Something Cheery As I am ALWAYS running behind on the Monthly Article Submission Deadline, our Editor “The Iron Cowboy” texted me if I could get the article for December over. His text was “Something Cheery”.. followed by a “Lol”. Haha, he knows me oh so well.. I guess this is a wrap up article on 2020, as the next time I write to will be for 2021. And he is right to challenge me to write something cheery. Probably wasn’t my first thought and not really been an easy task this year. 2020 will go down as one of the oddest years in my 51 years on this planet. What a very strange time to be alive. I would never have thought a Global Pandemic would even be possible to this degree in this day and age. It just goes to show how much the earth oversees us, not the other way around. A club brother pointed out that as a nation, we have lost 11 Brothers to the Forever Chapter this year. I have lost two young men in my own Chapter in the past 5 months. One to a medical procedure, and one to a bike wreck a month ago. I know.. not very “cheery”. But you know what, as devastated as we are, it is also what brings us closer together. We cherish every memory and moment we had with our Brothers. It also makes us value every second we get with each other currently. This year has been just as devastating for millions of people worldwide who have lost loved ones to COVID. Very strange and difficult times indeed for all of us. I spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Friends down in West Palm Beach Florida, and rode several hundred miles, spending Sunday with Club Brothers before heading home. I valued every second of that time. Whether it is just me in the wind, or packing up and riding together, I think we can all take a lesson on how valuable every minute of life is. While riding by myself, I felt the warm Florida sun on my face and thought about my Brothers that were no longer with us. I thought about how much they would have enjoyed the ride. I felt fortunate. And that’s as “Cheery” as I get.. As we say goodbye to 2020, I really hope that 2021 is better for us all. Keep it Real! My Road Name is Tabasco..
Disclaimer: The author of this column has no affiliation with, nor makes any claim of representation of The Mcilhenny Company, “Tabasco Brand Pepper Sauce”, or their subsidiaries, products or services.