Opleidingsonderdeel: Global Change Van:
The course consists of about 6 lectures covering the broad theme of 'Global Change', often given by invited speakers. Typical subjects of the presentations cover the history of the Earth, the palaeoclimate, and various aspects of global warming (physical, economical, and political)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculteit/Departement/ Opleiding/Externe partners: Faculty of Science and Bio-engineering Sciences Vakgroep Geography
Contact: Philippe HUYBRECHTS (course titular)
Website: http://www.vub.ac.be/en/study/fiches/9146/globalchange
Depending on the specific lectures given in this course, the following competences can be distinguished: Gaining insight in various mechanisms that have controlled climate and environmental changes during the Earth's history. Be able to distinguish between anthropogenic and natural processes of climate and environmental change. Be able to understand lectures given by active scientists from different disciplines. Be able to see relations between physical and human aspects of global change. Develop a critical attitude towards the societal discussion on global change. Gaining insight in the interplay between climate and environmental changes and demographic, technological, socio-economic, and political developments and choices.