7th – 17th of May 2015
Bucharest, Romania
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Page 1. Our organisation
2. About the project
3. Participants
4. Non-formal
developed within the project
methods 15
5. Enjoy our experience
6. References
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
C.R.E.D.E. - Centrul de Resurse pentru Educatie, Dezvoltare și Excelenta (Centre of Resources for Education, Development and Excellence) C.R.E.D.E. Association (Centre of Resources for Education, Development and Excellence) was founded from passion for personal and professional development, following a Youth in Action project implemented by an informal group of youth from Alba County, Romania. We intend to conceive, organize, promote and conduct activities and projects -in Romania and abroad-, by pursuing both personal and professional development among youth through educational activities, trainings and projects that can contribute to each participant’s personal goals achievement. If you are searching for a committed and enthusiast partner, we are the ideal choice. We truly acknowledge the importance of non-formal education and we enjoy 3
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
spending time among people who developed the same interests as the organization’s members. Also, we strongly believe in the unlimited potential of every person with whom we interact. We respect and we strive to cultivate: dignity, honor, altruism, diligence, responsibility, competence, transparency, common sense, loyalty, solidarity, equality, respect for all people - without discrimination. Through the resources we provide within the activities and projects we develop, we intend to promote intellectual training, moral formation and active involvement in community’s life.
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
ABOUT THE PROJECT Title: Learning by teaching Non Formal Education
Program/Country: Eramus+, Romania General presentation of the project: Date of the activities: 7 May - 17 May Location: Bucharest, Romania No of participants/country: 4 Age of the participants: older than 18 Partner Countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Italy, Romania, Spain Target group: youth workers actively involved in a Non-Governmental Organization or informal group, with interest in the subject of Non-formal education, who are able to disseminate the results of the project. 5
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Is was preferable for the Participants to be: Youth workers interested in communication, motivating volunteers, that are coordinating volunteers or working with volunteers; Very motivated in putting in practice the competences that they will learn There was no age limit. Travel reimbursement: Transport was covered up to these amounts: Bulgaria: 180 Euro/participant* Croatia: 275 Euro/participant* Lithuania: 275 Euro/participant* Italy: 275 Euro/participant* Spain: 275 Euro/participant* Food and accommodation were 100% covered by the Erasmus+ program, between the dates when the project took place. Summary 6
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
The project “Learning by teaching Non Formal Education” had as a starting point the identified need of having better prepared youth workers, when it comes to non-formal education, its application and its importance in youth‟ development.
The purpose of the project was to educate youth workers in understanding the characteristics, methods, techniques and upsides of ENF in developing the youths and motivating them. The project was be implemented by C.R.E.D.E. organization from Alba Iulia, Romania, together with 5 other partner organizations: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Orenda Foundation (Bulgaria) L'isola che non c'e (Italy) Traveling Dragon (Croația) Agluondnq jaunimo studija AJS (Lithuania) OportunidadEuropa(Spain) 7
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
To reach the purpose of the project -and in order to have an impact on the community-, the following objectives to the project have been achieved: 1. During the project, the 24 participants gathered new knowledge regarding the ENF characteristics, acquired knowledge regarding the similarities and differences existent between formal, non-formal and informal education, gained information regarding the styles of learning and understood why non-formal methods facilitate the learning curb. 2. During the project, the participants developed their abilities to work in teams to sustain a debriefing process, to use socio-educational animation as a component of non-formal educational methods and to develop new ENF methods - with the help of which they will actively contribute in youths‟ development. 3. During the project, the 24 participants developed a position of understanding the youth with fewer opportunities, emerged their 8
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
compassionate sense, increased their empathetic spirit and their desire to develop themselves in order to help others in their development process;
4. During the activities of the project, the participants worked in teams and interacted with disadvantaged children from Institutionalized System (Foster Homes and others). They contributed at this children and teenagers‟ personal growth by implementing ENF methods and they developed the present brochure, which contain the non-formal created methods and also details regarding the entire experience.
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
The 24 participants within the project needed to be active members of the partner organizations, respectively youth workers, trainers that hold sessions for youths‟ development, social workers and so on. The activities that were developed had involved direct interaction with teenagers and children from 2 Foster Homes from Bucharest – Sf. Stelian and Sf. Macrina Social Center. This helped the little ones to get new motivation and contributed to their personal development, while the participants understood that they CAN make a change in their community. The youth workers worked 3 days with the youths. We intended to produce an impact at the community level in order to help people understand that disadvantaged people need their help. Another result of the project is the present brochure, which contains at least 20 non-formal methods used/developed by the participants and also their impressions regarding what they have experienced within the project. The present brochure is free of charge, available online and distributed in schools, high schools, NGOs and Foster Houses in all 6 participant countries. Also, it is downloadable from the project‟s Facebook Page. 10
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
At the present time, the participants continue having direct contact with their mentor during the mentoring period. The impact created by the implementation of the activities will be both felt at individual level perceived by the direct beneficiaries (participants will acquire and develop their knowledge NFE methods for further transmitting them. They will always be encouraged to influence other young people to follow their dreams, will develop their communication skills and inter-relationships, their ability to speak in a foreign language (English), empathetic and inclusive spirit, public speaking skills and attention to details) and by the indirect beneficiaries (pupils and teenagers with whom the participants will work. Indirect beneficiaries will increase and improve communication skills in a foreign language (English), will interact with persons that have different cultural background etc. At partnership level, each of us will develop both in terms of personal and professional aspects, will develop its abilities of project management and planning, strategic thinking and communication skills in a foreign language - English-. Furthermore, we will strengthen the relationships that have already been formed, we will have the opportunity 11
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
to identify other possible ideas for future projects, ensuring collaboration on the long term.
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
First Name
Last Name Gender Country
Female Bulgaria
Female Bulgaria
Female Croatia
Female Croatia
Female Croatia
Female Italy
Female Italy
Aventaggiato Male
Lenciauskaite Female Lithuania
Female Lithuania
Italy Italy
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
First Name
Last Name Gender Country
Alexandru Arhire
Female Romania
Female Romania
Female Romania
Female Romania
Female Romania
Alexandra Cristian
Female Romania
Female Spain
Alejandro Maestre
Female Spain
Fernández Guarido Rincón Vigo Pintos
Female Lithuania Romania
Female Spain Spain
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
No. 1
Method ABCs of Me You have been hired by the Creative Classroom Company to illustrate a poster to help children learn their ABCs. By happy coincidence, you and your first name are the subject of the poster! 1. First, take a piece of flipchart paper and write your name vertically down the left side. 2. Next, choose a word that starts with each letter of your name. The word should describe something about you. Write those words horizontally across the paper, using the letters of your 15
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
name as the first letter of each descriptive word. 3. After you have listed your words, draw an accompanying picture to illustrate each. 4. When you are finished, tape your poster to the wall. Materials Needed: Paper, Markers, Tape Time: Allow five to ten minutes for setup and drawing. When all posters are complete, have people introduce themselves using their name drawing. Depending on the size of the group, you may want to debrief in smaller groups. If possible, leave the drawings posted throughout your training session. Variations: Narrow the focus of the words. For instance, all words must be adjectives, nouns, or verbs related to work, related to foods you like, etc.
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Trait Trader You have just taken a job as a trait trader in the fictitious exchange, the Personality Market. You are a new executive, and it is very important to you that you do well in your new job. To do so, you must trade wisely and end the game with a trait that applies to you. 1. In a moment, you will be given a piece of paper (trade slip) with a personality
written on it (e.g. tall, creative, adventurous, quiet, etc.) Write your name on the slip. 2. You must trade your slip with someone else. If your new trait also applies to you, write your name on that slip. If not, move to step three. 3. Trade again. Your goal is to end 17
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
up with a trait that applies to you and to have written your name on more slips than anyone else. 4. When the facilitator calls out “exchange closed,” the game is over. 5. You may stop trading before the exchange closes. Remember, your goal is to end up with a trait that applies to you and to have written your name on more slips than anyone else. Materials Needed: Paper, Pencils Time: Allow 12 - 15 minutes for the game and then call “exchange closed.” Next, ask everyone to turn their trait slip to the side that holds the names of the traders. Ask your first trader to say his or her name and to read his or her trait, stating whether or not it is true about them. Then, ask the others in the group to raise 18
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
their hands if the trader‟s name appears on their trade slips. Count the hands. Move to the next trader and repeat. When done, award the prize to the trader with the most slips signed who has a trait that describes him or her on the final slip.
Race for the Truth You and the other “runners” in the room are about to embark on a race for the truth. Your goal is to cross the finish line as quickly as possible by truthfully answering questions about yourself as you follow the facilitator‟s directions. 1. Line up on the starting line as directed by the facilitator. 2. In a moment you will hear a statement. If it is true about you, 19
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
move forward one step. If it is false, remain at the finish line. 3. Once all first moves have been made, the facilitator will make another statement. Again, if it is true, move forward one step. If it is false, remain on the starting line if you have not yet advanced. If you
starting line, take one step back. 4. Repeat step three until the first “runner” completes the race. Materials Needed: 2 Long Pieces of String for the Start and Finish Lines & List of Statements Related to The Group (e.g. “I have worked here more that one year.” or “I understand xyz aspect of my job”). Time: Allow five to ten minutes for this activity.
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Totem Truths In the past, a totem pole was carved for several reasons; for example, to honor a deceased elder who was important to the carver, to show the number of rights and names a person had acquired over his or her
encounter with the supernatural. Today, totems are carved not only for those reasons but also to tell the story about the person commissioning the pole. You and your team are about to design a totem pole to discover your group‟s strengths and weaknesses. 1. In a moment, the facilitator will divide you into teams. Each of you will
cardboard and a list of totems. You are to design a totem figure that
best 21
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
strengths in the group. You may use one of the totem symbols given or make up your own. 2. Once you have completed your drawing, you and your team will tape them one on top of the other on a portion of the wall. Be prepared to explain your strength to the group. Materials Needed: Cardboard Piece for Each
Animal Totems Time: Allow 20 minutes for the entire process.
The Artist Game Give everyone a piece of paper and a pencil. In 5 minutes they must draw a 22
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
picture that conveys who they are with out writing any words or numbers. At the end of 5 minutes the host collects the pictures. Show the pictures to the group one at a time and have them try to guess who drew it. After this allow each of the artists to introduce themselves and explain how their work clearly conveys who they are. Materials: paper, pencils, markers Time: 5-10 minutes
People Knots Game Everyone sits on the floor in a circle with legs extended toward the middle. Each person grabs two others' hands and holds them. The hands cannot be those of either person sitting on your sides and also cannot be the two hands of the same 23
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
person. Now, everyone stands up and untangles each other into a single circle, without letting go of the hands you have. Time: 5 minutes
If you love me baby smile Everyone sits in a circle, and one person goes up to somebody in the group and tries to make them smile by saying, "if you love me baby, smile" and they are not allowed touching the person at all. They may make funny faces.
If the
person does not smile or laugh, they will reply, "I love you baby, but I just can't smile". And if the person succeeds, the person they made smile moves on, and if they lose, they have to go to another person. Time: 15 minutes 24
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Shoulda Said There is a circle of people with two or three people in the middle. They are acting out a scene that the other members have chosen for them. And then at any point in their scene, the other members that are watching may call out "shoulda said" and the actor that it was called on has to say either the opposite of what he/she meant, or what they were really thinking. Ex: I say "I love that dress you're wearing!" and somebody calls should said on me, I could say "that dress would look much better on my pet rat". And of course the other actors in the scene will have not heard your extra comment. This is a really fun game! Time: 15 – 30 minutes 25
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Artifact Game Each person is told ahead of time to bring ten objects with some meaning to them to whatever event you are doing this at. When they arrive, give them a bag with a number on it and get them to carefully place their objects into it. Then make sure each person gets someone elses bag. They have ten minutes to write down ideas about what the person who owns the objects is like, and to try to guess who they are. It is best if you don't do the guessing until after everyone has had their say. This would also work as an end of camp game, to see what people have learned about each other. Time: 15-20 minutes
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Sunshine Cards Game Everyone writes their name in the center of a piece of paper and draws a sun around their name. Pass your paper around to the person on your right. That person will write something positive about you and they do not have to sign their name. Continue to pass your name around
something on all the papers. Materials: paper, pencils, markers Time: 5-10 minutes
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Mena Mega Take the letters in your name (first, last, whatever works) and scramble them to form a new word. Then make up a definition of your new word which describes you. For example, the name "Denise" can become "siende". "Siende" in
because Denise felt she had a knack for understanding what others are trying to say, and rephrasing their words so everyone else can understand, too. The group can then share what their new names mean. Time: 15 minutes
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Jungle’ King The group sits in a semi-circle. The „King of the Jungle‟ (usually an elephant) sits on one end of the semi-circle. This person makes a sign to show they are sitting in the elephant‟s position. At the other end of the semi-circle sits the monkey, and the person in this seat makes an appropriate sign. All the seats in between belong to different animals, such as lions, fish, and snakes,
different signs. Once everyone has defined the sign for their seat, the game begins. The elephant makes their sign, and then makes the sign of another animal. That animal makes his or her own sign, then the sign of another animal, and so it continues. If 29
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
someone makes a mistake, or doesn‟t notice that their sign has been made, they have to swap places with the person next to them, moving down towards the monkey. They then take on the sign of the seat they now occupy, and the person who moves up a place takes their sign. The aim is to move all the way up to take the place of the King of the Jungle. Time: 15- 30 minutes
Group balance Ask participants to get into pairs. Ask pairs to hold hands and sit down then stand up, without letting go of one another‟s hands. Repeat the same exercise in groups of four people. Then form into groups of 30
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
eight people holding hands in a circle. Ask members in each group to number off in even and odd numbers. At a signal, ask the even numbers to fall backwards while the odd numbers fall forwards, achieving a group balance. Time:15 – 20 minutes
Protect the president For this game all you need is a volleyballsized Nerf ball. All the kids stand in a wide circle with two people in the middle. One person in the middle is the President. The other is the Bodyguard. The people in the circle have the Nerf ball, and throw it at the president. The bodyguard may do anything to block the
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
ball with his body jump, squat, dive, etc. The ball may never touch the president. If the ball touches the President at any time, the person who threw the ball (or the last person to touch it) then becomes the Bodyguard, the Bodyguard becomes the President, and the President goes back into the circle. What makes this really exciting is that from the moment the President is hit, the new President is vulnerable
instantaneous. The new bodyguard must be fast at getting into the circle to defend him or her. This sometimes makes Presidential Turnover pretty quick, but it's exciting. This game is exhausting, especially if the people in the middle are good. Be ready to sweat if you play. One strategy for the "shooters" is to pass the ball around the circle and keep it moving 32
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
to wear the people in the middle down. They'll eventually tire and the president will get hit. As the kids get more experience at the game, they will develop strategies
thoroughly enjoy themselves.
Facebook Page Make a sample of the FB page with the info you want the group to give you. Give out materials and get the group to draw their page. Offer support to anyone struggling. Get the group to talk about their page. Keep pages in scrapbook. Add to pages through projects if necessary. Identifies strengths in the group, skills, interests, info use the info given to judge where support may be given. 33
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Helps to identify strengths, skills etc. May highlight gaps in skills process and knowledge). Gets all members involved. Can indicate individuals who may need support or encouragement. Materials: Paper, Pencils, Markers Time: 15 minutes
I’m going on a trip Everyone sits in a circle. Start by saying “I‟m going on a trip and I‟m taking a hug”, and hug the person to your right. That person then has to say “I‟m going on a trip and I‟m taking a hug and a pat on the back”, and then give the person on their right a hug and a pat on the back. Each person repeats what has been said 34
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
and adds a new action to the list. Go round the circle until everyone has had a turn.
Quirks Everyone is asked to tell the group three of their personal quirks, either past or present. Two must be true and one is false. The rest of the group must decide which quirk is false. This was a hoot! We played three rounds: personal quirks and idiosyncracies, pet peeves and dislikes, and the most bizarre situations you've ever been in. For example: I once pulled all the muscles in my knee because
swimming flippers. I once knitted a scarf on a pair of "legs" 35
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
from a flamingo lawn ornament. Which of these do you think is false?
Dr. Mix-Up All stand in a circle, holding hands. Select one or two persons to be "Dr. MixUp"... they leave the room for a moment. When they're gone, everyone else does their best to get tangled up, by climbing over arms, under legs etc., without letting go of their neighbours„ hands. When the circle is suitably tangled, everyone yells "Dr. Mix-Up! Come and fix us!". The Dr. Mix-Ups then come in and try to untangle
individuals to go under arms, around bodies, etc.
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Statue stop Ask participants to form two circles of people of equal numbers. The people in the inner circle should face outwards. The people in the outer circle should face inwards. Each person in the outer circle uses the person opposite them in the inner circle to create a „statue‟. They have only ten seconds to do this. The person in the inner circle allows the „sculptor‟ to bend and twist their body into any shape that they wish, provided they do not hurt them. The „statue‟ must remain in that position without speaking, until you call „time‟. The outer circle then moves round one person to the left and they begin sculpting again. The people in the inner circle are bent and twisted into new positions through this process. 37
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Continue in this way and then ask people in the inner circle to change with people in the outer circle so that everyone has a chance to be „sculptor‟ and „statue‟.
20 Taxi driver Ask participants to pretend that they are getting into taxis. The taxis can only hold a certain number of people, such as two, four, or eight. When the taxis stop, the participants have to run to get into the right sized groups. This is a useful game for randomly dividing participants into groups.
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
REFERENCES 1. http://rymonline.org/assets/1827/games.pdf 2. http://www.gameskidsplay.net/games/ 3. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/peacecorps /nonformal_ed_manual1.pdf 4. http://www.snj.public.lu/sites/default/files/public ations/Depliant_Oktober2013_GB.pdf 5. http://ohioline.osu.edu/4h-fact/0018.html 6. http://www.amicusyouth.ro/pages/methods-ofnon-formal-education-data-base-to-7/_._.html 7. https://www.coe.int/t/dg4/youth/Source/Resource s/Publications/2009_Manual_for_facilitators_en. pdf 8. http://collections.infocollections.org/ukedu/en/d/J t0064e/10.html 9. http://www.slideshare.net/vickthorr/nonformaleducation-part-ii 10. https://neformaliai.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/ handbook-for-people-working-with-youthgroups-en-web-version.pdf 11. http://cdmid.gmu.edu/assets/docs/cdmid/Clark12.pdf
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com
12. http://www.nonformalii.ro/uploads/resurse/fisiere /Games.pdf 13. http://www.irmainternational.org/viewtitle/75815/
Asociația C.R.E.D.E. Centrul de Resurse pentru Educație, Dezvoltare și Excelență Alba Iulia, Alba, Romania Learning by teaching non-formal education, Erasmus+ Project E-mail: ongcrede@gmail.com