2 minute read
The Positive Shift

Change Your Mindset Using, “I Am” Positively
I wish, I want, I need…we all have said this several times and maybe even multiple times a day. After we say or think this, our minds start to drift off to the negative because those wishes, wants and needs aren’t being met or they aren’t happening fast enough. Ever wonder why that is? Of course, you do! You are the creator of making those things happen or not making them come to you. I’m going to put this in the simplest terms for you to understand and think about this the next time you say those things and how to redirect what you’re saying, in the right way. Here goes…if you find a lamp, rub it, a genie comes out and asks what your three wishes are; therefore, you expect it to happen because you asked for it. I mean, seeing the genie come out of the bottle is proof that it magical, therefore it must be true. Well, as the saying goes, you don’t get wet from saying the word “water.” You have to spill the water on you or you must drink the water to know it’s real. You breathe air even though you don’t “see” the air. Hopefully, you’re getting the idea. I know this from experience and have seen the forthcoming of being “lucky” just by my words, feeling it and believing it. I recently went on a golf outing with three people. One golfer I recently have gotten to know and the other two, I didn’t know very well. I wrenched my back that morning but still went golfing. I said, “I am going to have the best golf game ever.” That I did—I even had them video me because I knew no one would believe that I could hit the ball as far as I did and as straight as I did!
Since then—in less than one month—I have proclaimed “i am lucky” and won a free nights-stay at a hotel, a raffle basket at an event, and purchased two winning scratch-off tickets. As if that weren’t enough, I found out that I won the Governor’s Service Award for Mentor of the Year!
“i Am” is your own personal genie. You rub your own words and thoughts to make things come to you. Negativity will cancel out your positive streak, so don’t let it get in the way of your “i Am”. It breaks down to this…when you are saying “i am”, you are declaring it to be a fact. If you say, “I am overweight” or “i am sick” or “i am tired” or “I am depressed” or “i am stupid” or “i am poor”…well, you get the point! The genie—aka your own wishes—is giving you what you want; more of your “i am”. Change your mindset! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by using this Positive Shift Tool Kit! Until then…Don’t Coast in Neutral, Positive Shift Ahead! ~ Stacie René www.positiveshiftahead.com