M Dentistry Fall 2021

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For the University of Michigan School of Dentistry Community | Fall 2021

New Faculty Coach Program Using data to measure and ensure student success

Dear Alumni and Friends, This magazine celebrates all that binds our current students, faculty, staff and friends of the school with our alumni base of about 10,000 graduates around the world. The stories here are great examples of how the School of Dentistry community continually advances, not just through these challenging current times, but also with an eye to the future and by acknowledging our rich history. Some examples you will find:

Dean’s Message

• The cover story on our new Faculty Coach Program illustrates how we must continually assess and reassess our educational programs, patient care priorities and all aspects of our mission in order to ensure we are leading the profession as it continually changes. • Our Faculty Profile features Dr. Gustavo Mendonça, who is one of the school’s leaders in implementing digital technology. Integrating new technology, equipment and methods into the curriculum, clinics and graduate programs is a complicated endeavor that has benefitted from a collaborative, schoolwide commitment. • Our alumni never cease to impress me with their journeys both before they arrived at the dental school and after they graduate. Our Alumni Profile features Ann Arbor dentist John Farah (DDS 1978), who must surely be the only alumnus in our history who earned three degrees in aeronautical engineering before adding his DDS degree. A few years into his dental practice, he created The Dental Advisor newsletter, a sort of Consumer Reports for dentists, that rates everything from dental cement to office furniture. In his spare time, he’s run 137 marathons – that’s not a typo! – and hundreds of shorter races. • Giving back is a recurring theme among our alumni and their families. We interview Jane Plasman, whose father Gilbert J. Plasman was a 1940 DDS graduate who went on to a long and successful practice in Grand Rapids. Jane has honored her father’s legacy with a major financial gift that creates an endowed scholarship fund in his name and also contributes to an existing diversity scholarship fund. I had the recent pleasure to attend a Michigan football game with Jane and her brother Chris, to see their passion for our university and hear about their brilliant father who was president of his class. These stories and many other news items and notes document the way our worldwide dental school community achieves and over-achieves in countless ways. It is a tradition and camaraderie to be proud of. Kind regards and Go Blue!

Laurie K. McCauley, Dean William K. & Mary Anne Najjar Professor

In this Issue Fall 2021

2 FEATURES Faculty Coach Program

Volume 37, Number 2

M Dentistry is published twice a year for

7 SCHOOL Hard Professor Installed

alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of the School of Dentistry. See the school website at www.dent.umich.edu for more news and features. Dean..................................................................…Laurie McCauley Director of Marketing & Communications ........... Raymond Aldrich Writer/Editor...............................................................Lynn Monson Designer/Graphics ........................................................Ken Rieger Photographers .......... Leisa Thompson, Lynn Monson, Ken Rieger University of Michigan School of Dentistry Alumni Society Board of Governors: Terms Expire Fall 2022: Janet Cook, BSDH ‘81, Whitmore Lake, Mich. Gerald Dietz Jr., DDS ’84, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Julia Johnson, BSDH ’12, Commerce Twp., Mich. Bruce Lee, DDS ’87, Traverse City, Mich. Chair: Andy Lewis, DDS ‘98, Seattle, Wash. Janice Pilon, DDS ’93, Hanover, N.H.

14 FACULTY Profile: Dr. Gustavo Mendonça 18 RESEARCH AADOCR National Awards 20 DENTAL HYGIENE Grandmother’s Career


22 STUDENTS Class of 2025 Up and Running


24 ALUMNI Profile: Dr. John Farah

Terms Expire Fall 2023: Karen Beckerman, BSDH ‘95, Plymouth, Mich. Jake DeSnyder, DDS '67, Plattsburgh, N.Y. William Mason, DDS '81, MS '84, Saginaw, Mich. Michael Palaszek, DDS '82, Grand Rapids, Mich. Michelle Velez, BSDH ‘98, Royal Oak, Mich. Lisa Wendling, DDS ‘93, MS ‘96, New Lothrop, Mich.



Terms Expire Fall 2024: Michael Behnan, MS ‘79, Rochester Hills, Mich. Theresa Hull, BSDH ‘11, Ann Arbor, Mich. Sara Kellogg, DDS ‘07, Saline, Mich. Amin Jaffer, DDS ’97, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mona Riaz, BSDH ’12, MS ‘20, Farmington Hills, Mich. Riley Schaff, DDS ’17, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ex Officio Members: Laurie K. McCauley, Dean Richard R. Fetchiet, Executive Director, Alumni Relations and Development The Regents of the University: Jordan A. Acker, Michael J. Behm, Mark J. Bernstein, Paul W. Brown, Sarah Hubbard, Denise Ilitch, Ron Weiser, Katherine E. White, Mark S. Schlissel, ex officio.





Send comments and updates to: dentistry.communications@umich.edu or Communications, School of Dentistry, 1011 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078 The University of Michigan, as an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The University of Michigan is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the Senior Director for Institutional Equity, and Title IX/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Office of Institutional Equity, 2072 Administrative Services Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1432, (734) 763-0235, TTY (734) 647-1388. For other University of Michigan information call (734) 764-1817. Copyright © 2021 The Regents of the University of Michigan



On the Cover: Faculty Coach Dr. Stephen Stefanac and D4 student Ashish Karia discuss various aspects of Karia’s clinical progress as they look at a dashboard of data that tracks student progress in several important areas.



Faculty Coach Program is New Way to Measure, Ensure Student Success An innovative, new Faculty Coach Program at the School of Dentistry is increasing the amount of feedback and mentoring that students receive from faculty regarding the clinical curriculum, patient care and many other aspects of their dental education and upcoming careers. In its initial design, the Faculty Coach Program assigns students in the third- and fourth-year classes to one of 12 faculty coaches. Each coach has about 22 students – 11 from each of the two classes. Coaches regularly review their students using a new data report that charts their clinical progress in several important areas. It has always been the job of faculty to teach, critique and mentor students, but the new program allows for more frequent meetings and provides faculty with a new data-driven summary of each student’s progress. That information was previously available in patients’ electronic health records, but accessing it for all of a student’s patients was a time-consuming task. A collection of the most important information has been incorporated into a new electronic dashboard that allows faculty to track student progress more efficiently. 2

FEATURES M Dentistry | Fall 2021

Faculty in the clinics still provide real-time feedback and coaching for students as they treat patients. The Faculty Coach model is an addition to that ongoing practice.

Above: Faculty Coach Dr. Domenica Sweier meets in her office with I-Ting (David) Lee, a third-year student this fall.

“It’s an evolution, a new element in the relationship between students and faculty,” said Dr. Stephen Stefanac, Clinical Professor in the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine who helped develop the program in his previous role as Associate Dean for Patient Services. “As students progress through the school, they go from no patients to 40. How do you suddenly manage that first group of 40 patients? And even as they learn and progress over their last two years, many questions and situations still come up. We watch their test cases, their production, their patient family mix, their treatment plans. We can track that more easily on these new reports.” The Faculty Coach Program is the next progression in the school’s continuous assessment of how to improve dental education. The

questions. Another advantage of the Faculty Coach model is that it reduces the chance that students will lag behind in meeting their many clinical requirements as they approach graduation because their coaches will have regularly tracked their progress on the new data summary. Having a consistent mentor in addition to the daily clinic feedback is a valuable touchpoint for students, said Dr. Romesh Nalliah, Clinical Professor and Associate Dean for Patient Services, who worked with Dr. Stefanac to develop the program. “During our visioning meetings about the future of dentistry and how we could improve what we do, we would run into a lot of issues that all seemed to come back to one issue: If we had closer oversight of students, it was better,” Nalliah said. “The clear path was to have faculty supervise fewer students. We’ve created a space where it can be more of a relationship that develops like a true mentor.” A pilot program was tested with a small group of students and coaches in 2018-19, then refined and launched in 2020 just as the COVID-19 pandemic hit. After various limitations caused by the pandemic, the more practical implementation began last May with the start of the new 2021-22 term. Dr. Stefanac said the goal is to eventually expand the program to add more coaches so that first- and second-year DDS students, as well as Dental Hygiene students, can also have coaches. Continued

school adopted a Comprehensive Care model in the late 1980s to replace the longstanding discipline-based clinics for the D4 class. In 1992, the school developed four Vertically Integrated Clinics, known as VICs, each led by a faculty VIC Director with staff support from Patient Care Coordinators, or PCCs. That change allowed first- and second-year dental students to observe and assist third- and fourth-year students earlier in their four years. Dental hygiene students also joined the dental students in clinic for the first time, providing team experience that more accurately reflects the realities of dental practices. In reviewing the success of the 25-year-old VIC model, a group of administrators considered how it could be further improved. With so many students in each VIC, one challenge was providing regular feedback to students beyond the daily in-clinic approvals of their dental procedures and treatment plans. Taking advantage of the expertise of numerous full-time and adjunct faculty in the clinics continues to have many advantages for students. However, the daily pace of clinical care often leaves little time for incremental reviews of their progress or for answering their more generic dentistry or career

Interaction between Faculty Coaches and students can be unplanned, informal discussions around the school in addition to scheduling meetings. Here Faculty Coach Dr. Phil Richards talks with fourth-year student Esther Suh about several of her recent patient treatment plans. FEATURES Fall 2021 | M Dentistry


Faculty Coach Program (Continued)

Coaches say the frequency of their counseling sessions ranges from every few weeks to every couple of months, or whenever a student has questions. Many sessions are being done virtually with Zoom conference calls, while some students prefer in-person meetings. PCCs assigned to each student often attend the coach meetings to reinforce or clarify the data presented in the digital dashboard of statistics about students and their history of patient care. As they were in the original VIC redesign, PCCs remain critical to the success of the new coach model, Stefanac said. Students are accustomed to working closely with PCCs to solve myriad problems that come up with appointment scheduling, billing and other non-dentistry aspects of managing a patient family. Kate Weber, a senior data analyst, designed the new “dashboard” of data about student performance. Her charge from administrators was to gather the most pertinent data from existing databases and create a “wholistic story about the student” that could be presented in a concise and easily accessed new format. She pulled select information from the school’s electronic health records, called MiDent, which students use to record patient care in the clinics. Then she added certain pieces of student information from the school’s learning management system, called Canvas. “I created a dashboard that stitches together a variety of data sources and presents them in a way that I hope reflects the workflow and the thought process of the Faculty Coach meeting with the student,” Weber said. “It includes things like appointments, patient visits, patient family, status of patients, overdue conditions and other things we are keeping track of in terms of the quality of care students are managing.” One important addition, she said, was the Daily Clinic Feedback form, where students summarize their daily clinic actions and ask for the input of the faculty and adjuncts who worked with them on that day’s patient cases. The current dashboard design and content is in its second version with improvements continually added as needs change or problems are discovered. The various categories of information are updated automatically each night at 1 a.m., so the coaches have a daily update of each student’s progress whenever they decide to check in on their students’ status. Clinical professor Dr. Domenica Sweier, one of the Faculty Coaches, said the regular interaction with specific students, paired with the new electronic data collection, makes it easier to spot trends for each student. “What’s nice about having the dashboard with the different tabs of data is that you don’t have to search through piles and piles of printed information 4

FEATURES M Dentistry | Fall 2021

Student Views on Faculty Coaches Xavier Bradford, D4 Faculty Coach: Dr. Domenica Sweier “The meetings have been great and very informative in discussing my clinical progression throughout the semester as well as my experience with patients. Topics have ranged from types of procedures completed in clinic, clinical requirements for graduation, and tips on managing patients in my patient pool, to career ideas following graduation as well personal topics such as family wellbeing during the pandemic. Being able to talk about other ideas along with dentistry has led to a great rapport with my Faculty Coach.”

Kelsey Dods, D3 Faculty Coach: Dr. Domenica Sweier “Dr. Sweier has been very helpful when I have had problems that come up in clinic or when I am struggling with a certain case. I tend to shoot her a quick e-mail and she usually answers the question or refers me to who else to ask very promptly. She looks over my progress and tells me what patients I should be looking for and what areas I am doing well in. We’ve been able to discuss some of the problems we see in the school clinics and how that will translate more into private practice.”

Alana Hollis, D4 Faculty Coach: Dr. Amy Karpenko “Having my coach monitor my clinic progress has been helpful because it is another person to hold me accountable besides myself. Navigating dental school can be challenging and knowing all the different aspects you need to graduate can be stressful. She does a great job of reminding me to get certain test cases done and lets me know about my production in clinic and how I might be able to increase it. I feel comfortable talking to her about any questions I have about dentistry and questions about life in general. It is nice to be able to have a consistent person to talk to outside of clinic and it also is great when we get to work with our Faculty Coach in clinic as well.”

Hina Jaffer, D4 Faculty Coach: Dr. Stephen Stefanac “I have Dr. Stefanac’s cell phone number and can call or text if I have a question. Otherwise, we are in touch via email. The meetings are helpful. It gives a chance to discuss patient cases we need advice on or what direction to go in. We review our progress during the semester and talk about where I need to focus more. The dashboard shows which procedures I haven’t phased or sequenced. It also shows how much of the different types of work I’ve completed.”

Grayson Tishko, D4 Faculty Coach: Dr. Phil Richards “Simply put, Dr. Richards is there to help students whenever and wherever necessary. The biggest issue in terms of clinic progress for me is patient appointments and Clinical Evaluation Unit requirements. The sliding CEU scale and patient requirement scale is difficult to navigate, and Dr. Richards has helped me immensely in terms of making sure I am on track to graduate on time. He takes the time to look through my schedule and patient list to ensure I am seeing all patients as necessary, along with proper follow-up time between appointments.”

that can be overwhelming. You don’t have to search in the clinic MiDent database and several computer programs. With this new system, I can click on the tab that says ‘Patient Family’ or ‘Productivity’ for each student and I can get a collection of information that I can look at quickly in graphs and histograms and tables. It’s presented that way intentionally so that I can quickly see trends or outliers.” Sweier has already noticed the benefits of students being able to consult with a consistent faculty member. “When students are out in clinic they have feedback from multiple faculty members from different departments, as well as adjunct faculty. That has worked well,” she said. “What has surprised me by adding the coach model is that the students are really willing to give a lot more information on a one-to-one basis than they might in clinic for a variety of reasons. They could be embarrassed or fear it will affect their grade. Dealing with a professor who is a course director and responsible for administering grades can be a little intimidating.” “This Faculty Coach model is designed to reduce that,” Sweier said. “Coaches aren’t teaching a course and aren’t grading the students; instead, we are here to help. When the students see that you are reaching out and you are willing to provide help for them in a non-confrontational way, some of them are way more willing to be open with their anxieties and fears because they realize it is not the traditional facultystudent relationship.” Clinical professor Dr. Phil Richards, one of the new coaches, has been an instructor at the school since the day after he graduated with his DDS in 1984, later earning his master’s in Periodontics in 1988. As a faculty member for more than 35 years, he’s been part of many minor and major curriculum changes and clinic modifications. Richards says the changes have always been grounded in improving the education and broad training of the school’s students as they head out into the world of dentistry where they will no longer have faculty to rely on. For about 20 years, Dr. Richards has been chairperson of the Academic Review Board II, which looks at students who are in academic difficulty in their thirdand fourth-year classes, sometimes in danger of not graduating. “I think that the Faculty Coach system, more than anything I’ve seen in the 20 years I’ve been doing this, means we can be more proactive in identifying problems and guiding students in the right direction earlier,” he said. “My coaching work style with my students has been more as a sounding board,” Richards said. “Yes, faculty, including me, have always done that to some degree. But now I think of myself in the coaching Continued

FEATURES Fall 2020 | M Dentistry


Faculty Coach Program (Continued)

realm as being on speed dial for those students who have those clinical questions. The good news is, having seen as much as I have in dentistry, I can help students to formulate those choices and decisions in patient care on a consistent basis, or refer them to someone in a particular specialty. But it also is providing career guidance when those third- and fourth-year students are getting closer to whatever their launching pad is going to be for their careers.” Clinical professor Dr. Amy Karpenko, one of the new coaches, said she goes through each student’s dashboard about once a month, but they will contact her whenever problems and questions arise. “It’s being a point person for them to go to, so they don’t have to find a random faculty member in clinic,” she said. “They benefit from having a consistent person they can email and have conversations with, not only about patient cases but dentistry overall.” As a general dentist, she has the experience to discuss the pros, cons and best alternatives of many types of treatment, or to direct students to a specialist with more expertise. But many of her conversations, she said, are about managing patients and clinic time, dentistry as a career and even topics beyond the walls of the dental school. “Their problems are sometimes surprising,” she said. “Sometimes it can be something outside of the dental school that is affecting their

Faculty Coach Dr. Amy Karpenko (center) talks with one of her mentees, fourth-year student Abby Pearl, during a patient appointment in one of the school’s newly renovated clinics. Coaches are not always in clinic with their mentees, but students often seek out their advice when their clinic schedules match.


FEATURES M Dentistry | Fall 2021

work here. Then my job is to reassure them that we have resources to help them with those sorts of things, too.” Dean Laurie McCauley said she is pleased with how the program has progressed in its first year and a half. “Dental education is about continually assessing our programs, advancing our curriculum and moving forward with significant improvements,” she said. “The dedicated attention of the Faculty Coach Program strengthens the depth and breadth of our students’ clinical educational experience. It’s another way we can build upon that all-important foundation of knowledge they will use as they transition to successful and rewarding careers once they graduate.” Dr. Richards noted the dental school has always drawn outstanding students; the Faculty Coach Program is now another resource the school provides to help them become leaders in dentistry. “We are very, very lucky. We recruit the very best students of any dental school. Many of them are aiming for the sky and they pretty much get there. It’s always been something that I’ve observed, but I think seeing students individually as a Faculty Coach, and working with them closely as they tick off requirements to get to where they want to go, it’s even more inspiring now.”


Inaugural Dorothy Hard Professor Installed Janet Kinney, director of the Dental Hygiene Program at the School of Dentistry, was installed in September as the inaugural Dr. Dorothy G. Hard Legacy Professor. Dr. Hard built the school’s Dental Hygiene program into a national leader during her 44 years as director from 1924-68. The professorship is the school’s first to honor a dental hygiene faculty member and the first to honor a female faculty member. It is part of a year-long celebration of the centennial of the Dental Hygiene Program, founded in 1921. The professorship was made possible by a significant financial gift from Dr. Robert W. Browne, a DDS alumnus from the Class of 1952 and graduate of the school’s orthodontic program in 1959. Dr. Browne made the gift to honor Dr. Hard’s legacy because he credits her as a positive influence during his time in dental school. Dean Laurie McCauley noted during the installation that the new professorship is one of only a few named dental hygiene professorships in the country. She said its creation is a testament to the ongoing dedication

and generosity of Dr. Browne, who is one of the most generous benefactors of the dental school. He previously supported major renovations to the orthodontic clinic and additional endowed professorships. “Dr. Hard and her husband, Russell Bunting, the school’s dean at the time, helped Dr. Browne with opportunities to support himself and continue his career pursuits,” McCauley said. “Just think about the impact that Drs. Hard and Bunting must have had on the young Dr. Browne, an impact so meaningful that, 70 years later, he was moved to establish this generous gift of the professorship. I think it is an important lesson to all of us who are faculty about the impact we can have on students that is truly lifelong, as well as the high regard our students have for their faculty.” Kinney was named director of the DH program in 2012. She earned her BSDH at U-M in 1983 and worked in clinical practice in the United States and Europe for 20 years. She returned to the program in 2004 to pursue her MSDH and added a master’s

Above: Janet Kinney holds a medal commemorating her installation, with Rogerio Castilho, interim chair of the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, and Dean Laurie McCauley. The background images are of Drs. Dorothy Hard and Robert Browne. degree in Clinical Research Design and Statistical Analysis from the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the School of Public Health. She joined the DH program as an adjunct clinical lecturer for a year, then was hired as a clinical assistant professor. In 2012, she was named Director of Dental Hygiene and became a full professor in 2020. Kinney said she is grateful and inspired by being named the Hard Professor. “It reminds me of the legacy of excellence that Dr. Hard started 100 years ago. It inspires me to live up to those values and to set an example for the next recipient of this professorship. It motivates me to provide the highest quality dental hygiene education possible – innovative and on the forefront of our profession, because that’s the 'Michigan Difference.'” SCHOOL Fall 2021 | M Dentistry


Donors Continue to Boost Heys Scholarship Fund A student scholarship endowment fund started only five years ago to honor two longtime faculty members at the School of Dentistry has now collected gifts from more than 500 people totaling more than $500,000. The Donald Heys and Ronald Heys Dental Scholarship Fund was established in honor of the highly-regarded twin brothers who have taught at the school since 1975. It has already benefitted several students with financial assistance, and, as an endowment, will benefit many more in coming years. Gifts totaling $503,490 from 566 donors are an example of how the Heys brothers are enhancing the school in a second way in careers during which they’ve taught and mentored thousands of students. Dr. Don Heys is a Professor of Dentistry in the Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, and Dr. Ron Heys is an Associate Professor, also in CRSE. Both earned their DDS degrees from U-M in 1972, followed by MS degrees in Restorative Dentistry in 1975. They began their teaching careers in 1975 and continue today providing steadfast, highly-skilled Dr. Don Heys clinical instruction in the school’s pre-doctoral clinics. They have also maintained a private practice in Ann Arbor for more than four decades.

Dr. Don Heys advises students in clinic.

When the Heys Scholarship was established in 2016, the professors agreed to lend their names because of the importance of assisting future students. Because they practice what they teach, they’ve had a unique influence on students over the 46 years they’ve been teaching. Former students who contributed gifts praised the Heyses for their positive, dedicated and caring approach when the students were learning the finer points of clinical care. Dr. Ron Heys

“The breadth and depth of influence that Don and Ron have on students and the overall School of Dentistry is remarkable,” said Dean Laurie McCauley. “They have always been at the center of great teaching and student mentoring. Now, with a scholarship in their names, their impact is great in yet another way, helping ensure that students can graduate with less educational debt. It is truly a win-win for the school, its students, our alumni and the Heyses’ ongoing legacy.” Gifts to the scholarship fund can be made online through the Alumni and Giving portion of the school’s website at https://dent.umich.edu/alumni-giving. Dr. Ron Heys confers with a student about a patient treatment plan. 8

SCHOOL M Dentistry | Fall 2021

Profile for Success Class

The 2021 Profile for Success class and their student mentors pose for a class photo at the U-M School of Dentistry in June. PFS director Dr. Todd Ester is at far right in the back row; program manager Dinella Crosby is at far right in the second row; Dean Laurie McCauley is at far left in the front row. The aspiring dentists are undergraduates at universities across the country, including U-M, Michigan State, EMU, Wayne State, Detroit and Spring Arbor in Michigan. Others this year include Spelman College, Savannah State, Canisius, San Jose State, Morehouse College, California-Berkeley, Penn, Wesleyan, Barry University, Ohio Dominican, and Ohio State. Most of the six-week summer program was held virtually again this year, as it was in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, financial support from the Michigan Dental Association allowed class members to travel to Ann Arbor for several days of in-person meetings with dental school faculty, students and alumni. The program, now in its 27th year, is designed to increase the number of educationally and financially disadvantaged students interested in the profession of dentistry.

School Again Ranked No. 1 in the World For the fifth consecutive year, the School of Dentistry was rated as the top dental school in the world by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy, an international organization that annually rates universities and their programs. The school is ranked as No. 1 in Dentistry and Oral Sciences in Shanghai’s 2021 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects released in May. The ranking measures research quality, amount of research published in top journals, extent of international collaboration, and the number of significant international

academic awards faculty receive from professional organizations. Data from more than 4,000 universities was examined, with the final report including 1,800 universities from 93 countries and regions. Other dental schools in the survey’s top five are the University of North Carolina, King’s College London, Harvard University and the University of California at San Francisco. The academic subject ranking is part of the organization’s larger university rating first published in 2003 by the Center for World-

Class Universities at the Graduate School of Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China as a way to compare Chinese universities with others around the world. Shanghai Ranking is one of two major international surveys that continue to rate the U-M School of Dentistry highly. In March, for the seventh consecutive year, the QS World University Rankings rated the U-M dental school No. 1 in the United States; it also ranked the school No. 2 in the world, up from No. 3 the prior year.

SCHOOL Fall 2021 | M Dentistry


Moving Towards Completion Now three years in, the school’s Blue Renew renovation and expansion project is making significant progress and is less than a year away from completion. The courtyard addition, seen in this large image, is the first new space at the school in more than 50 years. Occupying more than half the former courtyard area of the school, the 48,000-square-foot addition includes research labs, student meeting spaces, conference rooms, offices and a new entrance from North University Avenue. The project is scheduled to be completed in summer 2022 and represents the largest capital project in the school’s history. More about the renovation is available on the School of Dentistry website at www.dent.umich.edu/blue-renew.

One of the first major milestones in the project was the opening of a new entrance for patients adjacent to the Fletcher Street parking structure in January 2020.

The project began with the official groundbreaking on October 9, 2018. In December 2019, the new Faculty Commons opened. This area, formerly the school’s library and later a student study space, has been renovated as offices and a faculty collaboration area. 10 SCHOOL M Dentistry | Fall 2021

The new courtyard addition also provides for seminar rooms, open lounge seating and a new entrance from North University Avenue. The new entrance was opened in spring 2021. In fall 2020, the first wave of new clinic renovations were completed. The former Green clinics were the first to be updated and now house the Periodontics Clinic, the Delta Dental Integrated Special Care Clinic, the Bien Air Patient Admitting and Emergency Services Clinic, and, on the first floor, the first Victors Predoctoral Clinic (Maize West).

New lab space in the courtyard addition was opened in spring 2021 allowing the school to consolidate disparate research spaces and provide for more on-site research activity.

The West Courtyard was opened in July 2021 and is the new home for Tooth Fairy, the 14-foot tall sculpture that was first installed at the school in 1971, a gift of the class of 1944. The new open space has seating and direct access to the school’s cafe and is already becoming a popular meeting space for the school community, patients and visitors to the school.

SCHOOL 11 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

First Cohort Starts OHS MS Program A new master’s degree program in Oral Health Sciences has attracted both local students and some from the other side of the world to the School of Dentistry. The first cohort of seven students arrived this summer to begin the program leading to a Master of Science degree. Some are pursuing the new degree to bolster their academic credentials to apply to dental school, some hope to continue on the academic track to a PhD, and others are exploring and broadening their research opportunities. The one-year program is unique among Michigan universities. The group includes a student who already earned her bachelor’s degree in Dental Hygiene at the school. Another student just finished his undergraduate degree in Biopsychology, Cognition and Neuroscience at U-M. Coming from much farther away are students with degrees from universities in North Carolina and Washington, as well as two with educational backgrounds in India and one who is a native of Iran.

Sindecuse Spotlight Artifacts from the extensive collection at the dental school’s Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry

Decorative Hand Tool Collection Purpose: This kit with decorative, carved handles was likely meant for a dentist’s use, though some at-home scaling tool sets were sold in the early 1800s.

Circa: 1870s. Manufacturer: S.S. White. Owned by: Dr. Samuel Keller (U-M DDS, 1923). Details: This set of tools has carved mother-of-pearl handles

Faculty member and course director Dr. Elisabeta Karl says research is the key component for both of the program’s options. The research track allows students to select faculty mentors not only among researchers at the dental school but also across the entire U-M campus, with research likely done in labs. The course-intensive track is a mix of dental school courses and seminars, along with courses the students choose in other areas of the university, with the research more likely to be literature review, for example, rather than in a lab. Each track requires students to document a capstone project at the end of the year.

inlaid with semiprecious gems in the form of a dolphin, except for the ornamental design for the mirror. It includes dental pluggers, scalers and a burnisher. Other surviving examples of these tools have lost their inlays while these remain mostly intact. This may suggest this set was for display rather than daily use. Mother-of-pearl was a desirable, high-end material for tool handles in this era, though later model handles were simplified for easier disinfection. S.S. White’s 1876-1878 catalog sold tools with mother-of-pearl handles starting at around today’s equivalent of $45. For that same price, you could buy a dozen steel-handled ones. Larger, fancier options cost much more. The one known owner of this set, Dr. Samuel Keller, practiced in his hometown of Bayonne, New Jersey. He wasn’t yet born at the time these tools were made, so he may not have been their first owner.

Administrators hope to expand the program to 15 students by 2022 and 20 students by 2023. It joins the PhD program in Oral Health Sciences already offered by the School of Dentistry.

To see more of the Sindecuse Museum collections, go to www.sindecusemuseum.org/collectionsoverview

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Nör Begins Term as AADOCR President Faculty member Dr. Jacques Nör is the new leader of the American Association of Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research (AADOCR), formerly the American Association for Dental Research (AADR). Nör began his term as president for 2021-22 after the organization’s annual meeting in July. The organization changed its name to better reflect the broad reach of research developed by its members and presented at its meetings. With 3,100 members across the country, it is the largest division of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Its virtual conference in July was the annual joint meeting of the IADR, AADOCR and the Canadian Association of Dental Research. It was attended by more than 3,500 participants around the world. Nör is the Donald A. Kerr Collegiate Professor of Dentistry and chair of the Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics. He is also a professor of Otolaryngology at the U-M Medical School and a professor of Biomedical Engineering at the U-M College of Engineering.

In his president’s speech at the opening ceremony of the conference, Nör cited the philosophy of “Servant Leadership” that was popularized by Robert Greenleaf, an AT&T administrator who became an author and thought leader in the realm of organizational management in the 1960s and ‘70s. The concept advocates that leaders should focus on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong, in effect becoming servants to the organization, its members and their needs, which in turn strengthens the organization. “A successful organization understands that the leadership is at the service of its members, not the other way around,” Nör said. “Focus on service starts with an open, two-way dialogue between members and leadership.”

Jacques Nör with the AADOCR presidential chain, which carries the names of previous presidents

Nör serves as an Associate Editor of the IADR’s Journal of Dental Research and has participated on numerous IADR and AADR committees. He was selected as an AADR Fellow in 2017 and was winner of the 2012 Distinguished Scientist Award. He received the 2010 and 2011 William J. Gies Award, Biological, and won first place in the both the IADR and AADR Edward H. Hatton Award, Postdoctoral Category, in 1999.

Fontana Leads Global Initiatives, Receives Award Faculty member Dr. Margherita Fontana is the school’s new Director of the Global Initiatives in Oral and Craniofacial Health (GIOCH). She also recently received a national award from the American Dental Association for evidence-based dentistry.

The Global Initiatives program offers opportunities for dental students and faculty to travel abroad and perform community service outreach through dental clinics for underserved people. The program broadens students’ educational experience through work with dental practitioners and dental schools in the countries they travel to. The school currently has ties with universities and organizations in nine countries – Brazil, Kenya, Greece, Ethiopia, Jamaica, Mexico, Israel, China and Guatemala.

Fontana, the Clifford Nelson Endowed Professor in the Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, replaces Dr. Carlos GonzálezCabezas, who led the GIOCH program for several years. The directorship came open after he was appointed Associate Dean for Academic Affairs last year.

The ADA presented Fontana with its Evidence-Based Dentistry Accomplished Faculty Award at its annual conference in October. The award is one of three Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD) Faculty and Practice Awards that the ADA presents to acknowledge currently practicing dental educators and clinicians who have made significant contributions to implement and advance EBD in research, practice or education. The awards were established by the ADA and the American Association for Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research (AADOCR). FACULTY 13 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

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Gustavo Mendonça uses a UV flashlight to light up an experimental 3D-printed aligner for orthodontics. On the screen behind him is the digital design of an implant-fixed denture prosthesis to be 3D-printed as a temporary restoration.

Faculty Profile: Dr. Gustavo Mendonça Combining Prosthodontics, Research and Digital Technology It seemed early on that Gustavo Mendonça would follow in the career track of two uncles and an aunt who are dentists. As late as the middle of his dental school training at the Federal University of Uberlandia in his native Brazil, he was expecting to join the practice of one of his uncles when he graduated. But then he began to realize that high-end academic research had an appeal, as did the satisfaction of teaching what he knew to others. From that point on, he began to build a resume that would lead to academia, first in Brazil, then to the United States at the University of North Carolina and, in 2014, to the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. As a Clinical Professor of Dentistry in the Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics, Mendonça covers a lot of ground. His foundational expertise is in prosthodontics, so he teaches a variety of pre-doctoral and graduate courses related to that specialty, from traditional partial and complete dentures to the ever-expanding field of implants. On the research side, over the course of his graduate work and faculty career he has completed important studies in bone molecular biology, particularly as it relates to dental implants. His PhD research focused on the role of nanoscale features on implant surfaces and how it affects the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) into osteoblasts. Various parts of his research, including the impact of MSCs on bone healing and osseointegration, have been supported by grants from the Foundation of the Academy of Osseointegration. He became a fellow of the academy last year and was earlier this year named chair of its Research Committee. In the last several years, he has added a new area of expertise – dental digital technology – to his research and publishing. It’s part of his longstanding interest that began in dental school and as a graduate student in the early days of the digital impact on dentistry. His experience is benefitting the dental school as

he leads, as co-chair with Dr. HsunLiang (Albert) Chan, the school’s Dental Technology Committee. It advises school administrators about the most important technologies, equipment and software arriving in the dentistry arena, considers faculty proposals and provides recommendations on what should be integrated next into the clinics, curriculum and training for faculty and students. Sitting in his office in the new Faculty Commons, Mendonça calls up a digital image of a patient’s oral cavity on his large computer screen. He Mendonça confers with Dr. Junying (Jayden) Li, rotates the 3-dimensional image of a Clinical Assistant Professor, about a 3D-printed the teeth and jaws left to right, up and stackable surgical guide. down and around to the back so that can’t be done overnight. Mendonça and the he can look at even the smallest of details rest of the faculty still teach the traditional from literally any angle. Captured by an dental courses even as digital dentistry is intraoral scanner, images like this are what implemented in some areas faster than in help students and faculty collaborate others. Whether teaching long-understood on improved and precise treatment plans. science or helping students discover and The images are the first step in creating master the newest technology-enhanced digital impressions, surgical guides, partial treatment methods, Mendonça feels a and complete dentures and many other responsibility to be an excellent teacher appliances on 3-D printers. It is a revolutionand committed mentor, just as key faculty ary change compared to only a few years were in his dental school and graduate days. ago when the slower and less precise tradiHis approach was validated shortly before tional methods for making impressions he joined U-M when students at UNC were the only option. voted him “Faculty of the Year” for his “Using this technology allows us to be teaching skills. efficient when seeing the patients, to scan, to Even as a teaching assistant before he moved make a crown, many times the same day or into academia full-time, he said he realized the next hour. Or send it to the lab efficiently the value of a good instructor or professor as a digital file,” he said. “We teach the and how much they can impact the life of students to do it efficiently so the patients other people by helping them learn. don’t have to spend a lot of time sitting in the dental chair and everything comes out fitting “It feels very rewarding to participate in all better and working better for the patient.” stages of the student learning,” he said in a written essay about his academic career. Mendonça collaborated on a recent literature “It is a very good experience to follow review that indicates intraoral scanning students from the beginning of their training reduces working time and improves patientin the pre-clinical courses and see how they reported outcome measures compared to develop skills and learn how to critically conventional impression techniques. It also provide their patients with the best treatverified the effectiveness of the procedures ment… It all challenges me to continue to based on available prosthodontic outcomes. improve my skills and knowledge to always While the move to digital dentistry is quickly present the best to the students, dental changing dentistry and dental education, it community and patients.” FACULTY 15 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

Faculty Retirements Several School of Dentistry faculty retirements were announced this summer, including two long-serving professors – Robert Bagramian and Charlotte Mistretta – who were at the school for 52 and 49 years, respectively.

Thomas S. Marshall Robert A. Bagramian

Lawrence M. Ashman Clinical assistant professor of dentistry in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/ Hospital Dentistry. After joining the school as a clinical assistant professor in 2007, he initiated and became director of the Orofacial Pain Clinic. He developed a two-year CODA-accredited advanced dental education program in orofacial pain. He educated students and residents on the significance of orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders and sleep dentistry.

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Professor of dentistry and a faculty member at the School of Dentistry for more than 50 years. Shortly after earning his Dr.P.H. in epidemiology in 1969 from U-M, he joined the dental school faculty and became a full professor in 1975. He served as an acting chair of the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine from 2005-06. From 2012-14, he was the interim director of the Michigan Center for Oral Health Research. In the early 1970s, when Bagramian was chair of what was then the Department of Community Dentistry, he initiated the school’s Community Outreach Program, which included two mobile dental vans that traveled around the state so that dental students could treat migrant workers and other underserved populations. Bagramian’s research focused on healthcare behavior, epidemiology, care delivery, etiology and health disparities.

Clinical assistant professor of dentistry. After graduating from U-M with his DDS in 1979, he served in the U.S. Air Force, earning an advanced degree in prosthodontics, Marshall joined the school as a clinical assistant professor in 2008. He was appointed as a teaching-intensive faculty member in 2018, and developed seminars for the Advanced Education of General Dentistry program. He served as course director for several predoctoral and graduate courses in clinical, didactic and preclinical teaching.

Kenneth B. May Associate professor of dentistry in the Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics. He earned his DDS in 1988 and his MS in prosthodontics in 1990. He joined the dental school as a lecturer in 1988, serving as a course director at the pre-doctoral and graduate levels. He directed the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Recruitment Initiatives from 2007-13, and served as outreach and recruitment director for the Office of the Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. He was co-chair and member of the Multicultural Affairs Committee and recruited dental students through the pre-health careers programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Charlotte M. Mistretta William R. Mann Professor of Dentistry. After joining the school as a senior research associate in 1972, she was appointed assistant research scientist in 1974, associate research scientist in 1976 and research scientist in 1982. She was appointed professor with tenure in 1991 and served as the inaugural director of the Oral Health Sciences Ph.D. Program from 19932010. She also held appointments in the Center for Human Growth and Development and in the School of Nursing. She was Associate Dean for Research and Research Training from 2005-13. Her research in taste development received international attention, including a Research Career Development Award from NIH, the Claude Pepper NIH Award for research excellence. She received the U-M Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award and the Distinguished Faculty Mentoring Award.

Shannon D. O’Dell Curator of the Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry. She joined the dental school faculty in 2003 as assistant curator for the Sindecuse and was promoted to curator in 2004. She researched, documented and expanded the museum collection, integrating museum standards to revitalize and create professionally designed exhibits. Her research on early women dentists culminated in the 2012-16 exhibition, “Women Dentists: Changing the Face of Dentistry.” She published “Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry, 19922017” as a chapter for the book, “Object Lessons & the Formation of Knowledge: The University of Michigan Museums, Libraries & Collections 1817-2017.” She served a two-year term as president of the Medical Museums Association and received the American Academy of the History of Dentistry’s HaydenHarris Award.

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Faculty Member, Students Receive AADOCR Awards

Nisha D'Silva A School of Dentistry faculty member, several students, a professor emeritus and a retired staff member received awards at the annual conference of the American Association of Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research, or AADOCR, in July. The newly re-named organization was formerly the American Association for Dental Research, or AADR. Faculty member Nisha D’Silva received the Irwin D. Mandel Distinguished Mentoring Award. It was established to provide national recognition for outstanding efforts to foster and promote research training and career development of students, trainees and junior faculty. It is intended to identify researchers at all levels of their career with an exemplary record of mentoring. D’Silva is the Donald A. Kerr Endowed Collegiate Professor of Oral Pathology and a Professor in the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine. She is also a Professor of Pathology at the U-M Medical School. She has mentored more than 60 undergraduate, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, including pre-dental, dental students and faculty, in her work as an oral pathologist, cancer biologist and educator. Her research in head and neck cancer focuses on biomarkers and molecular mechanisms of tumor progression and treatment resistance. D’Silva has volunteered in many ways for the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and AADOCR. She currently serves as IADR treasurer (201821) and as a Journal of Dental Research 18 RESEARCH M Dentistry | Fall 2021

Shawn Hallett

Marsha-Kay Hutchinson

Editorial Board member (2008-22). She was previously president of the IADR Oral Medicine and Pathology Group. D’Silva is an AADOCR Fellow and won the 2017 IADR Distinguished Scientist Award for Oral Medicine and Pathology Research. The following students received awards at the conference: • Shawn Hallett and Marsha-Kay Hutchinson, dual degree DDS-PhD students in the Oral Health Sciences program (OHS), received AADOCR Bloc Travel Grant Awards, which are supported by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Hallett is mentored by faculty member Renny Franceschi and former faculty member Noriaki Ono. Hutchinson is mentored by Nisha D’Silva. • Yao Yao, a PhD student in the OHS program, won second place in the Basic Science Category of the 411 Rapid Research Competition sponsored by AADOCR and the National Student

Yao Yao

Research Group. The competition is designed for students to improve their ability to communicate their science to a non-scientific audience. The 411 name is based on competitors having 4 minutes and 1 slide to explain their research, then they are asked 1 question. Research title: “3D Melt Electrospinning Writing (MESW) Multiphasic-Structured Scaffolds for Coordinated Periodontal Regeneration.” Mentor: Joerg Lahann, an OHS faculty member who is Director of U-M Biointerfaces Institute and a professor of Biomedical Engineering. Three students received AADOCR Student Research Fellowships, which are supported by American Academy of Periodontology, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, P&G Professional Oral Health, Crest + Oral-B, Dentsply Sirona, GlaxoSmithKline and AADOCR Group Chapters, Sections and Members. • Marsha-Kay Hutchinson, DDS/OHS PhD student. Research title: “Mechanism of TRIP13-Mediated Radiation Resistance in Oral Cancer.” Mentor: Nisha D’Silva. • Eric Madsen, DDS/OHS PhD student. Research title: “Peptide DPI-VTK Promotes Migration of MSCs.” Mentor: David Kohn. • Ben Swanson, DDS/OHS PhD student. Research title: “Controlled Release of Odontogenic Exosomes from a Biodegradable Vehicle Mediates Dentinogenesis as a Novel Biomimetic Pulp Capping Therapy.” Mentor: Yuji Mishina.

Eric Madsen

Ben Swanson

Research Team Wins National OMFS Award A team of researchers led by faculty member Dr. Justine Moe received a top award at the annual meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) in September.

the school’s OMFS/Hospital Denistry department were Dr. David Best (DDS 2017), an OMFS resident who was first author; OMFS resident Dr. Curtis Herzog (DDS 2020); and Dr. Brent Ward, chair of the OMFS department.

The Daniel M. Laskin Award, which recognizes the most outstanding article published in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery each year, was presented to a team led by Moe, who is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Hospital Dentistry (OMFS). The Journal Editorial Board cited the 2020 article, “Oral Lichen Planus-Associated Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma is Associated With Improved Survival and Increased Risk of Recurrence.” The article was a comparative retrospective study of patients with a specific oral cancer. It analyzed survival as well as tumor recurrence.

Dr. Justine Moe Moe was the principal investigator and senior author, developing the research question and design of the study. Other authors with ties to

Moe is Program Director of the OMFS Residency Training Program and the Associate Director of Head & Neck Oncologic and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship in the Michigan Medicine Department of Surgery, Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. She specializes in the treatment of head and neck cancer and non-cancerous tumors. Her clinical practice focuses on the comprehensive rehabilitation for facial deformities and tumor resection surgeries, including reconstructive surgery, dental implant rehabilitation and facial cosmetic procedures.

Sponsored Research Awards >$50,000 from March 1, 2021, to August 31, 2021 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH AND OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES Nisha D’Silva (PI) and Marsha KayHutchinson (Fellow): (F30) $136,740 Elucidating the Molecular Mechanism of TRIP13-Mediated Radiation Resistance in Oral Squamous Carcinoma. Renny Franceschi: (RO1) $2,380,747. Discoidin Domain Receptor 2, B1 Integrins and ECM Control of Bone Formation. Jan Hu: (UH3) $624,000. Development and Validation of Novel Amelogenesis Models. Laurie McCauley (Co-PI) and Rahasudha Kannan (Fellow): (F30) $122,500. Biomimetic Apoptotic Particles for Macrophage-driven Oral Bone Regeneration. Hajime Sasaki: (R21) $429,000. The Structure and Function of Dental Lymphatics.

Hsiao Hsin Sung: (K08) $599,851. Biomarking the Sclerostin Antibody Effects on Osseointegration in an Osteogenesis Imperfecta Model. Megan Weivoda: (RO1) $2,194,390. The Impact of Age-Related Changes in Osteoclast Function on the Skeleton.

FOUNDATIONS, INDUSTRY and OTHER AWARDS Isabelle Lombaert (PI) and Priyan Weerappuli (Fellow): (American Cancer Society Fellowship) $175,000. The Role of Neutrophil-Derived Nucleoprotein in Tumor Growth and Metastasis. Hsun-Liang Chan: (Osteogenics Biomedical Inc.) $100,000. Regenerative Treatment of Peri-Implantitis.

Send Us Your News! We want to hear from you. Send us news about your achievements, awards or honors. Contact: SODalumnirelations@umich.edu

University of Michigan | School of Dentistry 1011 N. University | Ann Arbor, MI 48109 RESEARCH 19 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

Miller, who lives in Saginaw, Michigan, said returning to the dental school to be treated by her grandson brought back lots of memories, including how equipment and procedures have changed significantly. She remembers developing radiographs in a photographic dark room; today imaging is digital on a computer. Students in her time needed to ensure that the motor and belt on the beltdriven polisher were in working order; today high speed handpieces are much simpler to operate. And then there was the lack of personal protective equipment in her day, illustrated by a photo taken in 1958-59 of her treating a patient while wearing neither a mask nor gloves.

Justin Curis during a dental hygiene appointment with his grandmother Joyce Ann Miller.

Miller practiced in the Saginaw area for 54 years, retiring in 2013. More than half of those years were with Dr. Arthur Kettelhohn, about 11 years were with Dr. Robert Puszykowski (DDS 1977) and the rest were as a substitute in various other practices in the area. “I chose dental hygiene to make a positive impact on my patients and allow them to live a healthier life,” she says.


Hygiene Student Follows Grandmother’s Career Path When Joyce Ann Miller sat down in a dental chair at the School of Dentistry one day last semester, the hygiene student who greeted her was easy to recognize, even behind his surgical mask. A 1959 graduate of the school’s Dental Hygiene Program, Miller said she was thrilled that her grandson, Justin Curis, was the attending hygienist. His decision to follow in her career path, and do so at the same school, didn’t surprise her because 20 DENTAL HYGIENE M Dentistry | Fall 2021

Justin has similar goals. “I am receiving the training and education that will prepare me to be an amazing hygienist,” he said. “And not only be great at my job, but it will also allow me to carry the Wolverine dental hygiene blood in my family into the future.”

she had heard him talking about it since he was in middle school. The second-year DH student will graduate next spring, 63 years after his grandmother received her BSDH. “My grandmother really inspired me to go into this career,” Justin said. “I remember going to the dental office and being excited to see her. She was kind, caring, gentle and passionate about treating her patients. I have met several patients of hers who mentioned that she changed their lives. I want to provide my patients with that same excellent care where they are no longer scared to come to the dentist but excited to see me and seek dental care.”

Joyce Ann Miller with a patient at the dental school during her training in 1958-59.

Awards & Scholarships Pauline Steele Student Leadership Award This award was established by the U-M Dental Hygiene Alumni Association in 1968 to honor Pauline Steele, the second director of the Dental Hygiene Program, from 1968-1988. It recognizes a senior dental hygiene student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities. 2021 Recipients: Maysa Sawabini (BSDH 2021) was president of the U-M chapter of the Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SADHA) and found innovative ways to provide community outreach projects despite COVID-19. Jessica Saunders (BSDH 2021), the senior class president, was cited for her steady leadership style that motivated her class to work together through the pandemic to keep everyone on track to graduate on time.

Lindsey Fox-Berry

Maysa Sawabini

Wendy Kerschbaum Emerging Leadership Award The U-M chapter of SADHA established this award in 2012 in honor of Wendy Kerschbaum, Director of Dental Hygiene from 1988-2012. This award recognizes a first- or second-year SADHA member who exhibits a strong commitment to the dental hygiene profession and demonstrates leadership within the organization. 2021 Recipient: Kristen Reamer (BSDH 2022) demonstrated an unwavering and commendable commitment to serving others during the pandemic.

Kathy Yee SPIRIT Award The Dental Hygiene Program established the SPIRIT Award in 2016 to honor the memory of Katherine Yee, a faculty member from 2011-2016 who died of ovarian cancer in 2016. SPIRIT refers to the qualities Yee was remembered for – courage, positive attitude, desire to give and the ability to support and bring out the best in others. 2021 Recipient: Lindsey Fox-Berry, a 2021 graduate of the Degree Completion E-Learning Program. The award is given to a second-year degree-completion student who demonstrates a commitment to enriching the lives of others and advancing the profession of dental hygiene. Activities that demonstrate these characteristics include professional involvement, community service, mentoring and volunteerism.

Christine P. Klausner Graduate Dental Hygiene Student Scholarship Award Christine (Chris) Klausner, an alumna, was a clinical associate professor of dentistry in the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine who died of ovarian cancer in 2010. Graduate students who receive this award must demonstrate academic performance, membership in both the American Dental Hygienists Association and the American Dental Education Association, along with a commitment to leadership in dental hygiene education, service and research. 2021 Recipient: Anne Marie Wang, who earned her MSDH in 2021.

Anne Marie Wang

Jessica Saunders

Taylor Schrock

Kristen Reamer

Drs. Laurie McCauley and Jessy Grizzle Endowed Dental Scholarship Fund The endowment was created in 2014 to support both dental and dental hygiene students. The fund has grown enough that the inaugural DH scholarships were awarded in 2021, one for a degree completion student and another to an entry-level student. Applicants must be in good academic standing and submit a personal statement discussing why they chose dental hygiene and their career goals. 2021 Recipients: Taylor Schrock, who will graduate with a BSDH in 2022, and Lindsey Fox-Berry, a 2021 graduate of the Degree Completion E-Learning Program. DENTAL HYGIENE 21 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry


Journey Starts for Impressive DDS Class of 2025 The new first-year class of dental students at the School of Dentistry hails from all corners of Michigan and from coast to coast, with several international connections. The Class of 2025 was welcomed with a hybrid orientation that included online components and a more traditional, in-person arrival in late June. Their on-campus arrival was earlier than the one last year for firstyear students, who were delayed during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 109 new class members were admitted from 1,867 applicants. They are closely split between Michigan residents (54) and outof-state students (55), a ratio that fluctuates from year to year. They earned undergraduate degrees from 17 Michigan colleges and universities, and from small colleges and major universities across the country. The out-of-state residents are from nearly all of

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the nearby Upper Midwest states, but many others in the western, southern and northeast parts of the country, including Alaska, California, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Virginia, New York and Massachusetts, to name several. One class member graduated from Peking University in China, and others have lived in Cuba, Nigeria and Jamaica.

credentials. “We’re proud to have such a great group of future leaders with us in the Class of 2025.”

The undergraduate grade point average of the class is 3.8. Six of the students have master’s degrees. In a growing trend at dental schools across the country, women outnumber the men in the class, 64 to 45. Two students are in the school’s Oral Health Sciences program that offers a dual DDS/PhD degree.

Duff said she likes to compare the fouryear journey of dental school to climbing a mountain because it takes teamwork, just as climbing Mt. Everest requires a collaborative team to navigate the difficult route to the summit. She advised students to bond with classmates, faculty and staff. “You will need many if not all of these people on your team,” she said. “Whether you go through relaxed or white-knuckled, whether you lead the climb or anchor it, you will need to rely on each other at times in order to enjoy the journey and be successful.”

In her welcoming remarks to the students during an orientation Zoom meeting with the class, Associate Dean for Students Dr. Renée Duff said the class has impressive

Dean Laurie McCauley thanked the students for choosing the U-M School of Dentistry. She emphasized the long traditions of both the university and dental school. The

D1 Jacob Herremans works with a rubber dam as he prepares for class in the Sim Lab earlier this semester. He is a third-generation U-M DDS student. His father, Thomas, an orthodontist in Grand Rapids, and his grandfather, Edward, a retired orthodontist, both have degrees from U-M and the dental school.

Amanda Guido’s blue-gloved hands, green rubber dam and handpiece are reflected in the lenses of her glasses as she works on a manikin in Sim Lab.

D1s Gabriella Ries (front) and Adam Grabowski focus on a procedure in the Sim Lab.

U-M mission calls on its graduates to “serve the people of Michigan and the world” while “developing leaders who will challenge the present and enrich the future.” She noted the mix of science and service that is the overall goal of the dental school – “to develop a highly skilled competent clinician with a deep understanding of the scientific foundation of dentistry, and the compassion to serve those in need.” “If you are accepted at the University of Michigan, it means we know you can accomplish all that we have to offer you,” McCauley said. “Our admissions policies are incredibly rigorous, which means that if you are here now, we know you will be successful, and we are with you to walk this path.” D1s Lauren Okafor and Wiley Smith concentrate over their manikins during a class session in Sim Lab. STUDENTS 23 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

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Alumni Profile: Dr. John Farah

DDS 1978

A dentist who's always explored new horizons John Farah is a go-with-the-flow sort of guy. “I’m not a black-and-white type of person,” he said. “My whole life has been shades of gray. I’m not stuck on one thing. I have a sense of flexibility. I’m always looking for something a little more interesting. It’s just my personality.” Which helps explain how Farah, who was born in the Middle East and emigrated to the U.S. at age 19, earned three aeronautical engineering degrees at the University of Michigan; gained expertise in dental materials; switched his career track to dentistry in his mid-30s; founded and lectured extensively in support of an important dental journal used by thousands of dentists; and started a dental milling business that services not only his practice but many others. And in between all those educational and professional accomplishments, he’s run 137 marathons and hundreds of shorter races. Now in his 41st year of practicing dentistry, he still sees patients three days a week at Enspire Dental in Ann Arbor, the successor to the solo practice he started two years after he earned his DDS at U-M in 1978. His colleagues are three fellow U-M alumni – Drs. Lori Brown (DDS 1991), Santine Harlock (DDS 1999) and John Shamraj (DDS 1978). Farah says he continues to work for the same reason he has done most of the things in his life – because he loves it and takes great satisfaction from it. Looking back through his career successes, he credits the strong foundation his parents created for him and his five siblings despite living in a difficult place at a difficult time. They were a Palestinian family living in Jerusalem in the years before and after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Farah, who was born in nearby Bethlehem, grew up in a Jerusalem roiled by turmoil in the years immediately after the creation of the state of Israel. His Christian family moved into the relative safety of a Catholic convent for a year, later moving to a neighborhood filled with families and children of many nationalities and religions.

Farah attributes the incredibly long list of friends and acquaintances he has made during his life to his intellectual curiosity and ability to get along with all sorts of people. The latter skill was part natural and part necessity during a childhood where his neighborhood friends were a multicultural mix of Christian, Muslim and Jewish. He and his friends spent countless entire days together, playing soccer and other games where fair play – not world politics – was their common and only concern. Farah’s father had lived in the Middle East long enough to know that he wanted his family to have better opportunities elsewhere. “He often told us growing up that people in that area – whether they are Christians, Muslims, Jews – they always find something to fight about. They somehow don’t know how to live together. So he encouraged us to leave when we finished high school.” After graduating from a Catholic boarding school in Israel, Farah came to the U.S. in 1962 at the age of 19. He joined an older sister and other distant relatives who had previously emigrated to Flint, Michigan. Intent on earning a college degree, he asked a cousin in Michigan what college would be good for science and engineering. The cousin recommended the University of Michigan. When the admissions literature and application arrived, Farah chose “aeronautical engineering” since it was at the top of the alphabetized list of engineering specialties.

quickly found that he loved his coursework, the university routine, his new friends and Ann Arbor. At the end of that first year on the U-M campus, he needed money and was looking for a summer job. A friend passed along a help-wanted ad posted by the School of Dentistry in the Michigan Daily. It would be the start of a long association with the school and, ultimately, a switch into the profession of dentistry.

From aeronautics to dental materials Researchers in what was then called the Dental Materials Department wanted someone with an engineering background to help with the testing of new materials – stress tests and other data – as part of a federal grant. Farah went for an interview and faculty member Dr. Robert Craig hired the engineering undergrad on the spot. Not only was the pay better than other student jobs, Craig gave Farah a key to an office and told him he could arrange his work schedule in any way that was convenient for his engineering studies. Testing dental materials wasn’t much different than testing various engineering materials, and it was intellectually stimulating, so it was a quick fit. Farah worked part-time at the dental school while he finished his Continued

“To be real honest with you, I probably didn’t know what aeronautical engineering was,” Farah recalls. “I just checked that box. I figured it was engineering, obviously, and had something to do with airplanes.” He was right about that, although it wasn’t long before “aeronautical” engineering became the current “aerospace” engineering department with the advent of the 1960s space race. In 1964, after taking two years of prerequisite courses at what was then Flint Community College, Farah enrolled at U-M as a junior in the engineering program. He

Dr. John Farah wears a Boston Marathon surgical cap as he treats a patient in his Ann Arbor office. ALUMNI 25 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

Alumni Profile: Dr. John Farah (Continued)

bachelor’s and master’s degrees in aeronautical engineering over the next three years. He became so much a part of the Dental Materials department that Craig successfully lobbied a reluctant College of Engineering to create a specialized joint PhD in aeronautic engineering and dental materials for Farah. Farah worked full-time at the dental school as he completed his PhD, then stayed two more years, earning the titles of assistant and associate research scientist. It was a heady time, working closely with world-class researchers Bob Craig and Kamal Asgar, among others. Craig’s research included the biocompatibility of materials, properties of polymers and experimental stress analysis. Asgar developed the first spherical highcopper alloy, a technique for more accurate casting of dental restorations, and a new way of measuring the bond strength of porcelain fused to metal. It appeared that Farah, who was in his early 30s, would spend his career in materials research. And then one day a student friend, Larry Seluk (DDS 1975), suggested that Farah’s non-traditional background and experience with dental materials would make him a good candidate for dental school. Despite working in the dental school for nine years, Farah had never considered a DDS and wasn’t sure he wanted to invest another four years of his life for a fourth degree. He worried that he would be 36 years old by the time he finished his DDS. “Kamal Asgar was from Iran and a very smart guy, very nice, and he offered me what I called his Persian wisdom,” Farah remembers. “He said, ‘John, how old will you be in four years if you don’t go to dental school?’ When he said that, I knew he was right. That was what convinced me. He said, ‘John, with your background you can do whatever you want to do. With dentistry, you can teach, you can research, you can practice.’” As it has turned out, Farah has done all of that and more after receiving his DDS in 1978. His initial idea was to find a faculty position where he could both teach and research. He applied to about a dozen dental schools and accepted an associate professor appointment at the University of Florida. He soon discovered that academia wasn’t what he had expected. Plus, he missed Ann Arbor, which he had grown to love during the 14 years he studied and worked at U-M. 26 ALUMNI M Dentistry | Fall 2021

So after two years in Florida, he returned to Ann Arbor, in 1980. Although Craig offered to find a full-time position for him at the dental school, Farah instead opened a dental practice, though he continued to work parttime in Dental Materials.

Practicing and publishing The dental practice grew steadily in the first three years. Working with patients fulfilled the “people person” part of Farah’s personality. Even as he was settling into the life of a dentist, he was, as usual, exploring new horizons and decided to pursue an idea he had considered for several years. During his third year in dental school, he had attended the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. Then as now, the huge annual conference features hundreds of vendors demonstrating thousands of products for dentists. It made Farah wonder: “How do you know if any of these things work, or which is the best? Should we all rely on the salesperson?” He decided it was a great opportunity for a new publication that would independently test and rate dental products, a sort of Consumer Reports for dentists. Farah asked dental school administrators if the school was interested in being the publisher, but they declined, he says, perhaps fearing legal problems if a product was rated poorly. So Farah pursued the idea himself and spent much of 1983 building a small team of colleagues, organizing the research and launching the inaugural edition of what he called The Dental Advisor in January 1984. The cleverly-titled cover story, “On Making Good Impressions,” examined the

Picking Up the Pace John Farah’s life as a dentist, researcher, publisher, business owner, husband and father of two sons would seem to have been more than enough to keep one person busy, but there’s more. Woven around all those other responsibilities was a lifestyle devoted to running. In his spare time, Farah has run more than 100,000 miles on his way to finishing 137 marathons, including Boston, London, Paris and Berlin. He’s run in hundreds of other shorter races all around Michigan and the country.

pros and cons of various materials – polysulfides, polyethers, silicones – available at the time for dental impressions. Using his dental school ties to Craig and Asgar, Farah built a network of contributors to do the research. Some of the testing was done at the dental school as part of academic research, some at other universities and some at private labs around the country. At first, the testing was done entirely in labs, but Farah’s experience as a practicing dentist led him to add clinical testing as part of the ratings formula. “Tests in a lab may say it’s a good product,” he said, “but how does it work in the hands of a dentist treating a patient? How does it perform over time in a person’s mouth?” He kept meticulous notes on products he used in his own dental practice and how they held up over time, providing him with an extensive set of data over several decades. He also asked other dentists to contribute to the clinical portion of the ratings, ultimately forming an advisory board of nearly 200 dentists across the country. Products rated by the Advisor grew beyond the basics of dental cement, amalgams, ceramics and composites to include equipment such as dental handpieces, endodontic burs and dental chairs – basically anything used by a dentist. The quarterly publication filled a need for the profession. Its popularity grew not only nationwide, but it was translated into several foreign languages, including Portuguese, Japanese and German. Its highest circulation was about 20,000,

bolstered at one point when two states in the Delta Dental insurance network purchased copies to send to their member dentists. Started as a quarterly publication, it grew to 10 editions a year, then settled at six annually. The publication was well-respected by its intended audience of dentists. Several years after the Advisor was first published, Farah began to receive invitations to speak at area dental society meetings or other professional conferences. The demand grew and he began to travel so much and so far – up to 25 lectures a year around the country and several international trips – that he reduced his practice schedule from four days a week to three. As the Advisor’s success expanded, so did the staff, reaching about 15. Over time, the connection to the Dental Materials department at the dental school ended. When Farah built a new building for his dental practice in 1996, he created space for the Advisor’s testing needs.

On to the next venture

the practice’s dentists, the milling company also became a supplier for dentists around the region. Several years ago Farah sold his interest in the Advisor, though it continues to publish a print version six times a year with online access for subscribers. “I enjoyed it,” he says of the Advisor and his lectures supporting it. “It made me feel good to give people factual information. It was something I felt I was contributing to the profession.” Today his contribution to the profession remains his patients, some of whom he has treated for 40 years. Over time, his patient base has moved to mostly cosmetic dentistry. He was an early adopter when improvements in materials and techniques for bonding and veneers emerged in the late 1980s and 1990s. He still gets the same deep satisfaction today as in the early days when a patient expresses gratitude for their transformative new smile and appearance. Frequently they say they should have undergone the procedure years ago, and occasionally they are moved to tears. “This is why I’m still practicing,” he says.

In true Farah fashion, there was another project in the works. In 2006, he opened his own dental milling company to make dentures, crowns and other dental appliances at a time when digital technology for dentistry was taking off. He built a new building next to Enspire Dental to be the home for Apex Milling and Printing, and moved the Advisor’s operation into the new building as well. While having Apex literally next door to Enspire was an advantage for

That fulfillment with helping patients is also part of the reason that Farah and his wife Jackie recently endowed a student scholarship fund with a major gift to the dental school. It is their way of giving back to the profession and contributing to its future by helping dental students with the cost of their education.

For decades, Farah ran six days a week, rain or shine. Five of those days started at 5:15 a.m. when he joined two of his running pals for an eight-mile route on rural roads west of Ann Arbor. They often ran greater distances or logged shorter, faster training runs as race dates approached. By running so regularly, he says, it was much easier to be ready for marathons, half-marathons and 10K races.

enjoyed it – that’s why I did it. Some people may say it is sort of an obsessive thing, but I don’t have an obsessive personality. I just enjoyed it.”

Farah has slowed his pace as he has aged and says his final marathon count will remain at the current 137. He has suffered through leg injuries in recent races so he has scaled back his daily running. “I was fortunate in that it used to come so easily to me and I really

the dental practice building. They each teach courses at the studio and write for its blog, with John sharing fitness advice from his lifetime of running experiences (see related box about his running background). It’s the latest example of how John Farah has always moved on. He has followed his curiosity, intellect and energy to fill his life with many types of learning, accomplishment and enjoyment that he has shared with countless people he has met along the way. “I’ve always been an active person. I’m not the type to just sit around. Because of that, I tended to meet people. That definitely makes my life more interesting and more rewarding. The people you meet often have different backgrounds and come from different places, so you are always learning something. To me, that always opened doors. A lot of it was unplanned, which was very enjoyable. I think I approach things with an open mind and I like challenges. I like people. I always tell people, life is what you make it. I feel very strongly about that.” Farah has been asked before if he would change anything about his life. “Honestly, nothing,” he says. “It’s not that I did everything correctly. I haven’t. But I don’t look back. You make mistakes, you move on. And so my life has been that way. I move on and find other things that are enjoyable. Life is fun.”

Moving forward, there are new ventures to come. For several years John and Jackie have owned Imagine Fitness and Yoga, located in

Farah has accumulated so many running stories over the years that in 2012 he wrote a book about his early life, how he got into running and how it has enriched his life. A running partner and co-author, Nelson Williams, added detailed training methods. While the title – “Let’s Pick It Up a Bit” – refers to increasing the pace of a run, it’s also an apt description of how Farah has approached all of his many career achievements. ALUMNI 27 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

Loyal U-M Donor Endows Scholarships, Diversity Program This article first appeared earlier this year in Leaders & Best, a publication of the U-M Office of University Development. By Ann Marie Aliotta Office of University Development Although Jane Plasman’s extensive corporate career took her from New York to Australia to Switzerland, U-M has always been near to her heart and supporting students has been an important cause. She recently made noteworthy gifts to the LEAD Scholarship program, the Armenian Studies Program, and the School of Dentistry. “I’ve always had a fondness in my heart for Michigan and it gives me great joy to be able to do what I’m doing now with the scholarships and programs I’ve set up,” she said. The retired human resources executive has been an annual fund donor for four decades, giving to her ability as she moved up her career. After receiving her B.A. in 1973 in speech pathology and audiology, she went on to earn an M.A. at Western Michigan University and began working as a speech therapist. “When I first graduated and started working, I wasn’t making a lot of money, I did what I could, because I just wanted to say thank you,” she said. “I come from a family that believes in philanthropy and I wanted to give back.” It wasn’t about the dollar amount, according to Plasman, it’s about the commitment. “I think commitment is long-term, not short-term,” she said. “I would say to people do not feel bad about giving a ‘a little bit.’ Give what you can and feel very good about it because I believe no matter what you give or where you give it, it’s appreciated and it’s needed.” Putting her affairs in order after the recent passing of her husband, Plasman had a realization. “I have more than I want to spend, or can spend, or gift to family, so what other causes can I support in a significant way? What else can I do?” she asked herself. A generous donor to a number of organizations, Plasman reflected on her time at U-M, and her family connection, especially her father’s, when thinking about 28 ALUMNI M Dentistry | Fall 2021

Jane Plasman during a recent visit to the School of Dentistry, with Dean Laurie McCauley and Dr. Todd Ester, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. her philanthropy. Gil Plasman graduated from U-M Dental School in 1940. He went back home to Grand Rapids to practice, but always said that his time at U-M changed his life. “He credits his University of Michigan education with enabling him to lead the life he did and with his successful career,” she said. She also reflected on her personal goal of supporting women, underrepresented people and people of color. The Gilbert J. Plasman DDS Endowed Scholarship fund and the Lee Jones Endowment for Dentistry Diversity Programs will help deserving students from diverse backgrounds to pursue a dentistry career through a U-M education. “It’s gratifying to me to be able to give to a program that will have an impact on young people who may have said ‘I think I want to be a dentist. I don’t know much about it, or I don’t even know how to go about finding out more about it or how would I ever get into the University of Michigan?,’” she said. “I think it will have a positive impact on the dental profession. And I think my father would be very happy about that.”

Plasman’s commitment to principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion is an extension of her many years working in corporate training and human resources. “There were not too many women in high places, and generally not people of color,” she said. “Over the years, things have gotten better and better, but it’s still not where it should be.” She’s hoping her philanthropy can help change that. “I think schools, universities, neighborhoods, businesses should be more representative of this mosaic we call the United States. To the extent that I can help, I’m happy to do so.” This dedication is also reflected in her support of the LEAD Scholarship program, where she created an endowed scholarship and endowed program fund and joined the Alumni Association LEAD Advisory Council. The Jane E. Plasman LEAD Scholarship Endowed Fund will support accepted students who embody leadership, excellence, achievement, and diversity, helping the best and brightest make their way to Michigan. Plasman was also interested in honoring her late husband of 35 years, a graduate of Yale University and Columbia University and

prominent figure in the public health arena, who was of Armenian descent. “At first I thought, how could I do this at the University of Michigan, he didn’t even go there. But, then I learned that U-M has one of the largest Armenian studies programs in the U.S. and is pretty unique in its own way,” she said. She created the Edward Hagop Noroian Scholarship Fund and Edward Hagop Noroian Lectureship Fund in the Center for Armenian Studies. “He and I visited Armenia

together,” Jane said. “I think he would be very pleased with this.” Plasman said she credits U-M with “teaching me a lot about life.” And though her career diverged from her original college major, she feels her academic and campus experiences taught her about working with people and team leadership and communication, among other things, which enabled her to advance through her profession.

“I credit that kind of focus, discipline, fun, and everything I experienced at U-M for shaping the person I became and am today. And I wanted to give back,” she said. “I feel like I’m honoring my dad, I’m honoring my husband. And I’m honoring me, too, by putting something in my name as well, just because the university meant a lot to me.”

Jane Plasman remembers the joy her father found in dentistry Editor’s Note: After the previous article was published this summer, Jane Plasman provided additional details about the career of her father, Dr. Gilbert J. Plasman, in an interview for the School of Dentistry from her home in upstate New York. Jane Plasman’s recollections of her father’s career as a dentist center on a common theme: “What I really remember most is his joy of dentistry. He just loved every minute of it. And he loved learning about new things.” Gilbert “Gil” Plasman grew up in Zeeland, Michigan, and earned his undergraduate degree at Hope College in nearby Holland. At the U-M School of Dentistry, he was class president all four years, graduating in 1940. He decided to return to west Michigan and start a practice from scratch in Grand Rapids. Jane remembers her mother, June, talking about the early days after they found office space above a Post Office in the Madison Square neighborhood. June was the office assistant. “My mom would tell stories about how it was literally like hanging out a shingle and then they both kind of sat there waiting for the phone to ring. And it didn’t always ring that often so she said, ‘We played a lot of cards.’ ” But business picked up over time and soon it was such a thriving practice that Dr. Plasman built his own office building that was large enough to include several other health-related professionals. He added associates from time to time and the practice grew. “He was always busy,” Jane said. “He just loved his patients. He knew his patients, not just from a dentistry standpoint, but he knew their entire families, their kids. He

Class president Gil Plasman was prominently featured in the Class of 1940 composite photo. had generations of patients who started out young with him and then became parents and grandparents, and all their kids and grandkids went to him.” Over time, Dr. Plasman became one of the leading dentists in west Michigan, with a large practice and a leadership commitment to improving dentistry, particularly in his favorite area of crown and bridge work. Because continuing education was important to him, he was an early adherent of the Pankey Institute, named for Dr. Lindsey D. Pankey, Sr., a restorative pioneer and educator who advocated comprehensive, patient-centered dentistry. Before the institute opened in Florida in the early 1970s, Dr. Pankey traveled the country giving seminars, and Jane remembers him staying at their home during one of his trips to Michigan.

Among Dr. Plasman’s accomplishments, he was proud to have publicly supported the initiative that led Grand Rapids to be the first city in the country to fluoridate its water, in 1945, five years after he started his practice there. Then there were a couple of celebrity dentistry stories he loved to recall. Major League Baseball pitcher Jim Kaat suffered serious damage to his mouth and lost three teeth when he was struck by a ball hit by a Detroit Tigers player in July 1962. Using their shared connection as natives of Zeeland, Dr. Plasman offered to restore Kaat’s teeth and the pitcher accepted. Kaat continued on to a lengthy career as a top baseball player and later as a baseball broadcaster. Continued

ALUMNI 29 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

Loyal U-M Donor Endows Scholarships, Diversity Program (Continued)

The other celebrity story involves Chi Chi Rodriguez, a professional golfer from the 1960s to the 1990s. Jane said her parents met Rodriguez at a golf resort in his native Puerto Rico when he was beginning his rise to stardom as a talented golfer and popular personality on the PGA tour. The story illustrates Jane’s conviction that her father was a convincing advocate, almost a salesman, when it came to making sure people had a great smile.

As he approached retirement age, Dr. Plasman didn’t want to manage the building he had built for his practice many years earlier, so he sold it and worked at other practices elsewhere in Grand Rapids for a few years. He retired in the early 1980s after four decades of practicing dentistry. He died of Alzheimer’s disease in 2002 at age 88.

“My dad got to know him really well and said to him, ‘Chi Chi, you really need to fix your teeth. You could have a beautiful smile. Why don’t you come to Grand Rapids and let me do that?’ And Chi Chi did. He stayed at our house and my dad rebuilt his mouth. He had beautiful teeth when he was finished.” After his family and love of dentistry, the third key aspect of life with Dr. Plasman was going to University of Michigan football games. Jane started the game-day treks to Michigan Stadium as a child and it became an even richer family tradition when she and her older sister were students at U-M. Her father never missed a game, no matter

Dr. Gilbert Plasman the weather. Tailgating was both a pre- and post-game tradition, not just for family and friends but also for Jane’s Chi Omega sorority sisters who became part of the family. Jane believes it is safe to say there was no bigger U-M football fan in those days than her father.

Jane says her father was grateful for his time at the School of Dentistry and how it paved the way for a rewarding career in support of his family. To celebrate that legacy, Jane made a $500,000 gift to the School of Dentistry. It will be divided evenly between a new Gilbert J. Plasman DDS Endowed Scholarship Fund and the existing Lee Jones Endowment for Dentistry Diversity Programs. Jane says it seems fitting to provide scholarships and assistance to dental students just starting out as a way to honor her father’s long career, love of dentistry and work ethic. Her hope is that the students who benefit from her gift will, like her father, “enjoy every minute” of the special relationship between dentist and patient.

Why I Give...

Dr. Monica Swope (DDS 1989) After earning her undergraduate degree at Western Michigan University, Monica Swope enrolled at the U-M School of Dentistry, graduating in 1989. She worked for a year as an associate before opening her own private practice in May 1990 in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is still in Cincinnati, where she and an Ohio State University DDS grad, Dr. Rebecca Yoxthimer, are the dentists at Kingdom Family Dentistry. Dr. Swope has been a loyal donor to the U-M School of Dentistry over the years. She explains below, in her own words, why she made a commitment to give back. “When I think back on my time at the U-M School of Dentistry, I am so thankful for the invaluable relationships I established during my four years there. U-M equipped me with the clinical skills and confidence that I needed to start my own practice. U-M operates in a spirit of excellence and they are committed to diversity at the School of Dentistry. Dr. Lee Jones (who died Sept. 6, 2021; see obituary on Page 33) was very significant during my time at U-M. He was instrumental 30 ALUMNI M Dentistry | Fall 2021

in my decision to attend Michigan. He took me under his wing and made sure I got through the program successfully. Dr. Jones encouraged me and embraced my background and culture. I have contributed to the Dr. Lee Jones Scholarship Fund for several years as it helps students to fulfill their dreams and achieve success. The legacy and impact of the Lee Jones Scholarship is very important. It is truly making a difference in the lives of underrepresented minority students.

My experience, connection to U-M and the community support I felt is what inspired me to give back. I am forever connected to the University of Michigan and my fellow alumni. If you are so blessed to be in a position to pay it forward by helping a future dental student, please strongly consider donating annually to the School of Dentistry. Make a difference and assist someone in achieving their goals.”

Alumni News Three dentists with ties to the School of Dentistry were named to leadership positions with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) in May. Dr. James Boynton (DDS 2002, MS 2004), Clinical Professor and Director of the Pediatric Dentistry Program, was named an Academic Trustee at Large. He is also director of the Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program and has been a faculty member since 2005. Adjunct clinic assistant professor Dr. Scott Smith (DDS 1986, MS 1988) was named Secretary-Treasurer of the AAPD Executive Committee, which puts him in line to move into the organization’s presidency. Smith practices in Denver and Centennial, Colorado, and travels to Ann Arbor each month to teach in the pediatric clinic. Dr. Amr M. Moursi (DDS 1988) was named President-elect of AAPD. He is a professor and chair of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the New York University College of Dentistry, and maintains a private practice. He is also on the medical staff at the New York University Langone Medical Center and the Bellevue Hospital Center in New York. Dr. Terrell Mitchell (DDS 2011), a Major in the U.S. Air Force Dental Corps, has been named Deputy Director of the AEGD-1 residency program at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. The program trains residents to become Air Force General Dental Officers with a broad range of skill sets in the disciplines of endodontics, oral surgery, orthodontics, periodontics, implantology, fixed and removable prosthodontics, comprehensive treatment planning, operative and pediatric dentistry. After graduating from U-M in 2011, Mitchell began his Air Force career at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada. He completed an AEGD-2 residency at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi, earning his MS in Oral Biology from the Uniformed Service University of Health Science. He was then assigned to the Pentagon, where he was the Officer in Charge of the Special Missions Dental Clinic, which is responsible for the dental care of the nation’s top military and

Dr. James Boynton

Dr. Jennifer R. Fuller

Dr. Terrell Mitchell

Dr. Scott Smith

Dr. Mark M. Johnston

Dr. Jessica A. Rickert Dr. Amr M. Moursi government leaders. In 2019, he obtained board certification in Comprehensive General Dentistry from the American Board of General Dentistry. Three Michigan dentists who are School of Dentistry alumni were among new appointments to the Michigan Board of Dentistry in July by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Dr. Jennifer R. Fuller (DDS 1999), of Bloomfield, owner of Fuller General Dentistry in Ferndale, was appointed to represent dentists for a four-year term through June 30, 2025. Dr. Mark M. Johnston (DDS 1985) of Lansing, owner of Mark M. Johnston, DDS, in Lansing, was reappointed to represent dentists for a term through June 30, 2025. Dr. Craig Spangler (DDS 1979), of Bloomfield Hills, owner of Craig C. Spangler, DDS, PC in Bloomfield Hills, was appointed to a new seat representing dentists for a term of office through June

Dr. Craig Spangler 30, 2023. The Michigan Board of Dentistry was established to regulate the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene, to authorize dental assistants and to certify specialists in orthodontics, endodontics, prosthetics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and oral pathology. Dr. Jessica A. Rickert (DDS 1975) of Traverse City, Mich., was appointed to the 2021-22 Board of Directors for the Society of American Indian Dentists (SAID). Rickert, a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation based in Mayetta, Kan., was the first female American Indian dentist in the country after graduating from U-M with her DDS. Organized in 1990, SAID promotes dental health in the American Indian community; serves as a resource while encouraging American Indian students to consider careers in dentistry; and supports the unique concerns of American Indian dentists.

ALUMNI 31 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

Alumni News (continued)

New Book Features Contributions of Minority Women in Oral Healthcare Dr. Marilyn Woolfolk (DDS 1978, MPH 1982), retired Professor and Assistant Dean for Student Services at the School of Dentistry, is one of three writers who conceptualized and completed a new book, “Undaunted Trailblazers: Minority Women Leaders for Oral Health.” Dr. Woolfolk teamed with Dr. Shelia S. Price and Dr. Jeanne Sinkford to collect life stories from 31 women, including the three authors, who have made contributions advancing oral health over their lifetimes. Price is a professor and associate dean for admissions at the West Virginia University dental school. Sinkford became the first female dean of an American dental school when she was named to that position at the Howard University College of Dentistry in 1975. The U-M School of Dentistry nominated Sinkford for an honorary Doctorate of Science degree from U-M, which she received in 2018. Woolfolk said the idea for the book came out of a meeting in 2019 in Washington, D.C., when she and Price met with Sinkford to celebrate her retirement. While touring the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, the three talked about women who had made a difference in the history of the country, including those mentioned in a display of the women’s suffrage movement with references to little-known contributions

Dr. Jacob Collins (DDS 2021) was featured by the American Dental Association News in June in an online article about the tradition of blanketing ceremonies for American Indian dental school graduates. Over the last 30 years, the Society of American Indian Dentists (SAID) has typically recognized 3-5 American Indian dental school graduates during an in-person blanketing ceremony at its annual summer conference. This year, however, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was held virtually for both the 2020 and 2021 graduating classes, with 10 DDS graduates and one dental residency graduate blanketed by their families at locations around the country. Collins, who practices at Desert Hills Dental Care in Farmington, New Mexico, was blanketed at his home by his wife, Yaanibaa, with their children observing during the virtual ceremony. “For me, the blanketing ceremony was very special,” said Collins, who is a

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by minority women. They discussed the need to document the history of minority women in the dentistry and oral health professions. The three assembled a team of project managers and editors, including senior editor Dr. Marita Inglehart, professor of dentistry in the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine at U-M. The team selected stories of women in the fields of education, research, public health and organized dentistry, as well as military service, clinical practice and industry. Several of the women who wrote essays have ties to the U-M School of Dentistry, including Drs. Sheila Brown (DDS 1985) and Jessica Rickert (DDS 1975), as do numerous others who are cited as mentors and advocates in the book. “The dental profession, as in other areas of science, has not heard the stories of these pioneers, which include their personal challenges, beliefs, and contributions,” the editors wrote in the book. “We felt strongly about uncovering their personal stories and professional contributions and bringing them to the surface for historical preservation and leadership development for the future.” The project was initially intended to be completed by the end of 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic delayed the project, which actually helped in some ways, Woolfolk said. “For me personally,” she said, “being involved in this effort was a blessing during the pandemic, as it gave me a positive focus and provided a unique opportunity for scholarly engagement. I am deeply grateful to all who helped bring this rich, untold history into print.” The book is available in both print and digital versions through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. “I felt a lot of gratitude for the support of my family, my dental school community, and the SAID organization. Dental school was a long road. Making the transition from dental student to practicing dentist was a much-anticipated life goal. My blanket will always represent the end of one journey and the beginning of another. I am looking forward to serving my community for many years in New Mexico.”

In Memoriam Dr. Lee W. Jones, a 1961 DDS alumnus recognized for his commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), died in Ann Arbor on Sept. 6, 2021, at the age of 87. After graduating, Dr. Jones practiced in Ann Arbor and was an instructor at the dental school. His most important and longstanding contribution to the school was his pioneering work in the area of DEI. In 1973, the dental school established the Office of Minority Affairs with Dr. Jones as its director. Under his leadership, the school developed programs that increased minority enrollment and established the school as a leader in increasing diversity in dentistry. After Dr. Jones’ retirement in 1997, the work he started evolved over the years and today the Office of Diversity and Inclusion is led by Dr. Todd Ester, the Assistant Dean for DEI. To honor Dr. Jones’ leadership and service to the school, the Lee Jones Dentistry Diversity Program was created several years ago, as well as the Lee W. Jones Scholarship Fund that provides need-based financial aid for students. In 2014, Dr. Jones received the dental school’s Distinguished Service Award, presented by his daughter, Dr. Karen-Lee Jones Stewart (DDS 1994), with whom he practiced in Ann Arbor for 22 years. In 2008, he received the Civil Rights Award from the National Dental Association.

Donald S. Strachan, 89, a longtime faculty member and admissions director at the School of Dentistry, died Sept. 26, 2021, in Shoreline, Washington. He received his DDS from U-M in 1960, then added MS and Ph.D degrees in anatomy in 1962 and 1964, respectively. In 1963, he joined the faculty as an instructor at both the dental and medical schools. He was appointed an assistant professor of dentistry in 1964 and in anatomy in 1966, was promoted to associate professor at both schools in 1969, and to professor of dentistry in 1973. For 20 years, from 1969-1989, Dr. Strachan had a significant impact on every student who entered the dental school in his role as Assistant Dean of Admissions. His contributions as a distinguished health sciences educator focused on instruction in human gross anatomy and head and neck anatomy. He also contributed research in the areas of histochemistry and oral histology, as well as educational research dealing with dental admission criteria. He developed numerous teaching tapes and manuals and was a lecturer at major national meetings and study clubs. When he retired in 1996, U-M regents named him professor emeritus of dentistry and associate professor emeritus of anatomy.

Dr. Daniel P. Gilliland, 77, an alumnus and former adjunct in the graduate endodontics clinic at the School of Dentistry, died in Ann Arbor on Sept. 14, 2021. Dr. Gilliland (DDS 1969, MS 1973) began working as an adjunct in 1996 and worked most Fridays, according to Dr. Neville McDonald, head of the Endodontics division at the school. “His interactions with and support to graduate students were invaluable as he gave them quiet encouragement while all the time striving for excellence,” McDonald said. After graduation from the dental school, Dr. Gilliland ran his own practice in Ann Arbor and Jackson for many years, later joining Endodontics PC as an associate and practicing in Monroe, Michigan. In between those career bookends, he took a four-year break to earn his bachelor’s degree in Spanish at U-M, graduating in 2008.

Thomas Aye (DDS 1969), Portage, Mich., July 25, 2021. ––––––––– John K. Coons II (DDS 1973), Salt Lake City, Utah, formerly of Las Vegas, Nev., Aug. 5, 2021. ––––––––– Jerrold (Jerry) Herman (DDS 1976), Ann Arbor, Mich., April 29, 2021. ––––––––– Neil C. Kessel (DDS 2005), Fairborn, Ohio, Aug. 16, 2021. ––––––––– Robert J. Miller (DDS 1954), Novi, Mich., formerly of Bingham Farms, Oct. 22, 2020. ––––––––– Janet M. Miller (DH 1953), Los Angeles, Calif., formerly of Bingham Farms, Mich., Jan. 28, 2021. ––––––––– Lynne (Campeotto) Provenzano (BSDH 1977), Saginaw, Mich., March 20, 2020. ––––––––– Richard Rhinehart (DDS 1965), Plymouth, Mich., July 12, 2021. ––––––––– James P. Utess (DDS 1978), Jackson, Mich., Sept. 24, 2021. ––––––––– David Verlinich (DDS 1978), Clinton Township, Mich., Sept. 27, 2020. ––––––––– Edward (Ned) Willey (DDS 1960), Cincinnati, Ohio, formerly of Defiance, Ohio, July 23, 2021.

ALUMNI 33 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

Honor Roll Dear Alumni and Friends of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry,

We are pleased to share with you the 2021 edition of our annual Honor Roll of Donors. This list reflects gifts to the school for this past fiscal year, July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021. We are extremely grateful to the 1,013 donors whose gifts totaled $3,987,098. The generosity of our alumni, friends and all of our donors was especially significant as we weathered a unique and difficult fiscal year that began during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Donor support was crucial as we continued to educate students and treat patients with the same high standards that have made us one of the leading dental schools in the world. Support of our COVID-19 Emergency Fund, which provides assistance to students who experienced financial hardships because of the pandemic, was especially heartening. As we move forward into a more normal year, we extend our pledge to be fiscally responsible stewards who reward your loyalty, generosity and friendship. On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff of the School of Dentistry, please accept our heartfelt appreciation. Go Blue!

Dr. Craig Spangler and Ms. Teresa Honnold Mrs. Ruta Straffon Dr. David J. Strawbridge Dr. Paul T. Sugiyama Dr. Terry A. Timm Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Trefz Dr. Fredrick M. Vega Dr. Mary H. G. Walton Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Werschky Dr. and Mrs. William L. Wright Dr. Donald J. Wurtzel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George M. Yellich Dr. Murray L. Yoffee

Special Contributors The School of Dentistry takes special pride in recognizing the strong support received in 2020/2021 from the following:

$500,000 - $999,999 Dr. Robert W. Browne Ms. Jane E. Plasman

Laurie K. McCauley, Dean, School of Dentistry

Monteith Society The Executive Committee of the Presidential Societies established the John Monteith Legacy Society in order to recognize those persons who have designated the University as beneficiary (or partial beneficiary) of their estate. To be recognized in the John Monteith Legacy Society: • Make a gift in any amount to the University of Michigan from your estate, • Provide the University with a copy of that portion of your estate plan pertaining to the gift, and/or • Sign a John Monteith Legacy Society Statement of Intent. Listed below are the Monteith Society members who have designated all or part of their bequest to the School of Dentistry: Dr. Terry K. Abernathy Dr. Robert and Mrs. Bellva Abraham Dr. Patrick and Mrs. Sandra Ainslie

34 ALUMNI M Dentistry | Fall 2021

$100,000 - $499,999 Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Barbara Balbach Dr. Thomas O. Ballard Dr. Gary R. Baughman Mrs. Alice Beeker Dr. and Mrs. Royce L. Beers Dr. Bruce Billes Dr. Eric Billes Dr. and Mrs. Irving M. Blau Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Booth Dr. John and Mrs. Beth Bouws Dr. Susan H. Carron Dr. Thomas D. Charbeneau Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Chiaravalli Dr. and Mrs. Richard Christiansen Dr. and Mrs. John Cohen Dr. and Mrs. John R. Cook Dr. David P. Darling Dr. and Mrs. Dick J. Dijkman Dr. David L. Edgar Dr. Paul J. Edwards Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Susan Eklund Dr. Edward and Mrs. Deborah Ellis Dr. Katherine Graber Evarts Dr. Stuart and Mrs. Lois Falk Dr. Daniel P. Gilliland *

Mrs. Cyrille B. Goode Drs. Lee and Jane Graber Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Joann Green Dr. Robert S. Greenberger Dr. James E. Harris Dr. and Mrs. Marshall D. Hershon Dr. Charles E. Hubbard Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Iocca Dr. James Kanter Dr. Charles & Mrs. Dolores Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Alan Kessler Dr. Daniel R. Klein Dr. and Mrs. William E. Kotowicz Dr. and Mrs. David A. Kott Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Kovaleski Dr. Terry J. Kuras Dr. and Mrs. Dan M. Levitsky Dr. Dennis E. Lopatin Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Madden Dr. and Mrs. Gary Mancewicz Dr. Lawrence W. Marquis Dr. Victor H. Mastaglio Dr. Donald C. Mattison, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert I. Millard

Dr. David and Mrs. Janet Miller Dr. Jack W. Nash Mr. Gary and Mrs. Carolyn Noehl Dr. Gerald V. Nowinski Dr. and Mrs. Albert L. Petrucci Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Portenga Dr. and Mrs. Dick M. Rieske Drs. Christopher Ritzema and Billie Roberts-Ritzema Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. G. David Rubley Dr. Donald A. Sabourin Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sachs Mr. Harvey Sackett and Mrs. Patti A. Connery Dr. and Mrs. Gary Sasaki Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Schuen Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Shick Dr. and Mrs. James A. Shimokusu Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Shuster Dr. and Mrs. David A. Siewert Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Skillicorn Dr. Lisa D. Sostecke

Dr. Mark W. Adams and Mrs. D'Ann L. Adams BonDent Inc. Delta Dental Foundation Dr. John W. Farah and Ms. Jacqueline G. Farah Dr. Charles J. Goodis and Ms. Shu-Ching Chang Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Schuen

$50,000 - $99,999 American Association of Orthodontists Foundation American Federation for Aging Research Mrs. Sharon E. Daniels Dr. David and Mrs. Janet Miller Osteo Science Foundation Dr. Brian Rathke and Mrs. Lisa Rathke Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Shick Dr. Ronald R. Shoha

$25,000 - $49,999 Dr. Daniel R. Balbach and Mrs. Barbara J. Balbach Dr. Sharon L. Brooks and Mr. David H. Brooks Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation International FOP Association Ms. Mary H. Ivers *Deceased

Dr. G. Peter and Mrs. Barbara Kelly Dr. Matthew W. Lineberger and Dr. Megan B. Lineberger Osseointegration Foundation Osteology Foundation Dr. Lisa D. Sostecke

$10,000 - $24,999 American Association of Endodontists Foundation Dr. Marcy S. Borofsky Dr. Mark J. Connelly Mr. Allen D. Daniels Dentsply Sirona Inc. Dr. William F. Freccia and Mrs. Mildred C. O. Freccia Mr. Mark M. Garbarini Dr. John E. Garrison and Ms. Amy L. Garrison Gilda Snowden Estate, LLC Dr. Karen D. Kerry and Mr. Bradford H. Chick Dr. James B. Machen and Mrs. Christine Machen Dr. Brent A. Medema and Dr. Lorene B. Dreisbach Michigan Dental Association Dr. Nona F. Niland Dr. Peter J. Polverini and Mrs. Carol J. Polverini Dr. Timothy J. Reaume and Mrs. Jennifer C. Reaume Mr. Harvey P. Sackett and Ms. Patti A. Connery Dr. Scott O. Schulz and Mrs. Kara Kowalkowski-Schulz Dr. Brent B. Ward and Ms. Jana Ward

$5,000 - $9,999 American Cancer Society Dr. Sharon Aronovich and Ms. Ia Ko BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Burkhardt Dr. Michael J. Cerminaro and Dr. Connie M. Verhagen Dr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Dietz, Jr. Ms. Ellen Z. Fivenson Dr. Brent J. Frey Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gardner Dr. Steven P. Geiermann Dr. Robert S. Haeger and Mrs. Leslie G. Haeger Henry Schein Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Marshall D. Hershon Drs. Jan Hu and James Simmer

Dr. M. Amin Jaffer and Ms. Muneeza Jaffer Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Jankowski Dr. Lynn A. Johnson and Mr. Richard B. Saur Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kalmbach Dr. Kerry M. Kaysserian and Ms. Donna S. Kaysserian Dr. Patrick J. Kelly and Mrs. Dawn M. Kelly Dr. Julie Kerry and Mr. Richard M. Bay Dr. and Mrs. James A. Kessel Dr. Kevin N. Kieu and Ms. Audrey M. Tran KLS Martin L.P. Dr. Lawrence J. Manning and Mrs. Shirley Manning Dr. Keith A. Mays and Dr. Grishondra L. Branch-Mays Dean Laurie K. McCauley and Dr. Jessy W. Grizzle Dr. Robert G. Nakisher and Mrs. Sarit Nakisher Dr. Devin O. Norman and Mrs. Dawn M. Norman OMS National Insurance Co Dr. Douglas S. Peebles and Ms. Linda Keene Dr. Daniel J. Peters and Dr. Debra S. Peters Dr. and Mrs. James O. Roahen Mrs. Libby H. Shutler Dr. Gary M. Starr Dr. Gregory J. Stock and Ms. Anne Stock Stryker Corporation Dr. Monica B. Swope and Mr. Rodney D. Swope Dr. Denise E. Turunen US Endo Partners Dr. Paul A. VanRaaphorst and Ms. Joanna VanRaaphorst Dr. Kristine S. West and Mr. Scott Annable Mr. Donald F. Wurster and Ms. Joan L. Gibson Dr. Phillip C. Yancho and Mrs. Sally J. Yancho

Friends Ms. Thalia M. Adams Mr. Raymond L. Aldrich and Mrs. Sandy Y. Aldrich Anonymous Donors Dr. Sharon Aronovich and Ms. Ia Ko Dr. Rajat Banerjee and Mrs. Nupur Banerjee Mrs. Barbara Franke Mr. Bradley J. Bates and Mrs. Michele K. Bates

Dr. Lynn R. Blavin and Dr. Neil H. Blavin Ms. Andrea Boidman Dr. Daniel M. Briskie Miss Linda S. Brooks Mr. Lorne L. Brown and Mrs. Carolyn M. Cole-Brown Ms. Brenda Buescher Mrs. Sandra S. Burdi Mr. Richard S. Buszek and Mrs. Kathleen O. Buszek Mr. Robert A. Cannaert and Mrs. Michele R. Dale-Cannaert Mrs. Christina M. Carlson and Mr. Adam Carlson Ms. Vivian T. Chan Mr. Hungchi A. Chang and Dr. Yan Wang Dr. and Mrs. Brian H. Clarkson Ms. Cynthia Colarusso Mrs. Carolyn M. Cole-Brown and Mr. Lorne L. Brown Mrs. Cheryl L. Coles Mrs. Lisa Cook Mr. Frank A. Cowall Mr. Allen and Mrs. Kelly Daniels Mr. Leigh Daniels and Ms. Carolyn J. Hastings Mrs. Sharon E. Daniels Ms. Beverly Davidson and Ms. Sascha S. Matish Mr. Gerald A. Dick and Mrs. Carol A. Dick Mrs. Arvene P. Dickstein Mr. John A. Dodds Mrs. Lisa D. Dodge and Mr. Michael J. Dodge Mr. Richard L. Donner Jr. Ms. Kelly M. Doonan-Reed Mr. Richard R. Fetchiet Mr. Bruce Folske and Mrs. Jane E. Folske Dr. Renny T. Franceschi and Mrs. Mary L. Franceschi Mr. Jeffrey R. Freshcorn Mr. Kenneth S. Gadd Dr. Philip J. Gage and Ms. Wendy L. Rampson-Gage Ms. Ann M. Ganz Mr. Mark M. Garbarini Dr. Stephen S. Gebarski and Dr. Kathleen M. Gebarski Mr. Brian Gehrke and Mrs. Heather A. Gehrke Dr. William and Mrs. Angela Giannobile Ms. Mary Jo Gray Dr. Thomas G. Green and Ms. Joann Green Dr. Michelle M. Guo Mrs. Erica J. Hanss and

Mr. Theodore A. Hanss, Jr. Mr. Douglas E. Harrel Mr. Timothy A. Helber and Mrs. Julie D. Helber Mr. Ralph S. Helmick Ms. Mary Hibbard Ramirez Mr. Frederick D. Hinz Mrs. Joyce A. Hlava Dr. Diane C. Hoelscher Dr. David W. Hogan Drs. Jan Hu and James Simmer Ms. Kim E. Huner and Mr. Kenneth A. Huner Ms. Mary H. Ivers Ms. Judith L. Jackson Mr. Edward Jakary Mrs. Linda Jennings and Dr. Michael D. Jennings Dr. Dale E. Johnson and Mrs. Alice W. Johnson Dr. Lynn A. Johnson and Mr. Richard B. Saur Ms. Michelle R. Jones Mr. Sven Junghage Dr. David Kardynal Mr. Justin S. King and Ms. Sherry King Dr. James S. Klein Mr. Peter J. Kok and Mrs. Evonne Kok Mrs. Magdalena Kolling Mr. Nikolaus Kolling Ms. Anne M. Krecke Mrs. Kathryn A. Legatski Dr. Yu L. Lei Mrs. Janet B. Levine Dr. Dennis E. Lopatin Vice President Timothy G. Lynch and Ms. Lisa Lynch Dr. Peter X. Ma Dr. James B. Machen and Mrs. Christine Machen Mr. John H. Mank Mr. Jeffrey D. Martin Ms. Sascha S. Matish and Ms. Beverly Davidson Dean Laurie K. McCauley and Dr. Jessy W. Grizzle Ms. Stacey McGovern Dr. Andrew J. Mitchell and Mrs. Candice J. Mitchell Dr. Harry L. Mobley and Mrs. Natalie Mobley Mr. Lynn E. Monson and Mrs. Marcia Monson Ms. Amy B. Moulton Mr. David A. Murrell and Dr. Marcy M. Murrell Mr. Charles N. Nanas and Mrs. Barbara M. Nanas Mr. Bernard E. Nelson and Mrs. Mary W. Nelson

Dr. Veronica W. Ng Dr. Nona F. Niland Mrs. Dawn M. Norman Mrs. Sharon Norman Ms. Dorothy North Dr. Patricia E. O'Brien Dr. Norman V. Palm and Mrs. Jan L. Palm Dr. Robert S. Pasick and Dr. Patricia L. Pasick Ms. Gloria A. Pelon Mr. Curtis Pierce and Dr. Jennifer L. Sarantos Ms. Jane E. Plasman Ms. Constance M. Poissant Dr. Peter J. Polverini and Mrs. Carol J. Polverini Dr. Daniel J. Poticny Mr. Harry Putzbach and Mrs. Marcia M. Curtze-Renaux Dr. Brian Rathke and Mrs. Lisa Rathke Mrs. Alice M. Reisig Mr. Chaudhry Riaz Mrs. Karen J. Ridley and Mr. William H. Ridley Dr. Emerson Robinson Mr. Larry J. Rusinsky Mr. Harvey P. Sackett and Ms. Patti A. Connery Ms. Sheree Salway Dr. Munib Sana and Ms. Diana E. Ganz Mr. Andrew L. Schaedel and Ms. Susan M. Sanzi-Schaedel Ms. Michelle I. Schaffer Mrs. Nicole Schwartz Atty. Melanie A. Scott-Bennett and Dr. Duane E. Bennett II Mrs. Libby H. Shutler Ms. Harriet F. Siden Ms. Rachelle Smith Mrs. Karen Steffes Dr. Joseph B. Suffridge Dr. Jing Sun and Mr. Bing Xu Ms. Jean F. Thompson Mr. David D. Thurmon and Mrs. Judith E. Thurmon Mr. Kenneth G. Trester and Ms. Catherine J. Smillie Mrs. Mary Veis Ms. Cheryl Verbruggen Ms. Barrie F. Vorobiev Dr. Zhengyan Wang Mrs. Janet Weingarten Ms. Judie Wu Mr. Donald F. Wurster and Ms. Joan L. Gibson Mr. Brian N. Yoder and Mrs. Laura D. Yoder Mr. James M. Young

ALUMNI 35 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

Business Organizations & Associations Akervall Technologies, Inc. American Cancer Society American Federation for Aging Research BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc. Boeing Company BonDent Inc. Brasseler USA Dental, LLC Delta Dental of Michigan Dentsply Sirona, Inc. Geistlich Pharma North America, Inc. Henry Schein, Inc. Hu-Friedy International FOP Association Invisian Medical, LLC J. Morita USA, Inc. KLS Martin L.P. Michigan Dental Association NaturemiRI OMS National Insurance Co. Procter & Gamble Prosomnus Sleep Technologies Qiagen, Inc. Septodont, Inc. Sigma Phi Alpha Dental Hygiene Honor Society, Nu Chapter Sigma Phi Alpha NU Chapter Snoasis Medical Stryker Corporation Suzhou Semorr Medical Tech Company US Endo Partners Zotec Partners

Estates Dr. Roy H. Roberts Charitable Lead Trust Gilda Snowden Estate, LLC

Foundations American Association of Endodontists Foundation American Association of Orthodontists Foundation Betmar Charitable Foundation Delta Dental Foundation Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Osseointegration Foundation Osteo Science Foundation Osteology Foundation Prudential Foundation

36 ALUMNI M Dentistry | Fall 2021

Gifts in Kind Gifts-in-kind represent a donation of equipment or materials which are used to assist the educational and/or research objectives of the School: Bien-Air, USA Henry Schein, Inc

Gifts in Honor Mr. Raymond Aldrich Dean Laurie K. McCauley

Dr. Joseph Dennison Dr. Charles I. Mclaren

Dr. Carlos Gonzalez Dean Laurie K. McCauley

Mr. Gregory A. Griffin Sr. Dr. Bonciel Griffin-Burress

Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Sue Heys Dr. Patricia L. Pasick

Dr. Lynn Johnson Dean Laurie K. McCauley

Mrs. Janet S. Kinney Mrs. Lisa D. Dodge Mrs. Dana R. Harland

Dr. N.J. McDonald

Dr. Bruce L. Hern Dr. Andrew J. Mitchell

Dr. Donald J. Jenkins Ms. Anne M. Krecke

Dr. Richard A. Johnson Dr. Patricia E. O'Brien Ms. Carolyn J. Hastings

Dr. Ellsworth Levine Mrs. Janet Birnkrant Levine

Dr. H. Dean Millard Dr. Debra O. Lisull

Dr. Robert Miller Ms. Harriet F. Siden

Dr. James Christopher Norman Mrs. Sharon Norman

Dr. William R. Opdyke Ms. Amy B. Moulton

Mrs. Marcia Margeson Rusinsky

Dr. Jeffrey A. Lindhout

Mrs. Florence F. Goodyear

$1 - $499

Zotec Partners

Mrs. Melva J. Baxter

Dr. William J. Clauss Mrs. Virginia B. McKown


$1 - $499 Mrs. Marilyn S. Stein


$1 - $499

Sigma Phi Alpha NU Chapter

Mrs. Carol A. Hawley Mrs. Betty L. Smith

Nancy Houghton Gabrys


Dr. Gary N. Krebil

Dr. Raul G. Gasse Dr. Kenneth S. Kornmann

Dr. Charles L. Kelly

$1 - $499 Mrs. Darrell F. Duffield Mrs. Vivian C. Driscoll Mrs. Dorothy A. Reister Dr. James L. Strikwerda


$50,000+ Dr. Richard A. Shick

Dr. Donald C. Mattison

Ms. Gloria A. Pelon

Dr. Larry K. Aagesen

$1,000 - $2,499

Dr. Richard Scott

$1,000 - $2,499

Gifts in Memory

$1 - $499

$500 - $999

Dr. Brent B. Ward

Dr. Charles I. McLaren

Dr. Robert W. Browne

Mr. Larry J. Rusinsky

Ms. Michelle I. Schaffer

Dr. Peter Yaman




Mrs. Ellen M. Rowe Dr. Kelly E. Yeung


Ms. Constance M. Poissant

Mrs. Miriam S. Schaffer

Dr. Jay A. Werschky

Mrs. Phyllis L. Billes Ms. Dorothy Brown Goodman Mrs. Lois A. Falk * Mrs. Evelyn P. MacKenzie-Gryson Dr. John B. Turnbull Dr. Darlyne A. Underhill

Dr. L. Anne Hirschel Dr. Robert D. Morrison Ms. Ilene M. Pluta

Ms. Dorothy North

Mr. Harvey P. Sackett

$1 - $499

Dr. G. Burrill Colburn

Dr. Leopold Klausner and Mrs. Christine Poissant Klausner

Alumni Gifts by Class Year

Dr. Joseph B. Suffridge

$1 - $499

$1,000 - $2,499 Mrs. Mary Dolores E. Kelly

$1 - $499 Mrs. Nancy L. Gordon Dr. Richard C. Graves Mrs. Ann E. Kirby Dr. Melvin R. Lund Mrs. Norma M. Lynch Mrs. Marilyn P. Maude Mrs. Karen L. Ter Keurst


$500 - $999 Dr. Ellsworth Levine *

$1 - $499 Dr. Bruce Billes Mrs. Shirlee R. Diamond Lustig Dr. Kenneth E. Frieswyk Mrs. Virginia L. Jones Mrs. Ann C. Jordan Dr. Daniel W. Miner Mrs. Ellen J. Nustad Mrs. Donna R. Troll Mrs. Martha J. Zahn


$500 - $999 Dr. James A. Shimokusu


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Marshall D. Hershon

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Irving M. Friedman

$1 - $499 Dr. Donald S. Brown Dr. John R. Cook Dr. Dianne M. Cowall * Dr. Stuart Falk Dr. Frederick C. Gerhardt Mrs. Sally L. Gustke Mrs. Darlene D. Moore Mrs. June M. Torrey


$500 - $999 Dr. William W. Adams Dr. Richard I. Hart Dr. Paul T. Richman

$1 - $499 Ms. Shelley E. Barr McKinney Dr. Eugene L. Bonofiglo Dr. Henry J. Brown Dr. Robert C. Campbell Dr. James R. Easley Dr. David L. Good Dr. Peter Gryson Dr. Louis Maraviglia Mrs. Joyce M. Walker * Mrs. Nancy J. Wright


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Robert W. Heidenreich Dr. William R. Lawrence *

$1 - $499 Dr. Ann Dinius Mrs. Joan K. Foster Dr. Leon Y. Kau Mrs. Jeanine A. Link Mrs. Mary J. Marshall-Cooper Dr. George E. McIntosh Dr. Ena I. Neparts


Mrs. Nancy A. Ristow Mrs. Carol G. Spengler Ms. Linda C. Vaughan Mrs. Ellen S. Voss


$1,000 - $2,499 Mrs. Geraldine D. Parks

$500 - $999 Mrs. O'Linda L. Anderson Dr. James R. Bakeman Mrs. Marilyn M. Deromedi Dr. Frank K. Duiven Dr. Donald M. Hurst Dr. Gerald L. Laker


$1 - $499 Dr. William C. Addison Ms. Edwina J. Bassett Dr. Larry L. Black Mrs. Kathleen O. Buszek Dr. John A. Capodanno Dr. Henry S. Dennis Dr. Jack E. Faber Dr. Edward A. Fisichelli Dr. Gerald D. Hause Dr. Howard Lum Mrs. Bonnie B. Olbrich Mrs. Dana J. Willsey Dr. Dean B. Willsey



Dr. Daniel R. Balbach

Dr. William F. Jerome Dr. Arnold P. Morawa Dr. Thomas G. Robinson

$25,000+ $1,000 - $2,499

$1,000 - $2,499

Dr. Dolores M. Malvitz Dr. John J. McFatridge Ms. Nancy Sisty-LePeau

$500 - $999

$500 - $999

$1 - $499

Dr. John P. Bolthouse


Dr. Robert A. Abraham Dr. Charles E. Hanna Dr. Thomas E. Holman Dr. James A. Hough Ms. Martha E. Hubbard Dr. Karl P. Stofko Mrs. Susan L. McKenzie Dr. Kathleen A. McPherson Dr. Robert B. Ouellette Mrs. Susan R. Rizman Mrs. Nancy W. Rugani Dr. Donald W. Strobel Dr. Charles R. Wesner

Dr. Norman J. Schuen


Mrs. Patricia A. Gillhooley Dr. Charles T. Watling

$1 - $499 Dr. J. Daniel Kutt Ms. Cathlyn A. Patterson Mrs. Joan E. Piatt Mrs. Donna L. Schuster Mrs. Susan Skarstad Vercruysse Mrs. Gloria Yaworsky

$100,000+ $5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Lawrence J. Manning

$500 - $999 Dr. Robert A. McGee

$1 - $499 Mrs. Carol A. Dick Ms. JoAnne Ivory Mrs. Carol S. Lidtke Dr. Robert B. McKenney Mrs. Barbara M. Nanas Ms. Mary H. Pohlod Mrs. Edith S. Schweikle

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. David D. Kirkby Dr. Peter A. Pullon Dr. Gerald P. Spinazze

$1 - $499 Mrs. Gerry I. Barker Ms. Phebe A. Blitz Dr. Allin B. Crouch Mrs. Mary E. Cruickshank Mrs. Janice S. Ernst Dr. Michael M. Goode Dr. Michael J. Goode Dr. C. Randolph Greschaw Dr. Richard Han Dr. Chase F. Klinesteker

Mrs. Sandra S. Klinesteker Dr. Frank A. Kokmeyer Dr. Ronald L. Lebus Dr. John D. Marx Mrs. Sharon L. Miller Mrs. Mary W. Nelson Dr. David A. Noble Mrs. Jerilyn J. Richardson Dr. Carl T. Woolley Dr. Daniel J. Zaroff


$2,500 - $4,999 Mrs. Barbara A. Zola Brewer

$1,000 - $2,499 Mrs. Eleanor M. Charchut Dr. Raymond F. Gist

$500 - $999 Dr. Robert A. Anthony Dr. Ralph M. Gillhooley Dr. Robert F. Shankland

$1 - $499 Dr. Norman L. Chmielewski Dr. Robert E. Davis Dr. Thomas C. Dawson Ms. Barbara M. Dinoff Dr. Arthur M. Felix Mrs. Pamela C. Jennett Dr. William E. Kotowicz Mrs. Kathryn I. Maynard Mrs. Lynn E. Williams Dr. Donald L. Wilton


$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Douglas L. Ramsay

$1,000 - $2,499 Ms. Sally A. Deck Mrs. Charlene Kott Dr. David A. Kott

$500 - $999 Dr. Jerome J. DeSnyder Mrs. Ellen M. Rowe

$1 - $499 Dr. Bruce F. Barker Ms. Mary S. Burns Dr. Lambros C. Chilimigras Dr. G. Frans Currier Dr. Richard L. Fisher Mrs. Diane K. Hartt Dr. Phillip G. Hoffman Dr. Sandy L. Parrott Dr. Wayne D. Pierce

Dr. Gustave A. Pschak Dr. William F. Rocker Mrs. Karen H. Sanders Dr. Preston G. Shelton Ms. Janet L. Shorno


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. James N. Harbo Dr. Kurt D. Spieske

$500 - $999 Dr. Paul J. Loos

$1 - $499 Mrs. Carol E. Bowers Dr. Reid J. Calcott Dr. Wayne N. Colquitt Dr. Molly A. Fisher Ms. Andrea K. Gilbert Dr. Thomas P. Osborn Mrs. Gay B. Pleune Mrs. Lucille P. Reeves Mrs. Pamela A. Schrader Dr. Neil F. Williams


$5,000 - $9,999

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. John W. Burau Dr. Daniel C. George Dr. Frank M. Piesko

$500 - $999 Dr. Michael D. Rohrer

$1 - $499 Mrs. Marcia L. August Dr. William D. Beck Dr. James C. Cruickshank Ms. Patricia M. Finlan Dr. Gary S. Rochlen Dr. G. David Rubley Dr. Donald C. Smith Ms. Marsha Palmer Stiegel Dr. James H. Tonn Dr. Verle H. Wiita Dr. John M. Williams Dr. Marny L. G. Williams


$50,000+ Dr. David L. Miller

$1,000 - $2,499

Ms. Ellen Z. Fivenson

Dr. John D. Bouws Dr. Bosco P. Chan

$1,000 - $2,499

$500 - $999

Dr. Larry S. Luke

Dr. Donald E. La Turno

$500 - $999

$1 - $499

Dr. Michael T. Goupil Mrs. Daryl K. A. Nels

$1 - $499 Ms. Suzanne S. Brooks Ms. Sandra A. Cavette Dr. Edward S. Haenick Dr. Carl D. Hubinger Dr. John W. Mullally Ms. Janis L. Oshensky Mrs. Marcia M. Rollins Ms. Susan M. Sanzi-Schaedel Dr. Frank H. Sayre Mrs. Janet L. Skinner Dr. Roger C. Smith Dr. Lonny E. Zietz


$25,000+ Dr. G. Peter Kelly

$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Phyllis L. Beemsterboer Dr. David C. Johnsen

Mrs. Janis G. Eisman Dr. Douglas W. Gorringe Dr. Lee W. Graber Dr. Kenneth T. Hovey Dr. Gary W. Johnson Dr. Henry L. Kanar Dr. R. William Lustig Ms. Susan H. Margelis Mrs. Ann L. McCann Dr. David J. McChesney Mrs. Teresa M. Poulos Mrs. Marsha B. Rohrman Dr. James B. Satovsky Dr. Richard R. Schirmer Mrs. Linda Schmier Mrs. Jane K. Schwenk Dr. David J. Strawbridge


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Richard D. Kalmbach

$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Donald R. Heys

ALUMNI 37 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Peter C. Chiaravalli Dr. Daryl W. Frederick Dr. Ronald J. Heys Dr. Steven M. Lash Dr. Vaughn A. McGraw

$500 - $999 Dr. Richard L. Holthaus Dr. David E. Massignan

$1 - $499 Dr. Bruce J. Crispin Dr. Richard L. Lezell Mrs. Donna L. Macorkindale Ms. Patricia A. McGruder-Thompson Dr. Terry L. Nielsen Mrs. Suzanne M. Rayburn Dr. Robert L. Schwarb Dr. Bruce L. Sprague Dr. Ronald M. Thompson Dr. Thomas L. Ziemiecki


$50,000+ Dr. Ronald R. Shoha

$25,000+ Dr. Sharon L. Brooks

$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Arnold L. Tracht

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Leonard H. Charchut Dr. Thomas P. Hughes Dr. Marvin Sonne Dr. Bruce M. Weny

$500 - $999 Dr. William L. Eickhoff Dr. William R. Maas

$1 - $499 Dr. John O. Beldo Ms. Sharon M. Breuker Ms. Janice E. Ellis Dr. Gary J. Clague Mrs. Catherine M. Gruette Dr. Robert C. Haack Dr. James S. Hayward Mrs. Sheila D. Jacobs Dr. Norman D. Katzman Dr. Paul D. McEwen Mrs. Kathleen D. Ross Mrs. Linda D. Sahn Dr. Arunas S. Vaitiekaitis Mrs. Nancy L. VanHorn

38 ALUMNI M Dentistry | Fall 2021

Dr. Randall E. Williams Mrs. Janet K. Wilson Dr. Arthur E. Woehrlen


$2,500 - $4,999

Dr. Stephen J. Minns Dr. Lawrence H. Pollak Dr. Bruce A. Rosenblum Dr. Joseph P. Steencken Dr. James L. Wieland Ms. Pamela Zarkowski

Dr. Allan Jacobs Dr. Douglas Shiffman


$1,000 - $2,499

Dr. William F. Freccia

Dr. Lawrence D. Crawford Mrs. Sue C. Paladino Dr. J. Spencer Smith

$500 - $999 Dr. Daniel F. O'Toole

$1 - $499 Dr. William B. Bacheler Dr. George T. Baumgartner Ms. Helene S. Bednarsh Dr. Sanford B. Birnholtz Dr. Roger W. Black Dr. William E. Brownscombe Mrs. Christine T. Bush Dr. Thomas D. Charbeneau Mrs. Cheryl L. Davies-Lewandowski Dr. Herb L. Dulaney Dr. Kenneth A. Fox Dr. David A. Gruette Dr. Robert C. Guy Mrs. Lois A. Havermans Dr. Pamela K. Hilbert Dr. Mark E. Iocca Dr. Alan J. Kessler Mrs. Gail F. Levy Mrs. Sally L. MacSwan Dr. Frederick M. Ruffer Dr. David E. Szczesny


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Colin A. Mayers

$500 - $999 Dr. Michael L. Iczkovitz Dr. Donald J. Nyquist

$1 - $499 Dr. Patrick T. Ainslie Dr. Gary J. Arnold Mrs. Deborah D. Bowen Mrs. Melanie D. Colbert Dr. David R. Hartman Dr. David W. Howard Mrs. Cynthia A. Humphries Dr. Mark C. Manikian

$10,000+ $5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Richard L. Jankowski Dr. James O. Roahen

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Gary N. Krebill Dr. David D. Loder Dr. Rodney P. Paladino Dr. Metodi C. Pogoncheff Dr. Richard W. Schmid

$500 - $999 Dr. Richard W. Ellinger Dr. Sandra A. L. La Turno Dr. James R. Lennan Dr. Jasper N. Watts

Ms. Kathleen M. Early Ms. Charlene K. Felker Dr. Douglas R. Gillett Dr. Patrick T. Hellner Dr. Michael D. Jennings Dr. Paul R. Kuhlman Dr. Lawrence L. Mailloux Mrs. Vicki A. Nidzgorski Dr. Martin G. Raebel Mrs. Leslie C. Ramirez Dr. John L. M. Robinson Mrs. Sally T. Springstead Dr. Robert L. Tar Mrs. Karin H. Tartal


$100,000+ Dr. John W. Farah

$25,000+ Dr. Lisa D. Sostecke

$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Douglas S. Peebles

$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Marilyn W. Woolfolk

$1 - $499

$1,000 - $2,499

Mrs. Wendy L. Arntson Dr. Patrick B. Austin Dr. James M. Braun Dr. Kennard W. Creason Dr. Paul C. Danek Dr. Frederick M. Daniels Mrs. Ann K. Dill Dr. Kenneth W. Dill Dr. Abraham Gershonowicz Dr. Bruce R. MacDonald Dr. Gary W. Mancewicz Dr. Kim P. McPheeters Mrs. Helen S. Post Mrs. Virginia L. Przygocki Mrs. Margo P. Tobias

Mrs. Catherine K. Draper Dr. Sondra M. Gunn Dr. Steven R. Hoekman Dr. Rosemary S. Jones Dr. Brent J. Martin Dr. Harriet K. McGraw Dr. Helen M. Zylman-Seaman


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Harvey B. Comrie Dr. Robert L. Malecki

$500 - $999 Dr. Gary R. Baughman Dr. Susan H. Carron

$1 - $499 Dr. Marc A. Abramson Mrs. Phyllis Y. Bridges Mrs. Risa H. DeRoven

$500 - $999 Dr. Bradley A. Dykstra Dr. Kenneth S. Kornman

$1 - $499 Dr. Daniel A. Bowen Dr. Alan K. Charnley Dr. Curles C. Colbert Dr. Rick J. DeRoven Dr. Kenneth A. Goodman Dr. Jane B. Graber Dr. Rodney J. Halonen Dr. Pamela J. Kloote Dr. Terry J. Kuras Dr. Irene S. Lazarchuk Mrs. Sharon A. Nemchik Dr. Walter S. Ormes Dr. Kimon A. Rumanes Mrs. Lynda D. Shea Dr. Andrew P. Sofen Dr. Robert B. Springstead Mrs. Julie C. Stern


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Jane A. Grover Dr. Nan E. Niland Dr. Andrew C. Tarkington

$500 - $999 Dr. Jeffrey L. Ash Dr. David R. Bolla Dr. Carl A. Papa

$1 - $499 Dr. Lance J. Adelson Dr. R. Kevin Bannow Mrs. Nancy P. Erridge Mrs. Debra K. Kobylka Dr. Frederick J. Leavitt Dr. Michael Page Dr. Carl A. Pierskalla Dr. Guity M. Rabbani Dr. Robert O. Reisig Dr. Ronald S. Scheinbach Dr. Mary Anne Simmons Dr. Thomas A. Simmons Dr. Mark R. Sullivan


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. James P. Simmer

$2,500 - $4,999 Mrs. Sheree L. Duff

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Robert A. Coleman Dr. Robert J. Currier Dr. Kirk Donaldson Dr. Robert M. Hale Dr. Timothy E. Kabot Dr. Lauren H. Kaplan Dr. Walter R. Sassack

$500 - $999 Dr. Joanne Dawley Dr. Marsha F. Smeltzer

$1 - $499 Dr. Michael J. Bannan Dr. Steven B. Blanchard Dr. Dean R. Carlyon Dr. Roger D. Cheney Ms. Kindra L. Cooley Ms. Cynthia DeGroat Vorwerck Mrs. Luann S. Dolven Dr. Edward Kelly Dr. Mark A. Lange Dr. William J. Lee

Dr. Jeffrey A. McDermaid Dr. Richard A. Olsen Dr. Daniel G. Schultze Dr. Robert A. Schweyen Dr. John L. Sinclair Mrs. Susan K. Wannemacher


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Kerry M. Kaysserian

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. David S. Duda Dr. Ron R. Iacobelli Dr. Jeffrey C. Knorr Dr. Josef N. Kolling Dr. Wayne L. Olsen Dr. Stephen J. Riedy Dr. Craig W. Spencer Dr. Barbara Q. Sturtz Dr. David H. Sturtz Mrs. Karen M. Tarkington

$500 - $999 Dr. Ralph W. Burgess Mrs. Kay B. Fetchiet Dr. Steven R. Gluck Dr. Daniel J. Kennedy Dr. Donald J. Wurtzel

$1 - $499 Dr. Joseph P. Breloff Mrs. Cindy L. Clayton Dr. Marshall D. Clayton Ms. Janet G. Cook Mrs. Kathy L. Evertsberg Mrs. Pamela Friedman Dr. Diane G. Holland Dr. Thomas D. Jusino Dr. Kurt Eischer Dr. Debra J. Leider-Kendler Dr. George J. Magulak Mrs. Ellen B. Preng Mrs. Patricia A. Smoes Dr. Ronald L. Uppleger Dr. Jeffrey L. Weinfeld Ms. Jane E. M. Steffensen


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Kevin Sloan Dr. Karson L. Carpenter Dr. Kristin J. Guenther Dr. John F. McMahon Dr. Gregory J. Oppenhuizen Dr. Martin W. Werschky

$500 - $999

$1 - $499

$500 - $999

$500 - $999

Dr. Stacey G. Garrison Dr. Robert D. Richards Dr. Donald J. Vander Linde Dr. Mary L. Vinckier

Mrs. Michele K. Bates Dr. Jon S. Buxton Mrs. Dana R. Harland Dr. James A. Hosner Ms. Janet S. Kinney Mrs. Geralyn M. Kowalski Mrs. Karen W. Palaszek Dr. Scott T. Smith Mrs. Lori L. Thomas

Dr. Craig P. Goldin Dr. Marcy A. Goldin Dr. Michael R. Murphy

Dr. Mark R. Hanselman

$1 - $499 Dr. Charles A. Backman Dr. Michael J. Brunner Dr. Benjamin J. Czerniawski Mrs. Michele R. Dale-Cannaert Dr. Mark L. DeWitt Mrs. Kathy L. Finzel-Czerniawski Dr. Steven M. Hall Mrs. Melissa J. Hoffman Dr. Bruce A. Jackson, II Dr. Marcia L. Knopp Dr. John O. Leitner Dr. Kimberly S. Lewis Dr. Raymond A. Maturo Dr. Michael S. Palaszek Dr. Donald A. Restauri Mrs. Shelley L. Sperling Mrs. Suzanne G. Wolf Dr. Jason S. J. Wong Mrs. Jayne E. Yoder


$100,000+ Dr. Mark W. Adams

$10,000+ Dr. Mark J. Connelly

$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Richard J. Gardner Dr. Steven P. Geiermann Dr. Paul A. VanRaaphorst

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. James V. Anderson Dr. Kevin P. Cooper Mrs. Pamela E. Cooper Dr. Jeffrey P. Halvorson Mrs. Barbara C. Kolling Dr. Steven J. Moravec Dr. Brian J. Pradko

$500 - $999 Dr. Richard J. Bakeman Dr. Gregory P. Davis Dr. Carol A. Lefebvre Dr. Debra O. Lisull Dr. Jeffrey S. Meral Dr. M. Timothy Ward


$10,000+ Dr. Marcy S. Borofsky

$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Gerald C. Dietz Dr. James A. Kessel

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Carol D. Grimm

$500 - $999 Dr. Jeffrey D. Jacobson Dr. John M. Steinberg

$1 - $499 Dr. Bradford M. Allen Dr. Mary K. Barkley Dr. Paul R. Brand Dr. John H. Coker Mrs. Cheryl L. Crites Mrs. Deborah M. S. Fairbrother Dr. Adejoke F. Fatunde Dr. Gina M. Fontana Dr. Margaret M. Martlew Dr. Gregg S. Resnick Dr. Mindy S. Salzberg-Siegel Dr. Russell A. Sassack


$10,000+ Dr. Karen D. Kerry

$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Julie Kerry Dr. Phillip C. Yancho

$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Mark M. Johnston

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. David J. Hosking Mrs. Michaele I. Malecki Dr. Richard A. Stanchina

$1 - $499 Dr. Neil H. Blavin Mrs. Marcia M. Curtze-Renaux Dr. Bruce R. Fisher Dr. Peter A. Garchow Dr. Michael E. Harris Mrs. Melissa S. Kirsh Dr. J. Daniel Lewis Dr. Edward J. Lynch Dr. Karen A. O'Rourke Mrs. Michele M. Pendrick Ms. Cynthia L. Simpson

$1 - $499 Dr. Loretta J. Andres Dr. Dean B. Buxton Dr. Elliot S. Hardy Dr. Matthew S. Justus Dr. Sally D. Orr Dr. Perry C. Uhazie


$500 - $999


Dr. Dolores J. Baran Dr. Joel T. Carroll Dr. Heather A. Mallory-May Dr. David E. May Dr. Kenneth B. May Dr. Michael S. Wojcik

Dr. John E. Garrison

$1 - $499

$10,000+ $5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Michael J. Cerminaro Dr. Denise E. Turunen Dr. Connie M. Verhagen

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Michael J. Crete Dr. Bonita D. Neighbors

$500 - $999 Dr. Michael J. Fischer Dr. David G. Klump

$1 - $499 Dr. Timothy M. Bair Dr. Kristy L. Beck-Bair Dr. Norman J. Betts Dr. Ethel D. Burns Dr. Jeffrey A. Dulude Dr. Maura A. Fichter Ms. Eileen Lim Dr. John A. Palmer Ms. Ileen A. Peterson Dr. Marian Sawicki Dr. Kathleen F. Stec Dr. Bjorn Steffensen


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Robert S. Haeger

$1,000 - $2,499

Dr. Steven M. Dater Dr. Bruce G. Davis Dr. David Jacobson Mrs. Christine L. Kearns Dr. Elizabeth N. Odinez-Bortfeld Dr. Susan F. Rider Ms. Kimberly J. Roehl Mrs. Deborah M. Wolfgram Dr. David A. Woody Dr. Donald A. Worm


$10,000+ Dr. Timothy J. Reaume

$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Keith A. Mays Dr. Monica B. Swope

$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Thomas E. Anderson

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Jacqueline J. Anderson Dr. Michael J. Ballard Dr. Jeffrey A. Lindhout Dr. Todd K. Rowe

$500 - $999 Dr. Dina H. Cocco Dr. Scott A. Pirochta Dr. Keith E. Wester

Dr. Stephen J. Stefanac

ALUMNI 39 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

$1 - $499 Dr. Richard L. Denney Dr. Thomas P. Kearns Dr. Pamela J. Miller-Dickieson Dr. Sandra D. Picazio Dr. Linda D. Shepard Dr. Gilbert E. Smith Dr. Janice J. Wilmot Dr. Todd R. Wood


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Gary M. Starr

$500 - $999 Dr. William E. Hooe

$1 - $499 Dr. Keith A. Combs Dr. Patrick L. Gadola Dr. Christopher Gorecki Dr. Julia M. Gudmundsen Dr. Jerry J. McGue Dr. Michele M. Tulak-Gorecki Dr. Michael R. Wolfgram


$100,000+ Dr. Charles J. Goodis

$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Grishondra L. Branch-Mays Dr. Kevin N. Kieu

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. John P. Fox Dr. Lorraine D. Hanna

$500 - $999 Dr. Anthony R. Bielkie

$1 - $499 Dr. James T. Lamond Ms. Anne M. Rentz


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Robert G. Nakisher

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Aric C. Smith Dr. David R. Heidenreich

$1 - $499 Dr. Robert S. Dame Dr. Joseph H. Kirkwood Ms. Tamilyn V. Kraeger

40 ALUMNI M Dentistry | Fall 2021



Dr. Patrick J. Kelly Dr. Daniel J. Peters Dr. Debra S. Peters

Dr. Scott O. Schulz

$5,000 - $9,999 $2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Leonard M. Cyterski

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Janice E. Pilon

$1 - $499 Dr. Ahmad A. Beydoun Mrs. Lynn L. Hobbs Dr. Wayman Tang


$5,000 - $9,999 Mrs. Dawn M. Kelly

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Todd V. Ester Professor Jacques E. Nor Dr. Laura L. Fogle

$500 - $999 Dr. Gregory S. Brya

$1 - $499 Dr. Jason M. Golnick Dr. Sami A. Maassarani Dr. Darin J. Schettler


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Kristine S. West

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Derik P. DeConinck Dr. Eduardo J. Gerlein Dr. John C. Hall Dr. Eric W. Knudsen Dr. Flora E. Ocampo-Abela

$500 - $999

$10,000+ $5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Donald R. Burkhardt

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. David T. Copus Dr. Walter M. Franke Dr. Elizabeth A. Knudsen Dr. Matthew J. Talcott

$500 - $999 Dr. Susan M. Welch Dr. Gregory A. Young

$1 - $499 Dr. Sharon J. Bader Dr. Renee E. Duff Dr. Thomas E. Herremans Mrs. Angela M. McGoldrick Dr. Chad T. Mueller Dr. Paul R. Musherure Dr. Nicholas E. Nolan Dr. Jennifer M. B. Schau Dr. Marvin J. Strohschein Dr. Cynthia M. Wiggins


$5,000 - $9,999 Dr. M. Amin Jaffer Dr. Devin O. Norman

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Paul M. Decker Dr. Daniel L. Edwards Dr. Elizabeth M. Graham Dr. Yvette M. Tabangay Nafso Dr. Krista L. Wortman Dr. Mark C. Wortman

$500 - $999

$500 - $999

Dr. Kanwal J. Chawla Dr. Geraldine C. Garcia-Rogers Dr. Brian T. Robinson Ms. Michelle A. Velez

Dr. Robin C. Le


$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Jenny J. Lin

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Abbie S. Horky Dr. Brandan L. LeBourdais Dr. Christopher B. McDaniel

$500 - $999 Dr. Allan D. Padbury Dr. Kristi A. Thomas

$1 - $499 Dr. Heather J. Cadorette Dr. Nadeem Ahmad Dr. Lydia A. Muccioli Dr. Scott J. Nelson


$10,000+ Dr. Brent B. Ward

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Wakeshi L. Benson Dr. John W. Heys

$500 - $999 Dr. Theodore A. Fornetti Dr. Robert A. Strobel

$1 - $499 Ms. Jemma J. Allor Dr. George M. Hebeka Dr. Charles I. McLaren

$1 - $499 Dr. Jennifer L. Sarantos


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Rahul R. Amin Dr. Jessica Barr Dr. Chad C. Carver Mrs. Amy E. Coplen Dr. Michael V. Mehling Dr. Ryan C. VanHaren

$500 - $999 Dr. Katherine G. Evarts

$1 - $499 Dr. Danielle K. Reed


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Clay C. Dietz Dr. Sam Malcheff Dr. Nikole G. Pecora Dr. Jennifer T. Silc Dr. David M. White

$500 - $999 Dr. Michael P. Campeau Dr. Josiah B. Chen Dr. Rebecca A. Rubin Dr. Christopher E. VanDeven

$1 - $499 Dr. Charles P. Liu Dr. Daniel J. Rejman Dr. Tracy A. Ruegsegger Ms. Susan A. York


Dr. Hugh E. Friel


$1 - $499

Dr. D. Omar Watson

$1 - $499

$1,000 - $2,499

Dr. Thomas J. Bouwens

Dr. Dina Khoury Hanby Dr. Erik J. Hanby Dr. Jason B. Ingber Dr. Bradley T. Piotrowski

Dr. Justin N. Zumstein

$1 - $499

Dr. Daniel L. Bolt Dr. D. Andrew Lewis

Mrs. Karen M. Beckerman Ms. Carla M. Harrel Mrs. Heather L. Woodman

$1 - $499


$1,000 - $2,499 $500 - $999 Dr. Kristy M. Fornetti Dr. Lisa L. Knowles Dr. Karrie T. Williams

$2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Thais C. Carvalho Booms Dr. Courtney A. Dunn Dr. Matthew D. Dunn Dr. Bonciel Griffin-Burress Dr. Renata R. Johnson Dr. Philip L. Michaelson Dr. Wen-Chi Takada Dr. Yan Wang

$500 - $999 Dr. Carrie H. Thangamani


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Alma R. Nava-Carpenter Dr. Bryan P. Nakfoor

$500 - $999 Dr. Andrew J. Schoonover

$1 - $499 Dr. Matthew P. Kelley Dr. Patrick J. Mullally Dr. Jason M. Rice


$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Andrea M. Bertotto Dr. Alyssa S. Levin Dr. Scott D. Shwedel

$500 - $999 Dr. Evan R. Whitbeck

$1 - $499 Dr. Philip A. Davidson Dr. Thomas C. Guernsey Ms. Abby Sheridan Dr. Kelly E. Yeung Dr. Robert S. Yeung


Dr. Megan E. Moyneur Dr. Sarah E. Salenbien Ms. Kelly R. Wagner

$25,000+ Dr. Matthew W. Lineberger Dr. Megan B. Lineberger

$5,000 - $9,999

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Courtney E. Heys Dr. David B. Heys

$1 - $499 Dr. Erin E. Bumann Mrs. Anna M. Solis-Gautz Ms. Lindsey E. Sullivan


Mrs. Stephanie K. Pierzecki

$500 - $999 Dr. Jody F. Schilling

$1 - $499

Dr. Rashmi Bajoria Dr. Rick Beverley Dr. Jason Dulac Dr. Christian G. Groth Dr. Di Jiang

Dr. Andrew W. Burns Dr. Ying Guo

Dr. Gregory J. Stock

Dr. Brent A. Medema

$1,000 - $2,499

$500 - $999


Dr. Duane E. Bennett Mrs. Lisa M. Heys Dr. Andrew W. Olsen Dr. Jody L. Wrathall

Dr. Myoung Hwang Dr. Anh P. Pham Dr. Adam Welmerink

Mrs. Lauren A. Abernethy Dr. Samuel G. Blanchard Dr. Elizabeth Vinckier Kersten Dr. Anthony E. Valentine Mrs. Stefanie M. VanDuine


$1,000 - $2,499

$1 - $499

$1 - $499

$1 - $499

Dr. Brent J. Frey

Dr. Carl M. Pogoncheff


$5,000 - $9,999


$500 - $999


$500 - $999

Dr. Karra L. Evans


Ms. Lorene R. Kline


$1,000 - $2,499

$1 - $499 Ms. Julia A. Johnson Ms. Catherine L. Pawloski Dr. Taryn N. Weil


Dr. Carlos A. Garaicoa Pazmino

$500 - $999 Dr. Riley A. Schaff

$1 - $499

$500 - $999 Dr. Anna M. Pogoncheff

$1 - $499

Dr. Keri Eberhardt Dr. Andreana I. Masters


Dr. Carrie A. Ehinger Dr. Evelyn O. Lucas-Perry Dr. Stephen M. Mancewicz Dr. John M. Pogoncheff Dr. Brandon J. Ryff

Dr. Shad Hattaway Dr. Daniel S. Ruff

$1 - $499

Dr. Jessica C. Harris Dr. Christina S. Scanlon

Ms. Alyssa L. Brooks Dr. Javana R. Cosner Ms. Leila D. Hubicki Dr. Albert A. Pesis Mrs. Allison Restauri

$1 - $499

$1 - $499


Dr. Carlos E. Uribe


$1 - $499


$1 - $499 Dr. Ahmed M. A. Sarhan Dr. Shivani Rai Sharma

$1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Alexandra R. Dodds

How To Contact Us

University of Michigan School of Dentistry – Office of Development & Alumni Relations 1011 N. University, Ste. 1420, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 | Telephone: (734) 763-3315 | Fax: (734) 615-6285 Email: SoDalumnirelations@umich.edu | www.dent.umich.edu Richard Fetchiet

Executive Director of Alumni Relations and Development (734) 647-4016 plateman@umich.edu

Jeffrey Freshcorn

Director of Development (734) 647-4394 freshco@umich.edu Principle and major gifts, gifts of securities, trust and bequest gifts, and estate planning information.

Carrie Towns

Gretchen Hannah

Assistant Director of Development (734) 764-6856 clarkca@umich.edu

Alumni Relations Officer Senior (734) 615-2870 yankleg@umich.edu

Principle and major gifts, gifts of securities, trust and bequest gifts, and estate planning information.

Leads the coordination and management of all alumni events and programming. As liaison, plans, and provides direction for Alumni Board of Governors meetings, election, and awards. Manages alumni database, regional groups, and engagement.

Thalia Adams

Annual Giving & Stewardship Manager (734) 615-6187 thaliaj@umich.edu

Office of Continuing Dental Education 1011 N. University Avenue Room G508, School of Dentistry Building (734) 763-5070 cde.umich@umich.edu

ALUMNI 41 Fall 2021 | M Dentistry

1011 N. University Ave. | Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078

Address Service Requested

Thank You, Donors Tulsi Patel DDS Class of 2024 Hometown: Geneva, Illinois Undergraduate Degree: University of Detroit Mercy I am honored to be a scholarship recipient at one of the most renowned dental schools in the world. As the first person in my family to pursue a career in dentistry, I am extremely grateful to have such caring and generous donors invest in my education and believe in my abilities. I hope to study hard, challenge myself, become the best clinician that I can be, and make their investments in my education truly worthwhile.

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