D8, Region 9: Denton High School Key Club November Newsletter

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Division 8, Region 9: Denton High School November Newsletter KEY TO... Happy holidays for all (More info on pg 11)

"FALL" IN LOVE WITH SERVICE (Info on Key Club Week on Pg 6)

Table of Contents 1

Editor’s Message


Thanksgiving Quotes


Salvation Army Angel Tree


Handmade Harvest

8-9 Turkey Roll

12 Social Media

10 Upcoming Events


Thanksgiving Jokes

6-7 Key Club Week

11 Contact Us



Editor’s Message

November is one of the best months in the year. November is a month of hope. We hope family makes it safely over for Thanksgiving. We hope for snow in the coming winter. We begin to play Christmas music in November as hope for a merry Christmas. November, specifically Thanksgiving, is a month and day of gratitude. Thanksgiving is a day with family and friends. It is a day that is an inspiration to others. It’s a day of appreciating everything, including the little things we have been blessed with because the little things don’t seem that little when you take time to appreciate them/ take a second glance. Thanksgiving is a day for all. We all have something to be thankful for. We should be thankful for the very fact we’re alive. We often spend life dwelling on the bad instead of the good. Even though life can be tough sometimes, it is also great. As Charles Dickens once said, "Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." I believe we shouldn’t just be grateful one day of the year. I believe that waking up every morning and thinking about what we are fortunate to have could not only uplift you throughout the day but have a positive impact on your life. We are fortunate enough to have a home, family, and friends. We have to continually express our gratitude to those we care about. Appreciation is one of the best gifts someone could ever receive. As William Arthur Ward once said, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember: “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them" (John F. Kennedy). Happy Holidays,

Kasandra Schroeder



Thanksgiving Quotes “Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are.”– Joyce Giraud "Gratitude also opens your eyes to the limitless potential of the universe, while dissatisfaction closes your eyes to it." Stephen Richards “Thanksgiving reminds us that no matter what befalls us in life, we can take the charred remnants and we can reconstruct a life unimaginably richer than that from which the shards and pieces fell.”– Craig D. Lounsbrough “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”– Melody Beatti "If you count all your assets, you always show a profit." Robert Quillen "Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity...it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." Oprah Winfrey "Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful." Buddha “The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields, and sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it." Michael Josephson



Thanksgiving Jokes Biff: Why did the turkey cross the road? Bob: I don’t know. Biff: It was Thanksgiving Day, and he wanted people to think he was a chicken! Joke submitted by Rachy Y., Waianae, Hawaii Robert: Which bird is best at bowling? Chrystal: I don’t know. Robert: A turkey. Joke submitted by Nathaniel C., Manhattan, Kan. Alex: Why did the farmer have to separate the chicken and the turkey? Adam: Why? Alex: He sensed fowl play. Joke submitted by Alex W., Sterling Heights, Mich. Josh: Why did the farmer run a steamroller over his potato field on Thanksgiving Day? Phil: Why? Josh: He wanted to raise mashed potatoes. Joke submitted by John W., Hoschton, Ga. A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store for Thanksgiving Day, but couldn’t find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?” “No, ma’am. They’re dead.” Joke submitted by Grant W., San Diego, Calif. Danny: Why did the cranberries turn red? Jake: Beats me. Danny: Because they saw the turkey dressing! Joke submitted by Danny Z., Sandwich, Mass. Pedro: I was going to serve sweet potatoes with Thanksgiving dinner, but I sat on them. Westy: What are you serving now? Pedro: Squash. Joke submitted by Pedro the Mailburro



Salvation Army Angel Tree Starting November 2, The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree was put up at Golden triangle Mall. The Angel Tree Program is a way for people to help out the less fortunate in the community. The program provides clothing, toys, etc. to those who regularly may not receive a gift for How the Angel Tree works: • Families apply for Christmas Assistance through the Social Services of the Salvation Army • During the application process, the clothing sizes and special needs of the children are determined and written on the application and is then transferred to paper angels along with the child’s first name, age and sex. • Those paper angel tags are taken the nearby shopping malls, where they’re hung on a Christmas tree. Angel Trees are in 10 DFW area shopping malls and more than 250 churches, organizations and companies. Volunteers staff each location. Angel Tree will serve more than 45,000 children in the DFW Metroplex this year. • An individual/ family will select an angel from the tree. Then, they take it to the volunteers to “adopt” the angel. They enter in their contact information and their angel(s). Then they can shop for their angel. They are encouraged to return with the gifts for their angel 10 days after the adoption or no later than November 7, the last day to bring back gifts as well as adopt. Sign up for shifts to volunteer was available online on the Salvation Army website. Shifts were: Monday-Saturday: • 9:45AM-12:00PM • 11:45AM-3PM • 2:45-6PM • 5:45PM-9:00PM Sunday: • 11:45AM-3PM • 2:45-6PM • 5:45PM-9:00PM


Handmade Harvest On November 3, was the Handmade Harvest. The Handmade Harvest was a one day shopping event that featured 50 different booths with makers selling a variety of handmade goods. It was at the convention center in Embassy Suites. The event was from 10 AM to 4 PM. Volunteers could help pick shifts online on either Friday or Saturday. On Friday, you helped set up for the event on Saturday. On Saturday, there was a variety of tasks, such as checking people off if they had bought tickets online and stamping their hands so they could pass. You could be a greeter and count how many people passed through into the event. The shifts were between 9:30AM and 4:30PM and were typically an hour and 30 minutes, but if you wanted to, you could work for multiple shifts. Volunteers also received a goodie bag with a free ticket to the event, a T-shirt, and a coupon for The Dime Store.



Key Club Week

MONDAY, NOV 5: SHOW YOUR K Key Club members were encouraged to wear their Key Club shirt or Key Club colors. We took a group picture after school.


Muffins were donated from Ravelin Bakery, and before school, we handed them out to all the AP & IB teachers as a thank you for all they do for us.

WEDNESDAY, NOV 7: DARE TO CARE We sold handmade bracelets, lanyards, and keychains made by Threads of Hope. We are going to continue selling these on B days and will send out a Remind for these days. 50% of the proceeds are going to help poverty-stricken families in the Philippines gain the resources they need to develop. The other 50% goes to Children’s Hospital, which is a partner of Children's Miracle Network, to help children cover the cost of care.




Key Club Week THURSDAY, NOV 8: RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS We met up at 8:15AM in Mr. Johnson's room. Members brought candy, and we made nice notes to stick on the candy. We handed the candy out throughout the school day.

FRIDAY, NOV 9: CONNECT THE K’S We did this on Saturday. Saturday was a Turkey Roll Work Day where we could help the Denton Breakfast Kiwanis prepare for the Turkey Roll on the preceding weekend.

Trash Clean-Up

On November 13th, we did a joint service project with NHS. We did a trash clean up after school from 4:15 to around 5PM.

PLEDGE I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school, and community, to serve my nation (and god), and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

MISSION Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

OBJECTIVES Key Club aims to cooperate with school principals and teachers to provide high school students with invaluable experience in living and working together and to prepare them for useful citizenship.



Turkey Roll On Saturday, November 17 was the Denton Breakfast Kiwanis’s 36th Annual Turkey Roll. We met up Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at 7:30 AM. We left to go to our stops a little after 8 AM. Denton High School Key Club helped with the stops Lois Road and Wishbone Pass. Our stops had a holiday theme. We wore holiday/ winter outfits. The booth at Lois Road was decked in Thanksgiving decor. Even the port-a-potties, which had female and male pilgrims radiated holiday spirit. There was so much holiday spirit that a dancing dinosaur came back from the dead to come and cheer on riders with us. There were 5 different routes: • 8 miles • 29 miles • 39 miles • 52 miles • 68 miles

All proceeds went to the Kiwanis Club in support of youth leadership clubs at 8 different schools, the Tiny Libraries project, and the back-to-school project. The latter two initiatives provide free books for school-aged children, ensuring Denton’s young students and bookworms access to resources they need to learn.



Turkey Roll Members at Wishbone Pass: (DHS Head: Caden Young) • Celia Pizarra • Elizabeth Thorp • Emily Young • Heydi Vanegas and Eve • Jackson Fite • Jatzibeh Malavar • Kate Crawford • Kaylee Malavar • Yisel Mez

Members at Lois Road: (DHS Head: Grace Ware) • AnnAnn Puttithanasorn • Cesar Sanchez • Daniel Berreles • Kasandra Schroeder (Me) • Nick Hines • Ricky Escamilla • Sydney Weiss

Tasks: • We set up the tent and decorated the table • Cheered on the riders as they passed • Provided refreshments and kept the table ample with water, cut bananas, gatorade, etc.



Upcoming Events







Zoie’s Place




Riding Unlimited: Equestrian Therapy

9168 T N Skiles Rd, Ponder, TX

Shifts vary from 9AM-9PM

Salvation Army Angel Tree

Golden Triangle Mall


Twice As Nice Retail Store

413 E Oak St, Denton, TX 76201

Every Thursday

Any variation between 3-7PM

SCRAP Drop In Volunteering

420 S Bell Ave, Denton, TX 26701

Every Saturday

Morning Shift (7:30-11:35AM) & Afternoon Shift (12-4PM)

Habitat for Humanity

1114 Duncan Street, Denton Texas 76205

December 8


Mobile Food Pantry

First Baptist

December 8


Division Council Meeting / Election Conference

South Branch Library

December 15


Health Services of North Texas: Breakfast with Santa

Health Services of North Texas-4308 Mesa Dr

December 16


Denton Animal Support Foundation Santa Paws Event

117 East Oak Street, Denton, TX 76201

December 20


Dream Express Christmas Event

Valley Creek Church Next Steps Center-121 Business, Lewisville, Tx.

November 2December 7 Monday to Saturday

Partners in Crime Service.



Contact Us Club President

Club Secretary

Caden Young 521770@g.dentonisd.org

Kiefer Sterzing 670902@g.dentonisd.org

"I'm excited to be your club president for the upcoming year !"

Club Vice President

Club Treasurer

Mitchell Warnock 521848@g.dentonisd.org

Club Editor

Kasandra Schroeder

Nicholas Hines 601395@g.dentonisd.org

District Governor


Addi Duerkson governor@tokeyclub.com

Faculty Advisor

District Treasurer

Matthew Johnson mjohnson3@dentonisd.org

Kiwanis Advisor

Joe Holland joetrek1700@tokeyclub.com

Division Lieutenant Governor Sarah Spivey ltg8@tokeyclub.com

Addie Flores treasurer@tokeyclub.com

District Secretary

Bunsri Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com

District Editor

TBD editor@tokeyclub.com



Social Media



Classroom 9257asg

@dentonkey to 81010

What is Key Club?

How did it start?

How does it work?

What’s Kiwanis?

Key Club International is the world’s largest student-led service organization in the world. Denton High School is the local chapter of this club of 270,000 members from 38 countries.

Our board, made up of the club officers and committee chairs, seeks out or creates service projects to address needs in the community. Our large member base helps us fulfill these needs.


The local chapter of Key Club at Denton High School has a lot of history. Key Club International was founded in 1925 based out of California. It has been adopted to stand for Kiwanis Educating Youth.

Kiwanis is the sponsoring parent organization of Key Club. It’s like Key Club for grown-ups. Our club is sponsored by Denton Breakfast Kiwanis Club, made up of community leaders in Denton.


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