October 2013

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Page 2, Visions Magazine, April 2011

George Washington is the only man whose birthday is a legal holiday in every state of the United States.

The most commonly used word in English conversation is “I.”

108 S. Seneca Road Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 227-4560 www.acvisionsmag.com Publisher............... Chris Keever Advertising............ Chris Keever, ........................Susan McGetrick Graphic Design...... Chris Keever .......................Kathleen Cowling ..................... Martin Hennessee

CONTRIBUTORS Bena Mae Seivers, June McCreight, RC Goodman, Betsy Peterson, Jean Keever, Jim Munsey, Jimmie Turner, Nancy Cosgrove, Joanne Gailar, Judy DiGregorio, Marsha Layman, Melissa Bishop, Marcia Walker, Melanie Harless, Nancy Dunlop, Karl Flatau and Ron Eslinger.

CIRCULATION Visions is direct-mailed to 26,500+ homes in Oak Ridge, Claxton, Clinton, Norris and Oliver Springs on the first Saturday of each month. An additional 2,000 copies are distributed through our county-wide network of display racks throughout Anderson County.

28,500+ Total Circulation ADVERTISING Download a Advertising Rate Card from our website at www.acvisionsmag.com or contact an ad representative:

Chris Keever 227-4560 chris@acvisionsmag.com

Susan McGetrick 227-5810 susan@acvisionsmag.com

EDITORIAL / CALENDAR Submit Community Calendar Listings online at www.acvisionsmag.com

Advertising Deadline for the November issue of Visions Magazine is Tuesday, October 22nd

“I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.

Proverbs 8:17

Appalachian Arts Craft Center’s Porch Sale This month, the Appalachian Arts Craft Center in Norris will hold its Bi-Annual Porch Sale starting Thursday, Oct. 10 and then next month, on Saturday, November 9th, their Annual Chili Supper. Both events are benefits for the nonprofit center which has been fulfilling its mission by promoting traditional artists and crafts in the East TN area for 40 years.

homemade chili, cornbread, dessert, and drink and for those of you who to purchase your meal served in your own handcrafted pottery bowl, you can take the bowl home for $20. The Appalachian Arts and Craft Center has a public gallery that features handmade arts and crafts by local artists and they hold classes for adults and children year round. The center is located at 2716 Andersonville Highway 61 in Norris, Tenn., one mile east of I-75 north at Exit 122. Currently the center has about 75 crafters who sell in the shop.

The fall porch sale typically runs for about two weeks and features outdated stock, seconds, student crafts and unjuried work by members of the Craft Center. This year they will also have handmade baked goods for sale while they last. It’s an excellent time to get great deals before the For info, call 494-9854, or visit Holidays. www.appalachianarts.net. The Appalachian Arts Craft Center is also hosting a Chili Supper on Saturday, November 9 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Norris Community Building. Guests will be entertained with live music from The Wood pickers and invited to take part in a Silent Auction featuring a range of homemade crafts, fine arts, and unique services. One of the items up for bid is a half day Bass fishing trip with Frank Venable! The cost is only $7.50 for

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 3

CASA’s 4th Annual Evening with the Arts! CASA’s fourth annual “Evening with the Arts” is coming soon - Friday, October 11 from 7-10 p.m. at the Pollard Auditorium. This is an event you do not want to miss!

tween)! Please follow CASA of the Tennessee Heartland on Twitter and Facebook for updated information about auction pieces, wine bottles and musicians.

Tickets include wine, canapés by The Market House, sweets from Emma Lou Bakery and several amazing, live concerts by well-known performance artists. Local art pieces will be available for silent auction – including pottery from Bill Capshaw and a print from Bobbie Crews. Guests can also take a stroll through our “wine garden” and purchase one of our 50 bottles of wine for only $20 – find out at the end of the night if you got a $5 or a $1,000 bottle (or something in be-

Tickets are $40 each or $75 a couple, and are available online at www.casatnh.org, by calling the administrative office at 425-0888 or stop by one of the CASA offices. Tickets are going fast, get yours TODAY! Event Sponsors - Advanced Management, WAI, Isotek, Pugh CPAs, TN Bank, BCI and ORAU For more info about donating art pieces or becoming a sponsor, please call Naomi at 425-0888.

Page 4, Visions Magazine, October 2013

The winged hat worn by the ancient...

Oktoberfest Time In Crossville, October 11th & 12th The Crossville, Tennessee Knights of Columbus are preparing for Oktoberfest - 2013 high atop the Cumberland Plateau. Reserve the dates of Friday and Saturday, October 11th and 12th for your dining, dancing and listening pleasure, at The Knights of Columbus Activity Park, located at 2892 Highway 70 East in Crossville, Tennessee (Exit 322 off I-40, south to Hwy 70, then 1/3 mile east).

The festivities will kick off with for their third year at the Ok- mestic beverages are also east Tennessee. Oktoberfest the traditional tapping of the toberfest will be the Frank available. in Crossville has been rated keg at 11:30am on Friday, Moravcik Band from Cleveby many as the most authenOctober 11th. Continuous tic Oktoberfest they have atmusic will then run immeditended. ately after through 9:30pm. On Saturday, October 12th So if you want to dance to the another day of fun, food, mubest German bands in the sic and excitement begins country, eat the best German at 11am and continues until food in the land, or just come 9:30pm. out and watch the festivities, Oktoberfest in Crossville is Returning again this year for the place to be Rain or Shine! their 15th year is the ever All activities are under cover. popular group, the Rheingold Band from Louisville, KenAdmission tickets are $7.50 tucky. This group of five men at the gate while advance has performed at fests all tickets are $6.00. Refer to www.crossvilleoktoberfest. over the Midwest in their tracom for advance tickets and ditional lederhosen. Look for for additional information. them, with their upbeat tempo, to get the crowd involved both young and old. The Ba- land, Ohio. The band plays a The Knights of Columbus varian Echo, a husband and wide variety of music featur- started the Oktoberfest in wife band from Rutledge, ing their own brand of “Cleve- Crossville 23 years ago, and Tennessee, will provide their land Style� polka music. it has become a yearly event specialty of German & Bathat is anxiously awaited by varian Music. Performing All day and evening long, you many throughout middle and will be able to enjoy, once again, the authentic German food that you have come to expect at the Oktoberfest. Enjoy bratwurst, knackwurst, wiesswurst, pork schnitzel, and kasseler rippchen (smoked pork chop) along with sauerkraut, red cabbage and cinnamon apples. For dessert, German chocolate cake and cheesecake are available. Imported and do-

Greek god Hermes (or, in Roman mythology, Mercury) was called a “petasos.”

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 5

John Denver Tribute & The Amazing Kreskin Both shows will take place at The Historic Grove Theater at 123 Randolph Road in Oak Ridge. Tickets for these shows are available through www.KnoxvilleTickets.com, by phone 865-656-4444 or toll free 877-995-9961, in person at Knoxville Tickets outlets or at the door.

John Denver: An Almost Heaven Celebration! Ted Vigil pays tribute to John Denver, Wednesday, October 9 at 7:30 pm.

He has been performing from Worley and Jimmy Wayne the age of ten throughout his on a “Travelin’ Inc. country school years in concert, sym- cruise hosted by Great Amerphonic and jazz bands while developing his talents as a drummer and Ted is a singer, songwriter singer. and a tribute artist. He was born in Seattle and raised in In 2006 he went on to the Olympia area. Laughlin, NV to compete in the Talent Quest 2006 involving 28 states, New Zealand, Australia and Canada taking first place. He then went on to win Komo TV 4’s NW Afternoon Celebrity Look Alike contest. Ted now performs nationwide for all kinds of venues and events. He has wowed the crowd selling out theatres in Pennsylvania and Kansas and has played ican Countrys’ own Storme twice now for John Denvers Warren. Last year Ted was own “Windstar Foundation” awarded the Rising Legend in Aspen, CO. Ted cruised Award by the National Trathe Caribbean with Darryl ditional Country Music Association. Ted will be performing with Steve Wiesberg, John Denver’s lead guitar player and co-writer from the 1970’s. Steve – who also performs solo shows of his original material and the Denver hits, is quoted as saying; “Apparently the audience thinks these cover artists all look and sound like John. I don’t see

it. However, I see it with Ted. A very strong physical resemblance... Uncanny!” (King 5 Eve News Magazine clip) The most heard comments after any show is, “I can’t believe how much he looks and sounds like John Denver! It really took us back!” For more information on Ted Vigil visit: www.tedvigil.com This performance will benefit programs of SECOND HARVEST OF EAST TENNESSEE. Patrons are asked to bring nonperishable food items for collection at the show. With each item donated, a patron will receive a chance to win a special prize package put together by local businesses who also believe in the good work of 2nd Harvest. www.secondharvestetn. org/. The Amazing Kreskin, Ghost Sightings in East Tennessee! Sunday, October 13 at 4:00pm. With a showman’s flair, a comedian’s wit, and the capacities of a bona fide Mentalist or thought reader, The Amaz(See ‘Masskus’ on page 49

Page 6, Visions Magazine, October 2013

UT Arboretum Society Fall Plant Sale Oct. 13th The UT Arboretum Society’s Fall Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, October 12th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the U.T. Arboretum, 901 S. Illinois Ave. in Oak Ridge. Fall is the ideal time to add plants to the landscape. Milder temperatures, more dependable rainfall and the fact that plants are not putting energy into their top growth, but devoting all their resources to developing a stronger root system, will give them a head start in the spring and a much better survival rate.

Fork Nursery, Riverdale Nursery, Sunlight Gardens, as well as the UT Arboretum Society, members and friends will be offering quality plants. Dr. Will Witte, the Society’s “Answer Man” will be there to answer all of your plant questions. Dano’s Hot Dogs will also be selling hot dogs and other refreshments.

The Pima Indians of Gila River Reservation, south of...

UT Arboretum Society Hosts Annual Owl Prowl on Saturday, October 26

On Saturday, October 26th, the UT Arboretum Society will present an Owl Prowl at the UT Arboretum, 901 S. Illinois Ave. (Hwy 62) in Oak Ridge. At 6:30 p.m., the evening event will begin at the Program Shelter (follow the signs and drive to this location) with a program presented by the Clinch River Raptor Center, featuring owls found in East Proceeds from this and other Tennessee. Kathy Strunk and Society plant sales and other events go to support and secure the future of the UT Arboretum. Credit cards are now accepted for all transactions.

Beaver Creek Nursery, East To learn more about the Arboretum Society, go to www. utarboretumsociety.org. For more information on the Plant Sale call 865-483-3571.

Katie Cottrell will bring live birds for display and will give information about their natural history.

Raptor Center for over twenty five years, and have given hundreds of programs in East Tennessee on birds of prey.

The Raptor Center was started by John Byrd 28 years ago at Clinton Middle School. To this date 2090 birds have come to the Raptor Center to be rehabilitated. Kathy and Katie have shared the responsibility of co-directors of the

The initial program will be followed by walks on the grounds of the Arboretum led by Kathy, Katie and John Byrd with the goal of hearing some owls. Those wishing not to go on the walks will have an opportunity to stay at the shelter and visit with the center’s educational owls. Participants are encouraged to bring flash lights if they plan to participate in the “owl prowl.”

To learn more about the Arboretum Society, go to www. utarboretumsociety.org.

For more information on the Owl Prowl call (865) 4833571.

Phoenix, Arizona, have the highest rate of diabetes in the world.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 7

13th Annual Clinch River Antiques Festival; Oct. 11th - 12th The 13th Annual Clinch River Antiques Festival kicks off on Friday evening, October 11; 6 – 9 p.m. in Historic Downtown Clinton with shops open late, food vendors, carriage rides and live entertainment. Friday Entertainment - The Chamber’s Leadership Anderson County Class of 2014 will host live entertainment on Friday evening, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in Hoskins Lane Park on Market Street with the unique music of The Real McCoy’s, a bluegrass band that grew up playing music together in Lake City. Blake and Aaron started “The Real McCoy’s” playing banjo and guitar, and Nick Patterson soon joined

as their bass player. Since then they have played at many local festivals, devoted time to several charities, and won first place in several contests including the Townsend “Young Picker’s Contest”. A regular at the Museum of Appalachia’s Fall Homecoming for the last five years, the band released their first album in 2010 and is currently working on a second album with hopes of including several songs they have written. Their true passion for bluegrass music drives them to make bluegrass appeal to everyone. Their “spin” on the classic, “Foggy Mountain Breakdown” has made them favorite locally.

Saturday - The traditional American Automobile Club Burr, first term Vice President Antique Street Festival kicks of America (AACA) will have under Thomas Jefferson, off at 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on a selection of cars on dis- shot Hamilton, United States Saturday, October 12, with 90+ antique/artisan vendors, antique appraisers, food vendors, antique car and tractor exhibit, children’s activities and entertainment. A Shuttle will be available for festival goers this year. Shuttle stops will be on N. Main Street at Leinart Street, Clinton Middle School overhang on Hicks Street, the corner of W. Broad/Hillcrest and Marshall Streets, and at the Clinton Elementary School parking lot off Marshall Street. Antique Appraisers - The Clinton Antique Mall, 317 N. Main Street, Clinton, will feature national professional antique appraisers Joe Rosson and Rick Crane on Saturday, October 12, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Both will be appraising antiques simultaneously with charges of $5 per item. They welcome antiques including ceramics, glass, silver, furniture and more. They do not appraise oriental carpets, weapons and firearms and fine jewelry. Rosson is an antique consultant and appraiser with over 25 years of experience and is a co-host on the PBS television series Treasures in Your Attic. He has written an antique column in the Knoxville News Sentinel since 1992 and has written articles for Country Living and Country Home Magazines. Crane, who founded Estate Sales by Rick Crane, is a nationally recognized consultant in antique glass as well as a specialist in porcelain, glassware, prints and miscellaneous items. Both Rosson and Crane have extensive backgrounds in evaluating estates, including estates of President Andrew Johnson and author Alex Haley. Antique Cars and Tractors - The Clinton Region of The

play. The club has been in existence and active for 30 years, founded around 1983 and chartered with the AACA in 1993. AACA is for anyone interested in preserving and restoring antique, classic or any older automobiles in their original condition. A collection of antique tractors will also be on display. Duel Re-enactment - Again this year, history can be found in more than just antiques; history will come to life through a re-enactment of the 1804 duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.

Secretary of the Treasury, in a duel fueled by years of animosity between the political rivals and personal enemies. While a duel fought in New Jersey between two national leaders may seem to have little connection to Clinton, Tennessee, festival-goers will learn its significance to Clinton’s history as they watch the duel play out and learn how the town of Burrville became today’s Clinton. The re-enactment will take place on Saturday, October 12 and will be held on Market Street (See ‘Antiques’ on page 42)

The striped skunk can fire its musk stream accurately for...

Page 8, Visions Magazine, October 2013

United Way Annual Golf Tournament Sunday, October 20th The United Way of Anderson County (UWAC) will host its annual golf tournament on Sunday, October 20th at the Oak Ridge Country Club. “Proceeds from this tournament directly support UWAC’s 34 partner agencies,” said David Wilson, tournament chairman. “Every sponsorship and every team registration is so important and so appreciated.”

This year the tournament will tionally in May, but sponsor feature two divisions. The Pro response was slow. We are Division will offer Platinum, hoping our communities and Gold and Silver sponcompanies are in a betsors a local club pro ter position this fall to to play as their 4th in offer their support,” a modified scramsaid Rick Morrow, exble. The Champions ecutive director for Division will have 4 United Way of Anderplayers with a team son County. handicap. Prizes will be awarded to the top two Sponsors already committeams in each division. ted are SAIC, UT-Battelle, B&W Y-12, and Y-12 Federal The registration fees include Credit Union and nearly a lunch and dinner, green fees, dozen $100 hole sponsors, snacks and beverages. Each including Enrichment Fedplayer will receive a gift eral Credit Union, South East sponsored by Ben’s Home Equipment Sales, Scarboro Centers and Dr. Brett Jaffrey. Learning Center Board of DiThere will also be hole in one rectors, UCOR, UWAC Board prizes including $5,000 cash, of Directors, Tom Hilton, and a new car, a Pebble Beach the UWAC 2013 Campaign vacation and $1,000 gift cer- Family The Crowes. tificate to Peter’s Jewelers. For registration and sponsor“Our tournament is tradi- ship information please visit UWAYAC.org or contact Jennifer Pettyjohn at 483-8431. UWAC and its 34 community partners with 51 vital programs address three core needs of our community: Basic Human Needs, Youth Development, and the Needs of Seniors. For more information, call 483-8431 or visit: www. unitedwayandersoncounty. org.

The Science Maze is Open at AMSE an irradiated dime an AMSE souvenir? Where is the location of magnetic north? What is the connection between pasteurization and the expiration date on milk? How much energy Set out on does a hura family or ricane proschool group duce? Get adventure the answers of twists and and learn turns through more about The Science science with Maze and eneach step joy the fun, while discovering science through the AMSE Science facts on biology, physics, Maze. chemistry and more! Extend science learning with Here are a few of the ques- experiment books, kits and tions, AMSE Science Maze games from the museum’s explorers will encounter Discovery Shop which is open along the path of knowledge. Monday through Saturday How many blood vessels are from 10:30am - 4:45pm and in the human body? Was Sunday from 1:00 - 4:45pm. Get lost and discover interesting tidbits of science fields from astronomy to zoology at the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 9

up to 12 feet, and even farther with a cooperative downwind.

2nd Annual Little Ponderosa Zoo Fall Festival October 12th Saturday, October 12th from 10:00a.m. until 9:00p.m., the Little Ponderosa Zoo and Rescue in Clinton will host the 2nd Annual Fall Festival. There will be live musical entertainment, food, activities for kids including face painting, pumpkin painting, corn box, bounce inflatables, pony rides and photos. The festival will have extended hours to enjoy the many bands and musical entertainment venues throughout the day. With the price of admission ($8.00) to the festival, patrons can also enjoy the animals at the Little Ponderosa Zoo and Rescue. Children ages 2 and under are free. The zoo features a large variety of animals from the jungle to the barnyard, including Gunther and Gebel, 2 tigers, as well as the rest of the exotic and rescued animals. All

proceeds from the festival will ed as a zoo. It was not long directly benefit the zoo and before the zoo started getting calls from people asking if the rescue programs. zoo could give their exotic pet a home because they could This year the fesno longer care for it. tival will have The need for an live musical exotic anientertainment from acts such as Redline Coalition and The Whiskey Slicks. Music is scheduled mal resto begin at noon and last until cue and the process the festival is over. Vendors to become a rescue bewill have booths set up of- gan. The Little Ponderosa fering a variety of crafts and Zoo and Rescue is now a other items available for pur- 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizachase. Photo opportunities tion. They rescue exotic aniwill include a fall background mals from across the United setting and photos with a States. Over 90% of the anireptile for the children(adults mals were rescued. The number of exotic animals too). in desperate need of a home The Little Ponderosa Zoo and is growing daily. Little PonRescue was originally found- derosa Zoo has been granted a Class 1 Permit with the TWRA (TN Wildlife Association) There are only approx. 8 of these facilities in TN and they work closely with the Anderson County Animal Control, Clinton City Animal Control and The Oak Ridge Animal Shelter. Each of the rescues has their own story. Many times people get exotic animals as pets and realize that they cannot meet

the animal's needs. Sadly the animals are dropped off at shelters and cannot be put up for adoption. If we do not pick the animals up they are euthanized. Some animals are neglected, abused, or abandoned.

for a field trip, participate in an animal encounter program, participate in zoo keeper for a day program, become a volunteer, donate items (any toys, cleaning products, bedding), or call for more info at 865-457-5536.

The Fall Festival at the Little Ponderosa Zoo and Rescue is a fundraising event for the support of the rescue efforts and to build new habitats for new rescues. Due to the increase in rescues and surrendered animals this year, the Zoo and Rescue has incurred many extra costs for supplies, manpower, electric and water. There are many different ways you can help with their rescue efforts. You can sponsor an animal of your choice, bring your homeschool or scout group

For more information on how you can help support their efforts, please visit their website www.littleponderosazoo. com or on facebook. The Little Ponderosa Zoo and Rescue offers facilities for hosting birthday parties onsite, with an indoor party room and outdoor covered picnic area. They also offer a mobile zoo that will travel to your party or event. The Zoo and Rescue is located at 629 Granite Road in Clinton, just 5.5 miles from downtown Clinton, 9 miles from Oak Ridge. Come on out and have a wonderful time, and support a great cause!

Page 10, Visions Magazine, October 2013

Queen Elizabeth II has a silver hood ornament of...

ADFAC’s ‘Dine & Donate’ Launches October 14 With two major events planned for October, this month is shaping up to be an exciting one for supporters of local nonprofit Aid to Distressed Families of Appalachian Counties (ADFAC).

on the success of ADFAC’s Feed the Need event, which had a similar concept but was limited to just one week in October. Dine & Donate will be a yearlong event, with five restaurants participating on the second Monday of each “Dine & Donate,” a fundraiser month. in which local restaurants donate a portion of their sales to “The Dine & Donate Commitsupport ADFAC’s work in the tee has been working since community, officially launches spring to recruit restaurants on Monday, October 14. Dine and coordinate the event,” said & Donate replaces and builds ADFAC Board Member Cande Seay, who also chairs the Dine & Donate committee. “We are thrilled the time is nearly here to enjoy the first Dine & Donate Monday. We hope the entire community will take the opportunity to sit back, relax and eat out to support ADFAC!” Restaurants participating on Monday, October 14 th are Hoskins in Clinton, Mediterranean Delight in Oak Ridge, Razzleberry’s in Oak Ridge,

Riverview Grill in Clinton, and Subway locations in Clinton (both), Lake City, Oak Ridge (Four Oaks Center on the west end) and Oliver Springs.

Anderson County Visions Magazine, Leidos, UT-Battelle, ORNL Federal Credit Union, Assurance Center of Oak Ridge, Enrichment Federal Credit Union, Holman’s, J & Nearly two dozen establish- M’s Butcher Shop, Mortgage ments throughout Anderson County have already signed up to participate in Dine & Donate 2013-2014. Clinton restaurants include Hoskins, Riverview Grill and two Subway locations. Oak Ridge restaurants include Buddy’s Bar-B-Q and Buddy’s ORNL Café, Burchfield’s, Dean’s Restaurant & Bakery, El Cantarito, Emma Lou Bakery, Mediterranean Delight, Nature’s Marketplace, Outback Steakhouse, Papa Murphy’s, Pizza Inn, Razzleberry’s, Ruby Tuesday, Soup Kitchen, Subway at Four Oaks Center and The Other One. The Lake City and Oliver Springs Subway lo- Investors Group, and Procations are also participating. forma. Two of our restaurants, Razzleberry’s Ice Cream, Café & Market in Oak Ridge and Hoskins in Clinton, will participate in all twelve months of the first year of Dine & Donate. For a printable calendar of participating restaurants, please visit www.adfac.org. Several business and media sponsors have also stepped up to support the first year of Dine & Donate, including

support ADFAC and our local restaurants!” Two weeks following the inaugural Dine & Donate Monday, ADFAC will host its Annual Meeting, and it’s sure to be

a treat (no tricks!) for all who attend! The meeting will take place on Monday, October “ADFAC is so grateful to each 28 from 6 until 8 PM and will and every restaurant and be held at Y-12’s New Hope sponsor that has agreed to Center. participate in this important fundraiser,” Seay said. “The H o s t e d b y W B I R ’s B e t h money raised through Dine Haynes, highlights include free & Donate will be utilized by refreshments provided by loADFAC to help provide es- cal restaurants, live and silent sential services to our less auctions, and a special prefortunate neighbors through- sentation about the creation of out Anderson County. We the “Bow Tie Fund.” The Bow hope the community will come Tie Fund was recently estabout in droves on the second (See ‘ADFAC’ on page 51) Monday of every month to

St. George (the patron saint of England) slaying the dragon placed on any car in which she is traveling.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 11

6th Annual October Sky Festival Expands Events Line Up The 6th annual October Sky Festival and Heritage at the Depot will return on October 19, 2013, with new additions to the growing event line up, including the Miss October Sky Pageant and antique appraisals with author Joe Rosson. The festival celebrates the filming of the movie “October Sky” in Historical Oliver Springs, as well as the rich heritage and culture of the people and region.

The Miss October Sky Pageant is set to kick off the festival on Thursday, October 17, 2013, featuring many of the beautiful, bright and talented youth from our community. The pageant offers several age categories from newborn to high school so children of all ages may participate. The pageant will be held at 7 P.M. at the Kellytown Baptist Church Activity Building, 939 W. Tri-County Blvd. in Oliver

Springs. To register a child al exhibitors. Other events at food, soulful music and many for the event, visit Simply the Depot will include a quilt children’s activities. Southern Florist & Gifts, After show and local art, craft and Sunset Boutique, or online at octoberskyfestivaltn.org. The excitement continues again on Saturday with Joe Rosson, author and columnist for the News Sentinel, who will be conducting antique appraisals at the Oliver Springs Historical Museum, 505 Winter Gap Rd. As an authority in the world of professional antique appraising, he has authored several books on the subject of antiques and was co-host of the television show “Treasures in Your Attic.” Rosson’s appraisals will compliment the activity centered at “Heritage at the Depot,” also located on Winters Gap Rd. In its second year, the event spotlights the history of the three connecting counties that make up Oliver Springs: Roane, Anderson and Morgan Counties with historical and cultur-

antique exhibitors. The rest of Saturday’s family-oriented entertainment, which has made the festival a community staple since 2008, will take place at Arrowhead Park. The day’s events are set to feature rocket launches by the Smokey Mountain Amateur Rocketry Team, October Sky guided tours, local resident and Gatlinburg entertainer Greg Johnson’s “Tribute to Elvis,” The October Sky Cruisin’ with Classics, “The Rocket Boys” Rodtoberfest Car Show, Fort Southwest Point renactors, Shriner Clowns, Lil Thunder Railroad, unique crafts, great

The Festival will begin at 9 A.M. and end at 4 P.M. The October Sky Festival and Heritage at the Depot is a free community event for the public sponsored by the Oliver Springs Historical Society, the City of Oliver Springs, Blackbird Hollow & Co., Cabot Cheese and ORNL Credit Union. For more information about the festival or to discover volunteer or vendor opportunities, please visit octoberskyfestivaltn.org or call (865) 435-0385. Contact: Lorraine Boling, Media Coordinator October Sky Festival at (865) 435.0385 or hlchannell@comcast.net

Page 12, Visions Magazine, October 2013

Frank Sinatra was code-named “Napoleon” by the U.S. Secret Service.

The HeART of our Community My favorite time of year has finally arrived. The month filled with fall festivals and vibrant colors as the leaves begin their metamorphosis from deep greens to an array of reds, yellows, orange, and combinations of all three. The sky also seems much more blue in contrast to these colors as we feel less humid conditions on cool autumn evenings. Well if you didn’t know I was a visual person I guess you do now. October brings with it fall break for the youngsters and the Halloween holiday for kids of all ages. The coming month also signals the beginning of several arts related events in Anderson County. The Oak Ridge Art Center’s

exhibition, “Open Show 2013”, a juried exhibition of over 100 works of art by regional artists opened on September 14. The opening was well received and attendance was excellent. The exhibition will run through November 2. The annual Flea Market is scheduled for October 5 from 9 am - 2 pm. The following classes and workshops are scheduled for October: Wonderful Wire Workshop with Kathy Bradley on October 12; Chain Maille class on October 20; and

Local Arts

Jim Dodson Naked Raku and Alternative Firing Techniques, a national workshop with Charlie and Linda Riggs on October 26 and 27 preceded by a slide presentation on October 25. Preparations are ongoing for the 18th annual “Gallery of Holiday Shops and Bake Sale” which is scheduled for November 9 from 9 am - 4 pm. There is no admission charge. You will find unique gifts of fine art and crafts created by regional artists and gourmet goodies for your holiday entertaining. Lunch at Stumbo’s Jumbos while you shop. For information on exhibitions, classes and other upcoming Art Center activities, call (865) 482-1441, visit our FaceBook page, or our website at www. oakridgeartcenter.org. The Oak Ridge Community Band will be presenting on Sunday, October 13, the first of its six “Music for a Lifetime” subscription season concerts scheduled in October, November, December, January, February, and April. The October

13 performance “Early Music” will focus on early pieces through the Gilded Age of the 1890’s featuring such famous composers as Handel, Debussy, Wagner, Strauss, and Tchaikovsky. This concert will be held at the Oak Ridge High School Performing Arts Center beginning at 3:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $8 adult and $6 for senior citizens and students; free refreshments will be provided at the conclusion of the performance. Also available at the Oct. 13 concert will be membership cards entitling the purchaser admission to all 6 concerts. The membership cards can be purchased for $15 individual or $30 family (parents & children) and are a significant savings over buying tickets at the door for each concert. Any donations over the cost of the membership cards may be tax deductible. For more information visit the

Community Band’s web site at www.orcb.org or call 865482-3568. The Oak Ridge Playhouse presents “Annie” a Mainstage Musical in conjunction with the Jr. Playhouse on November 22- December 8. Leapin’ Lizards! The popular comic strip heroine is back in one of the world’s best-loved musicals. With equal measures of pluck and positivity, determined little orphan Annie escapes the orphanage and the clutches of embittered Miss Hannigan in search of her parents who abandoned her years ago. Yet with a next-tonothing start in 1930s New York City, she manages to charm the hearts of billionaire Oliver Warbucks, a lovable stray mutt name Sandy, and even the President! Many Volunteers will be needed in many capacities! Contact Mary Sue Greiner on how to join in the fun! For more information, visit www. orplayhouse.com. or call 865(See ‘Arts’ on page 50)

There are no words in the English language rhyme with month, orange, silver, or purple.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 13

Powell Playhouse presents “Driving Miss Daisy” by Alfred Uhry A favorite of many, “Driving Miss Daisy” is a humorous, thought-provoking play that takes the viewer through 25 years of the life and times of Daisy Werthan, an Atlanta, Georgia Jewish lady, who in her words “is not prejudiced” - but is she? Audiences are warned to bring a handkerchief along. Beginning in 1948, the play concerns 72 years old Daisy who has wrecked her car. Son Boolie has the unpleasant duty of having to tell his mother that she can no longer drive. In spite of her protests, Boolie hires an African-Amer-

ever, he hasn’t been active in the audience. Randy Cross the theater for awhile. He is a is the set designer. Miss retired teacher and principal. Daisy’s car is designed by With more time available to him, he is looking forward to Playing the role of Miss Daisy continuing his is Molly Durr who appeared in passion. the lead role as Mrs. Savage as in “Curious Savage,” Powell Serving Playhouse’s inaugural play, Stage Manand as Mrs. Savage in the se- ager for this quel “The Savage Dilemma.” production is JohnMolly has directed children’s Carly son, a senior plays in Knoxville. at STEM AcadAppearing as the beleagured emy in Knoxson Boolie is David Frey. He ville. Carly has is a veteran performer; how- had numerous roles at the Powell Playhouse. She has served as an understudy, as an assis- Rick Carnes, owner of Clintant to the Prop Master, and ton Highway Wrecker Service and Rick’s Collision Reas a director of sound. pair, and his employee, Fred Rebecca Broom is the Prop Yuricic. Fred comes by way Master; Jean Weeden and of Croatia to Powell where Lori LaFolette are makeup members of his family reside. artists; Steve Horner is in He says he has reached charge of lighting; and Guy Heaven now with the beautiWomack is the sound engi- ful surroundings and weather neer. Bob Longmire created we enjoy here. Fred has had the poster for the show. He experience in working with is an award-winning graphic sets on artist. We are truly blessed to television where he also crehave all this talent surround- ated scenes needing various stages of automobile design. ing and supporting us. ican gentleman to take her to places she needs to go. Over the span of 25 years, Daisy begins to learn what friendship is and what prejudice really means.

The set promises to amaze The play will be performed at

Jubilee Banquet Center on Callahan Road in the Powell community on October 17-19 in the evenings at 7:00 with a matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2:00. Dinner will be served at 5:30 each evening, and a light lunch will be served on Saturday the 19th at 12:30. Please call 865-938-2112 for further information; reservations are due by October 14. Play tickets are sold at the door. Adults are $10 for all performances; seniors pay only $5 for the matinee on Saturday. Please call Mona at 865-947-7428 for more information.

Page 14, Visions Magazine, October 2013

Only about 30 percent of teenage males consistently apply sun protection lotion when going poolside,...

Nearly half of all psychiatrists have been attacked by one of their patients.

Windrock Park Fall Jamboree; October 17 - 19 Friday evening, Windrock Park will host its Annual Haunted Trail Ride followed by cookout and Cornhole Tournament. Saturday will be packed full of fun and food. A Poker Run Thursday evening is a Guided starts early Saturday, with all Ride on some of the over 310 proceeds donated to local miles of trails. More Guided volunteer rescue squads. Rides are on Friday morning followed by Obstacle Course The Windrock Challenge practice and a NEW ATV Ro- obstacle course is a crowd pleaser with ATVs and SxSs deo Competition. Calling all ATVs & SxSs! Windrock Park is hosting the 2013 Fall Jamboree in Oliver Springs, Thursday through Saturday, October 17-19.

going over many obstacles including a teeter-totter! In the afternoon, come watch the Windrock Wide Open Race or Drag Race. Winding up the day, there is a Mud Drag Race and the Semi-Annual Dash For Cash.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 15

Swap till You Drop Apex Office Supply is now home to the first Swap Shop in Oak Ridge. This is a new concept in second hand shopping where you simply trade an item for another item and there is no monetary value attached. The idea is based on the concept that if you really can’t use an item, it has no value to you, whereas, it may have value to someone else.

A one-time fee of $10 covers participation in any and all events with the exception of the Poker Run. If you are just coming to watch, we have In the swapping process, it special spectator pricing. works item for item: if you bring in 10 items, you can For more information, please take out 10 items. If for some go to www.windrockpark.com reason you can’t find 10 items, or call Windrock Park at 865- you can always come back 435-1251. See you soon!

another time. The Swap Shop is non-profit however there is a $20 yearly fee which covers the swap card, advertising, fixtures, and other costs associated with keeping the shop alive. With your $20 card, you get unlimited swaps! Betty Hurt, the owner of Apex Office Supply, had read about the idea in the Knoxville Sentinel where a group of ladies had successfully held such an event drawing in hundreds of “swappers”. She decided to use some available space in her building that would allow her to keep a shop open on an continual basis rather than just for a one-time event. She thought that this would be a great opportunity for Apex Office Supply, a 34 year old Oak Ridge business, to give back to the community. She has set up a nice shop with an assortment of gently (See ‘Swap’ on page 39)

An average bee hive has 30,000 to 60,000 bees living in it...

Page 16, Visions Magazine, October 2013

Anna McCoig and the Closet of Make-Believe Why do we love Halloween so much? Is it the spookiness? Is it the candy? Is it the season itself? The answer is probably, “Yes” to all the above, but I believe our favorite thing about Halloween is the dressing up. It is the opportunity to

be something or someone else, when adults are allowed to play pretend too. “It keeps you having a sense of fun,” said Oak Ridge Playhouse Costume Shop Associate Anna McCoig.

cember. “We are not a big box store of costumes,” she said. “We won’t have Spiderman or Disney characters, but if you want to think outside the box, then we will most likely have the costume you want.” Anna says she is able to fill about 99 percent of all the requests she receives for costumes. Whether you want to be a pirate, a 1920’s flapper, a

Renting is part of the beauty of the Costume Shop. For an average of $35 dollars, you will have the costume for a whole week and then you won’t have to worry about storing it or dry cleaning when the season is over. Anna takes care of all that for you. Elaborate costumes may cost more, but a simple hat is just about $5 for the week. And Anna says she has about 100 plastic bins full of hats. The problem for customers at the Costume Shop won’t be finding what they need, it will be deciding which costume to pick.

The costume shop provides the playhouse with an enormous warehouse of clothes and accessories for any type of production, but luckily for the non-thespians of East Tennessee, the closet doors are open to the public. “The costume shop is like another secret the City of Oak Ridge doesn’t know about,” Anna said. “The perception is that it is just for the playhouse, but gorilla, or a fairy, the Costume we are open to the public.” Shop has what you need and they keep up with the demand. Being open to the public is This year, a fairy can surely something Anna wants to find some rental wings since stress at this time of year Anna has stocked up because when the need for costumes they were so popular last Halgoes up from now through De- loween.

This costume shop has a history of outfitting East Tennessee’s dress-up needs for all kinds of occasions from weddings, to commercial shoots, to Seveir Heights Baptist Church’s production of The Living Christmas Tree. Anna said last year they outfitted the opening scene which required 137 costumes. Year-round Anna is busy providing costumes for area schools’ productions, including East Tennessee State University. They even provided the costumes for a production of The King and I for the Ko-

Artist of the Month

Melissa Bishop Anna has been keeping her sense of fun alive for years with the playhouse by participating in the productions, such as the female lead in Little Shop of Horrors, to doing make-up for the actors, and now she is celebrating her first anniversary as the person in charge of the closet of make believe.

(See ‘Anna’ on page 20)

This population is easily maintained by a queen laying 1,000 to 3,000 eggs per day.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 17

Remembering the Old Lunch Counter Many people of my generation remember with fondness and sadness the glory days of the dime stores...McCrory’s, McClellens’s, Grants, Kresses and other names too numerous to mention. Included among these retail stores back then that were the hub of small towns was also J. J. Newberry who opened his first store in 1911 . From the 1930’s to the 1960’s, the Newberry chain was among America’s retail powerhouses.

It was at Newberry’s, located on Main Street in Corbin that I had my first job. I was 15 years old, a student at Corbin High school where I took advantage of the Distributive Education course that allowed me to attend school in the mornings and work behind the fountain at Newberry’s in the afternoon, earning high school credits in the process. I made $15 a week which was big money to a high school student.

Senior Living Bena Mae

Seivers I loved the job. In many ways it was an excellent start on entering the work force that taught me many things from which I was to profit later in life.

Many people of a certain age will have fond memories of shopping in the old dime stores, wandering the aisles for a spool of thread, festive Christmas decorations, a gold fish or parakeet, a handful of hot roasted cashews --oh, the flavorful aroma of the cashews and peanuts stand-- or a bottle of Evening in Paris perfume. This was always a big seller at Christmas time. And then there was the long lunch counter where busy shoppers, store clerks and owners, and hungry customers paused to have a coke or a meal or a grilled cheese sandwich. Or a friendly chat with the girls behind the counter. Seeing them day to day , every day, we felt they were like family, The lunch counter was the busiest place in the store. I was one of five or six girls

who were stationed there permanently and I enjoyed being a part of the group immensly. Our customers were a microcasm of the whole town...we knew them by their first names, went to school with them, attended the same church, lived in the same neighborhoods, like I said, they were like family. We came to know their private secrets, peculiarities, and idiosycraciesy. It was Psychology 101. There was the man who was manager of a department store up the street we could set our clocks by. At ten o’clock every morning he would seat himself on the same stool, newspaper in hand. and order a cup of coffee., always adding, “make sure it’s piping hot.” Then he would add several ice cubes to the coffee to cool it down. (See ‘Lunch’ on page 47)

The hare can travel up to 45 miles per hour, whereas...

Page 18, Visions Magazine, October 2013

‘Counting’ the Days till Halloween From the “Twilight Saga” movies to television’s “True Blood,” the topic of vampires continues to seduce audiences. My favorite vampire has always been the lovable Count v o n Count on Sesame Street. Known simply as The Count, he is modeled after Bela Lugosi’s Count Dracula. This Count, however, is obsessed with numbers, not blood. He loves to count!

shaped ears, and a tongue that looks like a red spade, The Count sports a flat black hairdo and caped tuxedo. He is passionate about counting anything and everything and does not like to be interrupted when he is counting. I used to enjoy watching The Count as much as my children and grandchildren did.

When I found a life-sized replica of The Count at an after A funny and appealing char- Halloween sale, I bought it. acter with lavender skin, bat- It only cost five dollars, and

Judy Jabber

to face with The Count. He jumped almost as high as I do when surprised! He only yelled a little, however.


Each Halloween night, I place

DiGregorio The Count on the wooden

swing sitting on our front porch. He never fails to surprise people. He looks quite lifelike in the dark as he reclines with his head back and his legs crossed. He appears to be watching those brave enough to step onto On October 1st I retrieved the porch. We’ve heard many The Count and placed him a screech or squeal when on a green chair in the living someone spots him. room facing the front door. Every time anyone visited The Count is very busy these our house and saw him, they days counting the days until screamed. It was wonderful. Halloween. No telling where Then Dan decided to make things more interesting. Just before I took my shower one night, he hung the Count on the nozzle in the shower stall. As I opened the shower door, I jumped and gave a bloodcurdling shriek at the apparition in front of me. I did not think that was funny! I could already imagine the fun we would have scaring people with it. I wrapped the Count up in a sheet and stuck him in the hall closet until the following year.

For revenge I hung the Count inside Dan’s closet, but it didn’t scare him in the least. Next I stuck the Count in the driver’s seat of his red truck. That didn’t frighten him either. Dan remains much calmer than I do when confronted with intimidating objects. Thus far we have also hidden the Count behind doors, under bedspreads and couches, etc., but sometimes placing him in plain sight works far better. Occasionally, we prop him up on one of our commodes. This usually gets some attention from visitors or us if we’ve forgotten he’s there. So far the most successful fright has been when Dan hung The Count outside the bathroom door while our grandson Tailen took a steamy shower. When Tailen opened the door, he was face

he will show up next in the meantime. Some things go bump in the night. Some things go bump in the day. If you’re brave enough to drop by, you’re welcome to meet The Count in person. We will be glad to ‘count’ you as one of his latest victims.

About the author... Judy Lockhart DiGregorio is a local humorist and speaker and the author of Life Among the Lilliputians, Memories of a Loose Woman, and Jest Judy (CD). This column is reprinted from Life Among the Lilliputians with permission of Celtic Cat Publishing. Email Judy at jdig60@gmail.com.

the rabbit can achieve an average speed of just 35 miles per hour.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 19

Open Show 2013 on Display Now at Art Center Open Show 2013 is on exhibition now through November 2nd at the Oak Ridge Art Center, Oak Ridge’s Museum of Fine Art, located at 201 Badger Avenue. The exhibition includes many different styles and types of art by artists from throughout East Tennessee and beyond. It is the Art Center’s annual juried exhibition; that means that many were entered, but only a few were chosen to be shown. In juried competitions, getting in the

exhibition is a “win.” As example, over 300 pieces were entered in Open Show 2013, but only 101 are on exhibition. Specific comments about each piece may be found at the bottom of each title card so visitors to the galleries can get a sense of what the juror was looking at or for in each piece and why he selected this work over many others. Years ago the Art Center, as both a presenter and educator of visual arts, made the commitment to contract jurors for their annual show, to critique every entry for the exhibition. Some of that critique is available for audience members.

was Jeffery Adams, Director of the Appalachian Center for Craft at Tennessee Tech. Prior to joining Tennessee Tech, Mr. Adams served as the Director for the Kentucky School of Craft and taught drawing and printmaking at the University of Kentucky, Notre Dame and Northern Illinois University. Having extensive experience in both fine art and fine craft, he was an excellent choice for the Art Center’s exhibition. “He selected a very eclectic, diverse show,” said Leah Marcum-Estes, Director of the Art Center. “In his statements he kept referring to getting some sense of the individual, the artist who creThe juror for Open Show 2013 ated the work, as part of his criteria. The resulting show is amazing because of that sense of a personal perspective of so many different individuals. Mr. Adams had a difficult job, for there were many gorgeous pieces that we simply did not have enough space to exhibit, so he had to set criteria beyond excellent technique.” Awards for the exhibition were also selected by the juror. There were three major awards: Best of Show, a $750 cash prize, was awarded to Bobbie Crews for Secret City, an oil painting; the TwoDimensional Award of Merit, a $300 cash prize, was awarded to Dena Whitener for Nellie’s Gift, a colored pencil drawing; and the Three-Dimensional Award of Merit, a $300 cash prize, was awarded to Elaine Barnes for In the Garden, an impressed, slab construction

Sudoku Solution from page 59.

ceramic work with fused glass sponsored by Don and Jean elements. Other awards Wheat Gregory was awarded were given for excellence in to At the End of the Day by

specific media. The Ceramics Award, $100 cash, sponsored by Constance and Bill Capshaw was awarded to Protection By Nature by Len & Helen Fuller. The Bill Wheat Memorial Award for Excellence in Photography, $100 cash,

Crystal Polley. The Heartwood Award for Excellence in Woodworking, $100 cash, sponsored by Dot and Robert Hightower, was awarded to Butternut, a turned wood bowl with incised geometric (See ‘Show’ on page 20)

Page 20, Visions Magazine, October 2013

When viewed from above, rainbows are doughnut-shaped.

she takes advantage of it on a daily basis. While working, she is usually found wearing a (Continued from page 19) (Continued from page 16) jaunty hat or a Queen’s cape. komo Civic Theatre in Indiana “How could I not?” She said. “I pattern, by Janice Proffitt. and many other events such work in a costume shop. I love The Anne K. Moore Memorial Award for Excellence in Transas the Oak Ridge Christmas being here.” parent Watercolor, $100 cash, Parade. Near and far the costuming abilities of The Oak If you would like to explore sponsored by John Moore, Ridge Playhouse are known the wonders of the Oak Ridge Sr. was awarded to Dogwood for turning ordinary people into Playhouse’s Costume Shop Berries by Genie Even. The this season, give Anna a call at Genevieve Stoughton Memoextraordinary characters. 482-4877 or you can visit the rial Award for Excellence in Oil Anna urges locals to take ad- playhouse’s website at www. Painting, $100 Cash, sponvantage of this treasure trove orplayhouse.com. Or if email sored by Cleva Marrow, was of glamour and disguises this your costume inquiries to awarded to Living Together Halloween season to bring out costumes@orplayhouse.com. by Kathie Odom. The Metal Award, $100 cash, sponsored our sense of fun. Anna says by Judy Kidd was awarded to Art Bike, a large metal sculpture, by Bill Timm. Two other awards crossed the lines of several media. The Works on Paper Award, $100 cash, sponsored by Kathy Holland was awarded to Remembering, a graphite drawing by Eric Theodore and the Emerging Young Artist Award, $100 cash, for excellence in any media by an artist under the age of 25, sponsored by Eun



Sook Kim was awarded to Pensive Ballarina, a pastel by Melody McComb (Pictured). The final cash award will be the Viewers’ Choice Award, $100, in Memory of George Kidd, which will be awarded to the work that receives the most votes as the favorite of visitors who attend the exhibition during the run of the exhibition. Audience members may vote for their favorite each time they come to view the show through the entire exhibition and the prize will be awarded after the exhibition is complete. Everyone is encouraged to come in and vote for their favorite. Ballots are located in the lobby of the Art Center galleries. In addition to cash awards, 10 Honorable Mentions were also granted. The Honorable Mentions were awarded $25 gift certificates to Jerry’s Artarama of Knoxville. The awards were sponsored by Jerry’s Artarama of Knoxville as part of their on-going endeavor to en-

courage artists of the region in their creative pursuits. Honorable Metions were: 4th Day of the Universe by Patty Ashworth, Handmade Book with Over-Lap by Vicki Brumback, Buffalo River Bluffs by Rod Fleming, Simplicity in Blue by Sharon Gillenwater, By Night by Tone Haugen-Cogburn, She Waits by Susan Miller, Two Pair by Max Robinson, 25th Anniversary by Ricky Strohschein, Let the Water Flow by Veronica Verastegui, and Present Does Not Return by Richard Whitehead.

Galleries are open Tuesday through Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturday through Monday from 1 to 4pm. Galleries visitation is free and visitors are always welcome. For more info call the Art Center at 482-1441 or visit our website at www.oakridgeartcenter.org. The Art Center is sponsored in part by the Tennessee Legislature through a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission.

It takes about five years for an oyster to produce a medium-sized pearl.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 21

Art Center’s Gallery of Holiday Shops to be November 9 The eighteenth annual Gallery of Holiday Shops sponsored by the Oak Ridge Art Center will be Saturday, November 9, from 9-4 at the Art Center facility on Badger Avenue. Just in time for the holiday season, this annual event will offer guests an opportunity to access the oneof-a-kind creations of over 40 regional artists and artisans in a variety of media. The arts and crafts items for sale will vary widely in style, technique, materials used, and price, but they have one thing in common: they are all hand-made. There is no admission fee, and proceeds from the artists’ sales will benefit both the artists and the Art Center. The 2013 exhibitors represent a wide variety of unique items to beautify one’s own space or for gifting in the holiday season. Among the exhibitors are jewelry artists Kathy Bradley, Shirley Diemer, Judy Kidd, Trish Lankford, Charles Osten, Karen Plum, and Ruth Prince. Silver, bronze, copper and beaded selections

will all be available. Local “wearables” like scarves and potters represented are Bill hats, to tableware or quilted Capshaw, Len and Helen items, these artists will offer a wealth of “software.” Ann Hara Henderson who is new to Gallery of Holiday Shops, will offer felted purses and bags. Framed and unframed prints as well as specialty cards for the holidays will be offered by Eun Sook Kim, Mickie Loosli, Mike Naney, and the Art Center Printmakers. The Art Center Printmakers include several “hometown” favorites like Hugh Bailey, Coral Juras and Betsy Spooner, to name just a few. For Mickie Loosli and Mike Naney this will be their first exhibition at the Art Center, but members of the community will reFuller, Eun Sook Kim, Rex member their work from TN Redd, Linda Sullivan, and Creates at the Secret City Joan-Ellen Zucker. Their Festival. While Mr. Naney wares will include handy will have photographs and kitchen and food safe items cards, Ms. Loosli will have to unusual raku or crystalline all sorts of papercraft items. ware that can add dazzle to Soap makers will include any space. Some of the fiber Becky and Lizabeth Van artists are Judy Davis, Gloria Cleave and Gabriella SoloFelter, Shereen Franklin, Ann mon-Henry. Ms. Solomon Hara Henderson, Amy Rod- Henry will also have whimsigers, and Peggy Whitted. cal handmade dolls to appeal From beautiful hand spun fi- to all ages. Other crafters bers perfect for anyone who will include wood artists, Barlikes to make their own to bara and Hugh Webb; basket

weavers Judy and Virgil Davis and Scott Eatherly who will be offering both baskets and refinished chairs; metalsmith and origami artists, Joe and Sharon Babb; and Ron Sullivan who will offer photographic arts. Some items will be great ornaments for the holidays, while others will add sparkle to your life year round. Several booths will represent multiple artists with a great variety of wonderful items to delight guests. All have unbelievable ideas and distinctive, original pieces and items in all price ranges can be found. From the youngest on your holiday list to the oldest, there will be

something wonderful. All the artists will be on hand to discuss their work with customers and several will be demonstrating throughout the day. Browsing at the Holiday Shops provides potential customers with the opportunity to chat with the artists, find out more about their techniques and inspirations, and establish a personal connection.

“Many people are thinking more about issues that extend beyond what size or color gift to buy,” said Leah Marcum-Estes, director of the Art Center. “They are select(See ‘Gallery’ on page 41)

Page 22, Visions Magazine, October 2013

When asked to name his favorite among all his paintings, Pablo Picasso replied “the next one.�

Singer Ricky Martin’s full birth name is Enrique Martin Morales IV (the fourth).

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 23

The Ayurveda Center: Good Health is a Balancing Act also a clinical psychologist, has 27 years of study of Ayurvedic practices and is more than happy to share her knowledge and help her clients find a new way of healing. She will tell you that Ayurveda is a sister science of yoga and that both are practices that have been in existence for millennia and were born in India. Where hatha yoga focuses on breathing and physical poses or Owner Dr. Mary Roberson, movements, Ayurveda comEvery town needs an oasis of health and tranquility. A place where you can walk in and instantly feel a sense of wellness and walk out inspired to be healthier. There is such a place in Oak Ridge that is not widely known, but exudes vitality and wellness to those who have had the good fortune to discover it. It is called The Ayurveda Center for Natural Healthcare.

Business Review

Melissa Bishop

Ayurveda encourages seeking this balance on a regular basis before imbalances become a problem.

is attained, then, the balancing of the tastes can do its work. There are six tastes in Ayurveda (sweet, sour, salty, astringent, bitter, and punDr. Roberson says the most gent). They all have effects important aspect of Ayurvedic on the doshas. Each of the practice is having good diges- doshas have qualities. If you

pliments this practice with dietary and lifestyle choices that seek to balance the energies in the mind and body. It is a holistic way to approach health. In Ayurvedic theory there are three main doshas, called vata, pitta and kapha, which comprise our body, mind and emotions. When people get sick, it is partly because one (or more) of the doshas is heightened or increased. The Ayurvedic answer is to balance the energies with certain foods and spices as well as lifestyle choices such tion. When food is not propas eating and sleeping times erly digested, it can get into as well as physical activity. the bloodstream, the body, and the brain, and can cause problems. Once they take up residence in the tissues of the body, these undigested particles block the flow of circulation, immune function, and more. Once proper digestion

are out of balance, you would choose foods that are opposite in quality to that which may be out of balance within you. Ayurveda is a simple yet complex system used to (See ‘Health’ on page 46)

Page 24, Visions Magazine, October 2013

In Spain, the TV drama “Beverly Hills, 90210” has a more romantic title:it is called “Sensation of Living.”

I Rode the Secret City Scenic Excursion Train! Sometimes a fun excursion is right under our nose and we fail to take advantage of it. I had let this happen with the Secret City Scenic Excursion Train. Thousands of people have come from all over the world and ridden the Secret City train in the last fifteen

years, but I had not until a friend suggested I write about it. Of those I have asked that live here, only a couple have said that they had taken this ride into the past, a past that included passenger trains and a secret city with a secret mission that sprang up during World War II. If you are over a certain age, you may have ridden passenger trains back in their heyday, or you may be like me and always wished you could

is finished, the scenery will change for the first part of the train ride but the Secret City history will still be there, and the volunteer members of the Southern Appalachia Railway Museum which runs the train will be there to tell riders about all that happened. Someday the organization hopes to build a depot/museum building on property that they have acquired beside the tracks, but for now, the Secret City Train itself is the museum. The Southern Appalachia Railway Museum is an allvolunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and operation of historical railroad equipment, and the preservation of the railroad history A security guard checks my of the Southern Appalachia purse and I board the train which runs on a rail line built during the construction of K-25 to support the movement of materials in and out of the site. The ride begins and I see what is left of the K-25 building which was at one time the world’s largest building. The demolition of the building is continuing and is scheduled to be finished by February 2014. After it

go somewhere on a train. If you live in the area, you may Easy think you already know everyGetaways thing there is to know about the “secret city,” but if you do, Melanie consider it a refresher course because the volunteers who Harless run this railroad serve as hosts and they know a lot, nationwide sites for the development of the atomic bomb in 1942, residents of four small communities were forced to leave their homes within two weeks. One of those communities was called Wheat and that is the site where the K-25 plant sat. Thus, we buy our tickets at the Wheat station, a retired DOE guard house that has been cosmetically restored and named in honor of the community that was once located there.

not only about trains, but also about the beginnings of Oak Ridge. Trains depart from the Heritage Center, formerly K-25, an historic Department of Energy facility where research and development plunged the United States into the Atomic Age. When the government chose a fifty-nine-thousandacre swatch of land between Black Oak Ridge and the Clinch River as a federal reserve to serve as one of three

Region. Since it started operating the train in 1998, the club’s members have volunteered their time to restore, maintain, and operate the equipment. The volunteers come from all walks of life. On my train ride, a retired ORNL scientist was doing double duty as ticket agent at the little Wheat station and as our train host and historian. A real train engineer, Charlie Poling, was driving our train. Other volunteers were in charge of concessions and other duties. SARM buys old train cars and restores them. Dick Raridon, our host, said the passenger coach we were in had been purchased back in the 90s when the organization first (See ‘Train’ on page 48)

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 25

Page 26, Visions Magazine, October 2013

The smallest planet in our solar system, Pluto, is a little smaller than Earth’s moon.

The smallest planet in our solar system, Pluto, is a little smaller than Earth’s moon.

Your Home Magazine, October 2013, Page 27

Gala Guests will Rocket through the 70s at Children’s Museum male lead vocals and guitar; hibits, summer camps, yearEddy Roberts, keyboards; Ni- round classes, concerts and cole Gaines, female lead vo- special events, the museum cals; Graham Waldrip, bass; and Roger Saxophone Jack and Friends Sullivan, drums. will entertain guests with the music from the 1970s, and Saxophone Jack, guests are invited to dress who has played hunas their favorite characters of dreds of events and that era. Jack Furnari (Saxo- every major venue phone Jack) has been a con- in the area, is imsistent player in the Knoxville mensely diverse styGuests will hop aboard the and East Tennessee music listically, covering all “Soul Train,” with the muse- scene for more than 30 years. types of music from rock to country, clasSaxophone Jack will lead a sical and ethnic. He cast of his musical friends is an avid proponent performing favorite music of live music and is from the 1970s. Band mem- always in search of bers include John Brown, the finest talent in the area to showcase at his live events. offers a range of activities Chef Andras Bartha of Cara- as a family-friendly regional mella Catering will prepare museum providing handsthe 1970s menu, with authen- on experiences and life-long tic dishes from that era from learning. around the world. Festivities begin at 6 p.m. with cocktails, appetizers and the silent auction. The celebration continues with dinner and a live and lively auction with Clinton auctioneer Bear Stephenson, of Stephenson Realty and Auction, who is donating his services for the event at the museum, 461 West Outer Drive. The Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge will celebrate its origins in the 1970s when guests gather for the 40th Birthday Gala at the museum on Friday, Dec. 6. The theme will be “Rocketing through the 70s!” in honor of the March 11, 1973, birth of the museum and the Rocket Room play area that delights children of all ages.

um decked out as Knoxville’s Southern Terminal, as they enjoy the folk, rock and pop culture of the 1970s.

The Gala supports the museum’s mission of educating children of all ages through play. The Children’s Museum offers educational experiences in the history, the arts, science and cultures, serving children and families throughout the East Tennessee region. Children may explore how children lived in historic Appalachia, wander through a rain forest, delight in a childsized playhouse, create a puppet play, experience water play in Waterworks, or see model trains travel through miniature landscapes. Through its interactive ex-

Knoxville Area Model Railroaders will be on hand to run the holiday trains in the outdoor train garden, as well as helping with set up and bartending at the event. Tickets are $125 per person, with a portion of that tax deductible. Tickets are $100 per person if purchased by Nov. 8. Support levels and corporate tables are available upon request. For more information about tickets or sponsorships for the Gala, call museum Executive Deputy Director Carroll Welch at (865) 482-1074, extension 105. See the Children’s Museum web site at www. childrensmuseumofoakridge. org to register and pay online.

Badminton was first recognized as an official sport in the Olympic Games during the...

Page 28, Your Home Magazine, October 2013

Halloween Safety Tips It’s that time of year again, the crisp cold air is finally among us. Leaves are beginning to change. Stores are loaded with Halloween candy and costumes. The little ones are beginning to discuss with their friends and siblings what they want to be this year. But one thing that is overlooked is the safety by a lot of people of our children, not only while they are out getting candy but what they are consuming as well. On aver-

age kids will collect close to 2 pounds of candy after trick or treating. That’s a lot of empty calories and tooth aches. One of the biggest safety tips I give to people is being aware of their surrounding and most importantly though is knowing that crime does happen. Believe it or not crime is higher between the hours of 6pm-midnight on Halloween night, and crime is statistically highest on Hal-

be able to breathe easy.

Special Guest

Dustin Koppel loween night throughout the month of October. So I wanted to share with everyone a list of tips that can keep your children safe and healthy this Halloween and for many more to come. 1. Trick or treat with your children. It’s a good time and fun experience but it also makes your children and the other children around a less target. If for whatever reason you can’t go with your kids make sure that they are traveling in groups of 3 or more. 2. Always carry a flashlight while you are with the kids or have them take one. We all know that people have Halloween parties and can sometimes be careless with what they do while they are driving. 3. Look both ways when crossing the street. A very simple tip but one that I believe is forgotten when people are giving away FREE CANDY! 4. Look for lighted areas while walking to stay seen, always try to stay away from dark stretches of road. You want to stay in the light as much as possible so you can always be seen. 5. Only have them eat candy that is factory wrapped, and approved by you. It’s sad that we have to write this one but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. 6. When walking from house to house do not let the kids wear their masks until they are at the door. You want them to have good vision and

7. Every chance you get walk on the sidewalk and try to stay off people’s yards. You don’t want to be disrespectful or trip on something you can’t see.

cept rides or walk with people you do not know. 10. Stay away from the street as much as you can. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the far side of the road facing traffic so you can be seen and safe.

8. Let them enjoy the candy, 11. Always make sure that but make sure they eat it in the costume accessories such as: swords, axes, staffs, moderation. knives are flexible and soft so 9. If they go out alone make (See ‘Safety’ on page 62) sure to tell them to never ac-

Jackrabbits are powerful jumpers. A 20-inch adult can leap 20 feet in a single bound.

Your Home Magazine, October 2013, Page 29

National Fire Prevention Week October 7 - 13 Fire Safety Tips from All- Keep extra batteries on hand state: Don’t Forget to Check and replace them every six Smoke Detectors, Plan Es- months. cape Route • Check your smoke detectors In conjunction with National monthly. Replace any that Fire Prevention Week (Oct. are 10 years or older. Make 7-13, 2013), Allstate is trying sure everyone knows that the to get the word about fire piercing sound means dansafety tips so that ger, and they should esconsumers need cape quickly. to make sure they are pre• Position detecpared in case a tors smartly. Place fire breaks out. one on every level of your home and Fire safety is near areas where an important isyou and your family sue for everybody sleep. to think about. By following the tips below, hope- • Keep detectors away from fully the only things that con- heating and cooling ducts sumers lose in a fire are their and at least six inches from possessions. where walls and ceilings meet. Allstate offers these important fire safety tips: • Keep fire extinguishers handy. Make sure there’s • Check the batteries in at least one on each floor – your smoke detectors often. especially near the kitchen,

have a window fire escape, fire, never try to take an eltake the following actions: evator. If the power in the Special burning building fails, you 1) Feel the door to the hall could be trapped. Guest with the back of your hand. If David it is hot, put a wet towel along • If the hall is filled with the floor crack to keep smoke smoke, get down close to the Erb out. Go to the window and floor and crawl to the neargarage, laundry room and wave a colorful cloth to catch est stairs. You will breathe in workshop. the attention of firefighters. less smoke if you stay low.

1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. allspice Combine the above and set (Continued from page 30) aside. bake at 350 degrees for 10 Combine: minutes. 16 oz. can pumpkin OR 2 cups fresh cooked pumpkin Pumpkin Bread 2-2/3 cups sugar 3-1/2 cups flour 1 cup vegetable oil 2 tsp. soda Mix and then beat in: 1 tsp. salt 4 eggs 1/2 tsp. baking powder

Mix both mixtures together well and add: 1/2 to 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts.


• Talk with your family and make sure everyone knows what to do in case a fire breaks out. Make sure you have two ways out of your house. • Create a fire safety plan, with a designated meeting place. The following tips are for residents of high-rise buildings in the event of a fire. • Go down the window fire escape if your building has one. • If your building does not

Pour into two greased loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 55-60 minutes. Test. This bread freezes well and is delicious.

2) If the door to the hall does not feel hot, leave the apartment and go down the nearest stairs. In the event of a

For more info on fire safety or other safety topics, contact David Erb at 457-0450 or DavidErb@Allstate.com.

Page 30, Your Home Magazine, October 2013

The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is India.

Looking Forward to the Cool Fall Season I’m always happy to see fall arrive even though I become a year older in September! It has always been my favorite season for the cooler air, low humidity, colorful leaves and interesting trips. We have never owned cats until this past year - just dogs, but we have two outdoor cats now that are even friskier with this cool weather and we are enjoying their antics. The mother cat, who adopted us when a kitten, had five babies this spring. We kept one kitten and he and his mother have joined our dog, who sur-

prisingly is tolerating them. She has never liked cats! The other four kittens were lucky enough to find homes. They were such pretty babies it was hard to see them go. We thought we would have a very good garden this year but so much rain ruined it. It is usually the other way around - not enough water. A few things survived but not what we anticipated. During these cooler days we will enjoy some of the fall vegetables and fruits that begin to arrive in the markets. We

Let’s Cook! Mary Cox have already sampled several varieties of apples coming in from North Carolina and they have been very tasty. We enjoy them baked with the core removed, filled with butter and cinnamon red hots - such a simple, delicious dessert. Just place them in the microwave for about six minutes and they are ready.

Beat egg and milk in a bowl. Combine flour, paprika, meal, salt and peppers on waxed paper. Core tomatoes and cut into thin slices. Cut each slice crosswise into four slices. Dip into egg mixture, then meal mixture to coat well. Heat 1/4 inch oil in large nonstick skillet until hot. Brown tomatoes on both sides in batches, turning once. Cook 1-2 minutes on both sides. Drain on paper towels.

The women in my church, Here are a few fall recipes to Sinking Springs UMC, always sell pecans and other try. goodies in the fall. We look forward to the new crop of Fried Green Tomatoes pecans so we can once again 1 egg enjoy the many good dishes 1 TBS. milk that use the nuts. 1/3 cup plain flour 1/3 cup yellow cornmeal Coconut Sweet Potatoes 1 tsp. salt Bake 3 or 4 large sweet po1/4 tsp. paprika tatoes 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper Mash when tender with: 1/8 tsp. black pepper 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 firm green tomatoes 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 tsp. cinnaVegetable oil mon.

Mix well. Butter a baking dish and line bottom and sides with 1 cup miniature marshmallows and 1 cup coconut flakes. Spoon potato mixture over the coconut. Top with: 1/4 cup melted butter, 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup chopped pecans which have been mixed together. Pour over the potatoes and bake at 350 degrees until hot. The next recipe I jotted down from a television show a few weeks ago. Haven’t tried it yet but since rosemary is one of my favorites, I know it will be good. Nutty Snack 2 tsp. dried rosemary, crumble 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper 2-1/2 TBS. butter, melted 1 tsp. salt Mix all together and pour over 2 cups English walnuts (or other nuts), toss well and (See ‘Recipes’ on page 29)

All education through the university level is free in Eastern Europe’s nation of Azerbaijan.

Your Home Magazine, October 2013, Page 31

Harvest Season Offers Lessons to Investors It’s harvest time again. Of course, harvest season may not mean that much to you if you don’t work in agriculture. Nonetheless, you can learn a lot from those who do — especially in your role as an investor. Here are a few of these lessons to consider: •“Feed” your portfolio. Through the proper combination of fertilizers and irrigation,

farmers seek to maximize the growth of their crops. And if you want to give your portfolio the opportunity to grow, you need to “feed” it with the right mix of investments. This generally means you’ll need to own a reasonable percentage of growth-oriented vehicles, such as stocks and stock-based securities. Keep in mind, though, that the value of these types of investments will fluctuate, sometimes sharply — and there’s

Financial Advice

Michael Ousley no guarantee you won’t lose some or all of your principal. •Be patient. Crops don’t grow overnight. Farmers know that they will put in countless hours of work before they see the fruits of their labors. And they know that, along the way, they will likely experience setbacks caused by a variety of issues: too much rain, too little rain, insect infestations — the list goes on and on. When you invest, you shouldn’t expect to “get rich quick” — and you can expect to experience obstacles in the form of bear markets, economic downturns, changes in legislation and so forth. Continuing to invest for the long term and focusing more on long-term results than short-term success can help you as you work toward your objectives. •Respond to your investment “climate.” Farmers can’t control the weather, but they can respond to it. So,

for example, when it’s been dry for a long time, they can boost their irrigation. As an investor, you can’t control the economic “climate,” but you can make adjustments. To illustrate: If all signs point to rising long-term interest rates, which typically have a negative effect on long-term bond prices, you may need to consider reducing your exposure, at least for a while, to these bonds. •Diversify. Farmers face a variety of risks, including bad weather and fluctuating prices. They can help combat both threats through diversification. For instance, they can plant some crops that are more droughtresistant than others, so they won’t face complete ruin when the rains don’t fall. As an investor, you should also diversify; if you only owned one type of financial asset, and that asset class took a big hit, you could sustain large losses. But spreading your dollars among an array of investments — such as stocks, bonds, cash and other vehicles — may help reduce the effects of volatility on your portfolio. (Be aware, though, that diversification by itself can’t guarantee a profit

or protect against loss.) Relatively few of us toil in the fields to make our living. But by understanding the challenges of those who farm the land, we can learn some techniques that may help us to nurture our investments.

About the author... Michael Ousley is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones in Clinton. Call with questions and comments to 457-1051.

Italy is smaller than the state of Montana (116,304 square miles...

Page 32, Your Home Magazine, October 2013

Lessons from “Save for Retirement Week” Congress has designated the third week in October as National Save for Retirement Week — which means it’s a good time to think about your own retirement savings strategies.

the way of building retirement savings to ease their minds. Consider these figures, taken from the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2013 Retirement Confidence Survey:

Ensuring that you have enough money to support your chosen retirement lifestyle is certainly important. Unfortunately, many of your fellow Americans have apparently not done enough in

•Forty-nine percent of those surveyed said they are not confident about being able to afford a comfortable retirement.

Financial Advice

Karl Flatau dents say they and/or their spouse have even tried to calculate how much money they will need to live comfortably in retirement.

•Just 46% of survey respon- What steps can you take to gain confidence in your ability to retire in the manner you have envisioned? Here are a few suggestions: •Envision your retirement lifestyle. At what age do you want to retire? When you retire, do you plan to travel or stay close to home and pursue your hobbies? Will you do some part-time work or consulting? It’s important to

identify your retirement goals and then, as best as possible, estimate how much they will cost. Once you know what your retirement goals look like, you’ll be able to shape a strategy for achieving them. •Contribute as much as you can afford to your retirement accounts. No matter what your retirement goals may be, you’ll help yourself by contributing as much as you can possibly afford to your IRA and your 401(k) or other employersponsored retirement plan. (At a minimum, put enough

into your 401(k) to earn your employer’s matching contribution, if one is offered.) And if you reach the point where you can “max out” on these plans, look for other tax-advantaged investments to which you can contribute. •Invest for growth. To help you reach your goals, you’ll want to include a reasonable percentage of growthoriented vehicles in your retirement accounts. The exact percentage will depend on your risk tolerance and your specific objectives, but it’s important to have that growth potential. (See ‘Retire’ on page 35)

and 147,138 square miles, respectively).

Your Home Magazine, October 2013, Page 33

Enjoy Fall Colors Autumn puts on a colorful show of brilliant earth tone colors. Just when you think there is nothing to enjoy, many plants give us one more show before freezing weather arrives. With the arrival of fall mums you know it’s football time in Tennessee. There are quite a few

plants that do great in the fall. Pansies, sunflowers, zinnias, violas, asters, sedums, salvias, ornamental cabbage, kale, purple and yellow peppers, and solidago are a few.

Gardening Tips

June McCreight

Now is the time to plant pansies and violas for show now. off and on during the winter They also will provide color months. By spring they have a strong root system and will put on quite a show. I use blood meal in spring to give them a boost. A lot of sedums and salvias come back strong the following year. Your garden mums need to go through 2 hard freezes before cutting them back. When they come out in spring keep the new growth pinched off until mid July. This will help promote next fall’s flowering. Floral mums will also come back

but will probably not look the same. Garden mums have a very firm root ball. Make sure you water them well. When the fall annuals finish blooming clean out the beds. You can plant really pretty pots for fall. Need ideas, stop by the greenhouse. If you don’t h a v e time to plant them we will plant them for you.

to Francis intimate and full of friends. Not the least of whom were the sun, the moon, and the birds. He is the patron saint of those who love nature.

You might want to clean up some mess in your perennial beds, but use caut i o n . Some things are just coming up. Your spent If you’re a first time annuals need to go. bulb planter you need Your perennials need to plant bulbs about to be completely dor3 times as deep as the mant before you remove height of the bulb. This goes any foliage. The leaves confor most bulbs, though tulips tinue to feed the plant. should go about 12 inches down if you want them to October is a good month to come back for a second year reflect on what worked and or more. Don’t plant your what didn’t. Take a stroll bulbs in singles. They look around your garden. Some more natural when nine or things may just need a new more are planted together. location. Make a note of all With tiny bulbs you can toss the changes you would like to them gently and plant where make while it is fresh on your they land to give them an mind. Next spring when it’s uncontrived appearance. Be time to go to the nursery you sure to wear gloves when won’t have to try and rememplanting bulbs, they cause a ber. You will have it on paper. rash to break out on some people. If the weather gods are listenThe world was a garden (See ‘Fall Colors’ on page 35)

Page 34, Your Home Magazine, October 2013

Behold the lowly salt and pepper shakers: always there when you need them, and often in a decorative or entertaining shape. Did you know that the salt shaker got its big start in 1911 after the Morton Salt company introduced an anti-caking agent (magnesium carbonate), which allowed the salt to flow freely out of a container? Shakers received a second boost a decade later when, during the Depression, ce-

Television comedy queen Lucille Ball appeared on a record 29 covers of TV Guide magazine.

Pass the Salt, Will Ya? ramics companies were looking for inexpensive items to Vintage sell, and decided that salt and Finds pepper shakers were an item all homes needed and could Marsha afford. Then came the 1950s and the American automobile Layman culture, and the travel industry began offering shakers as days, and you had to chip it off and crush or grind it yoursouvenirs. self. Some early salt shakers Now, some folks call these were actually salt mills, used dispensers “salt cellars,” but to grind the chunks, much as that’s not really right: a “cel- we see today. lar” is a dish or a box that holds the salt, and with these And long ago (in the latdevices, you use your fin- ter half of the 1800s), shakgers or a tiny spoon to serve ers might have been called the salt onto your food. Of “spice box, dredge box, salt course, salt was purchased bottle, or condiment box” in block, or rock form in those (from “All Shook Up – The History of the Salt Shaker” on the blog Pinch, Shake and Grind). And like pretty much every object, the more ornate your shakers are, the more wealthy you are deemed to be. The commoners had salt dishes and shakers made of pewter, horn, or wood, while the upper classes used ones crafted of silver. King Charles I of England noted in his diary in 1625 that he saw a “salt made of gold, weighing 150 ounces and studded with sapphires, rubies, pearls and emeralds” (ibid).

If you would like to see a whole lot of shakers in one place, go down to Gatlinburg where you will find the Museum of Salt and Pepper Shakers! There, Andrea and Rolf Ludden have on display their collection of over

she’d set it on a windowsill, along with a few salt shakers that were decorative. People thought she had a collection, so they started giving shakers to her. Then her kids started to scour flea markets for them, and the collection

20,000 shakers. And they have 20,000 more in a sister museum in Guadalest, Spain! How would such a thing get started? Well, according to the museum website, Andrea was looking for a good pepper mill, but couldn’t seem to find one that worked well, so as she would acquire one and subsequently discard it,

grew. And since Andrea is an archaeologist, she became fascinated with the cultural aspect of the designs, and decided that a museum was in order so others could learn and enjoy. According to an article in (See ‘Salt on page 39)

There are 48 teaspoons in a cup: three teaspoons make a tablespoon and 16 tablespoons to a cup. your portfolio to determine if its performance is still on track to help you make the (Continued from page 32) progress you need to reach Keep in mind, though, that your goals. investing in growth-oriented vehicles involves market risk •Make changes as needed. and possible loss of principal. If your investments are simply underperforming, you may •Review your progress. need to make some changes. At least once a year, review And in the years immediately


preceding your retirement, you may also need to adjust your holdings, possibly by moving some dollars from growth-oriented investments to income-producing ones. However, even at this stage of your life, you may still need your portfolio to provide you with some growth potential — you could be retired for two or three decades, so you’ll want your money to last and to stay ahead of inflation. National Save for Retirement Week comes just once a year. Take its message to heart.

About the author... Karl Flatau is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones in Oak Ridge. He can be reached for questions and comments at 483-3643.

Your Home Magazine, October 2013, Page 35

side the fenced in back yard. I am going to plant a shrub in the front yard that the deer do (Continued from page 33) not like. I’m getting too old to ing, we would like sunny days fight them. I apologize for the followed by cool (below 45 way it looks. The deer have degrees) nights. This is per- finally won. fect for beautiful fall foliages. Three factors control autumn There are a few plants that leaf color temperature, sun- offer color for your home this shine, and sugar formation in fall and winter. You can try kalanchoe, orchids. reigor the leaves. begonias, bromeliads, chrycyclamen, Now is the time to think about santhemums, bringing your houseplants Christmas cactus, and etc. in for the winter months. To avoid the shock of the dif- The turnpike is still quite a ference in temperature and mess. There is no pretty fohumidity most houseplants liage to look at anymore. It should be indoors before the makes me a little blue until I night temperature drops to turn onto gum hollow and see 50 degrees. There are some all the beautiful foliage in late hardy ones that can stay out October. When I get out of until it drops to 40 degrees. To the car I smell wood smoke be safe you need to start their coming from chimneys and indoor readjustment around supper cooking. That makes 50 degrees. Before bring- me feel better and anxious to ing in the plants, check them go inside and see if that wonand make sure they are free derful smell is coming from of any pest. Always check my house. under the leaves. Stop fertilizing until spring. Also save Folks enjoy this time of year repotting until the spring. Let with your family and friends. the plants become dormant. About the author... Use my pencil method to check your watering needs. June McCreight is the owner of Ridge Greenhouse and FloI have to talk about my yard a rist located at 148 Louisiana little. The deer have won the Avenue in Oak Ridge. Your last round. I found something questions and comments are they did not like and would welcome: 482-1465. keep them away. It had to be reapplied after every rain. This became a little expensive, so I gave up. I’m thinking seriously of digging up all perennials in the front yard. I am going to move them in-

Fall Colors

Page 36, Your Home Magazine, October 2013

On the planet Jupiter, your weight would be nearly three times greater than it is on Earth.

“What’s for Dinner? Homemade Freezer Meals” Every night for the past fifteen years, my family has asked the question, “What’s for dinner?” That’s over five thousand times! Between work, school, sports practice, and homework, cooking a hot meal AND getting everyone to sit around the table to eat it can be akin to rolling in poison ivy. Painful. Our dinner table has seen a lot of meals, just like yours. Good meals, “Pulled pork sandwiches and homemade coleslaw with caramel brownies for dessert? Mom, you’re the best!” Bad meals, “Oatmeal for dinner?” Gourmet meals, well, not so many of those, and blah meals.

“Fend-For-Yourself- Night”, an actual term at our house, translates into a bag of tortilla chips and cheese eaten while doing homework. Over the past five thousand meals, I’ve learned two things. First, I want my family to eat dinner together, and second, the tastier the food, the easier they come to the table. Because I don’t have time to make something fabulous for dinner every night and take-out is expensive, homemade freezer meals are where it’s at (unless you actually like frozen fish sticks and tator tots poured from a box.) Instead, think beef stroganoff with Portobello mush-

Provident Living

Heidi Greenhalgh rooms and onions in a rich broth or feta and sun-dried tomato stuffed chicken over a bed of couscous on the table in less than thirty minutes. Sounds like a culinary dream, right? With a little planning and a few hours of preparation and cooking, you can have a week’s worth of tasty, homemade meals ready to go in the freezer for those inevitable nights when you have soccer practice and music lessons on the same evening. Whether you work alone or in a group (I’ve done both), there are three steps to stocking your freezer with homemade meals, (1) planning, (2) shopping/prepping, and (3) assembly. Working alone is best if you love to cook or have a crazy schedule since you will be stuck with all the prep work and as-

sembly yourself (unless you or shredded beef for sandcan convince your family to wiches, stuffed shells and pitch in). Working in a group (See ‘Freezer’ on page 37) is ideal (four to six people) if you don’t love to cook, but love to eat, and want to share the workload. Planning. This is the fun part. Flip through your favorite freezer-friendly recipes and choose the meals you want to make. As a group, vote on ten to twelve meals that suit everyone’s taste. It may take a few tries to find the perfect group to cook with. A spicy person will not mesh with a bland person when it comes to choosing recipes. If you are the person that picks out onions, and hates tomatoes with a passion, save yourself the trouble and work alone. Pick five to seven meals your family will eat and move on to step two. Freezer meal ideas include beef stew, chili, curry, minestrone soup, spaghetti sauce, meatballs and mini meatloafs, enchiladas, lasagna, stuffed chicken, eggrolls, taquitos, handpies, pulled pork

The electric eel’s shocking power is so great that it can overtake its victims while 15 feet away.

Freezer (Continued from page 36) manicotti; the list is endlessly delicious. Pick the date you will assemble all the freezer meals and choose the location, whoever has the largest kitchen and most counter

space wins. Plan three to four hours to assemble the prepped ingredients in dishes or freezer bags. Shopping/Prepping. Once you have decided on your meals, make a list of the ingredients and put them in a spreadsheet to multiply

amounts for your shopping list. If you are working in a group, divvy out assignments. One or two people will be shoppers (to be reimbursed on meal assembly day, so keep track of receipts) and the rest will be food preppers. Food preppers prepare the ingredients

Your Home Magazine, October 2013, Page 37

for assembly (cook and shred chicken, brown ground beef, chop veggies, and make homemade bread dough or pie crusts). Meal Assembly. The day of, come armed with your prepped ingredients, enough freezer bags and casserole dishes to hold each meal, and a sharpie to write on each bag what is inside along with instructions for cooking. At this point, assembling each meal is a snap because you’ve already done most of the hard work. Just measure and pour until all the meals are done and ready to freeze. Put someone in charge of tallying up the final cost of ingredients purchased so shoppers can be reimbursed. If a cooking marathon is not your style, you can still get homemade meals in the freezer by doubling or tripling the recipe each time you make a dish that freezes well. In addition, dozens

of recipes call for shredded chicken (enchiladas, chicken salad, Mexican tortilla soup, quesadillas), but who wants to take the time to defrost one or two chicken breasts, boil and shred them? Invest in a large stockpot and prep fifteen pounds of chicken at once, then freeze in one pound portions. This works great for ground beef as well. And while you’re at it, don’t forget breakfast! Waffles, pancakes, muffins, quick breads, and homemade granola bars freeze beautifully. Make a triple batch over the weekend and freeze the rest for harried school mornings. Feeding your family just got easier!

About the author... Heidi Greenhalgh is a freelance writer whose work has been published both locally and nationally. She also happens to like being prepared for…whatever. She can be reached for comment at heidigreenhalgh@msn.com.

The Wright Brothers spent time observing the flight of the buzzard to help them solve the mystery of flight... Page 38, Your Home Magazine, September 2013

How to Choose a Body Shop As a car owner, your chances are great that at some point you will need to visit an auto body repair shop. Whether your vehicle has suffered from storm damage, rust, corrosion, acid rain, harsh sunlight, or an automobile accident outright, insurance statistics have shown that the average car owner will use the collision or services of automobile refinishing about once every 10 years.

I recommend looking for a body shop before you need one; you can make better decisions when you are not rushed or in a panic. If you have been in an accident, many people assume that their insurance company will just take care of it. While most insurance companies have “preferred” or “direct repair” auto body partners and can make your claims process easier, they may not always the best choice for your

Special Guest

Larry Willis vehicle. You can ask around for the experiences that others have had. My advice is to be a savvy consumer, prepare ahead, ask a lot of questions, and go visit a few auto body repair shops if you have the opportunity. You can ask around for the experiences that others have had but it is best if you take those opinions with a little research of your own. Check to see if the body shop is connected to a general auto repair facility, you might want to take your car in for a minor service such as an oil change or tire rotation so that you can evaluate the facilities, how you are treated as a

customer, and be on the look- doing the work on your car. Does the shop have at least out for the following things: one ASE Certified mechanic • Does the shop have a neat, to oversee the work being done on your car? ASE (Auprofessional appearance? tomotive Service Excellence) • Is the staff friendly and is a nonprofit organization courteous? Are they willing to that certifies the technical take the time to answer ques- competence through passing tions and can they give pro- a series of difficult tests. fessional advice? • Does it appear that they typically work on later model cars? This is important if this describes your vehicle and specifications that need to made with • Does it appear your warranty. that they are using updated technology and equipment? • Do they ever use generic Many vehicle manufacturers or junkyard parts? Again this recommend specific repair may be important if your car procedures and equipment is newer. so you do want to make sure that the facility that you • What types of warranty do choose is trained in these they offer for major services? procedures and has the prop- For instance, a one-year warranty is minimum but a twoer equipment. year warranty for body work • What are the qualifications (See ‘Body’ on page 39) of the technicians who will be

Your Home Magazine, October 2013, Page 39

A “duffer” is Australian slang for a cattle thief.

Body (Continued from page 38) and a three-year warranty is standard for complete paint jobs.

want to know about the materials the shop intends to use. New parts are obviously the best and some used parts are fine but make sure that if nonOEM parts are used that this is disclosed in your estimate. You will also want to know about your guarantee for the work being done; what warranties are they going to give you for the work.

If you do need to take your car in for repair, the process of getting your car fixed right at the right price starts with getting an accurate, reasonable estimate. You will also After the repair work has been

done, put your car through its paces before you take it home. If your car has been in an accident, test every button, switch, and lock in the car to make sure they work. Check to make sure that all the doors, hood and trunk open and close smoothly. If the car has been painted, examine the paint in bright sunlight to make sure the color matches. Your automobile is a major investment so your choice in a body shop should not be a decision to take lightly. You need to be comfortable that the person that you turn your car over to is honest, reputable, and will stand behind their work. And, it is always nice when you have been so wowed by your service experience that you do not hesitate to write a positive review or give a excellent reference. This helps keep the good shops in business while weeding out some that are not so good.

About the author... Larry Willis has over 40 years in the Auto Body and Repair business and works at Sexton Automotive. He has just recently been awarded the ASE Master Collision Repair and Refinish Technician of the Year Award based on the highest test scores and other criteria required from the Automotive Service Excellence Organization. He can be reached at Sexton Automotive Collision and Repair Center at 272-3225.

Crossword Solution from page 57.

Salt (Continued from page 34) Smithsonian


production of consumer ceramics there, displacing Japan as the number-one producer of shakers in the world if during the 1920s through the 1940s (see Smithsonian. com, January 23, 2012 article). And what is the most-collected shaker set in the world? The Hummel figures, made by the renowned German pottery maker Goebel. Their Hummel shakers were introduced in 1935. So pass the salt, will ya?

About the author... you have a set that’s labeled “Made in occupied Japan,” you have something rare, as World War II nearly halted

Marsha Layman is a Knoxvillian who has lived in Colorado and Michigan, and is interested in just about everything!

Swap (Continued from page 15)

Keeping the shop fresh with new items coming in all the time makes it a fun experience for swappers. You never know what treasure you’ll find for that great old lamp you had no use for.

used household items, baby items, men and women’s clothing, jewelry, and shoes. She is pretty careful of the items that she will accept. Clothes must be clean and in good condition; appliances or electronics must be in working order. Any items that do not sell within a reasonable amount of time will go to a local charity.

Apex Office Supply and the Swap Shop are located on 120 Administration Rd. in Oak Ridge. They are open Monday-Thursday 8am- 5pm and Friday 8am- noon.

Page 38, Visions Magazine, September 2013

Tennis pro Evonne Goolagong’s last name means...

Clouds fly higher during the day than during the night.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 41

TN Mountain Writers Workshop Saturday, November 9th Tennessee Mountain Writers Presents “When the Byline Loses Its Thrill: Making Money with the Words You Write” with Jennie Ivey, Workshop Leader

learn how to expand their reach and get paid to talk about the things they have written. Writers of all levels and all genres will benefit and are welcome.

Cookeville freelance writer and newspaper columnist Jennie Ivey will conduct an all-day writing workshop on “When the Byline Loses Its Thrill: Making Money with the Words You Write” Saturday, November 9, at the United Way of Anderson County office at 161 Robertsville Road in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The event is the Fall Workshop of the Tennessee Mountain Writers.

Jennie Ivey is the co-author of three books: Tennessee Tales the Textbooks Don't Tell, E is for Elvis, and Soldiers, Spies & Spartans: Civil War Stories from Tennessee. She writes a weekly newspaper column for the Cookeville Herald-Citizen and is a regular contributor to Guideposts magazine and Chicken Soup for the Soul. She has taught at numerous writers' conferences including the Tennessee Mountain Writers, Alabama Writers Conclave, Cookeville Creative Writers Association, and MTSU Writers Loft.

Workshop participants will learn how to focus on subjects they want to write about and tailor writing to fit markets that pay. They will also

The workshop will run from 9:30am until 4:00pm EST. The registration fee, which includes morning refreshments and lunch, is $85. Participation will be limited to 20 registrants. For a registration form or additional information, see the Tennessee Mountain Writers web site, www.tmwi. org, or contact Sue Richardson Orr at the orrs@usit.net. Tennessee Mountain Writers is a non-profit, non-political organization that promotes Tennessee literary arts and supports the work of Tennessee writers. Its goal is to provide opportunities for people interested in the craft of writing to become better writers. Membership is open to all writers interested in furthering these objectives, regardless of geographic location.

Gallery (Continued from page 21) ing items with a more personal touch and often that have stories and meaning. Some people are making the conscious choice to buy locally when possible, and they are thrilled to be able to buy gifts for people on their lists that are made by someone here in East Tennessee, instead of at a factory somewhere on the other side of the world. Not only are they supporting their local community, but they’re being ‘green’ at the same time! And, of course, they’re getting something that’s hand-made and oneof-a-kind.” In addition to the arts and crafts, home-made food will be available as well as the Gallery of Holiday Shops Bake Sale. With items ranging from breads and appetizers to desserts, the timing is perfect for Thanksgiving. Many items can be put in the freezer and used during the December holidays, too. “Some people return every year to buy fudge or cookies from us; sometimes for a hostess gift, sometimes for entertaining, sometimes for a private stash. Some look forward to our bake sale because they simply do not have the time or desire to bake themselves, but want the taste of home for their holiday,” said Marcum-Estes. “It’s another way the Art Cen-

ter can make your holiday todo list a little shorter.” The Art Center’s Stumbo’s Jumbos Café will sell chili dogs and Barb’s Que pulled pork sandwiches and drinks to those who want to have a snack or lunch while at the Art Center. Individual desserts from the bake sale will also be available for dessert or to share with friends over a cup of coffee. The Art Center is located at 201 Badger Avenue behind the Civic Center and near the Museum of Science Energy Museum. For info about the event call 482-1441, drop by the Art Center, or visit the Art Center’s website: www. oakridgeartcenter.org or FaceBook page. It is a private, not-for-profit regional fine arts center and museum providing visual arts experiences and education to Oak Ridge and the surrounding area. The (Oak Ridge) Art Center is sponsored in part by the Tennessee General Assembly via a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission. Call the Art Center at (865) 482-1441 for more info about the Gallery of Holiday Shops or any other events, shows, or classes at the Art Center.

Page 42, Visions Magazine, October 2013

Antique (Continued from page 7) at 12:30 p.m. Children’s Activities Young festival-goers can join the fun hosted by First Baptist Church of Clinton. Children’s activities are open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and are free of charge. Activities are open to children up to Grade 6 and require the presence of a parent or guardian. Saturday Entertainment - Denim & Diamonds Square Dance Club, with caller Terry McGill, will kick off Saturday morning’s live entertainment at 10:00 a.m. Dancers range from age eleven to seventy-four years old. Founded in August 2011, Denim & Diamonds is located in Clinton and has a square dance class every

The most common town names in the U.S.: 1. Fairview 2. Midway 3. Oak Grove...

Thursday and a dance every Sam Mitchell (keys, percussecond Friday of the month. sion, singer). Their acoustic Americano folk-rock feel is The band “Mediocre at Best” adapted from many years of playing worship music with inspiration from many different artists such as David Crowder and Green River Ordinance. “Mediocre at Best” will perform at 11:00 a.m.

consists of band members Kyle Moore (rhythm guitar/lead singer), Tim Gibbs (lead guitarist/singer), and

Greylan James, a 17 year old up and coming singer, songwriter and guitarist from East Tennessee, will take the stage at 1:00 p.m. Performing since the age of 5, Greylan began playing guitar at 11. His style of playing is similar to John Mayer, Brad Paisley, Brent Mason, and Danny Gatton. His musical influences include Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, Brad Paisley, Dierks Bentley, Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, John Mayer, Eagles and James Burton along with many genres of music. Over the years he has played over 600 events, benefits and festivals. Most Recently in 2013, Greylan was the Featured Artist in the Guitar Center June Product Guide, won Best Country Song for “If I Was Elvis” at the Indie Music Channel Awards in Los Angeles and is currently working on a 6 song album of originals slated for a late summer release. Appearing on NBC’s The Voice Season Four, he made it to the Blind Auditions. Dalton Gray will round out the day’s entertainment with his rare kind of country that captivates audiences with authentic soulful Texas draw, cutting crisp purity, beautiful emotion, and astounding range. Dalton began his musical journey when he moved to Austin, Texas in 9th grade. After opening for Texas country star Kevin Fowler at 17, Dalton was sold that country was his thing. He took off with a band after graduation and started hitting the clubs, bars, and honkytonks and learned

about paying dues. The life in the honkytonks showed him that if he was going to make it, hard work and passion were his only ticket. So with that Texas-boy resolve, Dalton set out to record his original record. When Dalton came across a job at Peterbilt Motors, he bit the bullet paycheck to paycheck for 2 years to pay for his first pro exploit in the business. Now, at the ripe age of 23, with his first national single “Knockout Girl” hitting the charts and getting reviews from national publications that acclaim his sound “a refreshing taste of the future of contemporary country music,” Dalton is right around the corner from bringing his sound nationwide.

The Clinch River Antiques Festival has grown in its reputation among antique dealers and collectors, but it has become so much more than just a well-known antique show. The festival has become a time for the community to gather in celebration of Clinton’s unique character, for old friends to mingle on the streets and welcome another fall to Anderson County. The festival is presented by the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce and the City of Clinton and is sponsored by Regions Bank, Tennova Healthcare, Methodist Medical Center, and Bojangles. For more info call the Chamber at 457-2559 or visit www. clinchriverfallfestival.com.

4. Franklin 5. Riverside 6. Centerville 7. Mount Pleasant 8. Georgetown 9. Salem 10. Greenwood

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 43

ORHS Masquers presents Emma this November The Oak Ridge High School At first glance, the inner work- duction of Emma will require Masquers will present Emma, ings of English high society much more than memoriza play adaptation of Jane Aus- may seem worlds away from ing lines and dressing up in ten’s Emma, a beloved British novel published in 1815. Directed by Joseph Self, the production is an ambitious one for the cast and crew, whose group is in its fourth season. Emma is the company’s first English comedy. The play presents the story of Emma Woodhouse, a mischievous young woman bent on matchmaking, whose efforts backfire when she sets her mind to finding a husband for her friend, Harriet Smith. The play explores the issues of social class, reputation and wealth in England during the time period, when securing a prominent husband was all-important to young women of the day. “Some audiences view Emma as a romance,” said Ms. Tonya Staggs, the Education Director for Traveler’s Rest Plantation and Museum in Nashville, TN. “We come to understand that Jane Austen is a comic satirist who is making fun of her whole world.”

which gives her a unique per- Austen’s world opens up to spective for actors portraying the modern audience, particucharacters of a by-gone era. larly to teenagers, Emma will come alive. “People identify “In my job I do living his- with the characters in Austory, portraying people from ten’s novels,” Trapp said. the past,” Staggs said. The play will open on ThursIn order to be convincing, ac- day, November 14, at 7 pm in tors must thoroughly grasp, Oak Ridge High School’s Perand reflect, the specific rules forming Arts Center, and conregarding social conduct dur- tinue on Saturday, November ing this time period, where 16, and Sunday, November restraint and politeness ruled 17, both at 7 pm. the day. “Almost all of Austen’s characters display behavior of Pictured are Oak Ridge those brought up in polite so- High School Masquers playciety,” said Skaggs. “They are ers: Meghanne Hill (playing a mirror of those manners.” Emma), Tracy Skaggs (histofancy costumes. The cast rian), and Mackensie Russell and crew must immerse Those potential barriers mat- (playing Jane Austen) themselves in the past to ter little, however. Once Jane prepare for their play adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma.

modern audiences. However, adolescents in particular will see the similarities between Emma’s story and their own, since high school life includes the same type of romantic intrigue, gossip, and meddling. Ms. Staggs, armed with a history major and a career in “Jane Austen’s work tran- museum education, visited scends time,” said Trapp. Oak Ridge on September 16 “There are so many paral- to give a crash course in the lels between Emma’s world customs and manners of the and the modern high school Regency Period in England, social circle with its cliques which dates from 1795-1830. and emphasis on popularity.” She is also a member of group called “Regal” that perThe November stage pro- forms historical reenactments,

Page 42, Visions Magazine, September 2013

A sneeze can travel as fast as 100 miles per hour...

Before going into the music business, Frank Zappa was a greeting-card designer.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 45

Jazzercise in Solway Some may think it’s a thing (and highly effective) dance of the past, but Jazzercise is moves. back and it’s better than ever. Michelle explained to me the I wasn’t sure what to expect Jazzercise format which is when I walked into the a one-hour class covering Jazzercise Studio in Solway all fitness bases: warm-up, near Oak Ridge, but I was aerobic, strength, stretching, immediately welcomed by and cool-down. Michelle other members of the class was very easy to follow and greeted by the business’s and did a wonderful job of friendly and enthusiastic new keeping everyone motivated owner, Michelle Replogle. throughout the class. Class participants ranged from Michelle has been taking women who were 50+ years Jazzercise classes since old to women who were in 2010 and became a certified their 20’s. “Jazzercise is for instructor in June 2013. She everyone” says Michelle, “I is very excited to show people had a class once where two what Jazzercise is all about. of the women had birthdays, Throughout the class Michelle one was turning 72 and the led routines choreographed other was turning 21. It doesn’t to music by popular artists matter how old you are. You such as Macklemore, Alicia can still get something out of Keys, Bruno Mars and Kenny it.” I believed her when I woke Chesney all paired with fun up with sore muscles the next

Business Review

Morgan Lindsey

5:45pm, Tuesday 8:30am & 5:45pm, Wednesday 8:30am & 5:45pm, Thurday 8:30am & 9:30 sculpt & 5:45pm, Friday 8:30am, Saturday 8:45am Sculpt & 9:30. Michelle hopes to add more classes as needs are identified.

(865) 387-6106.

About the author... Morgan is a 19-year-old aspiring journalist from Oak Ridge. She attends Roane State Community College and serves tables at Outback

morning. After our workout I spoke with a few of the women in the class, some new and some more experienced, and got very positive feedback: “ I took my first class last week and couldn’t wait to come back again” said a newcomer. “I’m addicted”, said another woman who had been attending various Jazzercise classes for over ten years. Jazzercise is a lot of fun, and great for those with a busy schedule because Michelle offers classes in the morning and evenings Monday through Saturday. In the future she plans to offer child care and to eventually expand the building’s dance floor. She wants people to know that Jazzercise is new and improved, and that you can get a good workout without big, intimidating equipment and ridiculous gym membership fees. The current class schedule is as follows: Monday 8:30am &

Michelle’s Jazzercise is located on 8913 Oak Ridge Highway, and those interested in classes can contact her at

Steakhouse in Oak Ridge. She has a passion for local businesses and talent and is very excited to be a part of the October issue of Visions!

Page 46, Visions Magazine, October 2013 and workshops through the month of October that anyone can jump into. The classes (Continued from page 23) and times are listed on The strengthen the body’s ability Ayurveda Center’s website or to heal itself. At the Ayurveda you can call for more informaCenter, Mary and her staff tion. are there to guide you along the quest for health and bal- Another great aspect of The ance in body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda Center is that it They offer various services, houses a yoga studio, Sebut Mary says the best and rene Yoga and Healing. easiest way to get a taste The room is a quiet, tranquil of Ayurveda is to schedule space where a variety of a massage with one of the yoga classes are held. They massage therapists who are supply not only a qualified inalso trained in Ayurvedic structor, but yoga props such healing. They choose the oils as mats, blocks, straps, and for each individual depend- more. There is a small shop ing on what is needed to bal- on site where you can purance out the client’s system. chase Ayurvedic oils, herbs, The Center offers a variety of incense, DVDs, CDs, and massage services and is one books. of the more pampering ways to make the move towards The Ayurveda Center is all about wellness of the body, better health. mind, and spirit and just Consultation appointments walking through their doors can be scheduled with Dr. causes a shift towards the Roberson as well as psycho- better. It is quiet, peaceful, therapy into which she can and a place that is beautiful incorporate Ayurvedic princi- with simple elegance. Not to ples. This knowledge is also mention it perpetually smells shared with classes held at wonderful inside. the Ayurveda Center. Cooking classes are offered peri- Dr. Roberson and the staff odically, as well meditation of the Ayurveda Center have and other supportive group been educating and helping classes. There are classes clients through the practice of


Ernest Hemingway wrote a story about Mt. Kilimanjaro... Ayurveda since 1998. They encourage interested parties to investigate the practice and learn as much as they can. Dr. Roberson recommends a website www.doshaguru.com where you can not only learn about the oldest

system of health care, but the site offers a quiz for the visitor to help distinguish where their imbalances lie.

at www.AyurvedaCenterTN. com or call to schedule an appointment for an introductory massage or other services at 865-482-0981. It will be To find out more about The a balancing treat for all your Ayurveda Center for Natural senses. Healthcare, visit their website

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 47

The famous mountain is located in Tanganyika.

Lunch (Continued from page 17) Every day we had the same argument with the lady who ran the beauty shop next door. She insisted we fry her eggs well done because that would lessen the risk of “hardening of the arteries” if we fried them that way. We tried to convince her that she was wrong but her mind was set and we got nowhere with our argument to the contrary. Each of the girls behind the

counter were assigned certain stations during the crowded lunch hour--one serving drinks, another washing dishes and backing up someone who got behind, one serving the salad bar and another one filling the plates which consisted of a meat and two vegetables...35 cents, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas. It was called a Blue Plate Special. Many times it was my misfortune to wait on the same lady who, always, as soon as she gave me her order, went into

a long dissertation on how she couldn’t eat kraut, cabbage, or cole slaw. “I’ve got this ulcerated stomach I have to watch out for,” she would say for the sake of everyone within hearing distance, assuming they cared one way or the other. After hearing this week after week, I finally came to the conclusion that cabbage didn’t agree with her. And became an expert on ulcerated stomachs. When things settled down after the busy lunch hour, we could relax and take things a little easier. The soda fountain was a busy place just before the opening of the Hippodrome Theater across the street where folks usually waited for the show to start. It was a place to spend time catching up on the news of the town, who was sick, had anybody met the new pastor and what was he like, recent

births or deaths, marriages or chia during the 30’s and 40’s. divorces. No need to buy a newspaper, you could get the scoop at Newberry’s fountain. I loved working at Newberry’s and find it sad that dime stores and lunch counters have almost gone the way of the dynosaur. The years I worked there are among my happiest memories and so are the people I served across the counter. They taught me a lot about human nature, some of it weird, some of it funny, but mostly how fascinating people can be. And they still are. Just look around you.

About the author... Ms. Seivers’ articles appear in several newspapers in Kentucky where she has been a columnist for 14 years. She has written a book, Simple Pleasures, which is a collection of stories that focus on family, small town virtues and closeknit neighborhoods in Appala-

Page 48, Visions Magazine, October 2013

Train (Continued from page 24) started for just one dollar. It had no seats or windows when they bought it but now it is very nice and clean with comfortable seats and big clear windows. Our train included an engine on each end, a dining car, two passenger cars, and a red bay window caboose. The dining car is used for Dinner Train Rides catered by Caramella Catering. Unfortunately, the last dinner train scheduled for this year ran on September 21st which was past my deadline and before I could get this column to you, but there is always next year when the Valentine Dinner Trains roll around. While there was no dinner on my ride, there were refreshments available so I didn’t starve on the approximately 14 mile, one hour train ride.

After we leave the K-25 site, we cross over Poplar Creek and head into some lovely scenic areas, through hardwood forests, fields bursting with goldenrod, along highways and past a few homes. At the end of the line, we stop a few minutes for safety checks, to walk around in the other cars, or purchase refreshments and souvenirs, and then we head back to the station on the same track. I munch my popcorn and enjoy the scenery, thinking how it will be even prettier when the leaves turn. Fall color rides start the second weekend in October and go thru the first weekend in November with a Halloween Spooktacular ride the last weekend in October when the staff dresses up in Halloween costumes. Rides are at 11am, 1pm, and 3pm on Saturdays and 1pm and 3pm on Sunday. There will be Thanksgiving Specials on November 29 and 30 with rides on both Friday and Saturday at 11, 1, and 3. Santa trains will run during the first two weekends of December, which you will want to keep in mind if you have grandchildren visiting for the holidays. Speaking of children, there was a four year old boy celebrating his birthday on my train ride and he really seemed to enjoy it. After the ride, he was able to climb

The Japanese word for chef, itamae, literally means “in front of the cutting board.” aboard the locomotive cab and blow the whistle. All children are invited to do this after riding, even if it is not their birthday. Since the ride is not too long, it holds children’s interest more than a longer ride probably would. Tickets to ride the train are $19 for adults and $15 for children ages 3 thru 12. It is suggested that you call (865) 241-2140 (9 to 9 daily) to ensure tickets are available, but

tickets will be sold the day of each trip if space is available. Group rates are available for groups of 24 or more. If you are a rail enthusiast and would like to join the Southern Appalachia Railway Museum, yearly dues are $30 for individuals, $20 for 18 and under, $65 for a family of four. Museum activities include a monthly membership meeting, group dinners, work sessions, and operat-

ing the train. If you have ever wanted to be a train conductor, brakeman, or engineer, here is your chance! The museum provides training (in accordance with state and federal regulations) for these positions. Or maybe, you just want to be a ticket agent or run the concessions, they will teach you how to do that too. As mentioned earlier, they hope to someday build a museum, and donations toward that are very welcome.

Kramer made his “entrance” into Jerry Seinfeld’s apartment 284 times.

Masskus (Continued from page 5) ing Kreskin has, for 5 decades, dramatized the unique facets of the human mind, his own! His very name has become an integral part of pop culture throughout the world, invoked in comedy clubs, comic strips, print stories, and TV shows. When Johnny Carson played the character “Carnac the Magnificent” on the “Tonight Show”, he was spoofing the Amazing Kreskin. Kreskin a favorite guest on Johnny’s show and Merv Griffin has also been a regular on Howard Stern, David Letterman, “Regis & Kathy Lee” and many others. Currently he makes fre-

quent appearances on “Late him perform his mentalist “efNight with Jimmy Fallon,” and fects.” “Mike Huckabee.” Additionally for this visit to the In 2008, Tom Hanks pro- Oak Ridge Theater, Kreskin duced and co-starred with will have a ghost sighting by John Malkovich in “The Great audience members on stage Buck Howard” which was of spirits that haunt East Tenfashioned after the Amaz- nessee! For over 50 years ing Kreskin’s life. To quote Kreskin has been telling peoDavid Letterman, “Kreskin ple things about themselves should sue the producers of that only they or a close friend the TV show, “The Mentalist” could possibly know! for stealing his act. He’s the best mentalist in the world THE GHOST SIGHTINGS: and he’s not acting!” As a To view what the ghost sightspecial part of the perfor- ing will be like watch the vidmance, he lets the audience eo from “Regis & Kathy Lee.” hide his paycheck, and if he The same way he controls can’t find it - he forfeits his the minds of the participants fee! He offers $1,000,000.00 convincing them that Regis is to anyone that can prove that invisible, he’ll have them seehe employs paid secret assis- ing ghosts. Also check out tants or confederates to help his appearance on Howard

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 49

Stern. He has a guest chan- promotions agency bringing neling the spirit of Sam Kini- professional touring artists to theatrical venues in the East son Tennessee region. Masskus Productions will itself presAbout Masskus Masskus Productions is a ent or assist other organizanew venture lead by Stephen tions in their presentation of F. Krempasky, former Ex- theatrical and concert events ecutive Director of the Bijou offered to the community. Theatre Center in Knoxville, www.masskus.com Tennessee. It is a full service

Page 50, Visions Magazine, October 2013

Arts (Continued from page 12)


The Oak Ridge Civic Music Association presents Edgar Meyer, double bassist and composer on Saturday,

The strongest bone in the body, the thigh bone, is hollow. Ounce for ounce, it has a greater pressure...

October 12, 7:30 p.m. at the ORHS Performing Arts Center. In demand as both a performer and a composer, Edgar Meyer has carved out a niche in the music world unlike any other. Hailed by The New Yorker as “…the most remarkable virtuoso in the relatively unchronicled history of his

instrument,” Meyer has demonstrated unparalleled technique and musicianship which combined in combination with his gift for composition have brought him to the fore where he is appreciated by a vast, varied audience. He received a Grammy award in 2001 for the album he created with YoYo Ma and Mark O’Connor, and his uniqueness was recognized by a MacArthur Award in 2002. Raised in Oak Ridge, Meyer began studying bass at the age of five under his father and later Stuart Sankey. He was a piano student of Becky Ball. In 1994, he received the Avery Fisher Career Grant and in 2000 became the only bassist to receive the Avery Fisher Prize. Currently, he is Visiting Professor of double bass at the Royal Academy of Music and at the Curtis Insti-

tute of Music in Philadelphia. The Oak Ridge Symphony Orchestra will also perform on Saturday, Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m. at the ORHS Performing Arts Center and on Saturday, November 2, 7:30 p.m., the Oak Ridge Chorus will perform at the First United Methodist Church in Oak Ridge. The Tennessee Mountain Writers present “When The Byline Loses Its Thrill: Making Money with the Words You Write,” led by Jennie Ivey, on Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 9:30A.M. – 4:00 P.M. at the United Way of Anderson County Office, 161 Robertsville Rd, Oak Ridge, TN. Remember how exciting that first byline was? Seeing your name in print is fun but doubly satisfying is getting paid for something you’ve

written. Whether you’re an experienced writer or just getting started, this workshop will help you to: Focus on subjects you want to write about; Find markets that pay; Tailor your writing to fit those markets; Quit giving your writing away; Expand your reach; Get paid to talk about the things you’ve written. For more information on becoming a member of the Tennessee Mountain Writers please go to: www.tmwi.org.

Music Arts School continues to offer opportunities for those individuals interested in learning to play an instrument or for any current musician wanting to learn a few new skills. Visit their website at www.musicartsschool.org.

The Oak Ridge Civic Ballet Association’s 50th Anniversary Gala Season presents Tschaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” featuring the UT Chamber Orchestra on November 23rd and 24th at the Oak Ridge High School Performing Arts Center. The Gala begins at 5:00 on Saturday and is included with admission to Saturday’s 7:00 show. Sunday’s matinee performance will be at 2:30. Tickets are $25 adults, $20 seniors, and $10 students. Of special note to families - ORCBA is participating in the Arts & Culture Alliance’s Penny 4 the Arts Program and is extending this program to students in Oak Ridge and the surrounding counties. This program allows any student from public, private, or homeschools program to attend arts performances for no more than a penny if accompanied by an adult purchasing a fullprice ticket. (up to 3 students per adult) Families should bring a copy of this article to purchase tickets at the door. Please contact Wendie Aurin, ORCBA President at waurin@ orcba.org, with questions. The Camera Club of Oak Ridge meets on the sec(See ‘Arts’ on page 51)

tolerance and bearing strength than a rod of equivalent size in cast steel.

To learn more about the Bow Tie Fund and join us in celebrating ADFAC’s 26th year of serving the community, please make plans to join us at the Annual Meeting. It is free to attend but reservations are required. Please contact Jamie Olson at adfacjamie@ bellsouth.net or (865) 4250256 ext. 107 to RSVP.

rounding Appalachian counties. ADFAC’s goal is to help families become stable and self-sufficient through a variety of direct assistance services provided by our Social Services and Affordable Housing programs. ADFAC’s clients represent a broad range of local citizens facing economic hardship. Some clients have faced poverty all their lives and are working toward self-sufficiency; others find themselves confronting the possibility of homelessness when having to choose between paying for food and medicine or utilities and rent. Still others are middle class families affected by job loss, unexpected injury or illness who need temporary help to get back on their feet. ADFAC answers more than 7,000 requests for assistance each year.

ADFAC, an independent nonprofit agency established in 1987, exists to serve the basic needs of primarily low-income residents in Anderson and sur-

Pictured: 5 Subways will participate in Dine & Donate on Monday, October 14, including this location at 1108 Charles Seivers Blvd in Clinton.

Adfac (Continued from page 10) lished through the generosity of individuals and families from across the country who have made donations to ADFAC in memory of Bill Wilcox. Known for his trademark bow ties, Bill was an active and loyal supporter of ADFAC and numerous other community, civic and religious organizations.

Arts (Continued from page 50) ond Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Oak Ridge campus of the Roane State Community College, City Room, 701 Briarcliff Rd. This is a group of enthusiastic photographers of all ages and levels of experience. The meetings alternate between educational presentations and themed competitions. The public is welcome to attend. The Camera Club of Oak

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 51 Ridge announced the annual Photo Contest and Salon to be held beginning next month for Digital entries and November for the print entries. The contest and Salon is open to everyone...members and nonmembers. Digital entries are due by Oct 20, 2013 and print entries due by November 2, 2013. Please read the rules as there are two new categories. The rules have been updated this year. Please read the entire rules package and email the Salon’s Chair if you have any questions. The gallery will be at the New Hope Center in Oak Ridge and digital and print entries will be displayed November 11, 2013 - January 2, 2014. There is a fee for entry with a maximum total of 24 entries per person in all divisions and 2 maximum per category and 8 maximum in any one division. You can get more information on the contest and forms at: www. oakridgecameraclub.org. As our seasons change and

the leaves grow in diversity, so do the many opportunities for you to be involved with the arts in Anderson County. Please take time to enjoy your family and all that autumn has in store for you. For further information about any of these exciting events, contact the Arts Council Office at 482-4432 or visit the ACOR website at www.artscouncilofoakridge.org. If you have a smartphone or tablet download our free app to keep updated. Search Oak Ridge Arts Council to find the new app.

About the author... Jim Dodson is the Executive Director of the Arts Council of Oak Ridge and can be reached at 482-4432 or via his email: jdodsonart@aol.com.

Page 52, Visions Magazine, September 2013

The official state sport of Alaska is dog mushing.

The name Paraguay means “a place with a great river” in the Guarani Indian language.

Community Calendar The Community Calendar listings are free for musical events, theaters, art galleries, museums, community groups, public events, and non-profit groups. For-profit businesses offering a free service or service groups that charge a nominal fee will be considered on a case by case basis.

chris@acvisionsmag.com. In your email subject line include the words” “Community Calendar Listing.” Please be sure to include the organization name, event discription, time, dates, place, cost, contact name and phonenumber with any submitted listing. Please note that we are unable to receive calendar listings by US Mail, Fax or phone calls. Deadline to submit entries for consideration is the 20th day of each month.


To submit your Community Calendar event please email us at: Thru January 5, 2014

Oak Ridge In Art featuring eight framed prints and paintings by residents or former residents of Oak Ridge, including work by Nick Fielder, Helen Guymon, Fred Heddleson, Pat McWilliams Hoskins, Nancy Smith, Irvin Grossman, and Helen Bayless. AMSE Lobby Please note: The American Museum of Science and Energy, located at 300 South Tulane Avenue in Oak Ridge, is open Monday - Saturday from 9 am - 5 pm and Sunday from 1 - 5 pm. Admission is Adults $5.00, Seniors (65+) $4.00, Students (6 17) $3.00 and Children ( 5 and under) no charge. Group rates are available with advance reservations. AMSE memberships are Family $40, Grandparents $35, Individuals $25 and Family & Friends $75. AMSE members receive unlimited AMSE visits and free admission to 250 museums that participated in the ASTC Passport Program. AMSE members receive discounts on Discovery Shop merchandise, discounts on camps, classes, workshops and birthday parties. For more information on AMSE memberships, exhibits, programs and events, go to www.amse.org To schedule a museum group visit, call AMSE at (865) 576-3200.

Children’s Museum Fridays, October 4, 11 Basic Drawing, 3:30-5:30 p.m. for ages 8-13. Use the elements of art and principles of design to develop basic drawing skills, with instructor Katharine Bruns. Draw a still life and self-portrait while practicing different shading techniques. Learn to use perspective to give your drawing depth. Begin to develop your own personal style. Fee is $50 for members, $55 for non-members. Deadline to sign up: Sept. 16. Friday, October 18 Girl Scout Night at the Museum, 5:30 p.m.-8 a.m., for Brownies, Juniors & Cadettes. Come to the museum for this night full of adventures! Grab a flashlight and sleeping bag. Make crafts & art, bake monkey bread, make music, play games and do the

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 53 walk of courage. Dinner, snack, breakfast and an “I survived the night at the Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge patch” are included in this adventure. Fee is $45 for scouts and $15 for leaders. No refunds after October 4, 2013. Deadline to sign up: Oct, 4.

scarecrow and pumpkin carving fun. Admission for the cook-off and museum is $5. Fee for chili contestants is $25. Categories are vegetarian, meat, spicy, white, and surprise ingredient. Cooks may register at www.childrensmusemofoakridge.org.

Wednesday, October 16 Spooky Bats and Scaredy Cats, 1-2 p.m., for ages 3-5. Find out why a bat is not a bird in “Stella Luna” by Janell Cannon, and what things Mr. and Mrs. Scaredy cat are afraid of in “Scaredy Cats” by Barbara Bottner. Make a cat mask and bat puppet. Eat bat food and play in the bat cave! Fee is $12 for members, $17 for non-members. Sign up by Oct. 9. Class limit is 15.

Friday, October 25 Dia De Los Muertos, 3:30-5:30 p.m., ages 8-13. Learn about the Aztec and Catholic roots of this Mexican holiday by exploring the traditions, customs and artwork. Design your own piece of artwork of a colorful Dia de los Muertos mask, then use the design for face painting. Decorate a sugar skull, una calavara de azucar, that you can take home. Fee is $15 for members: $20 for non-members. Class limit is 15.

Sunday, October 20 Choo Choo Chili Cook-off, 3-6 p.m. For the first Annual Chili Cook-off at the Children’s Museum, chili contestants will vie for ribbons, and the public is invited to sample chili. Hot dogs, cornbread and beverages will be available. Children will enjoy

Fridays, November 1, 8, 15, 22 Photography, 3:30-5:30 p.m., ages 8-13. Learn basic functions of your camera and explore the possibilities of your camera’s creative settings. Experiment with portraiture and macrophotography using the museum and

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Page 54, Visions Magazine, October 2013 (Continued from Page 53) its garden as your backdrop. Hand-color your photos and create a mixed-media collage with them and host a reception in the gallery. Students should bring their own digital camera. Fee is $50 for members and $55 for non-members. Deadline to sign up is Oct. 25. Class limit is 15. The Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge, 461 W. Outer Dr., is offering fall pottery classes with professional clay artist Sherrie Carris. She has a BFA from the University of Texas, an MFA from the University of Iowa and a teaching certification from the University of Tennessee. To register, stop by or call the museum at 4821074 or see www.childrensmuseumofoakridge.org.

UT Areboretum

Society’s “Answer Man” will be there to answer all of your plant questions. Dano’s Hot Dogs will also be selling hot dogs and other refreshments. Proceeds from this and other Society plant Saturday, October 12 The UT Arboretum Society’s sales and other events go to Fall Plant Sale will be held on support and secure the future of Saturday, October 12th from the UT Arboretum. Credit cards 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the U.T. are now accepted for all transacArboretum, 901 S. Illinois Ave. in tions. To learn more about the Oak Ridge. Fall is the ideal time Arboretum Society, go to www. For to add plants to the landscape. utarboretumsociety.org. Milder temperatures, more de- more information on the Plant pendable rainfall and the fact that Sale call 865-483-3571. plants are not putting energy into their top growth, but devoting all Saturday, October 26 their resources to developing a UT Arboretum Society will stronger root system, will give present an Owl Prowl at the UT them a head start in the spring Arboretum, 901 S. Illinois Ave. and a much better survival rate. (Hwy 62) in Oak Ridge. At 6:30 Beaver Creek Nursery, East p.m., the evening event will beFork Nursery, Riverdale Nursery, gin at the Program Shelter (folSunlight Gardens, as well as the low the signs and drive to this UT Arboretum Society, mem- location) with a program prebers and friends will be offering sented by the Clinch River Rapquality plants. Dr. Will Witte, the tor Center, featuring owls found in East Tennessee. Kathy Strunk and Katie Cottrell will bring live birds for display and will give information about their natural history. The Raptor Center was started by John Byrd 28 years ago at Clinton Middle School. To this date 2090 birds have come to the Raptor Center to be rehabilitated. Kathy and Katie have shared the responsibility of codirectors of the Raptor Center for over twenty five years, and have given hundreds of programs in East Tennessee on birds of prey. The initial program will be followed by walks on the grounds of the Arboretum led by Kathy, Katie and John Byrd with the goal of hearing some owls. Those wishing not to go on the

Mickey Mouse has four fingers on each hand. walks will have an opportunity to stay at the shelter and visit with the center’s educational owls. Participants are encouraged to bring flash lights if they plan to participate in the “owl prowl.” For more information on the Owl Prowl call 865-483-3571. The University of Tennessee Arboretum Society is a 48 year old, non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the objectives and programs of the University of Tennessee’s 250acre Arboretum in Oak Ridge. Proceeds from fund-raising events go toward the operating expenses and endowment fund for the UT Arboretum. To learn more about the Arboretum Society, and the UT Arboretum Endowment Fund, go to www.utarboretumsociety.org. For more information on the plant sale, call 865-482-6656.

Classes/ Workshops

Workshop, Is debt weighing you down? If you can’t sleep at night because you are trying to figure out how to pay the bills, help is in sight! Find the financial peace you’ve been looking for with a nine-week Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Workshop beginning Thursday, October 12 from 4-6 p.m at the Oak Ridge Civic Center. Cost of the course will be $105.00 and includes all study materials. For more information and to register for the course, please contact Jan Newport at (865) 973-1738. Appalachian Arts The Appalachian Arts Craft Center is a nonprofit center promoting traditional artists and crafts. The shop and class facility are located at 2716 Andersonville Highway 61 in Norris, Tenn., one mile east of I-75 north at Exit 122. You must pre-register and pay for all classes in advance. Call the center at 865-494-9854 to register. www.appalachianarts.net.

Saturday, October 12 Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Saturday, October 5, 12, 19 Beginner/Advanced Beginner Wheel, with Katie Cottrell, Saturday, September 7, 14, 21, and Saturday, October 5, 12, 19, 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Students will learn clay preparation, centering, and basic forms on the wheel. Trimming and glazing will also be a part of this class. Katie Cottrell has been a potter off and on for 40 years specializing in wheel thrown functional pots. Cost is $125 for Craft

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A young male fur seal that is kept from the breeding grounds by the older males is called a bachelor. (Continued from Page 54) Center Members, $135 for nonmembers. Studio fee (includes glazing and firing): First bag $30, $40 a bag thereafter. Beginner or Advanced Beginner. Saturday, October 12 Beginner Drop Spindle, with Kathleen Marquardt, Saturday, October 12, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Learn how to spin yarn on a drop spindle. Kids can register along with an adult and enjoy learning together. Materials fee: $16 to be paid to instructor the day of class includes one drop spindle and 2 oz. of fiber or you may bring you own spindle and fiber ( at least 3” inches or longer). Registration deadline: October 5. Earlybird Cost: Register and pay by September 29 and the cost is $20 for Craft Center Members, $30 for nonmembers. After September 29: $30/$40. All ages beginner.

Market Basket, with Sheri Burns, Sunday, October 13, 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.. Make a market basket with a filled bottom in this class. Choose from a variety of ways to decorate the basket handle. Bring to class: mop bucket, towel, and scissors. Registration deadline: October 7. Earlybird Cost: Register and pay before October 3: $60 for craft center members, $70 for nonmembers. After October 3: $70/$80. Materials fee: $15 to be paid to instructor the day of class. Beginner. Fri., Sat., & Sun, October 18, 19, 20 Pinhole Photography Workshop, with Donna Moore, Friday, October 18, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Saturday, October 19, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Sunday, October 20, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. is part of the 20132014 Featured Tennessee Artist Series funded in part by the

Tennessee Arts Commission. Pinhole photographs are made in a camera without a lens. A tiny pinhole allows light to enter and form an image on the light sensitive paper inside. In this class, you will learn to construct pinhole cameras from simple containers, take photographs, and process the negatives in a traditional wet darkroom. This primitive process, dating from the 15th century is the beginning of modern day photography. A simple camera, longer exposure times and the element of chance are part this magical process. Registration deadline: October 11. Earlybird Cost: Register and pay by October 8 and the cost is $110 for Craft Center members, $120 for nonmembers. After October 8, Cost: $120/$130. Donna Moore is a photographer from Blaine, Tennessee. She works mostly with pinhole cameras and historic printing processes. She has taught at area schools and art centers for over 20 years. Her work has been exhibited across the United States and in India. She is currently co-director of A1LabArts, a cooperative art space, in Knoxville, Tennessee. She is represented by Plum Gallery, also in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 55

a craft you want to learn? The Craft Center has access to numerous talented craft teachers in a variety of subjects. Gather up 5 or more of your friends and let’s plan your own class. Price to be determined. Erin’s Meadow Herb Garden

required by Oct. 19th. Space is limited! Saturday, October 26 Herbal Ideas for Natural Pet Care, 1:00. Demo/Class $30. Our pets bring immeasurable joy to our lives, so they deserve to be pampered and treated special! Show your love by making natural and herbal treats (and treatments) they will enjoy. What wonderful gifts for animal lovers and their pets! Learn to make all-natural grooming products, delicious, healthy home-baked treats.

Saturday, October 19 Herbs and Honey Day! 10:303:00, Learn the gentle art of beekeeping from area beekeeping experts! Local Honey will be for sale! Learn to use honey for health! Medicinal herbs for fall planting (and info) will be available, plus edibles & colorful Saturday, November 9 Herbal Holiday Open House plants for your fall garden! 10:00-3:00 Saturday, October 26 Join Knoxville’s Celebrity Saturday, December 7 Chef Garrett Scanlan as he Christmas Teatime at Erin’s films his new show for East Meadow Herb Farm, 10:00-3:00 Tennessee PBS “Farm to Fork with Chef Garrett” $45. 9:30, Erin’s Meadow is located at The herb farm kitchen is where 132 England Dr, Clinton (MarUT Culinary Institute students low Community) Phone is 435will meet Chef Garrett for a cook- 1452, www.erinsmeadowherbing class that will focus on fresh, farm.com local ingredients. This “garden Clinch River Yarn Co. to gourmet” cooking school is a unique opportunity to experi- The Clinch River Yarn Comence the creation of a dish from pany holds classes many days plant to plate! We invite you to each month. Please go online join the Chef and his students! to www. clinchriveryarns.com On the Menu: Curried Butternut for a complete listing of times Squash Bisque; Roast Cornish and dates for the classes above. Saturday, October 26 Stained Glass Beveled Glass Hens; Wild Mushroom Risotto. (Continued on Page 56) Box, with Teresa Arrington, Sat- Pre-registration and payment urday, October 26, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.. Have fun learning to copper foil and solder glass together while making a stained glass beveled glass box. All materials included (wear old clothes) and no glass experience necessary. Registration deadline: October 20. Earlybird: Register and pay before October 16: $85 for craft center members, $95 for nonmembers. After October 16: $95/$105. Beginner. ONGOING CLASSES: Weaving with Carol Pritcher Tuesdays, 10 am to 2 pm (six classes) $125 members ($135 non-members) plus a small materials fee. Beginning-Intermediate. Hand Sewing Day with the Quilting Department, Wednesdays, 10 am to 2 pm No need to call ahead; just bring your lunch. No Cost. Make Your Own Class, Got

There are 690 known species of bats.

Page 56, Visions Magazine, October 2013 (Continued from Page 55) Clinich River Yarn company is located at 725 N. Charles G. Seivers Boulevard in Clinton. Phone: 269-4528.

the month from 8:00-10:30 pm. Our new beginner class start Sept 5th and goes until Oct 17th accepting new students . The first class is free and there after is $4.00 per lesson. Class and dances are held in the Clinton High School Cafeteria 425 Dragon Dr Clinton TN 37716. We will be dancing in the Clinton Antique Festival on Oct 12th. For more information please call 865-2644355 our web site is: denimdiamondssquaredanceclub.com

Toastmasters Oak Ridge Toastmasters Club #1858 - Toastmasters welcomes you to visit and become a member. We meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:00 P.M. at the Roane State Community College campus in Oak Ridge, Tennessee in A-108. Call 865-483-7178 for specific information or check Internet at http://oakridge.toastmaster- Saturday, October 12 sclubs.org Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Workshop, Is debt weighing you Writer’s Group down? If you can’t sleep at night Writer’s Group because you are trying to figure A supportive group of writers out how to pay the bills, help is meets at 11:00 A.M. each third in sight! Find the financial peace Thursday of the month at the you’ve been looking for with a Oak Ridge Senior Center, 728 nine-week Dave Ramsey FinanEmory Valley Road to share writ- cial Peace Workshop beginning ing “helps” and encourage pub- Thursday, October 12 from 4-6 lishing. Bring your ideas, writing p.m at the Oak Ridge Civic Censamples, works in progress, and ter. Cost of the course will be a “right” attitude. For more in- $105.00 and includes all study form ation contact Barbara Gunn materials. For more information at 483-9220. and to register for the course, please contact Jan Newport at Square Dancing (865) 973-1738. Thursday Thru October 17 Denim & Diamonds Square Sunday, October 13 Dance Club has class every Oak Ridge Community Band Thursday from 7:00-9:00 pm. “Early Music” Concert 3:30 We dance every 2nd Friday of p.m., at Oak Ridge High School


Performing Arts Center, 1450 Oak Ridge Turnpike. Make plans to attend this first concert of the 2013-2014 subscription season featuring Music Through the Ages with a special emphasis in the October 13 performance on early music through the Guilded Age of the 1890’s. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for senior citizens and students, and free refreshments will be available in the lobby at the conclusion of the concert. It is not too late to become a subscription season member by purchasing a $15 membership card (or $30 for

a family of parents & children) which provides admission to all six indoor concerts from October through April and is equivalent to purchasing tickets at the door for four concerts. These membership cards can be purchased at the October 13 concert or call 865-457-1647 or 865-483-3044 for more information. The Community Band also has a web site at www.orcb.org with a listing of the 2013-2014 subscription concerts as well as information about the history of the Community Band, photographs, and a membership list.

Thursdays Thru October 17 Denim & Diamonds Square Dance Club has class every Thursday from 7:00-9:00 pm. We dance every 2nd Friday of the month from 8:00-10:30 pm. Our new beginner class start Sept 5th and goes until Oct 17th accepting new students . The first class is free and there after is $4.00 per lesson. Class and dances are held in the Clinton High School Cafeteria 425 Dragon Dr Clinton TN 37716. We will be dancing in the Clinton Antique

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Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 57 (Continued from Page 56) Festival on Oct 12th. For more information please call 865-2644355 our web site is: denimdiamondssquaredanceclub.com Saturday, October 26 2nd Secret City Scholastic Chess Championship at Oak Ridge High School. There will be separate novice and championship divisions broken down by age groups. All K-12 students (any location, including homeschoolers) who know the rules of chess are welcome. Details and registration info may be found at https://sites.google.com/site/ oakridgechess. Contact is Gilbert Chan. Wednesday, November 6 Tennessee Business Summit: Granting the wishes of children from Make-A-Wish® East Tennessee, TVA, JTV, LeveragePlus Organization and the National Center for the Middle Market along with other businesses from across the region are supporting the Tennessee Business Summit & Make-AWish East Tennessee. This is an executive-level educational and economic development event for middle market leaders and a major fundraiser to grant wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses. The one-day event will take place November 6, 2013. Details may be viewed at the event website: TennesseeBusinessSummit.com. Use PROMO CODE MAW067 and 3% of your purchase will go to Make-A-Wish East Tennessee. “This one-day event allows us

like to have a holiday wreath made from fresh evergreens to display on your door during the Christmas season? Would you feel good giving a fresh wreath with a bow to a needy family through Aid to Distressed Families of Appalachian Counties? The Oak Ridge Civic Music Association is again taking advance orders for holiday wreaths and bows. A traditional symbol of the holiday season, the wreaths are made of Fraser Fir (Southern Balsam). Proceeds from the sale are used in ORCMA’s long-standing commitment to the funding of local music organizations. The wreaths are madeto-order in sizes ranging from 14 inches to 32 inches, and in custom larger sizes as wanted. Red or maroon velvet bows are also available by order. Prices ORCMA Holiday Wreaths for wreaths range from $17 to Available for Sale. Would you (Continued on Page 58) to provide a tremendous professional and personal value for up to 1,300 of the region’s top business leaders and their organizations, while offering them the opportunity to participate in one of the state’s largest single charitable giving events for deserving children just in time for the Christmas season,” said Jeff Dahlberg, Chief Operating Officer for LeveragePlus Organization. “We are very excited about this wonderful opportunity, we will grant approximately 85 wishes for children in East Tennessee with life-threatening medical conditions this year and we simply couldn’t do it without the help of generous donors like this,” said Stephanie Wilkins, Director of Development, Make-AWish East Tennessee.

More species of fish live in a single tributary of the...

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Emory Valley Road, Oak Ridge. Please register in advance to $30 and bows cost $7. The Oak hold your spot. Call Serene at Ridge Chorus, which is run- (865) 789-9731. ning the wreath sale, will deliver wreaths and bows to ADFAC for Exercise Classes distribution. Wreaths must be or- Ballroom Dance dered by Wednesday, Nov. 21, This Ballroom Dance class is and must be picked up on Satur- taught free of charge to those day, Dec. 8, between 10:30 a.m. who attend each Tuesday eveand 1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall ning from 6:00 - 8:00 P. M. at the at the First Presbyterian Church First United Methodist Church at in Oak Ridge, Lafayette Drive 1350 Oak Ridge Turnpike. Proat Oak Ridge Turnpike. To or- fessional Instructor. For further der wreaths and bows, or to ask information contact: pattimcquestions, call Priscilla McKen- guire@comcast.net ney at (865) 482-5374, or Barbara Weber at (865) 463-8269. Mommy & Co. Exercise Mondays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Open House, Each Sunday, Have an adventure in exercise 10:45 a.m. First Christian Church with your new baby or toddler! (Disciples of Christ) 100 Gum The Mommy & Co. exercise Hollow Road, Oak Ridge, www. classes are held at the Kern fccor.org. For more info please United Methodist Church’s Famcall Rev. Sherman at 482-1481. ily Life Center, 451 E. Tennessee Ave., in Oak Ridge, and the cost is $2 per class. There is no charge for your first class.


Friday, September 27 Mommy Walk/Baby Roll Yoga & Stilling of the Mind Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Put on a Workshop, 6-9pm, no expe- pair of good walking shoes and rience necessary, $50, 665 bring your child to First Baptist

Church of Clinton’s Family Life Center, 225 N. Main St., Clinton. You’ll join other moms and their young children for walking, making friends and having fun. Call (865) 835-2268 for details. BodyWorks Classes Covenant Health BodyWORKS offers safe, effective, and FUNworkouts for adults of all ages/ fitness levels. Participate in any class, any time or location - nosign-up fees or contracts. Anderson County BodyWORKS classes: Kern United Methodist Church, 451 E. Tennessee Ave., Oak Ridge, Mon., 5:30 p.m. Yoga, Tues./Thurs., 10:00 a.m. SitBFit, Wed., 8:45 a.m., Fri., 11 a.m. - Yoga CardioMix Get a great workout! You will

burn calories, increase your stamina, and tone those muscles while taking it easy on the joints. We use a variety of styles to keep CardioMix interesting. We push you moderately hard, but we don’t jump or run! Bring a mat because we go to the floor for great core work. This class is offered at two Anderson County locations: Clinton: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:15 a.m. at First Baptist Church of Clinton Family Life Center. Oak Ridge: Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. at Kern United Methodist Church Family Life Center.

1481 for more information. Yoga Participants will learn various exercises and techniques for reducing stress and increasing balance, muscular tone and stamina. Bring an exercise mat, firm pillow, and a small blanket or beach towel. This class is offered several times a week at two Anderson County locations: Clinton: Mondays at 5:30 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., and Fridays at 11:45 a.m. at First Baptist Church of Clinton, Family Life Center. Oak Ridge: Wednesdays at 8:45 a.m. at Kern United Methodist Church

Thursday Evenings Yoga Classes, FREE, First Christian Church, 100 Gum Hol- Family Life Center low Road, Oak Ridge. 7 – 8:30 (Continued on Page 59) pm Contact church office 482-

Amazon River than in all the rivers in North America combined. Clinton, Family Life Center. Oak Ridge: Mondays and Thursdays Senior Bodyworks from 9:00-10:00 a.m. at Kern Senior Bodyworks classes are United Methodist. designed for people age 50 and older, but we also welcome Sit ‘B Fit younger people who need a Sit ‘B Fit is designed for people lighter workout. We recognize with medical and physical conthat seniors fall under different ditions that severely limit activfitness levels, so we have a va- ity. It primarily focuses on easy riety of classes to meet different muscular resistance and flexpeople’s needs. This class is of- ibility. Because the majority of fered at two Anderson County exercises are performed while locations. Clinton: Tuesdays participants sit in chairs, Sit ‘B and Thursdays from 10:30-11:30 Fit is great for people who cana.m. at First Baptist Church of not stand for extended periods of time. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:15 - 11 a.m. in the Kern United Church’s Family Life Center, 451 E. Tennessee Ave., Oak Ridge. The fee is $2 per class for anyone 50 and over and $3 per class for younger participants.

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Childbirth and Parenting Classes Great Expectations Childbirth Class Series This three-class childbirth series takes expectant mothers and their families

through topics related to childbirth, delivery and newborn care. You will learn about the signs of impending labor, managing active labor, pain management, delivery, c-sections and postdelivery care. All classes in this series meet in the Cheyenne Conference Room in Cheyenne Ambulatory Center, 944 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge. The course fee is $30 per family, and financial assistance with the cost is available. Call 835-4662 for a schedule of class dates and times.

current month’s class.

Drool Time for Parents (basic baby care) Parents learn all about baby care with an emphasis on health and safety. Topics include basic care for minor illnesses, when to call the doctor, when to have the baby immunized, and how to prevent injuries. Participants also learn how to hold a baby, take a temperature, develop a home safety guide, and maintain and use a first aid kit. Local pediatricians and nurses at Methodist are instructors. This 1-time Quick-Start Breastfeeding class meets in January, March, Class, Tuesdays from Noon-1 May, July, September and Nop.m. Has the idea of breast- vember. There is no charge. Call feeding crossed your mind – 835-4662 for info about class even once? Then, this breast- schedules. feeding basics class may help you make the decision that’s Big Brothers & Big Sisters right for you and your baby. You The Big Brothers and Big Sisters will find that even a little informa- class is for 3- to 12-year-old boys tion can help you succeed with and girls in expectant families. breastfeeding. Bring you lunch and join us in Methodist’s Family Birthing Center, which is located on the hospital’s second floor. Registration is required, and the cost is $5. Call (865) 8352268 for more information. Breastfeeding Evening Class If you’re thinking about breastfeeding but cannot attend a class during the day, Methodist Medical Center encourages you to register now for this two-hour evening class. We meet at the hospital, located at 990 Oak Ridge Turnpike. You will learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding for yourself and your baby, as well as effective techniques. Handouts are provided and other suggested materials are reviewed. The fee is $10, and financial help with the cost is available. Call (865) 835-4662 for a schedule of class dates and times.

Sudoku puzzle solution can be found on page 12.

Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 59

Infant CPR Learn life-saving CPR techniques developed specifically for babies by the American Hospital Association. This 2-hour class meets once a month in the evening and is open to new parents, grandparents, and other caregivers of newborns. Handouts are provided at no charge. The class fee is $10 per family group, and financial help with the cost is available. Instructors are Cheryl Stallings, RN, and members of the Family Birthing Center staff. Call 835-4662 for info about the

The children have hands-on fun while learning about and preparing for the upcoming birth of a baby in their family. The class is a 1-time event for each family, and the limit is 12 children and their parents. It meets in February, April, June, August, October, and December. The fee is $10, and help with the cost is available. Instructors are members of the Family Birthing Center staff. Call 835-4662 for info about class schedules. Support Groups Tuesday, October 15 PK Hope Is Alive, Parkinson Support Group of East TN will meet in Oak Ridge at Kern United Methodist Church. 11:30! Welcome Members and Visitors with Parkinson’s to our Meeting!! The topic will be “Cognitive changes in the Parkinson

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Page 60, Visions Magazine, October 2013 (Continued from Page 59) Patient”. The speaker will be Dr. Nelleke van Wouwe, a cognitive neuroscientist who works in Dr. Scott Wylie’s lab in Nashville. Ken Stone from Medtronic will provide a light luncheon. We welcome and need you to be part of our Self-Help Group! Family care support partners of those that have Parkinson’s are very welcome. This meeting will be held the 3rd Tuesday in September from 11:30 – 1:30pm. The meetings are held at Kern United Methodist Church in the Family Life Center. Address: 451 East Tenn. Avenue, Oak Ridge. Our goal is to improve your lifestyle through greater understanding. Education, information, networking and guest speakers will assist on various topics. We are affiliated with the Parkinson Disease Foundation (PDF) and the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF). If you or a loved one has Parkinson’s, please come join us and we’ll learn together! For questions please contact Karen Sampsell @ 865-482-4867.Email: pk_hopeisalive@bellsouth. net or online atwww.pkhopeisalive.org Tuesdays Overeaters Anonymous Weekly Meeting at 5:30pm at First Baptist Church Clinton, Family Life Center, 2nd floor, look

Ridge Turnpike. Registration is (865) 835-3370. required. Please call (865) 835Grief Support: Caring 4662 or 1-800-468-6767. for Those Who Grieve Stroke Support Group People who have had a stroke or are caring for a stroke patient may benefit from this support group. We meet in the Cheyenne Ambulatory Center’s conference Clutter Busters room, 944 Oak Ridge Turnpike. Should you need support in There is no charge. Meetings keeping promises to yourself to are scheduled on the last Tuestoss items in the recycle or rid day of each month from 4-5 p.m. CLUTTER from your personal (except in July, November and space, we have a twelve-step December, when special holiday style CONFIDENTIAL sup- dates are scheduled). For more port group to SHARE with you information about the Stroke some helpful suggestions. See Support Group, call Ann Ross at you any Monday, which is not a holiday, at noon until 1:00pm, at First United Methodist Church in Room 208 or call 483-7178 for other information. for signs, 230 N Charles Seivers Blvd. in Clinton. Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? We can help. NO dues, no fees, no weigh-ins, and no diets. For more info call Crystal at (865) 789-5806

Kaleidoscope Support Group (for parents of special-needs kids) Children have a special beauty…like the colorful patterns of an ever-changing kaleidoscope. Some children also have special needs. Methodist Medical Center invites the parents and caregivers of these children to attend the Kaleidoscope support group. The support group typically takes place on the third Friday of each month at noon and meets in the Cheyenne Ambulatory Center’s conference room, located at 944 Oak

The king crab walks diagonally. A basic grief class, Caring for Those Who Grieve is for churches and other organizations in the

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Visions Magazine, October 2013, Page 61 make-up match occurs on Sunday at 1:30pm. Questions? Call community. It takes participants Rangan at 474-0519. through the stages of normal grief and teaches basic com- Tennis Anyone? munication techniques to help Interested in tennis in the greater people who are grieving. There Anderson County area? New to is no charge for this 1-hour class, the region? New to tennis? Keep which is available by request. an eye on the Oak Ridge Tennis For more info, call 835-2268. Club! ORTC sponsors spring and fall leagues (singles, doubles, mixed doubles), “scrambles� in which a coordinator matches up partners and opponents in everchanging combinations each Saturday Tennis Every Saturday of the year, there week, and social events. ORTC is an informal drop-in doubles is a great year-round source of tennis match at the Jackson information for what is going on Square tennis courts on Broad- in the area. Check out the ORTC way Avenue in Oak Ridge. They web site at oakridgetennisclub. meet at 1:30pm in the winter and org or the Oak Ridge Tennis 9am in the summer. Ask for the Club Facebook page, or email Coordinator when you arrive and oakridgetennisclub@gmail.com. you will be matched up with players of similar playing ability. If (Continued on Page 62) cancelled due to bad weather, a

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Page 62, Visions Magazine, October 2013 (Continued from Page 61)

Theater /Arts Thurs. - Sat., Oct 17-19 Driving Miss Daisy coming to Powell Playhouse October 1719. We are presenting the play three nights and a Saturday matinee. Dinner will be served on the evening performances at 5:30 with the play to be at 7:00, and we have a special matinee performance with a light lunch at 12:30 with the play at 2:00. Tickets will be $10 for the play on the evenings of the 17,18, and 19; the Saturday matinee tickets for the play will be $5 for the Seniors. The dinner meal will be a buffet for $15 and for the matinee lunch $10. Tickets for the

play may be bought at the door. Reservations for the dinners and the lunch should be made with the Jubilee Center at 938-2112. For further information call Mona at 256-7428 or 947-7427. November 22- December 8 Annie - Mainstage Musical in conjunction with Jr. Playhouse, Leapin’ Lizards! The popular comic strip heroine is back in one of the world’s bestloved musicals. With equal measures of pluck and positivity, determined little orphan Annie escapes the orphanage and the clutches of embittered Miss Hannigan in search of her parents, who abandoned her years ago. Yet with a next-to-nothing start in 1930s New York City, she manages to charm the hearts of billionaire Oliver Warbucks, a loveable stray mutt name Sandy, and even the President!

Anderson County Visions Magazine Direct-Mails to over 26,600 homes each month. January 23-26, 2014 Ramona Quimby - Junior Playhouse, Exasperating. Boisterous. And independent. That’s Ramona Quimby. Always aggravating her older sister, Beezus, constantly getting into trouble and sometimes “making a big, noisy fuss” when things don’t go her way. But, the typical problems facing the middle-class Quimby familyhelp Ramona realize that life is not always fair, and eventually she and Beezus come to realize that while sisters may not always agree, they can be good to have around. The Oak Ridge Playhouse is located at 227 Broadway in Jackson Square, Oak Ridge. Call 482999 for tickets and show times.

Safety (Continued from page 28) no one gets hurt. 12. For every piece of candy they eat, have fun and give them an exercise to do, example- 10 jumping jacks. 13. Every time they are given candy make sure to teach them to be respectful and say “Thank you sir or ma’am” 14. Try to be home before it gets dark. If your kids go out alone try to stress the importance of being home before dark.

February 21- March 2, 2014 Other Desert Cities - Main Stage Drama, Details to come 15. You only get to trick or in a future issue. treat once a year, so be safe

and have fun. National Martial Arts wants to wish everyone a happy Halloween and be safe, be seen, and be aware.

About the author...

Dustin Koppel has been in the martial art industry for over 8 years now teaching at some of the biggest schools in the country. Dustin began his training in Temecula, California in Krav Maga, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and has been doing so for the last 9 years. His true passion is teaching children and watching them grow into leaders. Dustin’s new school begins teaching children at the age of 3 and up.

However, if the male dies, the female will hook up with a new mate.

Visions Magazine, September 2012, Page 59

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