AWHI Magazine - Issue 7

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RUKUTIA TE MANA Ngāti Rangi Settlement New consumer brand for AWHI TOITŪ TE MANA A successful year for AWHI

TOITŪ TE WHENUA Environmental efforts recognised

TOITŪ TE TANGATA Grant helps save Akerautangi

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Contents ISSUE 7 / 2018





14 NEW CONSUMER BRAND FOR AWHI Whakairo rākau provides design inspiration

24 JESSICA FOLLOWS FAMILY TRADITION Meet the newest Independent Trustee

16 THE TREES ARE TALKING AT TAWANUI Commitment to the environment pays off

25 TRUSTEE BRINGS PASSION TO THE BOARD TABLE Jenny Tamakehu wants to reconnect people with their whenua

4 TIKANGA MĀORI FOCUS FOR NEW BOARD MEMBER Rāwiri Tinirau brings focus on tikanga Māori 5 RE-CONNECTING WITH WHĀNAU Associate Director Sarah Bell has come home 7 R UKUTIA TE MANA NGĀTI RANGI SETTLEMENT Historic day sees signing of Ngāti Rangi settlement 11 GOOD DEBT VS BAD DEBT Discover how debt can help a business grow 12 STRATEGIC REVIEW People remain at heart of AWHI strategy


19 LISTENING TO THE WATERS OF MANGAWHERO AWHI commissions new water monitoring project 22 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS RECOGNISED Ohotū Station Manager Dean Francois receives Environmental Stewardship Award

26 GRANT HELPS SAVE AKERAUTANGI Work begins to restore historic marae 28 SWIMMING SENSATION Grant helps top athlete represent her country at Commonwealth Games 31 PROJECT FOCUSES ON 1.3M OF UNCLAIMED DIVDENDS Team smashes target




Editor’s Panui AWHI MAGAZINE Editor Mavis Mullins Deputy Editor Polly Catlin-Maybury Creative Director Sheree Anaru Photography Quentin Bedwell Graphic Design Dave Pope

ĀTIHAU WHANGANUI INCORPORATION Postal PO Box 4035 Whanganui 4541 Physical 16 Bell Street Whanganui 4500 Ohākune 22 Ayr Street Ohākune 4625 Telephone +64 (6) 348 7213 Fax +64 (6) 348 7482 Email

ISTUDIOS MULTIMEDIA LTD Postal PO Box 8383 New Plymouth 4342 Phyisical 77B Devon Street East New Plymouth 4310 Telephone +64 (6) 758 1863 Email





RUKUTIA TE MANA Ngāti Rangi Settlement New consumer brand for AWHI TOITŪ TE MANA A successful year for AWHI

TOITŪ TE WHENUA Environmental efforts recognised

TOITŪ TE TANGATA Grant helps save Akerautangi

Kuia Jean Wilson and her daughter Michelle at Raketapauma Marae.

CONTRIBUTORS Polly Catlin-Maybury Renee Kiriona-Ritete Amokura Panoho

Tēnā koutou Each time we bring you an issue of AWHI Magazine, I am struck anew about how far we have come as a business and organisation, and this edition is no exception. The Māori economy in Aotearoa is coming into its own. Valued at more than $50 billion and growing, we are seeing a real step change in the way our people are doing business. In the past, we very much followed the commoditydriven model for the primary sector where we would grow it and someone would sell it on our behalf to someone we never knew. But at Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation (also known as AWHI, which encapsulates not only our organisation and the name of our publication but also our tikanga) we are disrupting that supply chain and creating new ways to connect and understand our customers. The launch of our new brand and logo is part of this change in direction. What is particularly gratifying is that our key driver is not just about money. It’s about the manaaki we provide for the whenua, the animals, the environment and the people. It’s about delivering customer value. And it’s about bringing our tikanga into everything we do. Find out more on page 12-15. We also introduce you to four new additions to our governance team (see pages 4 and 5, 24 and 25). I am very proud of the diversity, skills and experience we have in the people for AWHI and Te Āti Hau Trust Board tables and the contribution they bring to the strategic direction for the incorporation. We saw a long-term board member leave us at the AGM and I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of us all to recognise the 12 years of commitment Toni Waho has given to AWHI. Instrumental in the establishment of Te Āti Hau Trust and the Awhiwhenua Training programme, his is a legacy that will stand for the benefit of future generations. We wish him well in his future endeavours. Hei konei rā Mavis Mullins Chairperson



AGM marks a successful year for AWHI There was a lot to celebrate at the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation (AWHI) Annual General Meeting with the presentation of a positive governance and operational report and launch of a new customer facing brand. The hui, held last December, attracted a sizeable shareholder attendance which Mavis Mullins, Chairperson of the AWHI Board, considers humbling and gratifying. “When we see so many of our whānau at the AGM, it tells us that people are engaged in what we are doing on their behalf, “ she said. “ It was particularly nice to see a good number of first-time attendees.” Shareholder commitment to the organisation was also evident with six nominations for just two vacancies at the Board table. The vacancies arise as each sitting member serves a three-year term before the position comes up for election, as laid down by Te Ture Whenua Act. Che Wilson was re-

elected to his seat and was joined by Dr Rawiri Tinirau, welcomed as the newest member of the AWHI Board. A new associate director also joined the Board, as Francine Wineti has come to the end of her two-year term. Sarah Bell was appointed from six high quality applicants. “It was not easy to make selection from those applicants. The board considered the existing capability gaps and the opportunity to mentor,” said Mavis. “Sarah will bring a different perspective to the table and we look forward to working with her.” The launch of the new customer brand of AWHI is a real step forward in the incorporation’s focus on delivering customer value. It was

well-received by the shareholders present. “It was pleasing that our shareholders embraced our new brand so wholeheartedly,” said Mavis, “perhaps because the presentation by board member Che Wilson enabled people to recognise elements of our past, present and future in its development. We look forward to seeing where it will take us this year and beyond.”

“ It was particularly nice to see a good number of first time attendees.”



Tikanga Māori focus for new Board member The newest member to join the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation (AWHI) Board is looking forward to helping the organisation find ways to incorporate tikanga Māori into the way it does business. Rāwiri Tinirau is the ideal man for the job as his thesis for his recently completed PhD in Management explored how core Māori values were embraced in various business settings. “My studies showed that there is no one way for businesses to express tikanga Māori so it is going to be very interesting to see where we go on this journey,” he says. “Including Māori practices and beliefs into a business model is fairly groundbreaking stuff, so as a Board, and as a organisation, we are going to have to persevere and learn through experience.” 4


Rāwiri was approached by fellow shareholders to stand for election to the Board and although he was intially unsure of how he could contribute, he wanted to honour the memory of his grandfather, Meterei Tinirau, who was a past chair and Committee of Management member.

are now so many different things to consider that you don’t need to be a farmer to be able to add your perspective and contrbute to the Incorporation.” Rāwiri is currently the Deputy Chair of Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui Trust, Chair of both Rānana Marae Trust and the Rānana Māori Committee, and the Ngāti Hine hapū representative to both Te Rūnanga o Tamaupoko and Te Rūnanga o Te Awa Tupua. He is also the co-director of an independent Māori institute which focuses on environmental and health-based research programmes and projects.

“ There are now so many different things to consider that you don’t need to be a farmer to be able to add your perspective “Back in Koro’s day, talk around the and contrbute to the Board table was all about farming, Incorporation.” but I discovered that things have He also wanted to give back to the organisation after being the recipient of grants and scholarships from the Te Āti Hau Trust.

changed a lot,” he says. “There

Re-connecting with whānau at the Board table Taking her place at the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation (AWHI) Board table has felt like coming home for the organisation’s new Associate Director, Sarah Bell.

“Right from the very first meeting, it felt like I was sitting down with whānau,” the 34-year-old specialist training facilitator said. “A whānau who wants to help you learn and grow, and who believes that you have something to offer.” Sarah’s great-great-grandmother was the celebrated Hohi Manson, and her father Arthur Bell is an AWHI shareholder. Her family connections also include two uncles, Manson Bell and Harvey Bell, who served on the Committee of Management in their time and current Board members, Che Wilson and Shar Amner. So it is no surprise she feels right at home! “The first time I walked into the boardroom Che said, ‘Hello Aunty’,” Sarah chuckles. “As I have blonde-hair and blue eyes it made

me laugh because I don’t look like your typical Māori aunty!” Sarah grew up on a 320-hectare beef and sheep farm in Rangiwaea, just south of Ohākune. After graduating with a BSc in Physical Geography from the University of Canterbury, she worked in several farmingrelated roles before moving to the South Island with her partner to take on a sharemilking contract. The owner of the farm was part of an equity partnership and she was asked, initially, to be the administrator, but the role grew until she was acting as the operational manager for the group. “That job proved to me that I could do things that I would have never believed I could,” she said. “I loved being on the land, talking

to the farmers, and bringing my perspective to discussions.” A change in circumstances saw her move back to the family home, where she was accepted onto the Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme. Her learning journey included completing a research project on leadership within the NZ Agricultural sector and one of the people she interviewed was AWHI chairperson Mavis Mullins. “I am a strong believer that life puts you where you are meant be at the time,” she says. “Mavis told me about the Associate Director programme and when the opportunity came, I applied for it. I am so honoured and excited to have been chosen for the position and I can say that I am truly where I am supposed to be – with my family and connected with the land.”

“ I loved being on the land, talking to the farmers, and bringing my perspective to discussions.”





Images supplied by Ngāti Rangi Trust.

RUKUTIA TE MANA – Ngāti Rangi Settlement

Kuia Jean Wilson is still celebrating that her prestigious maunga, Ruapehu, showed himself in all his glory on a historic day for Ngāti Rangi.



On Saturday 10 March 2018, the Crown, represented by the Minister of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little, signed a Deed of Settlement with the iwi at Raketapauma Marae, northwest of Taihape. The occasion called for a lot of organisation and Jean was extremely proud of how her Marae whānau came together to ensure the day’s success. “We had iwi members of all ages, cooks, chefs, waitresses, dishwashers, seamstresses, especially our kaumātua, involved,” she says. “We even had the NZ Defence Forces, some of whom were descendants of Ngāti Rangi, put up tents, do carpentry and electrical work to ensure everything was ready for the day.” With a greater part of her younger years spent at the marae, Jean thought with sorrow of many treasured memories going back to her Koro, Pepene Ruka, and her father, Peehi Waretini. But their presence, along with many others who had passed on, was felt during the ceremony with the rain that fell representing tears of both sadness 8


and joy to those gathered. “The day held many highlights for me,” says Jean. “Particularly the various korowai displayed by their wearers, the young men and women in their kākahu, the men carrying taiaha, the pōwhiri, karanga and waiata, flags waving in the wind, the kōrero that went to and fro on the marae and our mokopuna playing quietly in the background.” Jean felt all the elements of the day had come together and Ngāti Rangi had exercised their mana and committed themselves to a partnership with the Crown Rukutia Te Mana. Jean and her siblings are shareholders of Atihau-Whanganui Incorporation through a whānau trust inherited from their father Peehi. “It’s remarkable knowing that being a shareholder in land administered by the Incorporation covers an extensive area within Ngāti Rangi rohe,” she says. “I look forward to sharing how we all benefit as shareholders, as uri and as administrators from being better kaitiaki of our lands, awa and our maunga.

“It means that while we remember the legacy left behind by those who have gone before, we also look to those taking us forward.” One of those taking up the mantle of leadership is Shar Amner, chair for Ngāti Rangi Trust over the last two years. Elected to the Trust four years earlier, when Shar was made Chair he also automatically became a negotiator for Ngāti Rangi to settle their Treaty of Waitangi claim. “It’s been a lifelong journey really,” Shar reflects. “My koro, Mark Tumanako Gray, who raised me, was one of the original trustees of Ngāti Rangi and one of the original claimants as well as being an inaugural board member for Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation.”

“ It means that while we remember the legacy left behind by those who have gone before, we also look to those taking us forward.”

Left: Raketapauma Marae provided the perfect setting for the historic event. Right: Chair of the Ngāti Rangi Trust and AWHI Board member Shar Amner puts his signature to the settlement. Below: Kuia Jean Wilson and her daughter Michelle Wilson.

Originally Mark didn’t want his grandson to be the chair; he was concerned about the impact the role would have on Shar’s whānau. “He’d been there and done that – the same with my uncle, Bobby Gray, who has also been a trustee on both entities,” says Shar. “They’ve been influential in my growing up and didn’t want me to become the chair because of the responsibilities and the pressures that came with the role. But I reassured them [that] with their support I would be okay.” One of the key elements Shar thought he needed to provide leadership on was the importance

Image supplied by Robert Milne, Ruapehu Bulletin

for the iwi to be united. “It can be a divisive process for our people, the Crown process can create hurdles,“ he says. “The key thing was to be united and maintain our focus on what we were trying to achieve as the first fast-track settlement was set up, bypassing the Tribunal to negotiate directly with the Crown. This came with a lot of pressures, a lot of demands on the negotiation team.”

“ It was a balancing act but the number one focus was to unite and empower.” “My focus was to make sure the negotiation team was sound and clear they had support from me, how we related that information back to the trustees, the mandating body and further afield to our people. It was a balancing act but the number one focus was to unite and empower.” Shar believes Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation (AWHI) as a whole, will be enhanced as all the land settlements are completed along the Whanganui River where the incorporation has connections or lands. “The incorporation has a lot of maturity on its side as it’s been through a lot of trials and tribulations from which we can learn, and vice versa,” he reflects. “We need to take a collaborative approach. AWHI has scale and ability – sharing that with the iwi to enhance our respective aspirations for our people and our land can only be of benefit.” Being in both a tribal leadership role and a Māori land incorporation directorship is a balancing act where responsibilities and crossovers create >> TOITŪ TE MANA


The redress package includes: 1. A n agreed historical account, Crown acknowledgements of its breaches of te Tiriti/the Treaty and a Crown apology;

Above: The occasion was an emotional one on many levels.

a unique situation for the people involved. It is not uncommon across iwi and Māori entities around the country. “Everyone on the board of AWHI has multiple responsibilities – that is very useful for AWHI having that diverse set of skills sitting around the board table,” explains Shar. “However, from Ngāti Rangi’s point of view, a large part of our area of interest is already under AWHI guardianship and presently the common area of overlap is the forestry use of our lands.” “It’s a continuation of programmes like Awhiwhenua that is creating a bigger nucleus for training our people that will really shape our

collective development. Another area is environmental management. Ngāti Rangi has always been active in that space. Collaboration on our environmental sustainabiliity challenges will help us be innovative for the future.” Shar believes that the incorporation will be like a delivery mechanism in collaborating with iwi, with many examples in the tourism industry. This type of partnership will help to create unique opportunity in the Whanganui and Ruapehu regions. “We have to do it as a carefullycarefully approach,” he warns. “Learn from each other and have the patience to get it right.”

The Ngāti Rangi Settlement: Ngā Poupou o te Wharetoka (The Pinnacles of the House of Stone of Paerangi) comprises of six Pou: • Te Matapihi (Partnership) • Hohourongo (Reconciliation) • Ngāti Rangitanga (Nationhood) • Te Ao Tūroa (Environment) • Hauoratanga (Well-being) • Muramura Te Ahi (Prosperity)

2. Cultural redress, including: a. Te Waiū-o-te-Ika Framework (Whangaehu River Catchment) redress, which will provide for: i. Statutory recognition of Te Waiū-o-te-Ika, which recognises the river as a living and indivisible whole from Te Wai-ā-Moe to the sea; ii. Fresh arrangements for decisionmaking for the Whangaehu River focussed on the health and wellbeing of the River; and iii. A n entity made up of representatives of Ngāti Rangi as well as other iwi with interests in the River and local government representatives; b. Conservation redress, including: i. Establishment of a joint committee consisting of members appointed by both Ngāti Rangi and the Department of Conservation, to manage conservation land within the Ngāti Rangi rohe; ii. A seat on the Tongariro-Taupō Conservation Board on an interim basis; iii. A defined place in the Tongariro-Taupō Conservation Management Strategy c. Crown minerals redress, including an acknowledgment of Ngāti Rangi’s relationship with with pākohe, onewa and matā and provision for members of Ngāti Rangi (with written authorisation from the post settlement governance entity) to access a defined area for the purpose of searching for and removing Crown owned pākohe, onewa and matā by hand d. A cultural fund of $167,000; e. V esting and gift-back of New Zealand Defence Force land near Waiouru (Irirangi), where certain land will vest in Ngāti Rangi, who will gift it back to the Crown 7 days later for the people of New Zealand; f. Relationship redress; and 3. Financial and commercial redress, including $17M, made up of a combination of cash, commercial redress properties to transfer through the settlement (including Karioi forest land) as well as a range of rights of first refusal and deferred selection over specified Crown property. Source:



Debt makes the difference to business success The word ‘debt’ can be a confronting one with its connotations of negativity and liability but in reality debt is an essential tool businesses use to help fund development and generate income. “There is a huge difference between good debt and bad debt,”explains Rob Gemmell, Relationship Manager, BNZ. “Borrowing money to enable a business to invest in itself so it can generate more income than is needed to repay what is owing is good debt. Bad debt is taking out a loan to pay for something that will

reduce in value and fail to generate growth and income.” A simple analogy of how debt can be used in a positive and enabling way is to imagine a patch of dirt where nothing is growing. A penniless farmer borrows the money to buy a fruit tree, which he plants in the dirt. He borrows more money to provide support for the young sapling, purchase fertiliser and water to help it grow and fencing to protect it from wandering animals.

The tree grows with strong roots and a solid trunk. It produces fruit which the farmer sells, enabling him to pay off the debt and giving him a cash surplus. The next time he needs fertiliser, he uses the cash surplus, meaning he doesn’t need to borrow as much. The tree again produces a crop of fruit, which is sold to pay off the debt, leaving a larger cash surplus. The farmer decides to borrow again, this time to buy more trees, so he can produce more fruit, enabling him to pay off the larger loan and giving him a bigger cash surplus. And so his business develops and prospers. In order for the Ātihau-Whanganui Incoporation (AWHI) to grow from the first farm it farmed on its own account, Ohorea, it needed to resume leased land. While the initial Committee of Management had been accumulating cash reserves in anticipation of the opportunities to resume thousands of acres as leases expired, the cash reserves would not be enough. So taking out loans was necessary to enable AWHI to secure full use of the whenua for their people and to fund the development of those farms into profitable business units. These debt levels have always been well-managed and the ratio of debt vs AWHI’s total assets currently sit at less than 20%, which is low by industry standards, according to Rob. “AWHI set itself on a path to success using debt in a positive way right from the very start,” he adds. “Successive Boards maintained a conservative and disciplined approach which means that the organisation is sitting in a solid financial position today to be able to continue its development and growth into the future.” TOITŪ TE MANA


Strategic review confirms strength of putting people at heart of business Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation (AWHI) tikanga has always been to put people at the heart of its strategic values as a firm bedrock on which to build.

This commitment to the provision of manaaki for the kaimahi and customers of AWHI, was renewed afresh by the Board after a review of the organisation’s strategy and direction for the future. Facilitated by Nick Robinson, an independent strategic consultant, the incorporation’s entire governance board and executive team spent a day in retreat, focusing on the priorities and values that form the cultural backbone of the organisation and agreeing the future direction the business will take. “Taking the time to fully focus on your strategic framework is vital for any business or organisation,” Nick explains. “It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong or that something needs ‘fixing’, just that there is recognition that the world is forever changing and that a successful strategy is never a static one.” AWHI has taken a huge step forward in the way it connects with its customers, with the development of the new AWHI brand designed to resonate directly with consumers and a ‘paddock to plate’ philosophy that embraces the ethical way the organisation delivers its end product. 12


“This connection to what we eat is a high priority for customers now and it is important that AWHI seizes those opportunities,” says Nick. “Ensuring strong strategic values enables the business to set a clear direction for the future.” AWHI’s consistent and enduring commitment to its people is deeply ingrained and the day provided the opportunity for the governance team to reaffirm the importance of this strategic value to the business. Bringing a sharper focus to this area as AWHI continues to build on the mana and value of its products while getting to know its customers better will mean improved outcomes for all, shareholders and consumers alike, for generations to come. “The commitment the Board has to the future of AWHI and its people was very striking,” says Nick. “They are resolute in what they see as their responsibility to ensure that the AWHI story has its roots firmly in the connection between the whenua and those who care for it. It was very inspiring.” The day was of great value to the Board and executive alike, with

“ Who we are, our history, our beliefs, our culture and our commitment to the future, has always been behind our decision-making and planning.” everyone welcoming the opportunity to take a step back from day-to-day demands and review the journey the organisation has already travelled, and plan the path it will follow into the future. “Who we are, our history, our beliefs, our culture and our commitment to the future, has always been behind our decisionmaking and planning,” says Andrew Beijeman, CE of ĀtihauWhanganui Incorporation. “But it was great to reaffirm that and realise again just how important our strategic values are to the success of what we do. We are in an exciting place at the moment, and it was timely to remind ourselves of why we have such a strong platform from which to launch a new phase of business growth.”

Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation Business and Brand Strategy 2018

Why Our Purpose

To help people and nature flourish together Summed up in our Core Brand Idea

Natural Togetherness

How How we’ll generate value

Tikanga Tikanga is our source of legacy and competitive advantage


Products and Experiences Foods Value Propositions Simply the purest foods, raised with wholehearted care

Other Value Propositions To be developed based on offer and audience

What Our 5 Strategic Pou - our immediate focus areas

Tangata People

Whi Hua Productivity

Mori Mori Care

Mana Value

Whakapapa Brand

Growing the mana and wellbeing of our people, partners and customers

Continuously improving through our collective wisdom and creativity

Nurturing and protecting all life, and appreciating that all life is connected

Exploring and bringing higher value products and applications to new and existing markets

Building a premium brand through sharing our Tikanga and rich history

Our Values - informing our actions everywhere, every day

Be completely natural

Think creatively, act courageously

Treat people and nature as family



New opportunities call for new logo

The branding includes a new logo which was inspired by the te reo Māori meaning for the incorporation’s name, its history and the local regional influences of whakairo (carving). The Board and Executive team enjoyed the process of developing the new design with some exciting and illuminating discussions taking place along the way. One of the meanings of the te reo Māori word ‘awhi’ is to embrace, support and care for. AWHI has also become the acronym for the ĀtihauWhanganui Incorporation, which puts the manaaki of its whenua, its whānau, its animals and its customers at the core of its strategic values. It was important therefore to bring this element of nurture and support into the new logo. 14


The essence of the design is of two hands coming together and the original inspiration was found in a book Te Ara Tapu, about the Whanganui Regional Museum collection of taonga that includes whakairo rākau. The placement of hands by a carver tells a lot about the person they are depicting. If the person is holding a weapon, it signifies their prowess as a fighter. If they are holding their tongue (a typical Whanganui design), they are keepers of knowledge. In the case of the logo, the design connects to the positioning of hands over the stomach which relates to either being female or being a provider, again reflecting the concepts of care and support.

A new consumer facing brand was launched last year as part of the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation (AWHI) journey to forge closer connections with customers.

The carving that provided the logo inspiration came from Tawhitinui, across the river from Moutoa Island near Rānana and shares the same influences as whakairo from Huriwhenua, Kauika at Rānana. These places are important in AWHI tribal history as Tawhitinui was the home of the famous Whanganui ancestors: Tamaūpoko, Hinengākau, Tūpoho and their first cousin Tamahaki. Kauika is where Taitoko Te Rangihiwinui (Major Kemp) built his whare rūnanga, Huriwhenua. This house was built to call the local iwi together to fight for the protection of their land. Te Rangihiwinui is an important historical figure for AWHI as he can be seen as the godfather of Māori

land trusts and incorporations. He fought, along with some of his contemporaries, for the legal protection of Māori whenua and entrusted many Whanganui blocks into what became known as the Kemp’s Trust. This Trust later became the Aotea Māori Land Board, the entity responsible for the land that has since been resumed by the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation. THE LOGO IS MADE UP OF SEVERAL DISTINCT PARTS: The Incorporation’s name, AWHI. The hand component. This is made up of three different elements: the upper arc represents the mountain, the central curves represent the river and the bottom arc represents the sea. The curves also reflect the landscape of the Incorporation’s whenua, patterned as it is by rivers and streams.

The new logo elements Upper curved line represents the mountain

Bottom curved line represents the sea Central squiggly line represents the river

The influence of the tribal pepeha is also clear – ‘E rere kau mai te Awa nui, mai te Kāhui Maunga ki Tangaroa, ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au – The river flows from the mountains to the sea, I am the river and the river is me’; Product name. In the case above, it is ‘Farms’ but can be changed to ‘Honey’ or any other product. Depiction of the maunga Ruapehu – can you spot the ‘A’ for AWHI within the design? and;

Place name - which raises awareness of the products’ origins for both domestic and international markets. The overall rustic look suggests a shearing stamp which also draws on the connection AWHI has to the land, and the animals it cares for. This logo does not replace the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation logo, which will still be used, but will stand front and centre to proudly show where our products come from.

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The trees are talking at Tawanui



Some special things are happening at Tawanui Station. After almost four decades, native trees that were once silent are now talking.

Steve Tapa has been working at the farm, one of eight ĀtihauWhanganui Incorporation (AWHI) stations, for many years. But in December last year, while managing some 500 breeding cows and 1300 sheep, a sea of red flowers appeared in the native bush at the farm, greeting him with a beautiful pūkana. “I’ve been here for a long time and that’s the first time I have ever seen the rātā trees bloom – a sea of red flowers shining through the canopy of the bush,” says Steve. “It’s like they were saying, ‘Kia ora – we’re here.’ “It was a really amazing sight and I believe it is just one way Tānemahuta is telling us that we are on the right track with our Ngā Whenua Rāhui project.” Tawanui is one of the smaller farms in the AWHI estate but it has been making huge inroads both environmentally and economically since Steve signed it up to the Ngā Whenua Rāhui programme 19 years ago. The programme, triggered by Māori throughout the country concerned about the declining health of indigenous ecosystems on Māori land, is run by Maori landowners in conjunction with the Department of Conversation and regional councils, >> TOITŪ TE WHENUA


Previous page: Tawanui Station Manager, Steve Tapa. Above: The native bush and wetlands protected under the Nga Whenua Rāhui programme.

aimed at protecting whenua and native life from pests and farming stock. “It has been a long road but we completed all our mahi last year and when I saw the rātā bloom, and had heard that the kiwi population was slowly but surely increasing, it told me we’re getting it right.” says Steve proudly. That mahi has included setting aside 406 ha of land at the station, including native bush, into a reserve for 25 years, installing 40 kms of fencing to keep stock away from the Mangawhero River and developing 15 ha of wetlands to filter paru between the stock and the awa. “I hear the tūī singing more often in the bush these days and the edges of the river banks are beginning to rejuvenate because stock can no longer get to them,” says Steve. “But it was the flowering of the rātā tree that really got me extra excited because the floor of that bush has 18


taken a hammering over the years from pests and stock.” Steve hails from Ruakā Marae in Rānana which is up Whanganui River. “I’m a native river rat from Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi. My people are a water people so when it comes to any river, I care very much for those things. “Ngā Whenua Rāhui is about more than just fencing and getting rid of pests. It’s also about applying that aroha and spiritual connection we as Māori have with the earth.” Farming productivity and performance has also improved significantly since the programme started at the station. “Back in the old days, we had about 40 paddocks. Today we have 200 paddocks and that’s a sign to me that if we look after the whenua and the awa, it will look after us.”

Steve said the Department of Conversation and Horizons Regional Council had to be acknowledged for their support. “If they didn’t give us funding, it would have taken us longer to get the mahi done and time is crucial when it comes to environmental protection. “To give people an idea of the costs, on fences alone we spent $18,000 to construct one kilometre. Now multiply that by 40 kilometers of fencing.” While the bulk of the programme has come to an end, Steve says the challenge now lies in maintaining and enhancing the positive results. “We can’t be too complacent. Looking after the land has to be ongoing. I want to see that awesome pūkana from the rātā trees again.”

Images supplied by Ngāti Rangi Trust.

Listening to the waters of Mangawhero

Helping the ancestral waters that flow from Mangawhero Awa tell their story is at the heart of a new project ĀtihauWhanganui Incorporation (AWHI) has commissioned Ngāti Rangi Trust to undertake.



AWHI wants to know how farming businesses are affecting waterways that spring from the river before they make the more than 100km journey to the sea via Whangaehu awa at Turakina, south of Whanganui. Holly Molesworth, the Kairangahau Taiao or Ecologist at Ngāti Rangi Trust managing the work, says she is ‘absolutely honoured’ to be part of the project. The research will focus on three waterways flowing into the Mangawhero awa across several AWHI farming stations – an unnamed tributary above Raukawa Falls on Te Paenga Station, Ararawa on Ohorea Station and Hapūawhenua on Tohunga Station. “These waterways are connected to farms that all have different levels of land use and land type – ranging from high to low intensity and stable to unstable grounds. It is important that we take a wide look at the impact of different uses so we get a better picture of what’s happening,” says Holly. Excited about the incorporation of mātauranga Māori into the research project, Holly is especially looking forward to listening to and talking with whānau, hapū and iwi about the awa who had lived on the waters and on the whenua for generations. “We will be adopting scientific and Māori worldviews to provide a more holistic assessment on impacts and I am particularly excited about the incorporation of mātauranga Māori in this journey,” she says. “Nadia Hika is working on the project with me and we are really looking forward to listening to

Previous page: Nadia Hika collects samples to assess water quality. Right: Holly Molesworth and Isaac Mareikura survey the water.



kōrero from local whānau about the history and their traditional associations with these waters and surrounding whenua. “We’re currently identifying people with that precious knowledge.” Before the mātauranga Māori work begins, Holly will undertake a stocktake of the three waterways to determine their current water quality. “I suppose you could liken it to a stocktake of all the resources at a marae in the wharekai. Do we have enough cups, do we have enough plates and pots to help feed the people? Same thing applies here, do we have enough invertebrates or fish to feed and sustain the whānau that lives in the stream? “Once the stocktake and interviews with local whānau have been

“ It is important that we take a wide look at the impact of different uses so we get a better picture of what’s happening.” Holly Molesworth

completed, we will monitor for changes over the following three years.” All going well, the project is expected to be completed by end of 2020. “Koro Ruapehu and Papatūānuku may decide to delay the work, through such things like flooding or volcanic activity, and that’s something we can’t really avoid,” Holly laughs. “We will just have to embrace it as the plan of Papatūānuku.” In the recent Ngāti Rangi Treaty of Waitangi settlement, Rukutia te Mana, the Whangaehu awa was given a similar status to that of the Whanganui awa, requiring all authorities to hold it in as high regard as Ngāti Rangi does. Ko te wai te ora o ngā mea kātoa Water is the life-giver of all things.

Above: The presence of fish and other fauna can indicate waterways are in good health.




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Left: Ohotū Station Manager, Dean Francois and Stock Manager, Alfred Alabaster, receive the Farm Stewardship Award in the Ballance Farm Environment Awards.

Award-winning farm stewardship recognised at Ohotū Station Proving that environmental responsibility and farm profitability can go successfully hand-in-hand has won Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation’s (AWHI) Ohotū Station an award in the Ballance Farm Environment Awards. Station manager Dean Francois was recognised for Farm Stewardship in the annual initiative run by The New Zealand Farm Environment Trust. “It was great to hear we had been given this award because we are proud of the work we are doing here to take care of the waterways and native bush,” he said. “To be honest, we only really entered the awards so we could judge how we were doing against the other farms in the district. It’s really gratifying that they singled us out.” Ohotū Station covers 1463ha south of Ohākune and is a finishing station for lambs and young cattle sent from AWHI breeding stations. Dean is responsible for around 29,500 lambs and 2200 cattle sold each year. The biggest buyer of Ohotū beef is AngusPure and it is being sold under the new export brand AngusPure Special Reserve.

The incorporation is also selling beef under its own AWHI Farms brand in partnership with Auckland distributor Foodchain and is eaten by customers at some of the best restaurants in Auckland. While farm productivity is vital, environmental sustainability is also an important focus for the station with more than 22km of waterways and 111ha of native bush fenced off to exclude stock, protecting the waterways from damage and pollution. There are also plans to plant 6000 native trees in riparian margins, establish 2.5km of shelter belts and fence off the last 1km of waterways and drains over the next three years. It’s easy to see why the Awards judges were impressed, although Dean says the first round of questioning during the judging process was a bit nerve-wracking.

“We make sure that the farm is always well-presented so I hoped we would make an impression from the moment they arrived,” he said. “Then I just had to show them how well I understood our farm and the importance of what we are doing here.” Dean accepted the accolade at the Awards formal dinner in Palmerston North on behalf of the rest of the Ohotū Station team of stock manager Alfred Alabaster and shepherd Daniel Richards (who has since moved on). “It was a real honour and it’s great to know that what we do day in and day out is making a real difference in protecting the land for the future.” he said. TOITŪ TE WHENUA


Image supplied

New Trustee relishes opportunity to give back The latest appointment to the Te Āti Hau Trust Board is following a well-established family tradition of service to both the Trust and the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation (AWHI) Committee of Management. Jessica Smith (Te Āti Haunui-aPāpārangi, Ngāti Tamakōpiri, Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti Kahungunu) is a Business Relationship Manager with Te Tumu Paeroa, managing a nationwide team that work closely with strategic entities to develop Māori land and capability into thriving whānau enterprises on whānau land. Her work has included the establishment of two kiwifruit orchards in Omaio and Matakana Island. “I am so pleased to have been given this unique opportunity to contribute to the Incorporation,” she said. “The Trust has supported me in my educational aspirations over the years and this gives me the chance to give something back to my whānau.” 24


“ The Trust has supported me in my educational aspirations over the years and this gives me the chance to give something back to my whānau.”

Jessica was appointed to be an Independent Trustee by the ĀtihauWhanganui Incorporation Board at the end of last year.

With a diverse background in

Her academic achievements include a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration degree with a focus on International and Māori business and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Victoria University. A highlight of her MBA studies was an exchange to India, which she credits with giving her immeasurable experience of developing economies and the challenges they face. Jessica was recently awarded the Zespri scholarship for the Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme at Lincoln University.

Jessica brings a wealth of experience

business development in a variety of sectors including agriculture, horticulture, tourism and fisheries, and understanding of Māori land ownership and the opportunities it offers. “I am really looking forward to being able to actively participate in the growth, development and decision-making process of the Trust,” Jessica said. “I am particularly keen to be able support the Trust’s aspiration to improve the health and welfare of our shareholders and whānau.”

“ It is important that descendants are able to maintain their ties with their whenua, both physically and spiritually.”

Trustee brings passion to the Board table Independent Trustee Jenny Tamakehu is driven by a passion to maintain the connection between shareholders and their descendants and the organisations that now administer Māori land. She joined the Te Āti Hau Trust Board early last year and values the opportunity to learn more about the work the Trust is doing to support the shareholders and their descendants’ aspirations. “My passion started when I went to live with my grandfather Pokairangi, where I learned the importance of being involved in the affairs of the marae, hapū, iwi and my tūpuna whenua,” she says. “My Aunty Ramari Ranginui, who has recently passed, was also a driving force and

inspiration during her time.

Moe mai, moe mai, moe mai rā e kui. “It is important that descendants are able to maintain their ties with their whenua, both physically and spiritually.” With a whakapapa that traces back many generations of whānau maintaining ahikā, her drive and determination comes as no surprise. Her parents, Waati Tamakehu and Flossie Ranginui, were farmers and

her whānau still farm today. Her grandparents are Tau Tamakehu and Mere Tamatea (Whāngai) on her father’s side and Pokairangi Ranginui and Heeni Manson on her mother’s side. “My motivation for becoming a Trustee was to be able to help bridge the gap between shareholders, descendants, the Incorporation and marae.” Jenny says, “I see the support of marae as integral to the Trust as a way of supporting the many descendants who may not be shareholders.” Jenny’s governance roles include the Whanganui Iwi Trusts; Te Whiringa Muka Trust and Pākaitore Trust until they were dissolved and assets transferred to the newly established Whanganui River settlement trust, Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui. TOITŪ TE TANGATA


Images supplied

Te Āti Hau Trust grant helps save Akerautangi On the western banks of the Whanganui River near Pipiriki, a wharepuni named Akerautangi is being restored so that it will once again provide shelter, warmth and cultural connection. The wharepuni was built in 1868 and is located on the Te Ao Marama homestead which belongs to the Henare-Keremeneta whānau. But decades of flooding, other natural elements and the migration of many families to larger towns had left it in dire need of tender loving care. But a project to bring the wharepuni back to life has begun, thanks to a grant of $15,000 from the Te Āti Hau Trust. Stephanie Osborne, the chairperson for the restoration project, says the homestead was the home of her great-grandfather, the late Reverend Henare Keremeneta. “He was a very gifted man, a man of God who travelled to services on horseback and performed several 26


types of official ceremonies and church services as an Anglican minister.” “He also did the mail run as far as Taumarunui by waka. He came from Jerusalem, a little further down the river, and was originally with the Catholic faith but converted to the Anglican Church when he met the love of his life, Hira Eruera Te Ngara Hurutara.” “They are both buried right here at the homestead and we want Akerautangi to stand proud and tall again, just like it did in their days.” Stephanie says a lack of financial resources meant that whānau from the homestead were unable to undertake the intensive and delicate work needed to fix the wharepuni

and their wharenui, Ngāti Tupoho, which also needed repair work. “Now with the grant from Te Āti Hau Trust, we’re able to begin the process of saving Akerautangi and we are absolutely grateful to our wider Te Āti Hau whānau for the support they’ve given us,” says Stephanie. “This is about more than just a building project for us. It’s about restoring our people’s links to our history, tikanga and whakapapa. It’s about restoring a sense of pride, identity and belonging. It’s about creating a healthy, stable place where our whānau will visit and call home.” Stephanie says the buildings have been surveyed in the past because

of their important historical and cultural value to people from the homestead and the wider community. “We are keeping to the report and dimensional drawings done by the Historic Places Trust outlining the work required to upgrade Akerautangi wharepuni and our wharenui.” Stage one of the project began in January this year and it focused on strengthening the foundations of Akerautangi and realigning it so there was no lean. This made for a significant start, according to Stephanie. “Akerautangi had dropped 25mm on the right rear where piles had completely rotted or disappeared so 60 new piles were installed,”

she says. “That was a massive job, however, I am happy to say that Akerautangi now has no lean.” Stage two started in March with the completion of the flooring and the enclosure of the outer walls of Akerautangi. “We want to keep Akerautangi as authentic as possible and we’re so fortunate that we’ve been able to salvage some of the existing timber for the new floor alongside the 100 metres of mataī timber salvaged from Kauangaroa School,” says Stephanie. “Our connections with Kauangaroa go beyond building materials as we have whānau there who whakapapa to the Whakaihuwaka C3A land block that the homestead is on.

“It’s important that the integrity and authenticity is maintained for Akerautangi and we are targeting February 2019 for completion of the wharepuni.” Keria Ponga, Chair of the Te Āti Hau Trust, is delighted to see the progress made to the restoration of the building as a result of the support the Trust gave. “The re-building work is an essential part of the project to ensure the survival of the wharepuni,” she says. “But the structure itself is more than just a building, it is also physical embodiment of the connection people have to their whenua, their whakapapa and their tikanga and that, for me, is at the real heart of what we as a Trust help make possible.”





Images supplied by Ian MacNicol.

Swimming sensation: the river is in her blood

“ My daughter was never raised by the [Whanganui] river but when I see her swim I know the river is very much in her blood.”

Those are the words of Isha Pomana, the proud māmā of Laticia Transom, who competed at the 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games in the Bahamas thanks in part to a grant from the Te Āti Hau Trust. The 17-year-old Brisbane-based but Manawatū-born teenager, described as a ‘swimming sensation’ by Australian sport media, also represented New Zealand at the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast earlier this year and was awarded the prestigious title of Junior Māori Sportswoman of the Year 2017. Laticia can also sound-off an impressive list of gold, silver and bronze medal wins but she prefers to start her story with the sacrifices made by her mum and dad. Both her parents whakapapa to Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi. Her dad Gladwynne Transom is from the Kawau family and Kauangaroa Marae and her mother Isha hails from the Haami and Tapa families and Ruakā Marae. “I was only five when my parents moved us from Taihape, where dad worked as a shearer, to Australia,” says Laticia. “They moved because there were more opportunities in Australia but I know Taihape is their home and they’ll return there when all their children have grown up.” “My swimming lessons started when I was seven, so I could learn water safety. Then I continued them so I could learn how to compete in the pool.”

Left and above: Laticia Transom wants to represent her country at the 2020 Olympic Games

“So for the past 10 years, every time I have come up for air mum and dad have always been there for me cheering me on.”

Isha and Gladwynne started their own lawn-mowing business in Brisbane a few years ago to balance work with raising their five children.

“The least I can do is acknowledge them for that by doing the best I can in everything I do.”

“We’ve had to create work that we can do while ensuring the needs and dreams of our children are our first priority. Laticia is the second eldest so we’ve still got a lot of work to do even when she goes off to university,” says Isha.

Isha says she is amazed at her daughter’s commitment to the sport. “She works so hard for it – 4.30am wake-ups every morning so she can train. Then more training after school,” says Isha. “We are a water people. It doesn’t matter where we live; we need to be around it all the time. My husband constantly takes the kids out eeling in streams over here, just so they can get their water fix.”

The Brisbane Girls’ Grammar student heads to the University of Southern California in America next year to take up a degree in psychology. “I’m really excited about going to the US. Australia has given me so much and I’m sure the US will too, but my dream is to represent TOITŪ TE TANGATA

>> 29

New Zealand at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo,” says Laticia. “It is going to be a challenge qualifying for the squad but I am prepared to work for it.” Laticia received $500 from the Trust and Isha is grateful for the support it gave her to travel to the Bahamas last year for the Commonwealth Youth Games. “The financial costs can get very high and we’re just so thankful that Gladwynne and I have a whakapapa and people back home who support our daughter,” she says. At the Bahamas, Laticia won gold

Image supplied by Photosport and Māori Sports Awards

“ dream is to represent New Zealand at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.”

Above: Laticia was awarded the NZ Junior Māori Sportswoman of the Year in 2017.

in the 200m freestyle as well as the 4 x 200m freestyle relay, silver in the 100m freestyle and bronze in the 50m freestyle.

both the women’s 50m and 100m

In New Zealand, Laticia is currently ranked second fastest swimmer in

freestyle swimmer in all lengths for

freestyle events. In the Australia state of Queensland, she is currently ranked the second fastest woman her age group.

EDUCATION & GENERAL GRANTS Te Āti Hau Trust invite applications for Education and General Grants for 2018

Round 1 30 June

Closing Dates

Round 2 30 September

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MAY ONLY APPLY ONCE WITHIN A CALENDAR YEAR. To apply, download the appropriate application form from the Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation website (Te Āti Hau Trust page) or follow the link: Complete and attach all the required supporting documentation, as noted on the application form. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Print and sign the application form then submit either by mail or email to: Te Āti Hau Trust, PO Box 4035, Whanganui 4541

Eligibility relationship of applicant to Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation For details, please contact the Whanganui office on 06 348 7213 between 8:30am and 4:00pm weekdays or email 30


Stakeholder Enagement team move $147,000 from unpaid dividend register The old adage ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know’ rang very true for the team behind a drive to connect shareholders with nearly $1.3m of unpaid dividends. “Our connections with ĀtihauWhanganui Incorporation (AWHI) whānau and their descendants have always been very useful when it comes to tracking people down,” says Keri Browning, AWHI Stakeholder Engagement Manager. “Someone will say, ‘Ooh, is that so-and-so’s Aunty?’ and suddenly we have a lead to follow.” The project team, made up of Keri, Stakeholder Engagement Assistant Charmaine Teki and student Tāwhiao McMasters, were set a target to move $130,000 from the unpaid dividends register. Over a 15-week period, they successfully met it with nearly $147,000 paid out or moved. The biggest single payout was over $7000 and more than 100 shareholders or their whānau were contacted. “While we are always working to find shareholders who have unpaid dividends, it is only part of the work we do here,” says Keri. “So we

decided to put a real focus on the task over the summer and were very pleased with the progress we made.” The team targeted shareholders who were entitled to more than $1000 in dividends, which makes up nearly $1.3m of monies on the register. “There are lots of reasons why people are not receiving their dividend payout and every situation is different,” says Keri. “We also have a lot of whānau who live abroad so they can be harder to keep in touch with. “It was great to be able to tell people that there were dividends held for them. They were genuinely astounded because they just didn’t know.” University of Waikato Law and Māori and Pacific Development student Tāwhiao joined the team after emailing the Incorporation to ask if there was anything he could do to help over the summer.

As a recipient of a Te Āti Hau Trust education grant, he was keen to be able to give back in some way. “I also wanted to find out more about how a Māori organisation works and how important the māhi AWHI does as an incorporation,” says Tāwhiao. “I learned a lot and it was a really enjoyable experience making those connections with people.” The unclaimed dividends register can be accessed on the AWHI website: “We would encourage everyone to check the register and get in touch with us if their name, or the name of anyone they know, is on it,” says Keri. “People will often say to us ‘oh, my aunty/cousin/nephew saw my name and told me to call you’ so word of mouth is probably our most effective tool in tracking people down.” Keri says reconnecting with shareholders is an important part of her role in the AWHI office. “There are always people to be found, to reconnect with,” she says. “It’s one of the best parts of my job.”

Missing Shareholders We’re missing some shareholders with outstanding dividends of $2,500 or more, and need your help to find them. The shareholders on the following pages may be missing because: • Shareholder has passed away (and succession has not been done and/or family not aware of the shareholding)

• No address for shareholder • No bank account details for shareholder hareholders or their whanau are more than welcome to S contact Keri or Charmaine at the office as follows: Email:

• Shareholder has passed away and the family are not ready to arrange succession

Mail: PO Box 4035, Whanganui 4541

• Shareholder may not be aware that they are shareholders

Call: 06 348 7213 between 8.30am and 4pm weekdays

Visit us: 16 Bell Street (upstairs), Whanganui



Missing Shareholders



First Name

Last Name

12599 Danny



First Name

Last Name



Kerei (Deceased)


Celia Te Huia




Kerei Estate


Trevor James


12687 Tauri




Albert (Deceased)

4239 Percy




Albert Estate

11554 Kahu


12628 Taiwhare


12817 Tukotah



Charles Gabriel



Mary Taria

Kirkwood Estate


Anna Anita




Konui (Deceased)

3929 Na



Hone & Mereana Te Pau

Konui Whanau Trust


Bevan (Deceased)

4997 Turama

5829 Mary




Pauline Ngahuia


3358 Juanita




Broughton Estate


Marie Daisy



Riana Eileen



Ani Raukawa

Lemon (Deceased)


Caroline Margaret



Erina Tangiwai


11577 Kamiria


9265 Annie




Donald Estate

7886 James



Koromatua Bishop


8293 Deane


12899 Wahinekino


8295 Desmond



Ngarongo Mary

Edmonds Estate


Pare Horohanga

Mare Estate


Hirita Ruma



Pare Horohanga

Mare Estate

12009 Moti



Te Mamaeroa

Mareikura Estate


Patricia Mary



Tahutahu Potiki



Moana Dawn



Tarikura Julie


5128 Leslie


20709 Eruera




Gray Estate


Hoeroa Bailey



Merania Whango




Matataiaha Estate



Haddon Whanau Trust


Bevan Ross



Rangi Hinepua



Ellen Raukura


17705 Lester



Patrick Colin





John Nicholas


12310 Puhinga



Fachtna Michael



Rihara Tamaikumu



Tamatea Tom



Carl Richard


11847 Matakaurihau



Houra Whanau Trust

12870 Waewae




Huna Estate

12089 Ngaurupa



John Henry Colebourne

Hunia Estate

3183 Hohipera



John Riwai


12204 Paul




Jury (Deceased)

3326 John




Kanui Estate

12145 Paetaha



Ruanui Wharepouri


11662 Koha


Reihana Lei

Ngawai Motete



Kurukaanga Whanau Trust


First Name

Last Name


First Name

Last Name

11937 Meretini



Miles Medley

Taiaroa (Deceased)

8875 Moana


6197 Ria



Paetaha Estate


James Wilson

Takarangi (Deceased)

11681 Koroneho




Tamaka Estate

10988 Aokehu




Tamehana Estate



Parata Estate


Mangu and Tirita

Tamou Whanau Trust


Rakera Marie




Tanoa Estate


Zita Ripeka



Mae Tauwera


5896 Peter




Te Ara

11785 Manu




Te Huia

5347 Mangu




Te Huna

10631 Phillippa




Te Hura

12128 One



Queenie Hoera

Te Ture Whanau Trust

11736 Maata




Te Weehi

11883 Matiu


12478 Retihia


3845 Mihi



TeHuna Estate



11379 Hira


12712 Teori



TeTaipu Estate



12464 Reimana


5013 Tutahanga


12327 Puti



Edward Crombie





Te Huinga


12015 Mutu



Epedemic Mangumangu

Rauhina Estate


Urianga Wiremu



Pani TeMihinoa



Dennis Michael


4488 Raukura




Tuaolii Estate

12443 Rawinia



Heta Hastings






Tunga Estate

7824 Elizabeth


11433 Alice


16523 Patrick



Albert Victor


18906 Henry



Tracey Ani


3053 Herbert


12626 Taituha



Karewai Huna



Te Tohe Victor




Samuels Estate



Wallace Estate


Patricia Kaye



Ann Marie



Helen May



Panico Frances



Mark Karihi



Mark Anthony



Hepetema Eru



Tony Tohungia


5085 Waipurukamu


4507 Rawinia



Mere Hori





Te Rakei Hiko


11167 Erana



Beatrice Valma





Pumipi Rangi

Tahuparae (Deceased)


Hori John

Frederick Timothy

Ngapera Isobel



Peggy Miriama

George Henry

Albert Garthrus











Toi tu te whenua 16 Bell Street, Whanganui 4500, New Zealand Postal Address PO Box 4035 Whanganui 4541 New Zealand © ATIHAU-WHANGANUI INCORPORATION 2018

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