March 2015 Newsletter

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First United Methodist Church Rev. Dennis Ticen 2637 McCool Road, Portage, IN 46368 (219) 762-3846


The Witness Issue III

March 2015

“Marching” On As you undoubtedly know by now (and if you don’t, I’m sorry to break it to you this way), Bishop Coyner has appointed me to serve Terre Haute Mount Pleasant UMC effective July 1. This was quite unexpected, and has created a lot of activity around our home. It’s amazing how much has changed in our lives since I wrote to you in last month’s newsletter. We are thankful for ten years at Portage First, and when we move, we will take with us many treasured friendships and great memories of ministry done together. To answer a lot of questions we have been asked: Yes, we are in the process of buying a house in Terre Haute as there is no parsonage at Mount Pleasant. Yes, Cathy is searching for a new job, either within the current organization she works for or elsewhere. That is yet to be determined. Yes, Rachel is concerned about finding a new dance studio and anticipating new opportunities at Terre Haute South High School. Yes, Christopher is staying in Portage to be able to continue his education at Purdue Calumet. And yes, Hershey has absolutely no idea what in the world is going on! The coming months will give us many opportunities for remembrance, reflection and rejoicing. Staff/Parish Committee is planning an opportunity to say goodbye. My final Sunday in the Portage pulpit will be June 21. But until then, I intend to continue serving this congregation the way I have for the last ten years. We will be having one more Pie With The Pastors (there’s an article elsewhere about that) as well as one more Congregational Care Ministry Training event (May 16). We will be celebrating Holy Week and Easter, Mother’s Day and Confirmation. We may be ending our time together, but I intend to finish strong so that Pastor Mark Dicken, your new senior pastor, can hit the ground running and continue the great ministry here. Pray for this time of transition. Pray for Pastor Dicken and his wife, Barb. Pray for our family as well. And let’s continue to follow Jesus faithfully, wherever we find ourselves! I’ll see you Sunday at the faithfulness place! Pastor Dennis

Don't forget to pick up the March/April copy of the Upper Room. You will be blessed.

Happy March Birthday to… 03 04 04 05 05 09 09 10 11 12 15

Lori Seberger Conner Welch Scott Holtzman II Julia Romanov Phil Linoski Larry Darnell Ethan Warne Diana Gymrek Heather Shebel Ginny Ritchey James Miller

16 16 16 17 19 20 20 20 21 23 23

Virginia Spurlock Elizabeth Seberger Wade Rasmby Peggy Griffith Jacob Wasz Shari Warne Rich Coates Joselynn Medina Amy Kegley Rob Hoover Dave Mantz

23 24 25 25 26 26 28 29 29 29 31

Henry Stein Zachary Smith Alexandra Medina Jason Bush Joshua Bilkey Helen Wright Kirk Harbart Scott Bilkey Mitch Gale Jaxson Riley Melissa Sullivan

Happy March Anniversary to… 0 2 0 4 0 8

Bob & Maria Cheeks

1 7 Scott & Sandy Holtzman 2 7 Steve & Deb Massow 2 7

James & Marcie Jordan Phil & Mary Linoski Paul & Denise Pollacheck

Have you checked out the church web site?? The address is: † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Weekly Calendar Sundays @ 10:00am Wednesdays @ 11:30am Thursdays @ 6:15am

Sunday School Brown Bag Bible Study Breakfast at Schoops

Remember your church in your will.

MUSIC NOTES Hope you are surviving the winter. Just think Spring begins March 20th. We’ll be seeing all kinds of signs. Robins, crocuses and daffodils coming up and hopefully more sun shiny days. Practices for Holy Week music will start Thurs. March 5th at 8:15pm and will continue the 12th, 19th and th 26 . The choir will sing Palm Sunday, March 29th at 8:30 & 10am, Maundy Thursday, April 2nd at 7pm, Good Friday, April 3rd 7pm and Easter Sunday, April 5th 8:30am & 10am.

Hope to see you all. When you are trying to decide ,“Should I sing or not, do I have time?”—think of the sacrifice our Lord made for us. I want to thank Heather Schulz and Bill Miller for working with the choir while I was gone. Good job! If you have questions you can call me at 219-508-5297. I’ll be home March 4th. Wanda Samuelson

Pie With the Pastors - March 11, 6 p.m. It’s time once again to share pie, coffee and conversation! Those who are interested in learning more about the church, pursuing baptism and/or membership are invited to take part in this evening with Pastors Dennis and Deb. This is a “get to know you” time and will focus on learning more about who Methodists are, what Portage First is all about, and where you might fit in! Child care is available; sign up to let us know you are coming!

First Friday Fellowship March 6th 5pm at Pepe’s in South Haven. Please join us for food, fun, and fellowship. RSVP to Sandra Robinson 764-8433.

A Note from Prison One of the men who has been part of our prison outreach sends this note to our prayer team and our congregation: Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray weekly for me that God will keep me strong in my journey with Christ and as I begin my work release program. At this time I would like to thank each of you on the prayer team who, as I understand it, pray for us each week. Steve [Massow] told me that you all pray for us around 10 a.m. each Tuesday. During this time each week I pray with you and for you. I can feel your prayers surrounding me during that time I hope you can feel mine too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart that each of you care enough about us that your church sends these wonderful people in here to feed us the word of God and give us inspiration and hope. And that you would wholeheartedly and sincerely pray for us! May God bless each of you & everything you do!

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Friday, March 6, 2015 **NEW TIME - 9:30 am ** Counseling - Family Support - Art Recovery - Technology

FRONTLINE is a faith-based Substance Abuse Outpatient Treatment Provider. Come hear how providing an effective treatment program and recovery support system is a source of hope to men and women suffering from alcohol and drug abuse. Our morning begins with light breakfast snacks and fellowship, then our program at 10:00 am, Followed by our business meeting. WOMEN OF ALL AGES ARE WELCOME! If you need child care please call the church by Wednesday, March 4. An Invitation from United Methodist Women: As president of the United Methodist Women (UMW), I would like to personally invite all women of the church, and community, to attend our monthly meetings. We would love to hear some ideas on what programs you would like more info on and new ways to fund missions. The meetings are on the 1st Friday of each month @ 9:30am. We start with a light snack, have a short program, and end with a quick business meeting to let you know what’s going on.  There will be plans to offer childcare, but you can contact me to be sure. Hope you will plan on attending and sharing your talents with us! Bring a friend or few! It’s an awesome time of fellowship! Please contact me any questions.  In fellowship, Marcie Jordan 219-313-9526 or

CHURCH SCHOLARSHIPS Our church sets aside certain Gold Can Offerings and donations for our scholarship fund which is used to help reduce the cost for higher education for members and active attendees.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2015-2016 school year. Anyone seeking a higher education may qualify for a scholarship. The application process is very straightforward and may be obtained at the church office or requested by email at All eligible persons are encouraged to apply and past or current recipients of scholarships remain eligible to apply for the new school year. Applications are due by April 30, 2015, and can be dropped off at the church office or placed in the Finance Committee folder in the Narthex. Please pass this information along to anyone that may be eligible for this scholarship. Paul Keaton Finance Committee

Sunday School Update Sunday School 2015 is off to a great start. We are so blessed with wonderful, caring teachers that give of their time to prepare and then teach each week. Thank you to the substitute teachers that step in with short notice to help out when a regular teacher is not able to be there. We appreciate all of you! Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 12th for a celebration of what Easter means in a presentation by the Sunday School Children & Youth (and some adults)! This will be a special program presented at all three services! For more information talk to Lil Falk (you can find her in the Senior High Classroom) about how you or your children can be involved! Confirmation Class has now started and we are blessed to have Lisa Graff and Deb Massow to guide our Confirmands. Have you not been involved in Sunday School at Portage First? It is never too late to join us at 10 am, with classes for all ages! If you have questions, please feel free to contact Lorri Davenport or Patti Coates.

With the beginning of Lent many of you are considering the traditional practice of fasting and wondering, ‘What should I give up for Lent?’ In today’s fast-paced world one of our most valuable resources is our time. What if you had the opportunity to give less than an hour a week and as a result, find yourself closer to Jesus and one another? Each Tuesday in Lent a time of prayer, devotion and food will be offered, as we travel between three churches and hear from various pastors. The day will look like this; gather at 11:30; prayer and devotion at 11:35 followed by a light lunch of soup and bread. Here is the complete schedule: March 3 at Crossroads Community Church with Pastor David speaking March 10 at Wheeler UMC with Pastor Deb speaking March 17 at Crossroads Community Church with Pastor Dennis speaking March 24 at Portage 1st UMC with Pastor David speaking March 31 at Wheeler UMC with Pastor Ken speaking Crossroads Community Church 2386 Willowcreek Road Portage

Wheeler UMC 307 North St. Wheeler

Portage 1st UMC 2637 McCool Rd. Portage

Come as often as you can. If you would like to provide a crock pot of soup on our day to host let Pastor Deb know. It is not just about giving up our favorite food but it’s about going further and giving up things like hatred and unforgiveness. You need to clean your heart and prepare yourself for purity.” – Amanda Jobs Change of date for the “All Ages” Mission Trip Due to the timing of elementary and middle school camp this year we will need to change the date to July 5-8. This is a 4 day mission trip where all ages will be serving together. This trip will take us to Madison, Wisconsin where we will take part in many projects adjusted to our skill levels. The cost of the trip is $129 per person with those under 3yrs. old being free. I need to know who is interested before I reserve any spaces since we are responsible for payment of each spot reserved. Please prayerfully consider this as a ‘serving others’ vacation where you and your children can come to know what it is to be the hands and feet of Christ.

For more information please go to youthworks/ I will be at the Connection Center on March 1 after each service to answer questions. [Pastor Deb]

A NOTE FROM PASTOR DEB I don’t get angry very often but today seems to be one of those days – no hints about what day this is being written. First of all my 9am doctor’s appointment found me still sitting in the exam room, at 10:10. I am sure my blood pressure was rising by the minute because I wanted to attend the funeral of the husband of a friend from way back – she and her husband had been married one month short of 70 years. It didn’t help that I knew the doctor was right outside the door because I could hear the discussion with an employee about when said employee could schedule a vacation. So, when that conversation ended, I popped my head out and told the doctor of my time crunch. He apologized and came in, we took care of business and I was on my way. I made it to the funeral with time to spare but was disappointed not to hear the beautiful words of our United Methodist funeral liturgy at this United Methodist funeral. I wanted to hear the words about shrinking before the mystery of death. And I think the prayers toward the end of the service are so meaningful as we ask God to bring those who remain on earth closer to God and to one another. When I got to the office I discovered a big glitz in communication which put me in a conundrum – and to be perfectly honest – I threw a tizzy. I don’t do this often. I can’t see why anyone would find pleasure in throwing a tantrum. What do 2 year olds see in it? Now, as I sit at my computer, I feel a layer of guilt for venting my frustration to such nice people who were working to make our church more eye-appealing. I did apologize but I still feel bad. Why? Because my frustrations were acknowledged as valid, I came to understand how the lines of communication were crossed and a feasible resolution was offered. My eyes and heart are open now. I am grateful that those working so hard took the time to find a resolution to our issue. I am appreciative of the words of comfort I did hear at the funeral, even though they weren’t the ones I expected. And, to get an apology from your doctor for the long wait, that’s very gratifying. So, Pastor Deb’s ‘terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day’ is short lived. Thank you Jesus for the grace you impart on us. Blessings and peace,

Pastor Deb ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT AND FUN SATURDAY, MARCH 28 10 TIL NOON HUNT BEGINS AT 10AM SHARP ACTIVITIES include learning about Easter and why it is celebrated! LUNCH AT 11:00

CANDY NEEDED Donations of individually wrapped candies greatly appreciated. You can drop them off at the Connection Center We will need help in various capacities to make this a fun and meaningful time for the children. A list of needs can be found on the Connection Center. Please consider helping. You’ll be glad you did 

Looking for a place to help within the life of the church? Are you more comfortable ‘behind the scenes’? Will you consider two possibilities? • Laundry – each week kitchen towels and dish clothes are used. As of date, when the pile gets too much to look at someone will take them home and wash them. It would be great to have someone who would pick up the dirty laundry – say on Sunday – and return it the following Sunday. Interested? Let Pastor Deb know. • Kitchen Crew – I would like to assemble a rotating kitchen crew – persons who will support our core crew as needed. This may involve helping to prep food, washing dishes, setting up, wiping tables – a wide variety of needs which can be adjusted to your abilities. Are you willing to be called as needs arise? If so, contact Pastor Deb.

March 1 Rachel Ticen and Pastor Deb March 8 Clara Harbart and Pastor Deb March 15 Morgan Salaam and Pastor Deb March 22 Riley Miller and Pastor Deb March 29 Allison Centracchio and Pam Parks

With your help THE RACE IS ON…come find out how you can play a part in bringing clean drinking water to Ghana as we sponsor our very first 5k run or walk. Jim Nickerson will get us out of the starting gate on Monday, March 2 at 6:30, as we nail down the details and make SACRED STEPS become a reality.

Have you struggled with wanting to take a Disciple Bible Study but aren’t quite ready to make the 30+ week commitment? Good news! You can begin studying the GOOD NEWS! Beginning Sunday, March 8, you can begin with an 8 week, short-term, Disciple class covering the New Testament. It will be held from 4-5:30 and child care is provided. Books are $12. Sign up at the Connection Center.

It’s time to order Easter Flowers! • 6” Tulips & Hyacinth Bulbs - $8.00 • 6” Easter Lily – 5 to 7 Buds - $10.00 • 6” Mums – Assorted Colors - $10.00 • Azaleas - $20.00 • Hydrangea - $20.00

Payment is due with order and last order will be taken Monday, March 30th.

March 20th from 5pm-9am we are having a youth lock-in for grades 6th-12th. There will be lots of exciting activities, food, fun, fellowship and more. I’m so excited that I can’t keep it a secret any longer…we are sumo wrestling!!! That’s just one of the activities on the agenda. So sign-up at the connection center, grab a youth liability release form, have your parents fill it out and bring it to the lock-in and please invite your friends. See Susie Hidalgo or Kate Blakely for more information.

Daylight Savings Time Begins March 8 Don’t forget to “spring forward” the evening of March 7, as Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 8. If you forget to adjust your clocks, you’ll be late to worship! Set your clocks one hour ahead before you go to bed on March 7!

Attention Youth Grades 6th-12th! We’re taking a mission trip this summer! Summer of Service (SOS Student Weekend) is a life-changing experience that takes place right in Michiana on June 18-21, 2015! Students from incoming 6th-graders through graduating seniors get to participate in a 4-day, 3-night mission trip and celebration of what God can do when His heart becomes our own. The vision of the SOS Student Weekend movement is twofold: to impact the geographic community of Michiana with the life-changing love of God, and to develop a heightened student-community among participants. Our desire is that students will encounter God in a very new way through service and kindness outreach. It’s a fact that youth grow in their faith journey when they put their faith to work for others. What are the ingredients

of the powerful retreat? Intimate worship, amazing teaching, creative service opportunities, prayer, group discussion, devotions, and a healthy dose of play! Sign-up at the connection center as soon as possible, we have until May to register, the cost is only $60 but we have scholarships available so make sure to grab a scholarship form from the church when you sign-up!

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