Awbridge Newsletter April 2013

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April 2013

Awbridge news

Awb ridge

awbridge district village association

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committee Fred Tucker - Chairman   Chanwel House, Romsey Road - 340709 Laura Hailwood-Thomas - Secretary   1 Spring Field, Romsey Road - 342020 Nigel Hemsted - Treasurer   Emmbrook, Newtown Road - 340986 Paul Jameson   Forest View, Kents Oak - 340118 Deon Tucker   Bryn Gower, Romsey Road - 340230  Alex Hillier   Forest View, Kents Oak - 340118 Lynda Tucker   Chanwel House, Romsey Road - 340709


Sally McLellan   Coles Farm Cottage, Awbridge Hill - 522402 James Child   4 Cowleas Close - 341980 Kay Murrant   The Old Police House, Danes Road - 340289 Paul Harvey   Rowlands Barn, Dunbridge Lane - 341259 Amanda Hanson   1 Woodlands, Saunders Lane - 340899 Katy Stimson   Thurston House, Danes Road - 341452 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS   Peter Allen, Sandra Tebbett

Special Offer – Save up to £144! Get 12 months for the price of 10 when you book and pay in advance!

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Info   For further information please call 340709.   Send all adverts to to book for further issues. We thank you for your support and trust that you will continue to use our magazine in the future. To book back page please add £10 and call to confirm.

Sizes and file types:   Please provide adverts as print ready pdf files with no bleed or tick marks at the correct sizes, as below:   ¼ page - 90 mm (w) x 133.5 mm (h)   ½ page - 190 mm (w) x 133.5 mm (h)   Full page - 190 mm (w) x 277 mm (h)   Please ensure colour adverts are in CMYK and not RGB.   If you cannot provide print ready pdf files we can take a number of different file types and create the advert for you but this may incur a cost depending on the nature of the advert, please contact us for more information. Inserts:   To have an insert delivered with the newsletter would cost £72. Please contact Fred on 01794 340709 to discuss.

Articles and stories Please provide all articles, stories and text as word documents or just in the text of an email. All text and pictures will be printed black, so please provide all images as grayscale, full size at 300 dpi.

Please try to ensure all spellings and grammar are correct as, even though we proof the newsletter, we cannot be held responsible for any errors. This also applies to adverts. Send all correspondence to

subscriptions Awbridge News is now available by annual subscription. Send your details and a cheque for £15.00 made payable to


ADVA to cover costs and postage to Nigel Hemsted, Treasurer, Emmbrook, Newtown Road, Awbridge, SO51 0GJ.

The deadline for the next edition will be 15th April

Page 2  |  April 2013


From the Editorial Team Last month’s edition of Awbridge News had one or two errors that crept into print, for which we can only apologise. Part of the issue comes with having to collate all the items on the day of the deadline, leading to quite a late night at the computer. If you are submitting an item for publication, please can you ensure it arrives well in advance of the 15th. While that is the deadline for submissions, it doesn’t help if it is treated as the day to send things in! The good news though is that we have this month to correct things, even if we’ve already done the April Fool’s jokes! The main focus of the next couple of months is the upcoming village fete, for which we still need plenty of hands to make light work. Please see the further items within this edition for where you can help, but a lot of little adds up to quite a lot. I would like to draw your attention once more to the Villager of the Year competition, the results of which will be announced at the fete. An entry form is within this edition, and all nominations are gladly received for anyone whom you would like to give recognition for their efforts within their village. There are plenty of unsung heroes out there, so nominate away! Let’s hope that the recent rain is a blip and not the sign of another wet spring like last year. Sunny weather even makes the most miserable people out there smile, not to mention being able to come to the fete without wellies! James Child - Co-Editor Awbridge News

From the Chairman’s Pen A big thank you for those of you who have added your names to our list to help on the fete day. However we are still in need of helpers on the day and our next meeting will be devoted to finalising the fete arrangements. If you are able to help in any way please ring me on 340709 or any committee member and we can add you to our list of helpers. We are pleased to report that the schedules and classes for the Awbridge Village Show 2013 will be available at the fete and all ADVA events after that date or from any committee member, price £1.00. The schedule acts as a ticket to the show on the day. Please be alert to any strangers moving around the village, as the rear door to the parish church was forced recently. They were unable to gain entry, but it did need a locksmith and a new lock. We hope that you enjoy your Easter holidays. Fred Tucker - Chairman ADVA

100 Club Results 1st place (£25) – John and Jan Turner 2nd place (£20) – Sally McLellan 3rd place (£15) – Evening WI

Advertising We always welcome interested parties wishing to advertise within Awbridge News. The summer months are approaching and we would be more than happy to publish new/additional adverts in order to help your trade as the weather improves. If you are interested or wish to know more, please speak to any of the committee.

Items For The Fete To help us with the fete preparations, please note the following: • Any items for the Bric-a-brac stall are to be handed in to Stockfield House or Chanwel house, Romsey Road from 15th April onwards. • If you have any old cricket balls available that you are willing to donate for the crockery smash, please let us know. • The book stall will need stocking as always – if you have any suitable books you wish to donate we’ll be glad to take them off your hands! • Bakers of Awbridge – we are looking forward to your wonderful cakes once more for the fete, so please give generously. • We will need physical help on the Friday night to erect the tents ready for the fete, likely to be a 7pm start but will be confirmed nearer the time. Please let us know if you can help. • Any contributions of bottles for the Bottle Tombola would be very welcome, from chutney to champagne!

NEWS IN BRIEF The directory contained within the Awbridge News is to be published shortly on the website. If you are listed in the directory and wish to have the details contained within either amended or removed completely, please can you let us know as soon as possible. ------ • -----The date published in last month for the fun day was incorrect and should be 7th July 2013. ------ • -----Thieves struck the village school recently, stripping lead from the roof and causing additional damage in the process. If anyone has further information, please contact the police ------ • -----A minor accident occurred where two cars passed and clipped wing mirrors on Saunders Lane. Please drive carefully along what is a traffic pinch point, and anyone parking on the roadside needs to do so with courtesy and consideration. ------ • -----In early March, a vehicle skidded and overturned on Danes Road with no-one hurt. Please bear in mind that moving from icy to wet to warm weather (and in some cases back again) can make seemingly innocently appearing road conditions treacherous. DRIVE WITH CARE! ------ • -----A white van part index number **OY60** has been reported, entering a farm yard, when approached the vehicle spun around and drove off. Two men in the vehicle, were described as one with dark hair and the other with blonde hair. ------ • -----14/03/2013 1930 hrs – a man was seen to drive into Spring Field shining a torch. The man then got back in his car, reversed into fencing causing minor damage and drove off. The vehicle is thought to be a Ford Mondeo. Page 3  |  April 2013

All Saints Awbridge - April 2013 We trust you enjoyed a happy Easter and were able to enjoy Easter services and lovely flower decorations. Now we can enjoy spring time and the wonders of our rural countryside coming to life once again. The cherry tree in the churchyard, pictured above, flowers around Easter time and lasts only a week or so but is wonderful all the same! We are Easter people and so can enjoy celebrating the new life that Easter Sunday brings every Sunday. Messy Church in February on the Good Shepherd was very well attended with 26 children and the same number of adults. All enjoyed taking part in messy sheep themed activities emphasising that everyone is unique and is known by Jesus, the Good Shepherd, also making Psalm 23 and all its contents fit into a matchbox! We took part in worship and a feast of shepherds pie! We also created a collage of named sheep/children from all our churches and this is now touring the churches (see above). The next Messy Church is on Sunday 14 April, 2.30-5pm and moves venue to the Jubilee Hall, Timsbury, as we start to take Messy Church around our group of five churches. The theme is Noah’s Ark, appropriately enough being a story about a New Start. Activities will involve water, painting, Godly Play, woodwork, baking, rainbow fruits and more besides! All families welcome.Contact Pepe Alexander 340386 or Mary Savage 367908 for more info or see Element: our next Youth Event (11+) with the theme of “Transformations” will be taking place at All Saints, North Baddesley on Saturday 13 April 7-9pm, with Pete Maidment (Diocesan Youth Officer) and a deanery youth music group and prayer zones from churches in the deanery. Ours will include butterflies and maybe plants too! For info contact: Mary Savage 01794 367908. Our annual parochial church meeting (APCM) takes place on Sunday 21 April, after the service at 9.30am. We are currently seeking a new secretary for our PCC (parochial church council). This is the annual meeting when we elect our churchwardens and members of the PCC for the following year and celebrate what has been achieved during the last year. Thank you to all those who attended our Skittles evening in March, good fun and food enjoyed by all. Our next social event is afternoon tea, at Sarah Keith’s home on Sunday 9 June. Diamond Jubilee Celebrations: You may remember last year, with the help of ADVA, we purchased 15 kneelers to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Now all the busy sewers are completing their handiwork and we will be dedicating the finished kneelers in a special church service on Pentecost Sunday 19 May at 9.30 am at All Saints, Awbridge. Please come and join us. Worship and Events in Awbridge in April Sunday 7 April (only 2 services taking place this Sunday) 10.00am UB Holy Communion at St Andrews, Timsbury 6.30pm First: Emmaus/Journeys Sunday 14 April 9.30am Morning Worship 2.30–5pm Messy Church: new venue Jubilee Hall, Timsbury - Noah’s Ark: a new start - All families welcome Sunday 21 April 9.30am Holy Communion followed by APCM Sunday 28 April 9.30am Family Worship Sunday 5 May 9.30am Holy Communion 6.30pm First Page 4  |  April 2013

Jesus said “I have come so that you might have life in all its fullness” John 10v10 Other Activities for April Five Alive Wives Group Monday 8 April 7.30pm The CAB with Anne Vie at Braishfield Church Rooms Prayer Group Meets twice monthly in Romsey, prayer requests to John Twigg 521966 or via prayer request box in church Awbridge Lunch Club Wednesday 10 & 24 April, at 12 noon, Awbridge Church Rooms Contact Delia 01794 340395 Housegroup Tuesday 16 April, 7.45pm Rosemary Croft contact John Twigg Tel 01794 521966 Open Housegroup Thursday 11 & 25 April, 7.45pm venue TBA Contact Sue Franklin 01794 322185 “The Ark” The All Saints Church Toddler group meets in Awbridge Village Hall, on Fridays in term-time, 9.30 am – 11.00 am. All toddlers and their parents and carers welcome. Refreshments, craft, singing and other activities provided. Contact: Lynda Tucker 340709. Welcome Pack If you have recently moved into the Awbridge area and would like a copy of our village Welcome Pack please contact one of the churchwardens, see details below. Useful church contacts: Rector: Revd Canon Steve Pittis 01794 368335 email:pittisinc@gmail. com or Benefice Office 01794 878020 email: braishfieldbenefice@ Churchwardens: Fred Tucker (01794 340709) or Mary Savage (01794 367908). Young Church: Pepe Alexander (01794 340386). The Ark Toddler Group: Lynda Tucker (01794 340709). Awbridge Neighbourcare: 0845 094 6155 Other relevant information can be found on the village website

British Red Cross

Committee Profile – James Child

Romsey & District Local Office Red Cross Centre, 10 Greatwell Drive, Romsey (opposite Nightingale Surgery) 01794 513202 - 24 hour answer phone Romsey Medical Loan Open 10.30am to 12.30pm - Mon to Fri. Enquiries: 01794 513202 (24 hr answer phone). General Information 0844 871 1111. Emergency number for all of the above 07790 670840

I have been collating the words and pictures for Awbridge News for nearly a year now, and have been pushing my committee colleagues for their profiles each month. It’s now turned to me to write mine, so the boot is very much on the other foot!

A 70 year celebration will be held on Saturday 7th September 2013 in North Baddesley Village Hall for all who are interested or were in the Red Cross from 1943. More details to follow in later editions. To express interest in the event please call 02380 730843.

Temporary Road Closures Forthcoming Test Valley Borough Council have notified the Parish Council (and available publically too) of some temporary road closures planned for the coming year (from 1st April 2013). Please note that these aren’t tied to dates and durations, but it would be recommended to look out for signs indicating durations and diversions in the coming months. We are advised that no closure can happen without signing of durations and so on. Local roads listed currently are: Lockerley Road, East Tytherley

I was born in the early 1980’s in Pontefract, West Yorkshire and grew up in and amongst the coalfields of South Yorkshire. My family had no link at all to the coal mining industry, but my early years were coloured (sometimes literally from the dirt!) by the collieries, not least as my nursery school was located in the grounds of Grimethorpe Mine. One of my favourite films is Brassed Off!, which pretty much shows the area I grew up in as it was back then. Times changed, houses moved and after 4 years at Leeds University I was lodging with my parents near York when I met my now wife Ruth. She at the time lived in Milton Keynes, but we met through the wedding of mutual friends in Southampton. I moved down to MK in 2007, then using a redundancy situation to aid us moved once more to Romsey in 2009. After 18 months of renting in the town, we moved finally (for now) into Awbridge in the snow at the end of 2010. Our son Isaac was born at the end of 2011 and life has been a rollercoaster ever since. In my spare time I am an Explorer Scout Leader in Woodley and also am starting to become more active within All Saint’s Church. Ruth and I do like to get outdoors as much as possible, and with Isaac becoming ever mobile are looking forward to the lighter evenings to explore this wonderful village and surroundings that we live in.

Mount Lane, Lockerley Kimbridge Lane, Kimbridge (from Kimbridge Farm to Dunbridge Lane) A fuller list is available on request.

Awbridge/Dunbridge Oil Buying Group Many of you might be aware of the existence of the oil buying group in our village and its direct surroundings. It has been run by John and Barbara Jones with great dedication and success. But having installed a more eco-friendly system to get and stay warm, they have stepped back and I have volunteered to step in their shoes. It will be quite a challenge to stand up to their performance, they really quit at the top of their performance by filling the oil tanks of quite a few members at the extremely opportune timing earlier in January. I am sure that I can speak on behalf of the group to thank John and Barbara for their dedication and work that resulted in quite some savings for our members. The group consists of just under 80 members and we are able to negotiate with a range of suppliers, where we expect to achieve a 3 to 4 pence lower price then we as individuals would have to pay. Last supply in January we had a total order of approximately 25,000 ltrs. We are scheduling a supply every 3 months and all members are invited to submit their interest in ordering and the quantity required, upon which we tender to well-known suppliers for a competitive price. The next scheduled supply round is in the first half of April and anyone who wants to be part of the scheme should urgently apply by requesting a questionnaire for the necessary details. We request a one-off subscription fee of £3.00 to cover administration costs from the petty cash box the group holds. If you require more information then please email me or call for further details.

Awbridge Evening W.I. A new member was welcomed at the March meeting, and members were asked to bring wine bottles (both full and empty!) for this year’s stall at the Village Fete in May. There are plans for theatre trips and members were asked to indicate which ideas for days out were most appealing. Two members had been guests at Copythorne’s very enjoyable 95th birthday party, and five are to travel to the Spring Group meeting at Portsmouth. Several members plan to attend the Group meeting at Tytherley in April. Plans are afoot for an Afternoon Tea Party in the summer, and possibly a ceilidh later in the year. There was a draw for two lucky members to receive bursaries for Denman courses of their choice. We then welcomed the speaker, Sylvia Simmonds, who gave a very amusing, though sometimes frightening account of her life as the wife of an Iranian. They had met whilst Sylvia was a member of the WRNS, and he was an offficer in the Iranian navy, but life in Iran proved very different to life in Britain and ended in a terrifying escape back to Britain and a lot of heartache. We were on the edge of our seats and can’t wait to hear Episode Two when Sylvia returns to our Summer Party in June. Next month we welcome Gordon Lewis who will talk on the mysterious death of King William Rufus - was it ‘Accident or Assassination?’. Come and find out at Awbridge Village Hall on 11th April at 7.30pm. Yvonne Goodridge

Please remember to mention Awbridge News when responding to any adverts in the newsletter

Hans Meijer - 01794 340122 - Page 5  |  April 2013




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NO JOB TOO SMALL !!! Page 6  |  April 2013

Funny Cards “You don’t need magic to disappear, all you need is a caravan.” That is one of those plastic signs you can hang up somewhere and it is one I can live with. I enjoy my caravan so why do people tend to send me cards, calendars, books and signs that appear to be laughing at my interest. “Why do you like sitting in the middle of a muddy farm field in a tin box? ha ha ha ha!!” I have heard that joke so often it’s not funny anymore. My tin box is not made of tin. It’s well made with double bed, kitchen, fridge, toilet and shower with hot and cold running water. I have a television, radio, CD player, microwave and a proper gas oven/cooker if I choose to cook. Inside the caravan it’s warm and dry. If I bother to put the awning up on the side of the caravan it’s a little bit like a canvas conservatory. More outside dry space to sit and relax or entertain. What is better than enjoying the fresh air on a nice day, and we do sometimes get them, sitting outside in the quiet countryside sharing a bottle of wine, or two, with a friend? I accept that some of my caravanning contempories enjoy joining clubs and going on rallies with crowds of people. I remember being in a quiet corner of a very nice but large caravan site in the Dordogne in France when about fifty motor caravans pulled in and set themselves up in a separate field. All the caravans were the same make and I think all the people were British. I was amazed to see them put a flag pole up then the flag. This seemed to be the meeting point every morning when they would gather round and get instructions on what to do that day. I don’t think I am anti social but that style of touring with a caravan is really not for me or the wife. We like the idea of arriving on a site, hope there is space and book in. If it’s not to our liking we move on in a day or two but there have been times when, now we are retired, we have arrived on a site at the end of April and started the return journey home in late September. It’s possible to make many friends during a long stay and consume a few bottles of wine in the process. Still think that my wife and I are having a tough time making do in a cold tin box? One of the funny calendars I received this year for Christmas showed a caravan that had tried to get under a low bridge. The caravan has lost most of its roof and the poor guy is getting a telling off from his wife “Do you still think it will go under the bridge now”? Funny? I nearly cried with pity! Then of course, another cartoon shows caravan parked on the edge of a cliff, someone steps out of the caravan and disappears. Hilarious! Why are the caravan and its occupant are considered a joke? I remember, a few years ago, working out the cost of being abroad in my caravan and compared what it would have cost to have remained at home and I was about one thousand pounds better off. I had taken into account the cost of fuel and ferry return fares to Calais in France (I admit this was a time before the Euro became the European currency). We would arrive in France with a wallet and some French Francs. At the first garage away from the dockland areas, I would buy inexpensive fuel for the car. We would drive until we felt like stopping, find a caravan site and book in for, in those days, a lot less than the cost of some of the larger sites in this country. Fresh food from one of the local markets or a meal in a local French cafe would be less expensive. If and when we continued our journey to an area of Spain, an area without tourists, the fuel and site cost would be even lower than in France and even the fresh produce would cost less and became even more of a

pleasure. The great advantage of living in a caravan where the sun shines all day and the evenings are warm, everyone is happy to talk and if they have a caravan conversation flows. Of course the Euro had taken away many of the advantages of the past, like being stopped at every border crossing and showing our passports! One thing I did discover recently, when my wife and I had a weekend in Paris (without the caravan) I actually bought a bottle of red wine for just over one Euro. I just wanted to know how bad (or good) the wines were and I admit if I was stopping in France and having friends round for a barbeque I would not be ashamed of putting a few bottles out for general consumption. It was not that bad at all. While my wife and I were having a look round Paris some of our friends were having a day exploring London and when the weather is good, so is London. The party from Awbridge was a mixture of ages from Senior and mature to young and enthusiastic. After doing many of the sights including a trip on the London Eye they were gathered on the green outside Parliament. One of the “grown ups” said that she could see Churchill sitting on the green. Six years old Grace Hillier was excited and looked everywhere but could only see statues. Churchill, the TV Bulldog was nowhere to be seen. Maybe in a few years time, if World War 2 is still on the curriculum at school, she will have another look outside Parliament and see the statue of Winston. Well I am now off to buy a birthday card for my golfing friend. One of those funny cards about golf, just to get my own back for the caravan card I had from him! Maurice Hibberd

Lockerley Big Breakfast A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who supported, helped or donated to THE BIG BREAKFAST at Lockerley Memorial Hall in February. The total raised and given to The Trussell Trust was £1500 which was amazing. We have already booked the hall for Saturday 15 February 2014 after many requests! We also would like you to remember us when turning out, down sizing, house clearing or even spring cleaning. We need buttons of any kind, wool, materials and any haberdashery. These are all used to generate funds for this worthy cause. Please contact Marion on 01794 340695, Vida on 322480 or visit the 4C’s coffee stop in the backroom at Lockerley Baptist Church any Wednesday between 10.00am and 3.00pm. Once again thank you for your support. Marion Hurst

Cheese & Marmite swirls Unroll a sheet of puff pastry. Spread marmite generously over the entire surface, leaving 1 cm at one edge. Grate cheddar cheese over the marmite until it is covered. Roll up the pastry length ways into a tight tube and smooth down end with some milk/egg yolk. Cut tube into 1/2 cm - 3/4 cm rings.

Lay flat onto a greased baking tray/baking paper or stoneware, baste each delicious treat with milk/ egg yolk mixture then bake at 200 degrees C for 10-15 minutes. Best served warm! Deon Tucker (originally from Lesley Boden)

Awbridge Neighbourcare 0845 094 6155

Awbridge Neighbourcare volunteers are available to help, as good neighbours, to provide transport for medical appointments, or shopping, or to visit you if you would enjoy a friendly chat. Our volunteers have allocated time to be available to help you, so your requests are vital to the work of this group. All you need to do is call 0845 094 6155 to speak to the co-ordinator to see if they can help you. If you would like to use Awbridge Neighbourcare, please could you try to give at least 48 hours’ notice when you need to book transport so that the duty co-ordinator has time to make the necessary arrangements. Although we will endeavour to help if shorter notice is given, we cannot guarantee the availability of our volunteers. We would very much like to hear from you if you could volunteer as a driver. The more drivers we have to call on, the more people we are able to help. Please contact the duty co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155 if you would like to join this worthwhile organisation.


New Build Repairs and Renova ons Listed Building Work Extensions Lo Conversions Altera ons Carpentry Kitchens Bathrooms

Free Quota ons Tel: 01794 514988 Mob: 07860166536 Email: Hillberry Farm, Awbridge. Page 7  |  April 2013

Fun Dog Show & Agility at Awbridge Village Fete 11May All classes £1.50 to enter, starting at 1.45pm. To be held at Awbridge Village Hall on 11th May. Kindly sponsored by Hansard Pet Centre & Supported By James Wellbeloved, Royal Canin, Skinners, Beta, Pedigree, R & A Pet products, Eukanuba & Burns. Class 1

Prettiest Bitch

Class 2

Most Handsome Dog

Class 3

Child Handler (2 to 10 years old)

Class 4

Junior Handler (11 to 16 years old)

Class 5

Cutest Puppy (Under 18 months)

Class 6

Best veteran (Over 7 years)

Class 7

Dog The Judge Would Like To Take Home

Championship ~ 1st prize winners from classes 1 to 7 are eligible Rules And Conditions: DO NOT leave your dog unattended in cars – action will be taken if you do. Dogs must stay on leads at all times. Dog mess has to be picked up. Classes will start at 1.45pm prompt. Please enter before your class is due to start; entries can be made from 1pm at ringside. Classes will be running to time and late entries will NOT be accepted. The Judge’s decision is final. Rosettes will be given up to 5th place & prizes will be given to all competitors. Winner of Championship Shield must return to Hansard Pet Centre by April 2014.

Fun Dog Show Entry Form Class

Name of Dog


Name of Handler


Please fill this entry form in and bring it along with you. Page 8  |  April 2013


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Seasoned hardwood logs available now Page 9  |  April 2013

Awb ridge

awbridge district village association


Villager of the Year!


Is there someone in the village whose service to the community stands them out from the crowd? Has someone done something remarkable over the past 12 months that you feel deserves recognition? After the success of last year’s competition, we are looking for nominations for the Villager of the Year 2013. Just fill in the form and a panel of independent judges will choose the most worthwhile nominee! Please return forms to the village hall post box or Alex at Forest View, Kents Oak by 30th April. I would like to nominate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for Villager of the Year! Reason (no more than 50 words): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

Your name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please tear off the forms, fill in and return to the village hall post box or Alex at Forest View, Kents Oak!

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Phone 01794 511599

Head Office: Wild Cherry Way, Chandlers Ford, Hants SO53 4LW Showroom & Workshop: Tanners Court, Tanners Lane, East Wellow, Romsey SO51 6DP Page 10  |  April 2013

Local Place Names & their meanings “Awbridge” as a place name, is likely to derive from old English and denotes a place on “a ridge” rather than a place on a river bridge. In this respect Awbridge is descriptive of its location on a historic trackway, linking the top of Southampton Water to the lowest fording point of the River Severn. The “awb” in Awbridge may also have come to relate to the abbots of Winchester, who owned and exclusively controlled the Saxon parish of Michelmersh of which Awbridge was part. Carters Clay is descriptive of a location on a clay seam from where clay was extracted and moved on carts pulled most probably by oxen, perhaps to nearby Michelmersh where a brick making industry has flourished since the Iron Age. Michelmersh means a place of little marshes, just as nearby Stoneymarsh is a marsh that is of gravel and clay, presumably as the result of alluvial deposits being washed down from adjacent hills at the end of the ice age over ten thousand years ago. Kimbridge is likely to derive from kine bridge, meaning cattle bridge, sturdy enough for instance, to take a team of oxen pulling a wagon heavily laden with clay across the River Test. Timsbury means “timber bury” or the burial place in the woods, whereas the area around Timsbury was in Saxon times called “Populfennig” meaning little poplar fen. A thousand years ago the only species of poplar to grow in Britain was the black poplar, however with the arrival of the Normans, other species of poplar were introduced, hybridising with the native Black Poplar, which today is on the verge of extinction and absent from the parish of Timsbury. Braishfield derives from brash field. Brash in old English means stoney, but also means rough coarse vegetation that has been cut, of the sort that thrives on stony ground. The “field” in Braishfield equates to an open area and clearing that was once surrounded by the woodland that was once Hampshire’s old forest. Mottisfont Abbey derives from a moat drawing water from the Test to create a font (fountain) as for use in adult group baptisms, a place name marking a point in history when mass confirmations were being undertaken, so as to align the population behind the church and ensure against heathen practices. Wellow situated on the river Blackwater, is descriptive of a wet place where willow grow. Landford is descriptive of slightly elevated land that provides the driest route for travellers using a historic trackway. Dunbridge is descriptive of a bridge over the river Dun. The word dun implies the colour of the water of this river is grey/ brown. A dun is also the old English name of a sub adult mayfly. Stockbridge derives its name from a bridge made from the stocks of trees, strong enough to support livestock and drovers. Romsey has an intriguing name, in terms of its geographic correlation with Ramsey, IOM, Ramsey Isle of Ely, Ramsey Island, Essex and Ramsey Island, Pembrokeshire. Romsey as a settlement dates back to Saxon times and the establishment of Christianity. The name suggests a low flat place of rams (horned sheep) that becomes a sea, submerged by flood water in winter, but the Rom in Romsey may have also indicated to travellers, a location with an allegiance to the Roman church and Rome. The “sey” in Romsey is also likely to relate to a bishop’s seat of authority and the status as a “see”, able to administer its own affairs without the need for interference from the nearby bishops of Winchester. Winchester was, in Roman times, called Venta Belgarum, meaning garrison town at the vent to the belly of a Britain viewed in female form. The title “Winchester” today implies a cathedral city perhaps won in battle against heathens, however in reality it is a convenient corruption of the old English “Ventchester”. Southampton in Romano British times was called Clausentium, meaning closed entry town. From a continental European sea faring perspective, Southampton was situated at a closed entry of a north vent, at the top of

Southampton Water, from which access could be gained to the interior of Britain. Ventnor on the Isle of Wight is worth a mention as it is a legacy of an age and time when the Isle of Wight was still connected to the mainland. Its position at the southern reach of a north vent for cross channel seafarers, lends to a pre Roman nautical era of Iron Age Celts, whose tribal influences extended from Britain to Brittany in France and from Venta Belgarum (Winchester) to Belgium. For a place name to survive the test of history, it needs to be significant and relate to features of the landscape. Totton lying at the top of Southampton Water, denotes a town near a toot. Toots were iron age hills cleared of trees and sometimes shaped by man, to appear distinctive, designating the routes of long straight ancient pathways that led from the coast far inland. Toots were a feature of a druidic governed Celtic Britain and span back in time to before the construction of Avebury and Stonehenge. Porchester was in Romano British times called Portus Arduni, which is descriptive of a port hard against a down. Place names that survive the test of time, are those that give valuable insight. For ancient Briton’s, the educated druidic elite viewed Britannia in female form. In this respect, the Sc’ in Scotland relates to the scalp, whereas the Pennines derives from the word spine. The Man in Manchester derives from mammary. As one travels south, Wessex place names undeniably expose an accurate depiction of the full physiology of a woman. With the advent of Christianity, in which there could only be one male god, Britannia was gradually written out of our culture, almost every image of this deity broken up. Romsey Abbey has its “nun on a potty”, which is regarded as just a naked female hag , or uniquely may be a last surviving image of a female Brittania, squatting over what is an outsized view of the Isle of Wight! Bryan Raines

Sunday 14 April 2013 2.30 pm - 5pm

JUBILEE HALL, TIMSBURY Try and wear something in a rainbow colour!

Messy Activities



Messy Church is organised by the churches in our benefice, for families from all our parishes. Children to be accompanied by parent/carer.

For further information contact: Pepe Alexander on 340386 or email or Mary Savage on 367908 email


Awbridge Parish Council Chair: Mark Caplen 342315

Councillors: Peter Allen 342040 Peter Milani 523066 Pam Harvey 341259 Paul Legon 340539

Clerk: Ian Milsom 07745411274 Parish Council Website Annual Parish Meeting 2013 Local residents are cordially invited to the Awbridge Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 25th April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. You’ll be able to meet your County, District and Parish Councillors and raise any local issues during the Open Forum. There will also be a presentation on matters of village-wide interest. A detailed agenda will be posted on the village notice boards and will also appear on the parish council pages of the village website. Light refreshments will be available before the meeting. Councillor Vacancies An opportunity for you to make a difference in your village! Awbridge Parish Council currently has two casual parish councillor vacancies. One of the vacancies can be filled immediately by co-option. The other, most recent, vacancy may also be filled by co-option if a byelection is not called. As a parish councillor you will be someone your community will look to for help, guidance and support. You will be a community leader, with the power to influence decisions for the benefit of the people you serve. Seeing your community change for the better, as a result of decisions you have helped make, is something that can provide a real sense of achievement and pride.


01794 516479 Est 1982

Fully qualified fine art trade guild commended framers expert framing advice and design service A family business built on reputation and success.

Awbridge Village Lunches 2013 Would you like to join friends and neighbours from the village for Lunch?

Further information about the role of a parish councillor can be obtained from the parish clerk. Anyone wishing to serve as a parish councillor should write to the parish clerk giving some information about themselves, and why they wish to become a councillor, at: Clerk to Awbridge Parish Council 6 Pollards Moor Road, Copythorne, SO40 2NZ To qualify, a person must be a British subject, over 18 years old and an elector, must reside within Awbridge Village, or within 3 miles of it, or occupy as owner or tenant any land or premises therein, or have their principal or only place of work there, and must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor (details from the Clerk) Ian Milsom – Clerk to the Parish Council

Kindling Wood £ 3 a bag !

Adam & Jacob’s pocket money project Clean pinewood for bird and bat box’s etc

01794 340175 Page 12  |  April 2013

Menu Main course e.g. Shepherd’s pie Home-made pudding Tea or coffee At 12 noon Awbridge Village Hall Wednesday 26th June - £4 per person Wednesday 25th September - £4 per person Wednesday 11th December- £6 per person, Christmas Lunch Booking and Transport arrangements:

To let us know numbers for catering, please ring the Neighbourcare co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155 by the Monday before the lunch. If you would like transport, at no cost to you, please ask the coordinator at the same time. (If you normally attend the All Saints lunch, arrangements for booking are the same as usual). These lunches are being jointly organised by All Saints Church and Awbridge Neighbourcare with catering provided by a team of cooks and volunteers. We hope that you will come and enjoy these events.

Awb ridge

If you would like your event in the diary, send the details to







Tuesday 02 April

ADVA Meeting

Awbridge Village Hall


Saturday 13 April

Element Youth Event

All Saints, N Baddesley


Sunday 14 April

Messy Church

Jubilee Hall, Timsbury


Thursday 25 April

Annual Parish Meeting

Awbridge Village Hall


Saturday 11 May

Village Fete

Awbridge Village Hall


Sunday 19 May

Pentecost Sunday

Awbridge Church


Sunday 09 June

Church Social - Afternoon Tea

Yew Tree Cottage


Wednesday 26 June

Village Lunch

Awbridge Village Hall

12 noon

Saturday 29 June

Lockerley Village Fete

Glebe Field, Lockerley


Sunday 30 June

Messy Church

Braishfield Church Rooms


Sunday 07 July

Awbridge Summer Fun Day

Awbridge Village Hall

12 noon

Friday 19 July

First Responders & Church BBQ

Awbridge Village Hall


Sunday 11 August

Mottisfont Village Fete

Mottisfont Village Hall


Saturday 07 September

Produce Show

Awbridge Village Hall


Wednesday 25 September

Village Lunch

Awbridge Village Hall

12 noon

Wednesday 11 December

Village Lunch

Awbridge Village Hall

12 noon

Friday 20 December

ADVA Disco

Awbridge Village Hall


Kooking with Kate Kate Buchan, Sous Chef at Kimbridge Restaurant. Gives you your Seasonal Recipe

Cauliflower, purple sprouting and mustard soup

A filling soup sufficient to eat as a main course or a smaller portion for a starter This recipe serves 4 persons Shopping List: 50 grams butter 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 large clove of garlic, finely chopped ½ a teaspoon of English mustard powder 1 medium cauliflower 1 medium bunch purple sprouting 2 pints / 1.5 litre of vegetable stock 1 large potato, peeled and chopped 1 tablespoon of wholegrain mustard 50ml creme fraiche

Salt and pepper 2 slices of bread for croutons 200 grams of mature cheddar grated How to make it: In a large saucepan melt the butter and add the onion. Cook slowly until translucent, stirring constantly. Add the garlic and cook for a further two minutes taking care as not to burn. Stir in the mustard powder. Meanwhile, remove the leaves from the cauliflower and cut into florets. Add the cauliflower and the purple sprouting to the onion, then cover with the vegetable stock. Add the potato and bring to the boil, then simmer for 30 minutes or until cooked. Purée the soup in a food processor or by using a stick blender. Return to the pan, adding the mustard and crème fraiche. Bring back to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. To serve, place 50 grams of grated cheese in the centre of a warmed soup bowl. Surround with the soup and top with croutons. To make croutons brush thick slices of slightly stale bread with olive oil, melted butter or a mixture of both. Cut into cubes and spread on a baking sheet in a single layer. Bake in a hot oven at about 180° (350°F). Page 13  |  April 2013

Awb ridge

If you would like your organisation/amenity in the directory, send your details to



Organisation / Amenity Meeting / Info



Email / Other


1st Tuesday each month

Chairman - Fred Tucker

01794 340709

Acorn Community Pre-School

9am - 12pm - Term time

Danae Mathews-07860 662685

01794 342441

A K Heating and Plumbing

Heating & Plumbing Engineers Kevin Issac

01794 340577

Alan's Driving School

Driving Instructor

Alan Sutton

07889 099 679

All Saints Church

Church Wardens

Fred Tucker Mary Savage

01794 340709 01794 367908

All Saints Young Church

2nd Sunday of the month

Pepe Alexander

01794 340386

01794 340556

Annie's Restaurant Ark Toddler Group

Friday mornings - Term time

Lynda Tucker

01794 340709

Awbridge Arborists

Tree Surgery & Gardening

James Parker

07899 952 944

Awbridge Tuesday Night Bridge Club

Clare Wigmore

01722 712437

Awbridge Gardening Club

2nd Wednesday each month

Eileen Henderson

01794 340082

Awbridge NeighbourCare

Help Co-Ordinator

Awbridge No Fear Bridge Club

Thursdays - 2-4.30pm

Diane Harvey

01420 561548

Awbridge Parish Council

1st Thursday each month

Chairman - Mark Caplen Clerk - Ian Milsom

01794 342315 077454 11274

Executive Headteacher - Mrs Cottrell Head of Teaching & Learning - Mr Ward

01794 340407

Awbridge Primary School


0845 094 6155

Awbridge Village Hall

Hire hall, committee room

John Thompson

01794 341102

Awbridge WI

2nd Thursday each month

Pauline Harris - President

01794 340067

Awbridge/Dunbridge Oil Group

Qtly Supply Activity

Hans Meijer

01794 340122

Baby Sleep the Night

Karen Bramall

01794 341172

Beau Beautiful

Julie Jacobs

01794 323827

01794 340654 07813 545 711

Lewis or Paul

07799 664308 07798 566424

Belles Blooms


Brook Building Services Butlers Wood Farm CL Site

CL Site

Pam Hillier

01794 340368

D A Wheeler Ltd

General Building & Maintenance

Dave Wheeler

01794 514988

Deon Design

Graphic Design & Websites

Deon Tucker

01794 340326

First Floor Gallery

Picture Framers

Keith and Helen Newton

01794 516479

First Lockerley Brownies

Tuesdays 6-7.30pm-Term time

Nicola Peckham

01794 341490

Marion Gray - Co-Ordinator

01794 341370

First Responders Gardens by David Scott

Design, construction etc

David Scott

07850 248000

Gary Wolfe

Painter and Decorator

Gary Wolfe

01794 342378 07810 393795

Gilbert Nursery and Tea Rooms

Nursery and Tea Rooms

01794 322566

Hansard Pet Centre Hibberd Cricket Academy Page 14  |  April 2013

Cricket Coaching

James Hibberd

01794 340654

07810 823263

Organisation / Amenity Meeting / Info



Email / Other

Hopgarden Day Nursery

Daily-9am-4.30pm. Term time

Sue Gray

01794 340906

Ignite Home Hair Service

Mobile Hairdresser

Kelly Dunnings

07516 907 135

Lockerley Cycling

Rebecca Eyles

Lockerley Driving School

Rebecca Eyles

K8's K9

Canine Sitting Service

Kate Organ

Kents Oak Care Home Kevin White General Builder

General Builder

Kevin White

Kimbridge Farm Shop Tim

01794 341212

01794 523426

01794 340777

07590 711770

01794 341181

Mobile Tyre Services

Meadowland Fencing

All fencing supplied & erected

P J Installations

TV Installations

Paul Jameson

01794 340118

Painters Direct

Interior and Exterior Specialist Jay Colbourne

01264 860143 07833 382225

PB Carpentry & Building Services

Carpentry & Building

Phil Butt

023 8086 5300

Pomp and Petals

Bespoke Floristry

Kay Murrant

01794 341110

Miranda Weeks

01794 341988

Rae Tugwell

Gardening Help

Rae Tugwell

01794 340530

Romsey Bowling Club

Bowling - May-September

Honorary Secretary

01794 513594

Romsey District Cars Ltd



01794 517448 07891 169 549

Home Home Physiotherapy

Domicillary Physiotherapist

Jane Heyer

01794 515068

Romsey Maintenance & Cleaning Services Limited

Exterior Property Cleaning & Maintenance

Barry Hussey

01794 340160 07771 274347

Russell Services Electrical & Mechanical Engineers

Steve Russell

01794 341241

Stained Glass Workshop

Classes & Commissions

Marilyn Taylor

01794 341328

Terry Govan - Builder

General Builder

Terry Govan

01794 340079

Councillor Gordon Bailey

01794 323557

Test Valley Borough Council The Sewing Lady

Repairs & alterations, Curtains & Blinds

Jill Brewster

07872 911544

The Star Inn

Inn and B&B

Lesley Newitt

01794 340225

Willow Bank House

Licensed B&B and Business Jennifer Wineberg Centre

01794 340843

Woodpeckers Bed and Breakfast

Bed and Breakfast

01794 342400

3 1 3 1



Livewire Tyres

Purdey Pups Dog Grooming

7 5

07791 748792

6 5

5 7 2 1 1 4

7 5

3 9 6

9 2

7 5 9 3 1 6 2

6 5

5 27 3 11


7 5

3 9

2 5


7 5


9 6 9

Sue and Brian Hatch




6 5

5 2



6 9


5 3 6












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9 7 1 6 3 2 8

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Page 15  |  April 2013

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