16 26
Physical Tel
Email Web
147 High Street Hāwera Taranaki 4610
+64 (6) 278 7411
info@ngaruahine.iwi.nz ngaruahine.iwi.nz
Physical Tel
PO Box 474 Hāwera Taranaki 4640
Email Web
PO Box 8383 New Plymouth 4340
77B Devon Street East New Plymouth 4310 +64 (6) 758 1863
info@istudios.co.nz istudios.co.nz
Bee Weston-Jacobson first Ngāruahine / Parininihi ki Waitotara Scholarship recipient.
Tena koutou e te whānau This year was always going to be a big year because of the 2020 three-yearly election. An election demands that you pull out all of the stops. The iwi register is correct, timeframes are followed and the coordination with the Returning Officer seamless. Wrapped around all of this is the communications to ensure everyone knows what’s happening and when. It’s a massive undertaking and the COVID-19 restrictions added a further layer of complexity no one was prepared for. The special resolution to amend the Trust Deed is our response to COVID-19. We’re asking members to approve this resolution to shift to smaller annual elections instead of an election once every three years. This year’s election is an exciting affair with 21 nominations for 12 vacancies. One was incomplete, two withdrew and four were elected unopposed leaving the 14 candidates to compete for the eight vacancies for four hapu. The election and special resolution results will be published on Thursday, 20 August through our Facebook, Website and in Saturday’s Taranaki Daily News. Governance can seem like a mysterious role where a small group of people make decisions behind doors; and it’s all that. It’s also a huge responsibility because trustees can be held legally liable for their decisions; so its definitely not a role where one comes to learn how to govern. In this issue we explain the our hapū distribution programme which has taken us two years to development. Distributions are at the core of the relationship between Te Korowai and uri and it is important that the programme is fair, transparent and sustainable. Another closely watched kaupapa are the Deferred Selection Properties (or DSP’s as they’re called). The common factor between these two kaupapa is making sure that Te Korowai supports all six hapū equally; and that support grows Ngāruahine. The year so far has been incredibly busy and each year our post settlement experience grows as we move forward guided by our vision and the past. With each decision we build a better future for our tamariki and mokopuna; one step at a time. We will have the confidence to make changes for a better future along the way. One step at a time. Ka ora taku toa Allie Hemara-Wahanui Pouhautū
E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate Ka mate ko te mate Ka ora taku toa
This kōrero is to remind us of the campaign of Titokowaru. 'E kore au e mate, ka mate ko te mate' reflects a time when our tupuna fought to the bitter end and even after death, they refused to give up. They refused to die because our existence as Ngāruahine, tangata whenua was paramount.
Today, our mere existence cannot be our goal. 'Ka ora taku toa' is our rallying cry that we must flourish and thrive. Ngāruahine iwi take every action to be a healthy, wealthy and culturally vibrant iwi and 'ka ora taku toa' is our vision for Ngāruahine iwi. E kore au e mate, Ka mate ko te mate Ka mate ko te mate Ka ora taku toa
it was sent to a different address; or
you’re not registered with us.
Either way, you can still vote.
Contact the Returning Officer on 0800 666 038 to request a voting paper. If the address was wrong they will reissue you another voting paper and send that to you directly.
If you’re not on the register (the Returning Officer will check), they will issue you a voting paper. But you’ll need to confirm the hapu you want to register with first. Your vote will be counted provided you:
a) Register online before voting closes; and
b) Your whakapapa to Ngaruahine is validated. You can also register and vote at the AGM on Saturday, 8 August 2020.
If you have any questions, contact us.
STAY CURRENT TO STAY INFORMED Ngāruahine uri are the heart of Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust, which is why your contact details always need to be up-to-date. This ensures that He Pākiki pānui, iwi newsletters, mailouts and important updates reach you as intended. Updating your contact details is as simple as going to our website and clicking on the Register tab.
Alternatively, you can contact the office and talk to Bonnie. Bonnie Johnson Iwi Registrar office@ngaruahine.iwi.nz 027 KOROWAI
AGM NOTICE 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General Meeting of the Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust will be held at Waiokura Marae, Winks Road, Manaia on Saturday 8 August 2020. All Ngāruahine uri are invited to attend. 9.00 am
Whakatau and registrations.
10.00 am Meeting commences. Agenda
Karakia/Mihi Whakatau
Special Resolution to amend the Trust Deed
2. 4. 5.
Confirmation of the Minutes of 2019 Annual General Meeting Presentation of Annual Report to 31 March 2020
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Group
Audited Financial Statements
7. 9.
b. d.
Te Kiwai Maui o Ngāruahine Group Presentation of 2020-2021 Annual Plan
Appointment of Auditor Scholar presentation
General Business (at the discretion of the Pouwhakarae) Lunch
• An electronic copy of the 2020 Annual Report can be downloaded from our website from Friday, 10 July 2020, or email us to request a hard copy. • Hard copies of the Annual Report will be available at the AGM.
• At the start of the AGM the Pouwhakarae will call for general business items to be discussed at the end of the meeting, subject to time.
• A representative for the Independent Returning Officer and a Wāhi Pōti/ballot box will be at the hui for adult registered members to cast their vote regarding the 2020 Trustee Elections and the proposed Special Resolution to the Trust Deed. •
The hui will be streamed live through our Facebook page.
• If the AGM cannot take place due to any Government enforced COVID-19 restrictions, the AGM will be streamed live and the Wāhi Pōti/ballot box will be available at the Te Korowai office, High Street, Hawera. Allie Hemara-Wahanui Pouhautū (General Manager) office@ngaruahine.iwi.nz www.ngaruahine.iwi.nz
David Patten
Neil Taylor, FCA. QSM.
Phillippa Wilson
Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Business Studies (in Dispute Resolution), Diploma of Business Studies (in Dispute Resolution), Fellow of the Arbitrators’ and Mediators’ Institute of New Zealand, Member of the New Zealand Law Society, Member of the Australasian Association of Workplace Investigators.
Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand, Queen’s Service Medal.
Bachelor of Business Studies, Chartered Accountant of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand, Master of Public Policy.
“Being a relatively newcomer to the Taranaki region, I felt privileged to be invited to and contribute to Te Korowai o Ngāruahine. I have enjoyed working with a compassionate and progressive group of committee members and hope that my contribution to the committee and the Trust furthers, in a small way, the deserving interests of the Trust, its membership and its staff.”
“I continue to support the Ngāruahine Audit/Risk Committee as an independent member as I continue to be impressed by the quality of governance and management of the Trust, all of whom are working to grow and protect the Treaty Settlement funds in a responsible manner.”
Independent members are not related to Ngāruahine and can hold the trustees and management to account. They provide impartial governance advice and can help resolve conflicts.
“When I retired I wanted to continue to work for the community in a challenging and professional environment. I wanted to work with Ngāruahine because of the calibre of iwi members that I had worked with previously - they are a strong group of professionals committed to doing the best for the people.”
If you have ever been on a committee of any sort, it’s highly likely you will have a story about a time when there was a tricky election, a difficult and unpopular decision to make, a dispute between members, a crisis to address, an AGM that didn’t go well or even a trip to court to sort something out. Sometimes, you may even have experienced all those things. Regardless of the group, the issues are often the same and despite the fact that governance can be satisfying and fulfulling, the reality is that it can also be a really tough job. Without a doubt, Te Ao Māori is a highly political world and be it within our whānau, marae, hapū or wider iwi committees or trusts, we have all seen and heard, and agreed when others have disagreed (and vice versa) with decisions made by the people we put there. There are added challenges we have as Māori in the governance discussion. Things like the fact that we usually share whakapapa, which adds a layer of pain to any disagreement, that we come from a collective history of deprivation and trauma through colonisation and we have been subject to our voices being marginalised and ignored within New Zealand society because we are now the minority. But we still get involved, we still want to contribute, we still have various skills and talents we hope will make a positive difference. So how do we know if those committees, trusts and boards are doing a good job or not? How can we tell if the decisions our trustees make in those spaces are well considered, timely and most importantly legal? Just what is good governance? On its website, Te Puni Kōkiri says; ‘Governance in its widest sense refers to how any organisation, including a nation, is run. It includes all the processes, systems, and controls that are used to safeguard and grow assets.’
The key words in that statement are ‘safeguard and grow’ and we, as Ngāruahine are our own iwi nation. Te Korowai’s trustees have the same expectations, obligations and accountabilities as those in any other organisation, overlaid with trying to manage the wide and varied expectations of our people at any given time. But ultimately, our trustees must safeguard and grow our assets by making informed, considered and prudent decisions for the benefit of all those they represent. As Ngāruahine, we are now focusing on the next 100 years and designing the legacy we will leave for our tamariki, mokopuna and the generations to come. So what should we expect of our governors, those we chose to represent our interests? There are many things to consider in choosing trustees, but there are some common standards you should expect them to meet. • First and foremost, our trustees should understand the rules of our Trust Deed, which sets out how they will operate as a trustee and who they are there to represent. In Te Korowai’s case, this is the whole iwi of Ngāruahine, regardless of which hapū electorate they are voted in by. • Our trustees should know how to read financial statements, know what to ask to get the information they want about the pūtea, be able to recognise good performance and challenge poor performance. • Our trustees need to be able to take a long-term view while making decisions, trying to balance those with immediate needs, anticipating the potential impacts of any decisions they make while minimising and mitigating any risks.
identifying potential conflicts, turning up on time or giving apologies early and pre-reading the meeting packs and other relevant information well before the hui. • After staying open-minded and hearing all the discussion, our trustees should take a position on every issue and voting accordingly. Abstaining (unless excused by the chairperson for conflict of interest) indicates a trustee has not sought enough information and advice to participate effectively. • Our trustees should be prepared to have difficult discussions, ask hard questions, make unpopular decisions and front up to the people to justify those decisions. • Our trustees should be understand that decisions won’t always go their way and know when to accept to the decision of the their committee or board. • Our trustees should know when to seek advice from external professionals and when to rely on their own knowledge and instincts. • Our trustees should meet all audit and reporting deadlines to stay legally compliant. Like any decision-making body, our trustees will not get it right all the time and things like Covid-19 can never be anticipated. But by choosing the best trustees possible to make informed decisions, we will keep Te Korowai safe. We need those people to make sure our assets are safeguarded and grown, not just for us, but our uri as well.
• Our trustees should be available and be prepared to participate in all hui they need to be at, including
2020 Election of Trustees
2020 ELECTIONS CANDIDATE PROFILES CANDIDATE PROFILES 2020Manuhiakai Election of Hapū Trustees Ngāti
Te be eligible to stand for the Te Korowai Board all candidates had to meet a Ministry of Justice check and provide a statement outlining their related skills and experience. Please for consider the candidates whoTrust are standing your hapū electorate. for the Disclaimer: The Returning Officer Te Korowai o Ngāruahine (TKONT) for accepts no responsibility content or accuracy contained in the statements as supplied by the candidates. Ngāti Manuhiakai Hapū
Disclaimer: The Returning Officer for Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust (TKONT) accepts no responsibility for the
content or accuracy contained in the statements as supplied by HAWE-FOREMAN the candidates. Ferinica Kiri ERB HAWE-FOREMAN NGĀTI MANUHIAKAI HAPŪ Ferinica
Tēnā koutou katoa Kiri Ko Taranaki te maunga Kiri ERBERB Ko Ngāruahine Rangi te iwi koutou katoa Tēnā Tēnā koutou katoa Ko Ngāti Manuhiakai te hapū Ko Taranaki te maunga Ko Taranaki te maunga Ko Kiri Erb ahau Ko Ngāruahine Rangi te iwi Ko Ngāruahine Rangi te iwi I‘m an active whānau member for our Ko Ngāti Manuhiakai te hapūto sit as a member, Ko Ngāti te hapū marae andManuhiakai hapū and privileged KoErb Kiri Erb Ko Kiri ahau and secretary, ofahau the Executive Committee for Ngāti Manuhiakai. I’m also a trustee offor Rangiamaia Urupa I‘mactive an active whānau member for our hapū and I‘m an whānau member ourmarae and Māori Reservation, following in the footsteps of Kui marae and hapū and privileged to sit as a member, privileged to sit as a member, and secretary, of the Executive Taumairangi Te of Whatumarara. and secretary, the Executive Committee for Ngāti Committee Ngāti Manuhiakai. I’m also a trustee of RangiaManuhiakai. I’m also aatrustee of Rangiamaia My husband andfor I ran successful contractingUrupa business Urupa Māori Reservation, following in the footsteps Reservation, following inthe the footsteps of Kui I of inMāori thismaia rohe for 14 years and for past three years Taumairangi Whatumarara. worked TeTe Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust, as Executive Kuifor Taumairangi Te Whatumarara. Assistant to the General My role included My husband and I ran a aManager. successful contracting business My husband and I ran successful contracting business in providing support to the and Te Korowai Board. in this rohe for 14 years for the past three years I this rohe for 14 years and for the past three years I worked for for ITe Korowaitooself-employment Ngāruahine Trust,and as Executive Inworked February returned operating Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust, as Executive Assistant Assistant to the General My role my own business and am Manager. now pursuing myincluded dream toto the providing support toMy the Teleadership Korowai Board. take on an active role in iwi for the benefit of General Manager. role included providing support to the our people ofI Ngati and Ngāruahine Iwi. In February returned to self-employment and operating Te Korowai Board.Manuhiakai own business now myover dream I my have worked hardand witham and forpursuing our people theto take In on an active role inlearned leadership forand theoperating benefit of years and have listened, and contributed. I February I returned toiwi self-employment my our people ofisNgati Ngāruahine Iwi. believe that it now Manuhiakai time for meand to stand and help own business and am now pursuing my dream to take on an make difference at with the governance forover the benefit I havea worked hard and for our level people the roleMy in iwi leadership for themahi benefit of ourour people of of our people. many roles and within yearsactive and have listened, learned and contributed. I community have vast and insight Ngati Manuhiakai Ngāruahine Iwi.stand believe that it is offered nowand time forexperience me to and help into kaupapa important at to the ourgovernance people and level at thefor governance make a difference the benefit table. If elected to represent Ngāti Manuhiakai can hit I have worked withroles and for ourmahi people over Ithe years of our people. Myhard many and within our the ground running and truly speak to the and issues that are community have offered vast experience insight have learned and contributed. I believe thatinto it is atkaupapa theand heart oflistened, your concerns. important to our people and at the governance now time for me to stand and help make a difference at the table. to represent Manuhiakai I canand hit We areIfa elected passionate and bold Ngāti hapū/iwi. The dreams governance the benefit of our My many the ground and truly speak topeople. theto issues that are aspirations ofrunning ourlevel oldfor people will continue inspire usroles at the heart yourour concerns. and the generations to come. I‘m have committed to ensuring and mahiof within community offered vast experience that voice of Ngātiand Manuhiakai is heard and shapes We the are passionate hapū/iwi. dreams andainsight into kaupapabold important to ourThe people and atand the decision making at old the people governance table soto that our us aspirations of our will continue inspire governance table. If elected to represent Ngāti Manuhiakai I aspirations as hapū and areI‘m realised. and the generations to iwi come. committed to ensuring can hit the ground running and truly speak to the issues that that the voice of Ngāti Manuhiakai is heard and shapes decision are atmaking the heartatofthe yourgovernance concerns. table so that our aspirations as hapū and iwi are realised. We are a passionate and bold hapū/iwi. The dreams and aspirations of our old people will continue to inspire us and the generations to come. I‘m committed to ensuring that the voice of Ngāti Manuhiakai is heard and shapes decision making at the governance table so that our aspirations as hapū and iwi are realised.
E nga mana e nga reo tena E nga mana e nga reo tenakoutou koutou katoa. katoa. Ferinica E moe i teHAWE-FOREMAN tangata ringa raupa E moe i te tangata ringa raupa He kai kei aku ringaringa E nga mana nga reo tena koutou He kai kei akue ringaringa Ko Aotea te waka katoa. Ko Aotea te waka Ko Taranaki te maunga E moe i te tangata ringa raupa Ko Taranaki te maunga Te rere o Kapuni me Inaha nga awa Ko Ngati Manuhiakai He kai kei aku ringaringa Te rere o Kapuni me Inaha nga awa hapute waka Ko te Aotea Ko Ngati Manuhiakai te hapu Nga Ruahinerangi Ko Ko Taranaki te maungate iwi Ko Nga Ruahinerangi te iwi Ko Rangitaua raua ko Gail Buckland-Hawe oku Te rere o Kapuni(Ivan) me Inaha nga awa Ko Rangitaua (Ivan) raua ko Gail Buckland-Hawe oku matua Ko Ngati Manuhiakai te hapu matua Ko Ferinica Hawe-Foreman takuingoa. ingoa. KoFerinica Nga Ruahinerangi te iwitaku Ko Hawe-Foreman Nine brothers and sisters, proud mother ofof four grown Ko Rangitaua (Ivan) raua ko Gail Buckland-Hawe oku Nine brothers and sisters, proud mother four grown matua accomplished tamariki,blessed blessed with beautiful accomplished tamariki, witheight eight beautiful Ko mokopuna Ferinicaand Hawe-Foreman taku ingoa.man mokopuna married a hardworking hardworking man Gary. and marriedto to a Gary. Nine brothers and sisters, proud of four grown For the past two years I have beenmother your representative accomplished tamariki, eight beautiful on Te Ngaruahine andwith the has ForKorowai the past O two years I blessed have been yourexperience representative on mokopuna and married a hardworking man Gary. been The mosttoand valuable lesson learnt has Teinvaluable. Korowai O Ngaruahine the experience has been been thepast privilege and opportunity sit representative beside my Forinvaluable. the twomost years I havelesson beento your The valuable learnt has been the whanaunga Wendy Eynon as my Her guidance on Te Korowai O Ngaruahine andtuakana. the experience has privilege and opportunity to sit beside my whanaunga Wendy and knowledge has been immeasurable. been invaluable. The most valuable lesson learnt has Eynon guidance knowledge been the as privilege andHer opportunity sit beside mybeen Once again Imy amtuakana. seeking your vote and totoenable me has to whanaunga Eynon as my and tuakana. Her guidance stand and be Wendy your representative your voice on Te immeasurable. and knowledge has been immeasurable. Korowai O Ngaruahine Trust. Once again I am yourvote vote enable me to Employment Once again I amseeking seeking your to to enable me to stand stand and be your representative and your voice on Te Owner/Director of Foreman Shearing Ltd since 2009 and be your representative and your voice on Te Korowai O Korowai O Ngaruahine Trust. Wool Handler/Wool Ngaruahine Trust. Classer – 36 years’ experience Employment Education Owner/Director of Foreman Shearing Ltd since 2009 Employment Diploma in Wool and Wool Technology Wool Handler/Wool ClasserShearing – 36 years’ experience Owner/Director of–Foreman Ltd since 2009 Paerangatiratanga Maori Business Studies Education Wool Handler/Wool Classer – 36 years’ experience Community Diploma in Wool and Wool Technology Chairman of Kapua o Te Rangi Kohanga Reo. Education Paerangatiratanga – MaoriPlanning, Business working Studies with Administration, Strategical DiplomaReview in Wool and Wool Technology Community Education Office, Ministry of Education, Policy Writing. Paerangatiratanga Business StudiesReo. Chairman of Kapua –oMaori Te Rangi Kohanga Administration, Strategical Planning, Chairperson of Ngati Manuhiakai Hapuworking with Education Review Office, Ministry- Todd of Education, Policy Community Representative Ngati Manuhiakai Energy, Beach Writing. Energy, By-Products, Maori Chairman of Kapua oWai Te Rangi Kohanga Reo. Administration, Chairperson of Ngati Manuhiakai Hapu Reserve Responsible Trust StrategicalTrustee/Kaituhi Planning, workingRangatapu with Education Review Office, Representative Ngati Manuhiakai Todd Energy, Beach and Ngati Manuhiakai 5A2 Trust Treasurer Ministry of Education, Policy Writing. Energy,Tamariki By-Products, Wai Maori Oranga approved Whanau/Foster Caregiver Chairperson of Ngati Manuhiakai Hapu Responsible Trustee/Kaituhi Rangatapu Reserve Trust Skills and Experience Ngati Manuhiakai Todd Energy, Beach andRepresentative Ngati Manuhiakai 5A2 Trust-Treasurer Sound business knowledge and not afraid to ask the Energy, By-Products, Wai Maori Oranga Tamariki approved Whanau/Foster Caregiver hard questions. Responsible Reserve Trust and Skills and Being part Experience of a Trustee/Kaituhi team plays anRangatapu integral part in my Ngatibusiness Manuhiakai 5A2 Trustworld. Treasurer Sound and not afraid to ask the employment and knowledge voluntary hard questions. Oranga Tamariki approved Caregiver Honesty and integrity playsWhanau/Foster a huge part in my decision Being part of a team plays an integral part in my making. employment andthe voluntary world. Skills andisExperience My passion for future of nga mokopuna and the Honesty integrity playsand a huge partto in my decision preservation and restoration of all Teask Aothe Maori. Sound and business knowledge notthings afraid hard making. Nga mihi nui. Being part of a team plays an integral part in my questions. My employment passion is for futureworld. of nga mokopuna and the andthe voluntary Honesty and integrity plays preservation and restoration of all things Te Ao Maori. >> Ngaa huge mihi part nui. in my decision making.
2020 Election of Trustees
Nga mihi nui.
Vincent Tumoana NUKU Vincent Tumoana NUKU
Ngāti Tamaahuroa me Tītahi Hapū NGĀTI TAMAAHUROA The Returning Officer for Te Korowai o Ngāru ME TĪTAHIDisclaimer: HAPŪ content or accuracy contained in the statements as supp
TenaTena Koutou Katoa Koutou Katoa Ko Aotea te Waka Ko Taranaki te maunga Ko Aotea te Waka Ko Taranaki te maunga Ko Oeo te awa Ko Inaha te Awa Ko Inaha te Awa Ko Oeo te awa Ko Ngaruahine te iwi Ko Taranaki te Maunga Ko Taranaki te Maunga Ko Tamaahuroa tete hapu Ko Ngaruahine iwi Ko Ngā Ruahine te te IwiIwi Ko Oeo te Marae te hapu Ko Ngā Ruahine Ko Tamaahuroa No Oeo ahau Ko Ngāti Manuhiakai te te Hapū Ko Ngāti Manuhiakai Hapū Ko Oeo te Marae Kei Hawera toku Kainga inaianei Ko Te Aroha te Marae Ko Te Aroha te Marae No Oeo ahau Ko Turake Manuirirangi toku ingoa Ko Rangihurinuku te te Tupuna Ko Rangihurinuku Tupuna Kei Hawera toku Kainga No reira Tena koutou, Tenainaianei koutou, Tena tatou katoa. Ko Vincent Tumoana Nuku ahau Ko Vincent Tumoana Nuku ahauu Turake Manuirirangi toku ingoa Management/ SkillsKo are based around Organisational/ I believe in informing encouraging people of Financial analysis. Work Experience inTena Airlines, I believe in informing and and encouraging ourour people of Ngāti No reira Tena koutou, Tena koutou, tatou katoa. Ngāti Manuhiakai on issues and matters that pertain to Travel & Tourism/ Farming /Business Development / Manuhiakai on issues and matters that pertain to them and Skills are based around Organisational/ Management/ them and therefore, through my representation as the Pharmaceutical / Building Industry / Finance/ Trust Blocks. Hapū delegate, communication will be of the therefore, through my representation as the Hapūutmost delegate, Financial analysis. Work Experience in Airlines, Currently Farm Advisor/Business Consultant/Tractor driver importance. That is; and informed communication willthrough be of the consultation utmost importance. That is; Qualification: IATA/UFTA Dip, Travel & Tourism, decisions mandated by the people. Travel & Tourism/ Farming /Business Development / through consultation and informed decisions mandated by MBA I believe nurturing and supporting uri and whānau with PGDipMS, Pharmaceutical / Building Industry / Finance/ Trust Blocks. the people. Personal Interests: Sustainability & Eco efficient lifestyle. education opportunities e.g. scholarships, grants, and career pathways into employment, as well as promoting Family I believe nurturing and supporting uri and whānau with Currently Farm Advisor/Business Consultant/Tractor driver a healthy environment that includes housing, whanau Governance roles: Director & Trustee. 2020that Election of Trustees opportunities e.g. scholarships, grants, ora education and health services are essential today.and A career Qualification: IATA/UFTA Dip, Travel & Tourism, PGDipMS, MBA whakatauki love and will keep measgrounded pathwaysIinto employment, as well promoting is. a healthy Caroline SCOTT Tangata I Akona ki te kāinga tūnga ki teora marae, tau environment that includes housing, whanau and health Personal Interests: Sustainability & Eco efficient lifestyle. ana Tamaahuroa me Tītahi Interests -Whanau wellbeing, services that areNgāti essential today. A whakatauki I love and willHapū Family (A person trained at home will stand on the marae Whakapapa, Oeo Marae, Gardening, Golf keep me grounded is. Disclaimer: The Returning Officer for Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust (TKONT) accepts no responsibility for the with dignity) Asas aGovernance Manager a candidates. seven day a roles: Director & Trustee. content or accuracy contained in the statements supplied byof the Admittedly not kiknow everything, I bring with week business I have skills of strong TangataI Ido Akona te kāinga tūnga ki tebut marae, tau ana me the visions and beliefs inherent of my tūpuna and leadershipand direction, and a do it now person trained at home will stand on the marae with that is(Awhat I offer. personality. dignity) Turake MANUIRIRANGI Grant WESTON Nō reira kia Māori te titiro ki te ao (Look through the My Board experience spans 30 years. I Grant WESTON eyes of Māori), ko tōu rourou, ko tōna rourou, ko tōku have experience as a Trustee for Board at a High School, Tena Koutou Katoa Kia hiwa rā! Admittedly Iai dote not know everything, I bring with and me the rourou ka ora iwi (Your basket, but their basket my Board Management for Wanganui Golf Club serving Kiaof hiwa rā! Kobasket Taranaki maunga thete Iwi will flourish). KiaChairman hiwa rā! for six years, plus three years on Board for visions and beliefs inherent of my tūpuna and that is what I as Kia hiwa rā! Ko Oeo te awa the Regional Kia hiwa rā! Golf Association. offer. KoExperience: Ngaruahine te iwi Kia hiwa rā! In 2017 I was toorepresent my Hapu Ngati Runanganuite0hapu Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa Delegate E te Iwi o Ngāelect Hapū Ngaruahinerangi KoTe Tamaahuroa E te Iwi o Ngā Hapū o Ngaruahinerangi Tamaahuroa-Titahi on the Board of Te Korowai o Nō reira kia Māori te titiro ki te ao (Look through the eyes of 2009/2011 Ko Oeo te Marae Tihei māuri ora! Ngaruahine (TKONT). During my term as a Board Tihei māuri ora! NoOrdained Oeo ahauAnglican Māori), ko tōu rourou, ko tōna2010 rourou, ko tōku rourou ora Minister (Deacon) 2017 ka (Priest) Ko Digger Weston member I have heldtōku the Pāpa. positions of Chair for the Audit KeiCompleted Hawera Kainga inaianei Ko Digger Weston tōku Pāpa. ai te iwitoku (Your basket,NZ their basket and myEssentials basket the Course Iwi will Directors Government and Risk sub-committee and Deputy Chair of the Board Ko Sally Weston tōku Māma. Ko Turake Manuirirangi toku ingoa Ko Sally Weston tōku Māma. of TKONT flourish). O Ngāti Ruanui Trust (Trustee)2012-2015 Te Rūnanga Ko Grant Weston ahau. No reira Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena tatou katoa. Grant Weston ahau.Treasurer of the Oeo Pa amKo presently Secretary 2NUiCODE Design Thinking Natives –Silicon Valley, San ITēnā rā tātou katoa. Skills are based around Organisational/ Management/ Experience: Trustees. I have the role of Treasurer since 2014. My Francisco 2016/2019 Tēnā rā tātouheld katoa. At the upcoming elections Korowai Trustees, I am Financial analysis. Work Experience in Airlines, commitment to this role andfor myTeHapu has been shown Te Runanganui 0 Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa Delegate Current Situation: seeking your vote at to all represent Titahi Hapū. Travel & Tourism/ Farming /Business Development / by my attendance but two monthly meetings since At the upcoming elections for Te Korowai Trustees, I am 2009/2011 Innovation Ed/ Officer Rūnanga O NgātiTrust Ruanui Trust) 2014. Pharmaceutical Building(Te Industry / Finance/ Blocks. I firmly believe that I at would be a reliable candidate and a I relish working the ground level with Whanau, seeking your vote to represent Titahi Hapū. Anglican Priest - St Cuthbert’sConsultant/Tractor Church, Manaia & driver trustworthy for the Hapū. Currently Farm Advisor/Business Hapu and Iwi.advocate I am an independent thinker with great Ordained Anglican Minister 2010 (Deacon) 2017 (Priest) Waitotara Archdeaconry communication andfresh organisation skills. I am willing to ask I bring to the table eyes awith a new perspective. Qualification: IATA/UFTA Dip, Travel & Tourism, I firmly believe that I would reliable candidate a Completed Directors NZ Government Essentials Course the questions getbethe results, thatthat willand benefit Trustee –MBA Te Aroha Marae, Ngāti Manuhiakai With it comesneeded creativetothoughts and mana may PGDipMS, trustworthy advocate for members thetowards Hapū. now all Whanau, Hapu and Iwi in the future. cross my path, progressing the and future. Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Ruanui Trust Personal Interests: Sustainability & (Trustee)2012-2015 Eco efficient lifestyle. My goalTo work for the benefit of all Whanau, My wife, Vicki and I have been married 21 years. Hapu We are Family2NUiCODE Design Thinking Natives –Silicon Valley, San IIwi bring to the table fresh with a new perspective. and members enjoying the privileges ofeyes retirement although we With are it Governance roles: Director & Trustee. Francisco 2016/2019 comes creative thoughts and mana that may cross my path, busier now than we have been with mokopuna. Ko Taranaki te Maunga progressing towards future.fields from the Meat My Aotea working spans the various Ko te life Waka CurrentSCOTT Situation: Caroline industry to driving buses. I am fromtoku a generation that Ko Titahi raua Ko Ngati Tamahuroa Hapu Innovation Ed Officer (Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Ruanui Trust) knows hard work and sticking at it until the job is done! My wife, Vicki and I have been married 21 years. We are Interests -Whanau I te taha o toku matua ko Whatarau Ariki Wharehoka Anglican Priestwellbeing, - St Cuthbert’s Church, Manaia & Waitotara Iraua have been involved with all aspects of unionism, held enjoying the privileges of retirement although we are busier Whakapapa, Oeo Marae, Gardening, Golf ko Neta Waru oku tupuna Archdeaconry managerial status in negotiating terms, bargaining etc… now than we have been with mokopuna. As a Manager of a seven day a Ialso te taha o offices toku whaene ko Pakitaura Koroheke Tito raua other within the Health and Safety sector. Trustee – Te Aroha Marae, Ngāti Manuhiakai week business I have skills of strong ko Tangiroa Ngaia oku tupuna I look to spans representing you from and the theMeat Hapū. leadershipand direction, and a do it now Myforward workingWharehoka life various industry to Ko Warutepu rauafields ko Maraea Koroheke Tito >> personality. Ngā manaakitanga ki a koutou. oku matua My Board experience spans 30 years. I Nā Caroline Grant Weston Ko Tapuone Scott toku ingoa have experience as a Trustee for Board at a High School, TITAHI Board of Management for Wanganui Golf Club serving as Chairman for six years, plus three years on Board for the Regional Golf Association. TE KOROWAI ISSUE 10 | 11 In 2017 I was elect to represent my Hapu Ngati Tamaahuroa-Titahi on the Board of Te Korowai o
My passion is for the future of nga mokopuna and the preservation and restoration of all things Te Ao Maori.
Kia hiwa Kia hiwa Kia hiwa E te Iwi o Tihei mā Ko Digg Ko Sally Ko Gran Tēnā rā t At the u seeking I firmly b trustwor I bring to With it c cross my My wife, enjoying busier no My work industry knows h I have be manage also othe I look fo Ngā man Nā Gran TITAHI
Ko Taranaki te maunga Ko Oeo te awa Ko Ngaruahine te iwi Ko Tamaahuroa te hapu Ko Oeo te Marae No Oeo ahau driving buses. I am from a generation that knows hard work Kei Hawera toku Kainga inaianei and sticking at it until the job is done! Ko Turake Manuirirangi toku ingoa No reira Tena koutou, koutou, Tena tatou katoa. I have been involvedTena with all aspects of unionism, held Skills managerial are based status around Organisational/ Management/ in negotiating terms, bargaining etc… also Financial analysis. Work Experience in Airlines, other offices within the Health and Safety sector. / Travel & Tourism/ Farming /Business Development Pharmaceutical / Building Industry / Finance/ Trust Blocks. I look forward to representing you and the Hapū. Currently Farm Advisor/Business Consultant/Tractor driver Qualification: IATA/UFTA Dip, Travel & Tourism, Ngā manaakitanga ki a koutou. PGDipMS, MBA Nā Grant Weston Personal Interests: Sustainability & Eco efficient lifestyle. TITAHI Family Governance roles: Director & Trustee.
Kia hiwa rā! Kia hiwa rā! Ngāti Tu Hapū E te Iwi o Ngā Hapū o Ngaruahinerangi Tihei māuri ora! Disclaimer: The Returning Officer for Te Korowai o Ngāru content or accuracy contained in the statements as supp Ko Digger Weston tōku Pāpa. Ko Sally Weston tōku Māma. Ko Grant Weston ahau. Te Aroha HOHAIA (Rand Te Aroha HOHAIA Tēnā rā tātou katoa. 2020 Election of Trustees At Taranaki theTaranaki upcoming elections for Te Korowai Trustees, I am Ko te maunga, ko Ngāruahine Tēnā kou Ko te maunga, seeking your vote to hapū. represent Titahi Hapū. te iwi. Ko Ngāti Tū te Ko Waiōkura te āhuat ko Ngāruahine te iwi. te marae.believe Ko Mataaria Te Ahube teapoukuia. I firmly that I would reliable candidate and a hinga to Ko Ngāti Tū te hapū. Ko Louise (Bungy) Hohaia te Ko tērā te h Ngāti Tumāmā. Hapū trustworthy advocate for the Hapū. Te Aroha Hohaia ingoa. roto i ng Ko Waiōkura tetōku marae. I bring to the table fresh eyes with a new perspective. rā.oRātou The Returning for Te Korowai Ngāru EWith teKo whānau - I Te seek third term as a manaOfficer AhuaDisclaimer: te poukuia. itMataaria comes creative thoughts and that may ngā content or accuracy contained in the statements as mah supp trustee on Te Korowai. cross my path, progressing towards Ko Louise (Bungy) Hohaia te māmā. the future. After mu I My bring to the board table experience from across the wife, Vicki and I have married 21 years. We are Ko Te Aroha Hohaia tōkubeen ingoa. as a cand governance roles included the TSB enjoying thespectrum. privilegesPast of retirement although we are As an ed Community Trust and the Taranaki District Health Board; Te Aroha HOHAIA (Rand busier than we have been with mokopuna. E te now whānau - I seek a third term as trustee on Te primary, current roles include Trinity Home & aHospital Limited MyKorowai. working life spans fields from the Meat skills tha and Waiōkura & various Reserves Trust. Caroline SCOTT Ko Taranaki te Marae maunga, ko Ngāruahine Tēnā kou Caroline SCOTT industry to driving buses. I am from a generation that Itealso bri te iwi. Ko day-to-day Ngāti Tū te work hapū.isKo Waiōkura āhuat My other as a self-employed knows hard work and sticking at it from untilacross the job Ruahine I bring to board table experience theis done! Interests -Whanau wellbeing, te marae. Ko Mataaria Tedevelopment Ahu te poukuia. hinga to Interests -Whanau wellbeing, facilitator inthe community with further I have been involved with all aspects of the unionism, held operatio Whakapapa, OeoOeo Marae, Gardening, Golf Ko Louise Hohaia teroles māmā. Ko tērā te h interests in(Bungy) the mokopuna photography. governance spectrum. Pastand included TSB Whakapapa, Marae, Gardening, Golf managerial status in negotiating terms, bargaining etc… new Te Aroha Hohaia tōku ingoa. roto cha i ng As a Manager of a seven day a For Teother Korowai, mywithin focus is on theDistrict future being ever Community Trust and thethe Taranaki Health Board; As a Manager of a seven day also offices Health and Safety sector. rā. Rātou I am a co week business I have skills of strong E te whānau - Ilegacy seek awe’re third leaving term as for a our mokopuna. mindful of the current roles include Trinity Home & Hospital Limited and a week business I have skills ngā mahE I look forward to representing you and the Hapū. spoken leadershipand direction, and a do it now trustee on Te Korowai. This coming term, the mahi is to settle on shared vision Waiōkura & Reserves Trust. hapū personality. of strong leadershipand direction, After on mu manaakitanga ki a koutou. for that future. I Ngā bring to theMarae board table experience from across the commun as a cand My Board spans 30 years. I and a experience do it now personality. governance spectrum. roles included the TSB Nā Grant Weston Your support would bePast appreciated. resident My other day-to-day is as a self-employed facilitator As an ed have experience as a Trustee for Board at a High School, Community Trust and work the Taranaki District Health Board; TITAHI those re primary, Board ofBoard Management Wanganui serving in community development further interestsLimited in the roles include Trinity with Home & Hospital My experiencefor spans 30 years.Golf I haveClub experience as a current Cheryl LUKE-MARAKI skillsopp tha The as Chairman for six years, plus three years on Board for and Waiōkura Marae & Reserves Trust. mokopuna and photography. Trustee for Board at a High School, Board of Management for is not bri so the Regional Golf Association. I also My other day-to-day Taranaki te Maunga work is as a self-employed Wanganui Golf Club serving as Chairman for six years, plus responsi Ruahine In 2017 I was elect to represent my Hapu Ngati facilitator in community development with further For Te Korowai, my focus is on the future being ever mindful In saying Kia heke mai ki mokopuna ōku waitukukiri Mai i a operatio three years on Board for Board the Regional Association. Tamaahuroa-Titahi on the of TeGolf Korowai o interests in the and photography. of the legacy leaving for our mokopuna. This coming difficult Tangahoe atu kiwe’re te Rere o Kapuni Heke new cha Ngaruahine (TKONT). During my term as a Board For Te Korowai, my focus is on the future being ever on the iw noa ki tōku term, the waka mahi isatoAotea settle on shared vision for that future. In 2017 I washeld electthe to represent Ngati member I have positionsmy ofHapu Chair for Tamaahuroathe Audit I am a co mindful of the legacy we’re leaving for our mokopuna. candidat tainoa e au ki tōku rohe and Risk sub-committee and Deputy Chair of the Board spoken E Titahi on the Board of Te Korowai o Ngaruahine (TKONT). This coming term, the mahi is to settle on shared vision Your support would be appreciated. I’m passi of TKONT hapū on Mai i a Paraninihi ki Waitōtara ki Taipakē for that future. During my term as a Board member I have held the positions and cont commun I am presently Secretary Treasurer of the Oeo Pa Ka tau ki ōku Iwi o Nga Ruahine ki te Rangi ki Ngati Your support would be appreciated. of Chair for the Audit Deputy before residenta Trustees. I have held theand roleRisk of sub-committee Treasurer sinceand 2014. My Ruanui He uri mokopuna tēnei o ōku marae o take thoseup ret Chair of the of TKONT commitment to Board this role and my Hapu has been shown Waiokura ki Taiporohenui me era atu mea katoa. Cheryl LUKE-MARAKI Cheryl LUKE-MARAKI by my attendance at all but two monthly meetings since The opp Ko Cheryl Ngapeita Luke-Maraki e karanga nei 2014.I Iam relish working at theTreasurer ground of level Whanau, presently Secretary the with Oeo Pa Trustees. I is not so Taranaki te Maunga Hapuhave and held Iwi. the I am an independent thinker with great Taranaki te Maunga responsi Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the role of Treasurer since 2014. My commitment communication and organisation skills. I am willing to ask In saying Kia Kia heke mai ki ōku waitukukiri Mai i a whānau within our hapū who put their trust in me to heke mai ki ōku waitukukiri to this roleneeded and my Hapu has been shownthat by my the questions to get the results, willattendance benefit difficult Tangahoe us atueffectively ki te Rere on o Kapuni Hekeo Ngā Ruahine represent Te Korowai i a Tangahoe atu ki te Rere o Kapuni at all butHapu two monthly since 2014. all Whanau, and Iwimeetings members now andI relish in the future. Trust. on the iw noaMai kiItōku waka athe Aotea appreciate support and guidance I have Heke noakikitōku tōkurohe waka a Aotea tainoa candidat received. working the ground with Whanau, Hapu and Iwi. I My goalTo at work for thelevel benefit of all Whanau, Hapu tainoa e au e au ki tōku rohe and Iwi members I’m passi My as a Trustee for Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust am an independent thinker with great communication and Mai time i a Paraninihi ki Waitōtara ki Taipakē and cont has Mai been one of learning and honing ones skills to add i aōku Paraninihi ki Waitōtara Ko Taranaki te Maunga organisation skills. I am willing to ask the questions needed Ka tau ki Iwi o Nga RuahinekikiTaipakē te Rangi ki Ngati before a value to the foundations and promise set by our tupuna Ka tau ōku Iwi o Nga Ruahine te marae Rangi kioNgati Ko Aotea Ruanui Hekiuri mokopuna tēnei o ki ōku to gette theWaka results, that will benefit all Whanau, Hapu and Iwi take up t and those who got us to where we are today. Ko Titahi rauanow Ko Ngati Tamahuroa toku Hapu Ruanuiki HeTaiporohenui uri mokopuname tēnei ōku mea marae o Waiokura ki Waiokura erao atu katoa. members and in the future. I evaluate my performance by my three ‘R’s’ I te taha o toku matua ko Whatarau Ariki Wharehoka Taiporohenui me era atu mea e karanga nei Ko Cheryl Ngapeita Luke-Maraki Am I Relevant – add value for the common good. raua ko Waru tupuna My Neta goal- To workoku for the benefit of all Whanau, Hapu and Iwi Ko Cheryl Ngapeita Luke-Maraki e karanga to neithank the Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity Do I Reflect – understand the impact of decisions have I te taha o toku whaene ko Pakitaura Koroheke Tito raua whānau within our hapū who put their trust in me to members and how they apply to our people. Am I Receptive ko Tangiroa Ngaia oku tupuna represent effectively on Te Korowai otoNgā Ruahine Firstly, I us would tohear take this thank the – observe, listenlike and theopportunity aspirations in an open Trust. I appreciate support have Ko Warutepu Wharehoka Ko Taranaki te Maunga raua ko Maraea Koroheke Tito whānau within ourthe hapū who putand theirguidance trust in meIto represent manner. received. oku matua Ko Aotea te Waka us effectively on Te Korowai o Ngā Ruahine Trust. I appreciate However, most importantly I see my role as one that My time as a Trustee for Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust Ko Caroline Scott toku ingoa inspires othersand to reach their potential. My focus is to Ko TitahiTapuone raua Ko Ngati Tamahuroa toku Hapu support guidance I have received. has the been one of learning and honing ones skills to add grow our mokopuna to be the best possible versions value to the foundations and promise set by our tupuna of themselves an environment that celebrates their I te taha o toku matua ko Whatarau Ariki Wharehoka raua ko timewho as ain Trustee Korowai Ngaruahine andMy those got usfor to Te where weoare today. Trust has achievements, nurturing their aspirations by ensuring Neta Waru oku tupuna been learning and and honing ones skills totheir add value to I evaluate myofperformance by in my three ‘R’s’ they feelone empowered are charge of destiny. foundations andvalue promise set ourendeavour tupunagood. and those Am the I Relevant – add the common Should I be successful this for time Ibywill to move I te taha o toku whaene ko Pakitaura Koroheke Tito raua ko us agot space where weare will work together to ensure us– to where we today. Dointo Iwho Reflect understand the impact of decisions have Tangiroa Ngaia oku tupuna these aspirations areto met. and how they apply our people. Am I Receptive – observe, listen and hear the aspirations I evaluate my performance by my three ‘R’s’ in an open Ko Warutepu Wharehoka raua ko Maraea Koroheke Tito oku manner. matua Am I Relevant – add value forI the However, most importantly seecommon my rolegood. as one that inspires others to reach their potential. My focus is to Ko Caroline Tapuone Scott toku ingoa grow mokopuna to bethe theimpact best of possible versions Doour I Reflect – understand decisions have and >> of themselves in an environment that celebrates their achievements, nurturing their aspirations by ensuring they feel empowered and are in charge of their destiny. Should I be successful this time I will endeavour to move us into a space where we will work together to ensure 12 | TE KOROWAI ISSUE 10 these aspirations are met.
2020 Election of Trustees
Am I Receptive – observe, listen and hear the aspirations in an open manner. However, most importantly I see my role as one that inspires others to reach their potential. My focus is to grow our mokopuna to be the best possible versions of themselves in an environment that celebrates their achievements, nurturing their aspirations by ensuring they feel empowered and are in charge of their destiny.
Okahu-Inuawai (me etehi atu) Hapū
OKAHU-INUAWAI The Returning Officer for Te Korowai o Ngār content or accuracy contained in the statements as sup (ME ETEHIDisclaimer: ATU) HAPŪ Karl ADAMSON Karl ADAMSON
Okahu Inuawai - Ngati Okahu Inuawai - NgatiHaua Haua–– Ngaruahine – Ngaruahine Te Atiawa– Te Atiawa Currently employed asas ananOperations Currently employed Operations Manager working in the construction Manager working in the construction industry industry Current trustee for Aotearoa marae, Should I be successful this time I will endeavour to move us Chairperson, and Trustee for Taikatu into a space where we will work together to ensure these Current trustee forfor Aotearoa marae, Chairperson, and marae, Chairperson Ngati Haua Hapu and Secretary Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust accepts no responsibility for the aspirations are (TKONT) met. for Trustee Nga Hapu o Ngaruahine (Takutai working group). for Taikatu marae, Chairperson for Ngati Haua atements as supplied by the candidates. I believe in having strong robust systems in place that Hapu and Secretary for Nga Hapu o Ngaruahine (Takutai set up our marae and hapu for success which comes working group). from having a strong foundation, currently in Ngaruahine (Randal) Te Ahu REI (Randal) Te Ahu REI some of our marae are unusable, not fit for purpose or I believe financially. in having strong robust systems in place that set up struggling Tēnā koutou, he oti anō rā, tēnā tātou i marae and hapu for success which comes fromcannot having a Tēnā koutou, he oti anō rā, tēnā tātou i te No our point of having $70M in investments if you te āhuatanga ki ō tātou mate huhua e foundation, givestrong manuhuri a cupcurrently of tea?in Ngaruahine some of our marae āhuatanga ki ō tātou mate huhua e hinga hinga tonu nei, e hinga tonu nei. Ko rātou unusable, fit for purpose struggling financially. It isare possible fornot Ngaruahine to or maintain and build nei, e hinga tonu Ko rātou tērā tetonu hunga pāhake kua nei. nunumi atu tērā i its investment portfolio which should not be the roto i te ngā marama tata nei, haere, oti atu hunga pāhake kua nunumi atu i roto onlyNomeasure that Ngaruahine has for ifsuccess while point of having $70M in investments you cannot give rā. Rātou te hunga wairua ki rātou, tātou i ngā marama tata nei, haere, oti atu rā. alsomanuhuri equally ainvesting in its people with the same ngā mahuetanga iho, tēnā tātou. cup of tea? commitment in the pursuit of achieving its strategic Rātou te hunga wairua ki rātou, tātou ngā mahuetanga After much thought, I have decided to put my hand up goals. iho, tēnā tātou. as a candidate for the upcoming Te Korowai elections. It is possible for Ngaruahine to maintain and build I believe that operational expenditure needs to be As an educator spanning four decades within the rd; capped at 1% of portfolio the asset base; andnot be the After much thought, have decided to put my hand up as primary, secondary andI tertiary sectors, I bring a set of its investment which should skills that I believe would be of Te benefit toelections. the board. • A higher percentage of this expenditure then what is a candidate for the upcoming Korowai As currently being go to Rangatahi I also an bring with spanning me the experience working for Ngā only measure that provided Ngaruahineneeds has forto success while also educator four decadesof within the primary, Ruahine and Ngāti Tama in managerial roles at the • An indentured pathway for Rangatahi should be in equally investing in its people with the same commitment secondary and tertiary sectors, set of skills for thataI operational level and believe thatI bring I am anow ready implemented to build the capacity of Ngaruahine the pursuit of achieving its strategic goals. believe would be ofgovernance benefit to thelevel. board. new challenge at the • Local investment needs to be heavily pursued to I am a competent communicator both in written and create future employment for Ngaruahine I believe that operational expenditure needs to be capped at I also bring with the experience working forfor Ngāmy spoken English andme Māori and wouldofadvocate n • Trustees need to take more responsibility for the 1% of the asset base; and hapū Ruahine on issues important to them. I’ve served the local and Ngāti Tama in managerial roles at the operational financial management of the asset base and not rely community in many ways over the years and while not on another entity to manage it level and believe that I am now ready for a new challenge at • A higher percentage of this expenditure then what is resident in Taranaki at times, I’ve managed to maintain • Any financial investment that has not performed the governance level. those relationships especially with our pāhake. currentlyi.e being provided needs toneeds go to Rangatahi adequately made any money, to be reThe opportunity to become a Te Korowai board member evaluated with the view to being scrapped I am a competent communicator both in written and spoken is not something I would take lightly as it’s a huge • An indentured pathway for Rangatahi should be • Fishery quota shares need to be made available to uri English and and would for my hapūtable. on responsibility toMāori represent my advocate hapū at the board implemented to build capacity Ngaruahine so that Ngaruahine canthe source ourofown Pataka In saying that, I realise that some board will bein issues important to them. I’ve served thedecisions local community • The Trust deed needs to be updated to comply with difficult and may prove unpopular however the impact many ways over the years and while not resident in Taranaki • Local investment needs to be heavily pursued to create new legislation on the iwi as a whole must prevail and any potential at times, I’vebe managed to maintain future employment for Ngaruahine candidate must up to the task. those relationships Say “No” to the Special Resolution, the proposal is not especially with ourhelping pāhake. advance Ngā Ruahinerangi necessary I’m passionate about • Trustees need to take more responsibility for the and continue the good work of those who have gone opportunity become a Tetamariki Korowai board member beforeThe and pave thetoway for our mokopuna tois financial management of the asset base and not rely on Beverley Anne Hinehou take up mantleI would in thetake nearlightly future. Tēnā anōresponsibility tātou notthe something as it’s a huge anotherGIBSON entity to manage it Kataraina katoa.
to represent my hapū at the board table. In saying that, I realise that some board decisions will be difficult and may prove unpopular however the impact on the iwi as a whole must prevail and any potential candidate must be up to the task.
• Any financial investment that has Ngāruahine, Te Atiawa, Te Arawa – not performed mokopuna o Davei.eNgāiwi Skipper adequately made any money,me needs to be rePolly Whatumarara, he kōtiro o Ihaka evaluated with the view to being scrapped me Mandy Robinson (nee Skipper). Aotearoa Marae was close to my mum’s Fishery shares to be raised made available to uri so that heart. Bev quota was born inneed Hawera, Ngaruahine can source our own Pataka and educated in South Taranaki. She attended Massey I’m passionate about helping advance Ngā Ruahinerangi and University and completed a BA, a Postgraduate Health continue the good work of those who have gone before and Service Management Masters The Trust deed needsqualification, to be updated and to comply within new pave the way for our tamariki mokopuna to take up the mantle Management. Bev is a registered nurse, self-employed, legislation and works in health, organisational & business in the near future. Tēnā anō tātou katoa. management systems, quality audits, and governance. Say “No” to the Special Resolution, the proposal is not She is a fairminded, hardworking, and thoughtful trustee. Hernecessary upbringing has fostered values of truth, honesty, strong leadership, and clear communication. Bev is
| 13
how they apply to our people.
commit and ma rangata building believes uri and Korowa What ha • Asse • 2040 • Trust • Boar • Ngār • Hapū • Risk • Boar • Annu • Ngār • Iwi C Governa • Chai • Trust Trust • Direc • Direc • Chai • Direc Tech • Chai • Inde • Trust Bev wou her iwi a honesty
Aotea t Ko Tara Ko Aote Ko Okah Ko Hem koutou Iwi • Ngār • Ngat • Te A Work E New Ze 1985, Te Educati TWOR M Taranak Adult C Kaiako Prison,
asset base and not with rely • financial The Trustmanagement deed needs of to the be updated to comply on another entity to manage it new legislation •Say Any financial that hasthe notproposal performed “No” to the investment Special Resolution, is not adequately i.e made any money, needs to be renecessary evaluated with the view to being scrapped •Beverley Fishery quota shares need to be made available to uri Beverley Anne Hinehou Anne Hinehou so that Ngaruahine can source our own Pataka Kataraina GIBSON Kataraina GIBSON • The Trust deed needs to be updated to comply with new legislation Ngāruahine, Te Atiawa, Te Arawa – Ngāruahine, Te Atiawa, Te Arawa – Say “No” to othe Special Resolution, the proposal is not mokopuna Dave Ngāiwi Skipper me o Dave necessary Polly mokopuna Whatumarara, heNgāiwi kōtiroSkipper o Ihakame me Mandy Robinson (nee Polly Whatumarara, he Skipper). kōtiro o Ihaka me Aotearoa Marae wasHinehou closeSkipper). to my mum’s Mandy Robinson (nee Beverley Anne heart. Bev was born in Hawera, raised Kataraina and educatedGIBSON in South Taranaki. She attended Massey Aotearoa was close to my heart. BevHealth was University andMarae completed a BA, a mum’s Postgraduate Ngāruahine, Te Atiawa, Te Arawa – and born in Hawera, raised and educated in South Taranaki. Service Management qualification, Masters in mokopuna o Dave Ngāiwi Skippernurse, mecompleted Management. BevMassey is a registered self-employed, She attended University and a BA, a Polly Whatumarara, kōtiro o Ihaka& business and works in health,he organisational Postgraduate Health Service Management qualification, and me Mandy Robinson (nee Skipper). management systems, quality audits, and governance. Aotearoa Marae was close to my mum’s in Management. Bev is a and registered nurse, selfShe isMasters a fairminded, hardworking, thoughtful trustee. heart. Bev was born in Hawera, raised Her upbringing hasworks fostered values of truth, honesty, employed, and in health, organisational & business and educated in South She attendedBev Massey strong leadership, and Taranaki. clear communication. is She management systems, quality and governance. University and completed a BA, audits, a Postgraduate Health is aManagement fairminded, hardworking, and thoughtful trustee. Service qualification, and Masters in Her Management. Bev is a registered nurse, self-employed, upbringing has fostered values of truth, honesty, strong and works in health, organisational & business leadership, and clear communication. Bev is committed to management systems, quality audits, and governance. wellbeing of Ngāruahine kaumātua and making trustee. a positive She isthe a fairminded, hardworking, and thoughtful Her upbringing fosteredtamariki, values rangatahi, of truth, pakeke honesty, contributionhas to empower to attain strongtheir leadership, and clear communication. Bev is future aspirations while building personal resilience and
independence. Bev believes she has a responsibility to serve all Ngāruahine uri and for Ōkahu-Inuawai to gain equal access to Te Korowai kaupapa. What has been achieved as Te Korowai Chair: •
Assets increased from $78m (2017) to $84m (2019)
Trust Deed review completed
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
2040 Strategic Plan reviewed Board Charter approved
Ngāruahine Charitable Trust established Hapū Distribution Programme approved
Risk Management Programme implemented Board Induction Programme developed Annual Reports published on time
Ngāruahine Investment Strategy endorsed
Iwi Communication Activities improved Governance experience includes: Chair, Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust
Trustee, Te Kīwai Matau o Ngāruahine Charitable Trust Director, Te Kīwai Mauī o Ngāruahine Limited Director, PKW Committee of Management Chair, PKW HR Committee
Director/Deputy Chair, Institute Of Skills and Technology of Taranaki WITT Chair, WITT Audit & Risk
Independent Trustee, Lantern House Trust Trustee, Tamariki Pakari Trust
Bev would consider it a privilege to continue to serve her iwi as a trustee on Te Korowai. A vote for Bev means honesty, fairness, and service to ALL.
te Waka •Aotea Trustee, Tamariki Pakari Trust Ko Taranaki te Maunga Bev would consider it a privilege to continue to serve Ko iwi Aotearoa te Marae her as a trustee on Te Korowai. A vote for Bev means Ko Okahu-Inuawai te Hapū honesty, fairness, and service to ALL. Ko Hemi Haddon ahau-no reira tēnā koutou katoa Hemi HADDON Hemi HADDON Iwi • Ngāruahine-Okahu,Inuawai Aotea te Waka Aotea te Waka Ko te Maunga • Taranaki Ngati Ruanui-Tūpaea,Ahitahi,Araukuku Ko Taranaki te Maunga Ko Aotearoa te Marae • Te Atiawa-Manukorihi Ko Aotearoa te Marae Ko Okahu-Inuawai te Hapū Work Ko Hemi Haddon ahau-no reira tēnā Ko Experience Okahu-Inuawai te Hapū New Army-Soldier 12yrs, Regular Force 1979koutou katoaHaddon KoZealand Hemi ahau-no reira tēnā 1985, Territorial 1986-1992 Iwi koutou katoa Iwi Facilitator Taranaki Museum 1999 -2000 •Education Ngāruahine-Okahu,Inuawai TWOR Marae Based Studies Tutor, • Ngāruahine-Okahu,Inuawai • Ngati Ruanui-Tūpaea,Ahitahi,Araukuku Taranaki,2002-2004,2011 • Te • Atiawa-Manukorihi Ngati Ruanui-Tūpaea,Ahitahi,Araukuku Adult Community Education Tutor 2005-2013 Work Experience • Te Atiawa-Manukorihi Kaiako Māori Education Programmes, New Plymouth New Zealand Army-Soldier 12yrs, Regular Force 1979Prison, 2001-2013 Work Experience 1985, Territorial 1986-1992 New Zealand Army-Soldier 12yrs, Regular Force Education Facilitator Taranaki Museum 1999 1979-1985, -2000 CONTINUED OVER >> Territorial 1986-1992 TWOR Marae Based Studies Tutor, Taranaki,2002-2004,2011 Education Facilitator Taranaki Museum 1999 -2000 Adult Community Education Tutor 2005-2013 TWOR Marae Based Studies Tutor, Kaiako Māori Education Programmes, New Plymouth Taranaki,2002-2004,2011 Prison, 2001-2013 Adult Community Education Tutor 2005-2013 Kaiako Māori Education Programmes, New Plymouth Prison, CONTINUED OVER >> 2001-2013 Te Reo o Taranaki, Taiahoaho, Kaumatua reo Tutor-Eltham 2008-2009 Ngati Ruanui Health-Aukati Kaipaipa- smoking cessation 2008-2012 Teacher Kura/Wharekura/High school-2015-2020 “I have also worked in the Meat Works, Cheese factories, Fonterra, labourer, forklift driver, construction, Tegels, cleaner, powdercoating, cool stores, and drainlaying”. “These jobs have allowed me a way to supplement my education and provide for my- Whānau”. “I have had to adapt and upskill to suit an ever-changing employment landscape, While always, maintaining my focus towards kaupapa Māori”. “I value my work experience, as it has taught me to be resilient, have a work ethic and the ability to, Communicate with a wide range of people, from all walks of life”. To remind myself to be humble and to look for opportunities for my whānau, hapū and iwi. Volunteer experience 1998-1999 Rangimarie Arts and Crafts committee 2001-2010 Whakaahurangi Marae Committee (Chairman 3yrs) 2006 Volunteer Ambulance Driver, Taranaki District Health Board-Stratford 2007-2013 NP Prison Kaumatua Cultural Advisory (Chairman 2yrs) 2007-2020 Kai Karakia Taha Maori Methodist, Haahi Taranaki 2008-2012 Ngati Ruanui Alternate Hapu representative, Ahi Tahi 2010-2012 Aotearoa Marae Trustee “I believe to be an active citizen in Aotearoa, one must be willing to give back to the community”
of Auckland Business School specializing in Māori Development.
I seek the chance to represent my hapū of Ōkahu-Inuawai as an opportunity to utilise my skills and experience and pivot my knowledge to empower and support my hapū and whanau. He ringa raupa ahau mō tōku hapū, mō tōku whanau! Rire rire hau, paimārire!
experience and pivot my knowledge to empower and support my hapū and whanau. • Bachelor Agricultural Science He ringa raupa ahau mō tōku hapū, mō tōku whanau! • NZ Institute of Valuers - Rural Rire rire hau, of paimārire! • Diploma Primary Teaching - Bilingual • Governance, Finance Audit Risk Papers John Henry Te Te Urikore Katene John Henry Urikore Personal Interests: HOOKER I am passionately involved in kaupapa Māori education, Katene HOOKER environment and Taiao and Iwi / Hapū development. I Taranaki te Maunga amTaranaki a sports Life Member of Taranaki Maori tefanatic, Maungaand Waingongoro te Awa Waingongoro Awa Rugby Union te and member of Ngaruahine MRFC. My wife Aotea te waka Aotea te waka June and seven tamariki support this application. Scott Ngaruahine Iwi Ngaruahine te Iwi Ngawai (Deputy Principal), Campbell (Sparky), Pite (Pilot), Okahu me me Inuawai ngā hapū (Physiotherapist), Mereana (Youth Ministry), Hineata and Okahu Inuawai ngā hapū Aotearoa te Pa Lorenza, we live at Aotearoa Pa Aotearoa te Pa Mereana Katene tōku Whaene I WILL attend every Board hui report tōku Whaeneand JohnWILL Hooker tāku Pāpā JohnMereana HookerKatene tāku Pāpā STRAIGHT back to our Okahu hapu hui Tihei Mauriora Tihei Mauriora Community Development Qualifications: committed to Whanau, Hapū, Marae, and Qualifications: •I am Bachelor Agricultural Science contributed to our Okahu Hapū Strategic Plan, 2001 and •2014, NZ including Institute of Valuers Rural our 2009 -Ngaruahine Iwi Strategy, which • Bachelor Agricultural Science Social, Cultural, Environmental •navigates DiplomaIwi of Financial, Primary Teaching - Bilingual directions to 2034. • Political NZ Institute of Valuers - Rural •and Governance, Finance Audit Risk Papers These weaved in myTeaching roles with: Personal Interests: • are Diploma of Primary - Bilingual hapū (Chairperson) I •amOkahu/Inuawai passionately involved in kaupapa Māori education, • Governance, Finance Audit Risk Papers Personal • Taranaki Maori Trustand Board environment and Taiao Iwi member / Hapū development. I Interests: am sports • aNZ Māorifanatic, Counciland Life Member of Taranaki Maori Rugby Union and member ofkaupapa Ngaruahine MRFC. My wife I am passionately involved in education, I am a foundation member of: thisMāori June and seven tamariki support application. Scott environment and Taiao and Iwi / HapūReo development. I am Te Namu, Ngaruahine Kohanga (Sparky), Pi (Pilot), Ngawai (Deputy Principal), Campbell a sports fanatic, and Life Member of Taranaki Maori Rugby (Physiotherapist), Mereana Ministry), Hineata and Te Kura Kaupapa Māori (Youth O Tamarongo, Ngati Ruanui Lorenza, we at Aotearoa Pa MRFC. My wife June and and UnionNgaruahinerangi andlive member of Ngaruahine I WILL attend every hui and WILL report Te Runanganui OBoard Ngā Aotearoa seven tamariki support thisKKMO application. Scott (Sparky), Pi STRAIGHT back to our Okahu hapu hui Te Runanga Ngā Kura a IwiCampbell o Aotearoa (Pilot), Ngawai O (Deputy Principal), (Physiotherapist), Community Development Ngā Hapū O NgaruahineIwi Mereana (Youth Ministry), Hineata and Lorenza, we live at I amTe committed to Whanau, Hapū, Marae, and Korowai Aotearoa Pa O Ngaruahine Trust contributed to our Okahu Hapū Strategic Plan, 2001 and I would like to continue a Korowai Iwi Trustee to ensure 2014, including our 2009as Ngaruahine Strategy, which I WILL attend every Board hui and WILL report STRAIGHT the gains created to date are maintained, developed navigates Iwi Financial, Social, Cultural, Environmentaland Protected for our future generations of Ngaruahine uri. back to our Okahu hapu and Political directions tohui 2034. My commitment These are weavedisin110% my roles with: Community Development Kia tu Okahu ai tatou • Okahu/Inuawai hapū (Chairperson) I am committed to Whanau, Hapū, Marae, and contributed to • Taranaki Maori Trust Board member our Okahu Hapū Strategic Plan, 2001 and 2014, including our • NZ Māori Council Ngaruahine Iwi Strategy, which navigates Iwi Financial, I am2009 a foundation member of: Social, Cultural, Environmental and Political Te Namu, Ngaruahine Kohanga Reo directions to 2034. Te Kura Kaupapa Māori O Tamarongo, Ngati Ruanui and Ngaruahinerangi These are weaved in my roles with: Te Runanganui O Ngā KKMO Aotearoa Te O Ngāhapū Kura a Iwi o Aotearoa • Runanga Okahu/Inuawai (Chairperson) Ngā Hapū O NgaruahineIwi • Taranaki Maori Trust Board member Te Korowai O Ngaruahine Trust • NZ Council as a Korowai Trustee to ensure I would likeMāori to continue the gains created tomember date are I am a foundation of: maintained, developed and Protected for our future generations of Ngaruahine uri. My commitment is 110% Te Namu, Ngaruahine Kohanga Reo Kia tu Okahu ai tatou Te Kura Kaupapa Māori O Tamarongo, Ngati Ruanui and Ngaruahinerangi Te Runanganui O Ngā KKMO Aotearoa Te Runanga O Ngā Kura a Iwi o Aotearoa Ngā Hapū O NgaruahineIwi Te Korowai O Ngaruahine Trust
I would like to continue as a Korowai Trustee to ensure the gains created to date are maintained, developed and Protected for our future generations of Ngaruahine uri. My commitment is 110% Kia tu Okahu ai tatou
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2007-2020 Karakia Taha Haahi While always,Kai maintaining my Maori focus Methodist, towards kaupapa Taranaki Māori”. Ngatiexperience, Ruanui Alternate Hapu “I2008-2012 value my work as it has taught me representative, Ahi Tahi to be resilient, have a work ethic and the ability to, 2010-2012 Aotearoa Marae Trustee Communicate with a wide range of people, from all My Current Occupation is Youth Mentor and Pou Tikanga for walks of life”. “I believe to be an active citizen in Aotearoa, one must Mentoa. beremind willing to giveto back to the community” To myself be humble and to look for opportunities for my whānau, hapū and iwi. My Current Occupation is Youth Mentor and Pou Tikanga “Karoria ki te Atua i runga rawa for Mentoa. Volunteer experience Maungarongo mata o te whenua “Karoria kiRangimarie te Atuakiite runga 1998-1999 Artsrawa and Crafts committee He whakaaro pai ki ngā tangata kātoa” Maungarongo ki te mata o te whenua 2001-2010 Whakaahurangi Marae Committee (Chairman 3yrs) He whakaaro pai ki ngā tangata kātoa” 2006 Volunteer Ambulance Driver, Taranaki District Health Board-Stratford Ngawai HERNANDEZNgawai HERNANDEZ2007-2013 NP WALDEN Prison Kaumatua Cultural Advisory (Chairman 2yrs) WALDEN I tipu ake auKai I roto I te korowai aroha o 2007-2020 Karakia Taha Maori Methodist, Haahi I tipu akeme au Iōku rotopāhake I te korowai aroha tōku whanau I roto Ia Taranaki Matariki. o tōkuNgati whanau me ōku pāhake I roto 2008-2012 Ruanui Alternate Hapu I hui haere ahauAhi ki ngā representative, Tahimarae kātoa o I a Matariki. Ngāruahinerangi I te Marae taha o Trustee ōku mātua 2010-2012 Aotearoa a Maurice (Buster/Pa’i) me Punahau I hui haere ki ngācitizen marae kātoa “I(Ripeka) believe to be ahau an active in Aotearoa, one must Walden. be willing to give back to the community” o Ngāruahinerangi It is with pride that I seek election as a hapū My Current Occupation is aYouth Mentor and Pou Tikanga I te taha o ōku mātua Maurice (Buster/Pa’i) me Punahau representative of Ōkahu-Inuawai. Having been raised for Mentoa. and bathed the waters of the Waingonogro and (Ripeka)inWalden. “Karoria te connections Atua i rungaand rawa Inuawai,kimy continued manaaki to the haukāinga was Maungarongo kinever tethat mata o te whenua It is with pride Ifaulted. seek election as a hapū representative Since returning in 2015 I continue toin the He whakaaro paito ki Aotearoa ngā tangata kātoa” of Ōkahu-Inuawai. Having been raised and bathed return home regular to provide support wherever waters of the Waingonogro and Inuawai, my connections and and whenever I can. I am fortunate that my husband Ngawai HERNANDEZcontinued manaaki to the haukāinga wasas never faulted. Ricardo’s love for Ōkahu-Inuawai is just strong as WALDEN mine. Since to Aotearoa in 2015 I continue to return home Due to thereturning unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 I the tipupriorities ake au to I roto I te korowai aroha o whenever regular provide support wherever and can. I am of my whanau have changed where Iliving tōku me ōku pāhake I roto I a and whanau residing back within Ngāruahinerangi isŌkahu-Inuawai our top fortunate that my husband Ricardo’s love for Matariki. priority. is justahau as strongngā as mine. I Ihui haere marae in kātoa o have 25+ years’kiexperience the Tourism/Hospitality Ngāruahinerangi I te taha o ōku mātua Industry both domestically and internationally. I have Due to the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 ahad Maurice (Buster/Pa’i) me Punahau significant experience with small, boutique and (Ripeka) the Walden. priorities of my whanau have changed where living and independent businesses throughout my career, which It is with pride that I seek election as a hapū residing back within Ngāruahinerangi is our top priority. representative of Ōkahu-Inuawai. Having been raised and bathed in the waters of theinWaingonogro and I have 25+ years’ experience the Tourism/Hospitality Inuawai, my connections and continued manaaki to the Industry both domestically haukāinga was never faulted. and internationally. I have had significant experience withinsmall, and to independent Since returning to Aotearoa 2015boutique I continue throughout my career, whichwherever has exposed me to returnbusinesses home regular to provide support and whenever I can. I am fortunate my husband opportunities to develop in overallthat business management. Ricardo’s love for Ōkahu-Inuawai is just as strong as mine. Currently I am committed to bringing life to the strategic Due toobjective the unprecedented circumstances COVID-19 of ‘Enabling whānau to grow theirofcapability and the priorities of my whanau have changed where living access opportunities to create and develop sustainable and residing back within Ngāruahinerangi is our top enterprises.’ Within the Māori Business Growth team of Te priority. I have Puni 25+Kōkiri, years’Auckland. experience in the Tourism/Hospitality Industry both domestically and internationally. I have had significant experience small,and boutique I continue to expand my with knowledge skills andand I am independent businesses throughout my career, which currently working towards my MBA from the University
WHIO MAKE A COMEBACK IN NGĀRUAHINE Taranaki Mounga is an ambitious
the environmental health of some
the mountain and ranges of Taranaki
Ngāruahine’s rohe.
conservation project transforming as well as Ngā Motu/Sugar Loaf Islands in North Taranaki.
Within Te Papakura o Taranaki (formerly the Egmont National Park) and as a
result of increased predator control
measures, survival success can now be measured for a special bird, the
whio (blue duck), thanks in part to Te
Korowai’s involvement in the Curious Minds programme.
Last year Te Korowai’s freshwater
scientist Bart Jansma worked with
Manaia and Auroa Schools to monitor 16 | TE KOROWAI ISSUE 10
waterways in the whio’s habitat, within This taonga, which in 1945 were
considered virtually extinct in the
region, have been reintroduced over a number of years. The Department of Conservation (DOC) now reports
that whio have had a record breeding
season and can now be found across the maunga.
There was a focus on predator trapping where the whio were released because
programme has led to the increased
numbers and their expansion into other awa on the maunga.
DOC, which manages Taranaki’s whio population, recorded 87 ducklings in
its 2018/19 annual breeding season by
they are especially vulnerable to rats,
monitoring eight key rivers. This was
combined with the intensified trapping
successful season on record.
stoats and ferrets. The release program,
an increase of 71 percent and its most
In February this year Bart joined DOC Biodiversity Ranger Joe Carson and Conservation Dog Taranaki Tai on the Kaūpokonui Stream, to look for whio. No whio had been released in the rohe of Ngāruahine at that time, so the survey was looking for birds that had come from other awa. That day, five whio were located within our rohe, two pairs and a single bird – a great result. The Curious Minds research project confirmed that rats, stoats and cats were a problem on the Kaūpokonui Awa, a common issue within our rohe. But the project also found that with adequate predator control, whio could potentially inhabit Kaūpokonui Awa right down to Opunake Road and maybe even further. However, Taranaki Mounga have been expanding their trapping network to over 14,500 hectares, including along both the Kapuni and Kaūpokonui awa in the past year. Work is also underway to maintain and increase trapping networks by another 8,700 hectares. This work resulted in the release of three young whio into the Kapuni Stream just before
the country went into the COVID-19 lockdown in March. As a founding partner of Taranaki Mounga through the iwi chairs forum, Te Korowai is excited by the growing whio population of around 200 whio on our maunga and is keen to keep supporting where we can. If you or your whānau want to contribute to this kaupapa by checking trap lines, please get in touch with Bart at bart@ngaruahine.iwi.nz.
Top: Tamariki from Manaia and Auroa Primary Schools reflect on the research they completed to help the who. Below: Scientist Bart Jansma
Te Korowai is also supportive of predator trapping outside of the national park, in an effort to reduce the potential for those predators to reinvade the park from the surrounding farmland. It may also allow whio to greatly expand their range within the Kaūpokonui Awa. Such initiatives will help revive this special taonga that was once lost to Ngāruahine.
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SUCCESS AND INFLUENCE BECOMES A WAY OF LIFE FOR NGĀRUAHINE SCHOLAR When Bee Weston-Jacobson thinks back to her life as a 13 year old, she almost can’t believe the dramatic difference in her attitude towards education.
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“I left school in 3rd form (Year 9) when
The bonus then for Bee was finding
around for a long time,” she says.
contribution, thanks to an agreement
I was 13 and then I was just mucking “I had no education, my reading and
out that Victoria matched the iwi
between Te Korowai and the university.
writing were terrible and then I had kids.”
She says Victoria’s contribution went
It took another decade, but Bee wanted
the Ngāruahine pūtea kept her afloat by
more for herself and her tamariki, so
when she got her chance to get back into study as an adult she made the most of the opportunity.
Last year the now 35-year-old was the first recipient of Te Korowai o
Ngāruahine’s joint scholarship with
Parininihi Ki Waitōtara, receiving $2,500
straight onto her student loan, while
helping with day-to-day living expenses while she based herself in Wellington to study.
Finding out she was the inaugral
Ngāruahine scholarship recipient was a surprise and honour, says Bee.
“I’m overwhelmed, that warms my heart.”
to support her studies towards a
Bee had previously completed the
Victoria University.
Māori Performing Arts degree through
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching from 20 | TE KOROWAI ISSUE 10
Ngā Mana Whakairo a Toi: Bachelor of
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi in 2016, the only one of an original group of 20 students from Taranaki to finish. “That was three years of hard mahi, going to wānanga in Auckland all the time, but I didn’t know then where it would take me,” says Bee. Her success there made her realise she could do anything she put her mind to and it wasn’t long before she found her next pathway - using her natural ability to connect with tamariki to provide them with better educational experiences than she had herself. “I’ve always had a passion for tamariki, I guess it was just from growing up in a big whānau, it’s in my nature to want to manaaki and awhi.”
Her hard work and success led to her securing a full-time job teaching tamariki at Kāponga Primary School this year, teaching a mixture of Years 2-4. “It’s awesome being there for Māori tamariki in a kura auraki (mainstream school),” says Bee. “Our kids at Kura are ok, they are well looked after, but there’s still a high percentage of our tamariki in kura auraki who need us too.” She naturally incorporates a Te Ao Māori philosophy in her classroom, where manaakitanga, kotahitanga and awhi have become the normal mode of behaviour and feeling included is paramount. Bee says the icing on the cake is being able to offer her teaching skills within the Ngāruahine rohe, but there’s more she wants to achieve. She hopes to one day lift her reo levels enough to potentially teach within a Kura Kaupapa environment and eventually do further study at higher levels. But at the moment she’s very happy to be role modelling success for the kids at school and her own tamariki, who have spent the past few years of their lives watching their Mum go from strength to strength. “I’ve had to role model that and so I’ve also seen them grow in confidence and resilience too.” Bee credits her husband Anaru for maintaining the ahi kaa with the whānau at home while she was away studying and she understands the challenges involved with going back into a learning environment as an adult. But she also thinks it is an advantage to have the life skills and experience which some of her much younger classmates lacked. It helped confirm for her that when it comes to education, it’s never too late. She hopes that her success might help inspire her others within her wider whānau, hapū and Ngāruahine iwi.
encouragement for future Ngāruahine scholars.
Left: Bee Weston-Jacobson and husband Anaru Jacobson
“Don’t give up on your dream, follow it. If I can do it then anyone can do it and so can you.”
Above: Bee Weston-Jacobson Ngāruahine / PKW Scholaship recipient
“I hope they think ‘gosh, if Aunty or cuzzy Bee can do it then I can too’,” she says and adds some additional TE KOROWAI ISSUE 10
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First of all whānau, an acknowledgement: We haven’t had a clear plan for fair distributions of our dividend to marae. We know that, and we’re sorry. So we’re grateful for you holding us to account. We need to get this right. Those of you who attended the 2018 half yearly iwi hui at Aotearoa Marae made it clear that we need to do better and make sure our distributions are fair, transparent, and sustainable. How we got here When iwi settle, the question of distributions always follows. In our everyday lives, we want to see tangible benefits from our settlement. That’s true for all of us – trustees, kaimahi, and uri.
That’s why, in the early years after settling, we distributed $20,000
to all eight marae to acknowledge
their support during the settlement
negotiations. Since then, distributions have been irregular.
We’ve never had a policy or process
that could give everyone in Ngāruahine
certainty around timing and the amount of distributions. On the flip side,
sometimes the only time Te Korowai
knew marae expected us to cover some of their costs, was when we received their invoice.
The sad reality is that our distributions to marae were in chaos. So, the
Pouwhakarae put a stop to all marae
payments two years ago, to give all of
us a chance to sort this out. How much has been paid out? When payments were stopped, we had distributed $617,000 across eight marae and the pūtea to each marae was different. Those figures follow on the next page, grouped by hapū. The question of fairness One of the biggest challenges facing us at Te Korowai was the question of fairness.
Depending on how you look at it, fairness could mean either:
• Everyone receiving the same distribution (equality)
• Distributions are based on need - the greater the need, the bigger the distribution (equity)
Distributions to Hapū
are the drivers behind this distribution
Total distributed
Ngāti Haua
Ngāti Manuhiakai
Ngāti Tu
Tamaahuroa me Titahi
programme. Now hapū will be able to plan ahead and have confidence that they will
receive the distribution as expected. They’ll
be some accountability measures in place for the distributions hapū receive and by 2023
all Ngāruahine hapū would receive $347,000 each. From that point on, we can then make equal distributions to hapū.
The table below shows the annual distribution
to hapū (in red) and what each hapū will receive from 2019 to reach the $347,000 in 2023.
At the same time we are making distributions to hapū, we are committing an equal amount Both are valid approaches. But we don’t want
We are committed to equal distributions for all hapū.
to judge which hapū has the greater need
as the basis for that hapū receiving a bigger
The catch up phase for distributions
distribution. It’s too subjective. It’s going to cause more misunderstanding, hurt, and
Before we can start making equal distributions
So in December 2019 the Board approved a
By 31 March 2023, every hapū will have
we believe is fair, transparent, and sustainable.
to every hapū, we need a catch up period.
Ngāruahine hapū distribution programme that
received the same amount of pūtea from Te
for whānau and uri initiatives (again see the red figures). As we grow the iwi assets, our distributions to hapū and whānau and uri initiatives will grow as well.
We learned a lot from the earlier distributions
we made, and from this we have developed a
distribution programme that is fair, transparent and sustainable.
Thank you for supporting us.
THE PLAN TO ACHIEVE EQUALITY BY 31 MARCH 2023 Projected annual distributions (in red) Received before Mar 2019
2019-20 $236,000
2020-21 $291,000
2021-22 $345,000
2022-23 $397,000
Equality reached by Mar 2023
Ngāti Haua
Ngāti Tamaahuroa me Titahi
Ngāti Manuhiakai
Ngāti Tu
NOTE: These projections are dependent on Te Kīwai Maui continuing to achieve the returns they are targeting. It is also dependent on Te Korowai operating within budget.
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Fairness, transparency, and affordability
What is Takutai Moana? Any iwi, hapū, or whānau group could apply for customary rights under the
of our interests in the foreshore and
seabed under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011.
Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai
Uri voted and mandated Te Korowai and
the High Court and/or through direct
with Te Korowai in February 2016.
Moana) Act 2011. They can apply in
engagement with the Crown (who is the
Government). When applications closed on 3 April 2017, there was an influx of applications from across the motu.
Ngāruahine uri gave the mandate to Te
Korowai when we ratified our settlement At the time of ratifying our settlement, uri voted on the following:
I approve Te Korowai o Ngāruahine to
be the body to represent, manage and negotiate any remaining Treaty claims
for Ngāruahine, including the claims in
relation to our maunga Te Tupuna Koro o Taranaki and obtaining recognition 24 | TE KOROWAI ISSUE 10
the signed the Terms of Engagement Who are Te Korowai applications under Takutai Moana going to benefit?
In short, all uri of Ngāruahine benefits under our applications. We applied
through both the High Court and direct engagement with the Crown. This
ensures we represent all the interests of all Ngāruahine uri, and that we are
seeking all the types of customary rights which can be recognised. We did this so
of the applications made by individuals on behalf of hapū were only in the High Court or for lesser types of rights. Our Te Korowai applications cover everyone, and Te Korowai support hapū to become the eventual holders of any Takutai Moana rights awarded to us. Who else in Ngāruahine has made applications? All six hapū have filed their own separate applications, and we understand why but we’re worried. We’re worried for three main reasons: 1. We have the mandate to act on behalf of all Ngāruahine uri, and the Crown has accepted that mandate.
no uri would be left out, overlooked, or disadvantaged.
2. The hapū applications do not seek all the customary rights that are available.
This was particularly important as some
3. The hapū applications will be heard
through the High Court, and ours is the only Ngāruahine application that can be heard through direct engagement with the Crown.
are Te Atiawa, Taranaki iwi, Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Mutunga, and Ngā Rauru.
We’ve tried to bring all hapū together and agree on a collective way forward but we haven’t yet succeeded. Some hapū applicants wish that we would withdraw our applications entirely. We can’t and we won’t – uri have given us the mandate and we are obligated to all uri of Ngāruahine. The High Court is moving too slowly So far, the High Court has not heard any of the applications. Only interim process matters are being dealt with. The first of the High Court cases will not be heard until later this year. The court must also hear certain ‘priority’ applications first and only then will the High Court progress to hearing other applications. This probably won’t begin for some years. All indications are that engaging with the Crown directly to achieve a negotiated outcome will get us better and faster results. And so Te Korowai has filed a memorandum with the High Court to have our application adjourned until 2021. Others who have done the same
Direct Crown engagement is likely to make the fastest progress Until recently, the Crown has not been progressing the direct engagement pathways with iwi (including Te Korowai) very quickly. Te Arawhiti (the Office for Maori Crown Relations) estimates that it will take 20-30 years to assess all applications. There’s an indication that the most efficient and effective way to progress applications will be in clusters along parts of the Aotearoa coastline. Te Arawhiti has evaluated all applications based on a range of factors including whether applicant groups have a readiness and willingness to proceed. Another factor is whether the Crown has a commitment to engage with applicants who already have signed terms of engagement. We are at the top of the list for Crown engagement As a result of this evaluation, we – Te Korowai – are one of the few iwi who already has signed terms of engagement
with the Crown. This is significant! The Crown has signalled that Taranaki will be one of the first areas for Crown
engagement, and they estimated that
this engagement will take place between now and 2023. The rest of the coastline will be sequenced in three further
groupings out to 2045. Most of these, they tell us, will not start until at least 2027.
Can we come to an agreement and speak together in unity
to claim Ngāruahine rights to
Takutai Moana? We have access to the support and work of Prof Richard Boast QC ONZM, who was our historian through the
Treaty settlement. He is one of the foremost experts on the Takutai Moana, having written the legal
textbook on the subject. Richard was our legal counsel for the
Tribunal’s Foreshore and Seabed Inquiry and was appointed to
the Panel which reviewed the Foreshore and Seabed Act.
Prof Boast is regarded as New
Zealand’s leading legal historian
and an expert historian on colonial history and the Native Land court Gisbourne New Plymouth
Ngāti Pahauwera I Taylor (Ngāti Pahauwera Il) Poututu Stream to the Esk River Napier
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Robinson, Brooks and Noble (Ngāruahine)
access legal and strategic advice from Deborah Edmunds. She has worked with Ngāruahine for over
20 years through the two Wai 796 Petroleum Inquiries as well as the
Foreshore and Seabed Inquiries Clarkson (Eriha Whanau) Legend
process. We are also able to
First Area Coastal Region Second Area Coastal Region Third Area Coastal Region Fourth Area Coastal Region Heavy third-party use and occupation with highly developed coastlines Existing Ministerial Commitments Sec 125 High Court Priority Groups
and was Ngāruahine legal and strategic adviser through the Treaty Settlement.
For the benefit of all Ngāruahine uri, we will actively re-engage with the Crown and work with
hapū when invited to support all
of the Ngāruahine Takutai Moana applications.
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“ We are asking you to Believe in You, Believe in Me, Believe in Māori. We need to believe in our own capacity to drive our own solutions and lead our own development and political advancement.”
As iwi of Taranaki we united to protect our whakapapa during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I couldn’t be more proud of how we worked together – whether it was establishing checkpoints, or disturbing kai and sanitation packs, or setting up our 0800 iwi helpline, or lobbying the DHB and the Crown for increased testing and support. I am calling on us to hold on to that kotahitanga and stay united to face our other challenges together – the climate crisis and the protection of our taiao, inequity and poverty and the struggle for our rights as tangata whenua to be upheld. To take on those challenges we need to be heard in Wellington. We have been without a Māori Party voice in parliament for too long, and we have been without a Taranaki Māori leader in parliament even longer. This year we have an opportunity to change that and so as an uri, I am humbly asking for your support at the general election on the 19th of September. I grew up in the shadow of muru raupatu and the Pātea freezing works closure among whānau who refused to let that define them and created the hit ‘Poi E’. Our whānau committed to an aggressive strategy of getting us educated, which ended up with me as an adult student at University of Tasmania and Stanford University. Our kaumātua and tūpuna instilled in me the belief that we should keep striving and finding ways to
improve the wellbeing of not just our whānau, but all whānau. In my early career I set up small businesses as a single mum and went on to serve in a wide variety of roles, including as CEO of our iwi radio, Te Korimako o Taranaki, and as Deputy Mayor of South Taranaki District Council. As many of you will know, I currently serve Ngāti Ruanui as Kaiarataki and have worked over the last six years to protect our moana from seabed mining. I live in a three-generational home with my tāne, Neil Packer (Ngāruahine, Ngāti Kuia and Ngāti Apa), our son Pawhare, daughter Hannah, son-in-law Jordan and mokopuna Hekaiaha and River. We’re on tūpuna land that once was confiscated. We have chooks and sheep and an orchard. It’s a simple life – and it’s a full house with lots of love and lots of looking after each other. Our people put me forward to stand for Te Tai Hauāuru because we need someone who will fight for our whānau, our whenua and our wai – to carry forward the kaupapa of whaea Tariana and those who have gone before. We must bring about equity and justice, and the sharing of power, so that our rangatahi never have to feel prejudice against them or deal with systems that don’t allow them to succeed. It was such an honour to have the support of many of you at my campaign launch at Pariroa Pā, and to receive so many apologies from people who were keen to come but had other kaupapa
on. I was also privileged to recently attend a hui with Ngāruahine kaumātua, and I want to make sure I continue to connect with you all and support your kaupapa in whatever ways I can. Please feel welcome to get in touch with me anytime on Facebook or at tth.maoriparty@gmail.com. At these elections, the Māori Party is campaigning on a platform of policies that seeks to restore oranga tangata and oranga whenua. At Pariroa I launched our climate change policy that will support our region and Aotearoa to transition away from the oil and gas sector and synthetic fertilizers towards clean technology, renewable energy, and regenerative agriculture. We’ve also released our Whānau First and Freshwater policies, with more to come. We are asking you to Believe in You, Believe in Me, Believe in Māori. We need to believe in our own capacity to drive our own solutions and lead our own development and political advancement. Our vision is for an Aotearoa where we are free to exercise our mana motuhake, where our people can thrive as our true selves, where we have enough to put kai on the table, and where live in harmony with Papatūānuku, Tangaroa and our atua, and where our whānau are put first. Nāku nei Debbie Ngarewa-Packer Māori Party Co-leader, Candidate for Te Tai Hauāuru
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HE KŌRERO NĀ ALLIE HEMARA-WAHANUI, POUHAUTŪ Deferred Selection Properties – or DSPs – are properties the Government no longer wants. Iwi like Ngāruahine who have settled their Treaty claims is given the first option to buy these properties if we choose to. So how did we end up with 10 DSPs? We need to understand this before we can decide whether or not to buy them. Nga Hapū o Ngāruahine (we’ll just call them Nga Hapū) negotiated our settlement. As part of that settlement, they chose to include the option to buy DSPs. But they didn’t commit to buying them. I remember sitting there in those negotiations as the claims coordinator across the table from Daisy Noble, our chief negotiator. Those discussions were hard, whānau. Yes, the Government acknowledged they had breached the Treaty of Waitangi. But they also wanted compensation to be economical for them. At the simplest level, if we accepted the offer to buy these properties as DSPs, we could increase the overall value of our settlement. And so, Ngā Hapū trustees chose to increase the overall cash value of our settlement by accepting $4.5M with the option to buy the DSPs. The Ngā Hapū Board made the best decision for Ngāruahine uri as a way to increase the cash value of our settlement. It also meant we weren’t pressured, at the time, to make an ill-informed financial decision. The DSP offer was relatively last minute, and we weren’t given enough detail about the market value of the properties. By accepting the cash and the option to buy, Ngā Hapū trustees bought Te Korowai trustees the
time to make an informed, strategic, and financially responsible decision down the track. That’s now. It’s important to remember two things. 1. Ngā Hapū had the mandate to negotiate our settlement only. Their mandate ended when the negotiations ended. They could not commit our post-settlement entity (Te Korowai) to spend that money in any particular way. 2. If we were committed to buying the DSPs, it would be written into our Deed of Settlement, and it isn’t. Why buying the DSPs won’t benefit our mokopuna We, as uri of Ngāruahine, want our land back. We want that because we all live with the mamae of having had all of our whenua confiscated. We all hoped that the settlement would help heal that mamae by returning whenua to us. It didn’t. That means that now, the offer of buying unwanted Government properties is tempting. It appeals to us on an emotional and cultural level. We are tangata whenua without whenua. As Te Korowai trustees and kaimahi, we are given the daunting task of managing our iwi resources for the benefit of all, especially our future generations. We need to rise above the very emotional deep desire to accept whatever land is offered. Whānau, these properties are not a sound financial investment. We did an analysis and the small parcels of whenua dotted around Ngāruahine meant it would be very difficult for us to receive a return that will grow the iwi assets; except one, Te Rua o te Moko
which is part of a Māori dairy farming partnership. At the request of the
hapu, who wanted to own this property themselves, we stepped back.
There is a reason the Government is
happy to have us buy them – it makes financial sense for them.
If we were to buy the DSPs, we would create two significant problems.
1. Each hapū would end up with unfair
and unequal distribution, because of
the hugely different value and size of
each property (from 49 hectare vs 2) 2. In correcting that, we would need to spend nearly $18M (not the $4.5M given in our settlement). This will
reduce our ability to invest wisely to
grow the iwi assets and will reduce the annual dividend we operate to.
It is not financially responsible for us to make a decision now that will reduce
our annual dividend for the foreseeable future. A smaller dividend means
a reduced distribution to hapū and
reduced initiatives for our people. It
will also lose our tamariki opportunities tomorrow.
Ngāruahine settled the treaty claim only six years ago, a small window in time
compared to the decades of mamae we have suffered. Our vision - Ka ora taku toa – is a tribute to our tupuna and the
sacrifice they made so we would survive. For them, we must thrive and flourish. It will take time to rebuild Ngāruahine up from the past, it won’t be an easy
journey but it is a challenge we have to accept together.
Kia tu Ngāruahine ai tatou. Ka ora taku toa.
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A new structure for Te Korowai Trust will enable a deeper, more meaningful reach from the office out to uri throughout Aotearoa and the world, says Pouhautū Allie HemaraWahanui. “With increasing activity led by the office and better engagement and communication with uri, building a strong team to meet those increasing demands is critical,” says Allie. COVID-19 forced the office to close and staff to work from home. The recruitment continued and four staff were appointed a fifth contracted with two more vacancies to fill. A new key position is the Pouhāpai (lead support) role, which focuses on all compliance requirements for the Trust, and managing all finance and office operations. This role has been filled by accountant and administration professional Paul Scott. Other new positions include the Pouuruhi (lead external relations) 30 | TE KOROWAI ISSUE 10
role, specifically focussed on working with external agencies, councils and government departments to activate the agreements set out in our Treaty settlement deed. This role has been taken up by Bonita Bigham, who moved into the parttime role from her former position as Poutakawaenga (lead internal relations). Working with her is Tami Cave as Kairangahau (researcher), whose job is to find and correlate relevant information which supports Ngāruahine’s position in the discussions. Kawarau Ngaia is currently filling the Poutakawaenga position under contract and is leading the internal work directly with uri, supported by environmental expert and fresh water scientist Bart Jansma as Taiao (environmental) advisor. The iwi register is being looked after by Kaitiaki Rārangi (registrar) Bonnie Johnson, who is working on making the new online system easier for uri and the
office to use. Bonnie helps uri check their registration details and keep them updated. To be added to the team in the near future are a Kaipāho (communications expert) and Kaiahurea (iwi development advisor) to round out the team.
Top, Left to right: Te Korowai staff Paul Scott, Bonita Bigham, Allie Hemara-Wahanui, Tami Cave, Bonnie Johnson, Bart Jansma and Kawarau Ngaia.
NGĀRUAHINE HAPŪ AND MARAE CONTACTS 1 Kānihi Umutahi me ētehi atu Hapū Secretary Allen Webb kanihisecretary@kanihiumutahi.co.nz Pātaka Kaitiaki Ivy Kearney kanihi.hapu@gmail.com 2
Kānihi-Māwhitiwhiti Pā Address Pā Secretary Pā Bookings
Ōkahu Inuawai me ētehi atu Hapū Secretary John Hooker june.hooker@inspire.net.nz Pātaka Kaitiaki Contact the Secretary
Aotearoa Pā Address 63 Hastings Road, Okaiawa, 4671 Pā Bookings Ngaraina Brooks ngarainab55@gmail.com
Ngāti Manuhiakai Hapū Secretary Kiri Erb ngatimanuhiakai@gmail.com Pātaka Kaitiaki Contact Secretary
Te Aroha Pā Address 404 Upper Inaha Road, Okaiawa Pā Secretary Daryl Katene daryl.katene@hotmail.co.nz Pā Bookings Contact the Secretary
Ngāti Tū Hapū Secretary tari@ngatitu.nz Pātaka Kaitiaki Charlene Budd buddzwhanau@xtra.co.nz
Waiokura Pā Address 27 Winks Road, Manaia 4678 Pā Secretary Te Aroha Hohaia waiokura.marae@gmail.com Pā Bookings Dinah King kupekingclan@xtra.co.nz
Ngāti Hāua Piko Hapū Secretary Te Aorangi Dillon secretary@ngatihaua.nz Pātaka Kaitiaki Cilla Rei cillarei@gmail.com
Tāwhitinui Pā Address 2453 South Road, Ōtakeho Pā Secretary Donna Ngatai dmk.ngatai@gmail.com Pā Bookings Contact the Secretary
7 Omahuru Road, Okaiawa Allen Webb kanihisecretary@kanihiumutahi.co.nz Contact the Secretary
11 Ōkare ki Uta Pā Pā Secretary Linda Elgar ngatihauasub16@gmail.com Pā Bookings Contact the Secretary 12 Ngāti Tamaahuroa Tītahi Hapū Secretary Caroline Scott jcanscott8@gmail.com Pātaka Kaitiaki Contact the Secretary 13
Oeo Pā Address 2862 South Road, Ōtakeho Pā Secretary Caroline Scott jcanscott8@gmail.com Pā Bookings Contact the Secretary
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TE KOROWAI 0 NGĀRUAHINE 147 High Street, Hāwera 4610
PO Box 474, Hāwera, Taranaki 4640 Phone: 06 278 7411 ngaruahine.iwi.nz