Awbridgenews Awbridge District Village Association
FREE september 2012
The volunteers made the games. These people gave their time and effort to make everyone’s day better and their enthusiasm and pleasure was infectious.
The volunteers make the village.
Aw bridge V I L L A G E
Page 1 | September 2012 |
Awb ridge
awbridge district village association
ADVA | We’re now on Facebook - search for Awbridge Village
committee Fred Tucker - Chairman Chanwel House, Romsey Road - 340709 Laura Hailwood-Thomas - Secretary 1 Spring Field, Romsey Road - 342020 Nigel Hemsted - Treasurer Emmbrook, Newtown Road - 340986 Paul Jameson Forest View, Kents Oak - 340118 Deon Tucker Bryn Gower, Romsey Road - 340230 Alex Hillier Forest View, Kents Oak - 340118 Lynda Tucker Chanwel House, Romsey Road - 340709
Sally McLellan Coles Farm Cottage, Awbridge Hill - 522402 James Child 4 Cowleas Close - 341980 Kay Murrant The Old Police House, Danes Road - 340289 Paul Harvey Rowlands Barn, Dunbridge Lane - 341259 Amanda Hanson 1 Woodlands, Saunders Lane - 340899 Katy Stimson Thurston House, Danes Road - 341452 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Peter Allen, Kim Stone, Sandra Tebbett
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Info For further information please call 340709. Send all adverts to to book for further issues. We thank you for your support and trust that you will continue to use our magazine in the future. To book back page please add £10 and call to confirm.
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subscriptions Awbridge News is now available by annual subscription. Send your details and a cheque for £15.00 made payable to
ADVA to cover costs and postage to Nigel Hemsted, Treasurer, Emmbrook, Newtown Road, Awbridge, SO51 0GJ.
The deadline for the next edition will be 18th September
Page 2 | September 2012
From the Editorial Team Ruth, Isaac and I were lucky enough to get tickets on what proved to be a scorching day in Weymouth during the Olympics, seeing plenty of great sport but also plenty of equally great volunteers. We clearly were never going to match the spending of previous Olympic organisers, but as a nation we definitely showed off one of our greater enjoyments – namely voluntary work. Nigel (ADVA Treasurer) was one of the thousands of volunteers that made the Olympics, with his story written out later in this edition. An army is said to march on its stomach, and so a village definitely needs its volunteers. We have many individuals who work tirelessly both within Awbridge and further afield, many of who do jobs that never get noticed. I know from what little I’ve seen in the few years we’ve lived here that we are definitely a village which would be less without our voluntary workforce – for that, we will always be thankful! The summer is finally with us, for which we all can be glad! It’s also at this time we have major roadworks within the village which is causing a certain degree of disruption to our lives. Southern Water have kindly provided an update for this issue and have promised further press releases in the coming months. As always, if anyone has a desire to write for Awbridge News about any of the village events or things going on that they feel are worth wider circulation, please drop me a line (by phone or email, each is as good as the other). Remember, as volunteers made the Olympics, volunteers make this village too! James Child - Co-Editor Awbridge News
From the Chairman’s Pen
//*// NEWS IN BRIEF //*// The Parish Council meeting on 6th September will be attended by Romsey Police, with the opportunity to take questions and answers from residents. More so than usual, your attendance is vital to ensure local issues are raised and hopefully dealt with. ------ • -----The village website ( is to have a launch session and workshop in the autumn. Please look out for further details in future editions of Awbridge News, but we’re currently looking at a Monday evening towards the end of the year. ------ • -----Operation Christmas Child – coffee morning for the shoebox appeal is currently planned for 10th November. ------ • -----Further news about work to the BMX track coming soon! ------ • -----Future events for the village being considered are a Burns Night, Sarcasm Contest and (possibly in light of our recent wet weather) a Water Garden & Feature show. Ideas are always gladly received and will be considered! ------ • -----Wanted! Are you a budding writer and fancy being a roving reporter for Awbridge News? Please drop the editorial team an email on to find out more.
By the time you read this, all the hard work involved in the village produce show will be over, and the cups will have been presented to the worthy winners. A full report will follow next month. We hope that you have enjoyed your summer holidays and are back into the swing of work or school, some children for the first time and some having moved to new schools. Please keep an eye on the magazine for the various social functions that will be happening over the autumn and winter period. If you are new to the village, WELCOME and do get in touch if you have any ideas that might be interesting to try. Fred Tucker - Chairman ADVA
Splashdown, Finally! Very few people would have thought we would have had to wait until August for the swimming session at Fred and Lynda’s due to the shocking weather, but so it happened! However, when the start of August finally came around the weather was definitely on our side this time. The pool was clearly a popular attraction based on the amount of youngsters (and those not so young!) enjoying a swim, and not a spare seat at poolside was to be found.
ADVA invite you to the annual Curry & Quiz Night on
13th October - 7pm at Awbridge Village Hall Enjoy a two course meal including a choice of three different curries plus all the usual extras! Tickets priced at £12.00 each are available now from Laura Tel 342020.
Thank you to Fred and Lynda for hosting, and we’ll look forward to next year when hopefully it won’t be quite as wet in June!!!
The quiz will be organised in tables and will take place during the meal.
Please remember to mention Awbridge News when responding to any adverts in the newsletter
Please bring your own drinks!
W I N A LU X U RY H A M P E R ! ! Page 3 | September 2012
All Saints Awbridge - September 2012 As we move into September we begin to enjoy the harvest of fruits, farming and horticulture all around us, and to be thankful for all the produce, gifts, resources, skills and talents we are given. Some of your home-grown produce may even be award winning at ADVA’s produce show but even these items are still part of God’s generous gifts to us. On Sunday 23 September we have our Harvest Festival Family service at 9 30 am followed by activities and lunch in the village hall; come and join us from 12 noon. We are privileged to have Chris Davies of Southampton City Mission joining us for our celebratory service. Chris is a great speaker and leads school assemblies and holiday clubs and has agreed to take part in our Harvest service. Chris will be collecting the food items donated, to help support families in the Southampton area, those suffering still due to the current economic situation, & demand for which continues to increase. In 2011 the Basics Bank fed people 4,578 times, and clothed people 1,456 times. The food & clothing is only given to those with referral vouchers from authorised agencies and is given out by volunteers through church communities in Southampton. To find out more, see See list below for items needed; please bring these to our harvest service and lunch. Thank you to all of you who donated to Turn on the Tap from our walk & picnic in May, and BBQ in July. So far we have managed to collect a fantastic amount of over £400 just from bottles of loose change! If you still have your water bottle with coins in, please complete the gift-aid label and give to Pepe Alexander, Fred Tucker or bring to Choice Plants. Thank you. Due to a generous donation from ADVA we are in the process of choosing ten new tapestry kneelers for the church to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, one of the designs is seen here, if you would like to offer to make up one of the kits please contact Mary Savage (367908) or Lynda Tucker (340709). We celebrated the baptism of William Conn with a lovely service in July. Events for your diary: Alpha Course at Poppies, Choice Plants, 8 sessions starting on Wed 12 Sept 7 30 pm including supper. Contact Teresa Pittis for more info 01794 368335. Sunday 23 September Harvest Festival 9 30 am followed by Harvest lunch at the village hall with Harvest Activities from 12 noon (see separate advert for details) Sunday 14 October: Messy Church 2 30 – 5 00 pm Awbridge Village Hall with the theme of “Jesus: the true vine” Worship and Events in Awbridge in September: Sunday 2 September 9 30 am Holy Communion 6 30 pm First service with Steve Pittis Sunday 9 September 9 30 am Morning Worship & Godly Play “The Lord’s Prayer” with Teresa Pittis Sunday 16 September 9 30 am Holy Communion Sunday 23 September 9 30 am Harvest Festival followed by harvest lunch with harvest activities at Awbridge Village Hall from 12 noon Sunday 30 September 10 00 am United Benefice Holy Communion at Braishfield Page 4 | September 2012
Jesus said “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” Matt 14 v 16
Sunday 7 October 9 30 am Holy Communion 6 30 pm First Other Activities for September Five Alive Fellowship Mon 3 September Dementia - what can we do? Nick Virgo, 7 30 pm Braishfield church rooms Prayer Group Meets twice monthly in Romsey Prayer requests to John Twigg 521966 or via prayer request box in church Housegroup Tues 18 September, 7 45 pm Rosemary Croft, contact John Twigg 521966 Open Housegroup Thurs 6 & 20 Sept 7 45 pm, Venue 6 Sept, Jane West’s home, Shootash. Contact Sue Franklin 322185 Awbridge Lunch Club Wed 12 Sept 12 noon, at church rooms & Wed 26 Sept at Awbridge Village Hall. Contact Delia 340395 The Ark Toddler Group Meets in the village hall on Fridays in term-time, 9 30 am – 11 00 am, first session next term 7 Sept. All toddlers and their parents/carers welcome. Refreshments, craft, singing and other activities provided. Contact Lynda Tucker 340709 for more information. Welcome Pack If you have recently moved into the Awbridge area and would like a copy of our village Welcome Pack please contact one of the churchwardens, see details below. Useful church contacts: The Revd Canon Steve Pittis 01794 368335 Churchwardens: Fred Tucker (01794 340709) or Mary Savage (01794 367908) Young Church: Pepe Alexander (01794 340386) The Ark Toddler Group: Lynda Tucker (340709) Awbridge Neighbourcare: 0845 094 6155 Other relevant information can be found on the village website
Harvest: Non-perishable food items for Southampton City Mission (must be in date and not in bulk buy packets as smaller portions required) • Stewed Steak • Minced Beef • Chicken In White Sauce • Curries • Ravioli • Spaghetti Bolognese • Meatballs • Baked Beans with Sausages • Irish Stew • Chilli Con Carne • Macaroni Cheese • Spaghetti Hoops • Tuna • Sardines • Salmon • Pilchards • Soup (particularly the chunky soups) • Baked Beans • Potatoes – tinned or packet of mash • Tomatoes • Rice Pudding/Custard
• Tinned Fruit • Vegetarian Foods • Peas • Carrots • Sweet corn • Other Misc Veg. Tinned • Cereal: especially Weetabix • Pasta Sauce • Packet of Noodles/Savoury Rice • Pasta • Rice • Tea • Coffee • Hot Chocolate • UHT Milk • Flour • Sugar • Conserves • Treats (Crisps, Chocolate, biscuits, crackers, seasonal foods) • Squash
Awbridge Neighbourcare 0845 094 6155
The next village lunch will be held on Wednesday 26th September at 12 noon in Awbridge Village Hall. Why not come along to enjoy a friendly chat over a delicious meal. If the Paralympics are as successful as the London 2012 Olympics, there will be lots to talk about! If you would like to book a place, please call the Neighbourcare duty co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155 by Monday 24th September. Neighbourcare Arrangements 0845 094 6155 Awbridge Neighbourcare volunteers are available to help, as good neighbours, to provide transport for medical appointments, or shopping, or to visit you if you would enjoy a friendly chat. Our volunteers have allocated time to be available to help you, so your requests are vital to the work of this group. All you need to do is call 0845 094 6155 to speak to the co-ordinator to see if they can help you. If you would like to use Awbridge Neighbourcare, please could you try to give at least 48 hours’ notice when you need to book transport so that the duty co-ordinator has time to make the necessary arrangements. Although we will endeavour to help if shorter notice is given, we cannot guarantee the availability of our volunteers.
We would very much like to hear from you if you could volunteer as a driver. The more drivers we have to call on, the more people we are able to help. Please contact the duty co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155 if you would like to join this worthwhile organisation.
Operation Christmas Child
Thank you to all of you who have donated money this year for the water project Turn on the Tap. We have had over £200 so far at Choice Plants and over £400 from Awbridge Church members and villagers. Thank you all very much. Once again it is time to start thinking about Operation Christmas Child so don’t forget to collect that empty shoebox when buying shoes for next term! We would love to encourage as many people as possible from Awbridge to get really involved this year and we are holding our shoebox coffee morning on Saturday 10 November 10 00 am – 12 noon in the village hall, kindly sponsored by ADVA. The annual Romsey Deanery Shoebox Service this year is being held in our benefice, at All Saints, Braishfield on Sunday 18 November, at 3 pm, which also happens to be during the Bishop of Southampton’s Visit to our deanery. Leaflets are available at Choice Plants and Awbridge Church and will be sent out with the next Awbridge news. Resources are now available to order from the website. If you would like to order your own and see current stories or find knitting patterns then have a look at We are always in need of empty, medium sized shoeboxes. Please drop these off at Choice Plants if you have spare ones. For more information, contact Mary Savage, rep for Samaritan’s Purse on 01794 367908 or email: savage@choice
British Red Cross Romsey & District Local Office Red Cross Centre, 10 Greatwell Drive, Romsey (opposite Nightingale Surgery) 01794 513202 - 24 hour answer phone Romsey Medical Loan Open 10.30am to 12.30pm - Mon to Fri. Enquiries: 01794 513202 (24 hr answer phone). General Information 0844 871 1111. Emergency number for all of the above 07790 670840 Wool - We urgently need all types of wool, however small, (not cones) for all sorts of craft work and to knit gloves, hats, scarves, teapot cosies and many other items. Please contact Avis on 02380 328071 or the Fundraising shop on 02380 735089. Autumn Gift Fayre - There is an Autumn Gift Fayre on Saturday 13th October at North Baddesley Village Hall from 10.30 am to 2.30 pm. Tables available for £10. All goods must be new. Telephone 02380 730843 or email
Page 5 | September 2012
From Western Country Watch Weekly Rural Thefts Lockerley - Five bar metal gate stolen Plaitford - Various power tools stolen from outbuilding Romsey - Over 100 litres of diesel stolen from yard Romsey - Lead flashing stolen from roof of premises Vehicles of interest P843 DWN - White Ford Transit Tipper. Seen in the Stanbridge area with three male occupants on board acting suspiciously. If anyone has information relating to the above, or have other incidents to report that are not of an emergency nature, please contact the police on 101.
Romsey Rural Beat Report There have been a number of tack thefts over the last two weeks. Please make sure your tack is kept safe if you do not take it home with you. Also check your insurance policy as it may not be covered if it is not kept in the correct building with the correct locks. Getting your tack post coded is something that we can help with. Contact us for more details. Vernon Gook & Jo Cole
Press Release From Southern Water & Clancy Docwra
The new mains will remove the risk of loss of water supply to customers’ homes and ensure security of supply and pressure for many years to come. The programme of work is on target to be completed before December 25th (trying to avoid the X word at this stage in the year!). A big thank you to the residents of the area affected by the scheme.
Bear and Ragged Pumpkin and Halloween Show This year’s show will take place on Saturday October 20th at the Bear and Ragged Staff, Michelmersh. This is a family event throughout the evening starting from 6pm. There will be a BBQ, draw, tombola, produce, guess the weight of the pumpkin etc and entertainment on offer. As well as our fund raising stalls we would like children and adults to dress up for our themed evening ‘Pumpkins or Halloween’ to be judged at 7pm for the best costume. Please bring along any marrows or pumpkins you have grown. However big or small you may win prettiest or ugliest or best matched pair. We also have a class for ‘best judged garden produce’, and novelty entries for children and adults - get your creative skills going and turn your pumpkin or marrow into something amazing. If not maybe you would like to carve a pumpkin or marrow. Entries can be taken from 4.30pm to 6.45pm with final weigh-in at 8pm. All proceeds made on the night will go to local charities. For more information about categories please contact Phil Hutchins on 01794 368117
The following has been received from Southern Water as a means of updating us of the progress surrounding the works to Saunders Lane. Please note that this is written in the future tense to indicate where the work should be by 18th August – it is worth bearing in mind that all construction work progress is subject to unforeseen circumstances so this and future press releases should be read as such. Those affected by the works should have had correspondence from Southern Water stating that they are working in Saunders Lane, containing contact details for further enquiries. If you have not received this information and have an issue, please contact me and I will be able to give it to you. Editor
------ • -----The work to replace 2Km of water mains in Saunders Lane and adjoining roads is now well underway. The laying of the new water main began at the junction of Romsey Road, Saunders Lane and Danes Road. This was to ensure completion of this section during the school holidays, removing the potential problems which could have occurred if Awbridge Primary School was open at the same time as the work was taking place. This section of the scheme was at a difficult traffic junction and required four-way lights covering Romsey Road, Saunders Lane and Danes Road. This stage has gone well, with no issues caused apart from delays at the lights but safety was our main concern. Many thanks to everyone for the patience shown during this section of work. Work is also now progressing along Saunders Lane with two-way lights and/or priority systems in place. This will allow the whole of Saunders Lane to be completed in one go before the work moves into the side streets such as Cowleas Close and the unnamed roads. The transfer of the property service pipes will take place once all the mains have been laid, at which time all properties included in the scheme will have their water supplied from the new mains. Page 6 | September 2012
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Awbridge Evening W.I.
until this period has ended, unless written agreement is obtained from that consumer beforehand.
Members were ‘hooked’ as they listened to Valerie Norman’s fascinating story of how she became involved with the art of traditional American Rug Hooking. The skill had been taken from this country by the Puritans who sailed on the Mayflower to the New World. Valerie lived in Washington DC for some years, and, not being a conventional Embassy wife, became interested in hooking after seeing it demonstrated at a State Fair. She brought with her beautiful examples of cushions and wall hangings which everyone admired.
If anyone has any information about traders who are cold calling or requires any advice on doorstep crime they can contact Hampshire County Council’s Quick Response Team on 01962 833666 (Monday – Friday 0900hrs to 1700hrs) where specially trained officers are on hand to provide advice.
Plenty of trips are planned for the Autumn and beyond. There is a visit to see the London lights at the end of November and a short holiday in Matlock for the Christmas Fair. The annual day trip to Bath is also planned for November, while this month a party of members are going to Chichester theatre to see ‘Kiss Me Kate’. Members were encouraged to enter the competitions for a scarecrow and a decorated wellie for the Romsey Show Tent and several expressed an interest in attending the Autumn Group Meeting. A Casino Evening is also in the pipeline. Next month we shall hear how to protect our family home from the cost of care when the time comes; so why not come along and join us on 13th September at 7.30 - you might learn something to your advantage!
Keep Your Eyes Peeled! Just to draw to you attention we have had a couple of reported sightings of a large black Puma type cat seen in Holbury Lane area of Lockerley. The cat has been described as a couple of feet tall and approx 4-5 feet long. Any sightings please contact the non emergency number 101 or in an emergency call 999. To date we have NO reports off animals being attacked. PCSO Jo Cole
If assistance is required outside of these hours please contact Hampshire Police on their non-urgent number 101 or dial 999 if you feel threatened or intimidated. Hampshire County Council Trading Standards
Babysitting Services Experienced, reliable and cheerful 17 year old babysitter looking to help any parents by babysitting weekdays over the summer and any evenings. I live in Awbridge and am always happy to help at short notice. Contact Leeanna: 07876141181/01794 341181
------ • -----Reliable, mature and responsible 17 year old who lives locally. Experienced with children. Looking for work evenings and weekends. Also available daytime during the summer. Contact Kate on 01794 340595
Awbridge Village Lunches 2012 Would you like to join friends and neighbours from the village for Lunch?
Rogue Traders Alert Rogue Traders are currently cold calling in the Ampfield (nr Romsey) and surrounding area of Hampshire offering to block pave driveways. Current intelligence indicates that once a contract is made, these traders will pressurise a consumer into agreeing to works above that originally planned and at a much higher cost than that initially quoted. Little or no paperwork is presented, and consumers are not provided with their statutory 7 day cooling-off period. Works completed are of a poor quality. Trading Standards would advise consumers not to agree to work that is instigated as a result of a cold call or via a leaflet drop. Consumers should obtain at least 3 written quotes from reputable businesses or traders who are either members of the Hampshire County Council Trading Standards Buy With Confidence Scheme or a recognised trade association. Members of the Buy With Confidence scheme are fully audited to ensure their trading practices are legal, honest and fair. All members have been checked for trustworthiness and compliance with consumer protection laws. Details can be obtained by telephoning 01962 833620, emailing or via the website Traders who agree work at the home of an individual or at a place other than their usual business premises are required by law to provide consumers with a Notice of Right to Cancel, which gives consumers a 7 day cooling off period. Work should not commence Page 8 | September 2012
Menu Main course e.g. Shepherd’s pie Home-made pudding Tea or coffee 12 noon at Awbridge Village Hall Wednesday 26th September - £4 per person Wednesday 5th December - £6 per person, Christmas Lunch Booking and Transport arrangements:
To let us know numbers for catering, please ring the Neighbourcare co-ordinator on 0845 094 6155 by the Monday before the lunch. If you would like transport, at no cost to you, please ask the coordinator at the same time. (If you normally attend the All Saints lunch, arrangements for booking are the same as usual.) These lunches are being jointly organised by All Saints Church and Awbridge Neighbourcare with catering provided by a team of cooks and volunteers. We hope that you will come and enjoy these events.
The Queen At The New Forest Show
with her mobile phone, a little cash and two plastic bottles of water. I also had my own wallet, video camera, mobile phone and camera. I said to my wife “stay with me” and went after the Royal cars and security team.
Strange how an innocent comment can have such an effect on so many lives. One suggestion made in good faith was about to involve a touch of sunburn, a massage bed, fancy footwear, a Grandmother and almost a divorce. My wife and I were in our caravan when I suggested that we should get her a pair of pumps. The grass on the site can be quite wet on some occasions, sometimes from dew and at other times from overnight rain. My suggestion was not exactly met with screams of joy but she did agree to consider the idea. A few days later we were in a local store and I pointed to, I thought, the ideal pumps. I had not realised that wandering round a wet site early in the day was a time when so many important people would be out inspecting other campers’ footwear. I had chosen the “horrible green things” situated on a shelf that said “Sale” but my wife had seen a pair of ankle boots with red soles, blue sides and covered with white spots, four or five times more expensive than I had planned. The fact the store did not have her size was irrelevant because they could get the boots she wanted, in two or three days. It was when she was trying on the correct, “very comfortable” boots that I discovered we were going to the New Forest Show on Wednesday 25th of July to see the Queen. I tried to explain, in private, that there would be thousands of people at the show on the 25th and we may not even see the Queen and unless my wife was planning to do a headstand in front of the royal visitors they would not see her new boots. The day of the show arrived in a mini heat wave. The ground was bone dry with not a puddle or patch of mud anywhere to be seen so the boots were left in the car and my wife wore sandals. The security was either very good or the officials were badly informed because nobody seemed to know when or where the Queen was due to arrive which was fine because my wife had been invited to try a massage bed on one of the display stands. I was dispatched and told to return in about thirty minutes. Luckily I got back as the sales person was trying to convince my wife that if we purchased the bed at the show it would only cost us about £3,700 and not the normal retail price of over five thousand pounds. The salesperson was very good at his job and it took me several minutes to explain to my wife that I had discovered the Queen was due to arrive in less than ten minutes, by helicopter. The salesperson lost the battle and his bonus, as we made a late dash to try and see the Royal visitors. The empty helicopter was there and we were just in time to see the royal cars disappear to a distant part of the show. There were many “Chinese whispers” as to where the Queen would be going, but we were able to get in a position and were close to the Queen as she was driven past with the Duke at her side. At this stage I was carrying my wife’s heavy and very pretty pink bag
The crowd chasing the cars, at this stage, was a few hundred strong and growing. I looked round and my wife was nowhere to be seen. The cars stopped and the Queen, surrounded by security made her way through the crowd and disappeared from view to have lunch. Without a Press Pass or any form of clearance I managed to get as close as possible to the entrance and settled in for a long hot wait in the sun. Several times I turned to try and find my wife among the hundreds of faces packing in behind me but without any luck. I could not move forward and would have had considerable trouble trying to get out of the crowd. After about an hour and a half there was an increase in the activity involving the security and the police. I had been concerned that the officials would move forward and block everyone’s view but as the Queen came towards me I was able to get one quick photograph.... then she was back in the car and off to another part of the show. The crowd moved away leaving me with my pretty pink bag and various cameras. My wife appeared, not happy, but too thirsty to give me a hard time. I think I knew how she felt. I had had the benefit of being able to drink water even though the top of my head felt like it had been attacked by a swarm of bees. At least I had the satisfaction of knowing I had seen “My Queen” on the final day of her Jubilee celebration. I consider, despite the long wait, I had been very lucky. My wife never got to wear her expensive boots in front of the Queen but she did get a good close up as she passed in the Royal car. It was reported that over 50,000 people attended the show on July 25th 2012 and most of those visitors were there to see the Queen. It would be nice to think that the Royal connection will continue for many years to come. Maurice Hibberd
Broughton Floral Club Open Evening ‘Christmas At Home‘ with Nick Heal – Demonstrator Broughton Village Hall - Wednesday 7th November 2012 at 7.30, doors open 6.30pm. Tickets: Non Members £10 including refreshments.
Christmas Panto Season Approaching Another Fantastic Forest Forge production in Awbridge... For all those who enjoyed: “The Phoenix & The Carpet” “The Wolves Of Willoughby Chase” “Jack & The Beanstalk” “Around The World In 80 Days” “The Smith Family Panto” “A Christmas Carol”
Save the date – Fri 7th Dec 2012 performance starts 7.30pm Contact – Kay Murrant – 01794 340289 for details Page 9 | September 2012
Awbridge Parish Council
Church Kneelers
Chair: Mark Caplen - 342315,
As noted in last month’s edition, ADVA have decided to sponsor the purchase of ten new kneelers for All Saints Church. One of these will feature the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
Councillors: Peter Allen 342040 David Coleman 340618 Peter Milani 523066 Pam Harvey 341259 Paul Legon 340539
We already have a number of volunteers who are willing to make some, but still need some more. The canvas of each kneeler is printed, and will then need to be worked on with cross stitch. If anybody feels that they would like to be involved with this project please contact Lynda Tucker. Their work would I know be really appreciated and certainly enjoyed by many people.
Clerk – Vacant Parish Council website:
Flying Doctor! Awbridge Village Hall has recently given permission for the Hampshire Air Ambulance to land there to pick up the emergency doctor who has just moved into the village. Don’t forget to wave if you see it, and I’m sure we’ll get a “hello” from him for the next edition…
Tesco “Coming” To Romsey If you have been keeping up to date with the local news, Tesco are currently involved in the early stages of proposing to build a new superstore in Romsey. There are unsurprisingly two opposing views on this move, and a variety of petitions are currently up and running both online and in person.
Neighbourhood Watch Plans are being developed for the setting up of a Neighbourhood Watch group covering Spring Field and Romsey Road in the light of the recently burglary attempts in the area. Further information about this will be made available to anyone living within the catchment – contact details will appear in Awbridge News once they are known.
Awbridge Has Got Talent (Or Has It?)
Should you be extremely pro or anti such a development in Romsey and wish to sign the petitions they can be found within Romsey Town Centre and on the internet. For the sake of our impartiality here, I won’t be publishing specific details within Awbridge News!
Are you a fan of the popular TV talent show?
More “Get To Know Your Committee”!
Do you think you have a talent you want to show to the world, but don’t want to be ridiculed in the name of prime-time TV entertainment by two pint sized Geordies?
Paul Jameson – Deputy Chairman I was born and brought up in Hertfordshire. My first job was a sales person in Dixons, I then moved to British Airospace as an Aircraft Raw-materials Inspector and just before moving down here worked in St Albans as the Warehouse and Transport Manager of a clean room company. I also considered myself a “townie”. The countryside was something to be viewed from my 3rd floor window in the distance! Alex Hillier I was born and brought up in Awbridge in one of the oldest village families. At an early age I decided the family farm was not for me, so after school and college I had several jobs including working for Fred Tucker as his secretary. (I am one of those rare people who can read his handwriting!) I then went to work in the motor industry firstly as a Maintenance Controller looking after a fleet of 500 Mercedes Benz HGVs and then as a PA in a company supplying data to the motor industry. In December 2001 Paul and I met in Boston USA at the airport waiting for our delayed flight home (thanks Mr Branson!). Paul moved “down south” in September 2002 and in August 2003 we moved back to Awbridge with our 3 week old son to the bungalow my parents, brother and I lived in until I was 6 years old! Over the last 9 years we have both been involved with various village committees and organisations and hope to continue to support the village in this way for years to come. Page 10 | September 2012
If you can answer yes to both/either/neither of the above, you’ll be interested to know that our own local version is to be run at the end of January 2013. Further details of how to enter will feature in future editions of Awbridge News, so watch this space!!!
More From The Diamond Jubilee
ADVA are pleased to confirm that at the last meeting of the Awbridge Village Hall Trust, the chairman was able to present the original letter to the Queen and her response to the village which has been mounted and framed. This was warmly received and is now hanging in the committee room alongside those from the Silver and Golden jubilees Please take time to read them when you are next in the village hall for an event.
Harvest in Awbridge All are welcome to this years’ Harvest Festival
on Sunday 23 Sept 9.30 am at All Saints Church with Chris Davies of Southampton City Mission. Please bring your donations of non-perishable food items ------ • ------
New Build Repairs and Renova ons Listed Building Work Extensions Lo Conversions Altera ons Carpentry Kitchens Bathrooms
followed by
Harvest Lunch & Activities for all ages from 12 noon, at Awbridge Village Hall ------ • ------
Tickets for lunch:
Adults £6 Children £2.50, Family £15 (2 Ad +2 Ch)
Soft drinks available Please book with James Alexander 340386 or e-mail: Please book by Wednesday 19 Sept
Free Quota ons Tel: 01794 514988 Mob: 07860166536 Email: Hillberry Farm, Awbridge. Page 11 | September 2012
Awbridge Hill Wildlife Sanctuary Lockerley Black Cat With recent reports of a large black puma like cat being seen in the Lockerley area, there is some speculation as to whether black panther are to be found lurking in the Hampshire countryside. The word “panther” is Roman in origin and is descriptive of a woodland animal that has a lightning strike. The Greek name for this animal is “leopard” meaning cat of the trees. Panther can be found across the world and vary greatly in size, colour and markings. A solitary animal of forest and scrub, anther are generally nocturnal; however they are extremely agile and will climb up out on the limb of a tree to bask in the sun and rest up through the day. Also known for their habit of storing the remains of their kill in the branches of trees, panther can weigh between 50 and 100 kilograms but will grow even larger. Although some folk will scoff at the idea of black cats wandering the countryside, occasional road deaths of cats of this species in the UK, indicate that panther have escaped from captivity.
resident polecat have also taken to hunting and eating grey squirrel that have strayed too far from the safety of trees. Sadly Patrick our pet squirrel is missing. As far as the presence of panther in the countryside is concerned, those that survive in the UK are those that are small enough to move unobserved and which manage to avoid all contact with any human. Bryan Raines tel. 01794 368435, email
Making The Games! It seems a long time ago when the original call to join the Olympics volunteer programme went out. Having completed an application, I was invited to an interview at Excel in summer 2011 for a role as a driver in the transport team. I couldn’t see how I could get to Stratford for early shifts starting at 0600, and so asked if I could have a role based at Weymouth for the sailing venue.
In the wild, panther will naturally roam in search of a mate. With a very keen sense of smell, akin to primitive man’s visual ability to scan the horizon for the presence of other men, from the smoke of their fires, it is likely that escaped panther have already crossed tracks and may be a UK breeding species. Panther will hunt a range of birds and animals, including voles, rabbit, squirrel and deer; however they have a particularly keen taste for dog. Panther are also good swimmers and are well equipped to survive in the countryside of Wessex.
Roll on a year and I had been down to Weymouth for training. My role was a taxi driver / chauffeur for the ‘Olympic family members’ – senior members of the Olympic organisation and the sailing federation. My shifts were spread over 5 weeks, with the initial shift final training and then some shifts during the build-up, and most during the Olympic fortnight.
Nocturnal Poultry Cats at Awbridge Whilst the black cat of Lockerley may turn out to be an obese domestic cat or a figment of man’s vivid imagination, what is for sure, is that Awbridge has nocturnal poultry cats on the prowl. Poultry cats are in fact polecat, which derive their name from their taste for poultry, rather than just their ability to climb poles. Polecats were in Victorian times, ruthlessly persecuted to near extinction in Britain, with only a few surviving in Wales. Since the 1950’s, trapping has declined and polecat have gradually extended their range back across England. Polecat, are the wild cousin of the domestic ferret, but are much darker in colour and have very distinctive “panda like” facial markings. Preying on rabbits, squirrel, rats and other small animals and birds, polecat will hunt beneath the ground in tunnels, but are also agile climbers. Polecats have been present in the Awbridge area since about 1998 with the most recent sighting this August in the area of Awbridge Hill Nature Sanctuary. Polecat will occasional steal domestic chickens, often when polecat kittens leave their nest in August and go out to hunt in family groups, sometimes in broad daylight. Larger than a stoat but smaller than a mink, polecat are known as foul marten, because of the strong smell of their scent and taste for gamefowl. The return of the polecat to Hampshire should be seen in a positive light, in terms of controlling rabbit. However, this time of the year our Page 12 | September 2012
The driving job in Weymouth was straightforward as we only had one venue to worry about, and the traffic was never bad (there were no special Olympic lanes). In general there wasn’t quite enough work for the number of drivers on each shift, so we spent a lot of time sitting around – but we did have a TV in the driver’s lounge so could follow the sport. When we did have work I had some interesting passengers, and was able to get an insider’s view of how the senior members of the Olympic movement saw the games at Weymouth – they were all very complementary how the games were being run. The highlight of my role was when Lord Coe and Jacques Rogge visited Weymouth, and I was one of a team assigned to drive them. The driving was very straightforward as they arrived by helicopter and landed about a mile from the venue – we had to pick them up and return them in the late afternoon. What was eye opening was being shepherded by the police ‘important person protection’ team, who were straight out of Spooks. My overall impression of being a volunteer? Very rewarding and a great opportunity to see the Olympics from ‘behind the scenes’. I’d recommend it to anyone who is still around when the Olympics next come to the UK! Nigel Hemsted
.....bespoke flowers, created with you, for you.....
Workshops @ Kimbridge Farm Shop New Dates Confirmed Tues Sept 18th - Foliage arrangement with leaf manipulation - £35 Tues Oct 16th - Halloween Table Centre - £35 Tues Nov 27th - Fresh Christmas Wreaths - £40 Tues Dec 11th - Fresh Christmas Wreaths - £40 Details for all workshops: 10.30am - 1.00pm coffee/tea on arrival with finger buffet lunch all materials provided, £10 deposit to book.
Spaces are limited so contact us now! To book please contact Kay Murrant on 01794 341110 or email 0153 multiple advert v2.indd 1
30/07/2012 17:47
Laura May Holistic Therapist
Qualified Aromatherapist since 1997 Stressed? Aches and pains? Maybe an aromatherapy massage with specifically selected essential oils to meet your needs is for you. Other therapies available include Indian Head massage, Hopi ear candles, manicures and pedicures. Neal’s Yard agent.
Sept and Oct Special Offer
Buy one massage – Get the next one free Tel:07974 433582 - now based in Timsbury
Page 13 | September 2012
Page 14 | September 2012
Awb ridge
If you would like your event in the diary, send the details to
Saturday 01 September
Village Produce Show
Awbridge Village Hall
Tuesday 04 September
ADVA Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Thursday 06 September
Parish Council Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Sunday 23 September
Harvest Lunch
Awbridge Village Hall
Wednesday 26 September
Village Lunch
Awbridge Village Hall
12 noon
Tuesday 02 October
ADVA Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Saturday 13 October
ADVA Curry & Quiz
Awbridge Village Hall
Sunday 14 October
Messy Church
Awbridge Village Hall
Saturday 20 October
Barn Dance - Kenya Trip Fundraising
Awbridge Village Hall
Tuesday 06 November
ADVA Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Saturday 10 November
Shoebox Coffee Morning
Awbridge Village Hall
Friday 23 November
Kenya Fundraising Trip - Quiz Night
Awbridge Village Hall
Tuesday 04 December
ADVA Meeting
Awbridge Village Hall
Wednesday 05 December
Village Christmas Lunch
Awbridge Village Hall
12 Noon
Friday 07 December
Forest Forge Christmas Production
Awbridge Village Hall
Friday 21 December
ADVA Children's Disco
Awbridge Village Hall
Ingredients with Ian Ian Wooldridge, Head Chef at Kimbridge Farm, with your Seasonal & Local Produce Recipe
Dauphinoise Potatoes
Our main crop of potatoes is being harvested in September. Potatoes are amazingly nutrient-rich, containing vitamins and minerals, virtually fat free, contain no cholesterol and when served in their skins are a great source of fibre. These potatoes are an attractive addition to any dinner party. This recipe serves 9-10 persons. Shopping List: 1.5Kg of potatoes such King Edward or Maris Piper A little salt A knob of butter 2 teaspoons of minced garlic 350ml of whole milk 300ml of double cream Half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg Salt & freshly milled black pepper 2 tablespoons of cream of horseradish sauce - optional 75 grams of butter Fresh parsley, chopped How to make it: Peel the potatoes and thinly slice using a mandolin. Make sure that you use the hand guard to prevent any accidents with your fingers!
Place the sliced potatoes in a pan of clean water and allow to stand for half an hour. Then drain and rinse the starchy liquid away. Refill with water and add a little salt. Par-boil the potatoes just for a couple of minutes. Drain and set aside. Next smear the butter inside a roasting dish and spread the garlic evenly. Now layer the potatoes neatly inside the dish. Next mix the milk and cream together and add the nutmeg with a generous seasoning with salt and pepper. To make things a little different and especially if you are serving the potatoes with beef or an oily fish, add the horseradish to the mixture. Pour the mixture gently over the potatoes. Dot the butter over the top. Bake in the oven at 190˚C (170˚C fan)/Gas Mark 5 for 1 hour covered in foil until very tender. Remove the foil and bake for a further 15 minutes to brown the top. Sprinkle with fresh parsley and serve.
Kindling Wood £ 3 a bag !
Adam & Jacob’s pocket money project Clean pinewood for bird and bat box’s etc
01794 340175 Page 15 | September 2012
Awb ridge
If you would like your organisation/amenity in the directory, send your details to
Organisation / Amenity Meeting / Info
Email / Other
1st Tuesday each month
Chairman - Fred Tucker
01794 340709
Acorn Community Pre-School
9am - 12pm - Term time
Danae Mathews-07860 662685
01794 342441
A K Heating and Plumbing
Heating & Plumbing Engineers Kevin Issac
01794 340577
All Saints Church
Church Wardens
Fred Tucker Mary Savage
01794 340709 01794 367908
All Saints Young Church
2nd Sunday of the month
Pepe Alexander
01794 340386
01794 340556
Annie's Restaurant Ark Toddler Group
Friday mornings - Term time
Lynda Tucker
01794 340709
Awbridge Arborists
Tree Surgery & Gardening
James Parker
07899 952 944
Awbridge Tuesday Night Bridge Club
Clare Wigmore
01722 712437
Awbridge Gardening Club
2nd Wednesday each month
Eileen Henderson
01794 340082
Awbridge NeighbourCare
Help Co-Ordinator
Awbridge No Fear Bridge Club
Thursdays - 2-4.30pm
Diane Harvey
01420 561548
Awbridge Parish Council
1st Thursday each month
Chairman - Mark Caplen
01794 342315
Executive Headteacher - Mrs Cottrell Acting Head of Teaching - Mrs Buckland
01794 340407
Awbridge Primary School
0845 094 6155
Awbridge Village Hall
Hire hall, committee room
John Thompson
01794 341102
Awbridge WI
2nd Thursday each month
Pauline Harris - President
01794 340067
Baby Sleep the Night
Karen Bramall
01794 341172
Beau Beautiful
Julie Jacobs
01794 323827
Brook Building Services
Lewis or Paul
07799 664308 07798 566424
D A Wheeler Ltd
General Building & Maintenance
Dave Wheeler
01794 514988
Deon Design
Graphic Design & Websites
Deon Tucker
01794 340326
First Floor Gallery
Picture Framers
Keith and Helen Newton
01794 516479
First Lockerley Brownies
Tuesdays 6-7.30pm-Term time
Nicola Peckham
01794 341490
Marion Gray - Co-Ordinator
01794 341370
First Responders Gary Wolfe
Painter and Decorator
Gary Wolfe
01794 342378 07810 393795
Gardens by David Scott
Design, construction etc
David Scott
07850 248000
Gilbert Nursery and Tea Rooms
Nursery and Tea Rooms
Hibberd Cricket Academy
Cricket Coaching
James Hibberd
07810 823263
Hopgarden Day Nursery
Daily-9am-4.30pm. Term time
Sue Gray
01794 340906
Ignite Home Hair Service
Mobile Hairdresser
Kelly Dunnings
07516 907 135
01794 322566
Lockerley Cycling
Rebecca Eyles
Lockerley Driving School
Rebecca Eyles
K8's K9 Page 16  |  September 2012
Canine Sitting Service
Kate Organ
07791 748792
Organisation / Amenity Meeting / Info
Kents Oak Care Home Kevin White General Builder
General Builder
Kevin White
Kimbridge Farm Shop Tim
Email / Other
01794 341212
01794 523426
01794 340777
07590 711770
01794 341181
Livewire Tyres
Mobile Tyre Services
Meadowland Fencing
All fencing supplied & erected
P J Installations
TV Installations
Paul Jameson
01794 340118
Painters Direct
Interior and Exterior Specialist Jay Colbourne
01264 860143 07833 382225
PB Carpentry & Building Services
Carpentry & Building
Phil Butt
023 8086 5300
Pomp and Petals
Bespoke Floristry
Kay Murrant
01794 341110
Miranda Weeks
01794 341988
Purdey Pups Dog Grooming Rae Tugwell
Gardening Help
Rae Tugwell
01794 340530
Romsey Bowling Club
Bowling - May-September
Honorary Secretary
01794 513594
Romsey District Cars Ltd
01794 517448 07891 169 549
Romsey Maintenance & Cleaning Services Limited
Exterior Property Cleaning & Maintenance
Barry Hussey
01794 340160 07771 274347
Russell Services Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
Steve Russell
01794 341241
Stained Glass Workshop
Classes & Commissions
Marilyn Taylor
01794 341328
Terry Govan - Builder
General Builder
Terry Govan
01794 340079
Councillor Gordon Bailey
01794 323557
Test Valley Borough Council The Sewing Lady
Repairs & alterations, Curtains & Blinds
Jill Brewster
07872 911544
The Star Inn
Inn and B&B
Lesley Newitt
01794 340225
Willow Bank House
Licensed B&B and Business Jennifer Wineberg Centre
01794 340843
Woodpeckers Bed and Breakfast
Bed and Breakfast
01794 342400
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Page 17  |  September 2012
Kimbridge R e s ta u r a n t
Annie’s Tearooms
The best for day time cuisine, a country atmosphere with a fresh appeal. Evenings that entertain and delight, with beautiful surroundings for your private function both day and night.
Sun to Thurs10-5 Fri to Sat 9-5
01794 340 556 / 777