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Crow Man
ToTal Firearms 1380 N. Cedar st mason mi 48854 517-699-0597 moNDaY-FriDaY 9-7 saTUrDaY 9-6 sUNDaY 9-4
Once again while out in the woods doing my scouting and looking for the deer that I wanted to shoot for the year, I came across a tall rack. He had (5) on the left and (6) on the right. On this particular one day when
I was scouting, I was able to get within twenty yards from him and I took a picture from around a tree. Best part was, he didn’t see me.
As bow season started, I saw a bunch of does in the morning. That’s all right with me; I just enjoyed being outdoors. That afternoon, I was hoping things would pick up. I sat in my stand for a while and a doe walked out slow, all by herself. As she made her way through a bunch of turkeys, three or four of them began chasing each other around her in circles. I caught a glimpse of a deer coming through the woods. He was taking his time and kept watching the turkeys like I wasn’t even there. He came closer to me and I could see he was my special “Sweet 11,” the deer I had been watching for. I took my grunt caller out and blew it in a softer pitch and he responded to me. Now I had him walking right up to me in my stand. As I pulled back my bow, he took a step forward. Then I realized my arrow went in a little further back than I liked it to be, but I still got him in his lungs. I waited for a while and got another friend to do some tracking. The buck wasn’t losing a lot a blood to track, but we still could find some blood that he left behind while going through ditches and jumping over downed trees.
It was getting dark and it started to rain. I was to a point where I couldn’t find blood. I was on a deer run in the woods and walking with my flashlight. Within fifteen yards, there laid my buck. At that point, I was so relieved—my experience sure paid off in this hunt.
The buck scored 126 2/8—a non-typical 11 point. I have it mounted and hanging in my house.
“Get outdoors if you can it’s a great place to be. this is Michigan! it doesn’t get any better than this.”
Crow Man holds the Michigan Grand Slam title, as he finished fall/winter 2005 with an elk.
The Michigan Grand Slam is the title given for having the state record of the four Michigan animals that CBM recognizes as trophies by a single hunter. Those four animals are deer, bear, elk, and turkeys. The accomplishment has always been considered so rare.The added challenge of drawing a limited bear tag and particularly a bull elk tag, and to harvest animals that make the record book minimums seems insurmountable. However, it miraculously has been done by a select few. Crow Man is of that select few. JULY 2018 THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE MICHIGAN 53