Awb ridge
awbridge district village association
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committee Fred Tucker - Chairman Chanwel House, Romsey Road - 340709 Laura Hailwood-Thomas - Secretary 1 Spring Field, Romsey Road - 342020 Nigel Hemsted - Treasurer Emmbrook, Newtown Road - 340986 Paul Jameson Forest View, Kents Oak - 340118 Deon Tucker Bryn Gower, Romsey Road - 340230 Alex Hillier Forest View, Kents Oak - 340118
Lynda Tucker Chanwel House, Romsey Road - 340709 Sally McLellan Coles Farm Cottage - 522402 James Child 4 Cowleas Close - 341980 Kay Murrant Old Police House, Danes Road - 340289 Paul Harvey Rowlands Barn, Dunbridge Lane - 341259 Amanda Hanson 1 Woodlands, Saunders Lane - 340899
Katy Stimson Thurston House, Danes Road - 341452 Simon Hughes Awbridge Farm Cottage - 341783 Joss Hughes Awbridge Farm Cottage - 341783 Toby Jones Pluto House, Romsey Road - 341105 Melanie Jones Pluto House, Romsey Road - 341105 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Peter Allen, Sandra Tebbett
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subscriptions Awbridge News is now available by annual subscription. Send your details and a cheque for £15.00 made payable to
ADVA to cover costs and postage to Nigel Hemsted, Treasurer, Emmbrook, Newtown Road, Awbridge, SO51 0GJ.
** The deadline for the next edition will be 15th May **
Page 2 | May 2014
From the Editor Hi all, my name is Martin and I’ll be the new editor for the newsletter, taking over from James who has been most helpful in letting me know what needs to be done. I’m married to Laura, the current ADVA secretary, and I’m very much looking forward to my new role as editor! I’ve found out recently that I’ll be judging the cars and bikes at the fete in May too, another task I am very much looking forward to as I am somewhat of an enthusiast when it comes to most things with an engine, especially motorcycles. I have owned a few classics over the years, my favourites being a 1968 Morris Minor, and a 1982 Yamaha RD350LC. I sold this bike for £300 a few years back. If I sold it now it might fetch around £3500! I imagine there are a few ex-VW campervan owners who know this feeling!! Anyhow, I’ll be writing bits and pieces about all sorts of things in following issues. Just to finish, I’d like to just follow on from what has been mentioned before in that if you’re able to help at the fete and/or any of the other events planned, it would be very much appreciated. Martin Hailwood-Thomas - Editor Awbridge News
From the Chairman’s Pen So, have you volunteered to help yet, or have you booked a stall to ensure that we have a successful day at our fete this year? There is still time to put your name down! We are still collecting bric-a-brac, books and plants for our fete stalls; the latter can be dropped off at the fete on the morning. At this time of the year many people change homes and we could be welcoming new families to the village, if a neighbour near you is moving, please let us know so that a village welcome pack can be delivered to the new occupants. We hope you enjoyed the jazz evening, there is a report in this issue. Finally we really hope to see you at the Fete and other various events through this coming year. Fred - Chairman ADVA
Awbridge Primary School School Dates in May: Conifer Class trip to Boldrewood Wed 7th Beech Class London Trip parent meeting Wed 7th - 5:30pm Year 6 SATS info meeting Wed 7th - 6:15pm Parent workshop – Understanding Temperament Wed 7th 7-9pm Willow Class trip Soton Art Gallery Fri 9th Bring and Buy sale & Chestnut class cake sale Fri 23rd - 3:30pm Half Term Mon 26th - Fri 30th INSET DAY Mon 2nd June
bring and buy sale Friday 23rd May 3.30pm @ School £5 for a table to sell your unwanted goods or come along and grab a bargain! Refreshments available along with the Chestnut class cake sale Contact: Kerry 07824905168,
Your Teddies
needed in Awbridge
Awbridge needs your spare Teddies for our “Teddy Tombola” at the Awbridge Fete, on 10 May 2014, to help raise valuable funds for Awbridge Neighbourcare. Please donate new or nearly new Teddy Bears by delivering them to either Awbridge Church, or Choice Plants, Timsbury, no later than 3 May. Thank You FAO: Awbridge Neighbourcare c/o Mary Savage 01794 367908
Items For The Fete • Any items for the Bric-a-brac stall are to be handed in to Stockfield House or Chanwel House, Romsey Road from 12th April onwards. • If you have any old cricket balls available that you are willing to donate for the crockery smash, please let us know. • The book stall will need stocking as always – if you have any suitable books we’ll be glad to take them off your hands! • Bakers of Awbridge – we are looking forward to your wonderful cakes once more for the fete, so please give generously. • We will need physical help on the Friday night to erect the tents ready for the fete, likely to be a 7pm start but will be confirmed nearer the time. Please let us know if you can help. • Any contributions of bottles for the Bottle Tombola would be very welcome, from chutney to champagne! Page 3 | May 2014
All Saints Awbridge - May 2014 We trust you all enjoyed your Easter Celebrations and thank you for attending some of our services and events & for taking part in the festival of Easter. The church was beautifually decorated including an Easter garden from Messy Church, and decorations made by members of the Ark Baby & Toddler group. Also we had a wonderful Easter service with Awbridge Primary School and on Palm Sunday we processed round the churchyard whilst singing! We had a busy Messy Church on the theme of the Easter Story, during the school holidays at the Jubilee Hall, Timsbury. Many local families came with 29 children and enjoyed an afternoon of messy fun, making Easter Gardens for our church, painting pebbles,creating a giant cross representing the sad and happy sides of Easter, making Easter cards, a calendar of Holy Week events, flower posies, sowing seeds as a sign of new life, and of course making some easter chocolate nests. Also included a presentation of a Godly Play Easter story, and finishing with a scrumptious Easter tea. Our next Messy Church will be on the theme of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit on 8 June at Braishfield. Those of you who have been to Messy Church will have realised that it can only take place in each venue only two or three times a year so if you want to get the most out of Messy Church please come to the other venues aswell. For our summer event there will be a special picnic representing Feeding the 5000 on Friday 25 July 2 30 pm at Farley Chamberlayne Church near Braishfield. On Friday 16 May we have our spring walk so please join us if you can 6 30 pm on the green, near Lockerley Memorial Hall, Lockerley, for a circular walk in support of TOTT, Turn on the Tap, the water project of Samaritan’s Purse for further details contact James Alexander 340386, for water info see At our last First service we looked at the significance of the Cross on Passion Sunday, our next First service is on Sunday 4 May at 6 30 pm. We look forward to the celebration of Ascension on Thursday 29 May when there will be a special service of Holy Communion at 7 30 pm at All Saints, Braishfield. If Jesus had not ascended and withdrawn from us there would be no opportunity for him to return, so this is a most significant event in the Christian story. Next Messy Church: The Holy Spirit at Pentecost on Sunday 8 June, 2 30 pm at Braishfield Church Room and Feeding the 5000 on Friday 25 July, 2 30 pm Messy activities and BYO picnic, at Farley Chamberlayne Church. Worship and Events in Awbridge in May Sunday 4 May 3rd Sunday of Easter 9 30 am Holy Communion 6 30 pm First service Sunday 11 May 4th Sunday of Easter 9 30 am Morning Worship & Y Ch Friday 16 May Spring Walk park meet 6 30pm on the green near Lockerley Memorial Hall, Lockerley Sunday 18 May 5th Sunday of Easter 9 30 am Holy Communion Sunday 25 May Rogation Sunday 9 30 am Family Service Thursday 29 May Ascension Day 7 30 pm UB HC Braishfield Sunday 1 June 9 30 am Holy Communion 6 30 pm First service
Page 4 | May 2014
“I was thirsty and you gave tme something to drink” Matt 25 v 35
Other Activities for May Five Alive Fellowship Mon 12 May, Life’s Ups and Downs w Felicity Croad, 7 30 pm Braishfield Ch Rooms Awbridge Lunch Club Wed 14 & 28 May at 12 noon, Awbridge Church Rooms,contact Delia 340395 Housegroup Tues 20 May, 7 45 pm Rosemary Croft, contact John Twigg Tel 521966 Prayer Group Meets twice a month in Romsey, contact John Twigg 521966 Prayer requests to John Twigg or via prayer request box in church Wednesday Housegroup 14 & 28 May 7 45pm at chanwel, Awbridge, contact Fred & Lynda 340709 Open Housegroup Thurs 15 May “Living the Mission of Jesus”, 7 45 pm venue 27 Barnes Close, W Wellow, contact Sue Franklin 322185 “The Ark” The All Saints Church Baby & Toddler group meets in Awbridge Village Hall, on Fridays in term-time, 9 30 am – 11 00 am. All toddlers and their parents and carers welcome. Refreshments, craft, singing and other activities provided. Contact: Lynda Tucker 340709. Welcome Pack If you have recently moved into the Awbridge area and would like a copy of our village Welcome Pack please contact one of the churchwardens, see details below. Useful church contacts: Rector: Revd Canon Steve Pittis 01794 368335 email:pittisinc@gmail. com or Benefice Office 01794 878020 email: braishfieldbenefice@ Churchwardens: Fred Tucker (01794 340709) or Mary Savage (01794 367908) Young Church: contact one of the wardens The Ark Toddler Group: Lynda Tucker (01794 340709) Awbridge Neighbourcare: 0845 094 6155 Other relevant information can be found on the village website
help For The Fete We are short on helpers this year, so could you help with ‘teas and coffees’ or at the Bar or BBQ?? If you can please contact us on 340709 - Thanks!!
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Awbridge Neighbourcare 0845 094 6155
We are hoping that the weather will be fine and sunny for the annual village fete on Saturday 10th May. Please come over and say hello to us and perhaps have a go at our “Teddy Tombola”. We have lots of teddies to “rehome”! The Neighbourcare AGM will take place in the committee room at the village hall on Monday 9th June, starting at 7.45pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Another date for your diary is Wednesday 25th June, the next village lunch. Do you have some spare time to take people to medical or other appointments, to help with shopping or collect prescriptions? Would you like to help those in our neighbourhood who need transport for these journeys? If so Awbridge Neighbourcare would like to hear from you. For more information please contact 0845 094 6155. NEIGHBOURCARE ARRANGEMENTS - 0845 094 6155 Awbridge Neighbourcare volunteers are available to help, as good neighbours, to provide transport for all kinds of medical appointment or shopping. Our volunteers have allocated time to be available to help you, so your requests are vital to the work of this group. All you need to do is call 0845 094 6155 to speak to the co-ordinator to see if they can help you. If you would like to use Awbridge Neighbourcare, please could you try to give at least 48 hours’ notice when you need to book transport so that the duty co-ordinator has time to make the necessary arrangements. Although we will endeavour to help if shorter notice is given, we cannot guarantee the availability of our volunteers.
British Red Cross Romsey & District Local Office: For All Enquires Red Cross Centre, 10 Greatwell Drive, Romsey (opposite Nightingale Surgery) 01794 513202 - 24 hour answer phone Romsey Medical Loan Open 10.30am to 12.30pm - Mon to Fri. Enquiries: 01794 513202 (24 hr answer phone). General Information 0844 871 1111. Emergency number for all of the above 07790 670840 Flag week This runs for a week from May 5th to May 10th. If anyone can help us with any collections or fundraising please contact Wendy on 02380 730843. New Ambulance Launched The British Red Cross has launched a brand new state-of-the-art ambulance, supplied with the latest equipment and modern features. It’s the first of seven to join the fleet over the next few months.
Paying Tribute to WWI Volunteers To mark the upcoming centenary, the British Red Cross is digitising the records of all who volunteered during the First World War – that’s almost a quarter of million people. Thanks to a generous grant from Page 6 | May 2014
the Heritage Lottery Fund, the information will be made available to the public for the first time. Work will soon begin to digitise thousands of index cards stored at UK Office. The entire online archive will be ready in time for the centenary celebrations. Leading up to the First World War, many voluntary aid detachments were formed. These brave volunteers( known affectionately as VADS) went on to help thousands of causalities, often putting their own lives at risk. Fittingly, the Red Cross now plans to recruit another 100 volunteers to help with the 80,000 pounds digitisation project. Famous Names The index card list includes some very interesting names from author Agatha Christie, novelist and poet Naomi Mitchison, to writer and feminist Vera Brittain. Phil Talbot, director of communications, said: “All these volunteers – whether they worked in auxiliary hospitals, convalescent homes or drove ambulances – played a vital role during the war. The index cards are a unique source of historical information. As we approach the centenary, we believe this is a fitting way to pay tribute to those who gave their time in non-military service.” Website:-
Awbridge Evening W.I. Members enjoyed sitting ‘café style’ with glasses of wine and nibbles as it was their 34th Birthday Meeting. They were then entertained by Jill Daniels, making a welcome return visit, to tell us of her trip from Moscow to St. Petersburg entitled ‘From Romanovs to Revolution’. Jill and her husband had travelled by boat along rivers, canals and lakes and her entertaining talk and wonderful pictures made the history of Russia come alive. Reports were given on the Spring Council Meeting where the speaker had been Geoff Holt, the inspirational sailor, who, although paralysed had sailed across the Atlantic, and also on the Produce Guild Meeting where the speaker had been a producer of smoked meats. As usual, the Summer is going to be a busy one; some members are going to the Test Valley Group Meeting, others to a cream Tea organised by Mottisfont & Dunbridge W I. We are to have a cake stall and a ‘Wine or Water’ stall at Awbridge Fete on May 10th and an American Supper in June. The Group Quiz will also take place in June and an outing is planned to Saville Gardens with a boat trip up the Thames to Windsor Castle in July. A trip is also to be organised to see Riverdance at the Mayflower Theatre in December. Members were reminded that next month is our A G M when committee members must be elected, and new programme secretaries will be needed for 2015-16, The resolution for the National A G M will also be discussed at that meeting. Yvonne Goodridge
Books And Bric-A-Brac We are now collecting bric-a-brac and books for our stalls at this year’s fete. If you have anything that you would like to drop off, you can do this at Chanwel House, Romsey Road, Awbridge (tel 340709). We also need old crockery for our “smash the crockery” stall, so we look forward to hearing from you in the run up to the fete.
UK NATIONAL BIG LUNCH - Welcome To New Villagers
1st June
On we will be joining in the BIG LUNCH which is a nationwide event which I’m sure is enjoyed by many people across the country. It will be held at the village hall, where we hope you will join us for a picnic get together. Please bring your own food. It will be a great opportunity for those who have moved into the village over the past year or so to meet fellow villagers.
WW1 I would be surprised if anyone in the UK has not heard that this summer, 2014. is one hundred years since the start of “ The Great War”.. I am never quite sure that a war should be described as a “Great War” but I suppose its better than the radio broadcaster who said that this year is the “celebration” of the beginning of the 1914- 18 war. The Americans, who were not actually involved in that particular dispute called it “The European War” which of course was correct. I doubt that any of the participants are still with us although we may still have readers who can remember relations or family friends who were involved. I had not arrived on this planet until well after the war had finished but the history books and the various publications leave little to the imagination. I think one of the major statistics that stunned me was that about ten million combatants never returned. Many, on both sides, died in the wet and muddy trenches after being wounded during hand to hand fighting, at times suffering a long and painful death because there was nobody to help or comfort them. I wonder how many of us can really appreciate what each day was like! Most sane people condemn war of any kind but not long after World War 1 had ended we got involved in WW2, at which time I had arrived and was able to enjoy almost every night down a hole in the ground, covered by corrugated iron panels and with thick layers of earth and grass. My parents told me we were in an air raid shelter, buried in our back garden and the noise we could hear, were guns being fired at the nasty aircraft who were dropping bombs on us. My Mother spent a lot of time laying over me crying and saying prayers while my father walked the streets as an Air Raid Warden. They were correct when they said we would be alright because our home was not hit by bombs, unlike many of our neighbours who I never saw again. I remember some of the celebrations when the war ended. Perhaps the parties and dancing in the streets would not have happened if we had lost! Wars are still being fought in many parts of the world even today but from what I have experienced and what I have read WW1 must have been real hell. To start with we did not have the communication systems of today so when a young person left home for the front, there was a strong possibility that he would never be heard of again and in those days the most dreaded person was the man with the telegram who invariably arrived with news of another death on the front line. Most families never knew what happened or even where, or how their son or father had died.
Anyone who has read some of the dreadful events must have been touched by the Christmas story when, it is alleged, someone started to sing “Silent Night” one of the strongest, international carols of all times. The fighting men, still in the trenches, on both sides, joined in... I read that several carols were sung and “the enemies” even called to each other with Christmas greetings and good wishes. I have no idea if it was true that some of the men left their shelter and walked to meet the opposition but the thought that two warring armies could meet as comrades on Christmas day gives me the hope that everything will be alright even if it is some time off in the future So we now know that this summer is one hundred years on from the start of all that hurt and pain and it is probably because of the terrible incidents of that time that now allows the rest of us to, hopefully, enjoy the days, weeks and months ahead. The following is a touching thought to what might have been! WAR He was just a boy but they gave him a gun and sent him out to fight. He came from a loving family and knew it was not right He was told it was a necessity to train as a fighting machine, it was indoctrination, hate and be obscene The enemy were faceless and death part of the game,” Kill or be Killed” was the teaching Don’t worry about the pain! To murder innocent people was something that happened in war, children and elderly people were just casualties, a score but on the field of conflict he was left alone to die in pain, he cried as memories returned He was just a boy again A stranger knelt to comfort him they had never met before, just two of the nameless enemies, Pawns in the game of war. Back home the caring family did not have long to wait, they were told the tragic details and their loving turned to hate The disease of war keeps spreading at an ever increasing pace, the total blame is with us all. We are “The Human Race”
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Adam & Jacob’s pocket money project
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Page 7 | May 2014
Jazz Evening Anyone who lives in or knows the Awbridge area will be aware that it is a quiet, rather select, rural village just a few miles from Romsey so when it was suggested,several months ago that a Jazz evening could be held in the village hall there was a lot of comment and speculation as to if it was a good idea. Would there be any interest? Would the local people support such a venture even if it was an evening that could pass on some charity cash to the local church? I decided to put my booking in for two tickets as soon as I heard it was going ahead. At twenty pounds a ticket which included food I felt it had to be a good evening even if the village hall was half empty. I did have the advantage of meeting and hearing the Moss brothers when they played at a barbecue evening back in 2013 when their grandfather, Fred Tucker persuaded them to entertain us all while we enjoyed a fine summer evening in the grounds attached to the village hall. On the night of the concert, Saturday 12th April 2014, I was very pleased to see that the village hall was full and I was informed by Fred that that the legal restriction meant only eighty people were allowed in the hall if they were seated. I was also told he could have filled the hall twice over and even on the day of the concert he was still receiving phone calls from disappointed people who were hoping that some of the ticket holders may have cancelled. To say the evening was a success would be an understatement... it was brilliant! Jaz Moss (17) who plays the saxophone and his younger brother Cody ( 13), Trumpet and keyboard, both members of the National Youth Jazz Orchestra had manage to bring along a few, very talented friends who also play with the orchestra. Renato Paris (18) was the singer who also doubled on the keyboard when Cody was playing trumpet. Ben Crane (17) was on bass guitar and the drummer, all the way from Dorset was Jasmine Kayser (18). This quintet of musicians kept us on the edge of our seats all evening The artistry from these young musicians was amazing. Most of them are based in South East London and I know for a fact that they have all played in some very special and famous venues like the Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club, The Royal Festival Hall and The Mayor of London’s office. Jaz and other members of the group are already part of the Purcell School for young musicians in London and in conversation with some of the teenagers I understand that at least two anticipate going to the Berklee College of Music at Boston in the United States, the world’s largest independent contemporary music college, sometime in the very near future. I have to say that my wife and I have so much admiration for any young person who can deliver such dedication and talent to their chosen career and I will certainly be interested to know how they get on. I know that on the night it was not just local people who attended the Jazz evening, at least one couple were doing a round trip of nearly a eighty miles and they considered it a journey well worth covering. Enough about the music, great as it was. The back up team producing the food and making sure we were all happy was, in their own way, just as talented. The team led by Sarah Keith never put a foot wrong all evening.... Great music and an excellent service. My sympathy goes out to all the people who could not get tickets so perhaps you might like to Page 8 | May 2014
join me when I say, in a personal message to Fred Tucker..... Will you put be down for another two tickets as soon as you arrange the next evening!!!!!
Left to R. Ben Crane - Bass, Renato Paris - Singer & Keyboard, Jasmine Kayser - Drums, Jaz Moss - Sax & Keyboard, Cody Moss - Trumpet & Keyboard. Maurice Hibberd
Oat and Cranberry Cookies Ingredients 110g Plain Flour 1/4 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg 1/4 tsp fine sea salt
120g light brown sugar 1 egg 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 135g dried/rolled oats 100g dried cranberries
Melt the butter in a wide pan. Keep heating as it foams up. When the foam starts to reside, rusty brown flecks appear and it starts smelling fantastic, scrape all the butter and flecks into a bowl to cool. In another bowl, whisk the sugar, egg and vanilla together until smooth. Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, salt and nutmeg together. Once the brown butter is down to body temperature, whisk into the egg mix. Gently stir in the flour mixture until everything is combined. Finally fold in the oats and cranberries. Cover the bowl and put into the fridge to chill. Leave for at least an hour - I left mine overnight. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Scoop out tablespoonfuls of dough onto a sheet - if baking immediately, leave a few inches gap. If freezing, place closely together then freeze on the sheet before putting in a bag the next day. Place into the oven and bake for 10 minutes from the fridge, 12 from the freezer - they should be golden and crisp on the outside. Cool on a rack. (Makes about 30) Katy Stimson
Exciting New Opportunity For Village Facility The long term tenants of The Awbridge Pavilion at the Village Hall, have informed the Village Hall Committee of their intention to relocate. This means The Pavilion will became available for a NEW venture!! What about a SHOP! Is there a group of like minded villagers out there to start up a SOCIAL CLUB.. Can you imagine watching satellite sport with a beverage in your hand! Could this be a CRECHE/PLAYGROUP offering child care to young mums.. Any and all suggestions will be considered. Please get thinking and get your ideas To The Village Hall Committee (post box at the village hall)
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Page 9 | May 2014
New Build Repairs and Renova ons Listed Building Work Extensions Lo Conversions Altera ons Carpentry Kitchens Bathrooms
Free Quota ons Tel: 01794 514988 Mob: 07860166536 Email: Hillberry Farm, Awbridge.
Awbridge Hill Wildlife Sanctuary False widow spiders in Awbridge hedgerows. Working in the countryside can be a risky business, for apart from obvious dangers such as storm damaged trees in windy weather, one is required to have a healthy respect for more obscure risks. On one occasion whilst working with a chainsaw, stopping up a gap in a woodland hedge, I narrowly missed collision with a fully antlered roe buck, in full flight from two unleashed dogs. Fortunately the deer leaped over my head as I locked my chain and crouched low to get out of its way, leaving the dogs to slink back to the calls of their owners, half a mile away. On another occasion after dusk, our fox came boldly onto a path a few yards in front of me, stopping to scent mark before disappearing into a hedge. By the time I had walked to where the fox had been standing, four unleashed dogs appeared from nowhere, sinking their teeth into my boots. Clearly the dogs noses were convinced by the scent that they had trapped a fox, even though they could see they were attacking a human. Whilst the risk from large animals is apparent, biting and stinging insects can literally be a real pain. Deer ticks transmit lymes disease, whereas midges cause serious irritation and can transmit infections, however if I do have a fear, then it is of the false widow spider. Introduced from the Canaries, false widow spiders have arrived in cargo ships at south coast ports such as Southampton and Poole, where due to the mild climate, they have survived, bred and moved inland. When working in a hedgerow, false widow spiders can drop onto clothing and into open necked shirts. The false widow spider’s bite is usually not noticed and no more than an itch, until several hours later, when slight swelling occurs. The problem is that the spider Page 10 | May 2014
trapped against your body, may continue biting on dozens of occasions, injecting you with toxic venom until it escapes. After a week or so each bite forms a scab with a burning sensation, which takes at least a month to begin to heal. Antibiotics are of no use, however aspirin (a drug found in the leaves of willow trees) can be used to relieve pain. False widow spiders are a reality of global warming and this winter, have thrived in Awbridge, due to the extremely mild weather and lack of frost, which would usually kill them. Another aspect of climate change has been the numbers of house mice living through the winter, in rough pasture, hedgerows and on farmland around Awbridge. The house mouse is usually unable to survive the winter away from buildings, however, with flooding of the Test Valley, many have been displaced to higher ground at Awbridge, where in the mild weather they have survived. Many mice have been picked off by predators such as fox, kestrel, buzzard, red kite and the barn owl. House mice are a problem because they can carry disease and parasites into buildings and have a habit of chewing through electrical cables, causing fires in loft spaces. The Awbridge cuckoo began calling on 15th April this year The Magic of Bluebell Time. Few people know that our national flower is the bluebell, even less realise its significance in terms of our culture. For forest dwelling folk who told time by means of a botanical calendar, bluebell time heralded the greening of the oak canopy over the woodland floor and the arrival of summer in the British Isles. Personified through the potent image of the Green Man who was a king of the wood, his fertile female counterpart was the may queen, Blueduwed. To the blue blooded Celts who constructed the blue stones at Stonehenge 4500 years ago and who dyed themselves blue with woad, it should be no surprise that their principal god was Woden, the god of the woods and trees. To our ancestors, bluebell time was central to their calendar and marked the beginning of the May fertility rites, when virtually all children were conceived. Most ancient Britons were born nine months later under the Aquarian star sign around St Brides day in early February. St Bride is the “Brit” in Britannia and symbolises matrimonial duties of parents, in an age when virtually all children were born of spring, (from which the word offspring derives). The Annia relates to the annual year wheel and the cycle of life. . For the Romans, their symbol of the start of the summer fertility rites, was the rose which blooms in June. In this context Romans were predominantly born men of Mars, in the month of March under the Piscean star sign. The display of the symbol of the rose eventually became an offence in Rome for a hundred year period, up until about the time of the birth of Christ. As far as the bluebell is concerned, its Latin name “hyacinthoides non scripta” translates to the hyacinth that is not to be written about. In this way today, blue is used as the colour of censorship and mayday is a recognised international distress call used by captains of sinking ships and crashing aircraft. For the ancient Britons, the need for healthy offspring dictated that young girls coming of age, were initiated into adulthood at the time of the Beltane festival, through being wed in the blue., ensuring that virgin girls were formally married. In Celtic legend there was a rogue called Bluebeard, whom murdered his wife, so as to able to wed a new maiden each Beltane. Likewise Blueduwed became demonised as a husband murderer. Coombe Lane roadside verge improvement. Substantial work is currently being undertaken to re instate drainage ditches and verges along Coombe Lane, as well as remove overhanging
limbs of trees and other vegetation, so as to allow access for highways resurfacing vehicles, scheduled to tarmac the lane. Work is primarily focused on enhancing the character of this lane, which has suffered badly from flooding and damage from falling trees during the stormy winter. The work is part of a wider village wildlife conservation initiative and parish lengthman’s scheme, aimed to better preserve banks, ditches, hedges and verges , for wildlife, the environment and the community. Whilst many residents have been critical of the local authorities for failing to maintain highways, legally it is the responsibility of land owners to remove lateral growth of trees and prevent growth from at least 1 metre of the highway. Likewise landowners also are required to maintain their roadside ditches so as to allow them to accept and discharge water, as well as keep their ditches free of obstructions such as trees, branches and bramble. In this respect the lengthman’s scheme is aimed to assist with this task. True Service Trees planted in tribute of those who served A number of true service saplings have been planted in the wildlife sanctuary next to Awbridge Village Hall to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First World War and 70th anniversary of the Second World War. These trees have been planted in tribute of all those who truly served by paying the ultimate sacrifice, having fallen in service of their country. In ancient times the fruit of the true service was fermented with grain to make an alcoholic beverage which the Romans called “cerevisia”, from which the word service is derived. In medieval times church service included service beer, in the way that wine flowed at holy communion. With the arrival of pubs, if you asked for service, then the landlord knew immediately what you were asking for and if you were about to be served then you knew what you were getting.
THE MACULAR SOCIETY The Romsey Macular Support Group meets on the first Friday of every month from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm at Carers Together, 9 Love Lane, Romsey, SO51 8DE( located down the small lane opposite Tudor House). The meetings are open to anyone affected by central vision loss. Carers are welcome too. For further details please contact Philippa Wrightson on 01962 712653. Registered Charity No 1001198 and Scotland No SC042015
New Play and Learn Session At Awbridge Village hall from 9.30 to 11am every Wednesday (term time only). The sessions are similar to a ‘stay and play session’ but with a more educational slant in line with the new EYFS. There will be play, craft, music, songs and stories, snacks for children and drinks for adults. To cover costs a donation of £1.50 for a parent/carer and one child and 50p per extra child (over one) would be appreciated. Everyone is welcome! For further information or if you would like to help at the group please contact: Nala - 01794340607 - Catherine - 01794341460 -
The true service tree is not actually a British tree, but grows in Germany and France where its highly prized and hard wood was used for making the screws of wine presses and wheels. The range of the true service extends across southern Europe and North Africa to Turkey and western Asia. Historically troops depended on beer as a safe alternative to unclean water, however the Navy was regarded as the senior service and hence sailors were granted their daily tot of rum. In celebration of all those who have served their country and survived, a number of wild service trees have also been planted. The wild service is one of our rarest trees but was once much more common. Favoured for its high quality charcoal, most wild service trees have disappeared from the English countryside. They do not freely germinate and grow quite slowly, however the tree is much more common in Europe. Like the true service, the wild service was also used to make beer. Medicinally the berries of the wild service are very acidic and have a binding effect on anyone suffering the nervous disposition of loose bowels, (of the sort experienced by troops going into action). For this reason it was also known as the “griping service tree”. Bryan Raines
Annual Parish Assembly Advance notification of date - 29 May at 7.45 Page 11 | May 2014
Dog Show at Awbridge Village Fete 10May All classes £1.50 to enter, starting at 1.45pm. To be held at Awbridge Village Hall on 10th May. Kindly sponsored by Hansard Pet Centre & Supported By: James Wellbeloved, Royal Canin, Skinners, Beta, Pedigree, R & A Pet products, Eukanuba & Burns. Class 1
Prettiest Bitch
Class 2
Most Handsome Dog
Class 3
Child Handler (2 to 10 years old)
Class 4
Junior Handler (11 to 16 years old)
Class 5
Cutest Puppy (Under 18 months)
Class 6
Best veteran (Over 7 years)
Class 7
Dog The Judge Would Like To Take Home
Championship ~ 1st prize winners from classes 1 to 7 are eligible Rules And Conditions: DO NOT leave your dog unattended in cars – action will be taken if you do. Dogs must stay on leads at all times. Dog mess has to be picked up. Classes will start at 1.45pm prompt. Please enter before your class is due to start; entries can be made from 1pm at ringside. Classes will be running to time and late entries will NOT be accepted. The Judge’s decision is final. Rosettes will be given up to 5th place & prizes will be given to all competitors. Winner of Championship Shield must return to Hansard Pet Centre by April 2015.
Fun Dog Show Entry Form Class
Name of Dog
Name of Handler
Please fill this entry form in and bring it along with you. Page 12 | May 2014
Awbridge Village Lunches 2014 Would you like to join friends and neighbours from the village for Lunch?
Menu Main course e.g. Shepherd’s pie Home-made pudding Tea or coffee At 12 noon Awbridge Village Hall Wednesday 25th June - £4 per person Wednesday 24th September - £4 per person Wednesday 10th December- £6 per person, Christmas Lunch Booking and Transport arrangements:
To let us know numbers for catering, please ring the Neighbourcare co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155 by the Monday before the lunch. If you would like transport, at no cost to you, please ask the coordinator at the same time. (If you normally attend the All Saints lunch, arrangements for booking are the same as usual). These lunches are being jointly organised by All Saints Church and Awbridge Neighbourcare with catering provided by a team of cooks and volunteers. We hope that you will come and enjoy these events.
Heating or Boiler Problems?
AK Heating & Plumbing
Awbridge Neighbourcare 0845 094 6155
Est 1972
Boiler Servicing & Repairs
Boiler Replacement & New Central Heating Systems Installed
Gas • Oil • LPG
Bathroom Refurbishments
General Plumbing
Landlord Safety Inspections
ALL WORK GUARANTEED Specialists in Energy Ef�icient Boilers
01794 340577 07836 747626
Volunteer drivers needed for Awbridge Neighbourcare please contact 0845 094 6155 Do you have some spare time to take people to medical or other appointments, to help with shopping or collect prescriptions? Would you like to help those in our neighbourhood who need transport for these journeys? If so we would like to hear from you. For more information please contact
0845 094 6155 Awbridge Neighbourcare is supported by the Page 13 | May 2014
Times Past? The history of road development in Awbridge. PART 2A: TURNPIKES, TOLLGATES and a rather TALL TALE At the end of my first article I said we couldn’t leave the subject of local road development without some reference to the Turnpikes which once ran through our village.They were responsible for changes which are today still clearly visible . Turnpikes were brought in by Acts of Parliament mainly between the mid 18th and the mid 19th centuries. You may remember from your school history lessons that they were designed to encourage private expenditure on improvements in road design, repair and upkeep. Money was invested by the wealthier classes and in return they received turnpike bonds with a good guaranteed annual return of three-and-ahalf-percent. The profits to fund this, it was hoped, could be raised by charging road tolls. Previously road repairs had been the responsibility of each individual parish paid for out of the rates. The result was, of course, the recipe for disaster as, human nature being what it is, most villagers were tempted to spend out as little as possible - how little things have changed! Even the main highways were in a terrible state so full of mud and ruts that during the winter months they could safely be traversed only on foot or horseback. Now, for continuity, long stretches of main routes were leased to the same company. Roads were staightened and widened, properly drained, repathed and regularly repaired. Some even had brand-new sections cut such as happened at the Straight Mile, Ampfield. But all this came at a cost and often in the face of some fierce local opposition - including apparently here in Awbridge. The main Turnpike through our village was a spur of one runnng from Romsey to Stockbridge, encorporated in the 1760s, which followed the route of the present A3057. This went from Romsey Market Place, down Cherville Street, over Greatbridge, and then took a sharp right-angle down the side of the Dukes Head Inn. From there it was over the old Timsbury Bridge and left-turn to Timsbury, Michelmersh, Kings Somborne and finally Stockbridge. The Awbridge branch - known as the Romsey, Broughton and Wallop Turnpike - naturally followed exactly the same route as far as the Dukes Head but then turned left along the old Salisbury road. After only about a quarter of a mile it diverted up what we now know as Stanbridge Lane. Much of this lane, because of the soft nature of its banks, was sunken - just as it is today - so it is doubtful, because of the cost which would have been involved, that any major upgrades such as straightening or widening were attempted for the first half mile or so. But then a major decision had to be made. What was to done about those two major obstacles called collectively today - Awbridge Hill? In all likelihood it was decided, though this is not recorded, that the less steep diversion around Cooks Lane should be downgraded, but still retained for practical reasons, and that the new main road, formerly little better than a track in places, be widened between Coles Farm corner and the entrance to Stanbridge Earls. As was customary the tops of the two hills were probably dug out and rounded off to make the gradients a little less formidable but the sheer deep banks, still found today, would indicate that an attempt may actually have been made to reduce the angle of the hill nearest Coles Farm by excavating the highway along that hill’s entire length. Obviously this still resulted in an impressive obstacle for wheeled vehicles. It has even been suggested that a trace-horse may have been kept permanently at the site of Woodmansterne to aid the transport of heavy loads - for a small fee - up either hill. Having breasted the second hill it can been seen quite clearly that Romsey [formerly Lockerley] Rd has at some time been straightened between Hansards and Kents Oak. Caution is required here as a part of this is the result of 20th century work, but not all of it! Some of it is definitely the work of those early Turnpike improvers! And this is
absolutely true of much of the rest of this road as it travels on through Lockerley and the Tytherleys. But please come back a bit closer to home and follow me to the Carters Clay turning - our Turnpike having, by then, just crossed over Awbridge Common. If we look again at the 1810 first edition OS map it is obvious that here the original road has actually been moved sideways by a few yards. Evidence of this attempted route straightening still exists if you know where to look. Just a short distance down Carters Clay Rd itself there’s a little track off to the left leading to three or four houses. Soon this disappears into what is today just a footpath. Together these two rights-of-way are all that remain, at this point, of that original short stretch of the old Lockerley Rd which once ran parallel to the new section of Turnpike. NB It is often worth the amateur historian tracing the lines of local footpaths and bridleways. They can prove a valuable clue to where the roads that our forefathers walked were once located. Quite naturally, where villagers had formerly travelled free of charge, there was great resentment felt towards the new Romsey to Wallop Turnpike, with its hated tolls, tollhouses, tollgates and resident keepers. And to make matters even worse Awbridge actually boasted not just one but two of the fiendish things. One of those tollhouses actually still exists today and is, of course, the aptly named Tollgate Cottage. Situated on Stanbridge Lane it can be found just past the conjuction with Cooks Lane, right on the boundary with Romsey Extra and nextdoor to the entrance to Stanbridge Earls. It was, for maximum income, designed to catch travellers from all directions! Only pedestrians and Royal Mail personnel passed through for nothing; most farm animals were charged for and in the early 19th century the fees were:Any animal pulling a vehicle or ridden Ox, horse, mule or donkey
Animals not in harness [Ox, horse, mule or donkey}
Bullocks and cows
Pigs, calves, sheep and lambs
A ticket was issued which entitled the bearer to free return, providing that was the same day, and passage through all tollgates at Kings Someborne, Stockbridge, Broughton, East Tytherley, Awebridge Common, Lockerley Side, East Dean, Timsbury Gates and Terrams Hill Bar. Those driving or riding hired horses or carrying fee paying passengers or goods were charged three pence in both directions. Perhaps it was assumed such travellers could afford to pay extra and so might help boost the Turnpike’s coffers! By 1852, when Turnpike Trusts were beginning to close down, the majority of tolls had hardly risen at all. Luckily for us the very last tollboard from our Turnpike, which can be found in Kings Somborne parish church, was rescued when the local village tollhouse was sold. This records two brand new sets of charges. One for two shillings was imposed on steam propelled vehicles presumably because their enormeous weight caused major damage to road surfaces. And a second, which really amused me, levied sixpence for any cart or carriage pulled by a dog or goat!!! I have it on very good authority from, unfortunately now all deceased, older residents that there were sometimes very heated confrontations between their ancestors and the tollgate keepers. It appears that a group of Awbridge farmers on their way to Romsey livestock market with their flock of sheep were so incensed at being asked to ‘coughup’ a farthing for each of their animals, including tiny lambs, that they decided drastic direct action was required. And so a Baldricklike ‘cunning plan’ was hatched. They reasoned that if their animals’ feet didn’t touch the ground as they passed through the tollgate they couldn’t legally be charged for. So they set about carrying each and every one of that flock the few yards past the nose of the tollgate keeper who naturally protested violently. And this time the farmers apparently got away with it!!! The Turnpike actually had the law on its side but no action seems to Page 14 | May 2014
have been taken. All of this sounds like a very tall tale to me and too much like hard work ever to have been repeated. Which I think is a pity! A blow for the underdog is something I very much approve of! The second tollhouse in our village no longer exists but was situated at the junction of Danes Rd and Romsey [Lockerley] Rd. Again the Turnpike located it where avoidance was difficult. But this called for some sneaky reconfiguration of the existing road layout which met, not surprisingly, with even more very heated local opposition. An application was applied for by government order, and granted, that the ancient route across Awbridge Common to Salisbury, via Kents Oak, be diverted. The trackway leading to Butlers Wood Farm was shut to all except pedestrians or those havng business there. This resulted in all other traffic being forced to take a very annoying and strange dogleg down the side of what is now the school playing field. From there it was out onto Danes Rd to arrive, of course, just in front of the new tollgate! This detour certainly helped, when combined with the enclosure of the Common only about 40 years later and the then inevitable loss of rights-of-way across it, to hastened the demise of the centuries old Kents Oak crossroads described in my first article. Now there was even less need to procede down the Cut behind the old Post Office and from thence onto Saunders Lane and eventually this route was abandoned and forgotten. But attempts to produce a new crossroads between Saunders Lane and Danes Rd unfortunately resulted in that rather dangerous configuration we still have with us today. Next time you’ll hear about the other Turnpike which ran through Awbridge. But in my second instalment of TURNPIKES and TOLLGATES there definitely won’t be any TALL TALES! Anne Head-Jones
01794 516479 Est 1982
Fully qualified fine art trade guild commended framers expert framing advice and design service A family business built on reputation and success.
Country Walk in aid of Turn on the Tap, a project of Samaritan’s Purse
The holy spirit at pentecost Sunday 8 June Braishfield Church Rm, SO51 0QH
2.30 pm - 5pm
Friday 16th May at 6.30pm
Messy Activities Celebration - Feast
Meet on Butts Green near Lockerley Memorial Hall
Messy Church is organised by the churches in our group of five parishes, for all families to attend. Children to be accompanied by parent/carer.
During the walk participants will be given a small bottle of water for refreshment, with the idea that afterwards the bottle can be used to collect coins for TOTT See
For further information contact:
Organised by All Saints Church, Awbridge, for further information contact: Pepe Alexander on 340386 or email
Kate Orange 367417 email: Mary Savage 367908 email:
EVENT IS FREE BUT DONATIONS ARE WELCOME Next Messy Church: Friday 25 July Feeding the 5000! 2 30 pm @ Farley Chamberlayne Page 15 | May 2014
Awb ridge V I L L A G E
awbridge district village association
100 CLub
100 Club
Rules and Procedures
Please join the Awbridge 100 Club. The 100 club exists to ensure the regular publication of the Awbridge News, so if you are not already a member please join today! For a £15 subscription, we will enter you into a prize draw 6 times a year for an annual total of 20 cash prizes ranging from £15 to £100. You will not get better odds anywhere, and will be helping to promote Awbridge events and news! Please fill in the form below together with your subscription (or renewal for those who are already members) before the end of May so as to be eligible for the next draw. 1. The membership will normally consist of 100 people, but is not restricted to residents living within the boundaries of the Awbridge & District Village Association. The first call on net proceeds from the lottery will be to support the publication of a village newsletter (The ‘Awbridge News’) 2. The membership of the Club will be increased beyond 100 if there is a demand. If 110 or more members are registered at the time of each draw, the total sum allocated as prize money will be increased in proportion to the excess (in £1 steps). 3. If fewer than 90 members are registered at the time of each draw, the total sum allocated as prize money will be reduced in proportion to the actual membership (in £1 steps) 4. The membership fee for the whole year, June to May inclusive, is £15, payable annually in advance. (The membership fee will be reduced pro rata for new residents joining during the year). 5. One draw will take place every two months and in public, by a person who is not a member of the 100 Club. Where possible, these draws will be held at an ADVA or other village event. 6. Each bi-monthly draw will be for three prizes: 1st – £25 2nd– £20, and 3rd– £15 in July, September, November, January, March, and May. 7. Twice a year, in November and in May, there will be an additional prize of £100. 8. All members are eligible for each draw. 9. Each prize winner will be announced immediately after each individual draw. If not present, the winning members will be contacted as soon as possible. 10. Membership may be transferred by arrangement with the organiser. 11. Lack of payment will invalidate membership. 12. In the event of a dispute, the elected officers of the Awbridge & District Village Association will have the final arbitration. These rules and procedures should be retained by the member, the completed tear-off reply slip below to be sent to, and retained by the treasurer, together with the subscription.
To Nigel Hemsted (Treasurer) Emmbrook Newtown Rd, Awbridge, Romsey SO51 0GJ I, the undersigned (parental consent and signature must be shown if under age 16), agree to be a member of the ADVA 100 CLUB, and I fully understand the rules and procedures, a copy of which I have received. For the annual membership for 1 June 2014 to 31 May 2015 (please tick which applies): I enclose a cheque (made out to ADVA) for £15.00. I have paid online and sent my details to and sent £15 to the ADVA account Awbridge & District Village Association, TSB, Romsey Branch, Sort Code 30-97-14, Account No. 00126298 (Mark the transaction as 100 club and your name) Name Signature Address Postcode Telephone Email
Awbridge V I L L A G E
Fill in the tear off strip above and return now
Awb ridge
If you would like your event in the diary, send the details to
Tuesday 06 May
ADVA meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Saturday 10 May
Village Fete
Awbridge Village Hall
12 noon
Thursday 29 May
Annual Parish Assembly
Awbridge Village Hall
Sunday 01 June
The Big Lunch
Awbridge Village Hall
12 noon
Wednesday 25 June
Village Lunch
Awbridge Village Hall
12 noon
Thursday 26 June
Parish Council Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Tuesday 01 July
Awbridge Village Hall
Thursday 31 July
Parish Council Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Saturday 06 September
Produce Show
Awbridge Village Hall
Wednesday 24 September
Village Lunch
Awbridge Village Hall
12 noon
Thursday 25 September
Parish Council Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Kooking with Kate Kate Buchan, Sous Chef at Kimbridge Restaurant. Gives you your Seasonal Recipe
Rainbow trout with horseradish yoghurt and balsamic beetroot This recipe serves 2 persons. Shopping List: 4 x 100g rainbow trout fillets Olive oil A few sprigs of thyme 2 heaped tablespoons fat free natural yoghurt
1 lemon 4 jarred beetroots, quartered 1 heaped teaspoon creamed horseradish Balsamic vinegar Small bunch of watercress
How to make it: Season the trout on both sides with a pinch of salt and pepper. Add a good lug of olive oil to a hot pan and scatter in the thyme, followed by the trout, skin side down. Press down on the fish with a fish slice to help the skin crisp up. Cook for 4 minutes; shake the pan carefully every now and again to prevent the fish from sticking. Turn over the fillets and cook for last 20 seconds to finish off, you want to cook the fish 90% on the skin side. In a bowl mix together the yoghurt with ¼ of the lemon juice, horseradish and a pinch of salt. Taste the yoghurt to see if it has a good kick to it. Quarter the beetroot and dress with a good splash of balsamic vinegar and a small pinch of salt. Squeeze half a lemon into the hot pan with the fish, then transfer the fillets onto 2 plates, 2 fillets on each plate arranged on top of each other. Top each plate of fish with a good spoonful of the horseradish yogurt and a spoonful of the dressed beetroot. Finish off each plate with a small amount of watercress placed on top of the fillets and lightly drizzle with olive oil and serve
help For The Fete We are short on helpers this year, so could you help with ‘teas and coffees’ or at the Bar or BBQ?? If you can please contact us on 340709 - Thanks!! Page 17 | May 2014
Awb ridge
If you would like your organisation/amenity in the directory, send your details to
Organisation / Amenity Meeting / Info
Email / Other
1st Tuesday each month
Chairman - Fred Tucker
01794 340709
Acorn Community Pre-School
9am - 12pm - Term time
Danae Mathews-07860 662685
01794 342441
A K Heating and Plumbing
Heating & Plumbing Engineers Kevin Isaac
01794 340577
Alan's Driving School
Driving Instructor
Alan Sutton
07889 099 679
All Saints Church
Church Wardens
Fred Tucker Mary Savage
01794 340709 01794 367908
All Saints Young Church
2nd Sunday of the month
Pepe Alexander
01794 340386
01794 340556
Annie's Restaurant Ark Babies and Toddler Group
Friday mornings - Term time
Lynda Tucker
01794 340709
Awbridge Arborists
Tree Surgery & Gardening
James Parker
07899 952 944
Awbridge Tuesday Night Bridge Club
Clare Wigmore
01722 712437
Awbridge Evening WI
2nd Thursday each month
Pauline Harris - President
01794 340067
Awbridge NeighbourCare
Help Co-Ordinator
Awbridge No Fear Bridge Club
Thursdays - 2-4.30pm
Diane Harvey
01420 561548
Awbridge Parish Council
Last Thursday each month
Chairman - Mark Caplen Clerk - Ian Milsom
01794 342315 077454 11274
Executive Headteacher - Mrs Cottrell Head of Teaching & Learning - Mr Ward
01794 340407
Awbridge Primary School
0845 094 6155
Awbridge Village Hall
Hire hall, committee room
John Thompson
01794 341102
Awbridge/Dunbridge Oil Group
Qtly Supply Activity
Hans Meijer
01794 340122
Baby Sleep the Night
Karen Bramall
01794 341172
Beau Beautiful
Julie Jacobs
01794 323827
01794 340654 07813 545 711
Lewis or Paul
07799 664308 07798 566424
Belles Blooms
Brook Building Services Butlers Wood Farm CL Site
CL Site
Pam Hillier
01794 340368
D A Wheeler Ltd
General Building & Maintenance
Dave Wheeler
01794 514988
Deon Design
Graphic Design & Websites
Deon Tucker
01794 340326
First Floor Gallery
Picture Framers
Keith and Helen Newton
01794 516479
First Lockerley Brownies
Tuesdays 6-7.30pm-Term time
Nicola Peckham
01794 341490
Marion Gray - Co-Ordinator
01794 341370
First Responders Gardens by David Scott
Design, construction etc
David Scott
07850 248000
Gary Wolfe
Painter and Decorator
Gary Wolfe
01794 342378 07810 393795
Gilbert Nursery and Tea Rooms
Nursery and Tea Rooms
Hampshire County Council
01794 322566 Roy Perry
Hansard Pet Centre Hibberd Cricket Academy
Page 18  |  May 2014
Cricket Coaching
James Hibberd
01794 322472
01794 340654
07810 823263
Organisation / Amenity Meeting / Info
Email / Other
Hopgarden Day Nursery
Daily-9am-4.30pm. Term time
Sue Gray
01794 340906
Jive Riot
Adult Modern Jive Classes
Kelly Donoghue
08000 728 728
Lockerley Cycling
Rebecca Eyles
Lockerley Driving School
Rebecca Eyles
K8's K9
Canine Sitting Service
Kate Organ
Kents Oak Care Home Kevin White General Builder
General Builder
Kevin White
Kimbridge Farm Shop Tim
01794 341212
01794 523426
01794 340777
07590 711770
01794 341181
Mobile Tyre Services
Meadowland Fencing
All fencing supplied & erected
P J Installations
TV Installations
Paul Jameson
01794 340118
Painters Direct
Interior and Exterior Specialist Jay Colbourne
01264 860143 07833 382225
PB Carpentry & Building Services
Carpentry & Building
Phil Butt
023 8086 5300
Plant Hire
Operated mini digger hire
Clive Francis
07889 465257
Pomp and Petals
Bespoke Floristry
Kay Murrant
01794 341110
Miranda Weeks
01794 341988
Rae Tugwell
Gardening Help
Rae Tugwell
07837 130838
Romsey Bowling Club
Bowling - May-September
Honorary Secretary
01794 513594
Romsey District Cars Ltd
01794 517448 07891 169 549
Home Home Physiotherapy
Domicillary Physiotherapist
Jane Heyer
01794 515068
Romsey Maintenance & Cleaning Services Limited
Exterior Property Cleaning & Maintenance
Barry Hussey
01794 340160 07771 274347
Russell Services Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
Steve Russell
01794 341241
So & Sew
Sewing needs
Rachel Atkinson
01794 367684 07720 600708
Stained Glass Workshop
Classes & Commissions
Marilyn Taylor
01794 341328
Councillor Gordon Bailey
01794 323557
Lesley Newitt
01794 340225
Test Valley Borough Council The Star Inn
Inn and B&B
Willow Bank House
Licensed B&B and Business Jennifer Wineberg Centre
01794 340843
Woodpeckers Bed and Breakfast
Bed and Breakfast
01794 342400
3 1
07791 748792
Livewire Tyres
Purdey Pups Dog Grooming
7 5
5 7 2 1 1 4
7 5
3 9
9 2
7 5 9 3 1 6
6 5
5 2
1 3
7 1 4
7 9
1 6 9
Sue and Brian Hatch
9 5
1 3 6
2 3
2 9
1 4
5 3 7 2
8 9 2 4
6 1 4 8
2 7 6 5
9 4 5 7
3 8 1 6
4 2 9 1
7 5 3 9
1 6 8 3
8 4
1 3
7 9
4 1
2 6
5 7
3 8
6 2
9 5
9 1
7 6
5 3
3 9
1 8
4 2
6 5
8 4
2 7
Page 19  |  May 2014