Research Day 2024

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CONTENTS Keynote Speaker................................................................................................................................. 2 Program Schedule............................................................................................................................... 2 2024 Judges......................................................................................................................................... 3 Theme list of posters.......................................................................................................................... 3 Posters................................................................................................................................................. 4 Bio-Art................................................................................................................................................ 16 2024 Research Day Sponsors.......................................................................................................... 22 2024 Advertisements......................................................................................................................... 24 2025 Research Day Announcement................................................................................................. 36 2023 Research Day Winners............................................................................................................. 37 2023 Research Photos Showcase................................................................................................... 38 Exhibitors and Poster Map............................................................................................................... 39

1. Shawn A. Hallett, Lena Batoon, Renny Franceschi Col1a1-GFP+ osteoblasts (green) and TRAP+ osteoclasts (purple) degrade the spheno-occipital synchondrosis independent of Fgfr3-labeled chondrocytes (red).

1 2 3 4




2. Prerana Singh, Muhammad Saleh, Kelsey Martin, Ann Decker, Joseph Decker Bone loss associated with peri-implantitis in mice. 3. Felipe Nor Goblet cells secreting MUC2+ mucin (colonic mucosa, IHC). 4. Ritwika Bera, Nisha D’Silva Immunofluorescence staining of oral cancer cells shows binucleation and micronuclei. Nuclear material (Blue) and Lamin B1 (Green) highlight dysregulated nuclear morphology. Alpha Tubulin (Red) highlights the cellular cytoskeleton. 5. Nita Singh, Christina Kim, Lauren Surface Mouse mandibular BRONJ model. 6. Yuanyuan Han, Renny Franceschi Focal adhesions and actin cytoskeleton of calvarial osteoblast.

WELCOME We are proud to host the School of Dentistry’s annual Research Day. Thank you for joining us in the celebration of our students, postdoctoral trainees, staff and faculty members who generate new knowledge in our research laboratories and in our clinics. The research conducted at the school, and that is highlighted during our Research Day, is vital to advancing our mission as academic institution. In addition to promoting integration of basic, translational, clinical and health services research to stimulate discoveries and their implementation into practice, the Research Vesa Kaartinen

Day poster sessions provide an insightful look at the incredible range and diversity of the school’s scholarly work. This year we have more than 160 posters illustrating the school’s four research themes: Cancer Biology & Therapeutics; Clinical, Population & Educational Research; Craniofacial; Skeletal Biology & Disease; and Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine. We are also excited to welcome and feature our D4 Immersion Pathway students in a new collaboration with Research Day as they present their final Pathways projects. Please take some time to explore these poster presentations as you walk around the exhibit space in the Michigan League. This year we are especially pleased to welcome Dr. Rena N. D’Souza, Director of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, as our keynote speaker. A highly

Jacques E. Nör

accomplished dentist-scientist, Dr. D’Souza is recognized for her contributions to research in craniofacial development, genetics, tooth development, and regenerative dental medicine. She is also recognized as a visionary leader who has brought transformative changes to dental, oral and craniofacial research through her superb leadership of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR). We thank the Office of Research staff who organized this event, along with the students and researchers who present their work today. A sincere thank you to all the faculty who have mentored the projects presented here and will serve as judges for various awards. We are also grateful to the 15 companies that have partnered with our school as exhibitors, sponsors or advertisers in supporting student research. Thank you for helping us celebrate the impact that our research mission has to the current and future care of our patients. Enjoy the day.

Vesa Kaartinen Associate Dean for Research

Jacques E. Nör Dean Research Day 1


KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Rena N. D’Souza, DDS, MS, PhD Director - National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

“Oral Health for All: Realizing the Promise of Science” Dr. Rena D’Souza is the ninth Director of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health. She is deeply committed to the organization’s mission which is to advance fundamental knowledge about dental, oral, and craniofacial health and disease and translate these findings into prevention, early detection, and treatment strategies that improve overall health for all individuals and communities across the lifespan. As the director of NIDCR, Dr. D’Souza oversees the institute’s annual budget of over $520 million, supporting basic, translational, and clinical research in areas of oral cancer, orofacial pain, tooth decay, periodontal disease, salivary gland dysfunction, craniofacial development and the oral complications of systemic diseases. She has overseen the launch of key nationwide 75th anniversary collaboratives, including: Practice-Based Research Integrating Multidisciplinary Experiences in Dental Schools (PRIMED), Advancement of Head and Neck Cancer Early Detection Research (AHEAD), TMD Collaborative for Improving Patient-Centered Translational Research (TMD IMPACT). Prior to becoming NIDCR’s director, Dr. D’Souza served at the University of Utah as Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Education for the Health Sciences. She held the Ole and Marty Jensen endowed chair in the School of Dentistry that she led as inaugural dean. As a clinician- scientist, D’Souza has been strongly committed to education, discovery and mentoring throughout her academic career. She is past president of the American Association for Dental and Oral Craniofacial Research (AADOCR) and the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Dr. D’Souza is an internationally recognized researcher and has authored over 150 publications and book chapters in the areas of craniofacial development, matrix biology and tissue regeneration for over 30 years. She is a Fellow of AAAS and also of AADOCR. She was inducted into the German National Academy of Sciences in 2012 and the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine’s awarded Dr. D’Souza the Birnberg Research Medal in 2016. She received the Irwin D. Mandel Distinguished National Mentoring Award in 2017, the Shils Fund Innovation Award in 2022 and was the inaugural recipient of the Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award from UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry in 2022. Dr. D’Souza is active on several trans-NIH committees and maintains an active research laboratory in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), NIH.

PROGRAM SCHEDULE 10:30 am – 12:00 pm POSTER and EXHIBITOR SESSION 1 (AM) Michigan League – (2nd Floor)

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

RESEARCH DAY FACULTY/STAFF AWARDS CEREMONY Kellogg Lecture Hall G005 – Ground Floor Dentistry Building

2:30 pm – 4:00 pm




Michigan League – (2nd Floor)

Director - National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research 2 Research Day


2024 JUDGES Amy Karpenko

Fei Liu

Liz Hatfield

Robert Eber

Andrea Pobocik

Felipe Nor

Lucia Cevidabes

Rodney Vergotine

Ariella Shikanov

Margherita Fontana

Sandra Stuhr

Aron Aliaga del Castillo

Geetha Duddanahal Siddanna

Marilia Yatabe

Sarah Tomaka

Brittany Forga

Giovana Anovazzi

Marita Inglehart

Sharon Aronovich

Carlos Gonzalez

Howard Hamerink

Martha McComas

Sheree Duff

Chia-En Tsai

Hui Li

Nan Hatch

Shriya Sawant

Chris Fenno

Iwonka Eagle

Nataly Zambrana

Suman Vij

Clarissa Fontoura

James Simmer

Nisha D’Silva

Sun-Yung Bak

Claudia Loebel

Jan Hu

Patricia Bauer

Tamires Dutra

Colleen Sorensen

Janet Kinney

Peter Ma

Tian Liang

Daniel J Chiego

Jennifer Cullen

Peter Polverini

Valerie Nieto

Danielle Rulli

Jian Geng

Purnima Kumar

Vesa Kaartinen

Darnell Kaigler

Joe Decker

Qiming Jin

Yuji Mishina

Domenica Sweier

Junying Li

Rajani Bhat

Elisabeta Karl

Leo Lei

Renee Duff

Fabiana Soki

Livia Tenuta

Renny Franceschi

POSTER BY RESEARCH THEME Pathways Posters: AM Posters #: 51, 54-55, 57, 59 - 71 PM Posters #: 28-31, 49 - 56, 58 - 71, 85

Research Theme: Cancer Biology and Therapeutics AM Posters #: 4, 8, 25, 31, 38, 40, 46, 72, 75 PM Posters #: 15, 35, 36, 37, 41, 69, 78, 81

Craniofacial, Skeletal Biology and Disease AM Posters #: 12, 14, 17, 23, 27, 32, 34, 37, 42, 43, 49, 50, 51, 53, 71 PM Posters #: 8, 9, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 33, 39, 42, 44, 46, 49, 68, 74, 77, 80, 83, 84

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine AM Posters #: 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 18, 24, 33, 35, 39, 41, 47, 48, 55, 57, 65, 67, 74, 78 PM Posters #: 1, 2, 3, 4, 22, 24, 32, 38, 45, 59, 60, 76, 81

Clinical, Population, and Educational Research AM Posters #: 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30, 44, 45, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61 ,62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 77, 79 PM Posters #: 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 40, 43, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 79, 82 Research Day 3



Precision of Automatic Image Registration Compared to Voxel-based Registration Approach Yanjie Huang, Luc Anchling, William Ray Bates, Maxime Gillot, Juan Carlos Prieto, Felicia Miranda, Marcela Gurgel, Elizabeth Biggs, Marilia Yatabe, Karine Evangelista, Brent E. Larson, Jonas Bianchi, Antonio Carlos De Oliveira Ruellas, Lucia Cevidanes

Bharadwaj, P, Eckert, G, Fontana, M Presenter(s): Pooja Bharadwaj Faculty Mentor: Margherita Fontana Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Presenter(s): Yanjie Huang Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry


Dental Students’ Attitudes Towards Group Assignments Before, During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Who Likes What and How? Alsomairi, Y, Inglehart, MR

The Long Term Effects of Cryopreservation on DPSCs

Presenter(s): Katelyn Lee Faculty Mentor: Hera Kim-Berman Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry


Presenter(s): Emma King Faculty Mentor: Margherita Fontana Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Presenter(s): Alyssa Nedell Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Engineered Cell Hammocks to Probe the Curvature-Dependent Mechanotransduction in Pulmonary Cell Monolayer

Presenter(s): Bradley E. Harrison Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Anticaries mechanism of a calcium pretreatment used before fluoride: in vitro biofilm study Calderon SC, Kashima M, Capalbo LC, Yoshino N, Almalki J, Tenuta LMA

Presenter(s): Katherine Wei and Sonia Ejike Faculty Mentor: Claudia Loebel Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Oral Care Education and Intervention in the Critically-Ill Hospitalized Patient

Dentistry Students’ Considerations concerning the Role of Social Workers in Dentistry Related Settings: A Survey Harrison, BE, Nalliah, R, Burnett, K, Inglehart, MR

[(Ejike, Sonia), (Wei, Katherine)], (Roy, Avinava), (Plaster, Eleanor), (Eiken, Madeline), (Loebel, Claudia), (Shtein, Max)


COVID-19’s Impact on At-Risk Children King, E., Fontana, M., Eckert, G.

Nedell, A., Malika, M., Chopra, H., Kaigler, D.


Student Learning of Head and Neck Anatomy Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Virtual Reality Lee,K, Mitchell,V, Bui, D, Bonine, B, Benavides, E, Soki, F, Ramaswamy, V, Kim-Berman, H.

Presenter(s): Yunus Alsomairi Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Using an online learning resource to aid first year dental students in integrating caries detection and diagnosis with treatment planning

Presenter(s): Shara Corvera Calderon Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Sabbagh, S, Munz, S, Jockers, A

Fabricating Amino Acid-based Poly(ester urea) Copolymer Scaffolds for Periodontal Bone Regeneration Li, A., Zuhric, S., Bottino, M.

Presenter(s): Seema Sabbagh Faculty Mentor: Stephanie Munz Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

Presenter(s): Amy Li Faculty Mentor: Marco Bottino Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Cis-/Non-cis Members of the LGBTQ+ Community and Oral Health Care Okafor, L., Jackson RJ., Inglehart, MR. Presenter(s): Lauren Okafor Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

4 Research Day


Application of the DOHaD Theory to Periapical Periodontitis


Makhani, B., Fuji, M., Sasaki, H.

Ramos-Pinto, M, Martins, M, Alves, F, Squarize, C, Castilho, R

Presenter(s): Benyamin Makhani Faculty Mentor: Hajime Sasaki Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Holistic Health Questionnaire and Dental Caries Risk Mora,R. Karl,E. Allohaibi,Z. Siddanna,G. Pobocik,A.

Presenter(s): Mariana Pinto Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Presenter(s): Robert Mora Faculty Mentor: Elisabeta Karl Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Dental Problems Seen in Michigan Hospital Emergency Rooms Presenter(s): Oluwatobi Dauda Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Victors for Veterans Vieau, J., Zerka, J., Wills, S., Shoha, P., Perry, S., Do, J., Lee, C., Brady, J. Presenter(s): Jacob Vieau, Jacob Zerka, and Spencer Wills Faculty Mentor: Dr. Howard Hamerink Department: BMSP Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Presenter(s): Maedeh Rahimnejad Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Masticatory Kinematics in the House Mouse: Pilot Study Martone, P., Gerstner, G. Presenter(s): Peter Martone Faculty Mentor: Geoffrey Gerstner Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Presenter(s): Sepideh Aminmansour Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Development Of Cerium Oxide-laden GelMA/ PCL Scaffolds For Periodontal Regeneration Aminmansour, S., Cardoso, L.M., Anselmi, C., Gomes de Carvalho, A. B., Rahimnejad, M., Bottino M.C. Presenter(s): Sahar Aminmansour Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Dental Hygiene Students’ Knowledge and Perceptions on Educating Diabetic Patients on the Oral Systemic Link Between Diabetes and Oral Health E. Clark, S. VanDuine, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I Eagle Presenter(s): Eric Clark Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)


Strontium-Doped Bioglass-Laden Gelatin Methacryloyl Hydrogels For Vital Pulp Therapy Aminmansour, S., Gomes de Carvalho, A.B., Cardoso, L.M., Anselmi, C., Rahimnejad, M., Benavides, E., Campos, T.M.B., Borges, A.L.S., Dal-Fabbro, R., Bottino, M.C.

Engineering Microvascularized Grafts for Oral Soft Tissue Regeneration Using Advanced Biofabrication Approaches Rahimnejad M. a, Milosevich O. a, Dal-Fabbro R. a, Rodrigues de Souza J. a, b, Bottino M.C. a, c a Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences, and Endodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. b Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Institute of Science and Technology of São José dos Campos, São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil. c Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States.

Dauda, O, Ngo, R, Belgal, P, Smiddy, R, Kaur, J, Nalliah, R.


Photobiomodulation as an Optimizing Tool for the Treatment of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Salivary Glands

Knowledge and Preparedness Levels Among Oral Healthcare Providers in Identifying and Treating Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Patients L. Malan, K. Goltz, K. Aldridge, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle Presenter(s): Laura Malan, Keisha Aldridge, and Kyrstin Goltz Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)


Development of a High Throughput Perineurial Invasion Model for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Salivary Glands Using 3D Bioprinting Technology Vieira G, Mariano F, Squarize C, Castilho R Presenter(s): Gustavo Vieira Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Research Day 5


Implications of Nitrous Oxide on Pregnancy among Female Workers in a Dental Clinic


M. Alobaidy, M. Antwan, K. Cangemi, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle

dos Reis-Prado, AH, Rahimnejad, M, Dal-Fabbro, R, Toledo, PTA, Benetti, F, Bottino, MC

Presenter(s): Mina Alobaidy, Melanie Antwan, and Kathryn Cangemi Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)


Dental Professionals Knowledge and Attitudes of Chiropractic Care Treatment for Temporomandibular Disorders

Presenter(s): Alexandre Henrique dos Reis-Prado Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics



Presenter(s): Jennenn West, Courtney Nagi, and Kathleen Stark Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)


The Effects of Academic Stress on Oral Health Among College Students



Presenter(s): Aditya Banerjee Faculty Mentor: Livia M.A. Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Development of a Mouse Model to Evaluate Changes in Female Bone Architecture and Osteocyte Senescence with Type 2 Diabetes Urrego, C., Kohn, D. Presenter(s): Carlos Urrego Faculty Mentor: David Kohn Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Presenter(s): Leticia Cabrera Capalbo Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Sensory Innervation Patterns Arising from the Mouse Respiratory System Spoelman, A, Li, X, Li, X Presenter(s): Alisha Spoelman Faculty Mentor: Peng Li Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

6 Research Day

Nurses Perception and Understanding of Oral Hygiene in Relation to Hospital Acquired Pneumonia M-K. Doan, T. Morgan, M. Aljlaihawi, A. Carron, A. VanBlarcom, J. Kinney, I. Eagle Presenter(s): Minh-Kevin Doan, Taylor Morgan, and Mohamadrida Aljlaihawi Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

Mededovic, M. , Capobianco, C. , Donneys, A. , Kessell, K. , Hankenson, K. , Kohn, D.


Fluoride Release of Engineered Fluoride Nanoparticles at Different pHs Capalbo, LC, Chang, A, Yoshino, N, Lahann, J, Tenuta, LMA

Upregulated cell-cell communication via gene delivery coating changes the course of ischemic tibial fracture healing Presenter(s): Merjem Mededovic Faculty Mentor: David Kohn Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Fluoride export regulates the competitive fitness of dental caries pathogens in biofilm models Banerjee, A., Kang, C.Y., Tenuta, M.A., Stockbridge, R.B.

A. Mohammed Ali, R. Nuzha, A. Dallo, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle Presenter(s): Aeshah Mohammed Ali, Ramz Nuzha, and Abigail Dallo Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

Barriers to Accessing Orthodontic Care J. West, C. Nagi, K. Stark, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle

C. Vega, C. Schultz, C. Barager, A. Carron, J. Kinney, E. Hatfield, I. Eagle Presenter(s): Carmen Vega, Carly Barager, and Caitlin Schultz Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

Development of injectable core-shell microbeads for drug delivery and pulp-dentin complex regeneration


Comparison of Fluoride Varnish Usage and Caries-Risk Assessments and Management in the Student Predoctoral Clinics: Perception versus Actual Utilization E. Stepan, E. Honjas, A. Honjas, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle, M. McComas Presenter(s): Ella Stepan, Emily Honjas, and Alison Honjas Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)


Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders in Musicians


A. Barraco, K. Brand, A. Carron, J. Kinney, M. Thompson, I. Eagle Presenter(s): Anthony Barraco and Kylee Brand Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)


FlexReg Customizable IntraOral Scanning Registration for Palatal changes with Growth and Treatment

Kakar, E, Saleh, M, Almashni, H, Nava, P, Kalani, K Presenter(s): Era Kakar Faculty Mentor: Muhammad Saleh Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine



Presenter(s): Baraa Alabkaa Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik DDS,MS, FACP, D.ABDSM Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Bioactive Glass-incorporated Polymeric Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration


Presenter(s): Gabriel Kleer Faculty Mentor: Hernan Roca Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Presenter(s): Yvonne Xinyi Lim Faculty Mentor: Nisha D'Silva Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Efferocytosis-induced HIF-1α enhances tumor vascularization and promotes osteoblastic bone remodeling in metastatic prostate cancer. Kleer, GG, Molina Sanchez, M, Mendoza-Reinoso, V, Koh, AJ, Rubin, J, McCauley, LK, Roca, H

Presenter(s): Yuanyuan Han Faculty Mentor: Renny Franceschi Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Long Bone Sexual Dimorphism In Periodontitis

Presenter(s): Ligia Schmitd Faculty Mentor: Roman Giger Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Presenter(s): Karin Harumi Uchima Koecklin Faculty Mentor: Peng Li Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Presenter(s): Kelsey Martin Faculty Mentor: Ann Decker Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Ultrasound Guided Implant Placement: A Technical Note And Preliminary Results

Neural Pathways Involved in Brux-like Behaviors in Mice Uchima Koecklin, KH, Peng, L

Martin, K., Saleh, M., Decker, J.T., Decker, A.M.


SARM1 regulates repair Schwann cell reprograming and efficient nerve regeneration Schmitd, LB; Haffner, H; Athaiya, M; Vitale, S; Kalinski, A; Giger, RJ.

Sneha shah, utsavi kapadia


Indispensable roles of integrin β1 and DDR2 in osteoblast differentiation Yuanyuan Han, Chunxi Ge, Rajay Kamath, Renny Franceschi

Crown Failure rate at Michigan dental school Presenter(s): Sneha shah Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Blocking HPV16 E6 splicing by antisense oligonucleotides suppresses aggressive phenotypes in oropharyngeal cancer. Lim, Y.X., Liu, M., Garb, B., Furgal, A., Rozek, L.S., Sartor, M.A., D'Silva, N.J.

de Souza, JR*, Cardoso, LM, de Toledo PTA, Rahimnejad, M, Kito, LT, Thim, GP, Campos, TMB, Borges, ALS, Bottino, MC. Presenter(s): Joyce Rodrigues de Souza Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Artificial Intelligence in Prosthodontics: Current Status and Scope for the Future: a literature review (Alabkaa, B) DDS, (Saglik, B)DDS,MS, FACP, D.ABDSM

Leroux, G., Hutin, N., Aliaga-Del Castillo, A., Claret, J., Miranda, F., Prieto, J.C., Allemang, D., Barone, S., Ruellas, A., Bianchi, J., Cevidanes, L.H. Presenter(s): Gaelle Leroux Faculty Mentor: Lucia H Cevidanes Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

The influence of Rheumatoid Arthritis on peri-implant health: A retrospective analysis


Landscape of Differentiation Potential as a "Hallmark" in Oral-Derived MSCs

Nava, P., Sabri, H., Zimmer, J., Calatrava, J., Chen, Z.

Chopra, H; Cao C; Sugai J; Tagett R; Garmire L; Kaigler D.

Presenter(s): Paolo Nava Faculty Mentor: Zhaozhao Chen Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Presenter(s): Hitesh Chopra Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine Research Day 7


Unraveling the Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on the Bone


Har, J.R.G., Kuennen, D.P., Tran, L., Surface, L.E. Presenter(s): Jie Ren Gerald Har Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Nerve types and transcriptomic profiling of sensory neurons innervating oral cancer Gonzalez-Maldonado, L, Perez-Pacheco, C, Furgal, A, Schmitd, L, Constantinescu, B, Gannot, N, Perry, S, Rozek, L, Wolf, G, Emrick, J, Li, P, D’Silva, N.

Fetrati, A. Ueharu, H. Mishina, Y Presenter(s): Asal Fetrati Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Phenotypic Properties of DPSCs in Human Platelet Lysate vs. FBS

Presenter(s): Sriya Neelam Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Malik, M, Perkins, E, Nedell, A, Chopra, H, Sugai, J, Kaigler, D

Phosphorylated TRIP13 overcomes radiationinduced chromosomal and genomic instability.

Presenter(s): Avery Berger Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine



Presenter(s): Shirley Zheng Faculty Mentor: Jacques Nör Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Development of Fibrosis in Salivary Glands Receiving Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)


Presenter(s): Sher Khehra Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp-derived Stem Cells (DPSCs) in Animal Serum-free Conditions Perkins, E, Malik, M, Chopra, H, Sugai, J, Kaigler, D

Periodontitis induces sex-specific changes in antigen-presenting cells

Presenter(s): Elizabeth Perkins Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

(Morrison, M), (Decker J) Presenter(s): Madeline Morrison Faculty Mentor: Joseph Decker Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Alveolar Transdifferentiation via LRG1 Rescues Embryonic Lung Development Khehra, S, Ueharu, H, Mishina, Y

Lian, Meng-Jia., Nahass, Samuel., Vesela, Iva., Weerappuli, Priyan., Lombaert, Isabelle Presenter(s): Meng-Jia (Justin) Lian and Samuel Nahass Faculty Mentor: Isabelle Lombaert Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Bmi-1 Inhibition Overcomes Cancer Stem Cell Resistance to Cytotoxixc Therapy Zheng, S, Herzog, A, Nör, J

Bera,R. Hutchinson,MK. Banerjee,R. D'Silva,N. Presenter(s): Ritwika Bera Faculty Mentor: Nisha D'Silva Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Dentists and Implicit Bias-Related Continuing Education Requirements: A National Survey Berger, A., Bogie, D., Inglehart M.R., Vij, S.

Presenter(s): Malika Malik Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Graduates who are not engaged in the dental profession Neelam S, Nalliah RP

Presenter(s): Laura A Gonzalez-Maldonado Faculty Mentor: Nisha D'Silva Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Augmentation of BMP signaling induces ectopic X-chromosome inactivation and that leads to Craniosynostosis through ectopic cartilage formation.


Runx2 is required for transdifferentiation of cranial base chondrocytes into osteoblasts Ashley Dixon, Isabella Marrale, Lena Batoon, José Brenes, Annabelle Zhou, Ariel Arbiv, Vesa Kaartinen, Wanida Ono, Renny T. Franceschi, Noriaki Ono, Shawn A. Hallett Presenter(s): Ashley Dixon Faculty Mentor: Renny T. Franceschi Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

8 Research Day



Advancing Dental Imaging: A Deep Learning Model for CBCT Root Canal Segmentation


Choudhari, VR, Mattos, CT, Botero, TM, Benavides, E, Cevidanes, LHS

L. Amaya, T, Al-Maisari, L. Alsabbagh, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle

Presenter(s): Vishakha Ravindra Choudhari Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

Presenter(s): Luisa Amaya, Talaah Al-Maisari, and Layan Alsabbagh Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

A Comparison of Nation wide Dental utilization and Medicaid Dental coverage


Sridhara Murthy P, Kapadia UH, Patel V, Nalliah RP

Augmentation of BMP signaling in cranial NCCs develops ectopic cartilage in the face through elevated Gata6 expression.

Presenter(s): Payam Paymanpour Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Hiroki Ueharu and Yuji Mishina

Determining the failure rate for amalgam and composite restorations in a teaching practice Priyal Patel*, Utsavi Kapadia, Janhvi Vyas, Sahil Mhay, Romesh P. Nalliah Presenter(s): Priyal Patel Faculty Mentor: Romesh P. Nalliah Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Presenter(s): Velasquez, V. Faculty Mentor: Oh, W. Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Presenter(s): Sindhu Kannappan and Brigitte Phung Faculty Mentor: Geoffrey Gerstner Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Almashni H., Kakar E., Saleh M.



Presenter(s): Momina Mujahid, Pooja Patel, Ananya Parlapalli, Momina Mujahid, and Ananya Parlapalli Faculty Mentor: Theodora Danciu Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

McGoldrick, S, Kohn, D


Intercepting the evolution of pro-tumoral myeloid cells during the initiation of oral cancer Taner, H., Gong, W., Li, Z., He, Y., Fitzsimonds, Z., Cheng, W., Manousidaki, A., Nor, F., Lanzel, E., Tan, Y., Demehri, S., Wolf, G., Polverini, P., Donnelly, C., Wen, H., Que, J., Chinn, S., Nor, J., Wang, T., Moon, J., Xie, Y., & Lei, Y. Presenter(s): Hulya Taner Faculty Mentor: Yu Leo Lei Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Evaluating the use of ChatGPT in dental diagnostic sciences Mujahid*,Patel*, Parlapalli*, Veremis, Popov, Ramaswamy, Danciu, Katser

Mineral-binding peptide inhibits BMPinduced ectopic mineralization Presenter(s): Samantha McGoldrick Faculty Mentor: David Kohn Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

A Systematic Review of the Development of Non-Carious Cervical Lesions Due to Occlusal Factors Kannappan, S, Phung, B, Gerstner, G

Retrospective Validation of Implant Prognosis Based on Kwok and Caton Implant Prognostication System Presenter(s): Hamzeh Almashni Faculty Mentor: Mohammad Saleh Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Stress effect of occlusal rest and implant support for removable partial denture Velasquez, V. Sotillo, A. Saglik, B. Oh, W.

Presenter(s): Hiroki Ueharu Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Casein hydrolysate-GelMA electrospun fibers: An anti-inflammatory threedimensional scaffold for vital pulp therapy Paymanpour, P., Anselmi, C., Cardoso, L.M., Gomes de Carvalho, A.B., Dal-Fabbro, R., Bottino, M.C.

Presenter(s): Prapulla Sridhara Murthy and Utsavi Kapadia Faculty Mentor: Dr.Romesh Nalliah Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


The Effects of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on Oral Hygiene in Young Adults


Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Cannabis Usage in an Orofacial Pain Population Chinoy,A., Hatfield,E. Presenter(s): Afriti Chinoy Faculty Mentor: Dr.Elizabeth Hatfield Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

Research Day 9



Digital Workflow of Reduction Guide for Single Crown and Bridge Preparation


Xiaoyue Shi, Chenxuan Wei

Jackson, R, Okafor, L, Inglehart, MR

Presenter(s): Xiaoyue Shi Faculty Mentor: Chenxuan Wei Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Presenter(s): RayJ Jackson Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Tissue Nonspecific Alkaline Phosphatase Modulates Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Rats


Presenter(s): Tommy Lau Faculty Mentor: Nan Hatch Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

Comparison of Consumer Technologies to a Type II Home Sleep Apnea Test

Presenter(s): Matthew N. Woods Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine



Presenter(s): Akaash Pisipati and Joseph Wilmot Faculty Mentor: Margherita Fontana Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


“Sharing of Utensils” between CaregiverChild: Link to Caries Risk Factors


Presenter(s): Amy Yu Xuan Lin Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Voices Behind CEUs Xie, D., Nalliah, R.

Dentist and Dental Student Consideration of Helpfulness of Social Determinant of Health Questions in Social History Forms

Presenter(s): Alice Herrmann Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Blackwell, C., Inglehart, M. Presenter(s): Clayton Blackwell Faculty Mentor: Marita Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Dental vs. Dental Hygiene Students’ Personal Experiences with Tobacco Use and Education, Knowledge and Professional Behavior Related to Oral Health Effects of Tobacco Use Patel MB, Inglehart, MR Presenter(s): Mira B. Patel Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

10 Research Day

Oral-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Show Unique Osteogenic Differentiation Gene Expression Patterns Over Time Herrmann, A., Chopra, H., Sugai, J., Tagett, R., Garmire, L., Kaigler, D.

Presenter(s): Di Xie Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Clinically Acceptable System for Expansion of Dental Pulp Derived Stem Cells Lin, A, Hitesh, C, Malik, M, Sugai, J, Kaigler, D

Beauchamp, K., Eckert, G., Fontana, M. Presenter(s): Kate Beauchamp Faculty Mentor: Margherita Fontana Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Impact Of COVID-19 On Learning Cariology Through Gameful Learning Pisipati, A., Wilmot, J., Eckert, G., Fontana, M.

Lachapelle, S., Gerstner, G. Presenter(s): Sarah Lachapelle Faculty Mentor: Geoffrey Gerstner Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Dental/Dental Hygiene Students’ Coping with Musculoskeletal Pain: Exploring Yoga-related considerations Woods, MN, Ester, TV, Inglehart, MR

Lau, T, Jarvie, D, Nam, H, Hatch, N.


Members of the LGBTQ+ Community and Oral Healthcare Utilization

Addressing Clinical Challenges and Providing Solutions in Dental Education: Identification and Documentation of Developmental Dental Anomalies Steinberg, M., Murrell, T., Souza Gomes da Fontoura, C., Pobocik, A. Presenter(s): Michelle Steinberg and Taylor Murrell Faculty Mentor: Clarissa Souza Gomes da Fontoura Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Arabic speaking immigrants’ oral health and oral health care: Does country of origin and English language proficiency matter? Khaliq, H & Inglehart, MR Presenter(s): Hasan Khaliq Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Dental students vs. dentists’ education and coping with professional pain


Ramnath, S

Uzosike, C., Jockers, A., Munz, S.M.,

Presenter(s): Shraddha Ramnath Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Arab-speaking Immigrants and Orthodontic Treatment Knowledge, Motivation and Health Care Barriers

Presenter(s): Chinwendu Uzosike Faculty Mentor: Stephanie Munz Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry


Alkhouri, P, Inglehart, MR

Holistic Health, Well-Being, and State-Trait Anxiety Among University of Michigan First-Year Dental Students

Presenter(s): Jigar Patel, Abhay Vora, and Chris Davlantes Faculty Mentor: Dr. Andrea Pobocik Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Bhakkad, S., Karl, E., Campos, M., Anovazzi Medeiros, G.

Gender Diversity on Editorial Boards Cheline, D., Neelam, S., Nalliah, R. Presenter(s): Danitza Cheline Faculty Mentor: Dr. Romesh Nalliah Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Presenter(s): Nabighah Azim Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Presenter(s): John Robertson, Noah Brayton, and Noah Weigle Faculty Mentor: Peter Polverini Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Dentists/Dental Specialists’ Considerations Concerning Gender Identity and Pronounrelated Questions in Dental History Forms – A Pilot Study Azim, A, Inglehart MR

Presenter(s): Rocha Gaspar Deborah Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Role of Cancer Stem Cells In the Progression of Oral Epithelial Dysplasia Patel, T., Polverini, P. Presenter(s): Tulsi Patel Faculty Mentor: Peter J. Polverini Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

Tissue Response of F18 in Critical Endodontics Conditions Oliveira, PHC, de Oliveira, MF, Barboni, GR, Justo, MP, Faria, FD, Dal-Fabbro, R, Bottino, MC, Cintra, LTA Presenter(s): Pedro Oliveira Faculty Mentor: Marco Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Chen, AC., Rickard, A., Capalbo, LC., Tenuta, LMA.


Measurement of free fluoride concentrations in enamel: proof-of-concept study Rocha Gaspar, D. Tenuta, L.

Effect of high-fructose corn syrup on biofilm cariogenicity and caries Presenter(s): Andrew Chen Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Metabolomic analysis of amino acids within formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue in effort to predict progression of dysplasia to oral squamous cell carcinoma. Robertson, J., Brayton, N. Weigle, N.

Presenter(s): Sonia Bhakkad Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elisabeta Karl Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Enhancing Simulation Laboratory Learning through Music Therapy Patel, J. , Abhay, V. , Davlantes, C. , Pobocik, A. , Karl, E.

Presenter(s): Philip Alkhouri Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Defining Special Healthcare Needs in Michigan Dentistry Outreach Clinics: A Systematic Review


Hesperetin-laden composite fibrous scaffolds for modulating dentinogenesis and the inflammatory response in vital pulp therapy Mendes Soares, I.P., Anselmi, C., Fernandes, L.O., Ribeiro, R.A.O., Piazza, R.D., Pinto, G.C., Dal-Fabbro, R., de Souza Costa, C.A., Hebling, J., Bottino, M.C. Presenter(s): Igor Paulino Mendes Soares Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Research Day 11


Bilayered Calcium Hydroxide-loaded Polymeric Fibrous Scaffolds for Vital Pulp Therapy


Mandil, O, Saleh, M, Dias, D, Oliveira, R, Alrmali, A, Araújo, M, Wang, HL, Barath, Z, Urban, I

Anselmi, C., Chang, S., Cardoso, L. M., Gomes de Carvalho, A.B., Mendes-Soares, I.P., de Souza Costa, C.A., Bottino M.C., Hebling, J. Presenter(s): Caroline Anselmi Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Presenter(s): Obada Mandil Faculty Mentor: Dr. Muhammad Saleh Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Staffing Issues in Dental Schools in the United States Kapadia, UH, Shah, S, Patel, P, Vyas, J, Nalliah RP

Adverse Actions And Malpractice Payments In Dentistry In The State Of Michigan Vasudevan, P, Kato, M, Nalliah, R

Presenter(s): Hazar Kassem, DDS Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik DDS, MS, FACP, D.ABDSM Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Presenter(s): Pooja Vasudevan Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Presenter(s): Asfandyar Tariq Sheikh Faculty Mentor: Hom-Lay Wang Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Sneha Shah, Riddhi Chedda



Analyzing the Treponema denticola protease complex (dentilisin) in clinical isolates


Presenter(s): Lu Han and Hui Li Faculty Mentor: Fei Liu Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Presenter(s): Danielle DeCesaris Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics



Effects of anti-rheumatic therapy on clinical attachment loss in patients with periodontitis Khivansara, B and Devan, T, Decker, J Presenter(s): Tanvi Devan and Bhavika Khivansara Faculty Mentor: Joe Decker Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

12 Research Day

E2F Regulates Bmi-1 Expression in Salivary Gland Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Vanini, J V, Herzog, A E, Pobocik A M, Nunes F D, Nör J E

Effect of dextranase on nanoparticle penetration into exopolysaccharide-rich Streptococcus mutans biofilms DeCesaris, D.S., Hayashi, M.A.L., Rickard, A.H., Tenuta, L.M.A.

FIP200-4A knock-in mouse model reveals the important role of autophagy in early skeletal and craniofacial bone development Lu Han, Hui Li, Shuqun Qi, Fei Liu

Mahmoud Hassanein, M.P. Goetting-Minesky, J. Christopher Fenno Presenter(s): Mahmoud Hassanein Faculty Mentor: J. Christopher Fenno Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Significance of Peri-implant Keratinized Mucosa on Implant health: An Umbrella Systematic Review with Evidence Mapping and a Quantitative Meta-Meta-Analysis Sheikh, A, Sabri, H, Tavelli, L, Kalani, K, Hoang, K, Zimmer, J, Wang, HL, Barootchi, S

Removable Partial Denture Failure Rate in Michigan school of dentistry Presenter(s): Sneha shah Faculty Mentor: ROMESH Nalliah Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Mandibular Advancement Device in Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Comparing Outcomes in Patients with Normal Dentition vs. Partial Denture vs. Edentulous. Literature Review Kassem, H, Saglik, B

Presenter(s): Utsavi Kapadia and Sneha Shah Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Influence Of Residual Pockets On Periodontal Tooth Loss: a Retrospective Analysis

Presenter(s): Jaqueline Vaz Vanini Faculty Mentor: Jacques E. Nör Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


PLA nanoparticles mediated immune modulation for competent periodontitis restraining Singh P, Mianeki M, Martin K, Decker A, Decker J Presenter(s): Prerana Singh Faculty Mentor: Joseph Decker Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Mapping the Innervation of the Temporomandibular Joint


Perry, S., Constantinescu, B., Cai D., Donnelly, C., Emrick, J. Presenter(s): Sienna Perry Faculty Mentor: Joshua Emrick Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


A RUNX2-FGFR3 signaling axis controls postnatal synchondrosis growth and ossification

Zahraa Najaf, Karin Uchima, Ryan Koa, Peng Li Presenter(s): Zahraa Najaf Faculty Mentor: Peng Li Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics



Presenter(s): Kamaldeen Akorede Faculty Mentor: Joe Decker Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Presenter(s): Jobanpreet Grewal Faculty Mentor: Hernan Roca Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Presenter(s): Hamoun Sabri Faculty Mentor: Hom-Lay Wang Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Presenter(s): Danielle Moon Faculty Mentor: Fei Liu Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Zhu, E, Kuennen, D, Tran, L, Surface, L.



Runx2 controls postnatal craniofacial development


Azithromycin-Laden Core-shell Polycaprolactone/Gelatin Fibers for Disinfection and Regeneration Chang, S., Anselmi, C., Cardoso, L. M., Gomes de Carvalho, A. B., Dal-Fabbro, R., Bottino, M. C.

Association Between Asthma and Periodontitis and Covariates a Retrospective Cross-sectional Analysis Ghatalia P, Kalani K, Ray B, Hoang K, Mandil O, Decker A, Saleh M, Wang HL.

Marrale, I, Dixon, A, Batoon, L, Brenes, J, Zhou, A, Arbiv, A, Kaartinen, K, Ono, , Franceschi, RT, Ono, N, Hallett, SA Presenter(s): Isabella Marrale Faculty Mentor: Shawn Hallett Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Dissecting the Autophagy-Dependent and -Independent Role of FIP200 in Bone Mass Regulation Moon, D., Choi, H., Qi, S., Guan, J., Liu, F.

TGFβ-2 Enhances Osteogenic Response to Pi Presenter(s): Emily Zhu Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Lipoxin A4 Effects in the Mouse Stress Fracture Healing Model Jobanpreet Grewal, Amy J. Koh, Ann Decker, Conor Locke, Kenneth M. Kozloff, Laurie K. McCauley, Hernan Roca

Artificial Intelligence-Based Model for NonInvasive Periodontal Soft Tissue Thickness Measurement Based on Ultrasonographic And 3D Intraoral Scans from Three Randomized Clinical Trials Sabri, H, Nava P, Tavelli L, Kumar PS, Barootchi S, Wang H-L

Polymeric nanoparticles inhibit toll-like receptor activation associated with peri-implantitis Akorede, K., Mianecki, M., Decker, J.

Hallett, SA, Dixon, A, Marrale, I, Batoon, L, Brenes, J, Zhou, A, Arbiv, A, Kaartinen, V, Ono, W, Franceschi, RT*, Ono, N* Presenter(s): Shawn A. Hallett Faculty Mentor: Renny T. Franceschi Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Understanding the Motor Control of the Masticatory Muscles

Presenter(s): Parth Ghatalia and Khusboo Kalani Faculty Mentor: Muhammad Saleh Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Creating fibroblasts with enhanced stemness for guided tissue regeneration Lanca MLA, Tango EK, Squarize CH, Castilho RM Presenter(s): Maria Lanca Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Presenter(s): Sarah Chang Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Research Day 13


Exploring the impact of Simvastatin on the inhibition of NFκB in epithelial cells and its implications for managing periodontal disease.


I. Cason, L. Bates, H. Bainbridge, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle Presenter(s): Isabella Cason, Alexia Bates, and Hannah Bainbridge Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

Furquim E, Almeida J, Squarize C, Castilho R Presenter(s): Elisa Furquim Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine



Effect of dextranase on S.mutans biofilm integrity: pilot study



The effects of p-cymene in cell viability, migration, NFkB inhibition, and chromatin closure in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma


Targeting HPV-related head and neck cancer using 2320 FDA-approved drugs: a high throughput drug screening.


Penafort, P, Vargas, P, Squarize, C, Castilho, R

Suppression of DMBT1 in immune cells favors tumor growth Medeiros, MC; Danella, E; Li, J; Wellik, D; Leprevost, FV; Nesvizhskii, A; Chen, G; D'Silva, N

Presenter(s): Shaye Timko, Asia Parsons, and Alysia Dalgo Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)


Bone Regeneration in Medication-related Osteonecrosis: a Translational Study

Presenter(s): Maxwell Mianecki Faculty Mentor: Joseph T. Decker Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Schroter, GT., Miniello, T.G., Moreira, M.S., Pedroni, A.C.F., Marques, M.M.

Deciphering the Neural Circuitry Involved in Jaw Movement. Sharma, Tanvi , Uchima, Karin , Li, Peng Presenter(s): Tanvi Sharma Faculty Mentor: Peng Li Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

14 Research Day

Strategizing Wound Repair: The Potential of Bio-printed Collagen Scaffolds And Periostin Modulation Santos, A; Guerra, E; Castilho R; Squarize C

Presenter(s): Gabriella Schroter Faculty Mentor: Jacques Nor Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Sex Differences In Induced Periodontal Disease In Mice Mianecki, M., Martin, K., Decker, A., Decker, J.,

Presenter(s): Marcell Costa de Medeiros Faculty Mentor: Nisha D'Silva Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Nursing Students’ Interprofessional Collaborative Relationship with Dental Hygienists and their Attitudes and Knowledge of the Dental Hygiene Profession S. Timko, A. Parson, A. Dalgo, E. Kuzma, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle

Presenter(s): Paulo Penafort Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Cytotoxic impact of nitrogen mustard on human keratinocytes: Observation of DNA damage, cell death and nuclear morphological changes Barros, C, Squarize, C, Castilho R Presenter(s): Caio Barros Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Khalil V, Castilho R, Squarize C Presenter(s): Khalil Viana Faculty Mentor: Cristiane Squarize Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Investigating the Efficacy of Antiangiogenic Drugs in the Treatment of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Colafemina, A, Lopes, M, Squarize C, Castilho R Presenter(s): Ana Colafemina Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Almalki J, Capalbo LC, Yoshino N, Tenuta LMA Presenter(s): Jawharah Almalki, DDS Faculty Mentor: Dr. Livia Tenuta, DDS, MS, Phd Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Career Burnout Prevalence among Michigan Registered Dental Hygienists

Presenter(s): Juliana Santos Faculty Mentor: Cristiane Squarize Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


Low pH Cycles Simulted in an In Vitro Dental Biofilm Model Dickinson, M , Blinkiewicz, H , Tenuta LMA , Rickard AH Presenter(s): Maddie Dickinson Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics


Negative Impacts of Depressive Disorder on Oral Health Quality of Life in Adult Patients


R. Hannosh, B. Nasir, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle

Singla, J.

Presenter(s): Rita Hannosh and Brittney Nasir Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)


Dental Hygiene Students’ Confidence Levels in the Treatment of Pediatric Patients: A Pilot Study

Presenter(s): Jyoti Singla Faculty Mentor: Dr. Berna Saglik Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics




Genome-wide Analyses Reveal TGF-β2 as a Regulator of Osteogenic Phosphate Sensing

Presenter(s): Nita Singh, Christina Kim, and Lauren Surface Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Shen, L., Chopra, H., Sugai, J., Kaigler, D.

Presenter(s): Dylan Kuennen and Long Tran Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

Presenter(s): Leyao Shen Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

The Accuracy of the Robot-Guided Dental Implant Surgery: A Literature Review


Antimicrobial silk fibroin methacrylated scaffolds for regenerative endodontics Narayanam, R., Cardoso, L. M., Anselmi, C., Gomes de Carvalho, A.B., Aminmansour, S., Aminmansour, S., Mahmoud, A., Rahimnejad, M., Dal Fabbro, R., Fenno, J.C., Bottino, M.C.

Presenter(s): Eduardo Caleme Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry


Rajay Kamath, Jessica Chung, Chunxi Ge, Fashuai Wu and Renny T. Franceschi Presenter(s): Rajay Kamath and Jessica Chung Faculty Mentor: Renny T Franceschi Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


GPRASPs Overexpression Induce Quiescence and Enhance Survival in B-cell Lymphoma

TMJ Osteoarthritis risk assessment: Integrating Machine Learning with 3DSlicer integration Claret, J.,Long Al Turkestani, N., Cevidanes, L.H., Prieto, J.C.,Leroux, G., Gurgel, M.L., Bianchi,J., Li,T.

Presenter(s): Ramyasaketha Narayanam Faculty Mentor: Dr. Marco Bottino Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

Role of Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 in Tooth Socket Healing

Multimodal Machine Learning Models for Diagnosing and Predicting Progression of Temporomandibular Degenerative Joint Disease Al Turkestani N, Caleme E,* Mattos C, Bianchi J, Gurgel M, Prieto J, Shah H, Benavides E, Soki F, Mishina Y, Fontana M, Rao A, Zhu H, Cevidanes L

Presenter(s): Nikan Mardani Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik DDS, MS Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics


Engineer alveolar bone derived mesenchymal stem cells (aBMSCs) with fluorescent proteins.

Kuennen, D., Tran, L., Emily Z., Mannstadt, M., Surface, L.

Nikan Mardani, DDS; Berna Saglik DDS, MS


The Role of Atraid in MRONJ Development Singh, N, Kuennen, D, Kim, C, D, Tran, L, Surface, L

J. Fadel, S. Choudhry, A. Mohammed Azizi, J. Kinney, A. Carron, I. Eagle Presenter(s): Jawahir Fadel, Sidra Choudhry, and Asieh Mohammed Azizi Faculty Mentor: Iwonka Eagle Department: Hygiene (POM)

Investigate the impact of artificial intelligence based conversational chatbots in oral healthcare: A literature review

Presenter(s): Jeanne Claret Faculty Mentor: Lucia H. Cevidanes Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry


Proposal of quantitative assessment of adenoid hypertrophy in cone-beam CTs Mattos, CT, Cury-Saramago AA, Costa, JG, Mota-Júnior, SL, Ruellas, ACO, Cevidanes, LHS Presenter(s): Claudia Mattos Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

Francis, R, Shebrain, A, Rodgers, M, Sharma, I, Morales-Hernández, A Presenter(s): Riley Francis Faculty Mentor: Antonio Morales-Hernández Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Research Day 15

Shawn A. Hallett, Lena Batoon, Renny Franceschi Description: Col1a1-GFP+ osteoblasts (green) and TRAP+ osteoclasts (purple) degrade the spheno-occipital synchondrosis independent of Fgfr3-labeled chondrocytes (red). 16 Research Day

Prerana Singh, Muhammad Saleh, Kelsey Martin, Ann Decker, Joseph Decker Description: Bone loss associated with peri-implantitis in mice. Research Day 17

Felipe Nor Description: Goblet cells secreting MUC2+ mucin (colonic mucosa, IHC).

18 Research Day

Ritwika Bera, Nisha D’Silva Description: Immunofluorescence staining of oral cancer cells shows binucleation and micronuclei. Nuclear material (Blue) and Lamin B1 (Green) highlight dysregulated nuclear morphology. Alpha Tubulin (Red) highlights the cellular cytoskeleton. Research Day 19

Nita Singh, Christina Kim, Lauren Surface Description: Mouse mandibular BRONJ model.

20 Research Day

Yuanyuan Han, Renny Franceschi Description: Focal adhesions and actin cytoskeleton of calvarial osteoblast.

Research Day 21


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Research Day 23


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24 Research Day


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• Steepest declination angle on TTL loupes with patented manufacturing that keeps the image in your line-of-sight. • Highest resolution magnification options from 2.5x – 10.0x. • Wider field of view with patented compact designs. • Longer focal range with unique manufacturing technologies. • Multi-vision options with working distance caps.

Experience amazing clarity and comfort, plus these generous student advantages: CONVENIENCE • 45-day trial period. • Special Warranty for students and residents.

FREE PERKS* • Free lens updates in Radar EV (M/S) and from FLM to TTL or vice versa. • Free lens updates to your eye prescription and working distance.

UltiView™ Lite

VALUE • Upgraded loupes power for the difference in initial student price. • Swap frames with applicable refund/charge. *While in school



Research Day 25

Empowering Dental Leaders for a Brighter Future Unlock Your Earning Potential

We're committed to offering high-paying compensation, great benefits, student loan repayment, coaching, and generous sign-on bonuses!

We're Hiring! MCDC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

26 Research Day

FT PT DENTISTS: Make Money, While Making A Difference! Michigan Dental Outreach, a school-based, mobile dental company, is looking for Dentists to join our team, providing dental care to kids in schools. We have full and part-time positions available offering competitive compensation. Please text 855-957-4375 or email for more information.

Research Day 27


For over 45 years, Brasseler USA has set the standard for excellence in dental instrumentation. Order online at or call 800.841.4522. In Canada call 800.363.3838.

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28 Research DayAd.indd 1 B_5719_Corporate Program


1/23/23 5:28 PM

Caring for patients is your priority, helping you care for them is ours.

At Dentsply Sirona, we help you care for your patients through connected dental solutions that support healthy practices and healthy smiles. Our solutions will empower you through education and procedural expansion leading to greater practice efficiency, improving the overall patient experience for the healthiest, best-looking smiles and optimal oral health. Because it takes a healthy, thriving practice to create more healthy smiles.

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Research Day 29



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30 Research Day


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Research Day 31

MedPro Group has been a leader in dental malpractice insurance since 1899 and is trusted by over 40,000 dental professionals nationwide. To learn more, visit

32 Research Day




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Research Day 33

Enhance Your Education, Elevate Your Experience

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Let LumaDent Light the Way Named Townie Choice Awards, “Best Headlight” 6 consecutive years in a row!

Contact Now

Alex Betancourt 312-373-0520 34 Research Day

Research Day 35

See you next year!

2025 RESEARCH DAY February 13, 2025 36 Research Day

2023 AWARD RECIPIENTS SCADA Award Winner......................................................................................................................... Andrew Chen AADR Travel Award Winner......................................................................................... Caroline Anselmi de Oliveira DDS, DH, MS, Undergraduate Clinical Research and Public Health...................... 1st Place - Marwa Aggour and Zeinab Aladily (co-presenters) 2nd Place - Hamoun Sabri 3rd Place - Jade Mourad Basic Science and Translational Health......................................................................... 1st Place - Andrew Chen 2nd Place - Shirley Zheng and Ritu Somayaji (Co-Presenters) 3rd Place - Aysia Kinnaird, Tatyana Teslya and Megan Rose Avey (Co-Presenters)

PhD, Post Doc, Faculty, Staff Clinical Research and Public Health................................................... 1st Place - Amanda Rodriguez Betancourt 2nd Place - Felicia Miranda 3rd Place - Najla Al Turkestani Basic Science and Translational Research...................................................................... 1st Place - Hulya Taner 2nd Place - Carlos Urrego 3rd Place - Shawn Hallett

Dental Hygiene.........................1st Place - Haley Harland, Shams Albadry and Alisson Castro Garcia (Co-Presenters) 2nd Place - Daelyn Merillat, Rachel Norko and Keegan Thursby (Co-Presenters) 3rd Place - Julia Dalimonte and Jamie Jones (Co-Presenters)

Jan’s Prize Award.............................................................................................................Hiroki Ueharu (Mishina Lab) Distinguished Faculty Mentoring Award.................................................................................... Nisha J D’Silva Research Staff Recognition Award................................................................................................ Patrick Lagua

Research Day 37


38 Research Day

EXHIBITOR/POSTER MAP Exhibitors 1 2 3 4 5 6

Dental Care Alliance Dentsply Sirona Heartland Dental My Community Dental Centers Ward Dental Lab LumaDent Inc

7 Brasseler USA 8/9 Delta Dental Foundation 10 Smile Programs – The Mobile Dentist 11 Surgitel 12 Haleon

13 Michigan Dental Association 14 ExperTec Dental Labs 15/16 MedPro Group 17 Apex Dental Milling

The Michigan League (Ballroom & Vandenberg) 10:30 am – 12:00 pm & 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm POSTER and EXHIBITOR SESSION 1 (AM) & SESSION 2 (PM)








































2 22






















































8 9




13 15






Research Day 39

2025 RESEARCH DAY | 2.13.25

Office of Research and Research Training | 1011 N. University, Room 2059 | Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078 |

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