The Derbyshire Guardian Issue 12

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Derbyshire Guardian. Issue 12 Page 1.

Whats ON page 13


Business Page 29


Property page 51


YourGadgetGuide page 26


sq. ft. of manufacturing space to increase hydraulic cylinder production. 
 A brand-new, purpose-built 220,000 sq. ft. factory on the Harewood Industrial Estate in Cheadle, Staffordshire to expand existing JCB Earthmovers and JCB Compact Products which will in turn add a further 7,500 jobs in the operations, allowing JCB Utility Products to UK supply chain. 

To mark the announcement, relocate to this site from the current smaller The Chancellor of the Exchequer, The Rt. Hon. factory elsewhere in the town. George Osborne MP visited JCB’s backhoe loader 
Relocation of the existing JCB Finance factory in Rocester, Staffordshire. His visit comes and JCB Insurance offices in Rocester to the day after he delivered his Autumn Statement, new purpose-designed, high-quality office in which he committed Government funding to accommodation at nearby Harper Meadow in unlock economic growth in Staffordshire with a Denstone. A new in-house training facility for major road improvement project on the A50 trunk JCB staff, to be run in conjunction with key road in Uttoxeter. 

The Chancellor was hosted universities to support apprenticeship and by JCB Chairman, Lord Bamford, who confirmed graduate training programmes. 

Lord Bamford the five-year investment plans for Staffordshire as said: “The Chancellor’s announcement of part of a wider global growth strategy to expand the major A50 road improvement project is sales and increase market share. 

The £150 good news for businesses in this area. It million plans, which represent the single largest allows companies like JCB to plan ahead investment in JCB’s history, include: 

A brandwith confidence, knowing that the road new purpose-built 350,000 sq. ft. factory for JCB network will not constrain business growth Cab Systems in Beamhurst, near Uttoxeter, to and future investment.” 

He added: “Our plan replace the current smaller facility in Rugeley. to create 2,500 high-quality manufacturing It will also enable JCB to in-source production jobs locally is clear evidence of the important of cabs currently made by third party suppliers link between infrastructure improvement and in Europe. Expansion of JCB’s production job creation. The Chancellor’s decision to operations in Rocester with an additional 126,000 invest in the regional infrastructure means JCB can continue to invest locally, which is good for Staffordshire and good for Britain, especially given the wider benefits to our UK supply chain.” 

The projected growth in machine output from Staffordshire factories will be supported by an increase in production of components from factories elsewhere in the UK, including engines from JCB Power Systems in Foston, Derbyshire, and axles and gearboxes from JCB Transmissions in Wrexham, North Wales. 

During his visit to JCB, The Chancellor met with senior company executives and was introduced to employees in the backhoe loader factory, including welding operatives in the manufacturing cells and assembly line operatives

JCB has announced plans to invest £150 million to expand its operations in Staffordshire and create an additional 2,500 jobs by 2018,

on the production line where the iconic yellow JCB diggers are assembled. 

The Chancellor also met five apprentices who recently joined JCB; Adam Varley (20) from Stoke-on-Trent; Leila Worsey (17) from Hilton, Derbyshire; Sam Tooth (21) from Kingsley, Staffordshire; Jack McDonagh (17) from Branston, Staffordshire; Chris Hoye (28) from Newcastle-under-Lyme. Adam, Leila and Jack have joined JCB from the acclaimed JCB Academy for 14–19 year olds, located in nearby Rocester. 

Mr Osborne concluded his visit with a short speech to employees, to congratulate them on reaching a key milestone in JCB’s

history by selling its one millionth machine during 2013. Over half a million of these were backhoe loaders, which is an innovative machine range that celebrates its 60th birthday this year. 

He also welcomed the fact that JCB - a global company with 11 plants in the UK and 11 plants overseas – is committed to a programme of further investment in the UK and is expected to pledge Government support to help drive business and economic growth in the regions through investment in infrastructure projects, such as the A50 scheme which will benefit many businesses in Staffordshire and Derbyshire.

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LEADER BACKS CALLS FOR Derbyshire Guardian. Issue 12 Page 3.

NEW FUNDING SYSTEM Derbyshire County Council’s Leader has welcomed calls for a new system to allocate central Government funding to local councils following claims English communities are being “short-changed” by up to £4.1bn a year.

The Local Government Association (LGA), which represents councils in England and Wales, says the 34-year-old Barnett Formula means the level of central Government funding is higher per person in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland than in England. Instead, the LGA is calling for a new system which allocates funding according to need rather than population breakdown and says cash redirected to England as a result should be pumped into adult care. Sir Merrick Cockell, Chairman of the LGA said: “Our ageing population means that there is an enormous increase in demand for council-run adult social services which must be met to ensure people retain dignity as they get older.” He also said: “The Barnett Formula has passed its use-by date. It is an historic relic from a time when the Government stopped people taking more than £50 on a holiday abroad. What was only ever intended as a stopgap solution has now become a major problem

which is short-changing English communities and underfunding their public services by £4.1 billion a year. We now need a fair and equitable distribution of public money across the Union.” Derbyshire County Council is facing huge budgets cuts of £157m over five years which means fundamental changes to the way it delivers services will have to be considered. Councillor Anne Western, Leader of Derbyshire County Council said: “We’re fighting for a Fair Deal for Derbyshire and would welcome any change to the way central government funding is distributed if it meant bringing more money into the

county. “That means addressing the funding divide which favours the south of England over the north, as well as looking at a fair way to distribute funding throughout the UK. She added: “We’re already pressing to reduce massive spending cuts for local government by the Coalition Government. “Reductions in funding mean we’re going to have to make some difficult decisions about the services we provide, services people rely on.” Last month the county council launched The Derbyshire Challenge to help deal with the budget cuts and turn around the county’s fortunes. Under The Derbyshire

Challenge the county council will: Put its own house in order by: scrutinising all areas of spending to ensure the cash is used where it is needed most. Reviewing senior management structures and introducing strict vacancy controls. Disposing of redundant land and buildings. Work closely with other public services, councils, community and voluntary groups by: Sharing services. Integrating health and social care priorities. Identifying the needs of every community to see how they can best be met. Maximise income and grants by: Ensuring Derbyshire benefits from the Local Enterprise Partnership funds to help deliver more jobs and growth. Using every opportunity to bid for extra cash to support specific projects. Continue our fight to secure a Fair Deal for Derbyshire by: Pressing the Coalition Government for more resources. Joining with other councils to highlight how local government is being unfairly targeted. Working with local MPs, community and voluntary groups to highlight the issues facing local government. To help make sure it all happens, the county council has launched the Derbyshire Challenge Fund to help identify and maximise savings to help secure even bigger savings by delivering services in a new way. Around £2.5m has been invested in the fund so far including: £7,500 from some councillors refusing a 1% increase in their allowance Smarter purchasing - £2 million each year for the next four years. Invest to save money - £420,000. Deletion of the chauffeur post and savings from the civic cars £35,000. Cuts to the civic budget - £45,000. Ending the Derbyshire Young Achiever and Excellence in the Community award schemes - £30,000.



Funding has been approved by Derbyshire County Council to support older and vulnerable people most at risk of ill health from living in cold and damp conditions.

The move is part of the council’s public health commitment to tackling fuel poverty, reducing the number of deaths due to cold weather and impacting on health care costs. Around 59,295 Derbyshire households live in fuel poverty and between last December and March there were an estimated 426 ‘excess’ winter deaths in the county due to an increase in heart attacks and strokes, respiratory disease, flu, falls and injuries. Research shows that measures such as improving poorly insulated homes to reduce energy costs and make it easier for people to pay their fuel bills have a measurable impact on their health and wellbeing - and each £1 spent tackling fuel poverty saves the health service 42p. But current affordable warmth offers, including loft and cavity wall insulation and energy efficient

boiler replacements, rely on hit-and-miss marketing techniques such as cold calling which are not effectively targeted at those who could benefit the most. The council is investing £376,000 over two years to make sure the most vulnerable benefit by identifying those who live in the least energy efficient homes, are on low incomes and have long-term conditions associated with excess winter deaths. They will be contacted by a health professional and referred to their borough or district council who will provide practical or financial support including boiler installation and insulation. This will include removing barriers some people may face such as the need for a loft clearance

people who need it the most. “Evidence shows residents are more likely to take notice of advice about their wellbeing if they hear it from a health professional and it is not acceptable for those most in need to rely on a chance marketing call inviting them to apply for help. “Each person who suffers ill health and dies as a result of conditions made worse by fuel poverty has on average 100 GP consultations and eight hospital admissions so as well as improving their quality of life this programme could also have a significant impact on health service costs.”

before insulation is fitted or replacing old pipework before a new boiler is installed. Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Health and Communities Councillor Dave Allen said: “The main aim of our investment is to increase the number of vulnerable households getting access to affordable warmth and energy efficiency support and specifically targeting those

Energy Partnership and in partnership with health professionals and energy companies. Part of the investment will allow the county council to explore the potential for the programme to become self-sustaining by using the targeted nature of the work to attract income from energy companies.

The council will operate the scheme working closely with the county’s eight borough and district authorities, the Derbyshire Local Authorities

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Winter weather



for motorists

Residents will be asked for their views on changes to Derbyshire County Council’s mobile library service to help the authority deal with Be prepared for winter driving – that’s Derby and budget cuts if Cabinet approves the proposals Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership’s message at a meeting next week. after research revealed that almost half of English motorists fail to carry out vehicle safety checks The authority has to save £157 million over the before travelling in severe weather. next five years and is looking at making changes to services across the council. Its mobile fleet The Highways Agency survey also revealed that: currently consists of two large maximum capacity 53 per cent of motorists don’t carry de-icer with vehicles (MCVs) and eight smaller standard mobile them when travelling in bad weather. 28 per cent libraries. They make almost 1,300 individual stops of motorists don’t carry any of the ‘emergency accounting for 17 per cent of total library issues and kit’ items recommended by the Highways Agency seven per cent of all library visits. It costs the council when travelling in poor conditions. Mike Ashworth, £720,000 to run its mobile library service which chairman of the partnership’s managing group, currently employs 26 people - equivalent to 18 full said: “Road users are at greater risk at this time of time staff. Four potential options to make savings year – commuters are more likely to be travelling in the dark and frosty conditions make journeys more difficult. When snow is forecast, motorists should avoid unnecessary trips and consider using public transport where possible.” Mike added: “Planning ahead is vital at this time of year. We’ve produced a useful checklist for people who need to travel when weather conditions are poor.” Road safety partnership winter driving checklist: Check and, if necessary, replace the anti-freeze in your radiator. Make sure your lights are clean and check the bulbs. Ensure your windscreen is clean. Replace your battery if it’s not reliable. Ensure your tyres are correctly inflated and replace them if the tread has reached the legal minimum. Check the weather forecast – one of the ways you can do this is by visiting the Met Office website (www. Check what the traffic is like before you set off – one of the ways you can do this by visiting the Highways Agency website (www. or if using a mobile device) or calling their information line on 0300 123 5000 Stash the following emergency kit in your car - an ice scraper and de-icer, a torch and spare batteries, warm clothes and a blanket, boots, a first aid kit, jump leads, a mobile phone charger, food and a warm drink, a shovel, a reflective warning sign and a map.

Child car seat warning

Protect your child properly in the car that’s Derby and Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership’s message to parents following news that 80 per cent of child car seats failed during recent safety checks. Derbyshire County Council teamed up with an expert car seat fitter to offer free checks at supermarkets across the county between May and October. A total of 286 seats were checked and 228 failed. Drivers with badly-fitted seats were shown how to make them safe. Councillor Dean Collins, Derbyshire County Council’s deputy cabinet member for jobs, economy and transport, said: “Seats must be fitted properly to offer maximum protection. It’s vital that motorists who travel with youngsters understand the importance of choosing the right seat and fitting it correctly.” The law says that passengers under the age of 12 must use some form of child car seat unless they are 135cm tall or above. The type of seat a child needs depends on how much he or she weighs. You can get advice about fitting child car seats by visiting www.childcarseats. - a website that was set up by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents with funding from the Department for Transport.

are to be considered by the county council’s Cabinet next week (Tuesday 3 December). If approved for consultation residents will be given the chance to have their say in a two-stage process. The options currently being considered are: Option 1: Withdraw all ten mobile library vehicles to create a saving of

£720,000 by 2016. Option 2: Withdraw eight standard mobiles and maintain the two MCVs to create a saving of £530,000 by 2016. Option 3: Withdraw one MCV and seven standard mobiles and maintain one MCV and one standard mobile to create a saving of £560,000 by 2016. Option 4: Community offer - as changes would mean many individual stops would no longer be provided the council would consider supporting community groups or organisations wishing to provide a more local service. This could include, for example, working with communities to develop a network of drop-off points in accessible premises and other locations such as children’s centres. The first stage of consultation would ask for initial views on these options and any proposals for community offers and a second stage would involve more detailed consultation in relation to any preferred option or options. Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Health and Communities Councillor Dave Allen said: “We are facing extraordinary and unprecedented budget pressures with cuts of £157m over the next five years so it is inevitable that many of our services, including libraries, with be subject to review. “Sadly we have no alternative but to review services - these are savings the council has to make and if we don’t face these challenges now we will be storing up significant problems for the future. “If these proposals for changes to our mobile library

service are approved by Cabinet next week we’ll be holding a lengthy public consultation to listen to what local residents have to say before developing any detailed plans.” The council’s mobile library service is used by older people, families, schools, playgroups, nurseries, young people and housebound customers. MCVs are used to serve larger communities without a branch library, usually for a half or full day each week and standard vehicles provide shorter visits on a fortnightly basis mainly serving smaller, rural, more inaccessible and some suburban communities. Mobile library stops are generally not provided closer than one mile from a branch library. If proposals are approved by Cabinet, the public consultation would start in January and run in two stages until June. It is expected final proposals would be presented to Cabinet for consideration in September 2014.

GEORGE keeps his ipad on the prize which will really help us shape future events. organised by Derbyshire County Council in Councillor Greenhalgh added: “I was delighted to partnership with Derby City Council and the surprise George with his prize and wish him all the National Apprenticeship Service. very best with his future career.” The four-day event is a chance for young people George said: “I was very surprised! I didn’t expect to get careers advice and meet colleges, sixth to win as so many other people entered the draw. I forms and apprenticeship providers to help plan their future. George Kirby from St Mary’s Catholic High School am so pleased. in Chesterfield was one of over 10,500 young I have never won anything like this before. I am people who attended Derbyshire Skills Festival very happy to have an iPad Mini. Thank you very - which took place in Chesterfield, Buxton and much.” Derby in September.

One lucky year 11 student is celebrating winning an iPad mini at Derbyshire’s largest careers event, organised by Derbyshire County Council.

Since the event, Derbyshire County Council has been asking people what they thought of the fourday festival for their chance to win an iPad mini.

According to the evaluation, 93% of people found the event useful. Comments from young people who attended the festival included:

Fifteen year-old George, from South Normanton, was chosen at random from over 300 feedback entries and awarded his prize at a surprise school presentation today (10/12).

“I talked to the experts and had all my questions answered.”

The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive and we had some great suggestions

The annual skills festival is the largest careers event in Derbyshire for young people and is

“The people behind the stalls were very helpful and gave us a lot of information that we would not Damien Greenhalgh, Derbyshire County Council’s have known otherwise.” Deputy Cabinet Member for Children and Young “I am very thankful for the time the woman People said: “It’s really important for young people gave me as she has answered my questions to have a voice and be able to let us know what and has given me some good advice.” they think of our services.

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Why not learn something new in January or polish up an old skill with Derbyshire County Council? Whether you are looking for a new job or to improve your career prospects, there are plenty of courses and classes to choose from. The authority’s adult community education service offers a wide range of courses at the heart of local communities in more than 100 venues. They take place during the day and evening with Saturday workshops proving popular. And if you spot something that might appeal to friends or relatives, you could give them a voucher toward the cost of a course as an original Christmas present. Vouchers worth £5, £10, £20 and £50 are available. They will be on offer all year round so could be used for birthdays and other celebrations as well. Councillor Kevin Gillott, Cabinet Member for Children and Younger Adults, said:

“Our courses can help if you’re looking to improve your job prospects or learn a new skill. “You can build confidence and open up a whole world of opportunity, so why not try something new. “And while we are facing huge cuts from the Government of £157million, we are still keen to help Derbyshire people learn the skills they need.” As well as the old favourites there are lots of new courses to try. Choose from computers, arts and crafts, languages, dance and fitness, cookery, DIY, sociology and psychology tasters, print making or boxercise. The Eco Centre near Wirksworth offers an introduction to beekeeping, charcoal making or dry-stone walling as part of its ever-expanding activities. The courses are good value and include a wide range of work-based courses many of which are free or heavily subsidised. To find out more about the courses and vouchers or find your local adult community education centre log on to adulteducation

CMC – The Midlands Largest Motorcycle Dealer Group Brings the Yamaha Experience to Thundersprint 2014

CMC Motorcycles has six stores stretching throughout the Midlands and enjoys a well earned reputation for being passionate about motorcycles. CMC Director, Ross Feltham, said: “We were really pleased to hear that the Thundersprint had re-located to Darley Moor. We have wanted to attend the event for many years but it has previously been outside our dealerships’ territory. “Darley Moor is only a short distance from our branches at Chesterfield, Nottingham, Cannock, Coleshill and Stoke so we are really excited about having a major presence at the show. “The centre piece will be a fantastic display of the new 2014 Yamaha range plus some really special bikes that we will compile specially for Thundersprint. “The interest shown in the Thundersprint is already huge and we’re expecting a big crowd next May.” Thundersprint organiser, Frank Melling, said: “We have a great working relationship with Yamaha who have supported the Thundersprint for many years. However, we intend developing this much

further with CMC Motorcycles and their six stores. “Ross and his team are very much our sort of people. They live and breathe bikes so as well as having a major presence at the Thundersprint they are going to bring a smile to our customers’ faces – and that’s what the Thundersprint is all about.” For more information contact Frank Melling on

01928 740 498 or e-mail


WASTE? Councils across Derbyshire want to hear what local people think would help them to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost more.

By answering a few simple questions they can enter into a free prize draw to win £50. Derbyshire County Council - along with Derby City Council and district and borough councils across the county - will be telling people about future plans for dealing with Derbyshire’s household waste and handing out questionnaires throughout the county over the next three months. Councillor Joan Dixon, Derbyshire County Council’s cabinet member for jobs, economy and transport, said: “Households in Derby and Derbyshire are still throwing around 245,000 tonnes of waste into their general waste bin - even though around half of it could have been recycled or composted. “That’s enough waste to fill 87 Olympic size swimming pools being sent to landfill when it could have been put to good use.” She added: “The county council is facing difficult financial times and needs to save £157 million over the next five years. “Landfilling waste costs Derby and Derbyshire council tax-payers £22.7 million a year. “If we all reduce, reuse and recycle more of our waste, less will be sent to landfill which will help to make some of the financial savings needed. “That’s why Derbyshire councils are asking local people what they would like to see put in place to help them do more.” Derbyshire residents can take part in the survey and find the draft strategy and action plans at People living in Derby can take part at www. or http:// consultations/your-city-your-say-latestconsultations/derby-and-derbyshire-wastestrategy/ Copies of the questionnaire, draft strategy and action plans are also available at your local library. For further information or if you have any other comments you can email wastemanagement@

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Boutique is a fantastic new bar and clubroom in Derby which is rapidly gaining a reputation as one of the hottest nightspots in town. The twin scene venue features plush décor with sumptuous gold seating and glittering chandeliers above the main dance floor. Not only is the music good – there are great R’n’B numbers one one room and classic 90s favourites in the other – but there are regular drinks offers every night and all the staff are dedicated to ensuring that you have a great night out. Whether it is your first visit to Boutique or whether you are a regular you are guaranteed a great night to remember. It really is a great atmosphere in this club and the experienced DJs work hard to keep the music flowing seamlessly all night long. Marketed as Derby’s ‘Brand New Premier Venue’ it is clear that Boutique management and staff want to ensure it is seen as the place to be in the city. Their plan is clearly working with news rapidly spreading by word of mouth as clubbers come back time after time and tell their friends about Boutique. The club is also gaining an online following both on Twitter (@BoutiqueDerby) and on Facebook (just search on Facebook for ‘Boutique Derby’) and you can catch all the latest news and promos from the club on these social media sites.

If you want to get on the guest list for special events at the club then Facebook and Twitter are the places you will find out how to do so. Drinks offers, special promotions and theme nights at Boutique are also regularly found on Twitter and Facebook. Boutique is open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Wednesday night is student night where the club is open from 10pm until 3am. Typical offers might include free entry and free shots with Privilege Card or £1 entry and £1.50 drinks all night. On Fridays and Saturdays Boutique is open from 9pm until 3am. Boutique is on St James Street, Derby. Check out more on their website –


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Local people will be given more support to adopt healthier lifestyles thanks to new plans approved by Derbyshire County Council.

The new approach will provide extra support for people who are most at risk of ill health and more accessible wellbeing services.

Councillor Allen added: “Derbyshire is an extremely diverse county and needs a service capable of tackling the very different health and wellbeing needs of each community. “Our aim is to get help where it’s needed to address local priorities. That’s why we are also putting in place a number of initiatives to help people who are struggling to cope with the rising cost of living.”

Three existing service areas - help to stop smoking, weight management and the council’s successful ‘health trainer’ programme - will be combined to local offer people one point of access The council is continuing to fund Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) for health and wellbeing support. sessions in GP surgeries and A team of ‘wellbeing workers’ will head up the new extending CAB to all children’s centres to help low income families struggling service providing a range of advice and support with debt. and pointing people in the right direction for help Derbyshire Credit Unions have been from other services when they need it. invited to bid for a share of £360,000 Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for county council funding to help them Health and Communities Councillor Dave Allen said: “By providing more services through a single extend their instant loans scheme and the authority has awarded a contact we aim to cut the risk of people slipping further £108,000 to local food banks to through the net. It will also make it easier for support people with emergency food people to get advice on a range of health and parcels. wellbeing issues.” Recently published health statistics for Derbyshire Plans are now being drawn up to highlight places where low household incomes give local residents the opportunity to are causing people to suffer poor health. provide feedback on the new ideas.





DRIVING LICENCE RENEWAL SITES Derbyshire motorists are being warned about using websites that apply hidden charges for processing their driving licence applications.

Rolls-Royce has welcomed a decision by Kuwait Airways to order ten Airbus A350900 aircraft, which are powered by Rolls- Derbyshire County Council has received more than 20 complaints about companies charging up Royce Trent XWB engines. to £70 for unnecessary administration work. Trading standards officers are now advising drivers to be wary of websites offering replacement licences and other services that are not associated with the Driver Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA).

The new A350s will be the first Trentpowered aircraft to go into service with the airline. Bruce Blythe, Rolls-Royce, Senior Vice President Customers – Civil Large Engines, said: “This decision marks a new era in our relationship with Kuwait Airways and we look forward to delivering the Trent XWB, the world’s most efficient engine flying today.”

The Trent XWB, specifically designed for the A350 XWB, is the largest-selling Trent engine ever, with more than 1,600 already sold. It powered the A350 XWB to its first test flight in June.

These websites claim to provide first provisional driving licences, replacement licences and personal detail changes - but in fact only offer a ‘checking’ service and customers receive a surprise bill from the DVLA. Derbyshire County Council Deputy Cabinet Member for Health and Communities Councillor Ellie Wilcox said: “At first glance these third party websites seem to offer a full and legitimate service. “But after customers part with their money they are often shocked to be charged again by the DVLA. What they have actually paid for is someone to make sure they’ve filled the form in correctly, which is not necessary and not good value for money.”

The websites claim to ensure applications are correct before customers send them to DVLA. However, using this service means customers end up paying as much as three times the normal price for their driving licence and all they receive is a paper application form completed on their behalf.

directly with the DVLA and will not be charged additional fees for their licence if they use the official government website.”

Councillor Wilcox added: “Copycat websites can appear to be the official agency but charge a premium for their services.

Residents can get general trading standards consumer advice from the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or report a scam to Action Fraud UK on 0300 123 2040 or

“Motorists can only be sure they are dealing

DVLA online services can be found at uk/dvla


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made in illegal factories. Neither type complied with European safety standards. All the shops and individuals responsible for selling the illegal products are subject to ongoing investigation. Derbyshire County Council found that all the illicit “This is by no means a victimless crime. Cigarettes are the biggest cause of domestic tobacco products seized in recent raids were Derbyshire County Council Deputy Cabinet fire deaths in the UK causing more than 100 It has a damaging effect on our local missing vital safety features which help to prevent Member for Health and Communities Councillor deaths each year with smoking materials communities and honest business house fires. Ellie Wilcox said: “The fire risks of fake tobacco thought to cause around 30 per cent of all house owners.” are all the more reason for people not to smoke. fires. Cigarettes have caused 64 house fires in Since 2011 all cigarettes sold in the UK should But if they choose to do so they should buy Derbyshire over the last year. Derbyshire County The majority of cigarettes seized by the county by law be manufactured with narrow bands of tobacco from a legitimate local shop. Council’s trading standards team have seized council’s trading standard team were either brands fire retardant paper, called ‘speed bumps’, which “It’s no surprise that criminals involved in the illegal nearly 750,000 cigarettes and more than 700kg made purely for the illicit trade including Jin Ling, greatly reduce the risk of them continuing to burn tobacco trade are prepared to risk even more lives of hand rolling tobacco from shops and storage Pect, Excellence, New Line, Viceroy and Goal, or if they are left unattended, such as when they are by flouting safety laws designed to protect people facilities across the county this year counterfeit versions of legitimate brands such as dropped or a smoker falls asleep. from house fires. Palace, Mayfair, Benson and Hedges and Regal An accredited laboratory carried out tests on 18

Smokers are being warned about the increased fire as well as health risks of buying cheap illicit cigarettes.

samples collected from nine Derbyshire shops using an ignition trial. Only one of the samples passed the test but th is was from a little known legitimate brand which had been smuggled into the country.

“We know that smoking any kind of tobacco is potentially lethal but the illegal trade threatens to undermine every effort to regulate smoking and discourage people from starting.

Medical director of East Midlands children’s hospice recognised in Page 12. Issue 12 Derbyshire Guardian.

New Year’s Honours

The medical director of the East Midlands’ only children’s hospice has been awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours. Dr Satbir Jassal, who is also a general practitioner, has been recognised for his services to palliative care for children and young people. In 1993, he set up the role of Medical Director at Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People from nothing and has developed it into a role model for others. Accepting the accolade, Dr Jassal (52), of Loughborough, was completely overwhelmed. He said: “When I found out about this MBE, I was totally shocked; I really wasn’t expecting anything like this. But I am thrilled to have received such a high accolade and it is something that I will always treasure. I have been with Rainbows Hospice for over 20 years and it is a fantastic place. It really is like an extended family and working with the children and young people, their families and the staff has been truly inspirational. I am very passionate about my work, the education and training of healthcare professionals in this field, both in the UK and abroad, which has been an honour and privilege in itself.” Dr Jassal was a founder member of the Association of Paediatric Palliative Medicine and is one of two GP members of the group developing the curriculum for paediatric palliative care. He is a co-author and contributor for many text books, including the Oxford Handbook of Paediatric Palliative Medicine, as well as developing the first ever Rainbows Children’s Symptom Control Manual, which is now published through Together for Short Lives and is in its 9th edition. Dr Jassal also delivers training on paediatric palliative medicine to the wider children’s palliative care community. Despite the fact that he is not a paediatrician, Dr Jassal is highly respected as an expert in the field of children and young people’s palliative care. His work has raised the profile of Rainbows, which cares for over 280 children and young people with life-limiting illnesses from the East Midlands, including those from Derbyshire. In 2009, Dr Jassal was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in recognition of his contribution. Alison Cooke, director of care at Rainbows nominated Dr Jassal for the award. She said: “Dr Jassal thoroughly deserves this award. He is one of the pioneers of children’s palliative care and has been a leader in the field from the outset. His expertise is recognised by colleagues worldwide, for example, Rainbows recently had a visit from the manager of a children’s hospice in Australia who told me that she felt privileged to meet him and had a copy of his symptom control manual on her desk at work. His achievements are all the more incredible because he is not a paediatrician; he is a GP and he has done so much of this work in his own time on top of his full time job. “Dr Jassal is an extremely humble man who is

always the first to recognise the achievements of others whilst playing down his own contribution. His work has been of immense benefit to the children and young people at Rainbows, and he has helped to improve the lives of children and young people with palliative care needs across the world. I am proud to work alongside him.” In 2010, 12-year-old Harry Smith sadly passed away of neuro-degenerative condition. Harry had been visiting Rainbows since 2006 and Dr Jassal was instrumental in his care. Harry’s mum, Lucy, said: “It is fair to say Harry’s health needs were very challenging and on occasions, Dr Jassal contacted his colleagues both nationally and internationally to discuss Harry’s symptoms. Nothing was too much for Dr Jassal where Harry was concerned, and he was always available at the end of a phone when problems occurred at home. “Harry’s last four years would have been so much harder, he would not have been able to have so much fun and his quality of life would not have been anywhere near as good without the marvellous support from Rainbows and in particular, that of Dr Jassal.”

RESIDENTS ASKED ABOUT SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICES IN DERBYSHIRE Residents are to be asked for their views about sexual health services as part of a Derbyshire County Council review.

The council wants to make sure current services meet local people’s needs and will also use feedback to help plan future provision. Services currently on offer are: • Contraception services including emergency contraception • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) • Sexual health promotion, information and advice and HIV prevention Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Health and Communities Councillor Dave Allen said: “We want to make sure the services currently offered are what Derbyshire people need and will use the comments we receive to help us shape future plans. “People do not need to have used any of the services to take part in this consultation. We’re keen to hear different views from as many people as possible.”

Residents can find out more and take part in the consultation at sexualhealth Postal copies of the questionnaire can be requested by emailing elaine.varley@derbyshire. or calling 01629 533836.

The consultation will run between Wednesday 1 January and Friday 31 January. Residents can get more information about Derbyshire Sexual Health Services and clinics by calling 01246 235792 in confidence or visiting

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Let Rainbows benefit from Santa’s mistakes

Murder Mystery at Ramada Encore Derby Ramada Encore Derby are offering guests the chance to play Miss Marple or Hercle Poirot at their Murder Mystery Evenings. Dates are already being booked for January and February 2014

‘School Reunion’ and ‘The Convention. Guests are encouraged to dress up to fully immerse themselves in the murder mystery spirit. Ramada Encore Derby is located in the heart of Pride Park and offers 112 stylish en-suite bedrooms, an executive level and 3 purpose built meeting rooms. Ramada Encore Derby are managed by Redefine BDL Hotels. Redefine BDL Hotels, part of the Redefine International Group, develop and manage branded and private label hotels. There are currently 60 hotels under management, representing 6,700 rooms in the United Kingdom, Liberia and South Africa. Redefine BDL Hotels offers a wealth of hotel management expertise to clients, bringing exceptionally strong international hotel brand relationships as franchisees of five of the largest international hotel brands (InterContinental Hotels

Murder mystery events are a thrilling night out, and priced at just £99.00 for 2 people and this includes the Murder Mystery Evening and Bed & Breakfast in one of the Ramada Encores 112 bedrooms There are a number of plots available and dates available throughout January and February. These include ‘Rock On, ‘Advertising Agency,

Group, Wyndham Worldwide, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, and Best Western). For more information visit and For further information please contact: Ashleigh Cowan, Redefine BDL Hotels 0141 419 4567

Did Santa get it a little bit wrong at Christmas? Have you ended up with an extra pair of slippers or a jumper three sizes too small? You can salve your conscience for not loving every present you’ve received by donating unwanted gifts to the Rainbows’ shop in Matlock.

paediatric oncology units, the hospice is also caring for a growing number of the region’s children with cancer. Tracie Holocuk, manager of the Matlock shop in Firs Parade, said: “We’re grateful for anyone’s unwanted gifts – clothes, toys, games, books and bric-a-brac. You may not love the leopard print scarf and glove set from granny, but someone else might have been looking for one for months. People often receive gifts that may be the wrong size, are duplicates or just not to their taste. We “Donating presents to Rainbows helps you make space in your wardrobes and cupboards, and helps us raise money. And you’ll be happy knowing that instead of gathering dust in a corner; your unwanted gift is helping a local child.” An item worth £10 could help to fund five days’ worth of oxygen for a child. Goods selling at £25 could help fund the cost of one week’s play materials and a sale of £50 in the Rainbows shops could help fund part of the charity’s emergency pharmacy bill for a month.

By donating unwanted gifts to Rainbows, people will be helping to fund the specialist care the hospice provides to more than 280 children and young people across the East Midlands, including those from Derbyshire. Rainbows also supports 249 bereaved families and 521 siblings and through its outreach efforts into East Midlands

And if you are a UK taxpayer, your donation could be worth 25% more at no cost to you thanks to Gift Aid – please ask for more details in store. For more information, visit

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Animal charity and Derby vets team preventative care before nasty diseases strike. up to help local sick and injured pets Blue Cross has been dedicated to helping Leading pet charity Blue Cross has teamed up with The Scarsdale Veterinary Group at The Pride Veterinary Centre at Pride Park in central Derby to offer treatment to local pets whose owners are on means-tested benefits. Don’t wait for your pet to become ill - register them now and get essential advice on

sick, injured and abandoned pets for over 100 years. Today, it has four animal hospitals and 12 rehoming centres in the UK. The nearest Blue Cross to Derby is a horse rehoming centre in Rolleston-on-Dove, Staffordshire. Thanks to the new partnership with Scarsdale Vets, the charity are offering veterinary services in Derby for the first time. Suzie Etridge, Blue Cross Head of

Operations said: “We are very excited about this new initiative and we hope that we, alongside Scarsdale, will soon be helping more pets get the veterinary care they need to be healthy and happy. Blue Cross is developing ways to help more animals across the UK and by teaming up with private vet practices like this it means we can achieve our goal without needing a physical building and the associated costs.” John Turkington, Partner at Scarsdale Vets said: “We are pleased to be working with Blue Cross on this venture. All pets should have access to routine veterinary care to help prevent suffering and we are pleased Blue Cross has chosen our facilities to allow that to happen.” Blue Cross clients will be encouraged to make a contribution towards the cost of treatment for their pet. Some

services will have a set charge but at a largely subsidised cost and others will be offered on a donation basis. To register, pet owners must live within the pet care clinic’s catchment area and bring proof of benefits to their appointments. To find out more about the new clinic please visit or contact Pride veterinary centre on 0300 777 1870. Blue Cross receives no government funding and relies on the generous support of the public to continue its vital work. To find out more about the charity, to make a donation or to see pets currently needing a loving new home please visit

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Residents concerned about the rising cost of energy prices can get help to cut their bills. Derbyshire County Council is offering residents the chance to borrow energy monitors for free. The monitors, which are available from county council libraries, check how much electricity you are using and instantly show the cost of turning on a light, boiling a kettle or switching on the tumble dryer. They can help save £50-90 a year off the average household annual fuel bill - which is £1,420 according to the energy regulator Ofgem - by highlighting where energy is being wasted. Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Communities,

Councillor Dave Allen, said: “Several energy or online at www. suppliers are increasing their prices this winter so this is a good time to borrow one of libraries our monitors. Any Derbyshire residents “They are a great way of monitoring how concerned about rising much electricity you are using and what it is household bills can costing you, so you can change your habits contact the county to save money.” council’s welfare benefits information and advice Since the scheme was launched in 2010 team to check if they are more than 3,500 library members have entitled to any benefits. borrowed an energy monitor. Contact Around 500 are available and can be welfarebenefits@ picked up from any of the county council’s, or 46 libraries and 12 mobile libraries free of phone the benefits charge for up to a month. helpline on 0845 120 2985 or 01629 531535 They come with simple set-up instructions between 11am and and tips to help you reduce your usage. 4.30pm Monday to Friday. If you are not a Derbyshire library member, you can join at any county council library

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THE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. You will be in a position to help people obtain a much higher rate of return on their savings than they are able to at the moment.

You will be able to discuss two products that outstrip inflation easily, one of which is totally without risk, the other one, whilst

promising higher returns, can be a little volatile. Mr. Patchett has been with the company just over a year and started off by


answering an advert in the paper just like this one. He retired three years ago and says that this opportunity came along at just the right time. Life on a pension was proving to be quite a challenge for him, what with escalating fuel bills coming in among other things. This opportunity has transformed his life. His income last month exceeded £1300 which supplements his pension nicely and as you will see when you get involved this will grow as time goes by. Put as much time into it, or as little, as you wish, it’s entirely down to you. Mr. Patchett will guide you through the all-important early stages and while computer literacy is desirable it is certainly not essential. This is quite an exclusive ‘club’ at the moment but the company is now ready to extend the invitation to join to people who are not satisfied with the financial side of their lives and who want to do something about it. You can get started right away for just over £1 per day. So confident is Mr. Patchett that you will succeed with this company with his guidance that he will sponsor the first ten people who join for three months. After that time your income will be well underway and you will be more than selfsufficient. In addition to Mr. Patchett, the company office in Sheffield is also there to provide you with all the help and assistance you may need. Want more cash? Telephone Mr Patchett and you never know, this may also transform your life!

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Why The LG G2 Has The Edge

The LG G2 was a device I first saw in the offices of BuyMobiles, yes an LG executive was present, but that didn’t stop me making my views towards the beauty of the G2 well known. This thing is stunning, even though it is plastic. I’ve publicly stated that high end plastic smartphones aren’t my favourite pieces of kit, but for some reason, I’ve taken to the G2.

Hardware I’ve already touched upon its plastic surface and while the look and feel is beautiful, this phone is a finger print magnet. In addition you should be very careful when handling it because it will slip out of your hands rather easily. The glossy plastic is also going to show up hairline scratches, and seeing as I’m a tad OCD about that, this is something which would drive me insane. The biggest gripe I had about the G2, was the annoying buttons, un-ergonomically placed in the centre of the back. I often found myself changing volume without intending to, just because of the way I hold mobile phones. Please LG, don’t be an Apple and tell me I’m holding it wrong. I do wish LG would produce an aluminium version of the G2, then I’d be in love!

Software LG’s flagship device comes running Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, a very stable operating system which more than competes with iOS 7. Android is a killer mobile operating system when placed with the right hardware, can be some experience! The G2 packs a lot of extras within Android

Jellybean, QSlide, Slide Aside, Clip Tray, QuickRemote, KnockOn. I found myself loving the KnockOn feature, allowing me to tap on the screen twice to power up the display. I found this much easier than making my way to the rear of the plastic casing to press a button. I’ve tested plenty of fast phones before, but there’s fast, then there’s the G2. It’s probably the fastest, or one of the fastest phones I’ve tested. No lag when opening applications, even when I had multiple apps running in the background. It’s clear that LG wanted to compete at the right end of the market, and they’ve given it a real go.

Display There are two displays I love on an Android phone, the Super AMOLED display, and the True HD-IPS + LCD displays, which is the one used on LG’s G2, all 5.2” in fact. The first thing I noticed was how vibrant colours are, and how clear text is. Don’t tell Apple, but it hurts to admit it, but I think It might be slightly better than the iPhone 5S’s Retina display. Saying that, my opinion might change with a 4.7” iPhone display. Some people don’t believe in perfect, but this device has to be close to perfect for you film lovers out there, especially with a display with its size and quality. For those of you still unsure, the display is Full HD which means the resolution is 1920 x 1080p.

Camera One of the downsides with this phone, and yes it does have its downsides, was the inconsistency of the camera. Sometimes I’d be able to take a stunning photo with the G2’s 13MP camera, whilst other images seemed to include an unusual

amount of noise. Taking images in low light was also a disappointment, the flashlight caused over exposed photos. I can’t be too hard on the G2 though, It has the ability to capture some beautiful shots. It’s far from being the worst camera in smartphones today, but there’s definitely better.

Battery Life

With battery life being a major issue with current generation smartphones, LG equipped the G2 with a non-removable 3000 mAh battery. Does it last though? It has an ultra-bright HD display to power, yes... does it last! My own testing gave me over 1 and a half days of battery life with a fair amount of usage, but check this...other reviews claim 2 days of solid usage on the same charge, and I can well believe it. Out on the go a lot? The G2 would definitely have the edge over most high end smartphones today.

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Review: Sony Xperia Z1 Looks Good And Performs Brilliantly

This beefed up smartphone looks Display better than the phone it replaces and Just like the Xperia Z, there is the same 5.0 inch display, with 1080 x 1920 pixels giving 441 comes with higher specifications to TFT ppi pixel density 16M colours. However for all that boot. Here is how it performed: the display is rather excellent, the speaker is just

Hardware: To the front is the familiar huge slab of scratchproof and shatterproof glass. It is also bigger and heavier than the model it replaces. The tiny covers over the ports for the Micro SD card, charger and SIM card provide the protection from the elements. With these closed the phone is IP58 certified which means it is dust proof and water resistant to one metre for up to 30 minutes.

pretty average which is a little disappointing.


The Xperia Z1 is powered by the quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with a Quad-core 2.2 GHz Krait 400 CPU and an Adreno 330 GPU. This means it is fast so graphics move the way you want them to, apps open when you want them to and you can have multiple apps open at once without affecting the phone’s performance.

like a charm but in more challenging environments then it can struggle, especially when getting the exposure right. But as I said, when it worked well it worked really well and that large camera sensor really did pick up detail very well indeed. With a sharp image it is great to zoom in and see your close ups with no noticeable loss of quality. Impressive stuff.


A non-removable Li-Ion 3,000 mAh battery powers this device and it is up to the task at hand. If you use multiple apps at once and are taking and viewing lots of pictures then expect some pretty hefty battery drain. If I can get a day’s use, or something approaching a day’s use between The unmissable silver power button is in the right charges then I am happy and the Z1 passed this hand side, above the volume rocker and now there test. Software is also a button at the bottom right hand corner to This phone runs Android version 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) turn on the camera which was missing from the Conclusion so you have the full raft of customization options old model. that Android users know and love so much. Sony This is a really powerful, high-end, good looking has put its own custom skin on this so it looks a lot phone with a raft of great features, excellent build The bottom of the device contains the speaker different to many other Android devices. Just have quality and stunning good looks. It is certainly grille, the left houses ports for the Micro SD not cheap but it is worth the money in my view to a play around and have fun. card and the battery charger and pins for the have a device with a lot of power and a lot of great docking station while on the top of the device functionality. Camera is the headphone jack. Finally there are three The previous model had a “mere” 13.1 MP camera further virtual buttons on the front of the phone – but that has been upgraded to a 20.7 megapixel capacitive touch screen buttons for back, home unit. Outdoors and in good light and this works and active apps.

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FOR YOUR CHILD’S PRIMARY SCHOOL PLACE Parents need to apply to Derbyshire County Council by 15 January to get their child’s infant or primary school place for September 2014.

Christmas is often a very busy time but it doesn’t take long to apply online.

“If they miss the deadline they risk not getting a place for their child at their preferred school and that could mean them It’s easy to get distracted by the Christmas and having to travel further or not getting in to the New Year rush, so if your child was born between same school as their friends.” 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010, don’t forget to make your application. Applying online is the easiest method. Just visit the school admissions section of our website at www. The deadline to submit applications is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2014. Applying online is quicker and allows parents to make changes to their application at any point up to the closing date. Anyone who applies online also receives an email to confirm their application has been received. When completing the application form parents will be asked to list, in order of preference, the three schools they would most like their child to go to. Although parents have a legal right to express preferences they have no automatic right to a place at any particular school. Councillor Jim Coyle, Derbyshire County Council’s Deputy Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We’re just reminding parents that, if they haven’t applied yet, they need to do so soon.

Parents who do not have access to a computer can Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190 between 8am and 8pm on weekdays and 9.30am and 4pm on Saturdays, and we will fill it in on their behalf. Those who don’t want to apply online or through Call Derbyshire can still choose to complete the paper form, which they can get by emailing or ringing 01629 537499. Applications submitted to Derbyshire County Council after the deadline will not be considered until places have been allocated to those children whose parents did return their form on time. Parents who fail to meet the deadline may find that the school they want their child to go to is full. Any parents who are a refused a place for their child have a right of appeal to an independent panel.

Apply for your child’s place online at

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3aaa’s Derby academy opened 3aaa’s Derby academy opened in September 2013, we offer apprenticeships in IT and social Media at Level 3 and Level HNC / HND.


the short time that we at iBox-Security have worked with 3AAA we have taken on some truly talented individuals into our team as apprentices. 3AAA have been brilliant at sorting the best candidates for our specific needs and were able to keep the paperwork to a minimum allowing us to keep our focus where it should be, on our clients.” Sean Price from I-Box security.

Our enhanced training allows the apprentice to really develop key skills in each area and make a very positive impact on the company. Aspire Achieve Advance Ltd is one of the leading national training providers in England for Apprenticeships boasting a number of the country’s top FE Colleges and employers as their partners. Established in 2008 the 3As has grown rapidly to become the training provider of choice in a number of business sectors. 

Ever since it was established by Di McEvoy-Robinson and Peter Marples there has been a strong emphasis on the value of people, growing to nearly 180 fulltime staff members. This emphasis on high-quality, industryexperienced staff ensures that 3As are able to deliver market leading apprenticeship programmes that are developed with real application into industry at the focus. 

3As works in partnership with a number of leading FE Colleges to become an integral part of the local industry and to ensure the reach covers all the local community. Many 3A training centres are situated within college partner locations and utilise the excellent infrastructure and support facilities that are on offer to ensure the optimum learning quality and experience.

Peter Marples, Will Huges , Craig forysth & Di Mcevoy make to local companies. Our refurbished centre in Sitwell house recently opened by Derby County’s Will Hughes and Craig Forsyth focuses on “the power partnership”. This unique agreement has allowed us to develop very strong ties in the local community and with local schools. We believe that anyone with a passion for IT or Social Media should be able to develop and learn in a very supportive, skilled environment.

If as an employer you are looking for an apprentice you may be able to obtain a grant for up to £1500 towards the initial costs of wages or equipment. The apprenticeship is designed to Currently we have 18 training centres in the UK and in the past 3 months we have created over 50 allow a company to bring in talent develop them jobs for local driven apprentices who understand and allow them to become stars of the future! Should you require any further information on that hard work and passion is key to gaining courses or how apprenticeships can help you the chance of work. We are keen to work with even more local employers given our continuous please email or call 01332 265750. positive feedback and real difference that we

three As students

Ian Birtley Sales manager and Peter Marples Director of AAAs

Appentice of the year and Will Huges & Di Mcevoy

How IT apprenticeships work:

your questions answered There’s a lot to take in when you start thinking about hiring an IT apprentice. Here, we answer some of the most common questions businesses have, covering financial incentives, what your apprentice will learn and your responsibilities as an employer. What training will my apprentice get?

The training will ensure your apprentice has both technical skills and softer ones, such as communication, team working, project management and industry awareness. It will be tailored to your individual business needs, and include mandatory and optional topics, depending on what job role you want your apprentice to do (see below). In addition, every apprentice, regardless of the sector they work in, must complete training in “employment rights and responsibilities” and “personal learning and thinking”, to help them enter the world of work. Your training provider will look after this training.

To make sure your IT apprentice develops the skills they need for the best start in their career, their training must meet the minimum requirements set out in e-skills All apprentices must also have functional maths, english and IT skills at Level 2, equivalent to GCSE. UK’s Apprenticeship Framework. Most IT apprentices will already have these skills before starting their programme. This outlines a programme of on and off the job

Software/Web Developer Your apprentice will gain fundamental programming skills and be able to apply these to the specific languages and platforms you use. They will also understand the software development lifecycle and be able to contribute to your design, development and testing activities.

incident management activities, such as installing and upgrading software, setting up or replacing hardware, and diagnosing and solving technical faults. They will understand your system administration and monitoring tools, and be able to give your users technical advice and guidance.

How will their training be scheduled? An example schedule for a 12 month IT apprenticeship is set out to the right.

Database Analyst

The first six months will see your apprentice alternating Your apprentice will learn about the role of information between on and off the job training. This could mean systems within your organisation and be able to design, them spending a week with you in the workplace, then a week at your local training provider. develop, test, maintain and analyse databases. They will understand your specific applications of data, and For the second half of the apprenticeship, your related policies and procedures. Their communication apprentice will work with you full time. An assessor and customer care skills will ensure the needs of your from your training provider will visit you regularly, data users are met. to ensure your apprentice continues to progress and

training, to help your apprentice develop practical, work-based skills, as well as the theoretical knowledge What will my apprentice be able to do? to underpin them. For your apprentice to complete IT Technician their qualification, these skills will be assessed in the IT apprentices are usually trained to do a specific, entry workplace. Your apprentice will be able to complete help desk and level job role.
Examples include:

completes their qualification.

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IT Apprenticeship opportunities in Derby Aspire Achieve Advance Ltd is a National Training Provider that specialise in the delivery of IT Apprenticeships across the UK. We are the largest Training Provider in the UK that delivers IT Apprenticeships through our 15 NITP (National IT Partnership) Academies across England. We work with some key employers in the IT Sectors including HP, Ocado and Aldi. We work with Blue Chip Organisations through to SME’s across various sectors and industries. Our Nottingham NITP Academy is recruiting NOW for IT Apprentices. The Academy will deliver the Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in IT, Software, Web and Telecoms. It is a 12 month apprenticeship where 16-18 year olds work towards the following qualifications: Diploma in Professional Competence for IT and Telecoms Professionals. Extended Diploma in ICT Systems and

Principles. Functional Skills Level 2 in IT, Maths and English (If applicable)

What our Apprentices say about us: ‘It has opened doors for me to become what I’ve always dreamed of’ NITP Apprentice ‘NITP give me the opportunity to work independently as well as spending time to teach me the skills I need’ NITP Apprentice NITP Leicester will be attending The Local World Jobs Exhibition 2013 in Nottingham on Wednesday 16th October at Trent Bridge Cricket Club .

If you aged 16-18 years and looking for a job in IT then come and talk to us!

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Everywhere you look people are talking about “the cloud” but what does it mean and what can it do for my business? Introducing the Cloud

The Cloud is all about computing without boundaries. In means being able to access your data, communicate, work and collaborate wherever you are. It’s also about leveraging modern technology to make the services you use very reliable and secure. This all sounds good but what’s the catch?

One size fits all?

• Enterprise grade e-mail and collaboration systems for just a few pounds a month • Complete office phone systems without buying a PBX • Monitor employee internet usage • Ensure computers are secured with up to date anti-virus and software updates • Backup every last bit of precious data • Collaborate with customers and suppliers • Monitor and manage your social media presence • Track your sales pipeline and develop you customers

So what do I need to know?

Just like in the real world, there isn’t just a single cloud – there are many!

There are many cloud providers and not all are equal. The most commonly advertised type of cloud Key to success is is known as “Public Cloud” and is where many understanding your companies (and individuals) share the same set business needs and of computer equipment out on the internet. This selecting the right delivers cost savings and generally provides cloud provider. For features and functionality which wouldn’t example some types otherwise be available to small companies. of businesses have Amazon and Microsoft are examples of this type Data Protection of Cloud. requirements which preclude the use of At the other end of the scale is “Private Cloud” Cloud providers who where a company can use modern technology to store their data outside reap all the benefits of cloud but keep control of all of the UK so it’s key of its information by deploying this Cloud from its to be able to negotiate own servers and network equipment. these specific technical details with potential The most commonly used approach is “Hybrid suppliers. Cloud” where a company uses a mix of both solutions perhaps using the “Public Cloud” for One of the most e-mail and backup but developing a “Private common myths is that Cloud” to keep key systems such as accounts and in the cloud nothing HR internal but allowing staff secure access 24x7 can break and no data where ever they happen to be. can be lost. Although “outages” as they are known are rare they can last for server Whatever size your business and whatever you hours and because do there is likely to be benefits to be gained from you are one of many using the cloud in at least one aspect of your customers it can be operations. If you can’t answer yes to any of the difficult to get straight following questions then the cloud has solutions answers on resolution. for you: Careful selection of provider can mitigate 1. Am I able to access my e-mail any time, on any this but never remove device, anywhere in the world and does it also the risk – but at least store all my contacts and my schedule and allow you don’t to employ me to share these with my staff? people who can fix it as 2. Do I know that every piece of important data the cloud provider will on our computers is regularly backed up and have this under control. that if I needed to recover something that was accidentally deleted I’d be able to? Most companies who 3. If I need to urgently access my accounts or successfully deploy some other operational information I am able to Cloud technology do this from wherever I am? deploy the experience 4. Can I be sure that my mobile staff are backup and support of an up their data and keeping the computers secure IT supplier that as well as working hard rather than wasting time specializes in Cloud on the Internet? technology as they are able to plan,   select providers, What sorts of things can I achieve project manage and support solutions from with the cloud? end-to-end. This is especially true where You can get all sorts of things including, but not a “Hybrid Cloud” is the limited to: right solution because the dedicated Cloud

Is the cloud for me then?

providers do not support on-site systems at all.

How do I take the first steps?

Digital Evolutions have been providing cloud services for over 10 years and experiencing in planning and delivering bespoke solutions from small entirely cloud companies which don’t even have an office right through to large PLCs who want Cloud but have to design and implement Private Cloud solutions with high availability and security.

Give us a call on

0845 805 4870

or drop us an e-mail at and our lead technical consultant will get in touch and we arrange a free consultancy session, free no obligation trails or provide you with whatever information you require.

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BluePrint Promotional Products Business Supplier

of the year

Blueprint Promotional Products has been named Business Supplier of the Year by the Derbyshire Guardian. Even in these challenging times the company is going from strength to strength, building on its reputation of putting customers first and delivering top quality products at a fair price, coupled with unrivalled customer service. Founded by Managing Director Mark Wilson, Blueprint has been established for more than 17 years and since the planned expansion just three years ago has seen some very impressive year on year growth, more than doubling in size!

Why? Because they put so much attention into the needs and expectations of their clients they are able to retain their customer base and build long term relationships. Many customers have been on the Blueprint books since its inception, which speaks volumes about the company’s ethos and the way they do business.

A quick look at their website’s client testimonial page is all the assurance you’ll ever need to realise that this is the promotional merchandise company you should partner with! Mark continued, “Our diverse client base includes many prominent & leading companies and our business has grown and prospered on the strength of many referrals & recommendations.” Blueprint Promotional Products Ltd is an independent and privately owned family company, which offers a vast range of stock promotional merchandise and extensive bespoke product options - including calendars, diaries, leather, PVC, polypropylene and plastic products and even USB Memory sticks / flash drives.

Mark and his team are totally familiar with the entire product range and are on hand to use their expert knowledge and experience to ensure that their clients can meet their promotional marketing objectives while keeping within budget. Give them a brief and they Mark is very proud of the fact that the will draw up proposals to first ever new client he gained when match your requirements and he started in the industry more than ensure that you get the very 20 years ago is still a loyal customer – best out of your advertising how rare is that? spend. Mark explained: “Every customer is as Mark said: “We remain in a important to us as they are unique, very challenging commercial and regardless of how big or small, climate, it is the smart we want to ensure that we don’t just business people who realise meet their expectations but exceed that this is exactly the time them – and we do!” to maintain, or actually

increase their marketing spend and gain that all important market share from those who are cutting back! “Promotional Merchandise should be an integral part of every company’s marketing spend and we are gaining a lot of new business from clients who have never used this type of marketing before.

Blueprint Promotional Products supplies merchandise to both the UK and international markets and their clients include the NHS, Frankie & Benny’s, Mrs Browns Boys, Nottingham Trent University, Clear Channel, E-On, Jet2, Nottingham Express Transit, Network Rail and Thomson Holidays to name but a very few.

Turn the page and keep reading, I They come to us and we guide them on think you’ll find the next two pages how to use this medium for maximum really interesting! ROI and how to keep one step ahead of their competition.”

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Significant changes to Employment Law in 2013 and there are many more to come….. Page 38. Issue 12 Derbyshire Guardian.

Employment Law has always been an area of law which has changed frequently, however 2013 saw some major changes to employment legislation and the way in which Employment Tribunal claims are dealt with. The major changes this year have been:

Employment Tribunal Fees 2013 saw the introduction of an issue fee for the majority of Employment Tribunal claims. Previously claimants did not have to pay any fees. The introduction has been challenged by UNISON citing it is a breach of human rights and will have a disproportionate effect on the ability of potential claimants to pursue their employers in the event of any breach however at present they are still in force. Designed to reduce the burden on the tax payer it remains to be seen the effect it has on the number of claims issued.

New Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure There has been a complete overhaul of the Employment Tribunal procedure. They have issued new claim forms and responses, introduced a ‘sift’ stage stage and costs awards can be made in whereby all new claims will be subject a wider range of cases. to a review by a Judge following receipt of the Claim Form and Response. If a New rules regarding Settlement Judge considers that a claim has no Agreements prospects of success then it will be struck out without the further involvement Previously known as compromise of the parties. A Claimant can request agreements, there is now a specific a reconsideration of the decision at an code of practice in place regarding preoral hearing. It will be important for both termination settlement negotiations Claimants and Respondents to ensure meaning even when there is no dispute their pleadings contain sufficient detail there is scope to enter into settlement to allow a Judge to make a decision. In negotiations on a ‘Without Prejudice’ addition there are greater powers for basis. In particular any discussions are Judges to make decisions at an early inadmissible in Tribunal proceedings

(save for a few exceptions). This opens up the possibility for Employers and Employees to enter into a valid settlement agreement regarding the termination of an Employee’s contract in advance of any dispute arising and before any formal process has commenced. In practice Compromise Agreements have been used in a wide range of situations already, however the new Code clarifies their use and the rules regarding disclosure of any negotiations as part of Tribunal proceedings which may follow.

changes over the last 12 months, including changes to redundancy consultations, whistle blowing claims, employee shareholder status and a cap on the compensatory award for unfair dismissal no name a few. There are more significant changes planned for 2014 including changes to TUPE legislation, compulsory ACAS conciliation for all new claims in April and additional penalties for employers who lose at Tribunal. The changes are set to continue as the government and interest groups continue to debate the balance between Of course there have been many more employers and employee rights.

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Let ncn business to business give you and your employees a helping hand. Choose the level of course that’s right for your employees

With the constant reminder that budgets are tight in an ever competitive market, New College Nottingham’s business to business team has looked for a way to give small businesses in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire a helping hand.

There are lots of courses available, from level 2 (equivalent to GCSEs) through to level 3 (equivalent to ‘A’ levels). Choose the course that’s right for your employees, if they have never formally trained before, but have a wealth of experience, they may well be suited to a higher qualification than you think. It’s worth talking to an assessor to get their advice about the best course for your workforce, so that you get the best value for both your business and your employee.

Thanks to being successful in our bid to secure European Social Funding (ESF), we are now delighted to announce that we are running a range of free training for small and medium sized businesses, which employ under 250 people. Courses including construction, care, retail, customer services, food and hospitality, management and many more are available at a range of levels, through to level 3 (equivalent to ‘A’ level). Delivering versatile learning and development solutions for your workforce, we aim to increase the productivity throughout SME businesses in our area. No matter what state your current training programme is in, we can help get your training on track and up to speed with the latest industry recognised qualifications

Learning new skills opens more doors Being able to learn new skills in the workplace will add value to an individual’s experience with a company as well as giving them the opportunity to develop their career.

Look at the benefits Being able to learn new skills in the workplace will add value to an individual’s experience with a company as well as giving them the opportunity to develop their career.

The ncn business to business team

Training your staff will also give you a more motivated workforce and better staff retention, saving you money on recruitment costs.

“I’ve been doing the job for a while, but I’d never had the chance to take any formal qualifications. My boss saw that ncn was offering free training though and asked if I wanted to take the course. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I was able to learn whilst I worked and it’s really improved my employment prospects. It’s always great to have a qualification, as it opens more doors for you. The course was brilliant and I got a lot of support from my assessor, who was great, so I’d definitely recommend taking the opportunity to study if you can. I feel like I’ve got a good future in the industry now, as I am now officially qualified and I can take my qualification with me wherever I go.”

Make sure they are industry recognised qualifications It’s easy to get blindsided by the latest qualifications and information from the newest training provider on the scene.

Head of Employer Responsive Services at ncn business to business, Steven Rick.

Tap in to European Social Funding (ESF)

Ask who they have worked with in the past and whether you could speak to anyone who has used them for training before. Many providers pride themselves on their reputation and track records, so putting you in touch with a happy customer should never be a problem.

Many colleges and training providers have been able to tap into European Social Funding, which allows them to run a range of free training courses for small and medium sized businesses, which employ under 250 people.

For more information meet with one of ncn’s business to business team, who will be able to assess your business training needs, offer bespoke training and packages that fit in with you and your employees as they work alongside training.

By tapping into this you may well be able to get free training for your workforce including entry level certificates, NVQs and even apprenticeships.

ncn business to business lead the way

Top Tips for workplace learning

Ben Curran, 37, found this after studying the Head of Employer Responsive Services at ncn b2b, Steven Rick, gives us his top tips NVQ Level 2 in Painting and Decorating at about workplace learning and the options ncn, he said: available:

By studying with a college or registered training provider, especially one which has excellent industry links, you will ensure that your employees are taking the latest approved industry recognised qualifications.

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Since creating the business to business strand of New College Nottingham, the team has gone from strength to strength, being named as Nottingham’s top training provider for apprenticeships and winning the Nottinghamshire Business Awards Marketing Campaign of the Year 2013. During 2013 ncn business to business have had huge success at their Sector Based Work Academy (SWBA), which saw an 80% success rate from its latest cohort. Working closely with Volker Laser on their external wall insulation project in Clifton, Nottingham, the most recent SWBA intake saw eight out of ten students going into full time employment after studying the programme.

ncn business to business team receiving their Marketing Campaign of the Year award.

The SBWA is a 6-8 week course that provides unemployed people in the area with the necessary training and work experience to guarantee them an interview at the end of the course. For more information about any of the above, contact ncn business to business on 0808 168 7087 or email or why not follow us on Twitter @ncnb2b

ABC Training Page 42. Issue 12 Derbyshire Guardian.

All employers have legal duties to ensure that the health and safety of their staff while at work and this includes an awareness of basic first aid. The rules are set out in the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 which requires employers to provide “adequate and appropriate” equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. According to the Health and Safety Executive

website: “These Regulations apply to all workplaces including those with less than five employees and to the self-employed. “What is ‘adequate and appropriate’ will depend on the circumstances in the workplace. This includes whether trained first-aiders are needed, what should be included in a first-aid box and if a first-aid room is required. Employers should carry out an assessment of first-aid needs to determine what to provide.”

As a result of this legal requirement there is a big industry in providing this training and Burton on Trent based ABC Training Services is one of the leading suppliers in the UK. ABC Training Services have more than 20 years’ experience providing cutting-edge first aid and health and safety training to commercial and industrial clients throughout the UK.

most up-to-date first aid skills, but the attitude to make the best use of them in an emergency. Their courses include: · First Aid at Work · Requalification for First Aid at Work · First Aid at Work Refresher Training

From an initial risk assessment to both basic and specialised training, they work closely with clients to ensure that their staff possesses not only the

· Emergency First Aid at Work · Paediatric First Aid Training · Automated External Defibrillation Course · Sport Injury First Aid · First Aid Risk Assessment · Health and Safety Risk Assessment · Manual Handling · General Safety Awareness · Fire Marshal · CIEH Level 2 Award

ABC Training Services owner Colin Dawson said: “Not only is our training effective, it’s fun as well. Barely a session goes by where the attendees don’t come up to us afterwards to tell us how much fun they’ve had.“Furthermore, many managers and leaders (many of whom have worked with us for years) tell us that our training has had a noticeable effect on their staff’s overall morale. “In addition to our years of experience as trainers, we are also skilled and committed first aiders ourselves, with numerous awards to our credit. We are constantly looking for ways to broaden our skillset in order to provide you with the most effective, comprehensive training.” As well as training courses ABC Training Services provides medics and first aiders for cover at events including football matches and also sells medical supplies equipment. The company has grown to have around 24 staff on its books and is gaining new clients every month.

Colin added: “We are an independent first aid training company and people are always telling us that we provide a great service while being cost effective. “We make sure all our trainers and assessors are fully up to date and our event cover team is led by paramedics and emergency care practitioners. “Our attention to detail really pays off and we have just had our best-ever year where we have more than doubled our turnover and taken on more staff to meet the demand for our services.” Colin said that many clients have come back time and time again because they know they will get high quality training delivered by industry experts at cost effective pricing. “In fact, whatever the nature of your company and whatever environment you work in, we guarantee that we’ll provide you with everything you need to improve your standards of health and safety and effortlessly handle emergencies. “First aid training could very easily be what makes all the difference in a life-or-death situation. “It’s not enough to just have a first aid kit mounted on the wall, your staff need to be properly trained in its use and understand how to respond effectively in a crisis. “That’s why first aid training isn’t just a good investment – it’s a moral and ethical responsibility.” To find out more visit the company’s website at

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COLWICK HALL HOTEL There are a wide range of activities that can be Colwick Hall Hotel can only be undertaken within minutes of Colwick Hall including described as a magnificent palladian golf, motorsports, watersports and teambuilding activities. The halls reception and Conference style Georgian country house coordinator can make bookings on your behalf and mansion nestling in over sixty acres organize transport if required. of glorious parkland. A historic building dating back to Saxon times PRIVATE DINING and once the ancestral home of Colwick Hall offers an excellent variety of Private Lord Byron himself. Dining rooms and the Georgetown Restaurant. There Located just two miles from Nottingham City Centre, Colwick Hall is a grade II* listed manor with a grand entrance overlooking Nottingham racecourse offering exquisite and luxurious facilities. It also boasts an award winning Georgetown Restaurant, 1776 The Grand Ballroom ~ hugely popular for grand weddings, elegant function rooms for meetings and business conferences and private dining, through to the Lakeside Pavilion ~ a grand marquee within the grounds of Colwick Hall overlooking its magnificent lake. There Superior Bedrooms are supremely luxurious boasting palatial designs and rich decorations, original period fireplaces together with period furniture, exquisite bathrooms and fittings throughout. They lead from either the grand staircase built in 1776 or the original stone stairs with intricate detail on the balustrade. Its Superior bedrooms are larger than Executive bedrooms and enjoy breathtaking views of the idyllic lake or racecourse and grounds of Colwick Hall Hotel. Their executive bedrooms are principally located in the second floor and enjoy many original features of this amazing period building. Executive bedrooms are contemporary in style and all boast the latest technology including plasma TVs and wireless internet access.

CONFERENCE TARIFF Colwick Hall Hotel is the ideal business meeting and conference venue suitable for all business needs. With a superb selection of grand state rooms and outstanding facilities it lends itself to hosting your next board meeting, training seminar or client conference. We also have Wi-Fi Broadband Internet available in all areas of the Hotel Conference facilities and accommodation. From its intimate George Stubbs seating twelve people up to the The Lakeside Pavilion for product launches and exhibitions for up to five hundred delegates at a time. Colwick Hall is determined to make a difference to your event and to create the wow factor for all business functions. Colwick Hall also enjoys a central location, just two miles from Nottingham city centre, and yet it still enjoys breathtaking views of the rolling countryside, the lake and racecourse. It is easily accessible by rail, by road (Junction 24 of M1), by air at the Nottingham East Midlands Airport.


is a choice of English, Continental, Colonial Malaysian and other International cuisine, all from their award winning menus. Finger Buffet menus start for as little as £14.50 per person and Banqueting dinner menus from £25.00 per person .They will be more than delighted to discuss your requirements and provide you with the best options.

LEISURE The Hotel is situated in over sixty acres of Colwick Country Park with a network of bridle paths leading around the lake, through the woodland and by the marina, overlooking Nottingham racecourse. It also boast leisure facilities such as a gym, fitness centre and health and beauty are all available at concessionary rates within minutes of the hotel, and subsidized transport rates offered.

EXCLUSIVE USE You can also book the hall on an exclusive basis and this can be arranged on request. Colwick Hall Hotel is situated just two miles from the City Centre located in over sixty acres of Colwick Park and has ample free parking for delegates. It is easily accessible by: ROAD
M1 junctions 24, 25 & 26. A1, A52, and A46.
Head towards West Bridgford and pick up signs to Nottingham Racecourse and Colwick Park and follow all the way. Turn into Racecourse Road, continue straight past the racecourse entrance and we are situated a quarter of a mile on the right hand side. RAIL
Nottingham Midland Mainline Station and Newark North Gate. AIR
Nottingham East Midlands Airport.

COUNTY COUNCIL ENCOURAGES Page 44. Issue 12 Derbyshire Guardian.

RESIDENTS TO GET A FREE HIV TEST People who think they could be at risk of HIV Derbyshire is significantly lower than the are being urged to take a free test as part of national average, the council is committed National HIV Testing Week. to providing and promoting HIV testing as part of a wider programme to improve sexual According to a new Public Health England health and wellbeing. “This includes services report published in the run up to the event providing free testing, advice and information there are 2,932 people living with HIV in the and we would encourage people to take East Midlands. advantage of these services to increase early diagnosis and reduce the risk of Derbyshire County Council is supporting onward transmission.” National HIV Testing Week, which runs until Friday (November 29), to raise awareness of People can significantly reduce their risk of the benefits of early testing and encourage getting or transmitting HIV those most at risk, for example, men who by: have sex with men, to be tested. It is estimated that 59% of all HIV diagnoses in Derbyshire are late – but evidence shows that the earlier the individual is diagnosed, the better the outcome for them to potentially live a long and active life. Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Health and Communities Councillor Dave Allen said: “Although HIV can potentially be contracted by anyone, we particularly want to encourage people in the high risk groups to practise safe sex and get tested regularly to help prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. “We’re also keen to promote HIV testing as part of routine health checks just like the management of any other health condition. “Although the number of HIV cases in

Going for HIV screening if they think they may be at risk. Always using a condom when having sex until partners have had a sexual health screen.

How to get a HIV test:

People can ask their GP for an HIV test which involves having blood taken or a finger prick. Arrange a test via Derbyshire Sexual Health Having regular screening if they are in the at Booking Line on 01246 235792. risk groups. For a self-sampling kit visit sexual-health. Men who have sex with men should have an HIV and STI screen at least once a year For support and advice about HIV call and every three months if they are having Derbyshire Sexual Health on 01246559431 unprotected sex with new partners. or visit

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Scientists say that if all Future hope smokers in the world Rather than inhaling the toxic substances switched from cigarettes to found in tobacco, e-cigarette user’s inhale electronic cigarettes, it could vaporised liquid nicotine. save millions of lives. In the UK there are currently about 100,000 deaths per year attributable to smoking, worldwide it is estimated to be more than five million.

Robert West, professor of health psychology at University College London, told delegates at the 2013 E-Cigarette Summit at London›s Royal Society that «literally millions of lives» could be saved.

This view was echoed by Dr Jacques Le Houezec, a private consultant who has been researching the effects of nicotine and tobacco. He said that because the harmful effects of its main comparator, tobacco, e-cigarette use should not be over-regulated.

Now researchers are hopeful that an increasing use of e-cigarettes could prevent some of these deaths.

“We’ve been in the field for very Every adolescent tries something long, this for us is a revolution. new, many try smoking. I would prefer they try e-cigarettes to regular “Every adolescent tries something cigarettes”

But some groups warn that e-cigarettes could normalise smoking.

Dr Jacques Le HouezecTobacco and nicotine researcher

An estimated 700,000 users smoke e-cigarettes in the UK, according to Action on Smoking and Health. Some users combine “vaping”, as it is often called, with traditional cigarettes while others substitute it for smoking completely.

“The big question, and why we’re here, is whether that goal can be realised and how best to do it... and what kind of cultural, regulatory environment can be put in place to make sure that’s achieved.

E-cigarettes have also recently be found to “I think it can be achieved but that’s a hope, be just as effective as nicotine patches in a promise, not a reality,” he said. helping smokers quit.

A revolution

new, many try smoking. I would prefer they try e-cigarettes to regular cigarettes.” Dr Le Houezec added. An EU proposal to regulate e-cigarettes as a medicine was recently rejected, but in the UK e-cigarettes will be licensed as a medicine from 2016. Artical Sourced from the BBC

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Fireworks I LOVE my job! These past few months we’ve been busy watching demonstrations of new retail fireworks and picking out the best, so you can buy

fireworks from us with confidence.

not only exceed our exacting standards they all meet the required British and European Standards and are marked with One of my favourite new editions BS7114 to our fabulous range of fireworks for sale is the Caged Tiger The Price Match Promise by Total FX Fireworks. This We know its important to you to awesome single ignition finale be able to buy fireworks that not barrage has to be the ultimate only deliver good quality, but also display-in-a-box! deliver on price. This is we are offering a price match promise, The Quality Promise so if you find an identical firework We source and cherry pick the for sale online at a lower price we best fireworks from suppliers will happily match the price. around the world. We visit the This year we have introduced firework factories and oversee our cheap fireworks for sale our fireworks being made to range. We decided to help you by ensure we can deliver our offering the sale of these superior customers superior quality at value fireworks, these cheap a great price. The quality of fireworks deliver on price and on fireworks for sale on our website, quality allowing you to finish your

night in style.

View before you buy By using different methods, elements and packaging, many different types of fireworks can be made. Fireworks are available in a huge array of different shapes, sizes, colours and effects. So to help you choose the best fireworks for your budget and display type, we have uploaded videos of our fireworks so you can view them online before you buy. You can buy fireworks online all year round from our website, so if you’re looking to end your event or occasion in style visit us today

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GreenPowerUK In life you can rarely get something for nothing…but that need not be the case when it comes to replacing your old or faulty boiler. Put it this way, business partners Wayne Lambert and Gary Hicks have installed around 80 brand new boilers since July and it hasn’t cost the clients anything at all. They are currently fitting between five and ten new boilers per week and they say their hardest task is to convince the customers that there is nothing for them to pay. Together they are the driving force behind GreenPowerUK which fits the free boilers for those who qualify under a government-

backed scheme. GreenPowerUK is a Mansfield-based company which has over 20 years experience in the industry and which prides itself in putting customers first. Wayne said:

“The great thing about this scheme is that it targets those who are most in need of a replacement boiler but who would otherwise not be able to afford to get one. “Fuel poverty is a very serious issue and this helps people in that situation, in a way which can make a really positive difference to them and their families. “Heating is a very basic requirement and for those people who qualify under the scheme they will get a brand-new modern boiler complete with a five-year warranty for free. “We do all the work from the initial consultation to installing the boiler and it is our aim that all our customers are more than happy with the high standards of

professionalism and workmanship we deliver on each and every job.” The boilers are being made available under the government’s ECO Affordable Warmth Obligation, where qualifying households can apply to have a new ‘A’ rated energy efficient boiler installed in their home free of charge. And with three of the big six energy companies recently announcing price rises in the region of eight and ten per cent for domestic gas and electricity tariffs, there is no better time to ensure you have the most efficient boiler you can get. As long as the households satisfy certain criteria relating to state benefits and the condition of their existing central heating system, they can apply for a free boiler.

If you are a Landlord, in Private Rented accommodation or a home owner and you get one of the following benefits State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit Working Tax Credit Income Related Employment Income Based Job Seekers

You may qualify for a free 
GreenPowerUK boiler under the ECO Scheme is part of Plumbing And Heating if the following criteria apply: Design UK Ltd.

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Derbyshire Guardian are happy

to announce Kirk Hallam as New Year Property Sponsors

Kirk Hallam Building Company Ltd was again. One course of action taken involved formed by Tom Stevenson on the 9th the commencement of a new Industrial February 1969 . Development in Langley Mill at a time when the general trend was to steer clear of all The main activity of the company then included types of speculative commercial development supplying sub contract bricklaying gangs to work. main contractors throughout the Midlands. Tom Stevenson ran the administration side of The development was a success and the the business and his son Clive ran the sites. company decided to relocate to one of the Very soon the company began to diversify by new units on the site which is now known as undertaking small extensions and alterations Langley Park. From here the emphasis was works and as time progressed larger contracts concentrated purely on speculative projects including Miners welfare extensions, Filling and the management team was expanded to stations, car showrooms etc were taken on. allow for this. Utilising the new management’s During this period the company acquired considerable expertise and experience all an odd building plot here and there with developments are now managed entirely the idea of keeping the workforce busy by in house starting from site surveys through building houses when the contracting work to the completed development. With the slackened off. This proved to be a successful exception of specialist professional services arrangement and allowed the company to the business is practically self sufficient in expand until it was large enough to construct all aspects of modern property development its own purpose built premises in Awsworth from site acquisition, through design, in 1975. Included in the new premises was a planning, build and marketing through to final purpose built joinery manufacturing workshop completion. which provided the company with the facilities to supply other contractors and the domestic Whilst the main business continues to be market with purpose made joinery. known as Kirk Hallam Building Company Ltd the housing development sites are now From its new base the company continued built under the name of Kirk Hallam Homes to expand its joinery business and got more and commercial properties are managed by involved with speculative house building on Heritage Properties (East Midlands) Ltd. a larger scale which included two new sixty house development sites. During this period The ability of the management to react quickly a major recession developed which led to to market trends over a period of almost forty a general slump in the building industry. five years has, without doubt, enabled the Fortunately, through prudent management, business, not only to survive three major lay-offs were averted and the company recessions, but to allow the company to weathered the storm. achieve its current status. The close knit structure and co-operation of the workforce The financial climate eventually improved, and management should continue to ensure leading to the boom and bust era of the 80’s. the success of Kirk Hallam Building Company The boom period saw further expansion into a new era and provide a secure future but the following recession resulted in a for the next generation which includes two term of consolidation. Bold management of Clive’s sons, Jamie & Leigh who are now decisions had to be made in these difficult directors and site managers of the company. times which were not without considerable risk. The outcome of these actions resulted Kirk Hallam Homes enjoys an unrivalled in the company ignoring the national trend reputation by providing quality homes at by continuing to build at a steady pace affordable prices in the some of the most which, fortunately, maintained the integrity popular locations in south east Derbyshire. of the business and its workforce once The company has seen many customers

return to purchase a second new home from to their needs, budget and aspirations, which them as their housing needs change, or continues even after the keys have been they wish to move to a different location. All handed over. customers receive a personal service tailored

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will be able to experience one session a week for the first two weeks in February in either Maths or English. It allows them to get a chance to see how MagiKats works, the resources provided and to become part of the fun and friendly atmosphere of Principal Claire Pointon offers weekly classes MagiKats. The free trial represents a saving of £55 where tutors work with a maximum of six students and spaces are limited. Claire said: to build an understanding of key areas within the UK National Curriculum. “Prior to starting my family, I worked in training The emphasis at MagiKats is for children to enjoy and as a mentor in a professional management capacity, but I always had a goal to work within the learning experience because if they have education. fun they will retain more information while also improving their study skills. The tuition, available for any student up to year 11, is offered in weekly “Through my experience as a mum, a teaching interactive workshops at the right level to help assistant in a local primary school and a school students gain confidence, new skills and a love governor, I recognise that each child is an of learning. The learning experience includes lots individual and deserves a personalised approach of hands-on resources mixed in with worksheets to learning. while structured homework enables students to master core skills across all topics. “To me there are few things more satisfying than The learning materials are engaging and each seeing the smile on a child’s face when they have student’s own mentor is involved with helping achieved something new or understood something their tutees to learn and enjoy it. Now, for the that they have been struggling with.” first two weeks in February, MagiKats is offering a ‘try before you buy’ free trial offer. Students

At MagiKats in Derby, children get vital extra tuition in Maths and English while having fun as they do so.

MagiKats tuition is especially useful if children need extra help to support their school work or need to get that edge when it comes to sitting entrance exams. As well as the traditional pencil on paper work, there is also lots of multi-sensory activities used, all completed under the guidance of trained tutors with a maximum of 6 students per tutor and one-on-one tuition is available where needed. Claire said that the combination of group activities and independent working is a very effective learning method. Structured preparation is available for SATs, GCSE and other exams.

a weekly homework pack, containing five short assignments. It is suggested that these are done at the rate of one a day but discretion over this is left to the parent. Claire added: “Our curriculum covers the UK National Curriculum and is kept fully up to date. “One of the main benefits of the MagiKats method of study is that students are given time to understand and practise topics which really helps build their confidence. “We take great care to offer individual programme tailored to suit each students needs and we also provide year round support to ensure continuity and steady progress that isn’t lost during a summer break.”

Claire added: “I consider the MagiKats programme, with its small workshop groups, the learning activities we use and the individual study programmes to be the best way in which I can provide the extra support and individual attention that children need. “All of the mentors working with me have been If you would like to find out more visit carefully selected to provide support across the full or call Claire on subject and age range.” 01332 756380 The interactive workshops are the heart of the MagiKats programmes but each student receives

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Derby County are “more attractive to watch than Barcelona”

Derbyshire Guardian. Issue 12 Page 63.

It is not every day that you get Derby shock of falling behind in the opening County and Barcelona mentioned in minutes to produce a fine attacking display. After creating a number of chances in the the same sentence. So when The Rams are not only mentioned in the same breath as the iconic Spanish side, but compared favourably to them then it is worth repeating. Website made the comparison after the recent 5-1 thrashing handed out to Blackpool at the iPro Stadium. It wrote of Derby’s last two games: “Derby County - 1237 passes - 87.5% pass accuracy - 36 shots - 7 goals. Barcelona 1144 - 87.5% pass accuracy - 21 shots - 4 goals. “So there you have it - Derby are currently more attractive to watch than Barcelona.” Meanwhile Steve McClaren said he was ‘very satisfied’ at Derby’s convincing victory over Blackpool…the team’s third win inside six days. Five second half goals saw Derby storm back from a goal down at the interval to claim their fifth successive Sky Bet Championship victory. Striker Chris Martin helped himself to a firstever league hat-trick while Craig Bryson and Richard Keogh also got their names on the scoresheet to mark the official opening of the iPro Stadium. McClaren told Rams Player: “It’s a wonderful achievement to get three wins in six days. The lads have been brilliant and it’s very satisfying. “Five wins in a row is difficult in the Championship so the players deserve a huge amount of credit. “The whole squad has contributed and produced a tremendous amount of effort to get us to where we are now. “The character of the squad has shone through and we’ve managed to get nine more points on the board. “It’s important we continue to remain grounded and don’t get carried away even though the outside pressure and expectation is continuing to rise…there’s a long way to go.” McClaren felt Derby recovered from the

first half they again showed the patient side of their game and didn’t lose their composure. Chris Martin’s first hat-trick in a Derby shirt also earned praise from McClaren. He said: “We’re delighted for Chris that he’s got a hat-trick and he’s a very important part of the team. “He’s become the focal point of the team up front and he’s getting the goals to go alongside with his excellent all-round game. “We’ve got a good balance in the attacking areas and today the hero is Chris Martin. “We seem to have a different one each week and long may that continue.”

Page 64. Issue 12 Derbyshire Guardian.

Derby’s FA Cup Clash Against Chelsea Will Be Live on TV

Derby County’s FA Cup Third Round tie against Premier League side Chelsea has been selected for live television coverage. The game at the iPro Stadium will be shown on BT Sport on Sunday 5th January 2014, kick-off 2:15pm. Derby’s Head Coach Steve McClaren has described the clash as “a tie to relish.” Both fans and players reacted with delight at the news and a massive crowd is expected to see Jose Mourinho bring his star-studded squad to Derby. McClaren said: “It’s a great draw for the club for a number of reasons. “It’s at home, we’re up against a big opponent and that will mean a big test for the players. “They will want to test themselves against one of the best teams in the country and Europe so I think it’s great for them. “It’s exciting for the fans too and I’m sure a great crowd will be at the iPro Stadium for it as well as it should be a cracking FA Cup tie. “It’s a big challenge for us but one we should relish.” McClaren admits the tie is one to look forward to – but he is adamant his players must put it to the back of their minds for the time being with several important Sky Bet Championship games to play before the Blues come to town. “There’s a long way to go until we play the game so we have to focus on the Christmas period and our league form before we even start thinking about Chelsea,” he added.

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