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Te Whare Kōrero o Ngāruahine
Te Whare Kōrero o Ngāruahine has transitioned well into Te Korowai Group. Our vision to deliver classes in our rohe, across the motu as well as Te Moana nui a Kiwa, is well underway.
Our focus has been on whanaungatanga, building relationships within our Hapū landscape, within the wider community as well as across various sectors. This enables Te Whare Kōrero o Ngāruahine to deliver our mahi to a high standard.
We have had great engagement from uri and other community members regarding our Reo Māori classes and are supported by Te Wānanga o Awanuiārangi to deliver these accredited courses. We will be heading into the 2022 year with over 70 students across three courses delivered, online and in person.
Kei te anga whakamua mō ngā uri whakaheke o Ngāruahine.
Ngāruahine Iwi Register
2021-2022 has seen an active increase in Ngāruahine Iwi Uri registrations. This is due to the implementation of an
easily accessible registration system, now available on the Ngāruahine Iwi website www.ngaruahine.iwi.nz
The introduction of this system called ‘MāoriMe’ is used by many Iwi and allows Uri to monitor their registration details and update them accordingly. This system also assists the Registrar in updating the Iwi Register, as it reduces the handling of information, thereby reducing the error rate. Furthermore, the registration details can be easily filed against the individual’s registration.
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust acknowledges the importance of maintaining and securing all information provided by Uri around their registration. In line with the Privacy Act 2020 requirements, Te Korowai introduced their Privacy Policy 2021 to ensure the security of individuals registrations.
Te Korowai is always looking for new ways/ideas to increase Uri registrations and welcomes any suggestions. Te Korowai was fortunate in securing tickets to the LAB 2022 concert (held at the Bowl of Brooklands, New Plymouth). A campaign was run over a month through different social media platforms to attract young people to register. The Registrar recorded a spike in registrations during that time.
Te Ūkaipō
Te Ūkaipō was established to engage with and help Rangatahi o Ngāruahinerangi reach their full potential. Our vision “Mā Ngāruahinerangi, a, Ngāruahinerangi e ora ai e!’ is supported by the following values:
• Whanaungatanga: Above all else, our relationships and connection to people and places as uri of Ngāruahinerangi is paramount
• Whakamana: Kōrero and comments are to be mana enhancing
• Whakaute: We respect each other and acknowledge those who hold their mātauranga
• Whakaruruhau: Our kaupapa remains a safe space for our rangatahi to be nurtured
• Ākina te reo: We are considerate of those uri who are on their reo journey and will positively promote the use of reo.
In all our interactions with our rangatahi we are guided by ngā pou - key principles:
• Pou tikanga: Kia arahina ai ngā tikanga a ō tātou mātua tūpuna i ā tātou mahi
• Pou tawhito: Titiro whakamuri, kia anga whakamua
• Pou tawhiti: Kia tuia ai ngā taputapu hangarau me ngā taonga o te ao kikokiko hei hāpai ake i ngā mahi.
Kaitohutohu Rangatahi, Rangihuna Waller, is responsible for implementing a five-year strategy designed by rangatahi o Ngāruahinerangi, for rangatahi o Ngāruahinerangi. The mahi also involves ensuring that Te Ūkaipō Strategy is implemented in a way that is consistent with the vision of Ngāruahinerangi rangatahi. The plan moving forward for Te Ūkaipō - Kia whakarangatira ai ngā rangatahi – will be based on:
• Whanaungatanga: Building and strengthening relationships with rangatahi
• Te Mana Motuhake o Ngāruahinerangi: The selfdetermination of Ngāruahinerangi
• Ngā whanaketanga me ngā wheako: Building rangatahi capabilities
• Taiao ora, tangata ora: Land vitality, vibrant people
• He tumu herenga tāngata: Building strategic relationships.
During the month of May 2022 rangatahi gathered in great numbers at Aotearoa Pā for the first Te Ūkaipō wānanga of the year. Over 60 rangatahi attended this wānanga expressing their desire and need for kaupapa Māori in Ngāruahine for rangatahi.
The wānanga was amazing, rangatahi were spectacular our tuākana who held down our Ngāruahinetanga were superheroes. The Kaitohutohu Rangatahi remains proud to see so many rangatahi leave the wānanga with a sense of belonging while being proud to be from Ngāruahine and super eager to come back to our pā for more kaupapa rangatahi. They are the future of our iwi, Hapū, marae, they are fulfilling the wildest dreams of our tūpuna.
To date our Kaitohutohu Rangatahi has participated in four haerenga on our tupuna Maunga Taranaki. Each haerenga brings with it new kōrero, mātauranga, ara hou, and wairua enhancements.
‘Ngā Hiwi Maunga’ are our Ngāruahine rangers who work in te taiao o Tāne Mahuta. They have a great desire to assist rangatahi to develop a connection with our tupuna maunga, ā tinana ā wairua hoki – trapping, whakapapa o ngā rākau, endangered species, ecosystems, manu on our maunga, GPS mapping, pest control, kiwi release - all these experiences can assist our rangatahi and inspire some to follow taiao career pathways.
Te Ūkaipō have more wānanga set for the future as well as the continuation of implementing the strategy. Kia mau tonu mai!
Deferred Selection Properties
Toitū Te Whenua
Muru me te raupatu had a devastating impact on Ngāruahine. This is still felt today.
Te Korowai has made the decision to develop a Ngāruahine whenua reacquisition strategy to support the whenua aspirations of Hapū.
Te Korowai understood Hapū expectations around the reacquisition of whenua, particularly, the Deferred Selection Properties (DSP) under the Ngāruahine Treaty Settlement. Due to this, Te Korowai Board decided to review the DSP position due to new strategic priorities and new market conditions. Any decision regarding the purchase of the DSP had to ensure:
• Alignment to Te Korowai strategy
• Hapū equitability
• Commercial/Economic Viability
Te Korowai identified that a Hapū partnership model with a distribution structure was the solution to enable Hapū reacquisition of whenua, while ensuring the above criteria were met.
Please note: Partnership model can only be viewed in the flipbook version of the Annual Report.
As part of this partnership model, Hapū will increase equity in the properties over time and at the original cost price. There are three key enablers to support the reacquisition of whenua by Hapū and the transition out of Te Korowai from the partnership. Below are the enablers that will support Hapū to do so.
Hapū will increase equity in the properties over time and at the original cost price. Below are the distributions from Te Korowai that will support Hapū to do so.
This Hapū partnership model is a ‘first of its kind’ approach by a post settlement governance entity and it will ensure a strong foundation for further Hapū whenua reacquisition and development. Te Korowai is working actively to secure further support mechanisms for this kaupapa. This includes funding to support the development of Hapū strategies and feasibility assessments.
Please note: Hapū partnership model can only be viewed in the flipbook version of the Annual Report.