List of illustrations
Figure 1: Demetra Voskou, Rehabilitation Centre, 2015. Spatial interplay. Drawing Demetra Voskou Figure 2: Christine L MacKenzie, Thea Iberall, Hand's strategy to grasp an object, 1994. The Grasping Hand (Amsterdam: North-Holland),p.340 , Scaned Image. Demetra Voskou Figure 3: Christine L MacKenzie, Thea Iberall, Central Nervous System, 1994. The Grasping Hand (Amsterdam: North-Holland),p. 73, Scaned Image. Demetra Voskou Figure 4: Allan Pease, Types of Handshake, 1984. Body language: how to read others' thoughts by their gestures, 2nd edn (London: Sheldon), [Accessed 30/3/2015], Figure 5: Barbara Hepworth, Study of Surgeon's Hands, 1971. The Fitzwilliam Museum. Drawing, [Accessed 2/4/2015] on_=xslt&_limit_=50 Figure 6: Shelley D. Spray, Surgeon retracting during surgery in the operating room, 2002, Paris, Accessed 9/2/2015, Figure 7: Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Holy Island Castle, Northumberland. 1901. Glasgow University: Mackintosh Collection. In Brian Edwards, Understanding Architecture Through Drawing, 1st edn (London: E & FN Spon, 1994), p. 5