December 2014 Newsletter

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First United Methodist Church Rev. Dennis Ticen 2637 McCool Road, Portage, IN 46368 (219) 762-3846


The Witness Issue XII

December 2014

“What Do You Do With this King?” It was my fourth time in Bethlehem, visiting the Church of the Nativity. The only assurance we have that this might be near the spot where Jesus was born is that, well, it’s in Bethlehem, and when Emperor Constantine’s mother, Helena, asked locals where Jesus was born, this place was where they pointed. The church that stands there today is, perhaps, the oldest Christian church continuously in use. And, as such, it’s got its share of issues building-wise. This year, I was surprised to find the interior covered with scaffolding and lots of signs indicating the work the Palestinian Authority is doing to preserve this holy site. As it always is, the church was crowded with people, though not as stifling hot as the last time I was there. There was a line of people to go down into the grotto and touch the silver star that is supposed to mark the exact spot of Jesus’ birth. A silver star, to mark the birthplace of a king. It takes a while to get down into the cave and, once you get there, you can’t stay long. Nor do you want to stay long. It’s cramped, usually somewhat noisy, and not at all what you would picture for the birthplace of Jesus. And, more than ever before, it occurred to me this year that, no matter how much I might want quiet space for contemplation, Jesus wasn’t born in a quiet place. This king of the universe came in an ordinary way—cries of pain in the night, a father who wasn’t a father but still wanting to help, animals noisily doing what animals do. It was anything but a silent night. Into the mess and the muddle of our world, Jesus came. The King, the Prince of Peace came, into our world. He was a baby, and yet he was king. So what do you do with a king like that, a king who comes when and where we don’t expect him? A king who isn’t above stepping into the mess and muddle of our world? The best response, perhaps, is to invite him into the mess and muddle of your own life. Perhaps he won’t turn it into a silent night, but he will bring a peace that passes understanding (cf. Philippians 4:7). I invite you to make room for King Jesus in the busy-ness of your life this Advent season, and all him room to become King over all of your life. What will you do with this king? I’ll see you at the “mess and muddle” place on Sunday! Pastor Dennis

First Friday Fellowship December 5th we will meet at 5pm at Agave Mexican Restaurant 327 Main St. in Hobart. RSVP to Sandra Robinson at 764-8433.

What a blessing! As a result of your generous donations of food and time we were able to help complete Thanksgiving meals for several families this year. God's love will shine through you as this food makes a difference in the lives of these families. Thank you.

Can you believe it? Christmas will be here before we know it! As in the past, we are planning three special, unique candlelight services to welcome the newborn king. The first of these will be held on Tuesday, December 23 at 7:00 p.m. This is primarily aimed at those who have other obligations on Christmas Eve and want the chance to worship early. Our 10:00 worship team will be leading this blended service. Our other two Christmas worship services will be on Wednesday, December 24. At 8:00 p.m., our 11:30 praise team will lead a contemporary service, and at 11:00 p.m., our 8:30 choir and bells will be leading a traditional service of lessons and carols. All three services will include Holy Communion, Candle lighting and Pastor Dennis’ sermon, “Faithful.” During each of these services, we will receive an offering, all of which will be given away to two mission projects: support of our United Methodist Africa University and the Feed My Lambs ministry here in Portage. We will honor Jesus by giving gifts that he would want on his birthday. Come, worship the newborn king!

It’s time to order poinsettias!!! Check your bulletin or at the welcome center for order forms. All orders need to be turned into the office by Dec. 13th. The cost is $9. The poinsettias will help decorate our sanctuary for the Christmas season and will be yours to take home after Christmas. Did you know????……The name poinsettia is after Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first United States minister to Mexico who introduced the plant to the U.S. in 1828. The plant’s association with Christmas began in 16 th century Mexico where legend tells of a young girl who was too poor to provide a gift for the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. The tale goes that the child was inspired by an angel to gather weeds from the roadside and place them in front of the church altar. Crimson blossoms sprouted from the weeds and became the beautiful plants we know as poinsettias. In the 17th century, Franciscan friars in Mexico included the plants in their Christmas celebrations.

A Poem from the Secretary Christmas is almost here, It seems it comes earlier every year. Decorating houses, trees and offices are yet to be done, And Christmas shopping oh what fun! Time for baking all those fancy Christmas cookies, A job not best left for the rookies. My head is quickly filling, With Christmas wish lists that will have my checkbook spilling. Yes Christmas is coming and eagerly my husband will be roaming, Throughout the kitchen knowing, That soon he will be enjoying the splendor, Of the food that all my efforts render. I’ll sit in my living room Christmas day watching my family adoring, The gifts abounding that have my bank account mourning. When dinner time is nearing, Hopefully I’ll be hearing, Praises from my husband as he exclaims “this roast is a winner”, I’ll think to myself “shouldn’t he think that every time I make dinner”, We’ll sit around the table with overstuffed bellies abound, Not caring how all of this food probably added many a pound. Then once the dishes have been cleared and evening is near, I’ll return to my living room to curl up next to the one I hold dear, To watch the Christmas lights burning like fire, Fulfilling my heart’s desire, To rest and relax, While remembering Christmases past. The sound of Christmas music will fill the air, As my husband gently rests his head with care, As he tells me he’s thankful for all that I’ve done, The shopping, decorating, cooking and fun, I’ll say it was nothing it’s what makes me happy, Trying hard not to be sappy. Quietly I’ll drag my feet across the floor, As I find myself creeping towards the door, It’s off to bed then I’ll go, So that the river of sleep and dreams may flow. Yet still there is one thing left to do, Remember the one that brings reason for this season for him I am grateful to, Many thanks to you my Lord, For without You life would be without reward. Many praises to your name, On this day that you came.

Merry Christmas, Susie Hidalgo

. Pie With The Pastors - Advent Edition Do you have questions about the mission and ministry of this church? Would you like to know more about our history, heritage and where we’re headed in the future? Do you wonder about baptism, communion or how the church operates? Are you interested in becoming a member of the church? And who’s this “John Wesley” guy? If you have those or any other questions about the church, come to a relaxed conversational time in the

fellowship hall on Wednesday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m. Enjoy a piece of pie and some coffee, and get your questions answered by Pastor Dennis. If you need child care, please let us know by December 7. We look forward to seeing you at “Pie with the Pastors!"

On ‘Faith in Action’ Sunday we wrote cards and letters and the children drew pictures for military veterans who were patients in area Veterans Hospitals. The following letter came, addressed to the Congregation of 1st United Methodist: Dear Friends of Our Veterans: On behalf of the Hines VA Hospital patients and staff, we would like to extend our appreciation to you for your donation of notes and pictures for our hospitalized Veterans. Your thoughtfulness reflects the concern that you feel for our Veterans and for the service they provided to all of us while in service to our country. Without your support, we could not provide for the smaller niceties that make hospitalization more bearable. Your thoughtfulness also reflects the concern and compassion that our community feels for our Veterans. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Barbara J. Hunt, Chief, Voluntary Services Just one way that putting action to our faith makes a difference in lives.

Christmas time is here. Time to spread some cheer. From house to house and place to place You can put a smile upon each face

CHRISTMAS CAROLING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 Gather in the fellowship hall at 1pm

Gift Lift Tree gives us the opportunity to provide gifts for persons referred from Porter County Mental Health Association. Here’s how it works:

Select a card from the tree

Fill out the sticky note and place it on the board near sanctuary entrance

Purchase the gift suggested for that person’

Wrap the gift.

Tape the original card to the gift

Bring gift to church and place it under the tree

It is very important to have the original card with the gift! It is equally important for you to fill out the sticky note and leave it on the board. Thank you in advance for your generosity and compassion.

Family Fun Day Saturday, Dec. 6

Decorate a gingerbread house We have an award-winning gingerbread house creator in our midst who has offered to prepare a time when you and your children can create your own masterpiece. (Thank you Vicki Evanatz) Here’s how it works. The bare house will be provided. You are to bring a bag of candy to share (any kind that will add color and style – gumdrops, mints, M&M’s etc.). The cost is $15. (*if more than one house per family the additional house is $10) Pre-registration is necessary. A sign-up sheet is on the Connection Center. Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult. This is sure to be a favorite holiday memory.

Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell Ringers – there is something about hearing the jingle jangle of the bell that says the holidays are near. Help ring in Christmas by volunteering one hour of time to ring the bell. Sign up sheet is on the connection center. We try to have a minimum of two persons for each time slot (so you won’t have to do it alone ) This is the largest fundraiser of the year for the Salvation Army who are able to do so much to provide for families in our community. This is a great project for families and friends. The more the merrier. Please take a look at your schedule and pencil in an hour to serve. You’ll be glad you did. SATURDAY, DEC. 20 MONDAY, DEC. 22 TOWN AND COUNTRY MARKET ON CENTRAL AVE.

Dec. 7 Donna Lenburg and Gabbie Sullivan Dec. 14 CANTATA – NO CHILDREN’S CHURCH Dec. 21 Izzy Paglicci and Pastor Deb Dec. 27 Allison Centracchio and Pam Parks Have you ever considered being a helper or a leader for our Children’s Church. Lessons are provided. You help out on a roatating schedule which means you help maybe 3 times a year. If interested, please see Pastor Deb. (*note that for the safety of our children our policy is to do background checks on anyone working with our children. And persons need to have attended for at least one year.)

UMW Morning Circle News Wednesday, December 3 @ 8:30 am Medicare? National Healthcare? What's it all about? A representative from American Insurance will be our speaker to help explain the options and answer questions. There will be no "sales pitch" just information. Join us for fellowship and breakfast snacks at 8:30 am followed by a business meeting and speaker. CHILDCARE IS AVAILABLE

Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas without a loved family member who has recently died; it may be a time that has always been difficult. The constant refrain on the radio and television, in shopping malls and churches, about the happiness of the season, about getting together with family and friends, reminds many people of what they have lost or have never had. The anguish of broken relationships, the insecurity of unemployment, the weariness of ill health, the pain of isolation - all these can make us feel very alone in the midst of the celebrating and spending. We need the space and time to acknowledge our sadness and concern; we need to know that we are not alone. Our spirits sink, as the days grow shorter. We feel the darkness growing deeper around us. We need encouragement to live the days ahead of us. For these reasons, Portage First offers a special “Longest Night” service on Dec. 21 at 7pm. Come out, and join with us in sharing and hearing prayers, scripture, and music that acknowledge that God’s presence is for those who mourn, for those who struggle - and that God’s Word comes to shine light into our darkness. Everyone, regardless of church background (or lack of it) is welcome. The short service will be followed by a brief time for refreshments and visiting.

The family of Sophie Ellis would like to thank everyone who helped prepare the food and serve it for her recent funeral. We received many compliments from family and friends. Thank you, Shirley Lash & Dolores Wineinger.

A NOTE FROM PASTOR DEB Why is there so much violence in daily life? Gang shootings and rioting, bullying and murder – why? We live in a day and age where there are no more fist fights after school (not that I’m condoning this) but instead a child goes home and gets a gun to settle the score. I saw a quote on facebook a while ago that, to the best of my memory, said “If children would learn to meditate by the time they are 8 years old there would be less violence in the world.” I’m not sure that meditation is the only answer, but taking time to think before reacting would certainly be a start. When my daughter was in middle school she was part of the Problem Solving Club. They would look at situations and brainstorm ways to solve the problem. I wonder if we could do more of this, as individuals and as the church? How can we help one another understand that you can disagree without anger and hatred; that you can be angry without hurting or killing? It begins with demonstrating these qualities to our children. If we yell when we are angry, they are likely to mirror this behavior. If we speak hatred they will be loyal to Mom or Dad’s opinions. The holiday season can bring us in close contact with those who ‘rub us the wrong way’. This year, try to set a good example for others. If you are bothered by a comment, think about responding in a way that is pleasing to God, then speak. If a particular person is on your last nerve try to remember that God loves them just as much as God loves you. And when all else fails, take a moment to pray a short breath prayer “God grant me mercy” or “Help me to love as you love”. Let’s have a holiday filled with peace and goodwill. In Christian love, Pastor Deb

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS On October 26th the Sunday School Department along with the United Methodist Women awarded five 3rd grade boys and girls with Bibles. Those receiving Bibles were: Brandon Bubalo, Gabe Harbart, Mia Lopez, Juliet Medina & Jordan Wirick

From Finance Generation Sunday was last month, although the pledged amounts have not been totaled yet, the energy and dedication exhibited by our church family that day was wonderful. And, the brunch prepared by Pat Jackson and her crew was a perfect way to say thank you, in advance, for your generous gifts. If you missed it, you probably have received your pledge card in the mail. Please take the time to show your thanks for all God has given to you by filling out the card and returning it to the church office or placing them in the collection plate. October Financial Snapshot Income $30,678.60 Expenses $34,796.10 Deficit - $4,120.50 The amount required to pay off the roadway loan is now $81,706.31. Please consider an additional gift to the building fund for this worthy cause. It is the road to our future. REMEMBER YOUR CHURCH IN YOUR WILL Making a will that remembers the church acknowledges your love for God and helps further His work. This is a way to show your thanks for the bountiful blessings you have received in your lifetime. Leaving a gift that provides support to your church is a way to create your legacy.

A Few Words About Pay Pal Pay Pal is now available at Portage First! You may make your regular or one time gifts through Pay Pal. Simply click on the Donate button on Portage First UMC’s home page ( It is easy to use. If you don’t already have a Pay Pal account, you will need to establish one first ( Follow the simple registration process and you will be setup to donate after your account has been verified by Pay Pal. Every time you make your donation, Portage First will receive a notice and your statement information will be updated. You will also receive an email from Pay Pal with each donation. Just a reminder, it can take anywhere from three to seven business days from the time you make your contribution through Pay Pal before the church receives notification. Please keep this in mind in order to ensure that contributions you intend to make for 2014 are received in time. Your contribution will not appear on your annual statement unless the church receives notification that it has been fully processed before December 31, 2014. Paul Keaton Finance Committee Chairman

“Under Wraps: The Gift We Never Expected” It’s not too late to get involved in one of our Advent FISH groups as we look at the most wonderful gift given on Christmas, and the one we never expected! We’re going to be looking at these themes in worship, and then in the small groups you’ll have a chance to deepen your understanding of this God who gives so extravagantly. Sign-up sheets with times and locations are available at the Connection Center, so check it out and get involved! You won’t be sorry!

Trustee’s Corner: Our small but mighty group continues to work in enhancing our church properties with completion of several projects that have been on the “wish list” for this year. The education wing classrooms are nearly complete with fresh paint, clean cabinets, new TV’s, new carpeting and some wall decorations. A few door frames need painting but overall our goal to brighten and refresh our education wing is nearly complete. One final major project will be replacing the flooring in this area of the church. The project will cost around $6,400.00 of which we have about $4,000.00 already pledged. Our goal will be to continue to raise awareness of this project with the hopes that the balance of the funds needed to complete this job can be raised and the flooring completed after the holidays. Someone once said that if you are going to wish for something then put your energies into wishing big. This is our “wish big” project. Other projects on our to-do list include a new landing for the east side exit door. The concrete is chipping away and needs a facelift. Also overhead canopies at this exit door, as well as, the north entrance doorway are on our radar. We will be looking for help from our congregation to tackle these projects next spring. There will be many opportunities to help keep our church looking good and inviting to our members and visitors.

So, if you have wood or other supplies that would help complete one of the above projects and/or some extra time to help, please contact one of the trustees. When we started the education wing renovation, it seemed a little overwhelming but with the help from members and friends, the job got done. Further, friendships were made or rekindled and truly the blessing of worshipping in our church building has made it all worth the effort. May we always remember to be thankful for God is in this holy place and our efforts to maintain the church properties is just one way to show how blessed we are.

Socks of Love! During the Month of December the youth groups will be working on a mission project for New Creations Men’s Homeless center called Socks of Love. What we need to make this mission project a success is contributions of men’s socks (preferable the long heavy kind) travel size toiletries such as shampoo, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, a razor, shaving cream, etc. that will be placed inside a sock along with its mate. The kids will be stuffing the socks at their Christmas party and attaching a little tag to each one. You can bring your donations to the church and place them in the basket next to Frosty the Snowman in the Narthex. We are asking for the travel size as this is easier to stuff and carry for the men so please nothing larger than travel size, we know you have big hearts but socks don’t hold much. Please join us in making our first mission project of the year be not only a lesson to our youth in helping others but one that brings warmth to others.

Ok kids we are going to be busy, busy, busy, during the month of December. First on December 7th we will be meeting for lunch at 12:30pm then off to do some Christmas Caroling to shut-ins. Bring your singing voices as this really is a wonderful way to bring Christmas cheer to our home bound members and also it’s a lot of fun. Then on December 21st we will be having our Christmas Party…complete with a pizza party, games and we will be working on a mission project for New Creations Men’s Homeless Center. Bring your friends and let’s Party! All youth from 6th-12th grades are welcome and even college kids too!

Happy December Birthday to… 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 05 06 06 06 08

Ivy Parker Connie King Lynn Liesch Tim Brown Aaron Massow Sarah Stein Deb Massow Don Strohl Karen Bridges Pat Morris Andrew Brown Rosemary Schest

09 09 12 12 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18

Ray Nadolski Riley Rubens Savannah Riley Marcie Jordan Darren Warne Cade Poole Bobbi McCoy Bill Miller Shirley Miller Steve Davenport Jordan Romanov Liam Stein

19 20 20 21 21 23 23 23 26 28 30 30

Annie Alvarado Dick Samuelson Jennifer Costello Maria Cheeks Karen Helmecy Teresa McKiddy Ava Brubaker Abigail Seberger Bonnie Grochowski David Coffey Virginia Torbitt Kathy Wilson

Happy December Anniversary to… 0 4 1 2 1 8 1 9 1 9

Nathan & Amber Welch Ron & Dianna Cutler Mike & Connie King Bruce & Kathy Wilson

2 4 2 7 2 8 3 0

James & Dolores Wineinger Dan & Bobbi McCoy Jim & Sue Nickerson Dwayne & Betty Evensen

Pat & Jennifer Costello

Have you checked out the church web site?? The address is: † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Weekly Calendar Sundays @ 10:00am Wednesdays @ 11:30am Thursdays @ 6:00am

Sunday School Brown Bag Bible Study Breakfast at Schoops

“I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.� - Harlan Miller

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