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Te Ara Toiroa

The Te Ara Toiroa: Ngāruahine Procurement Strategy was completed in October 2021. Te Ara Toiroa refers to pathways to whānau prosperity and is derived from ‘Te Hā Oranganui’, a karakia composed by Huirangi Waikerepuru. The purpose of the strategy is to formalise the aspirations of our Ngāruahine uri, whānau and Hapū to govern, manage and deliver economic opportunities for the benefit of our iwi. This gives Ngāruahine the ability to build a Ngāruahine economy with Ngāruahine at the helm.

Strategy objectives:

• Mātauranga – Education and knowledge: targeting initiatives to ensure that uri are highly skilled in their field.

• Te Ara – Career pipeline: Our uri are leaders in a range of fields, targeting initiatives to ensure strong succession.

• Pupuke te Hihiri – Job creation and economic opportunities: Ngāruahine procurement programme, identifying job creation opportunities in our rohe.

Please visit our website for a copy of the full strategy https://ngaruahine.iwi.nz/trust-document/te-ara-toiroastrategy/

Te Matauraura

The purpose of Te Matauraura is to support Ngāruahine uri to reach Te Toi o Ngā Rangi via strategically formed foundational steps. These steps will support to grow, nurture and prosper whānau aspirations, wellbeing and achievement.

This rautaki (strategy) is designed to support all uri to identify and achieve their own knowledge and educational aspirations as well as building lives that are grounded in Ngāruahinetanga identity, reo and tikanga.

Te Matauraura o ngā rangi is identified in the karakia, 'Hei Māreikura', as the sixth realm from which Ngāruahine iwi descends. Te Toi o Ngā Rangi is the destination, the pinnacle of achievement, wellbeing and aspiration.

Te Matauraura falls out of the overarching “Ka Ora Taku Toa” five-year strategy, and sits directly within the Pou - Te Kawa Whanakeora, which is the workforce and enterprise pou. While Te Rautaki Matauraura does not sit strictly in that definition - it is identified as a priority enabler to ensure an authentic Ngāruahine economy. In addition to Ka Ora Taku Toa, the rautaki was developed through a series of hui, wānanga and surveys. The key mātāpono (principles) that informed the development process included:

• Kotahitanga – Working together to make collective decisions, seeking support and guidance to inform decision making.

• Manaakitanga – Collectively caring for yourself and others, reaching out to those in need and being ready to receive as well.

• Rangatiratanga – Confident and independent uri, strong leaders.

Each of these mātāpono also align with our whenu (strands) we have designed to navigate the strategy:

• Te Matauraura ki te Āhuru Mōwai

• Te Matauraura ki te Ako Taiao

• Te Matauraura ki te Ao Tūroa

Ngāruahine aims to focus and encourage uri to actively learn about themselves, their world views and pathway opportunities.

Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Iwi Scholarships and Grants

Te Korowai o Ngāruahine offered several scholarships and grants through the year which assisted registered uri with their education and training aspirations. Much work has been undertaken to establish relationships with other organisations, thus increasing the pool of funding available to our uri.

Ngāruahine uri now have an opportunity to apply for a Parininihi ki Waitōtara (PKW) and Ngāruahine Joint scholarship. This is a one-year scholarship and is awarded to one Ngāruahine uri in their second year of study or higher.

Te Korowai o Ngāruahine has also been able to increase the distributions to uri through the tripartite relationship with Massey University (Palmerston North), Victoria University (Wellington) and the Māori Education Trust.

He iti taku iti Ngāruahine Iwi Education Scholarships

This scholarship supports Ngāruahine uri enrolled with an accredited registered tertiary institution in Aotearoa or overseas, part time or full time.

Te Hua Ōwhiti Kura Hākinakina me Te Ahurea Grant

Sporting and cultural grant for uri under the age of 18 years old.

Tuku Aupiki

Grants available for non-fundable short courses and conferences.

Punahau me Hinehou Grant

This grant is sponsored by Aronga Ltd and supports mothers’ training in the Arts, Teaching or Te Reo.

He Hua Ōwhiti Taiao Scholarship

The increase in the Scholarships for the 2021-2022 financial year is also due to the addition of the He Hua Ōwhiti Taiao Scholarship. This scholarship supports uri studying either Environmental Science, Environmental Planning or Resource Māori Management.

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