WHENUA Issue 9

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Putting Taranaki on the map. There’s a saying in business planning: dream it, do it, prove it. Here in Taranaki we dream big. We are, by our very nature, innovative in our thinking and our businesses. We dream of more comfortable hospital beds and faster windsurfers, of smarter farms and brilliant engineering solutions to global problems. We also get things done. Here in Taranaki we don’t shy away from hard work and we aren’t afraid of applying that innovation to get the job done. This can-do attitude has fostered a pioneering dairy industry, a world class oil and gas sector, and countless successes in between. But we don’t broadcast our successes. Our people are smart, but it’s not often you read about them in the nation’s media. Our businesses are successful, but again, their stories are largely untold. There have been some recent exceptions. Some of our companies are gaining the profile they deserve, and our spectacular major events are reaching ever-increasing audiences – some have even been seen by millions worldwide. Parininihi Ki Waitotara are telling the successful stories that they are enabling, and we acknowledge this good work. This year, Venture Taranaki issues the challenge to all of Taranaki’s businesses, and its residents, to share their successes. This might be emailing your customers, writing to a magazine, updating your website, picking up the phone to the local newspaper, or even just telling your neighbour. We need Taranaki and all that is truly legendary about this region to resonate not just on the national stage, but on the world stage. Photo: Rob Tucker

We need Taranaki and its people, landscape, businesses and beauty to be a hot topic of discussion around the world and around boardroom tables in Wellington. When people start hearing fantastic (and true) things about our remarkable region from their friends and workmates, the media and magazines, they will be further convinced it’s a great place to live work and play. It’s all part of a strategy to do two things – bring our whanau back home, and meet the region’s population target of 135,000 residents by the year 2035. This is the number we need to meet projected business growth. For our part, Venture Taranaki is dedicated to telling the region’s stories, and to helping to foster a vibrant community - another important aspect of being a great place to live, work and play. A spectacular events calendar is one aspect of this, and through our support of the region’s major events, we’re helping make Taranaki an even better place to live. We’ve also launched a new campaign to help you convince your family to move back to Taranaki. Have a look, sign them up and help us spread the word at www.rediscovertaranaki.co.nz. To find out how Venture Taranaki can help your business, call us on 06 759 5150, email us at info@venture.org.nz or visit www.taranaki.info


TARANAKI Te Puna Umanga

Tēnā koutou te whānau whānui o Parininihi ki Waitotara. Ngā mihi o te tau hou ki a koutou katoa.

As part of that legacy we provide a snapshot of Charles Bailey, the first chairperson for Parininihi ki Waitotara Incorporation and Trust, so that past and future recipients understand a little bit more about the history of our premium scholarship award.

I commented in my last editorial about leadership and this issue provides yet another opportunity to demonstrate the amazing leadership we have had in the past. This time however we reflect on the legacy that has been left to us by these previous leaders.

We also begin our series on past recipients of the Charles Bailey Scholarships with an insight into how youth advocacy has established Bry Koopu in an important national role as Chief Executive for the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs.

We combine the recognition of that legacy with the acknowledgement of the PKW Trust’s 30th anniversary and have trawled through the limited images we have had access to – to try to capture moments from the past that have led us to where we are today and we dedicate this issue to the PKW Trust by profiling those who have contributed and supported PKW and Taranaki in the early years.

Acknowledgements are also made of our newly named scholarships for Gloria Kerehoma, Mate Carr and Edward Tamati, established to recognize their contribution to not just the Incorporation but also to the wider Taranaki Māori community. Recognition of these individually named scholarships will now resonate throughout the country as shareholders and beneficiaries become familiar with the criteria

of the awards and seek to apply. For families involved we express our gratitude for sharing your whānau member with us and for supporting their contribution to our communities. Another longstanding legacy issue highlighted in this issue relates to our position in relation to the Winks Road dispute. Discussed at our recent annual general meeting, by being open and transparent we continue to manage this kaupapa on behalf of our shareholders. 2014 presents to us another year for building on the legacy of He Whenua, He Tangata, He Oranga as laid down by our tupuna and we look forward to taking that journey with you together. No reira,

celebrating pkw scholarships GLORIA KEREHOMA SCHOLARSHIP

Mere Brooks (daughter), Aunty Gloria, Faith Wharemate, Kaumatua Ray Edwards, Allie Hemara-Wahanui


Julie Handerson, John Tamati (son), Aunty Ana Katene (sister), Wiki Tamati (daughter) - Ted Tamati's Whanau


Rewatu Carr (moko), Maia Carr (great moko), Aunty Mate, Spencer Carr



AGM DEBRIEF We report on the outcome of the 2013 Annual General Meeting held at Aotearoa Marae in Okaiawa.

SHAREHOLDER REGISTER Registrar Nedina Hohaia updates readers on the latest issues around the shareholder register.


NOT JUST GUMBOOTS New associations have meant new approaches to engaging our future workforce

CHARLES BAILEY JP PROFILE An insight into the history of Charles Bailey the inaugural chair for PKW

YOUTH ADVOCACY CREATES PATHWAY TO SUCCESS Charles Bailey Scholar Bry Kopu shares her career successes



The land management strategy to acquire more leases continues.

Aunty Gloria shares her thoughts on her role with PKW and her aspirations for students

WINKS ROADS Explaining the PKW position on this long standing dispute.




Rewatu Carr writes of the contribution her grandmother affectionately known as Mate, has made

Editor Dion Tuuta Deputy Editor Amokura Panoho Production Editor Allie Hemara-Wahanui Creative Director Kristy Ramage Photography Quentin Bedwell Graphic Design iStudios Multimedia



PKW Trust Chair, Hinerangi Edwards reports of the day's event.

Acknowledging the significant work done by Uncle Ted Tamati throughout Taranaki

PARININIHI KI WAITOTARA Postal PO Box 241, New Plymouth 4340 Physical Taranaki House, 109 Devon Street West, New Plymouth 4310 Telephone +64 (6) 769 9373 Fax +64 (6) 757 4206 Email office@pkw.co.nz www.pkw.co.nz ISTUDIOS 77B Devon Street East, New Plymouth. Telephone +64 (6) 758 1863 Email info@istudios.co.nz www.istudios.co.nz

CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF PKW TRUST HISTORY Remembering the milestones that have been part of the Trust's history

2014 TERTIARY GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS TIMETABLE The latest information to advise future applicants.

2013ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING DEBRIEF PKW Incorporation Reporting a $15 million net profit after tax, paying th highest dividend, naming the three post graduate scholarships and celebrating the 30th anniversary of the PKW Trust were the highlights at this year's annual general meeting. Once again Aotearoa Marae in Okaiawa hosted this year’s meeting for the Incorporation and the PKW Trust. Attracting over 140 shareholders and future shareholders the meeting was an opportunity for the Committee of Management and the PKW Trustees to report on achievements and challenges over the past 12 months. As the Annual Report shows the Incorporation achieved a $15.8 million net profit after tax which is made up of a combination of cash profit of $6.6m, and the growth of non-cash assets like the Fonterra shares. This contributed to the decision by the Committee of Management to recommend the highest dividend payment ever in the history of PKW. Both the profit and dividend were well received by the shareholders. The existing strategic direction of regaining control of our ancestral land as the base for the commercial development has guided the Committee of Management to this year's success and will continue to guide the Committee going forward. As a long term approach this requires both dedication and patience. As the Incorporation continues its strategy of growth PKW has the privilege of being the largest milk supplier to Fonterra in the Taranaki region, and is the 10th largest supplier nationally. This creates an opportunity to explore how the Incorporation and Fonterra might work together.


During the meeting the CEO provided an update on the Winks Road dispute and for this issue he provides a historical account (page 10). As part of that update several shareholders offered their aspirations for the Incorporation and there was a strong message that the Committee of Management maintains a collective approach that benefits everyone. The Committee also appreciated the korero from Omahuru Robinson, son of the late Roy Robinson, who explained why his father performed the karakia that laid the foundation for the 1999 Ngāti Tu hapū rahui. He also commented that the environment has since changed and requires a different outlook to find a meaningful solution.

PKW TRUST For the PKW Trust annual general meeting Chair Hinerangi Edwards explained that while expenses had increased, this could be attributed to the increase in staffing and most importantly in grants ($209,000) compared to the previous year. Another first were two community events the Trust actively managed. ‘Keeping it Coastal’ co-hosted with Opunake High School to promote the careers and training opportunities within Taranaki, and, He Whenua, He Tangata, He Oranga the Trust co-hosted with the Taranaki Environmental Education Trust. This event was held at Puke Te Whiti (commonly known as Pukeiti Gardens)

and targeted primary school students teaching and promoting environmentally sustainable practices. Puke Te Whiti was deliberately selected because the rainforest that surrounds the gardens is situated on PKW land. The Trust saw this as an ideal opportunity to connect the Taranaki community to PKW land. To acknowledge the 30th anniversary the Trustees agreed to name the three existing post graduate scholarships after Gloria Kerehoma, Matekitawhiti Carr and Edward Tamati, in recognition of their contribution to PKW and Taranaki whanui over the decades and further in this issue we profile not only these three kaumatua but also Charles Bailey himself.

Naming anything requires courageous leadership to reach a decision that reflects the sentiments of the PKW whānau, so when the Chair announced this decision there was a collective “aww” followed by a round of applause from the shareholders and whanau who were present. With the naming of these scholarships the Incorporation is making a commitment to develop and maintain a relationship with each whānau which remains a Trust priority. Scholar presentations is always a highlight, and hearing from Dennis Ngawhare (Taranaki, 2011 Charles Bailey recipient), Max O’Brien (Ngati Ruanui, 2011 Undergraduate recipient) and Rachel Miles (Te Atiawa, 2013

Tertiary Grant recipient) did not disappoint. Each scholar shared their journey which at times was inspiring and comical as they found creative solutions students with limited resources encounter. As a special highlight cellist Rachel Miles filled Ngākaunui (wharenui) with the sweet sound of the cello and drew the meeting to an appreciated silence. This became the perfect conclusion to an extremely successful and joyful PKW annual general meeting.

Page 4: Top Left Dion Tuuta with previous PKW Chair Spencer Carr Top Right Rachel Myles undergraduate scholar Bottom Left Taari Nicholas and Whaea Aroha Houston Bottom Right Dennis Ngawhare, Charles Bailey Scholar discusses his Phd research Page 5: Top Outgoing PKW Associate Director Daniel Harrison with local kaumatua Rangi and Margaret Patene Bottom Left Barry O'Brien with PKW tertiary scholar Max O'Brien Bottom Right Matua Ray Edwards completing his registration with Shareholder registrar Nedina Hohaia



Annual Dividend Payments On the first Friday of December each year, PKW makes its annual dividend payments to shareholders. We are pleased to advise that the distribution for 2013 was processed on Friday 6th December at the rate of $1.10 per share. Early in 2012, PKW made the decision to abolish payment by cheque and to make dividend payments directly to bank accounts the primary method of payment. Paying shareholder dividends directly to bank accounts has produced a win-win situation for us all. For you, the shareholder, the dividend is available to draw on immediately which brought to an end the need to wait five working days for your cheque to clear with your bank. For PKW, this decision was made in line with modern business practice, and has lowered the administration costs required to produce cheques, to manage the mailout process and the subsequent clean-up with the numbers of un-presented (stale) cheques that required processing for many months following a distribution. PKW now has an extremely efficient and cost effective system for payment and we thank our shareholders for being open to, and accepting this change in how we pay your dividend monies. PKW has a minimum dividend payment threshold of $5.00 for New Zealand and


...unclaimed dividends total is recorded at $2,924,717.52... $100.00 for shareholders who are resident in Australia.

bank’s Swift Code number which you will need to contact your bank to attain.

For two years, we have had an extensive drive to inform shareholders that we will no longer be issuing cheques and that we require their bank account numbers. This drive has included posting out bank authority forms to those of you for whom we have addresses for.

The reason for the $100 minimum dividend payment threshold is because of the international bank transfer fees. PKW’s bank charges $18.00 for the electronic service and the Australian bank charges $25.00 surcharge service fees. Ideally, if you continue to operate a New Zealand bank account we suggest that your dividends be deposited there to save on these extra costs.

If you have not received your dividend payment, it could be because you have not provided our office with your bank account details. If you change addresses and have omitted to advise us, and mail we have sent to you is returned, we remove your bank account details from your file for security purposes. Phone and check your situation with me. Shareholders Residing in Australia For our shareholders who are resident in Australia, we can process your dividend payment via electronic transfer to your Australian bank account. Please be aware that there are international bank transfer fees amounting to $43.00 which are deducted from your dividend. If you wish to receive your monies into your Australian bank account, please contact me for a bank authority form for Australian banks. We require your

Tax Requirements – PKW Dividends are not taxable PKW dividends are tax free to you the shareholder. A dividend advice statement is mailed to you, through our out-sourcing contractors. Your dividend advice statement has an important message which reads – “This dividend is not a taxable Māori authority distribution pursuant to section HF 7 of the New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007. This document is for the shareholder’s information only and the distributed amount does not need to be included in the shareholder’s New Zealand income tax return” Please retain this statement for taxation purposes so that you are not taxed on your PKW share dividend monies.

Unclaimed Dividends Total As at 5 December 2013 Parininihi ki Waitotara Incorporation’s unclaimed dividends total is recorded at $2,924,717.52. This figure could be greatly reduced by paying out dividends that are owed to shareholders as per my article above and by tracing our missing shareholders. My article in the previous Whenua magazine highlighted statistics around PKW’s missing shareholders. Hard copies of our Missing Shareholders Registers are available to view in the reception area of our office at 109 Devon Street West, New Plymouth and will be available to view on our website at www.pkw.co.nz from the month of January. A copy is also available to view at the Whanganui office of the Māori Land Court.

If you have any questions feel free to call Nedina at the office between 8am and 4:30pm or email her on nedinah@pkw. co.nz. 07 / WHAKAMANA

LEASE ACQUISITIONS CONTINUE The strategic goal of PKW Incorporation is to regain control of our ancestral land as the base of our commercial development and to benefit our shareholders. PKW’s farming business (known as PKW Farms Limited Partnership) is the primary vehicle the Incorporation uses for achieving this aspiration.

An 80 hectare lease purchased from the Bailey family is located in the Matapu area across the road from Aotearoa Marae, a regular venue for Incorporation AGM’s. The area has excellent road access and is immediately adjacent to other PKW leased lands giving it growth potential for the future.

In addition to this lease PKW Farms LP purchased a further 80 hectare lease In line with this strategic goal and to block located on Meremere Road in support PKW Farms LP’s growing farming operations the business recently the Ohangai area in South Taranaki. This land is also adjacent to another acquired three high quality leases totalling 200 hectares in South Taranaki. large PKW lease block making this an


important area of future growth for the farming business. Both of these acquisitions will be integrated into our farming business as dairy support blocks whose purpose is to lessen our reliance on importing supplementary feed and will provide long term mitigation during drought periods like those experienced last season. This will help insulate our farming business from price volatility which occurs when grass is low and the demand for supplementary feed is high. By having more dairy support land and

Slow internet? We’re passionate about connecting Taranaki’s rural communities. That’s why we’ve built Taranaki’s only local wireless broadband network from the ground up - so that you and your whanau can now access faster broadband - at home or work. If your rural internet is slowing you down, then give us a call on 0800 123 744.

therefore more grass, our reliance on external feed sources is lessened.

blocks helps PKW Farms LP manage this risk more effectively.

Both of these support units are centrally located in relation to our existing dairy farming operations giving the business a great deal of flexibility. Large dairy support units are becoming increasingly rare in Taranaki with most land being converted to dairy farming. This means most farmers remain reliant on external sources by contract grazing or buying the necessary supplementary feed when their land is short of grass. This carries risk and acquiring these support

The third acquistion is a 40 hectare lease immediately adjacent to another of PKW’s Dairy Farm on Kokiri Road, Kapuni. This land is amongst some of the best within PKW’s entire land area, completely flat and has been easily integrated into our current dairy farming operations the existing Kokiri Road Farm.

and development of PKW Farms LP’s operations and secure the long term future of the business.

All three acquisitions have strategic significance for supporting the growth


WINKS ROAD PROTEST Dion Tuuta reports descendants of the original owners of the land.

Perhaps one of the saddest parts of this entire episode is that most of the members of the Ngāruahine Tribal Trust In 1992 a proposal for the sale of the are PKW shareholders and actively land was put to the Trust by PKW and in participate in that way. return various methods of financing the The matter recently regained same were put to the Trust but these were not accepted as the Trust asserted prominence when the Ngāti Tu Hāpu Whenua Toopu Trust – who has the land should be given for free. assumed the role of the now defunct Between 1990-1996 PKW and the Trust Ngāruahine Tribal Trust – lodged an In this issue of Whenua we take a sought to find solutions to the impasse application with the Māori Land Court look at the history of the Ngāti Tu without success. In 1996, after six in June this year in an attempt to force Winks Road protest in an effort to years of the Trust refusing to pay its the Incorporation to transfer the land understand its origins. rent, PKW took legal action to terminate to Ngāti Tu hāpu. PKW successfully the leases and recover the outstanding opposed this application and is In December 1988 PKW was rental. PKW ultimately suffered a bad considering next steps. approached by representatives of the debt as it was unable to recover the Ngāruahine Tribal Trust requesting that Resolution of this matter has evaded rental money. they be allowed to purchase the lease PKW for 23 years. While the active improvements on the property known protest has been in place for only 14 of as Waiokura Te Kauae blocks (sections The matter was considered by the these years it needs to be remembered Māori Land Court and High Court and 33-34) and asking if the Incorporation that the original Ngāruahine Tribal the Trust was wound up by Order of the would gift the freehold of the property. Trust did not pay its rental from 1990 High Court on 15 April 1999 with PKW on the basis that they objected to the regaining control of the land. Ngāruahine Tribal Trust was advised rental increase and should be treated that there would be no problem in differently from other lessees. In response to this action the Trust their purchasing the lease but that the organised protestors to occupy and Committee could not gift the freehold. While PKW seeks a durable solution to picket the land to stop PKW from Ngāruahine Tribal Trust then arranged the matter it cannot simply agree to the assuming control. The Trust also placed financing to purchase the leases and Trust’s demands to transfer the land for a notice on the land stating that a rahui began dairy farming and farm training the sake of making the initial conflict had been put on the land which led to a operations the following year. By go away. PKW is responsible to all its significant breakdown in the relationship purchasing a lease the Trust was shareholders and not just one section. between PKW and the Trust. It also led responsible for paying annual rent. To do so would risk the unravelling of to further legal action – all of which was the entire Incorporation which is only In 1990 the first rental review took place found in favour of the Incorporation. just beginning to realise the potential since 1969 increasing the rent the To date PKW has declined to unilaterally that our kaumātua foresaw when they Trust was required to pay. Following fought to wrest control of the land from re-enter the land blocks for fear that the rental increase the Trust refused to entry onto the land would likely re-ignite the Crown. meet its rental obligations which led to strained relations with the Incorporation. negative behaviour experienced during The matter was discussed at length the late 1990s. In the interests of PKW at the 2013 AGM where shareholders staff and community safety PKW has The Trust continued to attempt to endorsed the collective approach that elected to remain off the land until such PKW practices. Looking ahead PKW is arrange with the Incorporation for time as it is safe to do so. the gifting of the freehold which was continuing to consider options on how rejected by the shareholders. The this issue might be resolved. Ngāruahine Tribal Trust argued that they Despite many attempts by PKW to resolve this issue – the protest and should be given the land at no cost the rahui – remain in place to this day. because they represented many of the In 1999 members of Ngāruahine Tribal Trust began a protest over 100 acres of PKW-owned land located on Winks Road Manaia. This sometimes bitter dispute has now lasted 24 years and was recently the subject of a Māori Land Court hearing.



Re-elected shareholder representative Darryn Ratana joins Aunty Ana Katene, sister to the late Edward Tamati and PKW Trust Chair Hinerangi Edwards in cutting the celebratory cake.


BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION pkw trust Chair hinerangi edwards reports Tēnā koutou e te whānau, ngā puna ora, ngā awaawa mai Parininihi ki Waitotara. Ko te wai mahana ki aku kamo hei tohu aroha kia rātou i whakapou kaha kia mou ki ngā tikanga me te whenua, hei oranga mō ngā uri whakatupu. Ko rātou kiā rātou, ko tātou ngā mahuetanga ki a tātou. Tēnā rā tātou katoa. In this Whenua we celebrate the 30th anniversary of PKW Trust, remember those who laid its foundation and celebrate what has been achieved in the intervening years. Remembering those who have given so that we might benefit, has led your trustees to name three of our existing post postgraduate scholarships for kuia, Mate Carr and Gloria Kerehoma and koroua, the late Edward (Ted) Tamati. Each of these kaumatua has a long history of service and leadership around our maunga and have 12 / ĀWHINA

been unwavering in their support of the Incorporation and PKW Trust. Feedback has been great since the AGM launch. These multi-year scholarships and our flagship Charles Bailey scholarship will be awarded alongside our PKW undergraduate scholarships. We look forward to continuing to name our scholarships and provide opportunities for our wider Taranaki whānau to help us to do this. As part of a wider succession strategy, scholarship applicants are asked to show how their programme of study will contribute to Taranaki whānau and the business activities of PKW. As the business of both the Trust and Incorporation gears up and the strategic and operational needs of our Taranaki hapū and iwi increase, we see our Trust’s contribution through scholarships and other giving as pivotal.

Speaking of leaders, we’d like to reconnect our PKW whānau with Bry Kopu, one of our early Charles Bailey Scholars. Bry shares with us how our contribution to her studies has helped prepare her for her leadership journey. Her philosophy that changing the world starts at home resonates strongly with the Trust’s desire to grow leaders for home and beyond. We look to future collaborations to prepare Taranaki uri for a bright future. The Trust, along with the Taranaki Māori Trust Board and Te Reo o Taranaki is supporting the development of a Taranaki Māori Education Strategy that approaches education holistically. A diverse section of the Māori education community is involved and I am heartened to hear that the iwi of Taranaki are lending their support to this kaupapa also.

At next year’s AGM we will present a PKW Trust 10 year Strategic Plan that will outline priorities we wish to focus on. One conversation we are keen to have is how we could measure wealth and success within the context of PKW, over and above a financial measure. We will consider how young and old will continue to benefit from the Trust’s work. In closing I acknowledge all PKW staff who help us directly and indirectly to achieve our Trust’s vision. It is through a successful incorporation contributing funds that much of what we do can be achieved. My thanks also to PKW Trustees for their ongoing commitment as we look to a prosperous 2014 and beyond. Merry Christmas! Hinerangi Edwards




PKW Trust – Investing in Success since 1982 PKW Trust is an important part of the PKW whānau which has provided educational support to many shareholders and their mokopuna over the years. While the Trust is a related entity, PKW Trust is a separate legal entity to the Incorporation with a different focus. In simple terms, where PKW Incorporation’s focus is to provide a commercial return from the land, PKW Trust’s core focus is the development of our people in the widest sense through supporting their educational and cultural aspirations.

the Trust and the ambitions of the initial trustees.

PKW Trust History 1978

PKW Inc AGM 26 August – After a presentation from Preston Bulfin (Legal Adviser) and Ray Bailey (Morikaunui Incorporation) advising on the formation of a trust for the benefit of shareholders and their families, a resolution was passed authorising the Committee to investigate and if practically possible set up a Trust.


PKW Inc AGM – Report presented after discussions to establish a Trust for certain specific purposes.


The first minuted meeting of the PKW Trust was held 18 December In this issue of WHENUA we take a step 1982. Present were C Bailey, E Tamati, J Kerehoma, J Ahie, E Rangi, R Bailey, back in time and chart the history of B Edwards and P Charleton (Secretary). the Trust from its original inception to the present day to gain an insight to the Charlie Bailey was confirmed as aspirations behind the establishment of Chairperson.



PKW Trust is registered in June 1983. The first meeting of trustees after the Trust Deed had been registered was on 10 July. With limited funds to distribute it was resolved that the income be retained for the following year.


A resolution passed at the AGM focussed on the most important and probable areas for distributions to be made. Gary Nicholas was elected as the shareholder representative at the 1987 AGM and was requested to review Trust documents and previous discussions and present a report to the Trustees. Edward Tamati was elected as the new chairperson following the passing of Charlie Bailey.


Gary Nicholas as shareholder representative undertook assessments of grants applications and made recommendations to the trustees. Criterion around eligibility for grants was starting to take shape.


Negotiations with Petrocorp begin in relation to compensation for use of land at the McKee Wells in Tikorangi with the proposal to fund an annual scholarship. Employment with Petrocorp would be offered and the scholarship was to support study covering engineering, electrical, chemical and clerical work. The Charles Bailey Scholarship was established in conjunction with Petrocorp and presented to the AGM. Brendan Erueti became the first recipient awarded the scholarship.


In following years Bry Kopu, Beverly Gibson, Talei Tamati, Helen Carlton became the next group of recipients to receive the Charles Bailey Scholarship.


Gloria Kerehoma replaced Gary Nicholas as the shareholder representative on the Trust.


Rangipo Metekingi became the Education Subcommittee chair taking an active role in the development of policy and practice for the Trust.


Rangipo Metekingi delivered a comprehensive report to the AGM advising that a Peer Group had been established to start linking scholarships to opportunities to improve Māori capacity within Taranaki.


Fletcher Energy (previously Petrocorp) shut down operations in Taranaki and their relationship with the Charles Bailey Fletcher Energy scholarships ended reducing income by $20k per annum. A Sports Grant policy was developed. Scholarships targeted towards Valuation and Environmental management were not taken up. Discussions at the AGM focussed on the need to align grant funding with development of marae, whānau and hapū.


A new subcommittee was established that merged the Education committee with the Social, Political, and Cultural Committee with Rangipo Metekingi remaining as Chair. A Māori Community and Marae Subsidy Policy along with Scholarships and Education Policy were formalised. A draft strategic plan was developed. In 2005 the CoM agreed to the establishment of an Iwi Liaison Officer/ Kaitakawaenga role to build stronger relationships with shareholders and the wider Māori community within Taranaki.


The budget for an Iwi Liaison Officer was committed and an annual budget forecast was developed for the next three years. The first significant investments were made into projects that aligned with the new Trust strategy. Examples of projects funded included Rangatahi Hui, and Kapunipuni Reo.



The new Strategic plan also emphasised the need to increase the profile of the Trust. In 2006 Tama Potaka was appointed as the new Trust Chair and Peter Jackson (eldest son of Sam & June Jackson) was appointed as the first Kaitakawaenga.

2007 With Peter Jackson's

departure to live overseas, Amokura Panoho (mokopuna of Rawinia Rangitake and Edward Eriwata) was appointed as the second Kaitakawaenga. Gloria Kerehoma also retired as shareholder representative and Te Aroha Hohaia was elected into the role at the AGM. Amokura Panoho begins identifying potential relationships with Agribusiness training providers and other strategic stakeholders.


Grants now fall into three main categories, Sports and Culture, Community and Education Grants and Scholarships. After-School Grants are also made available. 2008 Hinerangi Edwards is appointed Chair of PKW Trust upon Tama Potaka's retirement from PKW, and along with Te Aroha and Amokura starts progressing the development of clearer criteria around the grants distribution. PKW move into their new premises in Robe Street, New Plymouth and more all the files previously held at the Stratford offices of Staples Rodway are relocated to the new office site. Successful grant recipients are encouraged to come to the Annual General Meetings to make presentations on their chosen field of study and the value of the grants to their work.

2009 The CoM undertake a strategic planning programme across all of its businesses. As part of that process the PKW Trust held its own strategic planning session programme. This discussion was aimed at reaffirming the core purpose and focus of PKW Trust and to chart potential areas for development moving forward. As part of this discussion the Trust began to critically examine its own funding processes to find better ways of supporting its beneficiaries and promote its activities. The grants application process goes online and a subcommittee made up of the Chair, the CEO, the shareholder representative and the Kaitakawaenga evaluate applications and present recommendations to the Trustees for endorsement. The Trust starts to sponsor key events such as the Taranaki MÄ ori Sports

Awards, Manu Korero and the Taranaki Arts Awards. 2010 The Trust identifies key stakeholders that they want to build strategic relationships with in the community. Amokura Panoho resigns from her role as Kaitakawaenga to develop other business opportunities. 2011 PKW commence production of Whenua Magazine - and include a section titled "Awhina' specifically to promote the work of the Trust and showcase where shareholder investments are going in the areas of education, community engagement and development.

PKW Trust fine tunes its scholarship programme and increases the annual award to up to 3 years for the Charles Bailey scholarship. 2013 Allie Hemara-Wahanui is appointed as the first Community Development Manager for PKW Incorporation responsible for overseeing the establishment of strategic relationships and managing the Trust activity.

external factors that impact on our business, it is heartening to know that the vision of the original authors of our trust deed still remain relevant to this day. Shareholders can rest assured that PKW Trust will remain a key part of the PKW Whānau, providing support to whānau and community groups seeking better opportunities for themselves through education and development.

Looking Forward

PKW Trust’s history demonstrates that there has always been a desire by shareholders to utilise the Trust to advance Māori aspirations within Taranaki. The Trust believes that this is no different today, however today’s environment is much different from Te Aroha Hohaia resigns as Shareholder 1982. Representative and Darryn Ratana is appointed at the Annual General Nevertheless despite the changes in technology, global events and other Meeting.



Above and right.Dion Tuuta (CEO) and Chris Patterson (PKW Drystock Manager) address the audience of teachers and careers advisors on the career opportunities PKW offers.

agricultural inputs including people. At a time when the agriculture sector is falling out of favour as a career choice, the future actually needs more Farming is just one of the roles in this people working in this sector. The Together with Taratahi Agriculture industry; PKW needs people who can agri-industry needs people to help Training Centre and Massey create nutritious food and find ways find solutions to these realities. University, PKW Trust successfully to help us to better manage our land, While new technology will hosted ‘More than Just Gumboots’, stock and water. produce smaller smartphones an event that targeted Taranaki In 50 years the world’s population will and flatter televisions, the teachers and careers advisors to world will always need food and promote the opportunities that exist in increase to 9 billion people and to feed that population the world needs food production is PKW’s real this industry. to double its food production. In contribution. “All three organisations are mutually addition consumers have proven that supportive of each other, PKW as the they will pay a premium price for food ‘Not Just Gumboots’ was about changing how teachers and careers dairy farmer, Taratahi who provides that comes from suppliers who care advisors see this industry so in turn quality training programmes and for the wellbeing of their stock, the they can accurately advise students Massey with their strong research land they use and the environment. about the real opportunities that exist. capability. It made sense to Free range eggs being one such This same challenge our whānau collaborate on this event because example. PKW is well positioned to face. of the misconception that farming is be part of that solution although this only about ‘gumboots’. The day was challenge is made difficult because Farming is so much more than to look past the humble gumboot farming will need to be done with Gumboots. see the wealth of opportunities less available land, less water and Collectively we are concerned about the number of people we need to keep up as the demand as the world’s population continues to grow.


this industry easily provides.” says Allie Hemara-Wahanui, Community Development Manager.

Explaining the role of a typical Drystock Manager I have to introduce the key themes of business management, managing myself, managing others and managing a business through interactive presentations, work groups, farm tours and soil samples. I need to have the required skills that enable me to contribute to the strategic direction of the farm business. I have a varying role that can be very demanding requiring the right feed inputs at various times of the year. Setting myself targets that are both realistic and achievable. Balancing these inputs and outputs is also part of my role. The outputs being of most importance so when we pass these outputs on they produce to their full potential . Address from Chris Patterson PKW Dry Stock Manager


Right Page Charles Bailey with youngest daughter Hinemarie and family pet Tip from a long line of Tips. This Page Charles Taare Terutu Bailey (Te Ataiawa, Taranaki)


CHARLES BAILEY, JP profile Charles Taare Terutu Bailey was born in 1921 to Harriet Hoengarangi Eriwata and Rangikapuoho Bailey at the farm on Pennington Road, Waitara. He attended Waitara Central and went to St Stephens, Auckland, for a short while before he was recalled home to help run the family farm. Charles married Hinemarie Tirikatene, daughter of Sir Eruera and Lady Tirikatene in 1950. They had three girls and a son born two months before Hine passed away at age of 32 in 1963. Charles then married Rima, the youngest of the Tirikatene girls and they had a daughter and he adopted a son. Farming and the land has been a large part of Charles' life and he had a small herd of cows on the family farm with other family run-off blocks at Tikorangi and Motunui. For a few years he bred racehorses which he sold at Trentham in Wellington. He then diversified into pigs, importing a Danish breed from Ireland, because they had an extra rib so were longer. In the late sixties, he bought the neighbouring farm and built a twelve

aside herringbone milking shed and when the pigs were no longer profitable changed his farming operation to concentrate on dairying. He won Ahuwhenua twice in 1970 and 1976 and one silver and two bronze in other years. Active in Māori and community affairs, Charles represented Taranaki/Aotea on the New Zealand Māori Council, a trustee at Manukorihi Pa and an active member of the Waitara Rotary Club. He was also on the Taranaki Måori Trust Board and chair of Parihaka X Farms at the time of his death in 1987. His leadership with Parininihi ki Waitotara goes back many years before the incorporation was actually established in 1976 and he became the inaugural chairperson. Charles also led the establishment of the PKW Trust helping co-author the trust deed that remains to this day a visionary document for recognizing the cultural and social obligations of not just the shareholders of the incorporation but the wider Taranaki Māori community. With his death in 1987 his commitment to the kaupapa of PKW was recognised with the establishment of the Charles Bailey Scholarship in 1989 that was initially sponsored by Petrocorp. The scholarship has become the premium scholarship available to beneficiaries and shareholders of the Incorporation

and has increased in value since its inception. A number of past and present Charles Bailey scholars have also become PKW directors and the establishment of an alumni will enable the incorporation to celebrate the success of the scholarship programme and identify how the recipients continue to make a contribution back to the Taranaki community. As Tiri Bailey-Nowell, the eldest of Charles' six children commented recently, “Our family are honoured by the gesture bestowed on our father all those years ago, and are proud to see the scholars make their mark on this world. We know our father believed in hard work before the reward, and are pleased to see that the value of the scholarship demonstrates that.” The Charles Bailey Scholarship is a postgraduate level scholarship valued at $7,500 a year for up to three years. Applicants must whakapapa to a Taranaki Iwi, show how their studies contribute to PKW activities and make a personal committment to attend PKW kaupapa throughout the term of the award. Applications are now open and close 31 March 2014.



project work concentrates heavily on encouraging young people to reach their full potential. “My brother and I are each ex students of New Plymouth Girls and Boys High School and our parents, Mary and Wayne Kopu, were always there for us. So much so that when I was in my last year at school I told my mother I didn’t think I was ready to face the world,” laughs Bry as she recalls her trepidation at leaving home.

“Nevertheless on the last day of my 7th form year I found out I was the lucky recipient of the Charles Bailey Growing up in New Plymouth, Bry Kopu scholarship and I realised right away the always remembers her home being need to value this opportunity given to full of young people that either herself me.” or her brother Adam had somehow Having only just turned 18 Bry enrolled encouraged to inhabit. at Auckland University Law School and Being surrounded by rangatahi credits the strong Māori student base strongly features in Bry’s life especially with giving her the right support that now as the Chief Executive of the allowed her to learn what she really wanted to achieve in life. Mayors Taskforce for Jobs where her


Finishing her degree in Public Policy and Policy Administration after she realised that law was not going to be her thing Bry returned to Taranaki to live when she was 24 immediately immersing herself in the Tohu Paetahi programme to strengthen her Te Reo and Matauranga Māori knowledge. “It was a very humbling experience but I persevered”, smiles Bry. Having that strength of character is very evident when Bry tells of other important moments in her life that includes becoming a young widow. “I found I had something of value to contribute in the community development work I was doing with the New Plymouth District Council,” says Bry. “Initially I had the Youth Portfolio and I worked with young people in a different capacity from where I had been employed previously with Work and Income. It’s an area of work I continue to be passionate about, developing projects to celebrate young people and

“ I found I had something

of value to contribute in the community development work I was doing with the New Plymouth District Council,


has helped me deal with personal crises Working with other Māori organisations such as Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki of my own.” Inc she facilitated an important violence By 2005 Bry had become the youngest prevention project to emerge. Called manager at the Council leading the E Tū the project focused on working Community Development Group. The with rangatahi in Waitara and Bry is very development of the Mayors Taskforce proud that she was able to encourage for Jobs project enabled Bry to establish Stan Walker to become the project the importance of rangatahi having a big ambassador. stake in economic growth as part of the Councils work programme. Organising Bry also worked closely with Allie an event that got the attention of the then Prime Minister Helen Clark, and the Hemara-Wahanui to bring about subsequent positive media solidified her the PKW sponsored event, Keeping advocacy capability that she continues it Coastal, held earlier this year in to this day in her existing roles. Opunake.


PAGE 22 AND BOTTOM PAGE 23 Four year old Nikau Kopu is often sharing his mothers work space PAGE 23 TOP LEFT Bry enjoys hosting friends and family as a way to unwind from a busy week PAGE 23 TOP RIGHT AND PAGE 24 LEFT Bry's home and office is a mixture of bright and traditional colours and decor


“I think that with the establishment of a Community Development role within PKW they have shown leadership in how they want to leverage important relationships to gain value for their shareholders and wider Taranaki community,” says Bry.

Having become the chairperson for Tū Tama Wahine and the Tuia Charitable Trust as well as Director of her own consulting company The BMK Group Ltd, Bry is also focusing on her most important role as mother to four-yearold Nikau.

“I am proud to be associated with PKW Trust, to be a Charles Bailey Scholarship recipient and I think it is a fantastic idea to create an alumni to reinforce what I have built my career around, and that is the potential that we can achieve if we take advantage of the opportunities given to us, put in the hard work, and look at ways that we in our roles can contribute back to our people.”

With her recently renovated home providing a wonderful backdrop for her business Bry takes the short walk to the kindergarten with Nikau as a sign of progress.

Despite having a national role that requires travelling around the country, Bry has never regretted returning to live and build her career in Taranaki. “I believe you should take on changing the world in small bites, and we can do that just as well here as anywhere else in the world. Life is what you make it and there is always an opportunity behind every door. It might be timing for some of our people but I know for me Taranaki is the only place I want to live.”

“Having that work life balance should always be a goal. I did an exercise years ago where I brainstormed what I wanted to achieve. Making enough money to support my family, that I am respected by people I work and associate with, and I have the capability to give back, all of these aspirations continue to motivate me to this day.” With Nikau ready to offer his mother a cuddle and a smile as his contribution to the whanau business the Charles Bailey Scholarship alumni is definitely in good hands.


GLORIA KEREHOMA PROFILE When discussing with Aunty Gloria about her relationship with Parininihi ki Waitotara she would prefer you talk about the contribution her late husband John Kerehoma made to the organisation, rather than talking about herself. As a couple living in Hawera their names were synonymous with education as they were both teachers at the local High School. John taught technical subjects like metal work and woodwork and Gloria Māori studies, and they worked hard to instil the value of education especially amongst Māori students.

“I am really thrilled that students are coming through the scholarship and grant programme that the PKW Trust “I think it is important to remember that is running”, says Aunty Gloria who they laid the foundation, the platform for is humbled that she will have her us who came along later and yes I have name associated with one of the new done my fair share over the years but scholarships on offer by the trust. oh well that’s just what you do”, says “There is always a lot of pressure Aunty Gloria. students face when studying and now expenses are escalating. Having some Another important kaupapa that the Kerehoma’s were actively involved was of the PKW capital being utilised like this gives families a boost, a push in the the renovation of Aotearoa Marae and right direction. Hopefully our mokopuna the handiwork of Aunty Gloria is now get to benefit and be appreciative there proudly on display in the wharenui is an avenue to progress themselves”. where the tukutuku panels adorn the husband had started as the chair of the PKW Education Committee.


A couple of existing members of the committee of management were previous students of theirs and they recall fondly how Aunty Gloria’s was always very well spoken and her use of “E no” is a term of endearment and one she still uses today.

PKW Trust chairperson Hinerangi Edwards fondly recalls the times she spent as a young girl watching her mother and aunts being tutored by Aunty Gloria to create the panels not only at Aotearoa Marae but also at the Hawera High School Marae.

When John passed away in April 1988, Gloria continued to attend the annual general meetings for PKW, and was never shy of sharing her views and aspirations for the incorporation. In 1993 she became the shareholder representative to carry on the work her

Te Rangatapu Marae (Ohawe Beach) is another Marae that carries the warmth of Aunty Gloria tukutuku mahi.


The Gloria Kerehoma Scholarship is a postgraduate level scholarship valued at $5,000 a year for up to three years. Applicants must whakapapa to a Taranaki Iwi, show how their studies contribute to PKW activities. Applications are now open and close 31 March 2014.

This Page Gloria is surrounded in her home by pictures of her whanau. Top Gloria and John (both from Ngāruahine) in their heyday. “Discipline and excellence are apt words Right Page Aunty Gloria inside Ngākaunui to describe Aunty Gloria’s approach to at Aotearoa Marae that proudly displays her traditional knowledge of tukutuku panelling. her work”, say Hinerangi.

I am really thrilled that students are coming through the scholarship and grant programme that the PKW Trust is running ”


This Page (At a National Kohanga Reo conference) Mate Carr and Dame Te Atairangikahu. Right Page (At the Austin Road Fraser Road farm) From left Peter Tutauha (nephew), Spencer Carr (son), Sue Carr (daughter in-law) and Aunty Mate Carr



MATEKITAWHITI CARR PROFILE Raised by her mother’s example to serve and contribute to the collective wellbeing of marae and hapū, Margaret Matekitawhiti Carr also known as Aunty Mate, saw this important role as her responsibility. Her dedication and commitment came from a deeply held desire to see relief from the struggle her elders experienced following the confiscations of their lands, to hear a voice and to see platforms that might carry their plight forward. Educated at Hawera Technical High School in the 1930’s, Aunty Mate embraced the world and the skill of Pakeha. This, with her inherited knowledge of whakapapa, kawa, tikanga, korero, and waiata, saw her in enviable positions serving Māoridom nationally and locally. She was known to manage the front of a meeting place as a pou kai karanga, to see to the back of the whare kai catering; all while ensuring her support was captured within the kaupapa of the hui. She was a remarkable multi-tasker: raising a family of five boys and many whangāi children with her husband Paul Carr, alongside of running a dairy farm at the Ngāti Tupaea Fraser Road farm as well as working as a cook in several hotels including the White Hart in Hawera. In more formal roles, Aunty Mate was an assistant to Pei Te Hurunui Jones,

respected Maniapoto leader, orator and historian, for eight years and then secretary to the Taranaki Māori Trust Board for 22 years. During this time she learnt by heart the whakapapa of Taranaki whānui and their associated land blocks and supported early treaty grievances that included submitting the Taranaki Report to the Waitangi Tribunal in 1975.

land were heard and then discussed at PKW meetings. She was joined by other leaders,including Sam Raumati, Percy Tamati, Charles Bailey and Tom Ngātai. To this day she continues to acknowledge the incorporation’s incredible journey and celebrates seeing the increased ownership and management of its lands along with the development of PKW Trust.

She supported national movements including travelling the country with the Kohanga Reo National Trust, leading Aotea region, and Taranaki Māori Women’s Welfare League. From the 1980’s she committed herself to the revival of Te Reo through Kohanga Reo and staunchly supported the health, social and economic growth of Ngāti Ruanui iwi under the Tāhua (the welfare agency of the iwi) and more recently the Rūnanga. The treaty settlement of Ngāti Ruanui in 2001 signaled a new era for Aunty Mate in the pursuit of prosperity, not only for her own ūri (descendants) but for Taranaki as a whole.

Aunty Mate now enjoys a quieter life in the care of her locally based whānau (Spencer and Sue) and Trinity Rest Home. The wider whānau share the honour bestowed to their Nan with the establishment of the Mate Carr PKW Scholarship, in honour of her long service to Māori of Taranaki. She is humbled by this acknowledgement and expresses her sincerest gratitude.

The Matekitawhiti Carr Scholarship is a postgraduate level scholarship valued at $5,000 a year for up As a shareholder of PKW from the to three years. Applicants must 1970’s, Aunty Mate spoke often of whakapapa to a Taranaki Iwi, show her belief that the revival of Taranaki Māori was linked to education and how their studies contribute to PKW training, Te Reo and to the retention and activities. preservation of Māori land. Particularly Applications are now open and in earlier days, she ensured that close 31 March 2014. discussions of marae and hapū over



EDWARD (TED) TAMATI PROFILE Edward (Ted) Rongomai Ira Tamati was the eldest son of Pehimana (Percy) and Te Auripo (Maggie) Tamati. Ted was born in Pungarehu but grew up on the Tamati whanau farm on Ninia Road, in Bell Block. Ted eventually took over the management of the whānau farm and purchased a couple of small neighbouring blocks to make up the 170 acre farm which he managed over 200 jersey cows on. During the 1960-70’s North Taranaki made their mark in Māori farming during when both Ted and Charles Bailey won the Ahu Whenua Māori Farmer of the Year award twice each. Ted won both of his awards for the dairy section in 1965 and 1971. As well as farming, Ted took on a number of other leadership roles including chairman of the Muru Raupatu Māori Committee, Secretary for the New Plymouth Māori Welfare Committee, Taranaki Regional Councillor, Trustee of Parihaka X Trust, founding member of the Parihaka Peace Festival Trust, Waitangi Tribunal Claimant, member and chairman of the Taranaki Māori Trust Board (a position he held until


his passing in June 2007). He was also appointed to the Parininihi ki Waitōtara Incorporation reinforcing the already strong knowledge amongst the committee of management in farming and land management. Ted’s contributions to the community were honoured when he received the Queen’s Service Order (for Public Service) in 2003. Following the sudden death of Charles Bailey in 1987, Ted was appointed as chairperson of PKW, a position he held until 2000. Having worked alongside Charles for a number of years, he was mindful of the legacy he inherited and worked hard to ensure that the Incorporation remained steadfast in their original intent – to retain the land and to represent the interests of the shareholders. During his time with PKW and through the creation of the PKW Trust, Ted focused on innovative ways of enhancing and developing our Māori community and providing educational opportunities for young Māori. Ted’s whānau is very humbled and proud that his contribution in this area has

been acknowledged by PKW with the establishment of the Edward Tamati Scholarship. Ted’s sister Ana Katene and two of his children – John and Wiki, were pleased to be part of the 30th anniversary celebrations of PKW Trust at the annual general meeting held at Aotearoa Marae in November, where this Scholarship was launched. When asked how Ted might feel about the creation of a scholarship in his name, his son John replied, “Dad would have been chuffed”. The Edward Tamati Scholarship is a postgraduate level scholarship valued at $5,000 a year for up to three years. Applicants must whakapapa to a Taranaki Iwi, show how their studies contribute to PKW activities. Applications are now open and close 31 March 2014. Right Page Kaumatua Percy (Te Atiawa) and Maggie Tamati (Te Atiawa/Taranaki) celebrating the 1971 Ahu Whenua Måori Farmer Award won by their eldest son Edward.


Opened 2 December 2013 Closes 31 March 2014 Eligible whānau are invited to apply for a tertiary grant or tertiary scholarship. Apply by going to our website www. pkw.co.nz.

relationships with the PKW Committee of Management (PKW Governing Board), senior management, influential people who are part of the PKW network, and most importantly each other by coming together throughout the year.


Through this programme you will strengthen your connection to Taranaki and develop your leadership skills. PKW requires confident leaders and it is a goal that the members of this programme will play key roles in setting the direction and running PKW in the future.

To support tertiary students (of all ages) with their tertiary studies.

Making an application:

All recipients must sign a funding agreement and scholarship recipients are subject to additional conditions to retain the scholarship for subsequent years

Go to the scholarships page at www.pkw.co.nz. Eligibility To be eligible you must: • Whakapapa to at least one of the eight iwi of Taranaki

Step 1 Register as a user

• Be enrolled with a New Zealand tertiary institute • Be endorsed by a living PKW Shareholder

................................................................. PKW RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES PKW is keen to support students undertaking research at a Masters and PhD level by offeringz our organisation as a possible focal point for that research. Contact us if you would like to talk about this opportunity.

PKW LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME Scholarship recipients will be invited to join the PKW leadership programme which is an integral part of the succession strategy. Through this programme members have the opportunity to develop professional and personal


Step 2 Complete and submit the online application by 31 March 2014

Step 3 Print cover sheet documents, complete and Post to PKW by 9 April 2014

Application Completed

Application Tips • The sooner you complete step 2, the earlier you can open the cover sheet forms. • Your shareholder must endorse your application. A template form is avaliable with the coversheet.

Students applying for either a tertiary grant or undergraduate scholarship can study in any field from dentistry to music, te reo, building, enginnering, plumbing to medicine. Students applying for a postgraduate scholarship must show how their programme of study will contribute to the core business activities of PKW.

• Contact your shareholder now! Dont wait! • Scholarships have additional conditions and criteria over and above the tertiary grants.


Max Number of Awards Per Annum

For assistance contact Allie or email her on allieh@pkw.co.nz

Max Term


Key info

Tertiary Grant


Annual Award

$400.00 $750.00

Studying in any field

Undergraduate Scholarships


3 Years


Studying in any field. Must have an 'A' grade average or equivilent

Charles Bailey Scholarship


3 Years


Postgraduate only. Field of study contributes to the core business acitivties of PKW. Recipient must be avaliable to attend PKW kaupapa throughout the term.

Edward Tamati, Gloria Kerehoma and Matekitawhiti Carr Scholarships


3 Years


Postgraduate only. Field of study contributes to the core business activities of PKW.


Copyright Parininihi ki Waitotara 2012 109 Devon Street West | New Plymouth 4310 Taranaki | New Zealand

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