Awbridge District Village Association
november 2014
Your support is needed on Sunday 9th November for
the village march all details are on page 3 - We Hope to see you there!
Don’t forget the annual Curry & Quiz Night on 15th November - 7.30pm at Awbridge Village Hall |
Awb ridge
awbridge district village association
ADVA | We’re now on Facebook - search for Awbridge Village
committee Fred Tucker - Chairman Chanwel House, Romsey Road - 340709 Laura Hailwood-Thomas - Secretary 1 Spring Field, Romsey Road - 342020 Nigel Hemsted - Treasurer Emmbrook, Newtown Road - 340986 Martin Thomas 1 Spring Field, Romsey Road - 342020 Paul Jameson Forest View, Kents Oak - 340118 Deon Tucker Bryn Gower, Romsey Road - 340230 Alex Hillier Forest View, Kents Oak - 340118
Lynda Tucker Chanwel House, Romsey Road - 340709 Sally McLellan Coles Farm Cottage - 522402 James Child 4 Cowleas Close - 341980 Kay Murrant Old Police House, Danes Road - 340289 Paul Harvey Rowlands Barn, Dunbridge Lane - 341259 Amanda Hanson 1 Woodlands, Saunders Lane - 340899 Simon Hughes Awbridge Farm Cottage - 341783
Joss Hughes Awbridge Farm Cottage - 341783 Toby Jones Pluto House, Romsey Road - 341105 Melanie Jones Pluto House, Romsey Road - 341105 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Peter Allen, Sandra Tebbett, Katy Stimson
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Info For further information please call 340709. Send all adverts to to book for further issues. We thank you for your support and trust that you will continue to use our magazine in the future. To book back page please add £10 and call to confirm.
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available online Archives of Awbridge News are now available on the village website for anyone to view or download for personal use.
** The deadline for the next edition will be 15th November **
Page 2 | Nov 2014
From the Editor
Remembrance Sunday
It’s an honour to welcome the 206 signal company to Awbridge for the centenary on Remembrance Sunday. The brave souls of the Royal Corps of Signals are among the first into an area where there is going to be conflict. They are vital in setting up communications so that information can be relayed between various operations, in addition to also disrupting enemy communications through electronic warfare. Please do come along to pay your respects to those who gave everything to serve our country.
We are very pleased and privileged to be able to confirm that at this year’s Remembrance Sunday service, on Sunday 9th November, we are being joined by 206 Signal Squadron, 3 Signal Regiment based at Bulford Garrison. This is a new venture for 3 Signal Regiment and we are one of only a handful of local communities being offered this tribute.
Also, remember to buy your tickets for the curry and quiz night. That is an excellent evening out. Martin Hailwood-Thomas - Editor Awbridge News
From the Chairman’s Pen I wish to draw your attention to varies events in the coming weeks especially the visit of the soldiers on Remembrance Sunday By the time you read this there will only be a few days before the Curry and Quiz night, I trust you have booked your tickets, if not come with friends for a great night out. Please remember to come to the Shoe Box coffee morning, you can drop off boxes that you have completed or make some up on the day. Or just come and see a film of where the boxes go and how excited the children are when they receive the boxes, in various poor and underdeveloped countries of the world. Pease remember that there is no magazine in January; so all details need to be included in the December issue for any activities after Christmas and the New Year. Fred - Chairman ADVA
Winter Season in the village As we approach the winter season we were wondering if there was anybody in the village who may be in need of food, or help in any way. We are very fortunate to be living in this area of the country, so this may seem an odd thing to ask. However we may not always be aware of situations going on around us. Neighbourcare are always available for help also. The church would also like to be involved in whatever transpires. At the moment they collect food for Southampton City Mission an organisation which help many homeless people. Food such as dried food, tinned food and toys for children can always be dropped off into the church. Lynda Tucker
The Squadron will march 40 soldiers in to the village and join us in the Awbridge School assembly hall for the service and then march to the war memorial to salute the men of the village who gave their lives in the two world wars. Please join us that morning as a tribute not only to those that gave their lives but also to the soldiers of today who are still putting their lives on the line in the quest for peace and freedom. Some of the soldiers belonging to 206 Signal Squadron, 3 Signal Regiment have in recent years been deployed in Afghanistan as well as having experienced other operations (Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Iraq to name but a few) throughout their service career. The Squadron will be led by their Officer Commanding Major Vicky Maddison and their Sergeant Major (Warrant Officer) Hector Heathcote. Details of events:
Soldiers March to School
Service in School
Soldiers march to War Memorial
Service of Remembrance
Soldiers march out of village
Fred Tucker - Church Warden
Awbridge Village Christmas Lunch & Carols 2014 Would you like to join friends and neighbours from the village for Christmas Lunch?
12 noon at Awbridge Village Hall
Wednesday 10th December £6 per person Menu
• FREE-ADS • Jaycee Dark Oak Bookcase with leaded glass panelled double doors. Small cupboard below. £49.00 Call 07798 620761 ADVERTISE YOUR ITEMS FOR SALE Items for sale up to £50 - Free; between £50 and £250 - £2.50; over £250 - £5.00. Please make cheques payable to ADVA.
Roast Turkey, potatoes and vegetables, Christmas pudding, Tea or coffee, with mince pies
Booking and Transport arrangements:
To let us know numbers for catering, please ring the Neighbourcare Co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155 by Thursday 4th December. If you would like transport, at no cost to you, please ask the co-ordinator at the same time. This lunch is organised jointly by All Saints Church and Awbridge Neighbourcare with catering provided by a team of cooks and volunteers. We hope that you will come and enjoy this festive event. Page 3 | Nov 2014
All Saints Awbridge - November Harvest in Awbridge in September was a great celebration, wonderful floral decorations on the 1914-1918 theme and very generous gifts of food items for Southampton City Mission, in a thank you letter the charity states that demand increased by 49% in 2013 and this year by 30% so all gifts are truly needed. Our collection of TOTT water bottles has so far raised £413.70 this year, which is a great, including bottles brought in to Choice Plants, so thank you again for such generosity. Our Harvest also included celebrating the baptism of Katherine Emily Chafe whose grandparents live in the village & in November we welcome Chloe Child for baptism at our family service. Messy Church: Love God we have just enjoyed another great afternoon of Messy Church this time on the theme of the loving father from the story of the prodigal son, ie God is our loving father and he will always look out for us and welcome us back whatever we might have done to distance ourselves from him. We made messy pig biscuits, binoculars, pencil toppers, tear-drop prayers, a hugging father picture, and rubbed coins followed by a celebration in church and a party tea to follow. We also give thanks for an amazing Messy Church Great Outdoors which took place at Fairthorne Manor with 250 people attending on the theme of being part of the Family of God run by Winchester and Portsmouth Dioceses, with lots of fun outdoor activities including making a rainbow from coloured leaves collected on site, camp fires, muddy family banners and much more. Our next local Messy Church is at Timsbury, in the Jubilee Hall, on Sunday 30 November, Jesus is the Light of the World. If you want to find out more about what messy church is all about see contact Pepe Alexander email: Operation Christmas Child: Saturday 8 November 10 – 12 noon Awbridge Village Hall Come and join us for coffee and shoeboxes. We hope that you are all busy enjoying creating shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, please use the leaflet, sent out in October, about making a shoebox and bring your completed box or gifts for shoeboxes, to our special coffee morning, hosted by ADVA and Awbridge Church. More leaflets are available in church, village hall and at Choice Plants, Timsbury or you can download information from the website www.operationchristmaschild. If you donate on-line and print off a barcode for your box your gift can be tracked to its destination and you will receive a follow up email in the New Year. Boxes can also be brought to church on Sunday 16 November and these will then be taken to St Mary’s Church, Broughton, at 3pm, for our annual Romsey Deanery Shoebox Service. We look forward to welcoming many of you to our Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 9 November, at 10 15 am, in Awbridge School Hall, (no service in church) followed by a wreath laying ceremony, at the village war memorial, at 11 00am. This year our service will be taken by Revd Christopher Blissard-Barnes from Winchester and we will be joined by soldiers from Bulford Camp. Skittles Evening: Friday 21 November 7pm The Star, East Tytherley details in separate advert, contact James Alexander to book tickets 340386 or email: Advent: If your family would like to a visit from the travelling crib during Advent, Katy Thomas would love to hear from you tel: 340268 or email: Lost for Words Course for Romsey Deanery at Poppies, Choice Plants, Weds 12 & 26 Nov, 3 Dec & Thurs 11 Dec, 7 30 pm led by Steve Pittis,including refreshments contact: for more info. Advance dates for Christmas Events: Sat 13 Dec Nativity on the Farm, at Butlers Wood Farm, 6 00 pm, by kind permission of the Hillier Family, Carols & Christingle service on Sunday 21 December 4 pm at Awbridge church. Worship and Events in Awbridge in November Sunday 2 November 9 30 am Holy Communion | 6 30 pm First service
Page 4 | Nov 2014
Jesus says - “My command is this: love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has noone than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” John 15 v 12-13
Saturday 8 November Shoebox Coffee Morning 10-12 noon Awbridge Village Hall Sunday 9 November Remembrance Sunday 10 15 am Remembrance Service at Awbridge School followed by wreath laying ceremony at the war memorial at 11 00 am Sunday 16 November 9 30 am Holy Communion 3 00pm Romsey Deanery Service for OCC at St Mary’s Church, Broughton Friday 21 November Skittles Evening 7pm at the Star, East Tytherley Sunday 23 November Christ the King 9 30 am Family Worship & Baptism Sunday 30 November Advent Sunday 10 00 am UB Holy Communion at St Mary’s, Michelmersh 2 30 pm Messy Church Jesus- Light of the World, Jubilee Hall, Timsbury Sunday 7 December 2nd Sunday of Advent 9 30 am Holy Communion | 6 30 pm First Service Other Activities for October Five Alive Fellowship Mon 3 Nov: “Family at sea, in war” Malcolm Fiddes 7 30 pm Braishfield Ch Rooms Prayer Group Meets twice a month in Romsey, prayer requests to John Twigg 521966 or via prayer request box in church. Tuesday Housegroup Tues 18 November 7 45 pm Rosemary Croft, contact J Twigg 521966 Wednesday Housegroup Wed 12 & 26 November 7 45pm, Chanwel, Awbridge Tel:Fred 340709 Thursday Housegroup Thurs 6 & 20 November,7 45 pm 27 Barnes Close, W Wellow Sue Franklin 322185 Awbridge Lunch Club Wed 12 & 26 November at church rooms 12 noon. Contact Delia Dutton 340395 Craft & Chat Group 10-12 Committee Room, Village Hall, Fridays 7 & 21 November, contact Sue Franklin 322185 The Ark Baby & Toddler Group meets in the village hall on Fridays in term-time 9 30 am – 11 00 am. For fun, craft, refreshments contact Lynda Tucker 340709 for more information. Welcome Pack If you have recently moved into the Awbridge area and would like a copy of our village Welcome Pack please contact one of the churchwardens, see details below. Useful church contacts: Rector: Revd Canon Steve Pittis 01794 368335 email:pittisinc@gmail. com or Benefice Office 01794 878020 email: braishfieldbenefice@gmail. com Churchwardens: Fred Tucker (01794 340709) or Mary Savage (01794 367908) Young Church: contact one of the wardens The Ark Toddler Group: Lynda Tucker (01794 340709) Awbridge Neighbourcare: 0845 094 6155. Other relevant information can be found on the village website
Operation Christmas Child
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Nov and Dec Special Offer Buy one massage – Get the next 50% off Tel:07974433582 - now based in Lockerley Operation Christmas Child: Good News Great Joy “It’s all about one child, receiving a box knowing that they are special and loved by God!” On 8 November 2013 Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines but a month later, thanks to the generosity of a group of people in New York State, USA, 65,000 shoeboxes were collected especially for the children recovering from the trauma of that typhoon (see picture). You might think, “that’s good”, but what was so special about these gifts was that they were donated by those who had been affected by Hurricane Sandy the previous year, so they knew all too well the devastating consequences of storms and their legacy, as do many in this country with last year’s storms. So there is always an opportunity, whatever our circumstances, to send a Christmas shoebox once again, knowing it will revolutionise the lives of those receiving our gifts. So get involved, collect a shoebox & leaflet, supplies in Awbridge Church and Choice Plants, and get packing. Bring along your boxes to our ADVA sponsored coffee morning and enjoy the pleasure of creating such a gift, on Saturday 8 November 10 00 am – 12 noon, in the village hall. We shall be completing some boxes on the day and are always short of sweets (not chocolate), toiletries (no liquids) and school stationery, so come along meet others from the village and join in. Boxes will then be taken to the annual Romsey Deanery Shoebox Service this year is being held in the village of Broughton, at St Mary’s Church, on Sunday 16 November, at 3 pm. Thank you. Mary Savage volunteer for Samaritan’s Purse, for more information please contact 01794 367908 or email: savage@choiceplants.
Awbridge Primary School - November Thursday 6th Open Morning for Prospective new parents Thursday 6th @ 5:30pm Parent Workshop – Understanding how children learn to add, subtract, divide and multiply. Friday 14th Open Morning for Prospective new parents Friday 14th Girls Football Yr 5/6 1.30 – 4pm @ Mountbatten School Wednesday 19th Gymnastics Competition 10 – 2.30pm Yrs 3,4,5,6 @ Mountbatten Wednesday 26th Parent Workshop 6.30pm @ Halterworth School Thursday 27th Non Uniform Day Friday 28th Tag Rugby 1.30 – 4pm @ Romsey Rugby Club Friends of Awbridge School (PTA) always welcome new members. If you are interested please contact Kerry Daley on kerry2177@gmail. com or on 07824 905168. For more information on the school please visit the website at www.
Page 5 | Nov 2014
Solent Amateur Astronomers Each month Solent Amateur Astronomers open their observatory on the first weekend to allow the public to be able to use our telescope. We also have other equipment available to give a variety of observing opportunities. Now that the darker evenings are with us, the opening time throughout the autumn and winter will be 19:30. During the coming months, the main objects on view will be the outer planets. We should have the viewing programme for the first half of the New Year available from December. If you would like a PDF version emailed to you, just drop me a line and when they’re ready, I will send them. Sky Notes MERCURY will still be in view during the first half of this month in the east just before sunrise. Look to the east in the predawn twilight. Greatest elongation west is on the 1st. VENUS becomes an evening object this month but remains very close to the Sun and sets shortly after it. Venus will become more prominent in the New Year. MARS is low in the west after sunset but because of the nature of it’s orbit will appear to move away from the Sun for a few months and set about two hours later. Mars is in Sagittarius moving towards Capricornus. JUPITER is in Leo and rises now just before midnight. It will be found not far from Regulus. SATURN is in conjunction with the Sun on the 18th and will be out of view. URANUS is visible all night in Pisces. NEPTUNE is visible all evening in Aquarius. This month, the Moon will be Full on the 6th, at Last Quarter on the 14th, New on the 22nd and at First Quarter on the 29th. There are no eclipses this month. For more information about Solent Amateur Astronomers the club can be contacted through any of the following.
Awbridge village hall management AGM The AGM of the Awbridge village Hall management committee was held at 7pm on Tues 30/9/14 at the village hall. It was attended by the current committee members and two villagers.. The Chairman gave his remarks, thanking all for the hard work and commitment from the current committee, the Hall has benefited from an extensive redecoration of rooms and toilets with the floor being sanded + polished. As a result the Hall remains well used with 450 bookings annually from a wide range of clubs and activities. The treasurer reported a healthy balance allowing for on going maintenance + developments. New committee members were then elected as follows: Chairman; Dr Ian Keith Secretary; Mrs Elizabeth Brazier Treasurer: Mrs Joan Starks Bookkeeper: Mr Greg Hines Committee members: Mr John Thompson, Mr Peter Clark Co-options/reps: Mr Peter Allen, Mr Alan Daniels We are always keen to have new members join us to help maintain and protect this vital village asset. If you would be willing to join us for a monthly meeting at 7.30 (90 mins max) , please make yourselves known to any of the current committee.
Club website: My website: www.toothill. org Tel: Pete Cutler 079 8990 4575. E-mail: CLEAR SKIES Hans Meijer
Logs sourced from sustainable Awbridge woodland MIXED HARDWOOD 1.25 cubic metre load - £100
MIXED SOFTWOOD 1.25 cubic metre load - £80
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01794 515031 - After 6pm or weekends Page 6 | Nov 2014
Awbridge Neighbourcare 0845 094 6155
The last village lunch of the year will be the Christmas lunch on Wednesday 10th December. This is always a special event with a full Christmas dinner and all the trimmings for a cost of only £6 per person. To book, please phone 0845 094 6155 by Thursday 4th December. Volunteering is very worthwhile and as well as fulfilling a need in society it also promotes personal well-being. Awbridge Neighbourcare relies on volunteers to provide transport for villagers who would otherwise find it difficult to attend appointments. A friendly face and a chat can be very reassuring for someone waiting in a doctors’ surgery or hospital clinic. Please consider becoming a volunteer for Awbridge Neighbourcare. More information is available by calling the duty co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155.
Awbridge Parish Council Chair: Mark Caplen 342315
Councillors: Peter Allen 342040 Peter Milani 523066 Pam Harvey 341259 Paul Legon 340539 Bryan Raines 368435
Clerk: Ian Milsom 07745411274 Parish Council Website
NEIGHBOURCARE ARRANGEMENTS - 0845 094 6155 Awbridge Neighbourcare volunteers are available to help, as good neighbours, to provide transport for medical appointments, or shopping, or to visit you if you would enjoy a friendly chat. Our volunteers have allocated time to be available to help you, so your requests are vital to the work of this group. All you need to do is call 0845 094 6155 to speak to the co-ordinator to see if they can help you. If you would like to use Awbridge Neighbourcare, please could you try to give at least 48 hours’ notice when you need to book transport so that the duty co-ordinator has time to make the necessary arrangements. Although we will endeavour to help if shorter notice is given, we cannot guarantee the availability of our volunteers. We would very much like to hear from you if you could volunteer as a driver. The more drivers we have to call on, the more people we are able to help. Please contact the duty co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155 if you would like to join this worthwhile organisation.
British Red Cross Romsey & District Local Office: For All Enquires Red Cross Centre, 10 Great Well Drive, Romsey (opposite Nightingale Surgery) 01794 513202 - 24 hour answer phone Romsey Medical Loan Open 10.30am to 12.30pm - Mon to Fri. Enquiries: 01794 513202 (24 hr answer phone). General Information 0844 871 1111. Emergency number for all of the above 07790 670840 British Red Cross Autumn Fayre North Baddesley Village Hall(A27) Saturday October 18th 2014, 10.30 am to 2.30 pm. Over 20 tables of gifts, bags, wooden and fabric toys, cards, jewellery, fabric and Christmas tree items. Also honey and honey products, cakes and tombola. Soup and roll two pounds. Contact Wendy on 02380 730843 or email The Difference We Made During 2013 32,394 – the number of young people who gained awareness in humanitarian education and first aid skills 2,593 – the number of people who learnt life-saving first aid through the Red Cross near you 462 – the number of people given practical help, advice and comfort by the Red Cross after a fire, flood or other emergency 23,667 – the number of people supported after an accident or illness, given them confidence to continue their daily lives independently
Dont forget the Quiz night on
15th November - 7.30pm at Awbridge Village Hall
jesus-light of the world Sunday 30 November Jubilee Hall, Timsbury SO51 0NH
2.30pm - 5pm
Messy Activities • Celebration • feast Messy Church is organised by the churches in our group of 5 parishes, Braishfield Benefice,for all families to attend. Children to be accompanied by parent/carer. For info contact: Mary Savage 367908
Family Football Fun in Awbridge
I’ve been told there used to be a thriving football team in Awbridge with regular matches against neighbouring teams. From the look of the goalposts on the playing fields next to the village hall it looks as if this might have been a while ago. My son Ben is a keen Southampton fan but my daughter Susanna has transferred her allegiance to Liverpool since they bought several of Saints’ top players in the summer. After being asked endlessly to play football with them in the garden and getting out of breath very quickly I thought it might be a good idea to set up a regular kids football kick around session in the village. Colin Carey helped publicise it among parents and kids from the village school and around two months ago we’ve held Saturday afternoon football sessions from 2:30 for an hour or so. It’s very informal and dads (and mums too) are encouraged to come along too. That age range of the kids seems to be from around 6 to 10 although all ages are welcome and we’ve had a few teenagers too. The emphasis is on it being a friendly game and obviously it’s important that the older kids take appropriate care when charging around near the younger kids and don’t let enthusiasm get the better of he them. Both boys and girls come and they all seem to love it even though I’ve got absolutely zero coaching or refereeing training. Basically it’s just a fun hour of football and a good way of getting kids away frpm computer games, television and all the other electronic devices that seem to dominate life these days, and it’s a great way to keep fit (or in my case to get fit!) I have to stress that this is an informal session. I don’t hold any insurance or anything like that and neither can I take any responsibility for kids while they’re there or indeed for them to get home. The amazing weather that we had in September seems to be disappearing rapidly but I’m happy to keep the sessions going over the next few months. If it’s actually pouring with rain then I won’t turn up, mainly because in that situation very few other people come too. If I’m working on a Saturday (one of the downsides of being a hospital doctor) or away then I hope people will still come and play anyway. So - if you want a fun game of football comes long on Saturdays from 2:30-3:30. Dads (and mums) you should come along too! No excuses. Don’t worry - I’m rubbish at football too!
Phil Price Painter & Decorator Internal & External Work Undertaken Professional Decorating Service City & Guilds Qualified Free Estimates
Simon Hughes
Lockerley School Christmas Fayre Friday 5th December - 3.30 - 5.30pm
Home Tel: 02380 847215 Mobile:
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Fun for all the family, Craft Stalls, Children’s Games, Raffle, Tombola, Winter BBQ serving Hot Dogs and Burgers and a very special someone in the Grotto!! We look forward to welcoming you for some Seasonal Fun!!
References: Available on request Email: Page 8 | Nov 2014
Festive Stained Glass Open Studio Marilyn will be opening her Awbridge stained glass studio in the run up to the festive season: a chance for you to browse and purchase unique handcrafted stained glass and fused glass Christmas gifts and Christmas tree decorations. Saturday 15 November & Sunday 16 November 2014 10.00am-4.00pm
3 The Beeches, Saunders Lane, Awbridge, SO51 0GP Tel: 01794 341328
BUILDING SERVICES A local family run business covering all aspects of building work Call Lewis or Paul now for a free no obligation quote on:
07799 664 308 07798 566 424 w ur ne See oeb site w Lower Brook - King's Somborne - Stockbridge - Hants Page 9  |  Nov 2014
Awbridge Hill Wildlife Sanctuary November 2014 Osprey over Awbridge. The spectacular sight of a migrating osprey being harried by carrion crows on the afternoon of Saturday 4th October, a hundred feet up over the top of the village hall, marked a first record of this fish eating eagle being observed in the sky above Awbridge. Osprey breed in Scotland and Norway, however on their autumn migration these move southwards when winds are blowing from the north. A few osprey fly down the Test Valley however these birds use the high ground or the “ridge” in Awbridge to gain height on up drafts and thermals so as to orientate themselves and find their way south across Southampton Water to the Isle of Wight and then across the Channel to Europe. Due to the presence of trout fisheries, these birds often stop off along the River Test north of Romsey, to feed up before crossing the English Channel. The Osprey had been heading directly for the lake at Awbridge Danes but was mobbed by carrion crows over the area of the wildlife sanctuary, forcing it to seek fishing on a pond down in the valley towards the River Test. Apparently a single osprey was observed by birdwatchers independently at Calshot several hours later that day, therefore presumably it was the same bird. The hostility of the crows towards the osprey, may be attributed to the presence of a goshawk which several days earlier had been in the area on a wood pigeon killing spree. Carrion crow will gang up in large mobs so as to harry goshawk out of their neighbourhood, whereas goshawk will readily ambush and kill carrion crow if given the chance. On the afternoon of Sunday 5th October two red kite were also to be seen soaring over the village attracting the attention of a single peregrine falcon, which saw the red kite off in a southerly direction. Osprey are relatively scarce and few in number with only about 250 breeding pairs in Britain, therefore the sighting of this individual at Awbridge is significant. For migratory birds moving south down the Test Valley in Autumn, the narrowing of the river valley at Kimbridge, where the valley floor is just half a mile wide, results in the concentration of bird movement in the area of Awbridge. Wheatear
Interest about the Greenland wheatear developed during the second world war, as the result of observations of the migration of these birds by meteorologists at military weather stations, set up in the Outer Hebridies, Iceland and Greenland. They observed that wheatear lived a precarious existence on their autumn migration, for like military aircraft at the beginning of the war, they depended on prevailing winds to carry them safely across the Atlantic to the British Isles otherwise they would run out of fuel and ditch into the sea. In this respect Greenland wheatear can be some of the last summer migrants, passing our shores in late October before moving south across Europe to the Mediterranean through Gibraltar then on to Africa. Today there seems to be some contention over the existence of this sub species, which suggests these birds are now at such low numbers that they are rarely ever seen and are on the edge of extinction. Autumn butterfly Through late September and till mid October at least six clouded yellow butterfly were observed, these butterfly having arrived across the English Channel from the Continent. Clouded yellow butterfly are a rich sulphurous colour and during mass migrations across the English Channel they tend to fly in high density drifts appearing on the shore in the form of clouds the colour of mustard. Hence it was that during the Second World War, military observers on the south coast mistook one such mass migration as a cloud of poison gas drifting over the sea from German occupied France. On reaching the British Isles these butterfly move inland and up on to the downs where they seek out clover and late flowering cat’s ear, which is abundant on rough pasture in the vicinity of the wildlife sanctuary. Clouded yellow have been quite numerous in recent years, no doubt due to warm southerly winds from the continent during the autumn, associated with global warming.
Bryan Raines
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Another interesting migrant to pass through Awbridge Hill at the end of September was a solitary wheatear, believed to be of the rare Greenland type, which was to be seen flitting around in the vicinity of the stone circle. The most noticeable feature of the wheatear is its white rump, visible as the bird flies low over the ground to perch on stones. Wheatear winter in Africa and migrate to northern Britain to breed in the summer, however some wheatear continue their migration northward to Iceland and Greenland with a few arriving in Canada. Greenland wheatear have one of the longest migrations of all birds and appear to have evolved to grow slightly larger than the wheatear of northern Britain and have slightly longer wing feathers to assist with their flight across the Atlantic. When viewed alongside northern wheatear, the Greenland type also appears to have a richer colouring, an adaptation suited to the latitude at which the bird breeds, where the Arctic sun always remains low to the horizon. Page 10 | Nov 2014
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Hampshire Commemorates A window to our past, present and future – an update Regular readers of Awbridge News will recall several articles printed in earlier months this year about a proposal to mark the centenary of World War 1 by the installation of a new stained glass window in All Saints Church. This project is being led jointly by All Saints PCC and Awbridge Parish Council, using a special grant obtained from Hampshire County Council as well as local funds. Following involvement by the children at Awbridge Primary School in the summer term, and opportunities for public comment and input at the Parish Council meeting in July, an application to Winchester Diocesan Advisory Committee will be made at a meeting on 19th November for a ‘faculty’ or permission, to be granted for the work on this window to go ahead inside the church. This application has involved consultation with a number of other official bodies, and collation of extensive information about the history, condition and content of the church , as well as of course a proposed design for the new window. The proposed design of the window is based on significant research undertaken by the designer, Jon Callan of stainedglassetc from Dorchester. He followed up the seven names on our village war memorial, and discovered that all were local farm labourers or garden boys who left Awbridge to go to France and make the ultimate sacrifice. Jon has attempted to depict their experience, set against images of their village home in Awbridge, in a way which represents place, events and objects seen not only within a landscape but also in time.. There are two parts to the design for the proposed new window. The tracery above the main window contains a dove hovering in a shaft of light, similar to the light above the tree-lined roads in Awbridge. In the main window the shaft of light descends through dark trees, illuminating barbed wire and fence posts of battlefield (or farm fields). The image then turns into a field of numerous poppies and other wild flowers which can be found in both Hampshire and Flanders, amongst which there are seven defined poppies which stand out from the rest. The window will be made of painted, etched and stained antique mouth blown glass, using strong colours, not abstract, and it should be an artistic and striking replacement for the plain glass which is currently in the proposed location at the rear of the church. Now we await the views and decision of the Diocesan Advisory Committee on our application – watch this space!
Final arrangements were made for the trip to London where a guided tour of the haunts of Barrow Boys and Bankers will be explored. There will also be a trip to Bath for Christmas shopping on 27th November - seats still available, The profits from the Race Night will be given to Jane Scarth House. A new venue for the post- Christmas meal was announced, and the Willow-weaving day in February will offer a choice of objects to make. Next month, Malvena Stuart-Taylor will talk on Afrikids and Me- so do come along and find out what it’s all about..November 13th, 7.30 at the Village Hall.
Yvonne Goodridge
Romsey Charities Christmas Fair Eighteen national and local charities all have a table at the fair selling gifts – cards, Christmas gifts, toys, bottle stall and many other items. It is on Saturday November 15th in Crosfield Hall, Romsey, from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm to be opened by the Mayor of Test Valley. Admission free. Any charity that would like to join us next year please contact Wendy on 02380 730843 for further details. It is sponsored by Test Valley Borough Council and Romsey Town Council. During the evening there will be a charity quiz at 7.30 pm. Tickets are 10 pounds including a fish and chip supper. For tickets and further details phone 01794 517310.
Wendy Knight
Skittles & Supper Evening Starts at 7pm on Friday 21 November 2014
If you would like any further information please contact Fred Tucker (churchwarden) on 340704 or Pam Harvey (parish councillor) on 341259.
Pam Harvey
Awbridge Evening W.I. - October There was a hint of Autumn in the air when an old friend, Judith Long from New Forest Marque, came to our October meeting and demonstrated some quick and easy Autumn dishes which could be prepared ahead and be ready to pop into the oven when the family returns home. Some savoury and sweet dishes were on the menu and a delicious flapjack for Bonfire Night! The Tea for Macmillan was very successful - lots of delicious cakes and a profit of £232 for a very worthy cause. Some members had been to Bramshaw’s birthday lunch and heard a very interesting speaker on keeping hens, and others had supported Mottisfont and Dunbridge’s Apple Pie morning.
organised by All Saints Church, Awbridge The Star Inn, East Tytherley
Tickets: £7.50 including a hot meal To reserve tickets contact James Alexander 340386 email: No later than Thursday 13 November
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Autumn I suppose we all look back at times and with winter approaching we turn to that period, a few months ago, we laughingly called “ Summer” although this year September was the nearest we got to a few weeks of really hot and near tropical weather. September, I understand, was the hottest and driest recorded since records were first began which may have been some of the reasons why I kept hearing strange comments or about things that normally would not have happened. Most of us are aware that too much hot sun can have an adverse effect on people, of all ages, but we do like to remember those special days, perhaps a holiday in far away places, or a time with our children or Grandchildren which nearly always brings a smile or laughter. Sometimes we escape with our partner just to enjoy some private time on a quite summer day. It was while travelling along this line of thought that it struck me that our most recent summer was different and I am not talking about the weather but about the reaction from many of the people I know and met. I may have been looking for ‘‘strange events” after being warned by the weather experts that a large storm was heading our way and it might be very serious. The weather people had named the storm “Big Bertha” ..... I should explain, at this point, that my late Mother in Law was also called Bertha and even her own family often referred to her as “Big Bertha” so I was a little concerned that the storm was heading my way but in my defence I think my Mother in Law and I got along pretty well which may have been the reason why the storm did not come anywhere near me or my family, in fact I think it missed my area completely. One of my seven years old twin Grandsons wanted to help his mother do some cooking so she put a selection of ingredients to one side and helped him bake a few buns and scones. Of course when they were finished and ready for eating we all praised his efforts and said they were the best we had ever tasted. The reply would have left us stunned if it had come from an adult but when a seven years old says “ Thank You, its in the blood you know”, it came as a shock to all of us because his Great Grandfather, who died long before the twins were born, had been a professional baker all his working life, with his own business many miles away. Something my Grandson could not possibly have known!!! Another strange comment came from a five years old when his father took him to watch, I believe, a festival involving a cricket match. At one point a group of very young school children performed as “Cheer Leaders”. Following their performance a group of “grown up” attractive young ladies came to show how “ Cheer Leaders “ really attract the more adult audience, at which point the young lad tugged at his fathers hand and asked which young woman his father was watching. Trying to be a good father Dad said he was watching all of them and said “why, who are you watching”? Without any hesitation the young lad pointed to the woman of his choice and said “ That Blond”!!!! It was not just the children who seem to have been affected by the summer because a mature friend decided he was getting peckish and decided to make himself a mug of soup. It would be unfair to mention George Hillier by name because he is so well known in the Awbridge area so I will refer to him as a “Local Resident” After putting a large spoonful of soup granules in a mug and while waiting for the water to boil the “Local resident” made a mug of coffee but unfortunately he used the same mug that had the soup in it. He realised something was wrong because the coffee was much thicker than normal but as he explained it was alright when he added a little milk!
I think it is a well known fact that even grown men like to play with trains so when several of us were invited to Join Fred Tucker and his wife Lynda in their garden for a summer picnic it was inevitable that all the male grown ups would join the local train driver, Fred Tucker, on his miniature railway. The small gauge track winds its way round a wooded part of the garden and we all had the opportunity to ride in the open top carriages on a circuit about two thirds the size of a football pitch. I should add that many of the invited ladies managed to get there fair share of rides while we fellows would help or offer advice, which was not, in most cases, required ! . If there was a problem at any time and the steam engine stopped or was overloaded most of the “ grown up” male children soon had everything running again. Perhaps it was partly due to the sun but everyone “ playing trains” on the day really were big children all over again. I really would like to thank Fred and Lynda for a wonderful day, and I know everyone who was lucky enough to be there, agrees with me. I also know that for several days after playing at being a train driver Fred had a very painful back he had to live with. Yes, August and September had a strange effect on a lot of people, young and not so young. Sitting here writing this article about the peculiar attitude by many of the local people who were effected by the sun has made me realise that I was also a victim. Why else would I be sitting at the computer writing about events that took place a few weeks and months ago when I could actually be out in the Autumn sun clearing the garden of fallen leaves and making sure the grass has been cut!
Maurice Hibberd
Awbridge Neighbourcare 0845 094 6155
Volunteer drivers needed for Awbridge Neighbourcare please contact 0845 094 6155 Do you have some spare time to take people to medical or other appointments, to help with shopping or collect prescriptions? Would you like to help those in our neighbourhood who need transport for these journeys? If so we would like to hear from you. For more information please contact
0845 094 6155 Awbridge Neighbourcare is supported by Page 12 | Nov 2014
Driving Instructors 2000 mile charity relay event Driving Instructors in Southampton, Lymington and Romsey will take part in a national fundraising event next month. Jon Reynolds (Drive B4 U Turn 17 - Horton Heath) Richard Watson (Richard Watson Driver Training for people with disabilities Southampton), Blaine Walsh (BLOU driving school - Lymington) and Rebecca Eyles (Lockerley Driving School - Lockerley near Romsey) will be taking part in the Big Learner Relay to raise money for Children in Need. The event, the first one of its kind, will see hundreds of driving instructors and pupils take part in a relay of more than 2,100 miles around England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland between October 30 and November 14. The idea is to pass a baton - a specially designed driving school car roof top box from one instructor to another across the UK during a driving lesson. New Forest based driving instructor, Louise Walsh, came up with the idea while watching last year’s Children In Need. She said: “I thought, ‘Why aren’t we as driving instructors doing something to raise money for such a great cause? Lets do something! “The task of making this event the reality that it is has only been possible because of the enthusiasm and support from so many instructors. The route has been planned to take in as many places as possible over the two weeks and to involve as many driving instructors and pupils as possible. We’re hoping to raise £5,000. I’m confident we will beat that.” Many driving instructors are asking people to donate money per sticker spot for their car, Some have decorated their cars with Pudsey bears and logos on them.
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Rebecca says “I’m really impressed by how much work has gone into this, and by the enthusiasm shown by the other instructors. Our job means we don’t get many opportunities to make contact with others, so it’s great to be able to be part of something like this and share the experience. I hope we can exceed the £5000 target for Children in Need.” Jon Reynolds will be covering the relay leg from Hedge End Halfords car park at 5pm on 9 November, where he will be passing the baton to Rebecca Eyles at 6pm in Lordshill Sainsburys car park. Blaine and Richard will be forming part of the convoy. The baton will then be taken to Applemore Health and Leisure Centre. Each leg of the journey will be covered during a driving lesson with a pupil. Louise Walsh will travel across the UK sitting in the back of each car. All driving instructors are encouraged to take part by joining their local convoy behind the lead car with the baton, details onwww. The relay starts in Northern Ireland on Thursday 30th October at 8am then crosses the water and continues its convoy around the UK finishing in Birmingham on the 14th November - Children in Need Appeal Day. To find out more including where the convoy will be heading, go to To donate text PASS73 to 70070 or go to the-big-learner-relay/
Page 13 | Nov 2014
Extracts From Old Parish Magazines As promised we are going to examine, through the pages of the Parish Magazine, more events which happened in Awbridge soon after WW1 - namely fund raising and ultimately two major building projects in the village - one to the ‘fallen’ of that conflict - our War Memorial and the other the ‘old’ Village Hall. But there were, as well, other attempts to bring back continuity and normality to the village. Thus we find the foundation of ‘new’ organisations such as sports clubs and the start of one of the first Women’s Institutes in England. Several of these new projects were to last for more than half a century - finally disappearing only as differing demands on leisure time and changing interests took over after WW2. One organisation is still, however in existence but which one? I’m sure you know! We take up the story again in January 1921 with the resumption of the publication of our Parish Magazine - this time on a monthly basis. All Saints Awbridge - January 1921 This is the first number of our Magazine since December 1916 - so 4 years have elapsed: 2 of war and 2 of peace. And as we begin again we are conscious of the enormous changes that have taken place even in this small parish. Many old friends have passed away and many others have left Awbridge for other parts, and we miss them. Of course we do. Great changes and yet we are still that same parish as of old. Our new comers contribute to the common life and the common interests. Always changing yet always the same. The future is before us and we go forward this New Year with good hope and courage. Great change too has been made to management of church matters throughout England. Parochial Church Councils or PCCs are to be appointed for every parish to act together with the Vicar and Churchwardens. At the duly convened meeting these were elected for the following year: Mr Broadway, Mrs Coster, Mr Haskell, Mr Mills, Mr and Mrs George Moody, Mr Morgan, Mr Spolton, and Miss Warwick. Added to these are the Vicar and the churchwardens - Mr Abbott, Mr Sheppard and Mr R Treble. Like everything else the cost of this parish magazine has greatly increased and each copy is now about 3d. But in spite of the increase the PCC has decided that no charge will be made! So the magazine is free to all Church people in the parish but of course not more than one copy will be supplied to each family. The Council hope that all who can afford it will subscribe at the beginning of the year. Subscriptions may be large or small as every little helps. It would be quite splendid if at the end of the year the magazine had paid for itself! A B HARGRAVE, Vicar. All Saints Awbridge - February 1921 Baptisms: 9th Jan 1921 - Audrey May, daughter of Bertram and Violet Arabella Moody 9th Jan 1921 - Dorothy Evelyn, daughter of Lewis and Alice Jane Broomfield 1 War Memorial The first thing I want to say is that we hope to have our War Memorial completed very soon now. The chosen stone can only be obtained from one quarry in England and that has been flooded for months. But now at length we are assured that the stone is on its way from Bristol and it will be possible to get to work on it when it arrives. So we may expect the opening ceremony to take place shortly! 2 The Parish Room [Village Hall] A meeting is to be held on 22nd January and we hope great things from it. Whatever is decided I am sure all Awbridge people will do their best to raise the necessary funds. Nothing worth doing will ever be
done until we learn to pull together and work for the good of all. There can be no doubt about the benefit of having a suitable room for all sorts of village functions, which will help to draw us closer together in fellowship with one another. 3 The Football Club The Football Club, which as you know was founded in Sept 1920, with Capt Greenway as President, has had a fairly successful season so far. Of 11 matches played we have drawn 1, won 4 and lost 6. For a new club that is not reaslly bad, for it takes time for a team to learn to play well together. I think they call it ‘team-work’, when all the players work well together and play an unselfish game. The Awbridge Football Club will give a good account of itself in many matches in years to come. This year Ash Wednesday falls on 9th Feb and Easter Day on 27th March. I hope most earnestly that Lent and Holy Week be properly kept. We should all observe self denial, self control and temperance in all things. A B HARGRAVE, Vicar 4 Women’s Institute A special general meeting was held at the Council School on Weds 19th inst. The following are the Committee for the ensuing year - Mrs Day [President], Mrs Snowden [Vice-President], Mrs Hutchens [Secretary and Treasurer], Miss Tragett, Mrs Haskell, Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Kneller, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Paris and Miss Andrews. Next monthly meeting on Feb 2nd: An address will be given by Mrs Scott-Hamilton; compt: plate of fancy cakes. Signed Mrs E A DAY, President
Operation Christmas Child You & your family are invited to pack a shoebox on
Saturday 8 November at Awbridge Village Hall, 10am - 12noon supported by ADVA and Awbridge Church Please bring with you completed shoeboxes and/or shoebox gifts. Details for shoeboxes enclosed in the leaflets available at Awbridge Church, Awbridge Village Hall, and Choice Plants, Timsbury. Refreshments and activities provided. Thank you for your support. Advance Notice: Romsey Deanery Shoebox Service, at St Mary’s Church, Broughton, on Sun 16 November, at 3.00 pm For info contact: Mary Savage 367908 or e-mail savage@ or see uk/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child UK charity no 1001349 Page 14 | Nov 2014
All Saints Awbridge - March 1921
Burial: 9th February - Helen Ester Wools aged 50 years
13th March 1921 - Roy James, son of Henry James and Ellen Kate MacMasters
Many of us feel sad at the loss of Miss Wools. Her labours are ended and we know she is in Paradise with Jesus. But we miss her bright and cheerful self and many children have lost one of their best friends. We should try to remember that our loss is her gain. Our most sincere sympathy is with all her relations who are left to bear their bereavement. 1 The Parish Room/Village Hall A public meeting to decide about the Parish Room [or Village Hall as it is to be called] was held on 22nd Jan and there was an excellent attendence. Sir Charles Greenway made a most generous offer both of a site near the centre of the village and of a contributions to the funds. All this will be brought thoroughly before our notice soon so I enter no particulars! But I do say this! It is up to everyone who wants to live in a happy village to do all in his or her power to help raise the necessary funds. Things we get easily we do not prize for long. But if we do the very best we can, according to our means, and if we sacrifice some present advantages or pleasures for the common good, we shall some day see a handsome Village Hall, the property of all alike and the fruits of our united and willing efforts and thus we shall prize it very highly! A B HARGRAVE, Vicar. 2 Women’s Institute A concert will be held at the Council Schools on Weds 6th April in aid of the funds for the Awbridge Village Hall. Signed Mrs E A Day, President All Saints, Awbridge - April 1921
26th March 1921 - William Joseph, son of Reginals Joseph and Lily Annie Burridge Marriages: 26th March 1921 - Frederick Charles Kemmish of Lockerley and Dorothy Hilda Newell ofAwbridge 26th March 1921 - Wilfred James Dunmore of St Lukes, Kingston-onThames and Bertha Florence Ventham of Awbridge Easter has come and passed but rarely has the weather been more beautiful and our Church, perhaps, never been brighter with flowers for this Great Festival. If joy and gladness were not present in our hearts it was not through lack of bright surroundings. A vestry meeting was held on Tuesday 29th March and no change was made to the Churchwardens but a new Sidesman was elected to replace one who is retiring. The Church accounts have been audited, found correct and unanimously adopted. They do not look very cheerful but about 6 weeks ago the bellows of the organ burst and had to be renewed. The cost was £9 including carriage from Romsey so the state of things is thus not quite so bad as might seem. It is 12 momths since the new PCCs were introduced and much useful work has been done. Prayer books and Hymn books for use of strangers have been provided. Four new lamps have been presented and the carpet for the aisle has been bought. I acknowledge with many thanks a gift of Church Altar linen from Mr and Mrs Snowden.
MBR PLUMBING & BATHROOMS * Free Estimates * * Competitive Rates*
Call Matthew Rowe on 01794 341709
The Churchwardens decided that the Easter Collections be made as an offering to the Vicar. This was a great surprise to me as it has never been the custom at Awbridge. Owing to this kindness and the generosity of the congregation a sum of £10 12s 4d was handed to me at the Vestry meeting. I take this opportunity of thanking all for this gift. A B HARGRAVE, Vicar. Women’s Institute: 8th April - A talk on South Africa by Mrs Snowden. Compt: Home-made blouse.
or 07831 624887
4th May - Home Nursing. Compt: Home-made cushion cover to cost no more than 2/6.
1st June - An Address by Mrs Scott-Hamilton. If fine to be held at Boehurst; if wet in the School.
* Complete Bathroom Refits inc tiling * * New toilets/baths/basins supplied & fitted * * Leaks fixed * * Showers supplied and repaired * * Washing machines & Dishwashers installed *
[signed] Mrs E A Day, President Comment: And so outwardly Awbridge seemed to continue on in its old familiar way. But in reality life had been changed for ever by the events of WW1. We seem to have now a new sense of urgency - the desire for increased speed of progress and more opportunities for the ‘ordinary’ villager. This will become obvious when we look, soon, at more fund raising events for Awbridge’s first Village Hall. Anne Head-Jones
* Gutters/Drainage etc *
NO JOB TOO SMALL !!! Page 15 | Nov 2014
Table Top Sale Mottisfont Village Hall Saturday 15th November at 2;00pm In aid of St Andrew’s Church Mottisfont Come and share a cup of tea with friends browse the stalls looking for that unusual Christmas present whilst supporting local groups and charities. I look forward to seeing you there. It is not too late to reserve a table, please call me after 7:00pm Lesley Taylor 340942
Lesley Taylor
HOST HOST is looking for kind, friendly, hospitable people of all ages whose imaginations are caught by the idea of welcoming an international student at university here, far from his or her own family, to their home. This could be for a day, a weekend or at Christmas, and you don’t need to live near a university, as students will travel for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in this country, and sharing their own culture. HOST is a voluntary activity which makes ambassadors for international goodwill of us all. Please see www. or call Katherine Varden 01420 479473. Margaret Stevens - Publicity Officer. HOST UK - Unit K106, The Biscuit Factory, 100 Clements Road, Southwark, London SE16 4DG. Tel: 020 7739 6292
Margaret Stevens
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Page 16 | Nov 2014
Traditional Family Butchers
Beat the rush for Owton’s famous Christmas Hampers Available Now With Christmas just around the corner why not avoid the rush and order a Christmas meat hamper from us at one of our wonderful farm shops. Simply ideal for the ultimate family get together! Let Owton’s help you concentrate on all those lovely pressies!
Browse our website for the latest offers
Where to find us
Owton’s Chalcroft Farm Burnetts Lane, West End, Southampton. SO30 2HU TEL: 023 8060 1154 Owton’s at Kimbridge Kimbridge Farm Shop Near Romsey. SO51 OLE TEL: 01794 341681 Owton’s at Garsons Fontley Road, Titchfield. PO15 6QX TEL: 01329 854895
Owton’s at Country Market Kingsley, Bordon, Hampshire GU35 0QP Tel: 01420 550902
Page 17 | Nov 2014
Page 18 | Nov 2014
Awb ridge
If you would like your event in the diary, send the details to
Tuesday 04 November
ADVA Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Saturday 08 November
Shoebox Coffee Morning
Sunday 09 November
Remembrance Sunday Service
You coul d adverti se Awbridge Village Hall 10am your busine ss he10am re Awbridge School
Sunday 09 November
Wreath Laying ceremony
War Memorial
Saturday 15 November
Curry and Quiz Night
Awbridge Village Hall
Friday 21 November
Skittles Evening
The Star East Tytherley
Thursday 27 November
Parish Council Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Wednesday 10 December
Christmas Village Lunch
See page 2 Awbridge Village Hall details.12 noon for full
Saturday 13 December
Open-Air Nativity
Butlers Wood Farm
Contact us NOW!
ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER with Kate YKooking ou could a dveChef Kate Buchan, Sous rtisat e Kimbridge Restaurant gives you your seasonal recipe. your busine ss here Vanilla pana cotta with from just orange sauce This recipe serves 4/6 persons. Shopping List: 175g caster sugar ½ pint double cream 6 leaves gelatine 1 ½ pints cream 1 split vanilla pod
Orange sauce ¼ litter orange juice ¼ litter stock syrup (equal quantities age 2 of water and sugar See p boiled together) etails. for ful2l dorange 3 teaspoons cornflower 4 tablespoons Orange liquor (optional)
How to make it: To make the orange sauce boil the orange juice and stock syrup Contact ustheNOW! nlyif using, add together o add theoliquor the mix the cornflour with a little m fr water to make a paste the pour into the sauce and reboil take the whole orange and using a peeler peel skin off then finely slice the skin into strips and add to the sauce Place the gelatine sheets into a tub of cold water and soak until they are floppy and soft. Simmer 1 ½ pints of cream with the vanilla pod, once simmered remove the vanilla pod and scrape out the vanilla seeds into the cream. Once off the heat add the sugar and stir until dissolved, squeeze out all the water from the soaked gelatine and add to the warm cream and stir in until dissolved lace the mix in the fridge to chill until it’s the constancy of soft whipped cream remembering to stir the mix every now and again.
from just
on from
Meanwhile whip the ½ pint of cream to soft peak. once the chilling mix is the consistency of soft peak cream remove from the fridge and fold in the whipped cream and pour into a cling filmed lined tin and chill in the fridge overnight taste. Once set remove from the tin and remove all the cling film cut into squares or triangles and place on a plate spoon over some of the orange sauce and serve.
Kindling Wood Kindling Wood £Kindling 3 a bag ! Wood £ £33aa bag bag! !
Adam & Jacob’s pocket money project Adam & Jacob’s pocket money project Clean pinewood for bird and bat boxes etc
Adam & Jacob’s pocket money project
Clean pinewood for and bat boxes etc Clean pinewood for bird bird and bat boxes etc
01794 340175
01794 Please remember to mention 01794 340175 Awbridge News when responding
to any adverts in the newsletter
Page 19 | Nov 2014
Awb ridge
If you would like your organisation/amenity in the directory, send your details to
Organisation / Amenity Meeting / Info
Email / Other
1st Tuesday each month
Chairman - Fred Tucker
01794 340709
Acorn Community Pre-School
9am - 12noon - Term time
Danae Mathews
01794 342441
A K Heating and Plumbing
Heating & Plumbing Engineers Kevin Isaac
01794 340577
Alan's Driving School
Driving Instructor
Alan Sutton
07889 099 679
All Saints Church
Church Wardens
Fred Tucker Mary Savage
01794 340709 01794 367908
All Saints Young Church
2nd Sunday of the month
Pepe Alexander
01794 340386
01794 340556
Annie's Restaurant Ark Babies and Toddler Group
Friday mornings - Term time
Lynda Tucker
01794 340709
Awbridge Arborists
Tree Surgery & Gardening
James Parker
07899 952 944
Awbridge Tuesday Night Bridge Club
Clare Wigmore
01722 712437
Awbridge Evening WI
2nd Thursday each month
Pauline Harris - President
01794 340067
Awbridge NeighbourCare
Help Co-Ordinator
Awbridge No Fear Bridge Club
Thursdays - 2-4.30pm
Diane Harvey
01420 561548
Awbridge Parish Council
Last Thursday each month
Chairman - Mark Caplen Clerk - Ian Milsom
01794 342315 077454 11274
Executive Headteacher - Mrs Cottrell Head of Teaching & Learning - Mr Ward
01794 340407
Awbridge Primary School
0845 094 6155
Awbridge Village Hall
Hire hall, committee room
John Thompson
01794 341102
Awbridge/Dunbridge Oil Group
Qtly Supply Activity
Hans Meijer
01794 340122
Baby Sleep the Night
Karen Bramall
01794 341172
Beau Beautiful
Julie Jacobs
01794 323827
01794 340654 07813 545 711
Lewis or Paul
07799 664308 07798 566424
Belles Blooms
Brook Building Services Butlers Wood Farm CL Site
CL Site
Pam Hillier
01794 340368
D A Wheeler Ltd
General Building & Maintenance
Dave Wheeler
01794 514988
Deon Design
Graphic Design & Websites
Deon Tucker
01794 340326
First Floor Gallery
Picture Framers
Keith and Helen Newton
01794 516479
First Lockerley Brownies
Tuesdays 6-7.30pm-Term time
Nicola Peckham
01794 341490
Marion Gray - Co-Ordinator
01794 341370
First Responders Gardens by David Scott
Design, construction etc
David Scott
07850 248000
Gary Wolfe
Painter and Decorator
Gary Wolfe
01794 342378 07810 393795
Gilbert Nursery and Tea Rooms
Nursery and Tea Rooms
Hampshire County Council
01794 322566 Roy Perry
Hansard Pet Centre Hibberd Cricket Academy
Page 20  |  Nov 2014
Cricket Coaching
James Hibberd
01794 322472
01794 340654
07810 823263
Organisation / Amenity Meeting / Info
Email / Other
Hopgarden Day Nursery
Daily-9am-4.30pm. Term time
Sue Gray
01794 340906
Jive Riot
Adult Modern Jive Classes
Kelly Donoghue
08000 728 728
Lockerley Cycling
Rebecca Eyles
Lockerley Driving School
Rebecca Eyles
K8's K9
Canine Sitting Service
Kate Organ
Kents Oak Care Home Kevin White General Builder
General Builder
Kevin White
Kimbridge Farm Shop Tim
01794 341212
01794 523426
01794 340777
07590 711770
01794 341181
Mobile Tyre Services
Meadowland Fencing
All fencing supplied & erected
P J Installations
TV Installations
Paul Jameson
01794 340118
Painters Direct
Interior and Exterior Specialist Jay Colbourne
01264 860143 07833 382225
PB Carpentry & Building Services
Carpentry & Building
Phil Butt
023 8086 5300
Pilates Passion
Amanda Housden
07970 296669
Plant Hire
Operated mini digger hire
Clive Francis
07889 465257
Pomp and Petals
Bespoke Floristry
Kay Murrant
01794 341110
Miranda Weeks
01794 341988
Rae Tugwell
Gardening Help
Rae Tugwell
07837 130838
Romsey Bowling Club
Bowling - May-September
Honorary Secretary
01794 513594
Romsey District Cars Ltd
01794 517448 07891 169 549
Romsey Home Physiotherapy
Domicillary Physiotherapist
Jane Heyer
01794 515068
Romsey Maintenance & Cleaning Services Limited
Exterior Property Cleaning & Maintenance
Barry Hussey
01794 340160 07771 274347
Russell Services Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
Steve Russell
01794 341241
So & Sew
Sewing needs
Rachel Atkinson
01794 367684 07720 600708
Stained Glass Workshop
Classes & Commissions
Marilyn Taylor
01794 341328
Councillor Gordon Bailey
01794 323557
Lesley Newitt
01794 340225
Test Valley Borough Council The Star Inn
Inn and B&B
Willow Bank House
Licensed B&B and Business Jennifer Wineberg Centre
01794 340843
Woodpeckers Bed and Breakfast
Bed and Breakfast
01794 342400
3 1
07791 748792
Livewire Tyres
Purdey Pups Dog Grooming
7 5
5 7 2 1 1 4
7 5
3 9
7 3 55
9 2
7 5 9 3 1 6
6 5
28 3 1
5 1
Sue and Brian Hatch
933 1
6 9
4 2 3
8 1 6
1 4
9 7
1 3
Page 21  |  Nov 2014
November what’s on 1st
Saturday is family day children under 12 eat free from the childrens menu when eating with an adult
Sunday Lunch – our Roasts are the best in town served with tremendous gravy and enough vegetables and potatoes to keep anyone happy, £9.45
Fish Fryday – come and enjoy our homemade battered cod with delicious homemade tartar sauce. 12noon till 3pm, £8.95
Saturday is family day children under 12 eat free from the childrens menu when eating with an adult
Sunday Lunch – our Roasts are the best in town served with tremendous gravy and enough vegetables and potatoes to keep anyone happy, £9.45
Marinas Creative Workshop see in store for details . £25 to include all materials and a morning coffee and lunch
DC Sax with the smoky voice of Steph, plus hot buffet. A night of music and song not to be missed. 6pm, £9.95
Fish Fryday – come and enjoy our homemade battered cod with delicious homemade tartar sauce. 12noon till 3pm, £8.95
Kimbridge Restaurant
Annie’s Tearooms
Bookings now being taken for
28th November – 24th December from £14.95
Special 5 course Christmas Day Menu
£54.95, and £23.95 children under 12
Come and purchase your Christmas decorations and gifts now in our
Christmas Wonderland
Saturday is family day children under 12 eat free from the childrens menu when eating with an adult
Sunday Lunch – our Roasts are the best in town served with tremendous gravy and enough vegetables and potatoes to keep anyone happy, £9.45
Christmas Flower Arranging with pomp and petals see in store for details
The Kimbridge hot buffet plus quiz, £8.95, any size of team
Fish Fryday – come and enjoy our homemade battered cod with delicious homemade tartar sauce. 12noon till 3pm, £8.95
Saturday is family day children under 12 eat free from the childrens menu when eating with an adult
2 for 1 on all meals off the specials board
Sunday Lunch – our Roasts are the best in town served with tremendous gravy and enough vegetables and potatoes to keep anyone happy, £9.45
T&C’s apply. Offer ends 30th November 2014
22nd 23rd
Fish Fryday – come and enjoy our homemade battered cod with delicious homemade tartar sauce, also our Christmas meals start through till 24th December
Saturday is family day children under 12 eat free from the childrens menu when eating with an adult
Sunday Lunch – our Roasts are the best in town served with tremendous gravy and enough vegetables and potatoes to keep anyone happy, £9.45
November Offer Monday to Thursday 12noon till 2pm
Name ........................................................................................................... Address ....................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... Email ............................................................................................................
Sun to Thurs 10-5 Fri to Sat 9-5 01794 340 556 / 777 Kimbridge Lane, Timsbury, Romsey, Hants. SO51 0LE
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