Rev. Dennis Ticen 2637 McCool Road, Portage, IN 46368 (219) 762-3846
The Witness Issue XI
November 2014
"Home" Home has been on my mind a lot these days. As you read this, I am nearing the end of the "Lands of the Bible" trip with several from our congregation and community, and we have had a wonderful time. We have walked where Jesus walked, sat where Paul taught, and stood in awe as we considered the Revelation of Jesus to John on the Island of Patmos. I love to travel, but near the end of every trip, my thoughts turn to home. It will be good to get back to Indiana, to sleep in my own bed, to be surrounded by my family and friends. It will be good to not have to do my laundry in the sink! It will be good to be in familiar surroundings. It will even be good to see Hershey again! As it has been said, "Home is where they love you anyway." Or, as singer Michael Card once put it, "Home is where someone is waiting and loving, and happy to see you again, that half of your heart that somebody else treasures, the one who's your forever friend." But as good as home here is, it's not my forever home. Even as I walk these ancient streets so far from Portage, as I consider the events that took place here and think about the men and women who went so far from their homes so that the Gospel could be proclaimed, I remember they did what they did because they believed in another home, an ultimate home. As the letter to the Hebrews says, "They were longing for a better country—a heavenly one" (Hebrews 11:16). Being on this trip, walking these ancient and modern streets has put within me a longing for home. I'll be glad to get back to Mercedes Avenue, and while I'm not in a hurry to move on to that "better home," I'm thankful that God loves me enough to prepare a place better than I can imagine. Jesus came, lived and died so that one day, we can finally be home. I'll see you soon at the "home" place! Pastor Dennis
Outreach Hi everyone, As the weather becomes colder and the winds begin to blow, it becomes easier and easier to just want to curl up and hibernate with some hot chocolate, a good book and a blanket to dream about warmer days of toes in the sand with a cool beverage of choice. All that to say this, It may be cold but our hearts are warm. Now is the time more than ever to be thinking about reaching our friends and neighbors for Christ. I love the old adage of "No one really cares how much you know, until they know how much you care." Point being, if we do not follow up and show the love that is sacrificially and unconditionally shown to us from Jesus to others, then I ask, who will? Now please don't get me wrong, am I the poster boy for evangelism and reaching out to others? Um ....No, definitely not. Does that keep me from trying? Um... No. Is it awkward at times yes, sometimes very much so, but it does get easier with a little practice. Try it. You may have a gift that you haven't tapped into yet. I challenge you, along with myself to take a step of faith and try to reach someone (or a lot of someone’s) as the holidays approach who may be just waiting for you to show God's love to them. God continues to give us opportunities to shine our lights and our love that has been freely given to us by God, to share with those we come in contact with, even if we don't always get it right and goof it up at sometimes. There will always be another opportunity! Isn't that cool that we serve a God of so many second chances? He sees, and I believe He is pleased when we try, even if we do not succeed. So I’ll keep trying. Will you? On another note, Prison ministry is coming along very well. We have tons of amazing stories to tell that so many are a good testimony of what God is doing behind the scenes. Just ask one of the team members when you see them they'll tell you! (Laura Heinrichs, Wendy Smith, Mike Mathew, or Myself) But please know we continue to need back up help when needed. When one of the team members gets sick, or feels burnt out, or has car issues, or job related absence from our ministry, it would be so nice if we had a hand full of people willing to step up and be ready when called to "fill in" as a substitute. In order for that to happen, appropriate paperwork and background checks have to be done. I can supply you with all necessary forms if you are interested. If you are unsure , but would like to see what goes on during a Wednesday evening service from 7pm to 9pm, in Westville Correctional facility let me know, and you can go as a visitor with no obligation what so ever to make your informed decision. I would just need to know approximately a week in advance to get all the paperwork possessed. Thank you and keep reaching for the lost and the hurting! “Happy Holy days!”
A Note from the Secretary The crisp air, the colorful foliage and the stores already selling Christmas decorations mark the end of another season and the beginning of a new. Oh how I love fall but I also dislike it as I am reminded that winter is just around the corner and I am still freezing from last year. This is my favorite time of the year to walk in the woods, it’s so peaceful and serine. The leaves are gently falling, the colors are vibrant and the air seems so clear. I can be alone with my thoughts, clear my head and make some plans while being surrounded by all things beautiful. This is the time when I like to think of the things I would like to put to rest much like the trees preparing for a long winter’s nap. This year has been somewhat turbulent and I am looking forward to putting it behind me. So much unrest, so much drama, so much pain and way too much worry, my heart has been heavy with it all and I am ready to lay it to rest. Originally I had intended to clear up some untruths that were spoken about me in my article this month. I have contemplated this for a couple of weeks now but as I begin to type the words my heart and my mind remain conflicted. My mind says yes tell the truth, while my heart says it will do no good. People will say and do whatever they feel will bring them closer to getting what they want and by trying to defend myself I would then create a new wound for many more people and sink to a level I would not be proud of. Enough with the drama, I don’t want to be the person to cause more strife. My hope is that when something outlandish is said about me that it is brought to me to clear up. I am a firm believer that when it sounds too good or bad to be true… ask. The world would be a better place if we all stopped the gossip and went to the source. Many pains would be avoided, friendships saved and we truly could say no evil crossed our lips. Rumors are like a tornado destroying whatever is in its path wrecking homes, families and even churches with no concern for the aftermath. Let’s not be tornadoes, but instead be a peaceful people eager to only build up one another. Let’s lay to rest the things that need to be left behind in order to move forward just as fall puts the earth to rest until eventually spring breathes new life. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29 In closing I would just like to add that I love Portage First, I love the people in it and I pray that we are heading in a direction of growth, love and fellowship, a direction where all people can encounter the love of Christ though us. Until next month…..Have a Happy Thanksgiving,
Susie Hidalgo Daylight Savings Time ends November 2! Don't forget to "fall back" and set your clocks back one hour on Saturday evening, November 1, so that you will at church at the right time!
Celebration On Sunday, October 5, we celebrated the baptism of Jackson Cade Poole, son of Cade and Jessica Poole (and little brother to Addison).
Loving God starts October 29 There's still time to sign up for the next course in the "Journey 101" experience, "Loving God." This six-week class will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. (child care is available) and will explore topics such as "What is God Like?", "How Do I Experience God's Love?" and "What Do the Church and the Sacraments Tell Me About God's Love?" Pastor Dennis will be leading this video and discussion group. Sign up today at the Connection Center!
The Road to Generosity: Dare to Dream It's that time of year again when we prayerfully consider our financial support of our church in the coming year. God calls us to such commitments, and even challenges us to "bring in the whole tithe" to see his faithfulness displayed. Generosity Sunday will be November 16, and more details about that will be coming soon, but we'll be preparing our hearts and minds throughout the month of November as we hear about God's dreams and visions for our church and for his kingdom...and listen for what our part in that is to be. November 2 - The Burning Bush November 9 - Lose Your Big Buts November 16 - What's In Your Hand?
Advent 2014: Under Wraps From the beginning, the Bible tells of a love story between God and his people. As the story works its way through the Old Testament into the New Testament, there are twists and turns but the ending is always clear—God's plan is to rescue his people. And so God sent Jesus. God actually gift-wrapped himself in human flesh and was born in a stable so he could come and live among us and offer us life and salvation that we could never gain on our own. This Advent, we're going to see how the character of God revealed in the Old Testament is fulfilled perfectly in Jesus. November 30 - God is Expectant December 7 - God is Dangerous December 14 - Cantata December 21 - God is Jealous December 23 & 24 (Christmas Candlelight) - God is Faithful Along with this sermon series, we'll also be having small group studies throughout our community. If you would be interested in leading a small group (study materials and leader's guide will be provided), contact Pastor Dennis.
Deck the Halls....and Sanctuary...and Fellowship Hall...and... Advent Season is upon us! Come on out and enjoy food, fellowship and fun. Help kick off the Advent Season at Portage First United Methodist Church. “Hanging of the Greens” will be Monday, November 24th starting at 6:00 pm at the church with dinner. After dinner, we will transform our church for the Christmas season. Don’t worry, no matter your age or physical ability; well find a part for you to do! So bring yourself and loved ones to church to catch the spirit of the Yuletide season. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”
First Friday Fellowship th
November 7 – First Friday Fellowship will meet at Tao Chen 532 Indian Boundary Rd. in Chesterton at 5pm... Please join us for great food, fun and laughter! Please RSVP to Sandra Robinson 764-8433.
Thanks so much for your donation of candy for our youth Halloween Party. You generosity made many children (and possibly a few dentists) very happy.
You are Invited to Lunch Sunday, November 16 1:30pm-2:30pm Hosted by: Mission Possible Kids
Nov. 2 Rachel Ticen and Pastor Deb Nov. 9 Brandi Costello and Patti Coates Nov. 16 Kortni Centracchio and Pam Parks Nov. 23 Bill Liesch and Shannon Liesch
Are Medicare options confusing? Wondering where you begin with enrolling for insurance under the affordable health care plan? Here’s an opportunity to ask questions and get the direction you need. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 There will be sessions which will allow you to have your questions answered. David Gonzalez, from American Insurance will be here to help. (He has promised me that he will not be selling any product just providing the information. For those available during the day he will be here at 1pm. The same information will be offered again in the evening at 7pm.
Destiny Rescue is a grassroots, internationally recognized, Christian based, non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing children from human trafficking and sexual exploitation. They help rescue the sexually exploited and enslaved, restore the abused, protect the vulnerable, empower the poor and are a voice for those that can’t speak up for themselves. . As long as children are being sold into the sex-trade, and poverty that drives at-risk children into prostitution exists, Destiny Rescue will be fully committed to fighting for their freedom, restoration and offering them a chance to dream again. The United Methodist Women are supporting this cause by sponsoring a Jewelry Party on Sat. Nov. 8 from 9am – noon and between services on Sunday, Nov. 9. The jewelry had been handcrafted by girls from around the
world who are in the Rescue and Prevention Program. During this time an informational DVD will make us aware of the wide-spread sexual exploitation of children which needs to stop! As long as children are being sold into the sex-trade and poverty that drives at-risk children into prostitution exists, a commitment to fighter for their freedom and restoring hope to their lives, we need to support organizations such as these. Plan to purchase a Christmas gift which will change a life.
Portage First will be partnering with the Portage Township Trustees and Jones Elementary school again this year as we help to provide Thanksgiving dinner for families in our community. How can you help? There are several possibilities: • Purchase a holiday box from Smart Choice Foods for $30 • These need to be ordered by November 11 by noon. • Donate a pie – can bring to church on Sunday, Nov. 23 • Help pick up food from Jones School Food Drive – 9:30am on Friday, Nov. 21 • Help sort the food on Friday, Nov. 21 at 10am • Provide boxes for the food to be placed in • Help with distribution of the boxes on Monday, Nov. 24 Thanks in advance for the help you give from the depths of your heart. Some dates to look forward to:
Dec. 7 at 1:00 Christmas Caroling
Dec. 14 Christmas Cantata
Dec. 20 and Dec. 22
Bell Ringing
A NOTE FROM PASTOR DEB Making a list and checking it twice…as I write this note that is exactly what I am doing because I am about to embark on an adventure that I can hardly believe is happening. In a week I will be in Rome (1 st time in Italy), where I will board a ship which will cruise (1st time on a cruise) the Mediterranean, including Greece, Turkey, the island of Patmos (where John is thought to have written the book of Revelation) and to Jerusalem. I have to pinch myself from time to time as I realize I will actually be walking where Jesus has walked. I have had several persons, including my brother; caution me about going to Jerusalem. I appreciate the concern but I sense no fear. This has made me think about how often fear keeps us from doing things. I’ll let you youngsters in on a secret, as I get older I find that I want to live life fully, grasping on to the opportunities that come my way. These opportunities are not necessarily the big things, like cruises, but are more often come in the form of being able to write a letter to a soldier, sponsor a person for Christmas, donate towards Thanksgiving baskets, smile and say hello to someone who looks sad, talk with someone who seems lonely. These can seem as dangerous as traveling in Israel, especially to those of us who are basically introverts. When I push myself to do these things, I know that I have grown closer to the love God wants us to have for one another.
Let’s give thanks for all the opportunities in our lives. Lord, you have given us so much. As we look back over the years it is easy to see how gracious you have been, your tender mercy has conveyed your constant love. We ask God, that you create within us true gratitude – that as we gather around the table this Thanksgiving, we will thing more about how thankful we are than about how much we can eat. May we, in gratitude, get on with the job of creating not only a nation but a world in which all have enough – enough to eat, enough to live in freedom, and enough freedom to worship openly. Help us to take a step toward this goal each and every day. Amen. (Paraphrased from “The Prayers of Peter Marshall”) In Christian love,
Pastor Deb Stop by the Connection Center and pick up an Upper Room daily devotional. It’s a great way to start your day. UMW NEWS Wednesday, Nov 5th 8:30 am Do you have old eyeglasses you no longer need? Bring them to the meeting! A representative from the South Haven Lions Club will be our program speaker. Join us for a morning of fellowship starting with breakfast snacks at 8:30 am. SOMETHING NEW! CHILDCARE IS AVAILABLE ALL women are welcome! Come join us! For questions contact Marcie Jordan or Patti Coates
MUSIC NOTES Just a reminder of practices for the Christmas Cantata “Beautiful Star”. Thursday evening practices will be at 8:15pm starting Oct. 30 and Sundays at 2:30pm on Nov. 2nd. The cantata will be presented Sunday, Dec. 14th.
October Ad Council Happenings: The Outreach Team reports that the Prison Ministry is going well with about 17 to 31 inmates attending
each Wednesday evening. Steve Massow is looking for volunteers to help with the program. A team of four is needed to keep things going each week. Why not offer to help Steve in this unique program? United Methodist Men raised over $820 in their piggy bank program. Proceeds are going to Feed My Lambs and African University. United Methodist Women had a very successful Rummage Sale. It was supported with lots of help during the two day sale as well as set up and take down. They also raised over $9,000 for their various programs. Keep May 7th & 8th 2015 open as the dates of the next Rummage Sale. The Trustees Committee reports that quite a bit of work has been done in the classroom wing of the building, thanks to some generous donations by some of our members. Among the work done in the rooms was installing TVs, clocks and cork boards and painting. Outside the gutters were cleaned, and flowers planted. Pastor Deb will have her office painted while she is on the Lands of the Bible Tour. She announced the Children’s Halloween Party will be held on October 19th at 1:30. Also the blood drive will be held on October 31st. Come and give a pint of your blood on the day when a lot of Draculas’ will be roaming about. Hanging of the greens will be on November 24th at 6 PM. Pastor Dennis reminded that anyone interested in attending the Charge Conference at Cedar Lake at 2:00 PM to please call the office for details and Directions. The Ad Council voted to approve the Leadership Roster that was presented by the Nominating Committee. The Finance Committee announced that Generosity Sunday will be on November 16th. A brunch will be served between 9:30 and 11:30.
Happy November Birthday to… 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 06 06 06 07 09 10 10
Doris Buckner Barb Falatic Mike Rousselle Jim Nickerson David Alvarado Cathy Ticen Sophie Ellis Kathy Cunningham Robin Wilkening Julie Ford Wanda Samuelson Greg Keehn Dianna Cutler Glenn Yerby
13 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 20
Pam Parks Marcia Guth Abby Zeitler Ethan Keehn Don Cooper Bonnie Boise Eric Hidalgo Madolyn Sullivan Alexis Rubens Joe Medina George Stewart Denisa Riley Bill Kramer Cathy Koller
22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 29 30
Betty Kerns Breelyn Carter Janice Stewart Nicholas Wrigley Dolly Milach James Wineinger Phyllis Price Barb Piazza Kortni Centracchio Norm Hamstrom Karin Manteuffel Susie Hidalgo John Cardona Robin Schoonover
Happy November Anniversary to… 0 2 0 3 0 5
Mike & Cathy Koller David & Annie Alvarado Jeff & Terri Kreloff
1 4 1 5 2 1
Henry & Jill Ryan Michael & Lauren Candiano Frank & Julie Ford
Have you checked out the church web site?? The address is: † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †