AWHI Magazine - Issue 2

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AWHI Te Mōrehu Whenua Te Mōrehu Tangata Our History - Part 2

Supporting On-Farm Development

with Agronomist Emma Bell TOITŪ TE MANA

Diversification and Debt


Hunting on the Land


Te Āti Hau Grant Guidelines

Helping grow the country

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TOITŪ TE MANA 02 AGM NOTICE 05 CANDIDATE PROFILES Three candidates for the Committee of Management present their credentials 06 TE MŌREHU WHENUA, TE MŌREHU TANGATA Recognising the contribution of Taitoko Te Rangihiwinui (Major Kemp)

Tēnā koutou As we head into the festive season, we are pleased to advise that AWHI magazine has been incredibly well received by our shareholders and whānau.



This second issue includes a number of profiles, starting with the candidates for the committee of management at the forthcoming election. We then recognise the role Taitoko Te Rangihiwinui (Major Kemp) played in securing our lands. Showcasing how investment in education grants and scholarships is adding value to our business, we introduce recipient Emma Bell (cover) whose expertise in agronomy are helping to improve the farming business. Working out of Palmerston North Hospital, scholar, Dr Amber-Lea Rerekura, also shares with us her connection to Te Āti Hau Trust. Responding to challenges, being innovative and improving our capacity continue to be part of our core business practice. We hope you get a better insight on these matters, and, as our feature on hunting highlights, working to meet shareholder expectations is something we take seriously. Hei konei rā Mavis Mullins Chairperson

08 DIVERSIFICATION AND DEBT LEVELS Keeping shareholders informed of debt levels

10 STORM DAMAGE TO FARMS Weathering the impact 12 GETTING THE MOST OUT OF CROPS Development of Pastures


14 HUNTING ON THE LAND Allowing Shareholder access 17 SHEEP SCANNING RESULTS ARE IN Lambing births on the rise 18 LAUNCH OF ON-FARM TRAINING Programme now in place

AWHI MAGAZINE Editor Mavis Mullins Deputy Editor Amokura Panoho Creative Director Sheree Anaru Photography Quentin Bedwell Graphic Design Dave Pope ĀTIHAU WHANGANUI INCORPORATION Postal PO Box 4035, Whanganui 4541 Physical 16 Bell Street, Whanganui 4500 Telephone +64 (6) 348 7213 Fax +64 (6) 348 7482 Email ISTUDIOS MULTIMEDIA LTD Postal PO Box 8383, New Plymouth 4342 Phyisical 77B Devon Street East, New Plymouth 4310 Telephone +64 (6) 758 1863 Email

19 AWHIWHENUA PROGRAMME AND CADETS New logo and Cadet placements

TOITŪ TE TANGATA 22 SUPPORTING ON-FARM DEVELOPMENT Education grant recipient Emma Bell promotes Agronomy knowledge 26 ĀTIHAU RAVENSDOWN SCHOLARSHIP Latest information on programme 28 IMPROVING SHAREHOLDER HEALTH LITERACY Advice from Te Āti Hau Trust scholar Dr Amber-Lea Rerekura 30 TE ĀTI HAU TRUST GRANT GUIDELINES











Toi tu te whenua

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation will be held at the Wanganui Racecourse, Purnell Street, Whanganui on Friday 4th of December 2015 commencing at 8.30 am.






Apologies - written


Committee of Management


Committee of Management Report


CEO Report


Financial Report



To adopt the recommendation of the Committee of Management: That a dividend of 55 cents a share be paid in December 2015 pursuant to section 259 (1) (c) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993.


Appointment of Auditors

Sewell & Wilson are automatically re-appointed pursuant to section 277(2) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993.


Appointment of Share Valuer

To appoint Balance Chartered Accountants Limited as Share Valuer.


Kaumatua Grant

To approve a Kaumatua grant of $100 to kaumatua for travel costs associated with the Annual General Meeting.


Te Āti Hau Trust Grant

To authorise a grant to Te Āti Hau Trust of $380,000 for the 2015/2016 financial year for its charitable purposes.



5th December 2014 AGM.


Te Āti Hau Trust Report

Te Āti Hau Trust Chairpersons report.

VOTING PROCEDURAL NOTES Shareholders may exercise their right to vote on all or any matters to be voted on at a meeting in a number of ways, as set out below. Postal Voting Shareholders may cast a postal vote by completing and sending the Postal Voting Form (included in the package of meeting papers) to the Secretary. Postal Votes must reach the Secretary no later than 9.00 am on Wednesday 02 December 2015. Immediately after the closing time for the receipt of Postal Votes, the Secretary shall count the number of shareholders voting and the number of votes cast in favour of, and against, each resolution. A certificate attesting that this has been done shall be made available to the Chairman of the meeting.

To fill 2 vacancies: Te Tiwha Puketapu has retired by rotation and seeks re-election. Don Robinson has retired by rotation and does not seek re-election. Nominations have been received from Shar Amner and Keria Ponga.

Voting at the Meeting For resolutions on which postal votes have been cast, the Chairman may choose to call for a vote on shareholding at the meeting for these resolutions. A vote on shareholding must also be held if not less than five persons present in person at the meeting, and having the right to vote, so demand. A shareholder who has sent in a Postal Vote on a resolution by the due date may not also vote at the meeting. For a vote on shareholding at the meeting, the Voting Form included in this package will be used. Completed Voting Forms will be scrutinised to determine whether shareholders have earlier exercised their right to vote via Postal Voting. The Secretary shall count the number of votes cast in favour of, and against, each resolution.

The votes cast at the meeting shall be combined with the Postal Votes to give the final result. For all other matters to be voted on, voting shall be by a show of hands. Proxies: The Constitution permits shareholders who are unable to attend the meeting to appoint a proxy. Forms for appointing a proxy are enclosed in this package of documents. No person shall vote as attorney or proxy at the meeting unless a copy of the power of attorney, or notice of appointment of proxy properly completed, is lodged at the office of the Incorporation no later than 9.00 am on Wednesday 02 December 2015.



DR BRENDON TE TIWHA PUKETAPU Tēnā kautau te kanohi ora o rātau i hoki atu rā ki pae maumahara. Tēnā hoki kautau e tiakina ai te tātai whakapapa ki mōrehu whenua hei muka taura mō mōrehu tāngata, ā, hei taonga tuku ora ki āpōpō. Mihi kau ana ki kautau, arā noa, ki tātau.


y name is Brendon Te Tiwha Puketapu. My parents are Toreiheikura (Paamu-Tinirau) and Tamihana Puketapu. In the past three years, I have served on the Incorporation’s Audit and Risk Committee, the Mana Whenua Committee and Te Āti Hau Trust. Recently, I completed my role as a member of the Interim Board for Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui Trust. Currently, I am overseeing the disestablishment of the Whanganui River Māori Trust Board and I continue to serve on the Taranaki Whanganui Conservation Board. With this resume I am requesting your consideration and support for reappointment to the board of Te Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation. I have a working background with skills and experience in governance and management roles with iwi, hapū and whānau entities, Māori land trusts, educational institutions, social organisations and research institutes. Currently, my professional activities include governance facilitation and training, organisational change, policy analysis and research, management

support, education initiatives and community development. I bring a positive outlook on the future to the Incorporation whilst mindful of the need to look after and use our resources for the benefit of our shareholders and beneficiaries. The increasing presence of post-settlement entities and the heightened interest to improve efficiency and productivity on-farm and in related areas such as agri-business and management, and agri-technology are notable features on our regional landscape. As a consequence, I appreciate and support the Incorporation’s intention to continually improve the health and wellbeing of the land, to build the skills of our staff, to focus on quality and productivity and keep a close eye on financial performance. I am interested to continue working closely with the Incorporation’s direction and diligence in this regard. We know that our people are also interested in such areas as access to hunting, resources for marae restoration projects and opportunities to walk the land. Many of our shareholders are just as

interested to know their mokopuna can apply and receive education grants, whilst others are pleased with the support provided to marae, social, cultural and wellbeing activities. Te Āti Hau Trust has given a hand-up for people to grow, for our communities to organise and support each other. It would be a privilege to continue working with Te Āti Hau Trust to support the aspirations and goals of our shareholders and beneficiaries. Looking further afield, AWHI has shown itself to be open and capable of working thoughtfully with our neighbouring land incorporations and trusts. In this respect, this is as good a time as any to strengthen the links between AWHI and Morikaunui Incorporations. I’m keen to pursue opportunities for our Incorporations and land trusts to connect and work closer together. With your support I would like to continue my involvement and contributions to our Incorporation. Nāku iti nei, Te Tiwha.



KERIA PONGA Maringi mai te tōmairangi, He tohu aroha, he tohu mīharo Ki runga ki te Iwi Kia raranga ai, i tōu kaha Kia whakakōtahitia Tūhono, tūhonotia! Ko Keria Ponga ahau


y desire to be a valuable contributor at the table for shareholders of the Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation Board remains a priority. There is a long-term record of my commitment to the community, social and economic development of Whanganui and the region over many years. The last three years’ experience has been pivotal to many new and valuable learnings. As Chair of Awa FM I led the organisation, faced with insolvency, through a heart-breaking review and restructure to save ‘Our Iwi Radio Station’. Some of the greatest lessons I learnt are to: • Remain steadfast in the face of adversity, • Keep a calm head, and • Ensure decisions are always in the best interests of the people and the organisation. My team and I returned the organisation to a positive result in 18 months and secured local, national and international beneficial/ stakeholder relationships to move Awa FM forward. I am proud of this achievement.



Three years of intense mahi has contributed to my leadership and management capability. I feel well prepared for this role. My professional background in business mentoring and in-depth knowledge of the machinery of government will provide extensive skills to the AWHI board. I am active in the region’s economic development space, with significant networks across several sectors. The Committee of Management’s current work streams and diversification strategies fits well with the Government’s growth agenda for the Manawatū-Whanganui region. With the right levers, AWHI has the potential to be hugely influential in the economic development decisions for the region. I am honoured by the confidence that people have in me, as a recent appointee to Ngā Tāngata Tiaki Trust – the post-settlement entity for the Whanganui River Settlement. This gives rise to the opportunity to bring the River, Land and the People closer together as we forge our independent yet collective future. Other board appointments are Te Oranganui Iwi Health Authority,

Sarjeant Gallery Trust, and Te Āti Hau Trust. I give my full commitment to each of them and offer the following: • The People - always first. • A safe pair of hands. • Strong, practical, financial, and economic understanding. • An enthusiasm for innovation. If successful in securing a position on the Ātihau Whanganui Board, my focus for the next three years will be on: • Debt reduction, to alleviate shareholder concerns, • Greater participation at home of shareholders and beneficiaries in the business of AWHI, and • Being a key influencer in economic development decisions for the region. I lead a busy life, and organise my time to always put my family first. Together we have a shared vision that connects us with the Awa and the Whenua.

“He ao āpōpō, he ao teaTomorrow holds a bright future”

Image supplied by Shar Amner.

SHAR AMNER Ko Ruapehu te maunga Ko Whanganui te awa Ko Ngāti Rangi te iwi Ko Kuratahi te marae Ko Mark Gray rāua ko Pinenga (Pii) Gray ōku kaumatua Ko Jeanna Gray rāua ko Harold Amner ōku mātua Ko Rosalie tōku wahine Ko Lachie Tumai rāua ko Rico Te Waea āku tamariki tāne Ko Shar Amner au


orn in Whanganui, raised in Taihape on the whānau farm, where I gained the practical fundamentals to farming, tertiary educated in Palmerston North and USA with 10+ years of commercial experience in Wellington.

This led to my recent appointment as the General Manager of Te Tumu Miere a manuka honey company established by Te Tumu Paeroa to provide a transparent platform lead by Māori for the betterment of our lands, people & futures.

In 2012, I started a journey on the Ngāti Rangi Trust Board and was recently re-elected for a further three-year term as a Rau Kotahi (Independent Trustee). As work continues through the settlement process, I continue to contribute my skills to ensure structures processes and vision are implemented to ensure long-term sustainability & aspirations.

Te Tumu Miere operates under cooperative principals that manage the honey process on behalf of - and in consultation with landowners and has a focus on training our young people in the industry, with a longterm view of increasing employment and/or business opportunities to provide sustainable economic, environmental and social benefits to our people.

Also I am a director of the recently established Ruapehu Recruitment Company and enjoy being involved with its development and the valuable contribution it provides to the Iwi and community. Since 2012 I have been working within the Manuka Honey industry. In June 2014, at Te Tumu Paeroa (The Māori Trustee) I commenced value chain analysis, resource audit, feasibility & development of an integrated supply chain model for manuka honey.

What do I bring to the board of Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation? Proven Skill Set + Fresh Perspective + Balanced Contributor = Diversity For The Board of Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation. Bringing balanced commercial experience contributing an analytical approach to many outcomes, built on respect, loyalty and trust; contributing to driving organisational growth and develop valued stakeholder relationships; experienced in the

practical application of business and governance; and people, operations, strategies, compliance, risk and accountability. What specifically do you want Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation to achieve over the next three years? 1. E nsure that the strategy of AWHI enables it to achieve the future aspirations of the shareholders. 2. E nsure the organisation has or is developing the right skills & capabilities to achieve its strategic goals. 3. I ncrease the level and format of communication and connection to the whenua for all shareholders. 4. U ndertake continued assessment for increased participation along the primary sector value chain. 5. W hile balancing the ever changing economic environment, drive to continue to provide satisfactory sustainable returns to shareholders. Why should shareholders vote for me? Farming Knowledge + Strategic Business Acumen + New Generation = Future Focus Growth For Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation. TOITŪ TE MANA



Te Keepa Te Rangihiwinui and his wife. Grace, John Te Herekiekie (Sir), 1905-1985 :Grace family photograph album. Batt, William James, fl 1868-1875 (Photographer) Ref: PA1-q-630-37-2. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.


n our first edition of AWHI, we highlighted the history of the vesting of the ‘mōrehu whenua’ in an incorporation in 1970, through to the corporate entity we run in 2015, all for the betterment of the mōrehu tāngata’.



At a visit to Rānana by John Ballance and James Carroll in 1893, Te Rangihiwinui uttered the above words which have been immortalised in Whanganui tribal and land history. The intention was about protecting the last remnants of the land for the survivors of the last

53 years of turbulence, for the people and future generations. This is key as Te Rangihiwinui’s leadership evolved from one that supported the interests of the settler government to help protect his people, through to a leader who used his wit and influence to challenge the Crown with his own pen. Te Rangihiwinui was born in the first half of the 1820s in the tribal area of his father, Tangurui-te-rangi, and his mother, Te Rereomaki, who was from Whanganui and a sister to Hori Kingi Te Anaua and Te Mawae (II). The three siblings signed the Tiriti o Waitangi and made up the famous Te Anaua dynasty, from which Te Rangihiwinui inherited. He was born at a time when both his parents’ people had suffered great loss following the musket wars between the 1810s and 1820s. This shaped his future and the future of his affiliated hapū and iwi as they partnered with the settler government to regain prominence along the west coast of the southern North Island. Te Rangihiwinui was a strategist and formidable leader, both in war and in later life when he relied on the saying, ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’. From the 1840s to the 1860s, he utilised this time to grow relationships with the settlers based in the new Whanganui township. He saw these relationships as key to grow the prosperity and commercial opportunities of the Whanganui tribes, however on 14 May 1864 at the Battle of Moutoa, the history of Whanganui changed and split our people. For the next 10 years, he supported the Crown forces on campaigns around the country but, by the late 1870s, he had lost respect for a government that didn’t keep to their word, broke promises and

started to change his people’s world – the land and river. Te Rangihiwinui challenged the government as they started to legalise the destruction of pā-tuna along the river for tourism purposes that our people would not benefit from. It is under his leadership that our fight for the Whanganui River started in 1877 and concluded in 2014 at Rānana. He also established a whare rūnanga at Kauika Marae, Rānana. This house was named ‘Huriwhenua’, as sign to the country that he was turning to fight the Crown against their continued destruction of our land interests, both illegally and through coercion. This whare rūnanga was a key sign and it was from this time that he reached out to Māori from differing sides of the recent wars to reconcile and support each other to protect the remaining land interests. He also reconciled with Te Kooti, a man he had pursued as part of Crown forces and now welcomed him to the river as a prophet and respected leader. By the time John Ballance and James Carroll arrived at Rānana in 1893, he was resolute in his efforts to protect the remnants of the land for the benefit of survivors of his tribe. It was at this gathering that the notion of ‘Kemp’s Trust’ was mooted and realised in the early 1900s. Kemp’s Trust was charged with entrusting Māori land into a board of Māori that would develop the land and start a journey of prosperity for our people. Instead, the Crown changed the law and took over our lands up until 1970 when, with the establishment, we started a long journey to slowly take over the management and governance of our own lands.

It was deliberate that Te Rangihiwinui established his council, Huriwhenua, at Rānana as he also influenced the Rev. Richard Taylor in naming this kāinga that he strongly affiliated to so that his daughter, Wikitoria (named after Queen Victoria), could then have her own London. Wikitoria was his daughter to his first wife, Makareta, and his last wife was Raua Mata Kaihoe. His last marriage was to secure political power, and Raua Mata Kaihoe, with his daughter, Wikitoria, carried on his legacy. The surviving memorials of this great leader and forefather of all land trusts and incorporations throughout the Aotea District are the statue of Te Rangihiwinui at Pākaitore and, more importantly, the wharepuni at Rānana Marae, Te Mōrehu. Huriwhenua started to rot by the end of the century and was shortened and rededicated with a new name, Te Mōrehu, to remember the famous saying uttered by Te Rangihiwinui. The wharepuni was moved from Kauika to stand next to Ruaka at the top marae, and Te Mōrehu stands as a reminder that the remnants of the land should always be protected and grown for the benefit of the descendants of the survivors, for generations to come. In closing, we remember the words of the founding chair of ĀtihauWhanganui Incorporation, Dr Whakaari Rangitākuku Metekingi, who married the namesake of Te Rangihiwinui’s daughter, Wikitoria:

‘…he ao āpōpō, he ao tea – our future is bright and with it comes clarity’.



DIVERSIFICATION AND DEBT MANAGEMENT Chief Executive Andrew Beijeman reports on some of the important conversations we need to keep having with shareholders. Debt Management When we talk to shareholders, a recurring concern is the level of debt AWHI has and how it is being managed. Because of this we wanted to answer some commonly asked questions about AWHI’s debt and how it is managed. At the end of the 2015 financial year AWHI had about $29 million of debt. This has grown from about $12 million at the end of 2009 financial year. So first off, why the growth in debt? Two reasons: • Resumption, and • Investment. In the 25 years prior to 2015 the incorporation went through a significant resumption program, resuming approximately 23,000 hectares of farming land. The majority of this resumption effort (14,500 hectares) occurred after the year 2000. Some of this land was returned to the Incorporation in an ideal state, with adequately maintained fences, buildings and water systems, and pastures in reasonable order with the right levels of soil fertility and a lack of weeds. However a significant amount of this resumed land was returned in a rundown state. Some tenants, in order to maximise profits prior to resumption reduced inputs of fertiliser, and stopped 8


maintaining building, fences and water systems. These properties once resumed had to undergo significant work to become farmable again. In the 5 years prior to June 2014 AWHI spend $7.2 million on capital fencing, water and buildings and a further $3 million on capital fertiliser to bring these farms up to a farmable state. Without this investment the farms would not be nearly as productive as they are today, scrub control would be much more difficult as would attracting good staff. Unfortunately there is still a lot of work to do in these areas despite significant progress being made. The second reason debt has increased is because of our investment into Te Hou, an opportunity that was presented to AWHI in 2014. This investment provides opportunity for both capital gain, cash returns and further diversifies our revenue streams. This means risk is better spread. Now we know how much debt AWHI has, how does the board manage this debt to ensure it does not put AWHI at risk of foreclosure by the bank? First, it is important to remember that debt in a business is okay so long as (a) in taking on debt revenue increases as a result, and (b) you can afford to pay the interest bill, in both good and bad years. AWHI’s management of debt is

guided by a treasury policy, which specifies borrowing limits and sets out how debt is to be managed. Debt limits are currently based on three ratios, the first limits debt to no more than the value of realisable assets (see Fig. 1). Debt cannot exceed the value of livestock, plant and machinery, and other investments so that if the worst was to happen – AWHI would retain absolute ownership of the land. The second ratio links interest costs to income, requiring management to limit net interest costs (on a 3 year rolling average) to 40% of EBIT (excluding depreciation on capitalised farm development). This ensures AWHI is able to pay its interest costs each year (see Fig. 2). The final ratio limits total debt to no more than 30% of total equity. In regards to the management of debt the Treasury policy requires AWHI to reforecast 3 year debt levels on an annual basis, and for these levels to then be approved by the board. The policy also requires AWHI to spread debt across different terms. This means that AWHI’s debt does not mature at the same time, limiting exposure to spikes in interest costs. In addition. an Independent Director, Laurissa Cooney, has been appointed to the Audit and Risk Committee. Laurissa brings specialist audit skills to the committee (Visit 2015 Annual Report for more on Laurissa). Finally – does AWHI have plans to repay debt?

Each year as part of the annual budgeting process the AWHI board decides how to spend the profit made during the year. Whether to invest it back into the farms, or another venture (such as honey or dairy), to pay back debt, or to provide a dividend to shareholders. At the moment, given further on farm

development requirements, and investment opportunities particularly in honey, the board have decided to not pay back debt in the short term. This does not mean that this will always be the case. Our goal is to limit debt to below a 30% debt to equity ratio. Our current debt

Fig. 1 - Total Debt versus Realisable Assets

Fig. 2 - EBIT (excluding amortised development) 40

40 Investments



Total Debt


Carbon Credits

20 10

Available for Investment or Distribution



20 Cost of Finance



0 Realisable Assets

The importance of Diversification Strategies One of AWHI’s strategic challenges is to further diversify revenue streams with a particular focus on increasing revenues from honey and milk production. Being exposed to a single revenue source means that profits move up and down with changes in the price or production of that one product (in AWHI’s case red meat). This means that when prices and production are high, AWHI does great, and when prices and production are low, AWHI does poorly and is at risk of not being able to pay its bills. Diversification, particularly if it is done well, allows for the highs and lows associated with a single revenue source to be removed so that no matter what, AWHI makes a profit. In 2011/12 AWHI had a net farm income of $8.4 million, in 2012/13 this dropped to $0.8 million. In part this was because of a drought, but


another contributing factor was a reduction in lamb prices from $115 per head to $85 per head, a reduction of 26%. At the same time milk prices dropped, but only by 4%. Only a small amount of AWHI’s income came from milk in 2012/13 and had this been greater the reduction in net farm income would have been much less, because revenue streams would have been diversified. This effect can also be seen in Fig. 3 below, where a diversified strategy (60% red meat, 40% milk) reduces the variation associated with a single product

choice (milk or red meat) across a number of years. Currently just 18% of AWHI’s revenue comes from sources other than red meat, including milk, honey, carbon credits and wool. AWHI’s long term strategy is to increase this to at least 40%, by investing into dairy through the Te Hou partnership, and moving up the honey value chain into hive ownership and apiary management. This should lead to a flattening of AWHI’s total revenue, and a more stable and profitable business.

Fig. 3 - Year on Year Changes in Product Prices 50 38 25 13 0 -13 -25 -38 -50 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14




to equity ratio is 23%, below the industry average. The most important thing is that policies and procedures are in place to ensure debt is managed so that it ensures prosperous land, and prospers people both now and into the future.

Red Meat



60% Red Meat, 40% Milk TOITŪ TE MANA





Weathering the impact of severe storm conditions might test our farming businesses. AWHI reports that, despite the damage, with a large support base operations are continuing.


uring the 19th, 20th and 21st of June the Whanganui/ Manawatu and Taranaki areas were subjected to a significant rainfall event which caused considerable damage to roads, housing, forestry and farms. The Papahaua weather station recorded 140mls of rainfall over the 48 hour period from 6am on the 19th of June, with reports of higher rainfall at Waipuna and Operiki. Significant slipping occurred on Papahaua, Operiki, Ohorea and Waipuna, where slips blocked tracks and destroyed fences, and flooding damaged culverts and stream crossing. Tawanui and Te PÄ also suffered damage but to a much lesser extent. The cost of repairing damage to fences, tracks and crossing is estimated to be $470,000. Stock losses occurred both during and after the storm. Stock were either caught in slips or became trapped trying to cross them afterwards. The exact number of stock lost will not be known until an accurate count is recorded on all stock classes during spring and summer.

Access to and from some farms was restricted due to road closures on the Whanganui River Road and State Highway 4. State Highway 4 has since been reopened but access along the Whanganui River remains restricted to local traffic only. All staff were contacted during and immediately after the storm to make sure everyone was okay, and thankfully no one was injured during or after the event. Civil Defence ensured that those staff that were cut off received food packages. Some stock were set stocked immediately after the storm event to limit stock losses from stock crossing slips. This caused pasture covers to quickly decline which may have a flow on impact on production, affecting lamb survival and weaning weights. Additional nitrogen has been applied to mitigate these effects. Production will also decline due to the loss of productive land in slips. Farm managers reacted quickly to limit the damage caused by the storm. Contractors were arranged prior to the event and a number of

excavators were already on farms. Main tracks have all been cleared now, and as things dry out over summer remaining tracks, water crossings and fences will be repaired. A large amount of support was offered to the Incorporation immediately after the storm. This was appreciated and it is a real strength of AWHI that it has such a large support base available to it. This will not be the last storm event to affect AWHI. As part of our values of Kaitiakitanga we are always working towards reducing the impacts of events in the future. In the meantime we can be proud of all staff and how they stepped up to keep stock fed, and farms operational.

These images capture the extensive damage that occurred at Waipuna Station.



GETTING THE MOST OUT OF OUR CROPS Good quality pastures are the backbone of a profitable farming system in NZ. A lot of research and development has gone into developing new grass species that are more productive, have a higher feed value and are more resistant to pests and diseases. AWHI explains the rationale behind the Incorporation’s cropping programme.


or Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation to maintain and increase production under a lowcost, grass-based system, we must continue to invest in pasture renewal each year. Currently we aim to turn over 10% of the cropable area of each farm per year. With ground that is predominately native grasses, the best way to establish new grass is by cropping the paddock for 1-2 years first as this prevents weeds and native grasses reemerging, and gives an opportunity to address any soil fertility issues prior to the new grass going in. Regrassing is not the only reason we plant crops, it also gives us an opportunity to have a strategic bank of feed at a time that grass growth is limited or stock demand is high (i.e. winter and summer). Spraying



out the paddock in the late spring when we usually have a surplus of feed allows us to control this surplus and maintain the pasture quality on the rest of the farm. Planting crops allows us to move this surplus, creating a bank of feed for later in the season when there is likely to be a feed deficit. There is a cost involved with growing crops so a lot of planning goes into what crops will be planted, when the feed is required, and for what stock. Winter crops such as Swedes, Kale (chow) and Fodder Beet allow us to carry higher winter stocking rates without compromising stock condition, and to take stock off pasture to allow covers to build prior to lambing. Winter crops also allow cattle feed to be created and reduce pasture damage and soil pugging

caused by having heavy cattle on pastures. Summer Crops such as Forage Rape, Turnips, Chicory and Red Clover allow us to finish stock faster and, if it gets dry, ensure live weight targets on replacement stock are achieved. We also use specialist crops such as Plantain/Clover mix and Lucerne which persist for 6-8 years before going back in to permanent pasture. These are a source of high quality feed over summer and gives us some degree of drought tolerance with their deep tap root systems. It is crucial that we maximise the yield of crops so that the return from the investment is maximised. This takes a lot of planning and preparation. This is done at least 12 months in advance by firstly soil testing the paddock and then

addressing any liming and fertiliser requirement. Timing of sowing is important: too early in October when the soil temperature is too low will prevent germination and frost could still destroy the crop. Too late and we could get dry, missing out on necessary rainfall for seed germination. Paddocks are prepared for spraying through good grazing management. Once the crop is sown we monitor for weeds and pests every second day. This is imperative for a successful crop.

One of the key factors for us to grow good crops is the use of expert advice from our local farm supplies merchant representatives and contractors. These are based locally and are there for us to call on at key times. Cropping will always be a big part of our business. We aim to maximise yield in a cost-effective way, and set the paddock up for new grass which will last and be free of weeds and pests. Whilst not as intensive as the

potatoes and carrots grown around Ohakune, they do require special attention and something that we are always improving at.

Left: Farm Manager Brian Thompson and AWHI Business Manager Siwan Shaw check progress of Plantain crop on Tohunga Station. Right: At Ohotu Station, Fraser Brown (PGG Wrightsons) and Dean Francois (Ohotu Farm Manager) check the Fodder Beet crops.


ph. 06 349 0091

Suite 14, Wicksteed Terrace, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui 4500 | PO Box 4145 Wanganui 4541 TOITĹŞ TE WHENUA


HUNTING ON THE LAND For a few years shareholders have been able to hunt red and fallow deer on the Ohorea beef and sheep station. This is not always as simple or straight forward as it sounds, but all efforts are made to accommodate. Station Manager, Rex Martin, and shareholder, Paul Trow, share what that entails.




orn and bred in Raetihi, Rex Martin has been working with AWHI for 11 years and knows every nook and cranny of Ohorea Station. Covering 4200ha with only onethird used for farming and the rest steep hill country covered in shrub, he recognises that it is prime country for deer to inhabit. “The sheer distance involved of (sic) getting from one end to other means we have to use motorbikes, and when we are out on the land we often see evidence of deer.” Keeping an eye on their movements and ensuring they are not damaging fence lines or the habitat has become part of the job, given that, left unchecked, numbers could increase significantly enough for the deer to become a problem. “Red deer tend to come into the paddocks but fallow deer are more territorial, even though they are only one-third the size of the red deer. Opening up the station for the last four years has helped us to be able to control and cull deer.”

“However we have to abide by strict rules as health and safety is paramount for AWHI, and that’s where allowing hunting on the station impacts on my normal farming role.” Overseeing access onto the land blocks is just the first step in the process, and is normally initiated when a shareholder calls to advise on when they want to come onto the station to hunt. “Bookings are essential so that I can ensure fairness between hunting parties, and so that access of any hunting groups is not going to adversely impact on our work. After all, the station is a working beef and sheep station and that is our first priority. If we are doing fencing work or shepherding, lambing, tagging or any other work on the farm, we have to ensure that any hunting groups don’t venture into that area and potentially put staff at risk. So that’s where monitoring their activity on the land becomes important and sometimes it might

mean we need to restrict hunting when a shareholder has a set date in mind.” Someone who regularly hunts at Ohorea is Rotorua-based shareholder, Paul Trow. On most weekends, he will return to his whānau kāinga in Raetihi with his sons to do some hunting, and is supportive of Rex’s job to monitor access to the station. “We’ve hunted on Te Pā (Pā Hill) and Ohorea probably a couple of times a year, so I like to work in with Rex and communicate with him to make sure our plans work in with what they are doing on the farm,” says Paul. Paul’s connection to the Incorporation comes through the Iwi Tewano Tiopira Whānau Trust and his wife, Virginia (nee McDonnell), to Ngāti Rangi and Te Ātihaunui a Paparangi. After travelling around the world sawmilling and logging, he is presently working for Carter Holt



As a regular hunter Paul Trow enjoys the benefits. Image supplied by Paul Trow.

The farm bike gets regular use as Rex Martin surveys the station property to monitor deer activity.

Harvey as Site Manager for the Kawerau Mill, and has a good understanding of the importance of health and safety regulations. “Normally we take a group out from the whānau which usually includes my four sons, to go out on the land. We get our gear ready and our bikes so that when Rex does his health and safety check, there isn’t anything he can pull us up on. I think that’s important to not waste his time and show we are respecting his and the Incorporation’s requirements.” With only two firearms allowed, regardless of the size of the group, Rex checks the licences and records all the relevant information of each hunter onto the registration form which must be completed. His check will also ensure the motorbikes are up to standard and that the helmets fit each rider. A no dogs policy for hunting groups is also a strict rule. Maps are then given to the hunting group to advise where they can and cannot go on the station. 16


“It’s common sense really,” says Paul. “As a shareholder, I get the benefit of being able to take my whānau out into a safe hunting environment. But it is only safe if you follow and respect the rules. Reporting your kill and removing it from the station is also a way to help them keep a track on deer movements. They are there to do a job on our behalf and we shouldn’t burden them more than necessary by being discourteous or dismissive.” Having the opportunity to introduce rangatahi to hunting is also an added incentive, along with helping fill the freezers for local whānau. “Getting kids outdoors on the land, sharing the meat with wider whānau, especially given that for some, times are tough, that’s got to be a good thing.” Rex agrees. “When you see kids get such a thrill out of their first hunting experience it makes the process all worthwhile.

Hopefully it introduces them to the benefits of working on the land so they might think about being a future shepherd, or farm manager.” Shareholders who want to get involved can start by participating in an annual shareholder hunt, part of the yearly programme, held normally the last week of April or the beginning of May. From the perspective of the board, Chairman, Mavis Mullins, agrees with the principle of whānau being able to harvest from tīpuna lands, when it makes sense to do so. “In the past maybe we have not communicated well in terms of this practice, but with increased compliance and a greater sense of whānau need, there is goodwill to ensure this is a valued shareholder activity. It does require mutual respect and agreement to follow the rules, and we are pleased that this is mainly the norm.” For more information contact: Andrew Beijeman on (027) 218 8172

SHEEP SCANNING RESULTS ARE IN Scanning for the 2015/16 lambing has been completed with a similar result achieved as last year, however some farms are achieving record results. Chief Executive Andrew Beijeman reports on the importance of this procedure.


canning of sheep, or pregnancy diagnosis, is a process that tells us how many ewes are carrying a lamb and whether they are carrying a single lamb, twin lambs and in some cases triplets. It is the first chance to understand how well mating has gone, which reflects on how ewes were managed over the summer and autumn. Scanning percentage is the measure used to report mating performance. It is calculated by dividing the total number of lambs being carried by ewes, by the number of ewes at scanning. Another measure used is the percentage of ewes that are dry. The aim of mating is to have as few dry ewes as possible and a high number of twins, for example our highest performing flock at Tawanui has about 80% of ewes scanned with twins. A ewe’s live weight at mating, and her live wight change before mating has a big impact on fecundity (weather she carries singles or twins, or is dry). If a ewe is gaining weight prior to mating and is heavy, she is more likely to have twins. Conversely, if she is losing weight and skinny, she is more likely to either carry no lamb

at all, or a single lamb. This makes summer and autumn management of ewes really important. To manage this more effectively, we are doing a number of things to lift scanning percentage, which should see improvement over the coming years. These include: • Identifying lighter ewes in the lead up to mating and feeding these ewes to make them heavier. • Removing finishing lambs from breeding farms before mating so breeding farms can concentrate on lifting the weight of all ewes. • Increasing the weight of young stock to improve their lifetime scanning performance.

• Adjusting overall stock numbers so that remaining stock can be feed better, lifting whole farm performance. An increase in scanning is one of the big goals for 2015/2016. It is the first step in lifting the number of lambs born and farm profitability and we will report on developments in future AWHI issues.

Ewes at Scanning

Lambs Carried













Scanning % = 255/150 or 170% Dry % = 6/150 or 4%



LAUNCH OF ON-FARM TRAINING PROGRAM Farm staff practice condition scoring ewes during a workshop at Te Pā

On the 1st and 2nd of September the first in house training and extension workshops were held at Te Pā Station for AWHI staff.


WHI plan to have up to four workshops a year as part of inhouse training. Each workshop will focus on a different theme relevant to the season. These workshops are part of a wider plan to improve farm production which also includes change management practices (to motivate change), management plans (to ensure accountability), and follow up (to ensure changes are cemented as business as usual). The purpose of introducing this level of in house training is to improve farm productivity by providing staff with the skills they need. The September workshop was split into two events, one aimed at just managers, and one aimed at all staff including managers. These workshops are timed to fit in with farm production cycles, and 90 day management plans which will help make managers more accountable for the achievement of results.



At the managers only meeting David Stevens from AgResearch and Rebecca Hickson from Massey University spoke on the drivers of a high performing breeding ewe and breeding cow. They talked about the impact nutrition, stock health and young stock management have on overall production and key times these factors could be manipulated to increase production. The group then put together a monitoring plan containing key information to be collected and recorded before their next meeting. At the next meeting this information will be reviewed and discussed before moving onto a new topic. The all staff workshop focused on condition scoring where staff learnt what this is, why it is important, how to do it, when to do it, and the practical implications of doing so. David and Rebecca gave a presentation to introduce the topic

before everyone went outside to practice condition scoring on livestock. After lunch staff were then divided into three groups, where they were asked a series of questions to test their knowledge and reinforce the information presented to them earlier in the day. “The first workshop was a great success”, said AWHI Chief Executive Andrew Beijeman. “Everyone learnt something and it was good to see them engaged over the two days. A lot was also taken on board by us and a few small changes will be made to future workshops to improve the learning experience. Some of the benefits from the first workshops are already evident in discussions with our staff, and we look forward to this transitioning into increased production out the farm gate.”

0800 480 062

Shaquille McDowell (yellow vest) and Teihorangi Te Huia (orange vest) on Tohunga Station.

WORK OPPORTUNITIES FOR AWHIWHENUA CADETS Awhiwhenua cadets, Shaquille McDowell and Teihorangi Te Huia, are working hard at impressing their future employers.


n the first issue of AWHI, students participating in the Awhiwhenua Training programme were introduced to shareholders after attending the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Incorporation. Amongst the group was Shaquille McDowell, who has recently completed his second year as a cadet on the programme. Now a junior shepherd at Tohunga Station, he is joined by first-year cadet, Teihorangi Te Huia, who is also getting work experience on the station. AWHI caught up with them on a recent visit to check out how they were finding the roles with the Incorporation.



Though shy to talk about themselves, they both acknowledged the opportunity they had to be working on the land and having Hikoi Te Riaki, Field Officer for Land Base Training, providing mentoring for them. “The programme has shown me that I can plan a future for myself here, without having to move away to find a job”, says Shaquille.

to understand the value of being part of growing and developing the business for future generations. “When I talk to them about the kale in the paddock, what it fetches in the market; the riparian planting along our waterways; how the Incorporation is looking to diversify its markets; when they are out on the land, they can relate to it,” says Hikoi.

“I kind of fell into the programme without any real thought, but now that I’ve got a job here, it’s working out to be the right move”.

“Having a focus on what our future can look like gives them something to aim for and see where their contribution makes a difference”.

Hikoi explained that it’s not just about getting the two young men to be farm workers but also to get them

AWHI looks forward to reporting on more cadets as they progress through the Awhiwhenua programme.

AWHIWHENUA LOGO DEVELOPED The three guiding pou for Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation are: Toitū te Whenua - prioritise animal welfare, use technology everyday, deliver produce with excellence.


uilding capability within uri is an important goal of the AWHI

business and led to the development of Awhiwhenua. Now a tohu has been developed to demonstrate the relationship between Awhiwhenua and the incorporation.

Toitū te Tangata - support the community, kaitiakitanga of land and resources, grow our people, leaders and success. Toitū te Mana - deliver the best there is for customers, foster reciprocal, enduring and honest relationships. The kaupapa are reflected within the tohu of the Incorporation.

With planned improvements to Awhiwhenua we recognised there was a need to create a complementary brand to enhance the profile of the training program, and successful graduates. The new image incorporates original elements of the incorporation’s logo and the new element of a kō – a traditional Māori agricultural implement. The foot piece of the kō has a representation of the atua Rongo looking down over the whenua, awa, and maunga. This design will be used to represent this aspect of the incorporation’s work.

AWHIWHENUA 2016 4 placements for year 1 students Year One, Level 3 National Certificate of Agriculture The Awhiwhenua agricultural training course is now seeking four applicants to join the 2016 intake.

Do you have a passion for agriculture, a strong work ethic and a give-anything-a-go attitude? Do you want to learn both the theoretical and practical elements of dairy, sheep and beef farming in a supportive environment? Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation is moving our on-farm training programme towards a full residential live-in course. In 2016, changes will see cadets based mainly at Te Pā station for practical learning experience (improving the consistency and breadth of practical training) and studying with their Land-Based Training tutor at Ngā Mōkai marae.

If you are keen, get in touch with LandBased Training Field Instructor, Hikoi Te Riaki, on (022) 128 0054, or go to to find out more information. Applicants must be at least 18 years old or over and have passed NCEA Level 2 Maths and English. Students applying from

outside of the Raetihi-Ohakune area will be billeted with local families. Applications can be emailed to:, or posted to Land-Based Training, PO Box 689, Whanganui, and close on Friday, 27th November, 2015.

Tel: (022) 128 0054 or TOITŪ TE WHENUA




Photography - Jodie Whale

SUPPORTING ON-FARM DEVELOPMENT Agronomy is the science and technology of using plants for food, fuel, fibre, and land reclamation. For Te Āti Hau Trust Education Grant recipient Emma Bell, becoming an agronomist working for PGG Wrightson Seeds means she can now provide professional advice on plant genetics, physiology, meteorology, and soil science to AWHI. Emma shares why this has become important to her.


grew up with my parents, Manson and Celia Bell, and two younger siblings− brother, Kieran, and sister, Laura−on our sheep and beef farm at Rangiwaea, Taihape. From a young age, my siblings and I have always had a love for farming. Weekends and school holidays have always been spent helping on the farm, getting involved in everything from docking to dagging and drenching lambs – we love it! Kieran, Laura, and I have all pursued an education in either farming or animals after secondary school to follow our passion. Why did you apply for support from the Trust? As a student studying full-time, it is a huge advantage to be able to apply for education grants & scholarships to assist you through your studies. It certainly is a huge help and is a great way to reduce the burden of a student loan. Certainly every bit of financial support throughout university counts and I am very appreciative of the grants I have had from 2009–2011. What did you achieve as a result of the Trust’s support? I completed a Bachelor of Science with an Agriculture Major at Massey

University during three years of study that I thoroughly enjoyed. Massey University is a great place to learn in depth about the different aspects of farming including animal production, soil science, agronomy and farm systems. It was a fantastic degree that certainly opens a lot of doors – the agriculture industry is so much bigger than we think, it doesn’t just stop at the farm gate! How has the Trust enabled your aspirations and goals to progress? Without having support I would never have discovered what I did at university; that I had a passion for agronomy. So, after getting my degree two years ago, I secured a role with PGG Wrightson Seeds as a Forage Agronomist – this involved trialing our different products (grasses, legumes, brassicas and herbs) in different farm systems. This was a fantastic role to grasp an understanding of how farms can use different species of pastures and crops to try and achieve production goals on farm. More recently I have moved into a Sales Agronomist Role with PGG where I now work with retailers and TOITŪ TE TANGATA


pastoral farmers, understanding their farm systems and helping them decide how different pastures and crops can benefit their business and support what they do. I love the diversity of the role as I am learning something every day. With a daughter working for a seed company now, Dad has to (willingly) follow his daughter’s advice on cropping & re-grassing! It has been great to try a number of different crops and grasses on the family farm, and follow the success in terms of increased productivity. Dad’s only regret is that he didn’t start pasture renovation on the farm 10 years ago – as he’s learnt the potential for productivity gains are massive.


What are the biggest challenges you think face AWHI and the Trust in terms of the development of your people? There is a huge opportunity in terms of educating young people in the agriculture sector. With an increasing demand for skilled young people, whether it is working on the land, technical roles, and support roles – there is a huge amount of opportunity out there! AWHI are already doing a lot to help young people get involved through their training programme, education grants and scholarships, so I would encourage young people to use the opportunities available to them.

What is you whānau connection with Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation?

In your existing job you get to interact with staff from AWHI what opportunity does that provide for you to make a contribution to the growth of the Incorporation? What does it entail?

Dad (Manson Bell) used to be on the Board for a number of years, so we have always had a close affiliation with Ātihau through our family being shareholders. My cousins and uncles have received education grants over the years, so I knew what support was available.

Having received education grants throughout university, I recognised there was an opportunity to be able to offer something back to the Incorporation. So, recently, I approached AWHI Chief Executive, Andrew Beijeman, and Business Manager, Siwan Shaw, and expressed


an interest to work with them in my current role as an Agronomist. They then gave me the opportunity to discuss this further with the managers, and talk around what PGG Wrightson Seeds could offer the Incorporation in terms of pasture and cropping options. As a result of that discussion, this spring we are doing a number of exciting things in terms of agronomy on the stations. A number of the summer and winter crops are from the PGG Wrightson Seeds Cleancrop Brassica System, which is a simple weed control system that enables us to grow Brassica crops while eliminating a number of very problematic weeds that often restrict our ability to grow decent crops in our area. Brassica crops not only produce high quantities of feed but also lead to improved animal performance through feed quality. I am looking forward to continue working with AWHI on these projects to help achieve production goals on farm.

Below left: Manson (Ngト》i Ruaka and Ngト》i Rangi), Emma and Celia Bell at the family farm on Owhakura Road, Rangiwaea, south of Ohakune. This page: Emma discusses with Paul Weeks, PGG Wrightsons Key Accounts Manager, Lower North Island (left), the cropping programme at Tohunga Station with Farm Manager Brian Thompson.



ĀTIHAU-RAVENSDOWN SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is now available to begin in 2016 with the current recipient, Sam O’Donnell, completing his degree study in 2015. In 2011 Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation (AWHI) and Ravensdown established the Ātihau-Ravensdown University Scholarship. The university scholarship, for AWHI shareholders and their descendants, supports undergraduate study in an agricultural or horticultural degree. There is only one scholarship available at any one time (e.g. if it is a 4 year scholarship then only that scholarship will be financed until the 4 year term is completed, then

the scholarship will again be available for applications). The scholarship recipient will receive a cash grant of $5,000.00 per year for the duration of their undergraduate study (see the conditions noted for this scholarship). In addition, the recipient will be offered the opportunity for paid holiday work at Ravensdown. For more information about eligibility and the scholarship application process, please go to or for general information go to

EDUCATION GRANTS AVAILABLE THROUGH THE TE ĀTI HAU TRUST With the new school year and possible university study fast approaching, it’s a good time to look at the educational grants available from Te Āti Hau Trust.

Below is a guide only. The Trust tries to give every eligible applicant some funding but no amount is guaranteed.

• $250 to encourage Year 10 and 11 secondary school students stay at school

• $3,000 Agricultural scholarship - enrolled in any agricultural related full time course.

• $150 for post-school students enrolled in a course with no fee • $350 for part time post school students in a course less than 12 hours per week • $700 for full time post school students on a course 9 –12 months • $700 for Ngā Muka o te Reo students • $1,000 for high performing students (no mark lower than a B)

• Medical studies • $700 for medical students including undergraduate nursing courses up to 3 years • $1,500 for medical students in year 4+ including Masters nursing students • Postgraduate studies • $1,500 Post graduate up to Masters • $3,000 PhD: each year for up to five years • $2000 minimum Overseas study scholarship negotiated with the student

• Ohotū-Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation under graduate scholarship – 4 available at $2,000 each • Robin Murphy-Peehi Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation post graduate scholarship – One available at $8,000 per year for 2 years • Kāwana Pohe Scholarship for Musical Excellence – One available at $6,000 over 2 years

• Ātihau Whanganui– Ravensdown Agricultural Scholarship for a student enrolled in an agricultural course at Massey or Lincoln Universities – One available at $5000 a year for up to 4 years Next Application Closing Dates for Ātihau Whanganui–Ravensdown Agricultural Scholarship Round 1: 31 March Round 2: 30 June Applications are considered in the month afterwards.

ABOUT RAVENSDOWN As a farmer-owned cooperative, Ravensdown exists to optimise soil fertility and farm profitability in a sustainable way for farmers who seek to lift their productivity and lower their environmental impact. Beyond fertiliser, we provide nutrient management services, technical advice and essential farm inputs delivered how, where and when they are needed by our customers.



Give your farming career a kick Get $5000 a year

Because you’re thinking about a degree in agriculture / horticulture, you know scoring $5000 a year will go a long way to help.


To win this scholarship from Atihau Whanganui Incorporation and Ravensdown for 2016, just scan the QR code for an application form or go to for more details. The winner will also be offered paid holiday work with Ravensdown in a variety of roles to kickstart their career.

Call the Customer Centre on 0800 100 123

Applicants for 2016 academic year must be received by 30 November 2015.

Driven. For your success.

Applicants must be sons or daughters of Atihau Whanganui Incorporation shareholders.




Photography - Gail Imhoff

Te Āti Hau Trust scholar Amber-Lea Aroha Rerekura is now working as a Doctor at Palmerston North Hospital. AWHI shares her journey to date and the advice she has for future scholarship applicants.


t initially started with achieving Dux at Whanganui Girls College. From there I did six years of study at Otago University. “The first year in Health sciences there are around 1000 students competing for a place



in the medical school programme, with only 250 placements available, so getting in the programme was an achievement in itself. I stayed in Dunedin for 3 years in total to complete my preclinical papers

in medicine, then I transferred to the Wellington branch of Otago University where I did 2 years of clinical placement. I did my final year as a trainee intern at Palmerston North Hospital. The

medicine course is a complete prescribed course so you don’t get to pick majors, you just have to complete all the six papers that make up the course.” Getting to university was a huge deal for Amber-Lea and her whānau, and she credits their 100% support as contributing significantly to her success. The heavy financial burden that comes with this type of career choice by way of fees and living costs were alleviated for Amber-Lea as a result of the scholarship she received from Te Āti Hau Trust. “The biggest barrier to achieving my goal was really the financial costs,” explained Amber-Lea. “I was fortunate to receive the Ohutu scholarship from the Trust in 2009-2011 (along with other grants) which enabled me to complete my degree and focus solely on studying. It meant I didn’t need to get a part-time job while I was at university and could concentrate all my time and energy on passing my exams. I am proud to say that I have graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery and am now working as a Doctor at Palmerston North Hospital.”

Presently completing her first year as a House Officer at Palmerston North Hospital, this placement involves doing four 3-month attachments in different specialties to gain general registration. Upon gaining her general registration, Amber-Lea can then expand her scope of practice and branch out in the community and other specialties. Currently she is working in obstetrics and gynecology, something she had first-hand experience of with her nephew’s birth.

“Before applying to Te Āti Hau Trust my knowledge of the organisation was quite minimal, this is why I suggest people do some research first. Luckily, the staff were all very friendly and willing to support me through the application process.”

“A few years ago, my nephew was born in a hurry at home before we made it to the hospital, and I had seen a couple of deliveries, so I kind of took over and delivered him, which was amazing!”

“This is an area where our people are clearly deficient. If we knew what signs to look for and to seek medical attention earlier we would have reduced mortality and morbidity. Health literacy is also very important in managing chronic conditions that a significant number of our people are burdened with. Using a medium like the AWHI magazine is a way to educate our people in a nonthreatening environment and helps to push health as a part of moving forward, rather than in a negative light as we are usually portrayed.”

Passing on advice to future students and scholar recipients, Amber-Lea encourages applicants to do some research. “No matter what you’re wanting to do, research your options because there is plenty of support out there, you just need to go looking for it. Secondly, it’s really good to think of a rough long-term plan. You can change this in the future but it makes it easier to fill out the application if you know what the ultimate goal is.”

As a recipient and now a graduate, Doctor Amber-Lea would like to see the Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation and Te Āti Hau Trust play a role in improving shareholders’ health literacy.

Though the normal routine of her job does involve a lot of stress on a daily basis, Amber-Lea considers herself privileged that when she is overwhelmed she can easily return to Whanganui. “Spending time with whānau and getting back to the awa helps me to refocus and remember why I began this journey in the first place. They were the ones keeping me going and the thing that got me through was knowing that at the end I’d have some skills that would actually benefit my whānau.”

Amber-Lea, who graduated in 2014 from Otago University was especially proud to have her one-year-old nephew, Tyler Holden, present. Image supplied by Amber-Lea. “I love this photo because it shows how what I’ve learnt has helped to bring him into the world safely, but also that he has someone to look up to and hopefully inspires him to seek higher education.” TOITŪ TE TANGATA


APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR TE ĀTI HAU TRUST GRANTS These guidelines explain what you need to know and what you need to do when applying for a grant from Te Āti Hau Trust. Read this information carefully to help you complete and submit an application on time with the correct details. The guidelines cover the following areas: 1. General Grants 2. Education Grants and Scholarships 3. Staying Connected 4. Eligibility Criteria 1. GENERAL GRANTS Te Āti Hau Trust has received and supported many different applications. In recent years, the amount of funds available to the Trust has been reduced. Given the funds available will vary from time to time, priority may be given to general grant applications that support: • marae to facilitate hapū activities that build relationships and increase participation of whānau • kaumatua to be active and involved in events that contribute to their wellbeing In addition to the priority support toward marae and kaumatua, the Trust will continue to consider general grant applications for the following areas:



National Sport Participation This grant acknowledges the recipient’s talent and sporting development. The applicant must be attending a national tournament within New Zealand and representing their region or school. This grant is not for school teams playing in a local competition. International NZ Representative This grant is for sport, arts, and performance for candidates who are representing New Zealand internationally. Elite Olympian / Commonwealth Games This grant acknowledges the success of applicants who are representing NZ at Olympics or Commonwealth Games. Hui Aranga Te Āti Hau Trust will continue to support Hui Aranga Rōpū that travel to the Annual Hui Aranga for an amount up to $1000.00. Marae This grant aims to support marae with the cost of repairs, restoration and building marae facilities.

2. EDUCATON GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS When reading this section on education grants and scholarships please note the stated amount for each grant and scholarship is a guide and no amount is guaranteed. If a successful applicant has received a grant in the past, the Trust is likely to reduce the amount shown on the application form. Educational Grant or Scholarships Te Āti Hau Trust will fund up to $700 for a full-time course and up to $350 for a part-time course. A full-time course may vary from 9 months to a year. Eligibility for a scholarship will be assessed with only the information provided. Applicants can apply in advance of enrolment. However, in this circumstance, the fee will be paid after the withdrawal date because the student (applicant) will not be entitled to receive a refund of the enrolment fee thereafter. Secondary School Grant Year 10-11 only, $250 This grant responds to the poor retention and achievement rates of Māori students, i.e. the high number of Māori students that are leaving without a school qualification. The grant offers Māori students an incentive to stay at school and continue study toward NCEA. High Performance This grant offers $1,000 for undergraduate students in at least their second year who have shown marks of no less than B average (pro-rata for part-time - $500). Medical Degree Grant Year 1-3 – $700 Year 4+ - $1,500 The first three years are funded on the same basis as a tertiary grant. Due to the length of study required for a medical practitioner, the Trust offers further incentive for a fourth year of study. This grant is also relevant to a course of study at Masters level and nursing students’ study at year 4. Postgraduate Qualification $1,500 This grant is available to applicants undertaking a postgraduate qualification, including a postgraduate diploma up to and including Masters. PHD $3,000 This grant seeks to support a student studying for a doctorate qualification. If successful, the applicant is entitled to receive this scholarship on an annual basis for up to five years.

Overseas Scholarship $2,000 minimum This scholarship is available to applicants studying overseas. The applicant cannot be a resident of the country where s/he will be studying. The reason for the applicant’s overseas experience must be educational. Kāwana Pohe Scholarship for Musical Excellence $6,000 over 2 years This scholarship is available for applicants seeking to further develop their musical excellence. Te Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation Post Graduate Scholarship: Robin Murphy-Peehi $16,000 over 2 years This scholarship is awarded to an applicant that is achieving at the highest level in their chosen study and profession. It is given to the successful applicant for two years. Te Āti Hau Trust assesses all applications and recommends to the AWHI Board whether or not to award the scholarship and to whom. All candidates are eligible for PHD if they are unsuccessful here. Te Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation Agriculture Undergraduate Scholarship: Ohotū 4 @ $2,000 This scholarship is specifically for candidates studying agriculture. It is awarded for two years. Te Āti Hau Trust assesses all applications and recommends to the AWHI Board whether or not to award the scholarship and to whom. In the event that a suitable candidate has not been identified, the scholarship may be awarded to a candidate from the exceptional tertiary applications. Agricultural $3,000 This fund invites applicants with whakapapa connections to Whanganui and who wish to study so they can work on AWHI lands, and aspire to manage one or more AWHI farms. AWHI-Ravensdown Scholarship $5,000 over 4 years This fund focuses on candidates who are studying or who will begin study toward an agricultural qualification. Only one candidate can receive and hold this scholarship for a 4-year period. When the current recipient completes his/her course of study successfully then a new candidate is able to receive this scholarship. This is available to start in 2016. Applications close 30 November 2015.



3. STAYING CONNECTED Alumni The Trust has successfully connected with shareholders and beneficiaries for education and general grants. We would like to stay connected with applicants and to share in your journey, hear your story and consider opportunities to support others. The first step for the Trust will be to investigate the feasibility of establishing an ALUMNI. When the Trust has completed its research and planning we will share the results with you. Database The Trust requests all recipients to provide their personal details for the database. This means providing your name, date of birth, and contact details. This information will be used to manage the Alumni records and to stay connected with all recipients. Reports All education grant and scholarship recipients and general grant recipients will be required to submit a progress report on their study or project with photographs and attachments when this is appropriate. The Board for Te Āti Hau Trust expects to receive reports that indicate clearly where your study or project is at, how study or the project is progressing and what are your next work streams. Grant and Scholarship recipients will be required to consent to this condition prior to receiving the grant or scholarship payment. Notices Applicants will receive notice from the Trust when your application is: • formally received and whether it is complete or not • missing critical information and whether it is easily understood • ready to be considered now or whether to leave it for the next closing date Applications that are submitted incorrectly or without critical information, such as support documents and evidence, will be incomplete. In these circumstances, applicants will be notified to submit the outstanding information. However, the application will not be considered until the next funding period. Application Closing Dates The closing dates for all applications are: 31 March, 30 June and 30 September. The Trust plans to hold 32


its meetings in April, July, and October to consider applications that are complete and correct. If you are still unsure about what you need to know and what you need to do then contact the Grants Administrator (email: before submitting an application prior to the closing date. You will find the Grant Application Forms on the Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation Website Homepage at then click on the Pātaka Icon. 4. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All applications must include evidence that verifies the applicant is a shareholder, or the applicant is a beneficiary to an Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation Shareholder. If you are a beneficiary then the shareholder from whom you descend must verify your relationship to him or her. If you are a beneficiary of a Trust or Estate that holds shares in the Incorporation, then you need one of the Trustees or the Trust Administrator to verify your eligibility. EDUCATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM CHECKLIST – THE EVIDENCE REQUIRED • All sections of application form completed • Letter of enrolment from your course provider or secondary school • A copy of the course fees receipt showing the amount paid • Verified Bank account name and number e.g. Bank stamped deposit slip or copy of bank statement • Verified copy of official transcripts of results To support your Education Grant application all applicants that have already completed a tertiary course or part of a tertiary course are required to submit a copy of the official transcript of results for each part of the course completed (no matter the course) – all copies must be verified by a lawyer, JP, School Principal or Te Āti Hau Trust Office Staff.

GENERAL GRANT APPLICATION FORM CHECKLIST – THE EVIDENCE REQUIRED • A ll sections of the application form completed • Quotes: services, equipment, uniforms and any other related resources • Verified Bank account name and number e.g. Bank-stamped deposit slip or copy of bank statement PAYMENT TO SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS The Trust policy is to give every successful applicant a grant as long as sufficient funds are available. When more applicants are successful, lesser amounts are likely to be granted. The Trust will conduct an annual review and consider the sustainability of this approach for the following year.

VERIFY BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS All payments will be made directly to the applicant’s bank account. You must provide an official deposit slip or copy of a bank statement showing the name and number of the account, which must be in the name of the applicant. This should verify the account number is in your name and the status of the bank account. If these details are correct then the Trust can proceed with payment at the appropriate time. NOW, IT’S YOUR TURN. COMPLETE THE APPLICATION FORM AND PROCESS CORRECTLY. YOU MIGHT LOOK FORWARD TO TE ĀTI HAU TRUST SUPPORTING YOUR ENDEAVOURS. WE WILL LOOK FORWARD TO YOU SUPPORTING YOUR WHĀNAU, HAPŪ, MARAE AND THE ĀTIHAU WHANGANUI INCORPORATION.

Go to to find the Guidelines for Grants and Grant Application Forms by clicking the Pātaka icon.











Toi tu te whenua 16 Bell Street, Whanganui 4500, New Zealand Postal Address PO Box 4035 Whanganui 4540 New Zealand © ATIHAU-WHANGANUI INCORPORATION 2015

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