for providing aid with skillful and passionate legal service when the chapter space was wrongfully challenged by the university.

Thanks to his many significant and continuous gifts of talent and treasure, O.K. was honored with the Foundation’s highest award, the Crystal Vision Award, for his service and generosity. Outside of the fraternal world, O.K. lent a helping hand to the Mequon Police Department K-9 Foundation, the Yell and Tell Foundation, and the District Attorney’s offices in Milwaukee and Ozaukee Counties. He also founded the Wisconsin Bankers Association Lawyers Drafting Team in 1964 that created numerous forms and instructions for use throughout Wisconsin.

O.K. believed that one’s “immortality” is best established by what he or she can accomplish for others in life, along with the importance of being true to oneself. He was extraordinarily generous and displayed optimism and kindness in all that he did.


DELTA TAU DELTA 2022 // 27
JULY 31, 2022 AND 2021 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Prepaid expenses and other assets Contributions receivable, net Loans receivable, net Cash surrender value of life insurance policies Investments Reinsured annuity contracts Property and equipment Total assets Liabilities Accounts payable Due to Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Other accrued expenses Reinsured annuity liability Annuity liability Total liabilities Net Assets Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 2022 $
3,543,768 145,561 1,771,606 527,596 213,090 18,758,347 342,336 1,861,294
45,926 135,950 23,322 342,336 98,084 645,618 3,226,085 23,291,895 26,517,980
27,163,598 2021 $ 2,921,767 110,762 696,729 560,541 219,579 19,769,559 361,782 1,933,428 $ 26,574,147 $ 9,570 129,063 27,991 361,782 113,562 641,968 3,286,400 22,645,779 25,932,179
26,574,147 STATEMENT



A new era began in fiscal year 2022 following the retirement of long-time Foundation volunteer and de-facto chief investment officer Richard T. Tyner, Jr. (University of Maryland–College Park, 1966). Tyner tirelessly provided research, benchmarks, managed allocations and used his industry expertise to ensure sustained growth of the Foundation’s investment portfolio. A special thanks to Brother Tyner for his service to Delta Tau Delta.

Today, investment direction of the Foundation’s assets is provided by UBS Financial Services, Inc. with oversight by the Foundation’s finance committee and approval by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. UBS utilizes a dynamic asset allocation strategy to manage the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation portfolio. This strategy systematically and dynamically manages equity risk within the portfolio by effectively combining UBS wealth management’s fundamental and quantitative research team’s guidance. Rather than simply setting a target allocation and rebalancing back to those allocations independent of market shifts, the UBS approach will dynamically shift the overall allocation between growth and safe assets to better reflect market opportunities and risks. The shifts are done within the asset allocation guidelines outlined within the Foundation’s investment policy statement. This dynamic approach not only produces superior performance over full market cycles, but also better reflects a non-profit’s “in perpetuity” time horizon. The table below details the Foundation’s current allocations.


The Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation has additional holdings in Alternative Investments not managed by UBS. Totaling $2.3 million as of March 31, 2022.


Through reasonable care, skill, and due diligence, the investment strategy of the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation is focused on optimizing long term performance while achieving a moderate risk level. The long-term goal is to generate a 4% real return in excess of the Consumer Price Index.

The Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation’s Investment Policy looks to the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act for guidance. It also looks for guidance from the Investment Management Code of Conduct for Endowments, Foundations and Charitable Organizations.

ASSET ALLOCATION ACTUAL AS OF 8/31/2022 TARGET RANGES Equities 69% 45-90% Fixed Income 25% 15-50% Commodities 3% 2-7% Cash Equivalents 2% 0-10% DELTA TAU DELTA 2022 // 29


Looking forward

It is my pleasure to end the 2022 Year in Review not looking back but looking forward. The close of the fiscal year also marked the conclusion of my second term as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation. As I hand the Chairman’s baton to Michael D. Shonrock (Western Illinois University, 1979) I know a few things to be true. I am confident in the path we are on, and our future is bright with opportunity. I also know by working together to secure the future of Delta Tau Delta we can’t fail.

The Forging the Future Campaign is quickly advancing as we enter the public phase of our efforts. I look forward to the increased assistance the Foundation will offer for member programming and support; I am excited about adding to our scholarship and fellowship offerings; and I am proud of our efforts to enhance the Fraternity’s capacity to innovate and adapt. We are indeed Forging the Future for every Delt, every chapter, and the Fraternity as a collective. I hope you are as proud of our work, as I am.

As I have done for the past few years, I will conclude this letter with a few questions and a call to action. What do you want the future of Delta Tau Delta to reflect? How has Delta Tau Delta empowered you to craft a future of your own making? What skills would you be lacking if it weren’t for the experiences in this brotherhood? How might you participate in Forging the Future?

I trust that the answers to these questions will lead you to positive reflections and a commitment to redoubling your support of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and Educational Foundation. I wish you the very best in the year to come.

Fraternally, Daniel A. Dungan Texas Tech University, 1979 Chairman of the Board Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation Click here to watch a short message from newly elected chairman Dr. Michael D. Shonrock


Daniel A. Dungan | Texas Tech University, 1979


M. Buck Byrne | Ohio State University, 1966

J. Coley Clark | University of Texas - Austin, 1968

Tim P. Cullen | Tulane University, 2009

Paul J. DeMand | Kettering University, 1988

Greg D. Ethridge | University of Texas - Austin, 2000

John W. Gleeson | University of Illinois, 1968

Kent R. Hance | Texas Tech University, 1965

Jeffry L. Henning | Iowa State University, 1971

Stephen K. Hockett | University of South Dakota, 1983

Gregory N. Kazarian | University of Illinois, 1984

William V. “Bill” McMeans | University of Texas – Austin, 1980

P. Chris Mickel | Ball State University, 1995

Rosario A. Palmieri | American University, 1999

Bruce L Peterson | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 1975

Alexander R. Schriver | Auburn University, 2010

Michael D. Shonrock | Western Illinois University, 1979

Keith J. Steiner | Allegheny College, 1973

Daniel C. Stith | Oklahoma State University, 1978

Ashley J. Wollam | Marietta College, 2008


Murray M. Blackwelder | Baker University, 1969

John A. Brock | University of Oklahoma, 1953

Dennis A. Brawford | University of Washington, 1961

Thomas F. Calhoon, II | Ohio State University, 1970

Robert F. Charles, Jr. | Wabash College, 1959

Daniel L. Earley | University of Cincinnati, 1965

W. James Host | University of Kentucky, 1959

David B. Hughes | Ohio Wesleyan University, 1961

*O. K. Johnson, Jr. | Lawrence University, 1952

David L. Nagel | Iowa State University, 1963

Norval B. Stephens, Jr. | DePauw University, 1951


Steve K. Vedra | President

Maurie J. Phelan | Vice President of Finance & Administration

Tony E. Vukusich | Vice President & Chief Experience Officer

Cherie P. Baer | Gift & Scholarship Administrator

Michelle R. Ehrlich | Accountant

Emily A. Golding | Executive Assistant

Abby M. Paragon | Coordinator of Communications

Nick T. Pidgeon | Director of Technology

*Entered Chapter Eternal during fiscal year

DELTA TAU DELTA 2022 // 31
10000 ALLISONVILLE ROAD // FISHERS, IN 46038 317-284-0210 // WWW.DELTS.ORG

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