Research Day 2023

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Dr. D’Silva Lab

Marsha-Kay Hutchinson


Immunofluorescence microscopy characterizing cell adhesion molecule, E-cadherin (green), at cell-cell junctions and cytoplasm of radiation sensitive human oral cancer cells. Nuclear stain is in blue.

Dr. Emrick Lab

Mak E. Guenther, Joshua J. Emrick


Immunohistochemical staining of the dental pulp reveals punctate expression of target fluorophores in sensory neuron afferents. Intermingled signals of mCherry (red) and TFP (dark blue) suggest overlapping receptive fields in proximity of pulp cells (cyan, DAPI).

Welcome To Research Day 2023!

Thank you for joining us in supporting the quest for scientific knowledge by students, postdoctoral trainees, staff and faculty members in the research labs and clinics at the School of Dentistry. The research conducted at the school – and that we put in the spotlight during Research Day – is vital to advancing our understanding of the human body and to improving not just oral health, but overall health, for people around the world.

Our research mission promotes an integration of basic, translational, clinical and health services research to stimulate discoveries and their implementation into practice. Our annual Research Day poster sessions always provide an insightful look at the incredible range and diversity of the school’s research. This year we have more than 120 posters illustrating the school’s four research themes: Cancer Biology & Therapeutics; Clinical, Population & Educational Research; Craniofacial, Skeletal Biology & Disease; and Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine.

This year we are especially pleased to welcome Dr. Rena N. D’Souza, director of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, as our keynote speaker. A licensed dentist, Dr. D’Souza is recognized for her research in craniofacial development, genetics, tooth development, and regenerative dental medicine. We thank the Office of Research staff who organized this event, along with the students and researchers who present their work today. Thanks also to faculty who have mentored the projects and who serve as judges for various awards. The judging process has been significantly streamlined thanks to the school’s Dental Informatics team. We are also grateful to the 20 companies that have partnered with our school as exhibitors, sponsors or advertisers in supporting student research. Enjoy the day and again thank you for helping us celebrate our research mission.

Research Day 1
Keynote Speaker .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Program Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 2 2023 Judges .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Theme list of posters ................................................................................................................................... 3 Posters .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Bio-Art ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 2023 Research Day Sponsors ................................................................................................................... 34 2023 Advertisements .................................................................................................................................. 36 2022 Research Day Winners ...................................................................................................................... 49 2022 Research Photos Showcase ............................................................................................................ 49 2024 Research Day Announcement .......................................................................................................... 50 Exhibitors and Poster Map ........................................................................................................................ 51
Jan Hu Vesa Kaartinen


Nisha D’Silva, BDS, MSD, PhD

Donald A. Kerr Endowed Collegiate Professor of Oral Pathology and Professor of Dentistry, University of Michigan School of Dentistry; and Professor of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School

“Oral Cancer: Building a Bridge”

Nisha D’Silva, BDS, MSD, PhD, is the Donald Kerr Endowed Collegiate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. She is also Professor of Pathology at the University of Michigan Medical School and a member of the University of Michigan Rogel Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Dr. D’Silva is a cancer biologist, oral pathologist and educator. Her translational research in head-and-cancer focuses on biomarkers and molecular mechanisms of tumor progression and treatment resistance. Her research has been funded by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research at the National Institutes of Health, currently by the Sustaining Outstanding Achievement in Research award, and by the National Cancer Institute at NIH.

She received the Distinguished Scientist Award for Oral Medicine and Pathology Research from the International Association of Dental Research, and the Rod Cawson Prize from the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. Dr. D’Silva is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, which is her area of clinical practice. She enjoys teaching and mentoring, and is a recipient of the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research Distinguished Mentor award.

Dr. D’Silva received her dental degree at the University of Bombay, India, followed by a Residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and a Master’s degree at Indiana University, Indianapolis. She received her PhD at the University of Washington, Seattle.


10:30 am – 12:00 pm



Michigan League –Ballroom (2nd Floor)

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm



Donald A. Kerr Endowed Collegiate Professor of Oral Pathology and Professor of Dentistry, University of Michigan School of Dentistry; and Professor of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School


Andrea Pobocik

Ann Decker

Antonio Morales-Hernandez

Aron Aliaga del Castillo

Benjamin Allen

Berna Saglik

Brittany Forga

Carlos Gonzalez

Chris Fenno

Clarissa Souza Gomes de Fontoura

Claudia Loebel

Colleen Doran

Daniel Chiego Jr.

Darlene Jones

Geetha Duddanahalli


Elisabeta Karl

Elizabeth Ronan

Fei Liu

Felipe Nor

Giovana Anovazzi Medeiros

Gustavo Fernandes

Hajime Sasaki

Hera Kim-Berman

Hom-Lay Wang

Hsiao Sung

Ivy Wei

Iwonka Eagle

Jacques Nor

James Boynton

James P Simmer

Jennifer Cullen

Joe Decker

Joshua Emrick

Junying Li

Karin Harumi Uchima


Kenichi Kuroda

Lauren Surface

Yu Leo Lei

Ligia Schmidt

Livia Tenuta

Lu Sun

Lucia Cevidanes

Margherita Fontana

Marilia Yatabe

Marita Inglehart

Nan Hatch

Nisha D’Silva

Peng Li

Peter Ma

Peter Polverini

Priscila Ceolin Meneghetti

Purnima Kumar

Qiming Jin

Renee Duff


Cancer Biology and Therapeutics

Posters #: 11, 13, 18, 95, 25, 38, 45, 59, 75 118,119

Craniofacial, Skeletal Biology and Disease


Kellogg Lecture Hall G005 –Ground Floor Dentistry Building

2:30 pm – 4:00 pm



Michigan League –Ballroom (2nd Floor)

Monday, February 20, 2023


Posted on School of Dentistry Website

Renny Franceschi

Rogerio Castilho

Romesh Nalliah

Said Al-Jazaeri

Sandra Stuhr

Sarah Tomaka

Sean Edwards

Sharon Aronovich

Shirley Branam

Stefanie VanDuine

Suman Vij

Swati Sharma

Tian Liang

Trish Bauer

Valerie Nieto

Won Oh

Yuji Mishina

Wang Gong

Posters #: 6, 7, 15,16,17, 34, 36, 43, 46, 52, 54, 60, 63, 65, 70,71, 73,74, 78, 82, 84, 92, 97, 107, 110-111, 113, 115, 121

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Posters #: 4, 5, 8, 14, 19,20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 49, 50, 53, 66, 68, 76, 79, 101-103, 108, 116, 120

Clinical, Population, and Educational Research

Posters #: 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 67, 72, 77, 80, 81, 83, 85,86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106, 109, 112, 114, 117, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126

2 Research Day Research Day 3


1 Assessing The Oral Health Needs Of Foster Children

VanDuine, S, Grimm, K, Kakka, S, Almahameed, R

Presenters: Kayla Grimm, Sarah Kakka, Rama Almahameed

Faculty Mentor: Stephanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

2 Reported Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Alcohol Use in Patients of a Michigan Dental School

Leah Avolio, Gabe Essayan, Stefanie VanDuine

Presenter: Leah Avolio and Gabe Essayan

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

3 Perception ofClinical Skills and Confidence Levels of Dental Hygiene Students in Identifying Cancerous Oral Lesions

Rolland, C, Rabel, K

Presenter: Colleen Rolland and Kaitlyn Rabel

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

4 Polyester-Based Periodontal Tissue Engineering Bilayer Membrane with Unidirectional Drug-Delivery and Thermosensitive Properties for Precision Shaping to Implant Sites

Woodbury, S., Swanson, B., Dal Fabbro, R., Xu, J., Bottino, M., Mishina, Y.

Presenter: Seth Woodbury

Faculty Mentor: Seth Woodbury

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

5 Restoration Of Subsurface Mineral In NonCavitated Enamel Lesions Using Bioactive Nanoparticles

Almutairi, N, Clarkson, B, Yaman, P, Dennison, J, Tenuta, L, Lahann, J

Presenter: Nader Almutairi

Faculty Mentor: Brian H. Clarkson

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

6 Targeting Cariogenic Streptococcus mutans in Oral Biofilms with Charge-Switching Smart Antimicrobial Polymers

Rajani Bhat, Valentina Godovikova, Susan E. Flannagan, Yiming Li, Roda Seseogullari-Dirihan, Carlos GonzálezCabezas, and Kenichi Kuroda*

Presenter: Rajani Bhat

Faculty Mentor: Kenichi Kuroda

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

7 Unraveling the role of amino acid metabolism in osteogenic cells

Har, JRG, Surface, LE

Presenter: Jie Ren Gerald Har

Faculty Mentor: Lauren E. Surface

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

8 Single cell sequencing reveals fibrotic signature of salivary glands at 200 days post-radiation

Viola, H, Chibly, A, Lombaert, I

Presenter: Hannah Viola

Faculty Mentor: Isabelle Lombaert

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

9 Evaluation of the Periodontal Tissue Following the Orthodontic Mini-screw Implants; A prospective split mouth case-control clinical Study

Soofieh Moallemi Pour, Hamoun Sabri, Shayan Barootchi

Presenter: Soofieh Moallemi Pour

Faculty Mentor: Shayan Barootchi

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

10 A Comprehensive Patient-Specific Prediction Model for Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis Progression

Al Turkestani N, Li T, Bianchi J, Gurgel M , Prieto J, Benavides E, Soki F, Mishina Y, Fontana M, Rao A, Cevidanes L.


Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

11 Inhibition of Bmi-1 Reduces Cancer Cell Stemness and Enhances Antiproliferative Effect of Cisplatin

Zheng, S, Somayaji, R, Herzog, A, Nör, J

Presenter: Shirley Zheng anc Ritu Somayaji

Faculty Mentor: Jacques Nör

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

12 Addressing Patient Concern

Sneha Shah , Romesh Nalliah , Nikita Rungta

Presenter: Sneha shah

Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah

Department: Patient

13 HPV16 E6 isoforms: Differential roles in oropharyngeal cancer growth and aggressiveness

Lim, Y.X, Liu, M, Rozek, L, Sartor, M.A, D’Silva, N.J

Presenter: Yvonne Xinyi Lim

Faculty Mentor: Nisha J D’Silva

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine


14 Isolation, expansion, and cryopreservation of DPSCs for clinical cell therapy

M. Malik, A. Nedell, S. Tarle, D. Kaigler

Presenter: Malika A. Malik

Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

15 Ectopic X-chromosome inactivation by augmentation of BMP signaling in cranial neural crest cells develop craniosynostosis through ectopic cartilage formation

Zapien-Guerra, K., Ueharu, H., Kalantry, S., Mishina, Y.

Presenter: Karen Zapien

Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

16 Raman Markers of Oxidative Damage to Bone Marrow Lipids from Male Donors

G. Mandair, E. Bigelow, S. Kohn, K. Jepsen, D. Kohn

Presenter: Gurjit Mandair

Faculty Mentor: David H. Kohn

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

17 Induction of ectopic X chromosome inactivation by augmentation of BMP signaling develops ectopic cartilage through reduction of X-linked gene Tmsb4x

Ueharu, H., Kalantry, S. and Mishina, Y.

Presenter: Hiroki Ueharu

Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

18 Targeting Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma from the Salivary Glands using High Throughput Drug Screening

Jang, Y., Pina. P., Emerick, C., Scarini, J., Squarize, C., Castilho, R.

Presenter: Yeejin Jang

Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

19 Dual-functional Peptide DPI-VTK Promotes Migration of MSCs for Bone Regeneration

Madsen, E, Rhee, S, Kohn, D

Presenter: Eric Madsen

Faculty Mentor: David Kohn

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

20 Effects of PI3K-PTEN-AKT-mTOR pathway modulation on the healing process of oral mucositis models

Amorim dos Santos, J., Barbosa, VP., Monteiro, MM., Castilho, RM., Squarize, CH., Guerra, ENS.

Presenter: Juliana Amorim dos Santos

Faculty Mentor: Cristiane Helena Squarize

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral MedicineCristiane Helena Squarize

21 Thermal Injury for Translational Studies in In Vivo Models

Barros, C.C.S., Castilho, R.M., Squarize, C.H.

Presenter: Caio Barros

Faculty Mentor: Caio Barros

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

22 Therapeutic polylactic acid nanoparticle delivery for bone loss caused by ligatureinduced periodontitis

Roh, A., Decker, A., Decker, J.

Presenter: Alison Roh

Faculty Mentor: Ann Marie Decker

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

23 Comparison Of User Experience And Accuracy For Dental Diagnosis Of A Patient With Cleidocranial Dysplasia Using Virtual Reality and Cone Beam Computed Tomography Multiplanar Views

Herremans, J., Bonine, B., Ramaswamy, V., Kim-Berman, H.

Presenter: Jacob Herremans

Faculty Mentor: Hera Kim-Berman

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

24 Student Learning of Head and Neck Anatomy and CBCT Interpretations Using Virtual Reality and Multiplanar Educational Methods

Bui, D., Kim-Berman, H., Benavides, E., Soki, F., Ramaswamy, V.

Presenter: Duy Bui

Faculty Mentor: Hera Kim-Berman

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

25 New epigenetic compounds to treat mucoepidermoid carcinoma identified by high throughput screening

Silva, L.C., Jang, Y., Vargas, P. A., Squarize, C., Castilho, R.

Presenter: Luan Da Silva

Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

4 Research Day Research Day 5


26 Interprofessional Integration of Oral Health in Nurse Practitioners’ (NPs) Practice

Parker, H., Al-Suraimi, S.

Presenters: Hafsah Parker and Sumaia Al-Suraimi

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie VanDuine

Department.: Hygiene (POM)

27 Trends in Black Faculty

Johnson, D, Cheline, D, Crump, G, Nalliah, RP

Presenter: Dominic Johnson and Danitza Cheline

Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah

Department: School Of Dentistry

28 Mandibular Flexure and its Effect on ImplantSupported Full Arch Fixed Dental Prosthesis

Kallas, M., Najim, R., Saglik, B.

Presenter: May Kallas and Rawa

Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

29 Effect Of Abutment Anodization On Peri Implant Health And Soft Tissue Esthetics

Challa, P., Abou hamdan, E., Saglik, B.

Presenter: Pavani Challa and Eyad Hamdan

Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

30 Mechanical/physical properties and fluoride release of a novel fluorapatite filled dental composite material

Faydhi, K. Clarkson, B. Chang, S. Dennison, J. Yaman, P. Muyanja, N.

Presenter: Khawlah Faydhi

Faculty Mentor: Brian Clarkson

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

31 Immunomodulation of LPS-challenged human dental pulp cells by quercetin for vital pulp therapy

Anselmi, C, Mendes Soares IP, Mota, RLM, Pires, MLBA, Ribeiro, RAO, Bottino, MC, de Souza Costa, CA, Hebling, J.

Presenter: Caroline Anselmi

Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

32 Sensory Innervation Patterns Arising from the Mouse Respiratory System

Spoelman, A., Li, X., Li, P.

Presenter: Alisha Spoelman

Faculty Mentor: Peng Li

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

33 Periodontal Stability for Periodontitis

Stage I & II by Supragingival Scaling

Ghatalia P, Ray B, Muhammad SH, Wang HL.

Presenter: Parth Ghatalia and Bidisha Ray

Faculty Mentor: Muhammad Saleh

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

34 Regeneration of cranial suture

Jones Jaylynn

Presenter: Jaylynn Jones

Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

35 Investigating Reasons for Cavitated Lesion Withdrawal From a Phase III RCT on SDF

Oshana, C., Campos, M., Carreño, J., Cezon, T., Eckert, G., Flannagan, S.E., González-Cabezas, C., Karl, E., Levy, S., Miller, K., Moursi, A., Pitts, E., Riaz, M., Tenuta, L.M.A., Yanca, E., Yesney, S., Fontana, M.

Presenter: Christopher Oshana

Faculty Mentor: Margherita Fontana

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

36 A Vagal- Brainstem Circuit that Controls Coughing

Gannot, N., Li, X., Koecklin, K., Li, P.

Presenter: Noam Gannot

Faculty Mentor: Peng Li

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

37 Effect of implant surface coating on oral microbiota in health and peri-implantitis

Sawant, S, Sinjab K, Wang, H-L, Kumar, P


Faculty Mentor: Purnima Kumar

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

38 The effect of histone deacetylase inhibition on cancer stem cells in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma lesions of the salivary gland

Emerick C, Jang Y, da Silva LC, Barros C, Scarini J, Amorim-dos-Santos J, Squarize CH, Castilho RM

Presenter: Carolina Emerick

Faculty Mentor: Rogerio Castilho

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

39 Dental Students: Teaching and Learning from Other Health Professionals

Lau T, Dods K, Trupiano N, Anderson O, Fitzgerald M

Presenter: Tommy Lau and Kelsey Dods

Faculty Mentor: Mark Fitzgerald

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

40 Restaurant Employees’ Oral Health Risks

Jackson A, Settembrini E, Jahanbin S, VanDuine S

Presenter: Angelica Jackson and Emily Settembrini

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

41 Mental Health’s Impact on Oral Health in the Geriatric Population: A Secondary Analysis

Elias,L. Hanna, R. Elias, L.

Presenter: Lorena Elias, Raymeeann Hanna and Larisae Elias

Faculty Mentor: Stephanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

42 Artificial Intelligence-Based Comparison of Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes with and without Piezocision Surgery

Gurgel M, Alvarez M, Aristizabal J, Baquero B, Gillot M, Al Turkestani N, Miranda F, Del Castillo A, Yatabe M, Rey D, Anchling L, Hutin N, Prieto J, Cevidanes L

Presenter: Marcela Gurgel

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

43 Engineered nanoparticles to enhance fluoride anticaries effect: pilot biofilm study

Kashima, M; Chang, A; Calderon, SC; Almalki, J; Lahann, J; Tenuta, LMA

Myrian Kashima

Livia Tenuta

CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

44 Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia - Transformation into Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Orlowska Magdalena, No rFelipe, Tindle David, Eber Roert

Presenter: Magdalena Orłowska

Faculty Member: Robert Eber

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

45 MBT1-associated changes in salivary microbiome in patients with oral cancer

Medeiros, MC; The, S; Bellile, E; Russo, N; Schmitd, L; Danella, E; Singh, P; Banerjee, R; Bassis, C; Sartor, MA; Lombaert, I; Schmidt, T; Eisbruch, A; Murdoch-Kinch, CA; Rozek, L; Wolf, G; Li, G; Chen, GY; D’Silva, NJ.

Presenter: Marcell Costa de Medeiros

Faculty Mentor: Nisha J D’Silva

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

46 Induction of osteocalcin+ cell apoptosis stimulates macrophage efferocytosis and bone formation in young and skeletally mature mice

Batoon, L., Koh, A., Grewal, J., Avey, M., Kinnaird, A., Teslya, T., Hamzavi, N., McCauley, L., Roca, M.

Presenter: Lena Batoon

Faculty Mentor: Hernan Roca

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

47 The Role of Advanced Practice Providers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Practice Chinoy,A., Shiver,P.

Presenter: Afriti Chinoy

Faculty Mentor: Paul Shivers

Department: OMS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry

48 Longitudinal analysis of de novo microbial colonization of the developing peri-implant sulcus

Dutra, TP, Robitaille N, Dabdoub, SM, Kumar PS

Presenter: Tamires Dutra

Faculty Mentor: Purnima S Kumar

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

49 Electrospun Beta-tricalcium Phosphate-Laden GelMA/PCL Fibrous Membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration

Dal-Fabbro, R., Mahmoud, A., Han, Y., Daghrery, A., Xu, J., Kaigler, D., Bhaduri, S., Malda, J., Bottino, M.

Presenter: Renan Dal-Fabbro

Faculty Mentor: Marco Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

50 Ultrasound-based Jawbone Surface Quality Evaluation for Planning of Dental Implant Surgeries

Rodriguez Betancourt, A., Kripfgans O.D., Samal, A., Shehabeldin, M., Chan, H.L.

Presenter: Amanda Rodriguez

Faculty Mentor: Hsun-Liang Chan

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

51 Three-dimensional effects of maxillary protraction anchored in miniscrews versus miniplates

Miranda F, Bastos J, Aliaga-Del Castillo A, Silva I, Yatabe M, De Clerck H, Cevidanes L,Garib, DG

Presenter: Felicia Miranda

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

6 Research Day Research Day 7


52 Neural Pathways Mediating the Coordination of Jaw Movement

Koa, R, Harumi Uchima Koecklin, K, Li, P

Presenter: Ryan Koa

Faculty Mentor: Peng Li

Department: Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, & Life Science Institute

53 Effects of KMN-159 on bone formation in a rat extraction socket model

Da Ponte Leguizamon, N, Ramdan, G, Hwang, A, Owen, T, Morano, MI, Jin, Q

Presenter: Natalia Da Ponte Leguizamon

Faculty Mentor: Qiming Jin

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

54 Nanoparticle penetration into cariogenic biofilms facilitated by dextranase: methodological developments

DeCesaris, D., Blinkiewicz, H., Rickard, A., Tenuta, LMA

Presenter: Danielle DeCesaris

Faculty Mentor: Alexander Rickard

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

55 Medicaid Dental Coverage and Oral Health Outcomes in Adults

Sridhara Murthy P, Kapadia U, Patel V, Nalliah RP

Presenter: Prapulla Sridhara Murthy

Faculty Mentor: Romesh P. Nalliah

Department: Office of Patient Services

56 The Impact of Stress and the Covid-19 Pandemic on Gingivitis within Young Adults

Kaelie Wilcox, Leonora Lucaj, Olivia Zara

Presenter: Kaelie Wilcox, Leonora Lucaj, and Olivia Zara

Faculty Mentor: Stephanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

57 Exploring Gastroenterologists’ Practices and Perceptions of Providing Oral Assessments and Oral Health Education to those with Gastroparesis

Purcell, N., Sanderson, J., Nieto, V., VanDuine, S.

Presenter: Natalie Purcell and Jordan Sanderson

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

58 Recruitment of Parent/Child Pairs in a SDF


Riaz M, Pitts E, Yanca E, Kinney J, Rulli D, González C, Miller K, Cezon T, McEachern M, Fontana M

Presenter: Mona Riaz

Faulty Mentor: Margherita Fontana

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

59 High Nerve Density in Tongue Cancer Decreases Survival

Perez-Pacheco, C., Schmitd, L., Furgal, A., Bellile, E., Fattah, A., Gonzalez-Maldonado, L., Rozek, L., Wolf, G., Taylor, J., Casper, K., Mierzwa, M., D’Silva, N.

Presenter: Cindy Perez Pacheco

Faculty Mentor: Nisha D’Silva

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

60 Generation of Caspase-9 driven mouse model of osteoblast apoptosis and efferocytosis

Kinnaird, A., Avey, M., Teslya, T., Kannan, R., Koh, A., McCauley, L., Roca, H., Batoon, L.

Presenter: Aysia Kinnaird, Tatyana Teslya, Megan Avey

Faculty Mentor: Hernan Roca

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

61 CEREC digital technology improves crown preparation in preclinical teaching

Huang, A, Da Ponte Leguizamon, N, Ramadan, G, Mendonca, D, Marshall, T, Jin, Q

Presenter: Ashley Huang

Faculty Mentor: Qiming Jin

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

62 The Influence Social Media has on Dental Hygiene Products and use in Young Adults

Merillat Daelyn, Norko Rachel, Thursby Keegan

Presenter: Daelyn Merillat, Rachel Norko, Keegan Thursby

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

63 Monitoring behavioral responses following activation of the tooth-innervating trigeminal sensory neurons

Guenther, M.E., Uchima Koecklin K.H., Constantinescu, B.S.C., Yao, Y., Li, P., & Emrick, J.J.

Presenter: Mak Guenther

Faculty Mentor: Joshua Emrick

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

64 Interprofessional Integration of Oral Health in the Nurse Practitioner Curriculum

Aggour, M., Aladily, Z.

Presenter: Marwa Aggour, and Zeinab Aladily

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie Vanduine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

65 Mouse Caudal Artery Injection Technique

Singh, N., Egeler, J., Kuennen, D., Surface L.

Presenter: Nita Singh

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

66 Fibrosis in Irradiated Salivary Glands

Nahass, S, Vesela, I , Vallie, A, Weerappuli, P, Viola, H, Lombaert, I

Presenter: Samuel Nahass

Faculty Mentor: Isabelle Lombaert

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

67 Stress Management Techniques for Dental Hygiene Students

Harland, H, Castro-Garcia, A, Albadry, S, VanDuine, S

Presenter: Haley Harland, Alisson Castro-Garcia, Shams Albadry

Faculty Mentor: Stephanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

68 Effect of Tyrosine Kinase (TAM) Inhibitors On Osteogenic Differentiation of Alveolar Bone Marrow Stem Cells(aBMSCs)

Garg Balram, Decker Ann

Presenter: Bal Ram

Faculty Mentor: Ann Decker

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

70 Clinical High-Frequency Ultrasound for Oral Mucosa Assessment

Samal, A, Chan, H-L, Majzoub,J, Barootchi, S, Kong, X, Rodriguez, A, Castilho, R, Kripfgans, O

Presenter: Ankita Samal

Faculty Mentor: Hsun-Liang Chan

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

71 Automated Standardized Orientation (ASO) for Cone-Beam Computed Tomography systems (CBCTs)

Anchling L, Hutin N, Carlo Pietro J, Shah H, Gillot M, Baquero B, Miranda F, Barone S, Gurgel M, Tinawi S, Al Turkestani, Bianchi J, Cevidanes L

Presenter: Luc Anchling

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

72 Knowledge of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) and Oral Health in Young Adults

Dalimonte, J., Jones, J.

Presenter: Julia Dalimonte, and Jami Jones

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

73 Automated Standardized Orientation on Intra Oral Scans

Hutin N., Anchling L., Carlos Prieto J., Shah H., Baquero B., Gillot M., Al Turkestani N., Bianchi J., Barone S., Gurgel M., Miranda F., Cevidanes L.

Presenter: Nathan Hutin

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

74 Identifying Regulators of Phosphate Sensing in Bone Cells

Tran, L., Kuennen, D., Kotsalidis, P.,Mannstadt, M., Surface, L.

Presenter: Long Tran

Faculty Mentor: Lauren Surface

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

75 Resolving an Immune Tolerogenic Niche at the Earliest Phase of Oral Cancer Initiation

Taner, H., Gong, W., Broses, L., Okuyama, K., Chen, W., Kuczura, J., Rajesh, S., Tan, Y., Xie, Y., Lei., Y.

Presenter: Hulya Taner

Faculty Mentor: Yu Leo Lei

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

76 Angiogenic properties of oral-derived stem cells derived from dental pulp (DPSCs), bone (aBMSCs), and gingiva (GMSCs)

Sittambalam, D, Chopra, H, Kaigler, D, Tarle, S

Presenter: Deloshene Sittambalam

Faculty Mentor: Darnell Kaigler

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

77 Student Learning of Head and Neck Anatomy Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Immersive Virtual Reality

Lee, K., Mitchell, V. Bui, D., Bonine, B., Benavides, E., Soki, S., Ramaswamy, V., Kim-Berman, K.

Presenter: Katelyn Lee and Vanessa Mitchell

Faculty Mentor: Hera Kim-Berman

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

78 The Effect of Type 1 Diabetes on Bone Architecture Changes Across Bone Length Urrego, C. , Bolger, M., Kohn, D.

Presenter: Carlos Urrego

Faculty Mentor: David Kohn

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

79 Scaffold-based Approach to Regenerating the Cranial Suture Stem Cell Niche through Pore Design

Swanson, W.B., Douglas, L., Woodbury, S.M., Omi, M., Albright, J., Jones, J., Soulas, E., Nam, H.K., Ma, P.X., Hatch, N.E., Mishina, Y.

Presenter: Ben Swanson, and Lindsay Douglas

Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

8 Research Day Research Day 9


80 Modified lip-repositioning versus conventional technique for gummy smile treatment: A prospective control-trial

Neshatafarin Manouchehri, Hamoun Sabri, Gerardo Chagon, Mohammad Saleh, Hom-Lay Wang

Presenter: Neshatafarin Manouchehri

Faculty Mentor: Mohammad Saleh

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

81 Ultrasonographic Analysis of Wound Healing after Anterior Immediate Implant Placement: A Retrospective Study

Pramiti Saxena, Rafael Siqeurra, Benyapha Sirinirund, Amanda Rodriguez, Oliver Kripfgans, and Hsung-Lian Chan

Presenter: Pramiti Saxena

Faculty Mentor: Hsung-Lian Chan

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

82 Role of DDR2 in Tooth Socket Healing

Kamath, R., Chung, J., Franceschi, R.T.

Presenter: Rajay Kamath and Jessica Chung

Faculty Mentor: Renny T. Franceschi

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

83 Dental and dental hygiene students’ considerations of the role of public speaking principles for patient-dentist communication: Results of an educational intervention

Hasan, OI., Inglehart MR

Presenter: Omair Hasan

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

84 Abnormal Processing and Aggregation of Crouzon Syndrome FGFR2(C342Y) Protein

Siismets, E., Lin, L., Qi, L., Hatch, N.

Presenter: Erica Siismets

Faculty Mentor: Nan Hatch

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

85 Dentists’ Education, Knowledge, Attitudes and Professional Behavior Concerning Treating Patients from the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community: A National Survey

Korleski M, Stefanac S, Inglehart MR.

Presenter: Michael Korleski

Faculty Mentor: Stephen Stefanac & Marita Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

86 Dental Students’ Interest, Knowledge and Information about Healthcare Careers in High School: A Survey

Walter, BM, Inglehart, MR

Presenter: Brenden M Walter

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

87 Undergraduate, Dental Hygiene and Dental Students’ Oral Health and Dietrelated Considerations: Does LGBTQ+ Selfidentification Matter?

Bohra, RM, Inglehart, MR

Presenter: Rehana M. Bohra

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

88 General Dentists and Therapy Dogs in Dental Offices: Considerations before vs. during the COVID Pandemic

Vermeer, HK, Inglehart, MR

Presenter: Hannah K. Vermeer

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

89 International Students and Oral Health and Oral Health-related Behavior: Does Dental Insurance Status Matter?

Mourad J., Inglehart M.R.

Presenter: Jade Mourad

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

90 Residents’ Professional and Career Satisfaction: How do Personal and Educational Experiences with Pediatric Dentistry Matter?

Shah, P, Inglehart, M, Boynton, J

Presenter: Palak Shah

Faculty Mentor: Marita Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

91 Prosthetic Challenges of Zygomatic Implants: A literature review

Bekkali, M, Chinam, N, Wei, C, Saglik, B.

Presenter: Mariam Bekkali

Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

92 A newly designed small molecule inhibitor targeting BMP type 1 receptor kinases efficiently suppresses heterotopic ossification (HO) in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) mouse models through oral administration

Pan, H, Sekimata, K, Kulkarni, A, Fox, M, Liu, Y, Huang, C, Tanaka, A, Koyama, H, Ueharu, H, Hashizume, Y, Miyazono, K, Mishina, Y

Presenter: Haichun Pan

Faculty Mentor: Yuji, Mishina

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

93 Application of Propolis via Apical Tunnel Approach for Root Coverage: A Case Report with 2-Year Follow-Up.

Mandil, O, Sabri, H, Manouchehri, N, Mostafa, D, Wang, HL

Presenter: Obada Mandil

Faculty Mentor: Hom-Lay Wang

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

94 Chemio-mechanical Properties of 3D-Printing

Materials for Interim Crowns and Fixed

Partial Dentures: A Narrative Review

Chinam, N, Bekkali, M, Wei, I, Saglik, B

Presenter: Nivedita Chinam

Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

95 pTRIP13: Prospective Predictive Marker of Radiation Response in HNSCC

Hutchinson, M.N.D., Banerjee, R., Bera, R., Aldous, J., Taylor, J., D’Silva, N.

Presenter: Marsha-Kay Hutchinson

Faculty Mentor: Nisha D’Silva

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

96 Dental Students and Chronic Professional

Pain: An Exploration

Schammami N, Karl, E, Inglehart, MR

Presenter: Nichiolas Schammami

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

97 Loss-of-Function Mutation of BMPR1A, BMPR1B, and ACVR1 BMP type I Receptors Reduce Heterotopic Ossification (HO) in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) ACVR1-Q207D Mice

Duford, T., Pan, H., Mishina, Y.

Presenter: Tyler Duford

Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

98 Dental Students’ Tobacco-related Personal Experiences, Education, Knowledge and Attitudes: Does the Number of Family Members Who Used Tobacco Products Matter?

Patel M, Inglehart MR

Presenter: Mira Patel

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

99 Biofilm swelling driven by osmotic pressure

Seo, K., Kim, K., Kwon, J., Bhat, R., Kuroda, K.

Presenter: Kyoungjin Seo

Faculty Mentor: Kenichi Kuroda

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

100 Depletion and Bridging Driven Aggregation in Streptococcus mutans Biofilm Model System

Moon, J., Kim, K., Kwon, J., Bhat, R., Kuroda, K.

Presenter: Jeongmi Moon

Faculty Mentor: Kenich Kuroda

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

101 Electrospun Calcium Trimetaphosphate-laden Fibrous Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering

Toledo, P.T.A., Delbem, A.C.B., Mahmoud, A.H., Anselmi, C., Dal Fabbro, R., Bottino, M.C.

Presenter: Priscila Toledo

Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

102 Effects of titanium surface biomodification with naringenin on osteoblasts in vitro

Cardoso, L.M., Pansani, T.N., Bottino, M.C., De-Souza-Costa, C.A., Basso, F.G.

Presenter: Lais Cardoso

Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

103 Accelerate Fatigue Performance of Bioinspired Bilayer Crowns of Central Incisors

Carvalho, A.B.G., Ramos, N.C., Andrade, G.S., Tribst, J.P.M., Dapieve, K.S., Machry, R.V., Bottino, M.C., Valandro, L.F., Saavedra, G.S.F.A.

Presenter: Ana Carvalho

Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

10 Research Day Research Day 11


104 The Effect of the Petroleum Jelly & Tin-foil Substitute on the Surface of Acrylic Resin plate

SamavatiJame, F, Saglik, B, Labriaga, W, Pacaldo, M, Tuscano, M, Formantes, B

Presenter: Fatemeh SamavatiJame

Faculty Mentor: Berna Saglik

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

105 State of Residency of First Year Dental Students

Kaur M, Anish SM, Singh K, Sharma S, Nalliah RP

Presenter: Manpreet Kaur and Sherin Mary Anish

Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah

Department: Office of Patient Services

106 Trends In Malpractice Payments And Adverse Actions Against Health Care Providers

Between 1990 - 2022

Mhay S, Nair Nishi, Ray Bidisha, Vasudevan Pooja, Ghatalia Parth, Nalliah RP

Presenter: Sahil Mhay

Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah

Department: Office of Patient Services

107 Impact of SAA on Beta-amyloid Reacting Natural Antibody Profile

Makhani,B. Fujii,M. Sasaki,H.

Presenter: Benyamin Makhani and Mayuko Fujii

Faculty Mentor: Hajime Sasaki

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

108 Blending poly(ethylene oxide) with polycaprolactone for modulating the physical and mechanical properties of fibrous scaffolds

Chang, S, Anselmi, C, Mendes Soares, IP, Toledo, PTA, de Souza Costa, CA, Hebling, J, Bottino, MC.

Presenter: Sarah Chang

Faculty Mentor: Marco C. Bottino

CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

109 Skeletal Stability after Orthognathic Surgery with Virtual Planning: A Voxel-Based Three-Dimensional Analysis

Barone S, Cevidanes L, Gurgel M, Miranda F, Anchling L, Hutin N, Bianchi J, Goncalves J, Giudice A

Presenter: Selene Barone

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

110 Automatic Segmentation of Regions of Reference for Cranial Base Registration

Yanjie Huang, Luc Anchling, Maxime Gillot, Juan Carlos Prieto, Antonio Ruellas, Felicia Miranda, Marcela Gurgel, Elizabeth Biggs, Marilia Yatabe, Karine Evangelista, Jonas Bianchi, Lucia Cevidanes

Presenter: Yanjie Huang

Faculty Mentor: Lucia Cevidanes

Department: OPD - Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

111 Calcium pre-treatment to enhance anticaries effect of fluoride: pilot biofilm study

Calderon SC, Kashima M, Almalki J, Tenuta LMA

Presenter: Shara Corvera Calderon

Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

112 Calcium release to culture media as an indicator of mineral loss in biofilm models to study caries

Chen AC, Jain T, Moallemi Pour S, Tenuta LMA

Presenter: Andrew Chen

Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

113 Mutations in EVC2/LIMBIN gene alters temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) morphology, function and it is associated to increased pain experience.

Cavalcante, R.C., Alzainal, A., Zhang, H., Mishina, Y.

Presenter: Rafael Correia Cavalcante

Faculty Mentor: Yuji Mishina

Department: BMSP - Biologic and Materials Sciences & Prosthodontics

114 A 5-year Longitudinal Randomized Clinical Trial on The Clinical, Ultrasonographic, Radiographic, Volumetric, and Patientreported Outcomes of Immediate Implant Therapy

Sabri, H, Majzoub, J, Rodriguez, MV, Kripfgans, O, Chan, HL, Tavelli, L, Giannobile, W, Wang, HL, Barootchi, S

Presenter: Hamoun Sabri

Faculty Mentor: Shayan Barootchi

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

115 A Fgfr3-Runx2 regulatory axis controls postnatal cranial base synchondrosis formation and ossification

Hallett, SA, Brenes, J, Dixon, A, Zhou, A, Ono, W, Franceschi RT, Ono, N

Presenter: Shawn Hallett

Faculty Mentor: Renny Franceschi

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

116 Biocompatibility and cytotoxicity testing of Ozonated olive oil as root canal irrigant in contemporary regenerative endodontics

Ramyasaketha Narayanam, Jaya lakshmi Pandranki

Presenter: Ramyasaketha Narayanam

Faculty Mentor: Jaya lakshmi Pandranki

Department: Regenerative Endodontic

117 Dental and Dental Hygiene Students’ Attitudes towards Social History Questions: A Survey

Blackwell, CW, Inglehart, MR

Presenter: Clayton W. Blackwell

Faculty Mentor: Marita R. Inglehart

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

118 TGF--SMAD suppress DMBT1 in keratinocytes: Implications for oral cancer progression

Danella, EB, Costa de Medeiros, M, Fenno, JC, and D’Silva, NJ.

Presenter: Erika Danella

Faculty Mentor: Nisha D’Silva

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

119 Overexpression of TRIP13 induces nuclear morphologic changes in oral cancer

Bera, R., Hutchinson, M.N.D., Banerjee, R., D’Silva, N.J.

Presenter: Ritwika Bera

Faculty Mentor: Nisha J.D’Silva

Department: POM - Periodontics and Oral Medicine

120 Concentration dependent response of Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells and Alveolar Bone Stem Cells to FGF-2 treatment

Sexton, B., Han, Y., Xu, J., Bottino, M.

Presenter: Ben Sexton

Faculty Mentor: Marco Bottino

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

121 A Multi-Coupon Flowcell for the In Vitro Study of Oral Biofilm Development

Blinkiewicz H, Decesaris D, Tenuta LMA, Rickard A

Presenter: Hailey Blinkiewicz

Faculty Mentor: Livia Tenuta

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

122 - Are the “Newer” dental schools more innovative? Comparing trends in educational methods at “Established” versus “Newer” dental schools.

Patel, P., Kaur, J., Dauda, O., Xie, D., Nalliah, R. P.

Presenter: Priyal Patel, Jasmine Kaur

Faculty Mentor: Romesh Nalliah

Department: Office of Patient Services

123 - Distribution of the Most Common Treatments by Race and Insurance Types

Crump G, Johnson D, Cheline D, Nalliah RP

Presenter: Gregory Crump

Faculty Mentor: Romesh P. Nalliah

Department: Associate Dean for Patient Services and Clinical Professor of Dentistry

124 - Factors Impacting Dental Sealant Placement in Children

Johnson C, Garcia C, VanDuine S, Eagle, IPresenters: Christina Johnson, Crystal Garcia

Faculty Mentor: Stefanie VanDuine

Department: Hygiene (POM)

126- The use of digital dentistry to implement new accommodation measures for special needs, edentulous geriatric patients to undergo treatment for dental prostheses

El Yaman, N, Sweier, DG

Presenter: Nour El Yaman

Faculty Mentor: Domenica Sweier

Department: CRSE - Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics

12 Research Day Research Day 13

Dr. Castilho Lab

Luan Cesar da Silva, Yeejin Jang, Carolina Emerick, Juliana

Amorim, Caio Barros, Cristiane Squarize, Rogerio Castilho


High throughput drug screening for mucoepidermoid carcinoma stem cells. Image depicts tumorspheres in a 96-well plate format after 3 days of administration of epigenetic drug library. The image was obtained using a Molecular Devices ImageXpress micro confocal microscope. Note the formation of a single tumorsphere per well stained with propidium iodide (red) and Hoechst (blue).

Original magnification: 200x.

Dr. Emrick Lab

Akash R. Gandhi, Mak E. Guenther, Brian S. C. Constantinescu, & Joshua J. Emrick


Immunohistochemical staining of the dental pulp reveals that sensory afferents of large diameter sensory neurons (red) enter the dentin. Viral vectors were injected directly into the trigeminal ganglion to selectively mark S100b-positive sensory neurons. DAPI (cyan) was used to stain pulpal cell nuclei and delineate soft and hard tissue.

Dr. Emrick Lab

Elizabeth A. Ronan, Akash R. Gandhi, Deanna N. Cannizzaro, Joshua J. Emrick


Whole mount in situ hybridization of the trigeminal ganglion visualizes the expression of transcripts and allows differentiation of the individual sensory neurons that detect environmental information inside the oral cavity. Here, transcripts for Scn10a (blue), S100b (magenta), Calca (green), and Mrgprd (cyan) are shown.

Dr. Franceschi Lab


Bone sialoprotein-expressing pre-osteoblasts (teal) intermingling with type I collagen-labeled osteoblasts (green) and fibroblast growth factor receptor 3-labeled chondrocyte-derived osteoprogenitors (red) in the chondrocyte-to-osteoblast transitional zone of the postnatal murine cranial base spheno-occipital synchondrosis.

Dr. Hu & Simmer Lab

Tian Liang


Degenerating ameloblasts in an Acp4 mutant mouse. Enamelin, actin filament, and nuclei are denoted in red, green, and blue, respectively.

Dr. Hu & Simmer Lab


Ameloblasts of Slc13a5R337*/R337* mice, in the early stage of enamel formation, contain a large number of secondary lysosomes (orange) likely due to a significant amount of proteins being redirected for degradation. The Slc13a5R337* mouse model was generated using CRISPRcas9 gene-targeting to introduce a premature stop codon at Slc13a5R337 homologous to human mutation SLC13A5R333* that resulted in developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 25 (DEE25) and amelogenesis imperfecta (MIM#615915).

Dr. Kuroda lab

Kyoungjin Seo, Kenichi Kuroda


“Matrix formed by bacteria sugar uptake on the agar plate” EPS matrix driven mechanically popped up S.mutans macro colony after growing on the broth agar incombination with sucrose.

Dr. McCauley/Roca Lab


Description: Mouse tibia showing collagen type 1 (blue) to visualize bone, immune cell macrophages (yellow) and bone-resorbing osteoclasts (red). DAPI (gray) visualizes DNA/nuclei.

Dr. Mishina Lab

Seth Woodbury, Ben Swanson, Yuji Mishina


Annealed sugar-sphere template serving as a structural outline for dissolved polymer casting to create a porous biomaterial scaffold. Moreover, these sugar-spheres are unique because they are surface coated with nanoparticles containing red rhodamine dye as a model small molecule drug. This allows the nanoparticles to embed within the biomaterial scaffold upon polymer casting, giving the scaffold a drug-delivery system.

Dr. Squarize/Castilho Lab

J. A. dos Santos, C.C.S. Barros, C. Emerick, L.C. Silva, Y. Jang, R.M. Castilho, C.S Squarize


3D Bioprinting of Epidermal Pre-Clinical Models (Squarize/Castilho Lab): The photo depicts the bioprinting of a support bioink (Pluronic hydrogel) under photopolymerization to create a stable matrix to receive the GelMa-loaded epithelial cells. 3D bioprinting was carried out using a four-axis arm BioAssemblyBot 200 series bioprinter equipped with a crosslinking 405nm UV light source (blue light).

34 Research Day Research Day 35 THANK YOU 2023 RESEARCH DAYSPONSORS! Research Advocates Maize Sponsors Research Day Victors Research Day Champion Research Day Backer Delta Dental Foundation | SurgiTel Michigan Dental Association | HeartLand Dental | A-Dec | Dental Care Alliance My Community Dental Centers | Haleon Dentsply Sirona | LumaDent | Pacific Dental Services | Brasseler | Lightwave Ward Dental Laboratory | Expertec Dental Laboratory | Apex Dental Milling | Davison Dental Laboratory Olson Dental Laboratory denta mi 11 ng and laboratory services 3110 West iberty Suite nn rbor MI 48103 (734) 623 4236

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SCADA Award Winner .............................................................. Ben Swanson and Lindsey Douglas (Co-Presenter)

AADR Travel Award Winner Ligia Buloto Schmidt

DDS, DH, MS, Undergraduate

Clinical Research and Public Health ...................................................................................1st Place - Linda Liu

2nd Place - Brianna Kosecki

3rd Place - Christopher Oshana

Basic Science and Translational Health

PhD, Post Doc, Faculty, Staff

Clinical Research and Public Health

1st place - Gefei Wang

2nd Place - Andrew Chen/Samhita Sunkara (Co-Presenters)

3rd Place - Ritu Somayaji

1st Place - Dishant Patel

2nd Place - Najla Al Turkestani

3rd Place - Marwa Baraka

Basic Science and Translational Research

Dental Hygiene

1st Place - Ligia Buloto Schmidt

2nd Place - Noam Gannot

3rd Place - Lena Batoon

1st Place - Meg Crowley and Katelyn Mulawa

2nd Place - Natalie Schieberl, Asma Siddique and Casie Taner

3rd Place - Justin Curis and Sonia Gazi

Jan’s Prize Award ................................................................................................................................... Sema Hakki

Distinguished Faculty Mentoring Award Yuji Mishina Research Staff Recognition Award Amy Watson


48 Research Day Research Day 49 denta I mi 11i ng and laboratory services 3110 West Liberty, Suite B Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 623 4236




Table 1: Delta Dental

Table 2: SurgiTel

Table 3: Heartland

Table 4: Haleon

Table 5: My Community Dental Centers

Table 6: Michigan Dental Association

Table 7: Dental Care Alliance

Table 8: LumaDent Inc.

Table 9: Dentsply Sirona

Table 10: Pacific Dental Services

Table 13: Expertec Dental Laboratory Inc.

Table 14: Apex Dental Milling Table 15: Davison Dental Lab, Inc.

See you next year! 2024 RESEARCH DAY

February 15, 2024

Table 11: Brasseler USA

Table 12: Ward Dental Laboratory

The Michigan League

Table 16: Lightwave Dental 10:30

50 Research Day Research Day 51
pm – 4:00 pm POSTER and EXHIBITOR SESSION 2 (PM) 13 12 11 10 7 9 8 6 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 1020 1121 1424 15 16 18 41 42 43 40 39 38 53 54 55 52 51 50 65 67 69 6466 6368 6271 25 26 28 29 30 31 44 45 46 47 48 49 56 57 58 5976 60 60 75 6173 72 74 14 2 3 4 5
pm –
pm POSTER and EXHIBITOR Session 2 (PM) 13 12 11 10 7 9 8 6 1 7792 1733 78 79 91 4 93 19 98 34 35 80 32 97 105 106 107 108 121 122 123 124 125 126 104 103 90 81 114 82 7 83 84 109 110 111 85 113 112 102 36 37 99 101 100 27 22 23 94 96 95 89 12 87 86 88 13 115 116 117 118 119 120 15 16 15 16 14 2 3 4 5 FOOD & BEVER AG E
10:30 am – 12:00 pm POSTER
Office of Research and Research Training | 1011 N. University, Room 2059 | Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078 |

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