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MA Events Management
Experience the dierence
MA Events Management Where you will study: Buxton Campus Course Code: MN8AC Entry requirements: Applicants will normally be in possession of: A UK 2.2 (or above) Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification from a recognised British or overseas institution. All subjects are considered, but possession of degrees or relevant experience in related subjects will be advantageous A significant portfolio of work at appropriate level or relevant professional qualifications. Duration and mode of study: Full-time: one year, full-time with integrated work placement: up to 2 years, part-time: two years and up to six years. Course fees: £6255 per year
▪ You’ll be able to get involved in consultancy work. ▪ We belong to professional bodies such as the National Outdoor Events Association and we are a founding member of the Association of Events Management Educators, so you'll definitely be studying with leaders in the field. ▪ You can study this course full or part time. If you study full time, you can also enjoy a period of work placement in the UK or abroad.
About the course During this course you will develop your understanding of events operations, planning, risk management, marketing, finance and strategy in the context of a wide variety of events, including conferences, exhibitions, festivals, product launches, trade shows and sporting events.
Start dates: September and January for the MA traditional route, May for the MA with integrated work placement.
By using guest speakers, industry days and having the chance to work on real life problems, you will be able to combine theory with practice and gain the skills and confidence you need to manage your own events.
Why choose this course?
You will get involved in consultancy work through the Buxton Fringe Festival, the National Student Conference and our own Conference and Events Unit, which promotes the Dome.
▪ You will study with other students from countries including Thailand, Hong Kong, South Africa and Australia, which will help you to develop your thinking around global practice. ▪ You will meet a variety of industry representatives, who regularly collaborate with us. ▪ Our friendly, professional staff and key members of our award winning team specialise in events management, not just generic business.
We regularly work collaboratively with professionals in the industry, so you'll have opportunities to work on exciting projects. We've worked with the Llangollen International Eisteddfod (Festival), Capita Symonds and Showsec, and on major events such as Glastonbury.
What you’ll cover CERTIFICATE STAGE
Event Operations and Risk Management
Integrated Business Management
Ethnographies of Festival Consumption
Strategic Directions
Reasearch Methodologies
Our team specialises in events management, not just generic business, so their industry experience will be brought in to their teaching. One member of staff was responsible for risk management when Liverpool became the Capital of Culture and another worked on safety aspects for events such as the London Marathon and the stunts for Top Gear. You can study this course full time or part time. You'll learn through on campus teaching, e-learning, block study and/or a combination of these options to suit your individual needs. All the modules you'll study involve experiential learning, so you'll be able to add to your skills base in your individual portfolio.
How you’ll learn All of the Postgraduate MA programmes at UDB are delivered both face to face and through blended learning (mixture of face to face and distance learning). All of our modules are taught within Academic Calendar (September through to
Independent Scholarship
July), but the pattern of delivery is dependent upon cohort, industry and University input. This may include weekends, a block study week, weekly during the academic year or blended learning. The emphasis is on flexible teaching and learning. Whether you are studying Full-time or Part-time, the MA courses require a great deal of independence of learning and application. Normally 20 Credits modules will take you about 200 hours to complete and 40 or 60 Credits modules will take you 400 or 600 hours to complete. Learning in each module will be directed through lecturing input, module teaching materials and a variety of supporting learning activities. However, you should keep in mind that at Master’s Level you will spend approximately 60% of your time on independent learning, review, revision and assignment preparation.