Paenga-whāwhā 2012 ISSUE 2
Family Farming Strengthening Connections
Half Yearly AGM
Growing Value Added Relationships
Whenua page 2
Whenua page 3
Poua ki runga, poua ki raro, poua iho rā ki te mounga e taumarumaru nei i a tātou te tangata me te whenua e hora ake nei. Nei rā ka tuku mihi kia rātou kua wheturangitia. Kua tangihia, kua mihia nō reira e te hunga wairua haere atu rā. Ka mihi anō rā kia tātou te hunga ora. Tēnā koutou e te whānau whānui ō Parininihi ki Waitotara, e te whānau whānui o Taranaki, puta noa ki te Ao. Big, bold and beautiful have been some of the descriptions I have heard in relation to our new Whenua magazine design and content. I have to admit seeing PKW in this manner is becoming an acquired taste and something that I have had to trust our editorial team at iStudios’ judgement on. Not being used to seeing ourselves in colour has possibly more to do with our colonial conditioning as a people, to keep our success, our business under wraps, to fly below the radar so as not to garner undue attention, and as the whakatauki says, the kumara doesn’t tell how sweet it is. Nevertheless as we become more engaged in 21st Century economics and commerce and establish ourselves as a credible global agri-business that is grounded in intergenerational aspirations, we can no longer stay in the shadows of this country’s economy. We do owe it to future generations to start showing leadership and share our stories with ourselves first and foremost. The butterfly has emerged from the initial cocoon that was so carefully woven together by previous PKW directors and trustees.
PKW has been carefully nurturing. We are ever hopeful that these engagements are grounded in mutual respect and understanding of each others organisational values and goals. We have put our stake in the ground and the response has been positive. In the meantime, we continue to celebrate the incredible people that are part of our PKW family around the board table and out on the farm and it is quite humbling to be part of their own personal story. With this edition being the first of two editions throughout the year going to print, we encourage our readers, shareholders, whanau and associates to send in feedback. Putting a Panui to the Editor section is on the plans, we just need your commentary. And to encourage feedback we have extended our offer for the best panui (by email or letter) to receive a prize, namely a copy of Beneath the Māori Moon – an illustrated history of Māori Rugby written by Malcolm Mulhullond.
Dion Tuuta No reira
Chief Executive
We are looking for your thoughts and ideas and the best received will win a copy of Beneath the Māori Moon. Send your email to or letter to PO Box 241, New Plymouth.
This issue is also a demonstration of the strategic relationships that Whenua - Magazine Editor: Dion Tuuta Deputy Editor: Amokura Panoho Art Director: Quentin Bedwell Photography: Quentin Bedwell, Scottie McKinnon, Rebecca Swan Graphic Design: iStudios Multi Media
PKW Postal: PO Box 241, New Plymouth 4340 Physical: Taranaki House, 109 Devon Street West New Plymouth 4310 Telephone: +64 (6) 769 9373 Fax: +64 (6) 757 4206 Email:
iStudios Multi Media 77B Devon Street East, New Plymouth 4310 Telephone +64 (6) 758 1863 Email:
Taari Nicholas talks about his role on the PKW Committee of Management
Whākāmana Pākihi Āwhina Mātauranga
Farms Performance - Dion Tuuta, PKW CEO reports
The McLean’s - New members to the PKW whanau
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Half Yearly Annual General Meeting Notice PKW Shareholder Farm Tour Taari Nicholas talks about his role on the PKW Committee of Management
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New Policy on Dividend Payments Revision of Business Planning Daniel Harrison - Strengthening Connections PKW Half Yearly Results remain positive Farms Performance Family Farming - The McLean’s are new members to the PKW family A Relationship Worth the Energy - Neighbours PKW and Todd Energy find common ground
A Garden for All Seasons - How PKW became involved with Pukeiti Rhododendren Gardens Growing Value Added Relationships - the new scholarship programme between PKW and Ravensdown
Daniel Harrison - The latest Associate Director appointment
Reaching Our Regions Potential - Stuart Trundle from Venture Taranaki shares some insights
Pukeiti - A Garden for All Seasons
New Scholarship programme with Ravensdown
Whenua page 5 Photograph taken at PKW AGM at Aotearoa Marae October 2011
Half Yearly Meeting Saturday 28th April 10am Taiporohenui Marae The 2012 PKW Half Yearly Meeting of Shareholders will begin at 10am on Saturday 28 April. The venue for this year’s Half Yearly meeting is Taiporohenui Marae – Ohangai Road, Hawera.
The Powhiri for the meeting will begin at 9am. Registration and a cup of tea will follow the powhiri. Shareholders are encouraged to attend to hear an update on PKW’s business and vote on Special Resolutions to amend the PKW election process. In the event of a tangi the Half Yearly Meeting will take place at the Hub – Hawera.
PKTWOSUhaRreholder Farms A bus tour of PKW Farms is being organised to follow the 2012 Half Yearly Meeting. “The last farms tour was in 2007,” CEO Dion Tuuta said, “It was very popular with those shareholders who atttended and the Committee is keen to offer the opportunity again.” Those shareholders wishing to visit the Farms should book their seat by ringing Caroline Waiwiri at the PKW office toll free on 0800759-462. Please note - no booking means no seat.
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Taaringaroa(Taari) Nicho
Ngāti Ruanui, Nga Ruahine, Te Atiawa, Nga Puhi, Ngāti Ranginui Chartered Accountant Taari Nicholas holds the distinction of being the first Māori member of the NZ Stock Exchange. With a number of other directorship responsibilities as part of his portfolio he is an incredibly busy man. However Whenua found time recently to ask him about his role as a Director on PKW Committee of Management. As a shareholder of PKW you understandably had some prior knowledge of PKW – what perceptions or expectations did you have of the organisation prior to going onto the CoM? Well my initial perceptions as a PKW shareholder was that PKW is a vehicle to hold and protect the lands in its stewardship for future generations. It is a risk-averse Taranaki dairy land owner with tenant farmers. I was heartened to note the calibre of the younger PKW Board members and the measures that they had taken to remedy and to mitigate the impact of the off farm investments. I had also worked with the current PKW Chair, Hinerangi Raumati, during the early days with the Tainui-Waikato Raupatu Lands Trust. So I expected much of the “hard graft” of the turnaround to have been done by the time I joined the board and that was indeed the case. I had also noted that the management of the Incorporation’s assets had been taken in-house - I expected this to be beneficial to the incorporation and shareholders by bringing the land and its management closer to the shareholders. Thus providing PKW with greater control of our own future and destiny. When I came onto the Committee of Management things were as I had expected them to be. The new Committee of Management and the management team had already mitigated many significant risks and issues facing the incorporation. This has enabled PKW to take care of remaining issues and to position itself well for the future. What motivated you to put your hand up for election? I remember the position that PKW was in post the Global Financial Crisis and the Gabba and I wanted to be part of restructuring PKW and helping to sort the issues. Because of my background I have been involved with the restructuring of businesses that have suffered similar losses to the Gabba and with my experience in finance and business I believed that I could assist PKW restructure its business and provide future governance advice to benefit PKW in future. I also am an experienced Fund Manager so I believed that I would be able to provide guidance around the issues relating to Finistere.
Who helped influence you in making that decision (if anyone)? Well I was always influenced by my koroua Albert Nicholas from Wharepuni Marae, Hawera and kuia Hereni Karena from Ketemarae, Normanby and so believed that I had an obligation to them to become involved and to help where I could. You’ve been on the CoM since the 2008 AGM and then re-elected at the 2011 AGM. What’s been your experience to date and the key issues that you have wanted to put your expertise to? The key issues that I have been particularly involved with have been the refinancing of PKW debt as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee following the GABBA losses and the switch to managed farms as a director of PKW Farms Ltd. The best experience has been the meeting and getting to know so many PKW whanau and shareholders. What have been other highlights – other important achievements to date? The most important PKW highlights and achievements since I joined have been: • The mitigation and the minimisation of the risks post the Gabba investment • Taking back the management and the administration of PKW in-house and the resulting capacity increase of the CoM and management • The introduction of managed farms and the switch from a total sharemilker model to sharemilker/managed farm model. This has also increased the dairy farming capacity of PKW staff and the CoM • The successful negotiation of the last land rent review • The refinancing of PKW debt with Rabobank • The continued purchase of farms and farmland leases • The return of shareholder hui to marae • The support shown by PKW shareholders to PKW, the CoM and to the management team How long do you want to continue to be involved? I would like to involved with the PKW Committee of Management as long as I can make a positive contribution. I have thoroughly enjoyed my previous term as a member of the CoM, working with the other members and meeting so many PKW shareholders. I look forward to the continued development and success of PKW.
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on Dividend Payments
At their February meeting, the Audit & Risk Committee approved a policy to pay shareholder dividends by direct credit only to improve efficiency and reduce cost. Payment of an annual shareholder dividend by PKW has always been subject to business performance and profitability. This payment is highly valued by shareholders mainly because it is a tangible link to their ancestral interests in the Incorporation. In 2011 PKW paid 3,950 individual dividends. Of these, over 1,700 were by cheque both domestically and internationally. The administrative paper work and associated cost involved in preparing cheques is significant for the Incorporation. To counter this management undertook a drive to encourage payment through direct credit. “Paying dividends by direct credit benefits shareholders immediately as it gives instant access to their money and, in the case of kaumatua, reduces the need for them to travel to their bank to deposit the cheque into their account,” explains PKW Chief Executive, Dion Tuuta. “It also reduces the chance of dividend cheques being lost or not received due to shareholders relocating and not updating their details. Results from the informal drive have been promising with close to 500 shareholders providing their bank account details when we took advantage of the October 2011 AGM mail-out to encourage shareholders to return a completed bank authority form.” “During the share dividend payment in December, a flyer plus
a bank authority form was sent out with every cheque payment, encouraging shareholders to send back their bank account details.” “Lost”, “found” or “new” shareholders remains an ongoing challenge for PKW Management when maintaining the shareholder database and having a consistent approach to payment of dividends was an issue needing to be sorted. “We had inherited an unwritten policy system around this process and we needed more certainty to reduce our costs so we were pleased that at the February Audit & Risk Committee meeting the policy was endorsed that payment of dividends will now be by direct credit only”, says Dion. “This practice brings us in line with other Māori Incorporations such as Atihau-Whanganui, Morikaunui and Wakatu who only pay dividends by direct credit.” Removing the unnecessary administrative work and cost around processing cheques or payments for shareholders living overseas was also a motivator to implement a standard policy approach.
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Reviewing the
“Our business environment was very different when we began implementing our plan back in 2010,” recalls Hinerangi Raumati PKW Chairperson, “so it is important that we regularly review our strategy to ensure our thinking remains relevant and we stay on track.”
In 2008 the existing PKW strategic plan, He Whenua, He Tangata, He Oranga, Land, People, Prosperity was initiated and put into effect by 2010. Recognising that the Incorporation had undergone significant changes in the last couple of years, the PKW Committee of Management began reviewing the Incorporation’s ten year strategic plan at a day long planning session in late February earlier this year.
“It is also important that PKW understands these issues because they affect the way we plan for the future. As our operating environment changes and our experience increases – so too does our attitude to the types of activities that PKW looks at in terms of investment opportunity.” In 2010 shareholders gave the Committee of Management a number of very clear messages regarding their expectations that three core guiding principles remain at the forefront of the Committee’s strategic approach. 1. Good business performance is important to ensure the payment of a regular annual shareholder dividend; 2. PKW’s business performance should not place its core ancestral land base at risk and land is to be retained for future generations; 3. Supporting the educational achievements of PKW’s future generations is important. With that in mind along with the need to ensure commercial stability, the Committee received presentations from two organisations; Bancorp Treasury Services Limited and Rabobank New Zealand’s Global Dairy Research Unit at their planning day. Eastablished in 1987 Bancorp Treasury Services Limited are independent of any financial or government institution and provide global financial analysis and advice, while Rabobank’s
New Zealand Global Dairy Research Unit regularly monitors international dairy market trends. “Whenever we seek external advice we recognise that the Incorporation’s vision remains grounded in recapturing control of the perpetual leases over time and to provide opportunities through actively working the land,” advises Ms Raumati. “Shareholders can expect a full update on our progress with our strategic planning at the April Half Yearly meeting.”
Kia Ora, Putting stories and images together is our business and iStudios is proud to support the PKW whanau.
Web Design Video Photography Social Media Graphic Design
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ng Connections Peter Harrison son of Jack Wharematangi Harrison and Ata Kahui (Taranaki, Te Pakakohe) regularly journeyed back to Taranaki from his Northcote home to reconnect to his Maori background, taking his young son Daniel as a willing passenger. Now 30, Daniel regularly returns to Taranaki from Auckland in his own right and is the latest appointment to the Associate Director role on PKW. The early days of mandate hui in Taranaki, that initiated Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations with the Crown was an interesting time for Daniel. Though not even a teenager at that time he was surrounded by elders such as Sam and June Jackson, Margaret and Peter Timoko as well as Jim and Charlie Kahui and couldn’t help but be influenced by their knowledge. The seeds were sown and Daniel understanding his father Peter’s own journey to reclaim his identity was determined he would become more involved and connected. Tagging along on his father’s many journey’s home meant Daniel also got to attend a number of PKW annual general meetings. “My initial interest in going home was to learn more about the HarrisonKahui connection to Parihaka. I only knew about PKW through the correspondence Dad would get, but going to the hui back then I didn’t really understand the significance of the Incorporation as it seemed really old school”, recalls Daniel. Going on to Massey University at the Albany Campus, Daniel graduated with a Bachelor in Business Studies and happily acknowledges the small grant he received from PKW Trust. “I got to Massey and found there was no real social life which I thought came with the territory of university life”, laughs Daniel. “So before I knew it I ended up organising the orientations and kind of picked up the skills to become a video jockey, providing the background video content to go with the music at these events.” After graduating the traditional overseas experience saw him travelling to countries like Brazil, Argentina, China, Singapore, and Vietnam, where he got the opportunity to work as a video jockey at different festivals. By the early 2000’s Daniel was living in Australia and regularly commuting back to New Zealand in between his work on the festivals circuit. When back in New Zealand he was on yet another trip to Taranaki with his father when he heard a rumour about a festival being organised at Parihaka. Introducing himself to Te Miringa Hohaia, who he had seen around at various hui, Daniel offered his services and before long found himself as the voluntary Production Manager and then a member of the Parihaka Management Trust, who were running the Parihaka Peace Festival. “For me it was like everything was coming into alignment. It was an amazing personal development opportunity to reconnect to Taranaki and Parihaka in my own right. Te Miringa’s passion to create an event of that kind swept me up just as it swept up the many people who came to Parihaka for the Peace Festival.”
“I’m hoping I can bring a youth perspective combined with international experience and it all adds to the mix of the business acumen and diversity sitting around the table”.
Returning to live in Auckland, Daniel was able to work voluntarily for the Peace Festival from 2008-2010 by including his participation as part of his professional development in his job as a member of the events team for Auckland City Council. With other colleagues from the team also joining to give their support, Daniel is mindful of how influential the Peace Festival has been on his life. “The opportunity to make links to whakapapa for a few days, embrace the importance of connections, history and teachings of the prophets. That whole experience provided me with immeasurable benefits both personally and professionally.” Though it is on Daniel’s radar in the future, to potentially move to Taranaki to live and commute to international festivals for work he never initially thought an opportunity to be actively involved with the PKW Incorporation would arise. “I’d been back to the AGM in 2002 I think, to thank the Trust and shareholders for the grant I had received and I could see that changes were afoot and the shareholders were being given the opportunity to put up ideas. I kept going back every year since then and it was in 2009 that I put up my hand for the first time.” In 2009 he had been asked to attend the AGM by Te Miringa to thank the PKW Trust for the grant to the Parihaka Peace Festival. At the AGM there were calls for nominations from the floor and Daniel’s cousin John Harrison suggested he run. Although he wasn’t successful Daniel was still pleased to have put his hand up as he believes it is important that shareholders and descendants of shareholders participate in the election process. Although disappointed at the time upon reflection Daniel feels that his appointment to the Associate Directorship is a fantastic development opportunity and the right place to start. “I am really excited to have the opportunity to learn from the CoM, it is an extremely talented group of people. Looking at the makeup of the CoM and comparing it to 10 years ago I think it is a reflection of the change that has occurred in the incorporation and on the kind of capability we need to focus on for our land and people’s relationships to our land. Then having those two things working together to create prosperity”. “I’m hoping I can bring a youth perspective combined with international experience and it all adds to the mix of the business acumen and diversity sitting around the table”. Recognising some of the significant challenges facing PKW in their aspiration to regain ancestral lands, Daniel believes the answers will lie in getting more descendants involved in the business of PKW and that the flow on effects will benefit and support Iwi. Having been a recipient of a Future Leaders Scholarship in 2009 and a member of the Asia NZ Foundation Young Leaders Network, Daniel is now an Event Development Manager for the newly formed Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development Unit (ATEED). “I kind of represent the newly emerging shareholder who has a good understanding of some of the business tensions Māori and tribal organisations have to manage. We have watched our parents struggle with regaining their identity denied them and learnt that ultimately our relationship to our Whenua is what helps define us.”
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Half Yearly Results Remain POSITIVE
Parininihi ki Waitotara Incorporation’s half year financial results for the 6 months ended December 2011 remain positive on the back of strong but volatile demand for dairy commodities and continuing Chinese demand for quality New Zealand lobster. Revenue for the 6 month period was $13.9m and is $0.5m ahead of budget due to better than budgeted milk production (despite the fact of Fonterra reducing its milk payout) and continued strong lobster export prices compared to last year. Revenue was $13.7m for the same period last year. Group operating profit before tax to 31 December is $6.87m which is $0.4m ahead of budget. Profit at same point last year ($8.4m) was boosted primarily as a result of receiving exceptional proceeds of $1.4m of from the Finistere Venture Capital fund. The Incorporation’s balance sheet position remains strong with total assets
of $209m - an increase on last year of $6m. PKW’s current debt ratio is 17% as against 19% on the previous year which is in line with our plan. As signalled at the 2011 Annual General Meeting we expect our year end result to reflect stable lease rentals, improved milk solid production, and continued strong results from lobster. While this is positive Fonterra has recently announced a 15c drop in its forecast milk payout due to a high New Zealand dollar and continuing global economic volatility. This will contribute to a downward effect on our year end result as compared to last year. Additionally the Committee does not expect the Finistere investment to achieve a further exit this financial year. Despite this the Committee is again confident of achieving a positive result for 2012.
Farms Performance PKW’s farming business continues to perform strongly on the back of positive growing conditions which once again has potential to help deliver PKW’s highest ever milk production. PKW Farms Ltd milk production is already 127,000 kgs of milk solids ahead of budget for the year to date to the end of February.
Farm 19 at Waverley, which Ben & Lyn Rupapera sharemilk was the worst affected farm, with a lot of tree damage and on-going issues with the cowshed and milking plant that has resulted in large volumes of milk being unable to be sent to Fonterra.
Fortunately PKW’ disaster recovery plans and relationships with key service providers ensured that PKW’s farming operations were not unduly Unfortunately Fonterra recently cut its forecast milk payout for 2011/12 by hampered. Power was quickly restored to all PKW farms 15 cents to NZ$6.75-$6.85 per kg of milk solids due to a high New Zealand dollar, PKW’s farming business continues to perform through use of PKW’s mobile power generators strongly on the back of positive growing which were shared between the affected farms increased global milk production and until the power companies repaired damaged continuing global economic uncertainty. conditions which once again has potential lines and normal service resumed. to help deliver PKW’s highest ever milk On a more positive note, this season’s production, reports Dion Tuuta, PKW CEO. The calibre of PKW’s farming staff and partners bumper grass growing conditions mean shone through in their instant and dedicated the Incorporation’s farms have significant supplementary feed reserves stored for the winter months and next spring. response to a significant weather event. This presents an up-front cost to the Incorporation in terms of cost to Construction on PKW’s newest Farm acquisition on Little Tempsky Road harvest the surplus pasture but translates into more money in the bank began on 1 March and is proceeding well despite the recent weather. when grass growth is low during the colder winter months. Target date for completion and operation is 1 July in time for calving and the new Dairy Season. Unfortunately the recent ‘weather bomb’ swept through South Taranaki causing widespread damage and serious power cuts for many days. Power outages on a dairy farm seriously impinges on the ability to regularly A shareholder bus tour of selected PKW farms is being organised to follow harvest milk and more importantly ensure it is stored at the appropriate the Half Yearly meeting set down for 10am at Taiporohenui Marae on temperature. Thousands of dollars of production can be lost in a matter of Saturday 28 April. Shareholders wishing to go on this tour are asked to hours. contact Caroline Waiwiri at the PKW office to reserve their seat. Please note - seats will only be available to those shareholders who book in advance.
Kei te whakahトォhトォ mト》ou ki te tautoko te mahi taiwhenua i roto i Taranaki
PwC provides industry focused advice for public and private clients. With offices in Taranaki, Waikato, Hawkes Bay, Auckland, Wellington, Canterbury and Otago, we have over 1000 people who are committed to delivering quality assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell us what matters to you and find out more by visiting us at ツゥ 2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the New Zealand member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.
PÄ kihi page 14
Family Farming As the new farm managers for Farm 17 Dallas and Marie McLean are excited that they are now part of the PKW family.
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“We can see a future for us now, where we can show what we can do. Having a supportive and family orientated employer gives us the stability to plan ahead.”
Opposite: Dallas is happy to share his ideas. Above: Both Marie and Dallas are looking forward to getting their feet dirty.
Above and right: A larger house and 50 herring bone shed are part of the new bells and whistles that come with Farm 17.
When Whenua visited the McLean’s at their home on Lower Taumaha Road, Manutahi, they were glad that the power had been put back on the day before. Having escaped the major brunt of the storm that swept through South Taranaki in early March, the farm they are presently working on had minimal damage.
Taranaki. Born in New Plymouth but raised in Opunake he met his High School sweetheart Marie whose parents Jim and Diane Bryant are now retired from farming in Manaia.
However though they were relatively unscathed they still lent support bringing their neighbours 300 cow herd through their own milking shed. It had been a long few days since the storm had hit.
“After leaving school I spent 4 ½ years with the Army in the Infantry but when our first daughter was born we headed back to Taranaki where I started working as a farm assistant in 1994 for Barry and Sonia Adams on Ihaia Road,” recalls Dallas.
Surviving the climatic drama’s that can come with farming is something the couple know well.
When asked Marie kindly reminds Dallas of their children’s ages, Lateshia (17), Celeste (15), Hannah (10) and Madison (9) and admits she is happy that the move to Glen Road means they can also take their horses and pony with them.
“We had been farming since 1995 working hard until we bought our own herd in 2002 but two seasons later after a significant drought we sold up and went back to lower order sharemilking”, explains Dallas. “Now we are about to move to Glen Road and take over the farm previously run by Gary Fredrickson, and the security we have been working hard to achieve as a family is finally within our sights”. Dallas is the grandson of Nawa Mitchell with iwi connections to
“The girls have a strong interest in horses and possibly only one of them might go on to actually be involved in farming”, says Marie. “They are familiar with this way of life and we definitely will be happier moving into a bigger house,” adds Marie with a smile. Though Dallas did not know much about PKW his Aunty Rosemary Mitchell would always put in his apologies at meetings as a way of ensuring he remained connected.
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“...the security we have been working hard to achieve as a family is finally within our sights”. It was mainly through the farming community that he had heard good things through the years that made him comfortable with making the move into PKW’s employment. “I liked hearing that they have got a plan that is really focussed and are putting into place the infrastructure to improve productivity. The Glen Road farm is pretty well set up with all the bells and whistles and I can’t wait to get into the swing of things,” says Dallas. Having farmed in the area before the couple do not expect to have any difficulty in immersing themselves with the local community with their daughters still continuing at their existing schools. Having been busy herself over the years bringing up their family Marie is looking forward to working back on the farm with Dallas. It is evident they will both be comfortable with the new working arrangements as they joke with each other over how their day to day interaction will happen. With two farm assistants Marie and Jessie Parete of Manaia, Dallas is confident his team will meet PKW’s expectations. “We can see a future for us now, where we can show what we can do. Having a supportive and family orientated employer gives us the stability to plan ahead.”
Right: By amalgamating two properties on Glen Road to create Farm 17 a number of sheds provide more than enough storage
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we’re anticipating your (milking) needs here.
Farmlands Trading Society Limited FAR21207
While you’re thinking about (milking) here
Being the North Island’s only rural retail cooperative means a lot to us. And it means a lot to our Shareholders too, because we take the spirit of cooperation very seriously indeed. You see, here at Farmlands we immerse ourselves in your business, always working with you to increase outputs and reduce costs. We believe it’s what a business partner should do and we work tirelessly to ensure it’s the reality. From the very best deals on all your farm inputs, to expert advice and extensive product knowledge,
it’s a partnership in the true sense of the word. And then there’s the Farmlands Card, giving you exclusive discounts on almost all your everyday spending at more than 3,000 retailers nationwide. Plus when you add discounts on farm services such as power, insurance, fuel and fertiliser, and the annual Shareholder loyalty rebate, partnering with Farmlands just makes good sense. So if you would like another head thinking about your business, drop into your local Farmlands store, call 0800 327 652 or visit us at
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A Relationship Worth THE ENERGY
In 2006 Todd Energy took over full ownership and operational responsibility of the McKee Production Station and the McKee and Mangahewa oil fields based in North Taranaki. With one of the PKW Farms as a neighbour the potential to build a strategic relationship between the two companies is gaining momentum. McKee is the largest producing onshore oil field in New Zealand and is operated by Todd Energy a 100% NZ owned company. Located 20 km SE of New Plymouth, with the McKee Production Station some 12 km inland from the Motunui Methanex complex, it is surrounded by farmland. Up until 2006 Todd Energy did not operate any facilities itself, with joint venture partners assuming operating responsibilities. As a result they did not have direct contact with their neighbours including PKW. In the early days of building their capabilities as an operator Todd Energy had very little understanding of PKW and its history as most of their engagement had been done through BTW an environmental planning, surveying, and engineering company based in New Plymouth.
While Todd Energy still utilise BTW’s services to assist them in the consenting process, they wanted to become more directly involved in managing key relationships. Taking the initiative in 2010 when Todd Energy decided to build a 100MW Peaker power plant and were assessing various locations Todd Energy met with PKW. “We knew that as a neighbour we were indirectly affected due to the extensive exploration at the McKee site”, advises Dion Tuuta, PKW Chief Executive. “When Todd indicated a desire to build their gas peaker plant on a PKW lease block they wanted to acquire, we thought it important to get to know this company better.”
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A formalised agreement between the two parties evolved with Todd Energy sponsoring a PKW annual scholarship for tertiary education in a science or technical field and a commitment to meet and discuss future opportunities to work together. PKW will manage the scholarship while Todd Energy and PKW will jointly select the successful scholarship applicant each year.
to a long term, constructive relationship that delivers significant benefits for both parties and the community in general.”
Further progress in Todd Energy’s engagement came with a change in the leadership of the company in 2011. Paul Moore appointed as CEO for Todd Energy has a strong commitment to building positive, constructive relationships with key partners like PKW that provide mutual benefits.
Todd Property Group has a track record in developing residential communities. The most recent project to get the green light is the Ormiston town centre, in South Auckland. This will see the development of a 19-hectare town centre - including retail, apartments, office space and recreational areas - in the area now. known as Flat Bush. “PKW is always looking for new partnership opportunities, and in recent times that has seen us begin an exploratory conversation with the Todd Property Group to discuss issues of mutual interest,” explains Dion.
“As two companies who have a similar commitment to Taranaki and New Zealand, there is a desire to continue to develop our relationship and identify future opportunities to work together. “ “It is important to Todd Energy that our partnerships deliver benefits for the wider community, which is why we chose to sponsor the scholarship,” says Mr Moore. “The relationship with PKW is very important to Todd Energy. As two companies who have a similar commitment to Taranaki and New Zealand, there is a desire to continue to develop our relationship and identify future opportunities to work together. We view PKW as a key partner in Taranaki and we look forward
Potentially there are likely to be opportunities for PKW to work with other Todd Corporation subsidiaries such as Todd Property Group.
“It is early days, but we are looking forward to seeing where the dialogue leads. As property owners that are interested in sustainable development, the possibilities are worth considering.”
Previous page: McKee Production Station, Otaraoa Road, Waitara Below: At the recent WOMAD festival Paul Moore CEO Todd Energy and Dion Tuuta CEO PKW get the opportunity to meet informally as a way of building a better working relationship.
A Garden For All Seasons
The internationally and nationally acclaimed 360 ha Pukeiti Rhododendron Garden is set in lush and diverse rainforest between the footfills of Mt Taranaki and the West Coast. What is not widely known is that thePukeiti Trust has leased since 1957 approximately 90 ha of West Coast leased land now administered by PKW .
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Pukeiti or Puke Te Whiti is of significant cultural importance to Taranaki whanui and features prominently in the creation story of Taranaki. It is located on the flight path of Te Toka a Rahoto who guided Maunga Taranaki from the central plateau to his present resting place. Puke Te Whiti is the guardian of that flight path and stands as a sentinel guarding the past, the present and the future. Te Whiti o Rongomai is named after Puke Te Whiti and is recorded as stating “My name is taken from the hill Puke Te Whiti. Like Puke Te Whiti, I stand as a sentinel - not one bit of land will be given over to strangers with my consent.” William Douglas Cook an English immigrant who had lived in Gisborne arrived in Taranaki during the 1930’s seeking a perfect environment to be able to grow rhododendron’s he had brought from his homeland. By 1951 he had set up the Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust and the gardens were officially opened to the public. Not a lot of records remain of the interactions between PKW and the Trust from those early days of the gardens existence. It wasn’t until in 2001 following considerable discussions between the then Committee of Management and Pukeiti Trust where the lease for the 90ha was renegotiated for a period of 85 years. The lease was revised in accordance with Sections 2728 of the Māori Reserved Lands Act as provided for by
section 359 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act (which exempts Māori Reserved Lands from Te Ture Whenua Māori). The Committee at that time was of the view that leasing the Pukeiti lands to the Trust was an expression of goodwill to the community. In return for this gift, PKW was granted a seat on the Pukeiti Trust and Pukeiti was charged with the responsibility of promoting the regeneration of native forests and replanting of native trees as well as the study of native trees and shrubs for medicinal, economic and craft purposes. Rangipo Metekingi was the first PKW representative when PKW became actively involved in the Trust’s activities. Due to financial difficulties the Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust began discussions with Taranaki Regional Council and on 1 July 2010 the Council took over operational control of the gardens including the leased PKW portion. A key benefit in the transfer of control to TRC was the free public access to the gardens where previously the charge was $15 per adult. As Greg Ryan, TRC Regional Gardens Manager explains, the Council is still developing their management plan for the property that is now a public garden. “The Council is committed to promoting the legacy that has been left with us by the Trust as well as the objectives that are stipulated within the PKW lease. The challenge
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“My name is taken from the hill Puke Te Whiti. Like Puke Te Whiti, I stand as a sentinel - not one bit of land will be given over to strangers with my consent.” - Te Whiti o Rongomai III for us is to create awareness and then visitation to the gardens so that the community and general public enjoy something that is distinctly unique to Taranaki.” “The legacy is also a story in its own rights in relation to the original founders, the social interaction that had to occur to get the gardens established. There is of course the relationship to PKW that many people do not know about,” said Greg. “We encourage local Māori and Iwi to visit and engage with the spirituality of this place which is pretty powerful. Through that engagement we hope to get to tell the whole story in a much better way then we are presently doing.” 21km of tracks allow visitors to discover giant rimu, unused logging railway tracks and historic paint mines and see the results of a 50 year conservation plan. Dion Tuuta says free access to Pukeiti provides one small way for shareholders to reconnect with the Whenua. “I believe this relationship with the Pukeiti trust and the TRC provides an avenue for shareholders and Taranaki Iwi to reconnect with this very special place in a meaningful way.” For more information visit Opposite: Carvings completed and erected in 1995 by Rangimarie Arts and Crafts Centre New Plymouth to celebrate the relationship between PKW and the Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust and blessed by Kaumatua Tom Ngatai.
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Growing Value Added Relationships With the signing of a three year fertiliser supply agreement with Ravensdown Fertilizer Cooperative in February 2011 another strategic relationship for PKW has emerged.
Becoming familiar with each others’ business aspirations both PKW and Ravensdown saw the importance of focussing on a scholarship relationship that will be initiated this year as a way of supporting PKW’s intergenerational focus. “When we were going through the tendering process we saw the value-added opportunity they were offering and it gave us a better appreciation of how they understood our business aspirations,” advises Dion Tuuta, Chief Executive PKW. Initially promoted with a 31 March closing date the deadline for the Ravensdown university scholarship for descendants and shareholders of Parininihi ki Waitotara (PKW) has been extended to the end of May 2012.
“This is a long term commitment we are making and we encourage PKW shareholders to take up this opportunity.” For further information please contact: Gareth Richards, Group Communications Manager, Ravensdown Phone: 03 353 4604, Mobile: 021 860 659
“We wanted to do something together for students who are considering an agricultural degree to encourage them to take that first step.”
The $5,000 a year cash grant is available for eligible applicants to undertake tertiary study in agricultural/ horticultural programmes and who have submitted an essay on ‘why tertiary study will assist both me and the agriculture/horticulture industry.’ The winner gets the $5,000 grant for up to three years as well as the chance to complete paid holiday work in an area of Ravensdown’s business. Applications are judged by a selection panel made up of PKW board of directors and Ravensdown senior managers and needs to be submitted by 31st May. “As a Taranaki-based co-operative with strong dairy interests, PKW and 100% farmer-owned Ravensdown both want to develop the capability of young people coming through into the farming community,” explains Mike Manning, Ravensdown General Manager Research and Development. “We wanted to do something together for students who are considering an agricultural degree to encourage them to take that first step. Many grant recipients of our separate Hugh Williams Scholarship complete their paid holiday work and go on to a permanent position with Ravensdown.” “Holiday work at Ravensdown can be quite varied, where it could involve the office administration, manufacturing, soil sampling, lab machines and instruments, even at the lime quarry,” added Mike.
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Reaching Our Reg Sharing premises at Taranaki House has allowed PKW to form strategic relationships with its neighbours. Stuart Trundle Chief Executive Venture Taranaki shares insights on growing Taranaki’s potential.
and Desirable Taranaki, making Taranaki the preferred place to live, work and play in order to achieve our regional population target of 135,000 residents by 2035.
In developing the Taranaki region’s Economic Development Strategy for 2010 to 2035, we talked to hundreds of our community’s leaders, visionaries, business people and residents.
As a region we have a tradition of getting things done - we are, by our nature, a hardworking people. Problems that arise are solved, usually creatively, and generally without fuss. This Taranaki pragmatism, what might be termed organic innovation, can be seen regularly in PKW’s activities - both on and off farm. Where needs arise, solutions are found.
The overwhelming majority wanted a future for Taranaki that was ambitious and that acknowledged that Taranaki is a remarkable place to live, rich in history, ideas and potential. But the shared vision for the region also recognised that there are challenges facing us. The vision set targets for population growth, reflecting that we are losing too many of our young and talented people to other parts of New Zealand and, more worryingly, to offshore economies. Some are coming back, but many are not. It also concedes that more needs to be done to promote our region – to really push our people, our businesses, our culture, talent and landscape onto the national and world stages. The vision – in bold at the top of this page – also seeks to strengthen the trans-Tasman link between Taranaki and the ‘West Island’ which despite our best efforts continues to exert a powerful economic influence on our region and our people. From the vision we created six strategic themes – Team Taranaki, which seeks to build partnerships; Gateway Taranaki which seeks to connect Taranaki locally, nationally and internationally; Foundation Taranaki, which aims to maximise the potential of our core industries; Frontier Taranaki, where new horizons, industries and projects are pursued; Talented Taranaki, which creates a regional culture of lifelong learning and innovation;
Photo - Rob Tucker
While setting, sharing and developing a framework to achieve the vision are important, doing the work to make it happen is critical.
“By 2035 Taranaki will be a progressive, growing, westward-looking province of national significance, renowned for its people, culture, talent, rich natural resources and desirable location.” But how do we ensure that young and future generations of our extended whanau develop the skills and initiative to have ideas and do the work that is required for Taranaki to fulfil its vision? As the region’s Economic Development Agency, Venture Taranaki has a role to play across each of the strategic themes. While we’re actively working in each of the six themes, we are also looking to the Taranaki community to play their part in the region’s future. This is particularly true of our Māori economy.
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ions Potential “As a region we have a tradition of getting things done - we are, by our nature, a hardworking people. Problems that arise are solved, usually creatively, and generally without fuss. “
For our part, we’re providing a vast array of tools and support to help the region’s businesses and people ensure that Taranaki has the bright future it deserves. Here are a few that might help you: The Regional Partner Network Venture Taranaki is dedicated to working with the region’s businesses to provide a range of advice and support services, as well as access to funding to help businesses grow. We’ve teamed up with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise to increase our support for business growth in Taranaki, by offering Capability Development Vouchers to qualifying businesses. These vouchers are the fastest and easiest way for eligible small to medium sized businesses to access up to $5,000 a year towards management training, courses and coaching. Taranaki is leading the way in the number of businesses taking advantage of this funding, and our companies are doing better because of it.
We are also in partnership with Ministry of Science and Innovation to help Taranaki businesses that are developing new or enhancing existing products and processes. Funds are available to help businesses boost their research and development projects – whether they’re small or large established companies. Your project is individually assessed, and could qualify for $1000 to over $1 million in funding to make your R&D project bigger, better and faster. Make sure you or your business doesn’t miss out on the training, funding and business advice available to you from Venture Taranaki. By working together to build skills and capability right across the Taranaki economy we’re positioning the region to make the most of future opportunities, and in the process we’re helping to ensure that Taranaki lives up to its reputation as the best place in New Zealand in which to live, work and play. Venture Taranaki is co-located with our colleagues at PKW in Taranaki House. Why not stop in and find out how you can make the most of Venture Taranaki’s services to help our region fulfil its vision. Venture Taranaki Taranaki’s economic development agency 9 Robe Street, New Plymouth Tel: 06 759 5150
Photo by Rotorcam