Hapro Seecret folder

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4 | 5

Basic scientific principles

6 | 7

How collagen and vitamin D affect our skin

8 | 9

Unique selling points

10 | 11

Seecret® C750 · Seecret® C300

12 | 13 Seecret® C700 · Seecret® C500 14 | 15 Technical information

Age is no longer a secret New light is being shed on anti-aging. Keeping little secrets is part of our nature, as is developing unique concepts based on good ideas. The Seecret® anti-aging product is breaking new ground in the area of light treatment. Seecret® gives this huge worldwide market a whole new dimension. Seecret® gives the certainty of a natural anti-aging product to which customers can entrust their body and health. For this reason, Seecret® is much more than an anti-aging product. It is a holistic lifestyle for a demanding market. We want to be able to Dick van de Linde Managing Director Hapro International bv

enjoy our best years with a youthful freshness, to be authentic and to look good and healthy. This is both an opportunity and a responsibility. We have optimised collagen treatment and developed the Seecret® anti-aging product thanks to our many years of experience in light treatments. This gentle, natural Seecret® anti-aging product gives you an overall feeling of well-being, while the visible result is young-looking skin that goes on looking young. The best anti-aging elements and the unique details are what distinguish the product from conventional systems and what make the Seecret® result so perfect: Individual treatment of different skin types for men and women, and at truly innovative vitamin D system. An exclusive design directly shapes the Seecret® experience: An appealing healthy appearance with a unisex look and Hapro comfort for the body. It can also be the secret of your success. Recapture lost youth and rejuvenate anti-aging market sector with Seecret®. Discover Seecret® now!

IT GETS UNDER YOUR SKIN... Natural youthfulness through light As scientific research and medical practice proved long ago, light stimulates healing, reduces pain and has a vitalising effect at different wave lengths. Red collagen light with a wave length of 620 Nm penetrates to a depth up to 10 mm under the skin surface and influences cell activity. Special cells in turn have a direct effect on the skin complexion. Prof. Stan Pavel provides a simple answer to the complex reasons behind this:

The connective tissue of our skin is partly made up of the protein fibres collagen and elastin. One supports our skin, while the other gives it its elasticity. Special cells (called fibroblasts) constantly produce these proteins and thus keep our skin firm, elastic and fresh looking. We are able to regulate this constant reproduction process ourselves up until our mid-twenties. Cell activity decreases as we get older and the skin thus looses its elasticity.

All over the world, scientific studies confirm the increase in the collagen and elastin proteins due to the light treatment and thus the skin-rejuvenating effect of the red light. After using the Seecret® Prof. Stan Pavel* Associate Professor for Dermato- logy, Head of the Phototherapeutic Department and leading researcher of the Dermatology Department of the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands

anti-aging product around 2 to 3 times a week for 4 weeks, the first results become clear. The Seecret® anti-aging product has a vitalising and stimulating effect. The skin rejuvenation process is one of the body’s own functions. Step by step, gently and safely, the skin regenerates by itself. This is a natural

The expert confirms the skin-rejuvenating effect of Seecret® collagen light treatment. In addition to this, he also stresses the important role played by a healthy supply of vitamin D through the combination with special Vita D+ tubes.

process that the skin can be entrusted to perform and leads to significant skin improvement. After 10 to 12 weeks of using Seecret®, the vitalisation effect is perfect. Small lines have almost disappeared and wrinkles are visibly reduced. After this, you only need to use the Seecret® anti-aging product every two weeks to keep on feeling good in your own skin with little effort.

* (Visiting) Professor of the Charles University, Czech Republic · Consultant in Dermatology, Medical Faculty, Charles University in Pilsen, Czech Republic · Former President of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research Former Vice-President of the International Society of Pigment Cell Societies · Former Visiting Professor in Kobe, Japan · Different international awards · Member of several international scientific societies. More than 200 scientific publications, including more than 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Won different prizes for example: Bill Reeds Prize of the American Academy of Dermatology

Normal skin aging

The reduction in the level of cell production by the body results in a decrease in collagen and elastin proteins. The deposits that support the skin are thus no longer being produced in sufficient amounts and the skin becomes loose and wrinkled.

The SeecretÂŽ effect Red collagen light

SeecretŽ activates the body’s own collagen production by means of light. Collagen and elastin in turn tone the skin and restore its elasticity. And all this is the result of the naturally vitalising effect of red collagen light.

Fibroblast Collagen Elastin

A PERFECT PAIR Seecret® vitalises your skin’s own collagen and elastin and enhances your general well-being with its unique vitamin D light. The result: You skin appears younger and smoother. The experience: You feel good in your own skin.

Seecret® anti-aging brings about a long-term improvement in your skin, and restores its youthful strength, in a natural and gentle manner. The Seecret® effect: The special light activates the skin functions and stimulates collagen and elastin production. The protein deposits are topped up and the fibre structure of the skin is renewed. An improved support function and elasticity helps your skin recapture its youthful tone. The skin gently recovers, while the skin condition improves and other important skin functions are reactivated with each Seecret® light bath. Seecret® perfectly combines this anti-aging process with the unique vitamin D light. The vitamin D system developed here, integrated by means of additional tubes, stimulates the body‘s own vitamin D supply with pure vitamin D. Overall health in general and the immune system in particular are enhanced; stable protection against infections and other external influences. The result is a positive sense of physical well-being, tangible vitality and an overall sense of feeling good.

Seecret® anti-aging activates the skin’s own collagen production. Small lines disappear; wrinkles on the overall body are reduced. The skin becomes soft and smooth again. It feels totally changed and gives a feeling of physical well-being. Special vitamin D light results in a tangible vitality and an overall feeling of well-being

Collagen/elastin proportion

Accent light is focused on the sensitive areas, such as the face, neckline, neck and hands.

Skin treated with Seecret®

Untreated skin

Time/skin age

Youthful, fresh skin and the satisfaction of knowing it stay that way: Seecret® anti-aging works in a gentle and long-lasting manner. The first results in terms of skin improvement can be seen after a few weeks of Seecret® anti-aging treatment.

UNIQUE AND REFRESHINGLY DIFFERENT Good, better, best anti-aging – Seecret® is setting the premium benchmark in this new market. Unique details, intelligent technology and a perfect design attract customers and meet all requirements. Seecret® anti-aging is a comfortable experience with the best results.

Collagen light The specially developed Seecret® collagen light activates the body’s own collagen production. The skin will once again produce more collagen and elastin, the two proteins required for a young looking, elastic skin complexion, with fewer wrinkles. Gentle and long-term light treatment with the Seecret® collagen light will not only rejuvenate your skin in a natural way, but also slow the skin aging process in a long-lasting manner.

I feel young, I act young! I would like to share my secret with you.

Accent light The additional accent collagen lights, which visibly amplify the anti-aging effect in the head area and on the hands, are unique. The sensitive face and neck areas are noticeably more toned, small lines disappear, deeper contours and wrinkles on the entire body are reduced in a targeted manner. The focus lights are intelligently controlled by means of the male/female selection button.

Welltherm preheating function Red collagen light is a temperature-neutral light, therefore relatively cold at the start of the session. However, customers are familiar with, and enjoy the comforting warmth of light treatments. As a solution the feature Welltherm provides a warm air flow at the start of the session. It ensures the pleasant feeling of comfort during the Seecret® anti-aging treatment.

Vitamin D light Seecret® has a positive effect on vitamin D production. The vitamin D system unique to Seecret®, the special additional Vita D + tubes in the devices, stimulates the body’s own production of pure vitamin D. The result is a positive sense of physical well-being, tangible vitality and an overall sense of feeling good.

Male/female selection button The anti-aging treatment is set for the different skin types of men and women with this unique selection button. This makes perfect sense as the skin types of men and women have differing requirements. For example, as a result of the individual light intensity, gender-specific body parts such as the neckline area for women or the beard area for men receive lasting treatment to suit the skin.

ACtivE Anti-Aging The appearance already stimulates the senses. The Seecret速 C750 is a refreshing, young design with appeal. As a vertical device, it is suitable for restricted space conditions; the light shower creates new spatial dimensions. Easy to access with its wide-opening swing doors, inside you will find a sense of well-being in the form of rejuvenating light. If you wish, there is also with an enjoyable fragrance and relaxing background music. You can listen to your own music via the MP3 connection. Vibra plate (vibration floor) and an integrated changing room as a standalone version optionally give the rejuvenating treatment a wholly intimate, personal character.


The Seecret® C300 is particularly suited for those new to the anti-aging market: All you need is the Seecret® C300 as the new wellness variant. No additional investment for high-voltage current or discharged air. The Seecret® C300 does not need it. Red collagen light from head to toe and focussed skin vitalisation in treatment-intensive body areas, such as the face, neck and hands with accent light. Seecret® comfort has precisely what is needed. The intelligent, quietrunning ventilation ensures a relaxed Seecret® experience. The quiet-running intelligent ventilation also ensures a relaxed Seecret® experience, such as the option to connect your own MP3 player via the integrated SoundBox for the perfect sound experience. Connoisseurs will recognise the potential that the Seecret® C300 holds for the anti-aging market.

You love it, you live it – the feeling of being young at heart. You feel it and you see it because you know our little secret: Your skin and Seecret® – no matter your age, you can recapture your youth again in a natural manner.

IN A CLASS OF ITS OWN Warm up and experience the Seecret® feeling. Thanks to the warming air flow (Welltherm), the Seecret® C500 makes you feel good straightaway. Voice-controlled menu navigation (SmartVoice) ensures the perfect rejuvenation programme: with the male/female selection button, the Seecret® anti-aging product is set individually for the skin types of men or women and specifically for different body parts (e.g. the neckline or beard area). A relaxed experience resulting in vitalised, young-looking skin and an improved sense of physical well-being. The additional vitamin D tubes activate the bio-positive body functions and increase vitality. The wellness programme starts with the quiet-running intelligent ventilation. From the ergonomically shaped bed surface (ConturPlus), through the personal sound experience via your own MP3 player and the integrated surround sound system (SoundAround) to the Xsense aroma system, the C500 delivers pure Seecret® comfort.

Discover the secret of beautiful, young-looking skin. Seecret® vitalises your skin’s own collagen and elastin. The result: a radiant, fresh skin complexion.

Having little secrets is in your nature: Seecret® vitalises your skin’s own collagen and elastin. The result: Your skin appears younger and smoother. The experience: You feel good in your own skin.

HIGH, HIGHER, HIGHLIGHT The Seecret® C700 experience allows you to recapture your youth.

It provides pure indulgence with all the enticing comforts of Seecret®

It contains all the advantages of vitalising light treatment and the

anti-aging: the cosy, ergonomically shaped ConturPlus bed surface,

effective Seecret anti-aging product. The Seecret C700 architec-

the warm climate of the Welltherm pre-warming system and the quiet,

ture visually underlines the promise of a refined wellness ambience.

relaxing sound of the intelligent ventilation. The perfect sound experi-

It breaks new ground in terms of the Seecret experience and

ence via an MP3 connection and the surround sound system, the

the Seecret result: immerse yourself in the Seecret culture. The

special fragrance provided by the Xsens aroma system and the

Seecret C700 is equipped with a maximum of tubes for the most

integrated voice-controlled menu navigation. That is all-inclusive

effective anti-aging and the most intensive vitamin D treatment. ­­

Seecret® comfort, anti-aging culture that customers want.







Seecret C750: Seecret XL tubes


Vita D+ tubes


Without Vita D+ tubes

On demand

Xsens, aroma experience


Loudspeaker and My MP3


Vibra plate


Changing room


Body ventilation


Internal timer


Connection for external timer


Hour counter



400 V/3N~PE/50 Hz


Approx. 6,5 kW


3 x 16 A

Weight (with vibra plate)

220 kg (260 kg)

2300 mm 2300 mm

2290 mm 2290 mm 1210 mm

1365 mm

1150 mm

510 mm

Seecret C300: Seecret XL tubes


Seecret accent light tubes


Intelligent ventilation*


SoundBox and My MP3


Body ventilation


Internal timer


Connection for external timer


Hour counter


Central air ducting (top)



400 V/3N~PE/50 Hz or 230 V/1N~PE/50 Hz


Approx. 2.8 kW


3 x 10 A or 1 x 16 A


245 kg

* The device is quiet in the start-up phase; the ventilation is intelligently controlled on a temperature-dependent basis by means of sensors. **To be specified upon order.

2005 mm 2005 mm 2315 mm 2315 mm

2300 mm

13251325 mmmm 1105 mm 1105 mm

1275 mm 1275 mm

1105 mm

1325 mm


Seecret XL tubes


Seecret XL tubes


Seecret accent light tubes


Seecret accent light tubes


Vita D+ tubes


Vita D+ tubes


Without Vita D+ tubes

On demand

Without Vita D+ tubes

On demand

Welltherm, heating comfort


Welltherm, heating comfort


Intelligent ventilation*


Intelligent ventilation*


Male/female function


Male/female function


Xsens, aroma experience


Xsens, aroma experience


ContourPlus (ergonomic bed)


ContourPlus (ergonomic bed)


SoundAround (surround sound experience)


SoundAround (surround sound experience)


My MP3 (own MP3 connection)


My MP3 (own MP3 connection)






Body ventilation


Body ventilation


Internal timer


Internal timer


Connection for external timer


Connection for external timer


Hour counter


Hour counter


Central air ducting


Central air ducting



400 V/3N~PE/50 Hz


400 V/3N~PE/50 Hz


Approx. 7,5 kW


Approx. 5,5 kW


3 x 16 A


3 x 16 A


295 kg


255 kg

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Seecret C500:

Seecret C700:

2300 mm

1281 mm

550 mm 2300 mm

1281 mm

1510 mm

1240 mm

1503 mm

550 mm

1240 mm

* The device is quiet in the start-up phase; the ventilation is intelligently controlled on a temperature-dependent basis by means of sensors.

© 2010 Hapro International - 22876, rev 02 Hapro International · P.O. Box 73 · 4420 AC Kapelle · The Netherlands · www.hapro.com · www.seecret.com

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