Research Day 2025

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DAY | 2025

1. Maggie Wang, Meng-Jia (Justin) Lian, PI. Tomer Stern

Fluorescently labeled chondrocytes visualized after segmentation using a deep learning-based algorithm and randomly assigned color-coding.

2. Hui Li, PI. Fei Liu

Autophagosomes (green), lipid droplets (red), their co-localization (yellow) in osteoblasts; nuclei are blue.

3. Juliana Amorim, PI. Isabelle Lombaert

Trigeminal Ganglia: Turning novel hypothesis into artistic sensations.

4. Shawn A. Hallett, PI. Renny T. Franceschi

SOX9-expressing (white) chondrocytes are enriched in Fgfr3+ (red) synchondrosis cells.

5. Maria Leticia de Almeida Lança; PI. Rogerio M. Castilho

3D-printed spheroid depicting Aurora (red), β-tubulin (green), DAPI (blue) staining.

6. Yvonne Xinyi Lim, PI. Nisha D’Silva Occludin (green) and E-cadherin (red) at cancer cell junctions; nuclei are blue.

We are proud to host the School of Dentistry’s annual Research Day.

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of our students, postdoctoral trainees, staff and faculty members who generate new knowledge in our research laboratories and in our clinics. The research conducted at the school, and that is highlighted during our Research Day, is vital to advancing our mission as an academic institution.

In addition to promoting integration of basic, translational, clinical and health services research to stimulate discoveries and their implementation into practice, the Research Day poster sessions provide an insightful look at the incredible range and diversity of the school’s scholarly work. This year we have more than 148 posters illustrating the school’s four research themes: Cancer Biology & Therapeutics; Clinical, Population & Educational Research; Craniofacial; Skeletal Biology & Disease; and Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine. We are also excited to welcome and feature our D4 Immersion Pathway students in collaboration with Research Day as they present their final Pathways projects. Please take some time to explore these poster presentations as you walk around the exhibit space in the Michigan League.

This year we are especially pleased to welcome Dr. Russell Taichman, Professor and Chair of the Department of Basic and Clinical and Translational Science at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, as our keynote speaker. Dr. Taichman's science focuses on understanding the mechanisms used by tumor cells to metastasize to the bone marrow niche. Currently his lab is studying the function of mesenchymal stem cells in cancer progression and how the niche regulates tumor dormancy.

We thank the Office of Research staff who organized this event, along with the students and researchers who present their work today. A sincere thank you to all the faculty who have mentored the projects presented here and will serve as judges for various awards. We are also grateful to the 10 companies, particularly the Delta Dental Foundation and Smile Brands, that have partnered with our school as exhibitors, sponsors or advertisers in supporting student research.

Thank you for helping us celebrate the impact that our research mission has to the current and future care of our patients. Enjoy the day.

Vesa Kaartinen
Jacques E. Nör

Origin Story: How did Research Day Start?

Dating to the early days after the University of Michigan School of Dentistry was founded in 1875, our faculty and students have long been recognized for important research that advanced dentistry and many other areas of healthcare and science.

Research Day’s origin is circa 1960 when “table clinics” were introduced to allow dental and dental hygiene students to demonstrate their research projects. Using poster boards and later slide projectors and other visual aids, students gathered around tables in hallways of the school to make presentations and answer questions about their research. Part of the impetus for starting the “table clinics” was to select a winning project and award its student researcher what was then called the American Dental Association/ Dentsply Award, which had been created in 1959.

The Table Clinics grew into a larger and more organized effort and were maintained as a separate event even as a second research-centered school event was developed. In 1980, faculty member Dr. James Avery applied for and received a Short-Term Training Grant from the National Institutes of Health for a Student Research Program. In 1983, an event known as the Student Research Forum was first organized by faculty member Dr. Frederick More.

Table Clinics continued separately through the 1980s and ‘90s under the direction of faculty member Dr. Bud Pape for much of that time. In the 1990s, student Table Clinics became known as Research Day, though the term Table Clinic survived under the direction of Pape and his faculty colleagues Drs. Tom Green and Jack Gobetti. Finally, in 1999, the Table Clinics and the Student Research Program were combined into the Research Day that remains to the present day.

Third-year dental student Mark Fitzgerald presented his table clinic at the 1979 event. His presentation went on to win two major awards at the ADA's annual session.

The size of the event has grown immensely since the early days, particularly after the school started its Oral Health Sciences PhD program, and more recently the OHS MS program. The graduate students in those programs add significantly to the research foundation provided by dental and dental hygiene students since the early days. In recent years, Research Day has drawn up to 160 students presenting their posters. Keynote speakers for the event have included nationally and internationally recognized dental and oral health researchers, along with leaders from the National Institutes of Health.

Research Day remains a vital way for the School of Dentistry to encourage and support the groundbreaking science that is so important to the school’s mission of educating the dentists, hygienists and scientists of tomorrow.

Mark your calendar for 150 Years of Innovation in Oral Health


Plan to join us this June 12 and 13 for a special symposium to celebrate the sesquicentennial of the U-M School of Dentistry. This special event will take place in Ann Arbor and will look back on the origins of oral health research at the school as well as highlight some of the current innovative and significant advances including:

Artificial Intelligence in Oral Health: Transforming Research, Education and Clinical Care

Advances in Regenerative Medicine and Restorative Dentistry through Biofabrication

New Head and Neck Cancer/Salivary

Gland Research

See the speaker list and more information about this special event at the website or follow this QR code.

Professor and Chair – Department of Basic & Clinical Translational Sciences

Associate Dean of Research – Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

“The Power of Questions: Turning Challenges into Breakthroughs in the Quest for Discovery.”

Research/Areas of Interest:

Dr. Taichman's science focuses on identifying osteoblastspecific factor(s) that support hematopoiesis. His work has expanded to understanding the mechanisms used by tumor cells to metastasize to the bone marrow niche. Currently, the Taichman lab explores the identity and


10:30 am – 12:00 pm

POSTER and EXHIBITOR SESSION 1 (AM) Michigan League – (2nd Floor) 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm



Professor and Chair – Department of Basic & Clinical Translational Sciences

Associate Dean of Research – Tufts University School of Dental Medicine


Alexandre DaSilva

Amy Karpenko

Andrea Pobocik

Antonio MoralesHernández

Aron Aliaga del Castillo

Benjamin Allen

Betsy Van Tubergen

Brian Clarkson

Bruno Cavalcanti

Carlos Gonzalez

Chris Fenno

Chunxi Ge

Cindy Perez

Cristiane Squarize

Daniel J Chiego Jr

Domenica Sweier

Elizabeth Ronan

Elliott Hill

Emily Coupar

Fei Liu

Felipe Nor

Geetha Duddanahalli


Giovana Anovazzi

Hajime Sasaki

Hernan Roca

Hiroki Ueharu

Hsiao Sung

Iva Abramyan Vesela

Iwonka Eagle

Jan Hu

Jaqueline Vaz Vanini

Jennifer Cullen

Jian-Guo Geng

Joe Decker

function of mesenchymal stem cells and how the niche regulates tumor dormancy.


Russell S. Taichman D.M.D., D.M.Sc., Professor and Chair of the Department of Basic & Clinical Translational Science at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Taichman also serves as the Associate Dean for Research at the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.

Dr. Taichman completed his undergraduate education at Villanova University with a BS in Biology and received his DMD from the University of Pennsylvania. He received both his certificate in Periodontology and a D.M.Sc. degree in Oral Biology from Harvard University. From 1990-1992 he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Molecular Immunology at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine under the direction of Dr. John C Reed. He joined the faculty of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and served as Associate Dean for Research.


Kellogg Auditorium –(Ground Floor Dentistry Building)

2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

POSTER and EXHIBITOR SESSION 2 (PM) Michigan League – (2nd Floor)

Joshua Emrick

Junichi Iwata

Junying Li

Karan Handa

Karin Harumi Uchima


Kemao Xiu

Kristi Thomas

Laura Gonzalez

Lauren Surface

Livia Tenuta

Liz Hatfield

Lucrezia Parma Benfenati

Maedeh Rahimnejad

Margherita Fontana

Marita Inglehart

Nan Hatch

Nikia Washington

Nisha D'Silva

Patricia (Trish) Bauer

Paulo Zupelari

Peter Ma

Purnima Kumar

Qiming Jin

Rahul Nikam

Renan Dal Fabbro

Renee Duff

Renny Franceschi

Robert Eber

Rodney J Vergotine

Rogerio Castilho

Romesh Nalliah

Sandra Stuhr

Sarah Tomaka

Sharon Aronovich

Shriya Sawant

Stefanie VanDuine

Stephen Stefanac

Suman Vij

Tamires Dutra

Tatiana M. Botero

Theodora Danciu

Tian Liang

Tomer Stern

Valerie Nieto

Vesa Kaartinen

Vidya Ramaswamy

Yuanyuan Han

Yuji Mishina

Zhiqiang Luo


Pathways Posters:

AM: Poster #: 1-5, 17, 21, 33, 47 and 71

PM: Poster #: 1-23, 25, 27, 28-29, 41, 52-53, 68, 74-75

Research Theme:

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics

AM: Posters #: 18-20, 52-54

PM: Posters #: 1, 8

Craniofacial, Skeletal Biology and Disease

AM: Posters #: 32-46, 63, 66-68, 71 and 73

PM: Posters #: 5, 10, 32, 41-51, 64-65, 67-68, 70 and 73


* Denotes a D4 Immersion Pathways Student Poster

^ Denotes an Immersion Pathways Student Poster

AM Posters

1 Identifying Barriers to Preventative Dental Care: A Needs Assessment of Dental Navigator and Similar Patient Populations*

Zhang, J

Presenter(s): Zhang, Jing Yi

Faculty Mentor: Martha McComas Department: Hygiene (POM)

2 The Dental Navigator Program: An Overview from Creation to Present*

James Elwell

Presenter(s): James Elwell

Faculty Mentor: Prof. Martha Mccomas Department: Hygiene (POM)

3 Bridging Gaps in Emergency Dental Care: The Role of Dental Navigators in Improving Access and Reducing Barriers*

Prillwitz, K.

Presenter(s): Kali Prillwitz

Faculty Mentor: Martha McComas Department: Hygiene (POM)

4 Arabic vs. English Speaking Immigrants’ Oral Health, Oral Health Behavior and Dental Visitrelated Responses*

Nouna, E; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Elsy Nouna

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

AM: Posters #: 10-11, 47-51, 65, 69-70 and 72

PM: Posters #: 11, 52-58, 71-72

Clinical, Population, and Educational Research

AM: Posters #: 1-9, 12-15, 17, 21-31, 55-62 and 64

PM: Posters #: 2-4, 6-7, 9, 12-31, 33-40, 59-63, 66, 69, 74-75

5 Enhancing Simulation Laboratory Learning through Music Therapy*

Vora, A. ; Patel, J. ; Davlantes C. ; Mantesso A. ; Karl E.

Presenter(s): Abhay Vora, Jigar Patel, and Chris Davlantes

Faculty Mentor: Andrea Pobocik

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

6 Addressing Clinical Challenges and Providing Solutions in Dental Education: Identification and Documentation of Developmental Dental Anomalies*

Steinberg M., Murrell T., Pobocik A., Nor F., Fontoura, CSG.

Presenter(s): Michelle Steinberg, Taylor Murrell

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Clarissa Fontoura

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

7 Undergraduate, Dental Hygiene and Dental

Students' Oral Health and Diet-related Considerations: Does LGBTQ+ Self-Identification Matter?*

Bohra, R.; Inglehart MR.

Presenter(s): Rehana Bohra

Faculty Mentor: Marita Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

8 Projects In Infection and Immunology*

Makhani, B; Hajime, S

Presenter(s): Benyamin Makhani

Faculty Mentor: Hajime Sasaki

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


9 Cis-/Non-cis Members of the LGBTQ+ Community and Oral Health Care*

Okafor, L., Jackson, RJ., Inglehart, MR.

Presenter(s): Lauren Okafor

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

10 The Long Term Effects of Cryopreservation on Dental Pulp Stem Cells*

Nedell, A.; Malik, M.; Choprah, H.; Kaigler, D.

Presenter(s): Alyssa Nedell

Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

11 Clinically Acceptable System for Expansion of Dental-Pulp Derived Stem Cells*

Lin, A; Chopra, H; Malik, M; Sugai, J; Kaigler, D

Presenter(s): Amy Yu Xuan Lin

Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

12 The more the better? Fluoride in saliva after prescription toothpaste and fluoride rinse use*

Rangel Paradela, R; Wilmot, J; Yoshino, E; Gordon, M; Tenuta, LMA

Presenter(s): Rachel Rangel Paradela

Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

13 Use of Technology as a Tool for Student’s Learning and Faculty Calibration in the Simulation Laboratory*

Asnes, J; Ghorbanpoor, D; Mantesso Pobocik, A; Souza Gomes da Fontoura, C

Presenter(s): Jordan Asnes, Daria Ghorbanpoor

Faculty Mentor: Andrea Mantesso Pobocik Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

14 Clear Aligner Therapy: A retrospective evaluation of Patient and Treatment characteristics in a University Clinic Setting*

Hao, Michelle; Aliaga del Castillo, Aron

Presenter(s): Michelle Hao

Faculty Mentor: Aron Aliaga del Castillo Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

15 Understanding limitations of patients' dental literacy to improve patient-provider communication*

Carter, S; Karl, E.

Presenter(s): Sarah Carter

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elisabeta Karl

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

18 miR-9-5p Post-transcriptionally Regulates Gprasp2 in Hematopoietic Progenitors

Lougon Moulin, G.; Bose Banerjee, R.; Morales-Hernandez, A.

Presenter(s): Geovana Lougon Moulin, Rumela Bose Banerjee

Faculty Mentor: Antonio Morales-Hernandez Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

19 Exploring the impact of TRIP13 phosphorylation at Y56 on cell cycle progression

Bera, R; N.D Hutchinson, M; Banerjee, R; J D'Silva, N

Presenter(s): Ritwika Bera

Faculty Mentor: Nisha D'Silva Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

20 Salivary agglutinin deficiency triggers microbial imbalance and promotes oral cancer progression

Medeiros, MC; Fontaine, S; Danella, E; Hillman, E; Schmidt, T; Furgal, A; Wellik, DM; Li, G; Inohara, N; Nunez, G; Chen, GY; D’Silva, NJ.

Presenter(s): Marcell Costa de Medeiros

Faculty Mentor: Nisha D'Silva Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

21 First- vs. Second-Generation Immigrants’ Oral Health, Orthodontic Care, Related Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior^

Alkhouri, P; Shoukri, B; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Philip Alkhouri

Faculty Mentor: Marita Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

22 Gastroparesis and Nurses’ Knowledge of Oral Effects

Salem, Z; Bulmer, A; Omar, J; Kinney, J; Eagle, I; Nieto, V

Presenter(s): Zahraa Salem, Amy Bulmer, and Jameela Omar

Faculty Mentor: Valerie Nieto Department: Hygiene (POM)

23 A Novel Approach to Interdental Papilla

Reconstruction: The Inverted T-Shape Connective Tissue Graft

Abdusalam Alrmali BDS; Vanessa Frazao Cury; Dave Dunbar; Jessica Latimer; Omar Al-Amin; Sandra H. Stuhr; Suncica Travan; Hom-Lay Wang

Presenter(s): Abdusalam Alrmali

Faculty Mentor: Hom-Lay Wang Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

24 Understanding Empathy In Faculty Providers And Dental Students

Hassett, J; Bute, S; Luaibi, S; Karl, E; Campos, M

Presenter(s): Jenna Hassett

Faculty Mentor: Marcia Campos Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


25 Risk indicators of peri-implant diseases: A crosssectional clinical study

Albaqawi, Hoda Alhazmi, Shahad Amrou, Yousef Dutra, Tamires Muhammad, Saleh Kaun, Lun Fu Wang, HomLay Kumar, Purnima

Presenter(s): Hoda Albaqawi

Faculty Mentor: Purnima Kumar

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

26 Nationwide Trends in Dental Admissions Test Scores

Luaibi, S.; Timban, SA,; Kapadia, U.; Shah, S.

Presenter(s): Shahad Luaibi, Sophia Alexis Timban

Faculty Mentor: Romesh P Nalliah

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

27 Evaluating the Impact of Traditional and Virtual Reality Breathing on Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation in TMD Patients.

Palraj, N; Kannappan, S; Okafor, C; Azimi, M; Hu, X; DaSilva, A

Presenter(s): Naveena Palraj

Faculty Mentor: Alexandre DaSilva

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

28 Impact of Peri-Implant Phenotype on 5-year Outcomes of Soft Tissue Level Implants: A longitudinal assessment from a clinical trial

Sabri, H; Barootchi, S; Wang, Hom-Lay

Presenter(s): Hamoun Sabri

Faculty Mentor: Hom-Lay Wang

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

29 Brain entropy reflects enhanced neural processing in episodic migraine

Saberi, M; Kim, D; Lim, M; DaSilva, A

Presenter(s): Majid Saberi

Faculty Mentor: Alexandre DaSilva

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

30 Photogrammetry in Implant Dentistry: Applications, Challenges, and Future Directions –A Scoping Review

Kim, M. ; Chiam, S. ; Saglik, B.

Presenter(s): Min Kyung Kim

Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

31 AI In Prosthodontics

Yadavalli, P ; Chiam, S ; Saglik, B

Presenter(s): Poojita Yadavalli

Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

32 Outcomes of Advanced Arthroscopy On Patients Who Previously Failed TMJ Arthrocentesis/ Arthroscopic Lysis and Lavage

Chinoy, A; Cheung, J; Troost, J; Aronovich, S; Hakim, M.

Presenter(s): Afriti Chinoy

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sharon Aronovich

Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

33 Investigation of Kappa-Opioid Mechanisms in Chronic Migraine (in vivo)^

Delasi Denoo, D; Kim, Dajung; Lim, Manyoel; Ellingrod, Vicki; Ringold, John; DaSilva, Alexandre

Presenter(s): Delasi Denoo

Faculty Mentor: Alexandre DaSilva

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

34 The Lysosomal Membrane Protein ATRAID Regulates Development of BisphosphonateRelated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in Mice

Kim, S; Singh, N; Bhandari, N; Zhu, E; Surface, L

Presenter(s): Sooyun Kim

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

35 Sclerostin Antibody Effects on Dentoalveolar Structures in Young Osteogenesis Imperfecta Mice

Eun, H; Urrego, C; Wang, L; Kohn, D; Sung, H; Kozloff, K.

Presenter(s): Hane Eun

Faculty Mentor: Hsiao Hsin Sung

Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

36 Craniofacial and Dentoalveolar Response to Sclerostin Antibody in Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Evaluating Gender Effects

Wang, L; Lee, B; Hyung, Y; Colacrai-Arikita, P; Fetrati, A; Sung, H; Kozloff, K

Presenter(s): Lexuan Wang

Faculty Mentor: Hsiao Sung

Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

37 Associating Genes to Morphology Through Phenome-Space Analysis

Wong, J; Gottdenker, O; Kallabat, G; Pardi, D; Hafeez, A; Stern, T

Presenter(s): Jonathan Wong and Olivia Gottdenker, Gabriella Kallabat

Faculty Mentor: Tomer Stern

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

38 Investigating the Systemic Effect of Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease on the Biological Functions of Osteocytes

Sriram, R; Surface, L; Har, G; Zhu, E

Presenter(s): Ruchir Sriram

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

39 Understanding the Neural Pathways Involved in Masticatory Muscle Control

Garg, S.; Uchima, K.; Koa R.; Najaf Z.; Sharma T.; Li, P.

Presenter(s): Shaun Garg

Faculty Mentor: Peng Li

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

40 Lipophagy Is the Dominant Autophagy in Osteoblasts, Supporting Bone Formation and PTH’s Osteoanabolism via Energy Metabolism

Hui Li, Shuqun Qi, Li Wang, Han Kyoung Choi, Gerald Har, Lauren Surface, Laurie McCauley, Fei Liu

Presenter(s): Hui Li

Faculty Mentor: Fei Liu

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

41 Sexual Dimorphism in T-Cell Immunity in Experimental Periodontitis

Maglaras, V; Martin, K; Morrison, M; Decker, AM; Decker, JT

Presenter(s): Victoria Maglaras

Faculty Mentor: Joseph Decker Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

42 Accelerated glucose-to-citrate metabolism in a murine model of chronic kidney disease

Har, JRG; Hsu, YM; Kuennen, DP; Zhu, E; Antoniewicz, MR; Surface, LE

Presenter(s): Jie Ren Gerald Har

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

43 Management of Post-Implant Fibrous Dysplasia in the Maxilla: A case report

Amrou, Y.; Koleilat, A.; Alrmali, A.; Nor, F.; Wang, H.

Presenter(s): Yousef Amrou

Faculty Mentor: Hom-Lay Wang Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

44 Overproduction of cholesterol in the salivary glands triggers Sjögren’s disease-like phenotype in mice

Suzuki, A; Iwaya, C; Iwata, J

Presenter(s): Akiko Suzuki, Chihiro Iwaya, and Junich Iwata

Faculty Mentor: Junichi Iwata

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

45 ATRAID KO prevents bisphosphonate-induced osteocyte apoptosis in mandible

Bhandari, N; Singh, N; Kim, C; Kuennen, D; Zhu, E; Kurosawa, H; Surface, L

Presenter(s): Nidhi Bhandari

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

46 Comparing the Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasonography, CBCT, Transgingival Probing, and Probe Transparency with Histology in Assessing Gingival Thickness

Hazrati, P; Sabri, H; Nava, P; Alrmali, A; GalindoFernandez, P; Saleh, MHA; Calatrava, J; Barootchi, S; Tavelli, L; Wang, H-L

Presenter(s): Parham Hazrati

Faculty Mentor: Hom-Lay Wang

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

47 The Effects of Multipotent Lineage-Specific MerTK Inhibition^

Candel, Elizabeth; Decker, Ann M.; Martin, Kelsey

Presenter(s): Elizabeth Candel

Faculty Mentor: Ann Decker

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

48 Modulation of Antimicrobial and Antiinflammatory Response Through Core-Shell Fibers Loaded With Metronidazole and Dexamethasone for Periodontal Therapy

Changs, S.; Anselmi, C.; Cardoso, L.; Reis Prado, A.; Mendes Soares, I.; Gomes de Carvalho, B.; Fenno, C.; Dal-Fabbro, R.; Hebling, J.; Bottino, M.

Presenter(s): Sarah Chang

Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

49 Epigenetic Editing of hAQP1 for Long-term Treatment of Radiation-induced Hyposalivation da Silva Barros CCS; Murphy III GR; Pernick KP; Amorim dos Santos J; Vesela I; Lombaert IM

Presenter(s): Caio César da Silva Barros

Faculty Mentor: Isabelle Lombaert

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

50 Omega-3/GelMA Hydrogel for Vital Pulp Therapeutics

Khosravi K; Sahadi BO; Oliveira PHC; Montazeri M; Rahimnejad M; Bottino MC

Presenter(s): Kamyar Khosravi

Faculty Mentor: Marco Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


51 Effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the migration and proliferation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes

Monteiro, M.; Amorim dos Santos, J.; Paiva Barbosa V.; Rezende, T.; Castilho, R; Squarize, C.; Guerra, E.

Presenter(s): Mylene Monteiro Pighini

Faculty Mentor: Cristiane Squarize Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

52 Splicing of HPV E6 oncogene induces partial epithelial-mesenchymal transition in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.

Yvonne X Lim; Min Liu; Allison Furgal; Jake McGue; Shiting Li; Bailey Garb; Timothy Frankel; Veera Baladandayuthapani; Laura S Rozek; Maureen A Sartor; Nisha J D’Silva

Presenter(s): Yvonne Xinyi Lim

Faculty Mentor: Nisha D'Silva Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

53 Photobiomodulation Modulates Chromatin Dynamics and Enhances Cisplatin Cytotoxicity in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma

Ramos-Pinto, M.B; Martins, M.D; Alves, F.A.; Squarize, C.H.; Castilho, R.M.

Presenter(s): Mariana Pinto

Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

54 High throughput screening to target new inhibitory drugs to manage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in young adults: an interim analysis

Louredo, B.V.R.; Vargas, P.A.; Squarize, C.; Castilho, R.

Presenter(s): Brendo Louredo

Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

55 Dental Staff/Faculty Interest in Sustainabilityrelated Education about Equipment Acquisition, Use and Recycling: A Case Study

Klahs, LR; Inglehart, MR; Kaartinen V

Presenter(s): Luke R. Klahs

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

56 Driving Dental Education for the Next Generation: Instagram & Microlearning

Rezania, Ryan; Koseoglu, Merve; Elfaki, Tala; Ajdini, Ardita; Rafaty, Ariana; Yuan, Judy; Afshari, Fatemeh; Sukotjo, Cortino; Fang, Qiao

Presenter(s): Ryan Rezania

Faculty Mentor: Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

57 Exploring Young Adults' Awareness of Oral Health Risks Associated with Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Use

F. Ahmad; N. Ahmad; H. Zeibo; J. Kinney; I. Eagle

Presenter(s): Fareeha Ahmad, Nabeeha Ahmad, and Heba Zeibo

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

58 Evaluating Oral Health Knowledge and Educational Preparedness among OB-GYN Residents

A. Asif; H. Gilson; D. Alzubaidy; J. Kinney; I. Eagle

Presenter(s): Hannah Gilson, Aminah Asif, and Dena Alzubaidy

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

59 The Impact of Stress Levels on the Prevalence of Bruxism Among Dental and Dental Hygiene

Students at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry

Elias, E; Abuelezz, H; Kinney, J; Eagle, I

Presenter(s): Lorita Elias, Haifaa Abuelezz

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

60 The Role of Prediabetes Risk Surveys and Chairside Glucose Testing in Michigan Dental Practices

Sukar, N; Tran, V; Zubair, M; Kinney, J; Eagle, I

Presenter(s): Niebal Sukar, Vy Tran, and Manaal Zubair

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

61 Assessing Awareness and Perceptions of Workplace Hazards, Protective Measures, and OSHA Regulations Among Automotive Workers: Implications for Head and Neck Cancer Risk

Dethloff, C; Wisniewski, E; Kaur, H; Kinney, J; Eagle, I

Presenter(s): Courtney Dethloff, Emma Wisniewski, and Harpreet Kaur

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

62 Clinical Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence (CLARAi) for Detecting Analgesic Effects Prior to Root Canal Surgery

Harville, A; Elayyan, F; Affendi, H; Hu, X; DaSilva, A

Presenter(s): Angeline Harville

Faculty Mentor: Alexandre DaSilva

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

63 Characterization and application of in Situ curcumin/ZNP hydrogels for periodontitis treatment

(Alanazi, A); (Khan, T); ( Zeeshan, T); (Almejlad, N); (Albarrak, H); (Abushama, A); (AlDakhil, B); (Saleh, M)

Presenter(s): Abdulmohsen Alanazi

Faculty Mentor: Muhammad Saleh Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

64 Impact of Maintenance Visit on Implant Failure and Peri-Implant Bone Loss

(Vahab, E); (Saleh, M); (Stuhr, S); (Wang, HL)

Presenter(s): Elaheh Vahab

Faculty Mentor: Muhammad Saleh Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

65 Enhanced Osteochondral Regeneration Using Peptide-Conjugated Nanofibers Hollow Microspheres (NF-HMS)

Correia Cavalcante, R; Zhou, T; Ma, PX

Presenter(s): Rafael Correia Cavalcante

Faculty Mentor: Peter X Ma Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

66 A Novel In Vitro Biofilm Model to Study SugarInduced pH Drops

Dickinson, M.A.; Fuss, J.R.; Rickard, A.H.; Tenuta, L.M.A.

Presenter(s): Madeleine Dickinson

Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

67 Investigating how SLC13A5 mediates the impact of CKD on bone microarchitecture

Hsu, M; Har, G; Zhu, E; Kuennen, D; Surface, L

Presenter(s): Maggie Hsu

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

68 Unraveling Cartilage Morphogenesis: Towards Computational Reconstruction of Growth Plate Temporal Dynamics at Cellular Resolution

Lian, Meng-Jia; Flory, Celia; Cheng, Mou-Chi; Wang, Maggie; Pan, Haichun; Zheng, Kristina; Mishina, Yuji; Cai, Dawen; Stern, Tomer.

Presenter(s): Meng-Jia Lian

Faculty Mentor: Tomer Stern

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

69 Establishing a fractionated rat salivary gland model for translating a regenerative 3D human cell hydrogel therapeutic

Pernick KP; Amorim dos Santos J; Barros CS; Meng-Jia (Justin) Lian; Samual Nahass; Vesela I; Lombaert IM

Presenter(s): Kerry Pernick

Faculty Mentor: Isabelle Lombaert

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

70 A Rosette is Not a Rosette is Not a Rosette: A Geometric Model for Deconstructing Axis Elongation Kinetics

Roy, G; Stern, T

Presenter(s): George Roy

Faculty Mentor: Tomer Stern

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

71 Periderm as a Target for Environmental and Genetic Risk Factors during Palatogenesis^

Samani, A.; Saroya, G-A.; Kaartinen, V.

Presenter(s): Alexa Samani

Faculty Mentor: Vesa Kaartinen

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

72 Screening of Electrospun-based Polymeric Scaffolds for Craniofacial Bone Regeneration

Sepideh Aminmansour; Caroline Anselmi; Igor P. Mendes Soares; Sahar Aminmansour; Owen Liepman; Josimeri Hebling; Marco C. Bottino.

Presenter(s): Sepideh Aminmansour

Faculty Mentor:

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

73 Development of a Finite Element Model to Evaluate Stress and Strain in Diabetic Femora Urrego, Carlos; Villacis, Nathaly; Fagre, Giuliana; Bolger, Morgan; Kohn, David

Presenter(s): Carlos Urrego

Faculty Mentor: David Kohn

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


* Denotes a D4 Immersion Pathways Student Poster

^ Denotes an Immersion Pathways Student Poster

PM Posters

1 Efficacy of Treatment of Oral Epithelial Dysplasia in Nonsmokers*

Kim, Clara; Troost, Jonathan; Moe, Justine

Presenter(s): Clara Kim

Faculty Mentor: Justine Moe

Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

2 Impact of COVID-19 on Learning Cariology through Gameful Learning*

Pisipati, A; Wilmot, J; Eckert, J; Fontana, M

Presenter(s): Akaash Pisipati

Faculty Mentor: Margherita, Fontana Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

3 Victors for Veterans: Gary Burnstein Clinic*

DeConinck, Elise; Cox, Claire; Mujahid, Momina; El-Chehouri, Hadil

Presenter(s): Elise DeConinck, Claire Cox, and Momina Mujahid

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Howard Hamerink Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

4 The Role of a Dentist in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea*

Falchook, Mollie; Gerstner, Geoffrey

Presenter(s): Mollie Falchook

Faculty Mentor: Geoffery Gerstner Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

5 Role of Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 in Tooth Socket Healing*

Chung, J.; Kamath, R.; Mohamed, F.; Ge, C.; Wu F.; Franceschi, R. T.

Presenter(s): Jessica Chung

Faculty Mentor: Renny T. Franceschi Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

6 Donning and doffing training using augmented reality & text-based educational methods*

D'Angelo, O.; Van Tubergen, E.; Nor, F.; Kim-Berman, H.

Presenter(s): Olivia D'Angelo

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kim-Berman

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

7 Geographic Barriers to Dental Services and Prescription Patterns for Managing Acute Dental Pain*

Duda, S

Presenter(s): Skyler Duda

Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Hatfield

Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

8 Artificial Intelligence Assessment of Nerve Density in Oral Cancer*

Fattah, A; Perez, C; Schmitd, L; Furgal, A; Bellile, E; Rao, A; D'Silva, N

Presenter(s): Aya Fattah

Faculty Mentor: Nisha D'Silva

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

9 Integrated Special Care Clinic (ISCC) Start-Up Initiatives Immersion Project*

Wang, Deneen; Houston, Elizabeth

Presenter(s): Deneen Wang, Elizabeth Houston

Faculty Mentor: Stephanie Munz

Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

10 Breathing Therapy for TMD: Feasibility, Neuromechanisms, and Influence of Belief*

Kannappan, S; Okafor, C; Palraj, N; Hu, X; DaSilva, A

Presenter(s): Sindhu Kannappan

Faculty Mentor: Alexandre F M Dasilva

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

11 Molecular Characterization of Gingival, Alveolar Bone, and Dental Pulp Stem Cells*

Herrmann, A.; Chopra, H.; Sugai, J.; Tagett, R.; Garmire, L.; Kaigler, D.

Presenter(s): Alice Herrmann

Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

12 Dental Hygiene and Dental Students’ Patient Communication Skills: Is Public Speaking Education Relevant?*

Hasan, OI; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Omair I Hasan

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

13 Dental/Dental Hygiene Students’ Coping with Musculoskeletal Pain: Exploring Yoga-related considerations*

Woods, M; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Matthew Woods

Faculty Mentor: Marita Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

14 Members of the LGBTQ+ Community and Oral Healthcare Utilization*

Jackson, RL; Okafor, L; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): RayJ L Jackson

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

15 International Students and Oral Health and Oral Health-related Behavior: How Does Dental Insurance Status Matter?*

Mourad, J; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Jade Mourad

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

16 Arabic Speaking Immigrants’ English Language Proficiency and Oral Health, Oral Health-related Behavior, Treatments, Attitudes and Dental Fear*

Khaliq, H; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Hasan Khaliq

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

17 Do College Students from Arab vs. Non-Arab Immigration Backgrounds Differ in Health Career Interests and Knowledge: An Exploration*

Ballouz, J.G.; Inglehart, M.R.

Presenter(s): John G. Ballouz

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

18 Dental Students’ Temporomandibular Disorderrelated Education, Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior: How Do Personal Experiences Matter?^

Fan, M; Hatfield, E; Sivakumar, S; Inglehart, M

Presenter(s): Monica Fan

Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Hatfield Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

19 Dental Students’ Evaluations of a Visit to an African American History Museum: An Orientation Activity

Lu, AY; Inglehart, MR; Duff, R; May, K.

Presenter(s): Annie Yuan Lu

Faculty Mentor: Marita Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

20 Dentists’ Medicaid-related Professional Attitudes and Behavior: Do Graduation Year and Dental Instructor Attitudes Matter?^

Shateri, YR; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Yasmin R. Shateri

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

21 Comparing 3D-Printed vs. Free-Hand Crown Preparation by Pre-Doctoral Students^

Shi, Xiaoyue; Xu, Shuncong

Presenter(s): Xiaoyue Shi

Faculty Mentor: Wei, Chenxuan Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

22 Dental graduate program directors’ importance ratings of admission factors and performance of applicants from pass/fail vs. graded dental schools: A national survey^

Mashrah, H; Nalliah, RP; Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Houd Mashrah

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

23 Pediatric Dentists’ Personal and Educational Experiences and Special Health Care Needs Related Attitudes and Behavior^

Borland, C.A., Inglehart, M.R., Boynton, J. R., Salzmann, L.B.

Presenter(s): Charlotte A. Borland

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

24 Dental Students’ Therapy Dog Related Experiences, Attitudes and Professional Behavior: Do Gender and Personal Experiences Matter?

Norfleet, AW, Smitz, DR, Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Aaron Norfleet & Dane Smitz, Dane R. Smitz

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

25 Dentists’ Experiences, Attitudes and Professional Behavior Related to Pronoun Use in Dental Settings: A National Survey^

Azim, NS, Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Nabighah S. Azim

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

26 Effect of 3D-Printed Denture Base Material Thickness on Transverse Strength

Elkukhun, T; Sanchez, E; Machado, C.

Presenter(s): Tala Elkukhun

Faculty Mentor: Camilo Machado

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

27 Interproximal Caries Lesion Progression and Related Factors in U.S. Children^

E. Murphy; M. Fontana; G.J. Eckert; E. Benavides; D. Clements; A.T. Hara; B. Katz; M.A. Keels; B.T. Levy; S.M. Levy; And Caries Risk Study Group

Presenter(s): Elizabeth Murphy

Faculty Mentor: Margherita Fontana

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


28 Dental Students vs. Dentists’ Education and Coping with Professional Pain^

Ramnath, S.; Inglehart, M.R.

Presenter(s): Shraddha Ramnath

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

29 Influences of Race on Deep Carious Lesions and Provider Treatment in the University of Michigan School of Dentistry Adult Clinics^

Bennett III, J; Fontana, Margherita; Freed, Gary

Presenter(s): James Bennett III

Faculty Mentor: My faculty mentor is Dr. Margherita Fontana Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

30 Financial Aid Awarded to Dental Students via Different Funding Sources

Kapadia, U; Patel, P; Shah, S; Mhay, S; Nalliah, R.P.

Presenter(s): Priyal Patel

Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

31 Transdentinal effects of flavonoid-based primers applied to caries-affected dentin on dental-pulp cells

Gifford, C.; Sahadi, BO.; Soares, IPM.; Hebling, J.; Giannini, M.; Bottino, MC.

Presenter(s): Chloe Gifford

Faculty Mentor: Marco Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

32 TGF-β2 Enhances Osteogenic Responses to Phosphate

Zhu , E; Kuennen, D; Tran, L; Mannstadt, M; Surface, L.

Presenter(s): Emily Zhu

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

33 3D Printing Single-Unit Zirconia Crowns: A Scoping Review of Applications and Advancements

Mohammad Kailani, Dr. Berna Saglik

Presenter(s): Mohammad Kailani

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

34 Automated CBCT-MRI Registration Advances Temporomandibular Degenerative Joint Disease Diagnosis

Gaydamour, A.; Leroux, G.; Mattos, C.; Tulissi, E.; Claret, J.; Caleme, E.; Barone, S.; Gurgel, M. L.; Miranda, F.; Gonçalves, J. R.; Goncalves, P.; Zupelari, M.; Wolford, L.; Hsu, N.; Ruellas, A.; Bianchi, J.; Prieto, J. C.; Cevidanes, L. H.

Presenter(s): Alban Gaydamour

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

35 Enhanced Detection of Impacted Canines via Mask R-CNN in CBCT

Tulissi,E; Gaydamour,A; Leroux,G; Claret,J; Mattos,C; Caleme,E; Davaux,F; Larson,B; Bianchi,J; Oh,H; Gurgel,M; Prieto,J; Soki,F; Tinawi,S; Aliaga Del Castillo,A; Carlos de Oliveira Ruellas,A; Arriola Guillen,L; Benavides,E; Rodriguez-Cardenas,Y; Ruiz-Mora,G; Keener,D; Cevidanes, L. H.

Presenter(s): Enzo Tulissi

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

36 The Effect of Cannabis on Peri-implant Health

Raulji, R; Saglik, B

Presenter(s): Rutwik Raulji

Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

37 Can we use Zirconia as a Surveyed Crown for Removable Partial Denture?

Rajasekaran, A; Chiam, SY

Presenter(s): Archana Rajasekaran

Faculty Mentor: Sieu Yien Chiam

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

38 Effects of Denture Cleansers on Digitally Fabricated Dentures.

Mourad, M; Chiam, SY

Presenter(s): Mahmoud Mourad

Faculty Mentor: Sieu Yien Chiam

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

39 3D Printing for Metal Framework: Where Do We Stand Today?

Elnahla, M ; Kanaan, M ; Chiam, SY

Presenter(s): Mohamed Elnahla, Mouaz Kanaan

Faculty Mentor: Sieu Yien Chiam

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

40 Optimizing Automatic Segmentation of Primary and Permanent Teeth in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

Teodoro, AB; Tulissi, E; Mattos, CT; Prieto, J; Evangelista, K; Silva, MAG; Cevidanes, L.

Presenter(s): Ana Beatriz Teodoro

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

41 Inhibition of Alkaline Phosphatase Alters Orthodontic Tooth Movement^

Gruber, K.; Jarvie, D.; Nam, H.; Hatch, N.

Presenter(s): Kelsey Gruber

Faculty Mentor: Nan Hatch

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

42 Visualizing intradental central projections from peripheral tooth AAV injection (tAAVi)

Chang, A.; Hunter K.; Lee L.; Emrick J.*; Liu L.*

Presenter(s): Amy Chang

Faculty Mentor: Joshua Emrick

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

43 Veillonella parvula deacidifies Streptococcus mutans biofilms using the LutABC Complex

Sena, C; Ferracciolo, J; Eldana, H; Krukonis, E.

Presenter(s): Carla Sena

Faculty Mentor: Eric S. Krukonis

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

44 Medex: Pilot Extraction of TMD Comorbidities from Clinical Notes Using Large Language Models

Hershey, A.; Gaydamour, A.; Cevidanes, L.

Presenter(s): Adam Hershey, Alban Gaydamour

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

45 Transposon Mutagenesis of Veillonella parvula

Agolli, S. Fenno, C. Goetting-Minesky, P.

Presenter(s): Sara Agolli

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Christopher Fenno

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

46 Effects of MerTK inhibition on alveolar MSC differentiation

Cui, J; Decker, A

Presenter(s): Juliana Cui

Faculty Mentor: Ann Decker Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

47 Unravelling The Molecular Heterogeneity of Synchondrosis Development Using Spatial Transcriptomics

S. A. Hallett, J. O. Pina, E. Stipano, R. Raju, R. D'Souza, R. T. Franceschi

Presenter(s): Shawn Hallett

Faculty Mentor: Renny Franceschi

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

48 Alveolar Bone Grafting With Mandibular Symphysis Bone: A Preliminary ThreeDimensional Study

Braga, B; Leal, C; Carvalho, R; Yatabe-Ioshida, M; Tonello, C; de Andrade, E; Ozawa, T; Cevidanes, L

Presenter(s): Bruno Braga

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

49 Bone Collagen Quality is Altered in a Mouse Model of Type 1 Diabetes

Mandair, GS; Romanowicz, G; Alismail, K; Karabetsos, M; Sexton, B; Bolger, M; VanRenterghem, G; Nikolov, D; Kohn, DH

Presenter(s): Gurjit Mandair

Faculty Mentor: David H. Kohn

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

50 Characterization of the Treponema denticola dentilisin protease locus in clinical isolates

M. Hassanein; M.P. Goetting-Minesky; W. Zheng; J.C. Fenno

Presenter(s): Mahmoud Hassanein

Faculty Mentor: J.C. Fenno

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

51 Determining the biological function of ATRAIDSLC37A3 lysosomal complex

Kurosawa, H; Surface, L; McQueen, H; Kuennen, D

Presenter(s): Hanah Kurosawa

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

52 Engineer alveolar bone derived mesenchymal stem cells (aBMSCs) with fluorescent proteins^

Shen, L., Sugai, J., Kaigler, D.

Presenter(s): Leyao Shen

Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

53 Injectable scaffolds combined with biological stimuli enhance HIF stabilization and support cartilage regeneration^

Mirajkar A, Woo K, Cavalcante RC, Ma PX.

Presenter(s): Ashlesha Mirajkar, Kate Woo

Faculty Mentor: Rafael Correia Cavalcante

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

54 Hesperetin Enhances Osteogenic Potential of Zoledronate-Challenged Progenitor Bone Cells

Liepman, O; Mendes Soares, I; Anselmi, C; Chang, S; Dal-Fabbro, R; Hebling, J; Bottino, M

Presenter(s): Owen Liepman

Faculty Mentor: Marco Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


55 PVA blocks pro-differentiation signaling in HSCs promoting their ex vivo expansion

Muallem, F; Rodríguez, A; Sharma, I; Rathnayake, D; Morales-Hernández, A

Presenter(s): Fadi Muallem

Faculty Mentor: Antonio Morales-Hernández Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

56 Development of Injectable Scaffolds for Minimally Invasive Treatment of Periodontal Disease.

Hill, E, Wang, J, Decker, J

Presenter(s): Evan Hill, Junhan Wang, and Joseph Decker

Faculty Mentor: Joseph Decker Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

57 How Scaffold implant Can Train The Innate Immune System in Ligature Induced Periodontitis Model

Najim, Rawa; Decker, Joseph

Presenter(s): Rawa Najim

Faculty Mentor: Joseph Decker Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

58 Enhancing 3D Live Imaging to Elucidate Fruit Fly Embryogenesis Using Machine Learning

Samanta,R ; Zheng, W; Stern, T

Presenter(s): Riya Samanta

Faculty Mentor: Tomer Stern Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

59 Impact of Clinical Experience on Confidence and Accuracy in Applying the AAP Staging and Grading System among Dental and Dental Hygiene Students

Sims, K; Dunham, K; Mohammad, K; Kinney, J; Eagle I

Presenter(s): Kennedy Sims, Kamryn Dunham, and Khadijah Mohammed

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

60 Dental Hygiene Students Confidence and Attitudes in Treating Patients with Developmental Disabilities

Hallenbeck, H; Kayed, A; Hammoud, A; Kinney, J; Eagle, I

Presenter(s): Haley Hallenbeck, Aisha Kayed, and Aya Hammoud Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

61 Evaluating the Impact of Pediatric Care Experience Frequency on Confidence Levels among Students at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry

Gonzalez-Lozano, A; Azzouz, S; Abdullah, G; Kinney, J; Eagle, I

Presenter(s): Alondra Gonzalez-Lozano, Sarah Azzouz, and Gehan Abdullah

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

62 Exploring the Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Dental Hygienists and the Impact of Ergonomics on Health and Productivity

Garcia, E; Sogani, L; Olakanmi, B; Kinney, J; Eagle, I

Presenter(s): Erika Garcia, Lizza Sogani, and Blessing Olakanmi

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

63 Preparedness of Michigan Dental Hygienists in Treating D(d)eaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals

Guevara, A; Prewitt, B; Kinney, J; Eagle, I

Presenter(s): Alejandra Guevara, Bruckner Prewitt

Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

64 Novel traces of trigeminal somatosensory innervation in the salivary glands

Amorim dos Santos J., Cannizzaro N.D., Pernick K.P., Barros C.C.S., Vesela I., Emrick J.J., Lombaert I.M.

Presenter(s): Juliana Amorim dos Santos

Faculty Mentor: Isabelle Lombaert

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

65 Loss of Sc5d results in cleft palate through impaired primary cilium formation and pathogenic microRNAs

Chihiro Iwaya, Akiko Suzuki, and Junichi Iwata

Presenter(s): Chihiro Iwaya

Faculty Mentor: Chihiro Iwaya

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

66 The Impact of Skin Cancer on Prevalence and Progression Periodontitis after Therapy – An Age, Gender, Smoking, and Diabetes / CaseControlled Study.

Hend Abulatifa, Ann Decker, Elaheh Vahab, Homlay Wang, Muhammad Saleh

Presenter(s): Hend Abulatifa

Faculty Mentor: Muhammad Saleh

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

67 Ectopic Xist induction by BMP signaling causes premature closure of cranial sutures

Hiroki Ueharu, Sundeep Kalantry, and Yuji Mishina

Presenter(s): Hiroki Ueharu

Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

68 Inhibition of Mertk Signaling Reduces Bone Loss in Ligature-Induced Periodontitis^

Mazzara, N; Decker, A; Decker, J; Martin, K

Presenter(s): Nicholas Mazzara

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ann Decker

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

69 State of Residency of D1 Students in US Dental Schools

Mhay, S; Shah,S; Singh, K; Mathew, S; Kaur, M; Murthy, P; Sharma, S; Nalliah, RP

Presenter(s): Sahil Mhay

Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

70 μ-opioid Receptor Dynamics in the Parameninges During Migraine Attacks

Saberi, M; Kim, D; Lim, M; Nascimento, T; Porreca, F; Koeppe, R; Hadjikhani, N; DaSilva, A

Presenter(s): Majid Saberi

Faculty Mentor: Alexandre DaSilva

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

71 In Vitro Evaluation of Yerba Mate Incorporated Polymer Scaffolds on Inflammation and Mineralization for Endo-perio Lesion Management

Sahar Aminmansour; Caroline Anselmi; Lais M. Cardoso; Igor P. Mendes Soares; Sepideh Aminmansour; Sarah Chang; Carolina Sayuri Wajima; Luciano Cintra; Marco C. Bottino

Presenter(s): Sahar Aminmansour

Faculty Mentor: Dr.Marco Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

72 Accurate Quantitation of Immature Lysyl Oxidase Derived Collagen Crosslinks via Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Sexton, B.; Kohn, D.H.

Presenter(s): Ben Sexton

Faculty Mentor: David Kohn

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

73 Genetic Defects in Laminin 332 Impaired Enamel Maturation

Solanki, M., Hu, Y., Paine, M.L., Simmer, J.P., Hu, J.C.C., Liang, T.

Presenter(s): Mansi Solanki

Faculty Mentor: Tian Liang

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

74 Victors for Veterans: Traverse City*

Guido, A.; Little, A.; Miller, R.; Reid, K.; Sassack, J.; Stone, G.

Presenter(s): Amanda Guido, Lexi Little, Rylee Miller, Jason Sassack, Keith Reid, Grace Stone, Listed above, and Alexus Little

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Howard Hamerink

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

75 Victors for Veterans: Brighton*

Frederick, A; Bowker, B; Ries, G; Wimot, J; Burbul, D; Ruffino, F

Presenter(s): Alia Frederick, Braden Bowker and Domenika Burbul

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Howard Hamerink

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Maggie Wang, Meng-Jia (Justin) Lian, PI.


Fluorescently labeled chondrocytes visualized after segmentation using a deep learning-based algorithm and randomly assigned color-coding.

Li, PI. Fei Liu


Autophagosomes (green), lipid droplets (red), their co-localization (yellow) in osteoblasts; nuclei are blue.


Juliana Amorim, PI. Isabelle Lombaert


Trigeminal Ganglia: Turning novel hypothesis into artistic sensations.

Shawn A. Hallett, PI. Renny T. Franceschi


SOX9-expressing (white) chondrocytes are enriched in Fgfr3+ (red) synchondrosis cells.

Maria Leticia de Almeida Lança; PI. Rogerio M. Castilho


3D-printed spheroid depicting Aurora (red), β-tubulin (green), DAPI (blue) staining.


Yvonne Xinyi Lim, PI. Nisha D’Silva
Occludin (green) and E-cadherin (red) at cancer cell junctions; nuclei are blue.

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1. Smile Brands

2. Brasseler USA

3. Michigan Dental Association

4. SurgiTel

5. Expertec Dental Laboratory 6. Davison Dental 7. Ward Dental Laboratory 8. Apex Dental Milling

My Community Dental Centers

Delta Dental Foundation


The Michigan League (Ballroom & Vandenberg)

10:30 am – 12:00 pm & 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm


SCADA Award Winner Sindhu Nagammai Kannappan

AADR Travel Award Winner.................................................................................................................. Lauren Okafor

DDS, DH, MS, Undergraduate

Clinical Research and Public Health

1st Place - Lauren Okafor

2nd Place - Sindhu Nagammai Kannapan and Brigitte Thuy Trinh Phung

3rd Place (tie) - Hasan Kaliq

3rd Place (tie) - Minh-Kevin Le Doan, Taylor Morgan, and Mohmadrida Ahmad Aljlaihawai

Basic Science and Translational Health

PhD, Post Doc, Faculty, Staff

Clinical Research and Public Health

Basic Science and Translational Research .....................................

Dental Hygiene ..........................................................................

1st Place - Danielle DeCesaris

2nd Place - Elizabeth Perkins

3rd Place - Amy Yu Xuan Lin

1st Place - Eduardo Caleme

2nd Place - Jeanne Claret

3rd Place - Sneha Shah

1st Place (tie) - Igor Paulino Mendes Soares

1st Place (tie) - Hiroki Ueharu

2nd Place - Shawn Hallett

3rd Place - Karin Harumi Uchima Koecklin

1st Place - Rita Ann Hannosh and Brittney Marie Nasir

2nd Place (tie) - Layan Alsabbagh, Luisa Amaya, Talaah AL-Maisari

2nd Place (tie) - Ella Dale Stepan, Emily Honjas and Alison Claire Honjas

Jan’s Prize Award Renan Del Fabbro

Distinguished Faculty Mentoring Award Lucia Cevidanes

Research Staff Recognition Award Sywe-Ren Chang


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