1 minute read

Poua te Pātūtū (Kāinga)

Quality homes programme

We have maintained a partnership with Ngāti Maru to support delivery of a home repairs programme to our uri. Ngāti Maru engaged Ringa Management to deliver the home repair contract in Taranaki. Nineteen Ngāruahine home repair applications have been brokered or facilitated by Te Korowai and submitted since May 2021. Eight uri home repair projects have been completed. A further 16 homes have been assessed and are on the list awaiting completion. We are developing a business case to secure funding from Te Puni Kōkiri to deliver our own home repairs programme.

Housing developments

We are currently in the scoping process of a joint housing development in Whakaahurangi of approximately 75 units. This process has been socialised with uri and the Stratford District Council consenting process is nearing completion. Further funding has been secured to support all Hapū with their Hapū housing and agricultural feasibility studies.

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