With the arrival of intermittent warm weather comes sporadic riding when able and even a few Bike Nights here and there as some venues will make that call whenever the temperature permits it. But here we are, now heading into Spring and the official launch of bike nights, group rides and the true riding season!
In our business we work with restaurants, bars, concert venues, campgrounds, promoters, dealerships, and riding organizations of just about every conceivable variety and mission. It’s our mission to support these partners and get their message out – and in some cases to help host the events themselves. In many cases we’ve spent most of the winter working to help plan, raise funds, and get the word out about these groups and the events they are planning. But now it’s time…. The snow is gone. The rain has washed away the salt, and chrome steeds once again are taking to the roads. It’s an exciting time to be in our business.
It turns out that time is actually the most elusive resource we have and one that we must allocate wisely as we look towards the season. Where do we want to go – who should we support?
And these are the same questions we pose to our readers and the riders we serve. Where do you want to go – who and what causes should you support? How do you want to spend the time we have this season?
To this end we are making every effort to identify the best ride stops, the best bike nights, and the best rallies for you to attend. Since we first got into this business, more than a decade ago –it’s never been about just selling ads. It’s been about identifying partners, finding worthwhile destinations and rides worth taking. Sometimes we make mistakes and pull back from partners and events, but in many cases we are working with the same folks years later. In many cases, these are folks we helped put on the map by sharing their story and our experiences with them. And I’d like to think that’s why years later, hundreds of thousands of folks turn to our magazines, social media, and websites for information on rides, rallies, bike nights, and the riding community in general.
As we start sharing information on upcoming events and riding organizations, we’d like to encourage you get involved and become an active participant within your local riding community. If you’re not already riding with a group of friends or even a RC or MC, there are many options to connect with other riders. You might consider volunteering for a local charity ride, rally, or other event in your area. If you’re a person of faith there are many motorcycle ministries that are always open to those interested in joining. There are also riding organizations such as ABATE that simply ask that you’re a rider to get involved. Then, just like any organization, it’s up to you to make something once you’re in the door.
And of course, you could get involved with Reasons To Ride. We are always looking for contributors, event help, and of course regional reps – to help us get the word out and connect with local events. It’s not all sales and yes, you can make some money with it as well – by riding and hanging out with bikers, by supporting local events, charitable organizations, and motorcycle related businesses.
Yeah, it’s fun at times – but more importantly, it allows you to serve others and maybe support yourself and your family by doing what you love. Not too bad of a deal. For more information, email us at Info@ReasonsToRide.com
So, let’s get out and Ride! And with any luck, I’ll see you out there!
- D. A. Smith PublisherIf you’re a rider that’s active in your local riding community, we’d invite you to consider becoming a Local Road Rep for Reasons To Ride. This is NOT meant to be a sales position or full time job for anyone – but is a chance to help promote local events and businesses, while making a “few dollars” to support your riding habit!
Like most things, you get what you put out of it – but it’s meant to be a fun gig for riding enthusiasts. If you’re really active and cover a larger area, you can make good money – but that takes time and a commitment. The real payoff is to have a good time as the person to see about getting their events or even just their picture in the local biker mag.
We aren’t looking for guys wanting to be “part-time bad guys” or any nonsense like that, we’re looking for reliable good folks that want to help support others in the community. The ideal folks might be active supporters of a local charity ride, and are looking to expand their activities while getting more exposure for their own ride.
We can handle the sales aspects of the area, but we will look to you for pictures of local events and updates as to what’s coming up. And you’ll be able to make some money doing what you’re most likely already doing.
We’re asking for a minimum time commitment of 8-10 hours a month. It helps if you have a laptop and a camera – although a smartphone can usually do it. You’ll get some cool swag, access to rallies and other events, and a chance to help a lot of local folks. As our coverage and presence in the area increases, you are able to share in the revenue generated. It’s a pretty proven business plan – it’s what built this entire organization. We think it’s a pretty good deal – for the right folks.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will be scheduling “Intro Video Seminars” over the next few months to help explain how it all works. And now is the time to jump in, as we prepare for the upcoming riding season!
So don’t delay – send us an email and tell us a little bit about yourself!
In May, Reasons To Ride will kick things off for the 2024 Ride n’ Win Riding Challenge! This challenge isn’t a skills challenge – it’s a challenge to just get out and ride as much as possible and share where you’ve been. We encourage riders to explore new areas and check out new events. We challenge riders to join us at new rallies and rides all across the Midwest – and even at some of the biggest national events across the country. And along the way, we’re looking for new places to stop! Since its launch in 2011, this program has evolved and grown every year as we try to improve things and ensure that it’s a great time for everyone. This year is no exception, as we add even MORE STOPS and WAY MORE PRIZES! Our primary area of focus for our Midwest stops is across Michigan and Ohio. However, we will also be adding stops throughout West Virginia, Kentucky, and Western Pennsylvania as we develop our new Reasons To Ride: Appalachia programs in 2024. This is some of the best riding in the country and there are literally hundreds of really cool stops to discover.
If you own a business, are hosting a ride or other motorcycle friendly event, or would like to recommend a place for riders to visit – shoot us an email for more information on how to become a ride stop. Over 50,000 riders have participated in this program since launched – and we’ve awarded over 3,000 prizes – including motorcycles, travel packages, rally passes, concert tickets – and of course HUNDREDS of t-shirts and other swag!
For more information, email us at Info@ReasonsToRide.com
As soon as you’ve got a date and basic details locked down for your upcoming charitable motorcycle event – make sure you get it entered into the Reasons To Ride website. You can easily go onto www. ReasonsToRide.com and then select “Add Your Event” from the top of the page. Or you can enter - reasonstoride.com/submit-event/ (If you’re viewing this online, you can simply click on any of these links to take you right to the entry page.)
From here you can enter the basic information on your event, your contact details, and upload a flyer or photos. We will then review your post and confirm things – and then it will go online for all the world to see, right up until the day of your event. All for a single $1 donation.
We used to make these basic listings for free, but we had to wrestle with an endless stream of spammers, hackers, and folks posting up spam and fraudulent stuff. So, we added the $1 donation – and you wouldn’t believe how much it limited the garbage. Plus we use the $1 to help support local charities as well.
And if your event isn’t worth a $1 of your money to get out to the world – it’s probably not worth anyone elses as well?
There’s a great deal of uncertainty or perhaps unrest going on in this old world today, isn’t there? Things that we once knew were wrong are considered right, and things that we know to be right are wrong. What in the blazes is going on??
Before I elaborate on that question, let me give you a little insight into a time when all chaos broke loose, and people were running for their lives. A man named Jesus had just been crucified on a cross, his friends didn’t quite understand why, but couldn’t stop it. Oh, they were ready to fight off those that came to get him in the garden that night, but he wouldn’t let them. He even reattached the ear of a soldier that one of his own disciples had cut off with a sword! He told the disciple to put his sword away, that He must go with those that came. Innocent as Jesus was, with absolutely no real criminal offense, He went with them…and then they did what they did, spitting on him, slapping him, beating him until the flesh ripped off his back, and finally nailing him to that cross…and three days later…
After Jesus came out of the grave, which was a big hole that was dug out of a rock, like a small room with a door that led into it. A huge stone covered the doorway so no one could enter or exit. It was even sealed with a mortar type of material. This thing wasn’t moving by man’s hands… and so, it wasn’t. Moved by man that is. To continue…
After Jesus came out of the grave and showed himself to Mary and his disciples, He walked around for about a month or a little over it seems. He appeared in several places, to many others, He got ready to go up into Heaven with a few final words, “Go into all the world and make disciples of all people” and “Occupy until I come”. Definition of occupy: verb as in be busy with. Well, the followers got busy! So busy, in fact that the old religious men that stirred up everyone to crucify Jesus, got wind of what was going on and they freaked out!
“What are we going to do now?? This movement got bigger than we could ever imagine! We can’t kill them all! Can we??”
Chaos ensued and the disciples, now called Apostles because they were now the leaders of the movement promoted by Jesus and filled with His Spirit, went about doing the work Jesus started. They preached one morning and got 3000 followers! Well, this just won’t do in the religious community! So, they formed a committee and did some investigating and started to raid the homes of the followers that were spreading this Jesus gospel! What once was right became wrong and what was wrong became right and many were arrested, and most were later killed for standing up for what they truly believed. Hmmm…sounds a bit familiar. Here's the bottom line of it all…we stand for what we believe, no matter what. We trust that what is truth will prevail over the chaos that the deceiver would have us crazy about and we follow after that truth with every ounce of our being so that in the end, we are victorious! What about you? Is there room in your heart to receive the reality above the chaos? Can you hear Him calling you from out of the dark into His marvelous light?
Man, I hope so. Because that’s what He’s offering you today…Overflowing Hope, which will bring you into unconditional love.
I do hope you are able to find this on your path someday soon, tomorrow is never promised and living one day without Jesus, is like living alone on a deserted island with no escape.
Easter came and went; it was all about the One that was sent. Not a little Bunny, although that’s really fun.
But a Bunny can’t save you, only Jesus, God’s Son.
Catch you in the Wind…
Mary G.CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a non-denominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmosphere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways.
Visit us at www.cmausa.org for more information.
Have a message you’d like to share?
If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. Reasons To Ride welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries. Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to Events@ReasonsToRide.com
For over 20 years, our team has helped support local charitable events and non-profit organiza�ons. In 2024, however, we are going to start sharing a lot more of what we’re doing – both in an effort to showcase the organiza�ons and causes that we are working with, as well as encourage others to join in!
Now how o�en do we say that?! Fairly o�en if you’re part of a local grass-roots charity and hos�ng a nonprofit event! With the support of sponsors, such as ERSKINE LAW, we can help arrange sponsorship for your Blessing and possibly provide FREE ADVERTISING, banners, and maybe even blessing s�ckers for all the bikes! It’s a cool deal – and doesn’t cost your charity a thing! It’s part of our ministry and we want to help you reach even more people with yours! Email us for more informa�on, but hurry – there are only so many events we can help with. Don’t miss out!
For 2024, one of our primary goals will be to develop regional partnerships with charitable organiza�ons to both help support these groups and the work they do – as well as help promote the magazines and RTR partners within their region. The belief is that by working together, we can increase the impact and reach of both our messages. Working with other regional partners and sponsors, there will also be opportuni�es for partner organiza�ons to raise funds to support their organiza�ons or their designated chari�es. Again, it’s a great opportunity for RtR to team up with established organiza�ons to share revenues and ensure that everyone benefits from the partnership. Help us get the magazines out to riders, for instance – and you’re also promo�ng your own organiza�on and your events which are featured in it. In most cases, we’d much rather work with a charitable organiza�on than sell them an ad – it’s a WIN WIN for everyone involved.
For more informa�on, please email Info@ReasonsToRide.com
Reasons To Ride is working with corporate sponsors to offer Online Registra�on at NO COST to non-profit organiza�ons or the chari�es they support through Ticket Releaf, Inc. This is an easy way to vastly improve your event by allowing more accurate planning, beter protect against inclement weather, and expedite processing on the day of your event – to name just a few advantages. RtR can help arrange local, regional, or even na�onal sponsors to help cover the cost of the online registra�on and marke�ng of your ride! Restric�ons do apply – email Info@ReasonsToRide.com for more informa�on.
These days especially, the truth is that most business owners can’t simply fund every worthwhile cause that comes through their door. Business operators have an obliga�on to look out for their own interests – and remain in business. Many local businesses, especially these days, are facing a myriad of challenges and in many cases – increased costs. In most cases, they need to consider what business benefits your sponsorship offers them REGARDLESS of the cause. For a simply raffle dona�on or smaller dona�on, sure – the cause alone may jus�fy some contribu�ons, especially if it’s a wellknown charity or cause. Veterans causes, children’s chari�es, cancer – anything that impacts a lot of people – will prompt some support. In many cases, they may donate simply because they like you and appreciate anyone making an effort to help others. But if you are looking for significant sponsorships, you need to come in the door with suppor�ng arguments as to why they should invest in your ride.
Legi�mate reasons include –
• Traffic – How many people can the business expect to come through their door as either a sponsor or Ride Stop. Will this traffic generate off-se�ng income?
“Your cause alone is NOT justification for sponsors to open their checkbook.”
• Branding / Posi�ve Exposure – Does your Ride / Event offer the business a chance to posi�vely showcase themselves within the community or cause folks to associate them with a strong brand or iden�fiable cause. How is this conveyed to the public or even ride par�cipants?
• Direct Return – Offer an immediate return on their investment in the form of �ckets / passes for the ride and a�er event for them to distribute to customers.
Hos�ng a charity event and looking for sponsors? Need help ge�ng the word out?
Let us know, we can help! (It’s kinda what we do!)
how you can join in or help sponsor an event, please email
After doing these shows for more than 12 years, it’s great seeing how many connections and friendships that have developed over the years between folks coming to the shows. There’s a common bond that exists among folks that customize or even create their own bikes. People start talking about what they’ve built, what they have at home, and what they rode up to the show. And this year – we are doing even more to help facilitate those discussions and really ensure that everyone has a great time at the show!
Event organizers have teamed with ReasonsToRide.com to deliver a true championship experience for exhibitors – OVER $5,000 in CASH + PRIZES
The Buckeye Motorcycle and Music Rally (BMMR) rolls into the Columbus Crew Stadium June 27th – 29th, but it’s already got the motorcycle community fired up. From national headliners such as Lynyrd Skynyrd, Hank Williams Jr., Fuel, and Colt Ford to a free to attend Biker Mall with vendors from across the country – event organizers have been focusing on creating a first class experience for riders, and the bike show is no exception.
Hosted by Reasons To Ride, the ride-in bike show showcases unique custom and vintage bikes from across the region and possibly the nation, with an informal approach to voting / judging that is meant to encourage participation beyond just the professionals. However, RtR and the event organizers want to bring out the very best and have kicked things up with a prize package with more than $5,000 in cash and prizes to be offered.
For the Judge’s Choice Award, The Buckeye Motorcycle and Music Rally will also be presenting a check for $2,500 along with the custom trophy and wall placards. The People’s Choice award winner will receive $1,000, and Best-in-Class winners will receive $100 each – along with the custom trophies and wall placards. In addition, all preregistered exhibitors will receive shirts and custom exhibitor lanyards to identify them as having bike in the show. Winners will also receive custom pins and tags for their bikes as well!
As with all RtR Championship Bike Shows, every effort is to make it the best possible experience. The BMMR event organizers have just kicked things up to another level with cash prizes and of course hosting it in the midst of central Ohio’s biggest biker bash of the year… headlined by rock and country music legends – LYNYRD SKYNYRD and HANK WILLIAMS JR. How cool is that?
Registration is now open for those interested in exhibiting motorcycles in the show. We encourage you to get in as soon as possible to ensure your spot. We also encourage you to like and follow the event on Facebook for more information and updates as the Rally approaches.
Select RTR Bike Shows will now feature special badges and lanyards for those exhibiting motorcycles at the show. This will make it easier for everyone to identify who the builders are and encourage discussion as folks looks to hear more about the bikes. These lanyards will be provided free of any additional cost for those registering in advance for these shows, courtesy our sponsor – Erskine Law.
We will also begin presenting “show pins” for those exhibiting motorcycles. Series and custom show pins will help recognize those that are “seasoned exhibitors” and the shows they have participated in. These collectible pins can be attached to jackets and vests; and will also be provided free of any additional cost for those registering in advance, courtesy Erskine Law
We will be incorporating informal sound competitions into more of the RtR Bike Shows this year. These will be “King of the Hill” style competitions with winners chosen based upon overall sound quality – not simply the decibels they can produce. While we will have several classes – the emphasis will be on creating a fun opportunity to showcase quality sound systems.
In an effort to showcase Best of Show motorcycles – and possibly give others a chance to win as well, we will now be inviting past winners to come and exhibit their bikes as prominent features of the shows they have won. We have special “extras” for Legacy Winners – and will work to get additional shots and features of these bikes from the shows to showcase within the magazines and online.
All makes, models, and years are truly welcome at the RTR Bike Shows. We have over 15 distinct classes for bikes, and we are constantly adding more as the shows evolve. We group bikes by style and origin, and try to balance things out as much as possible. Categories include designations for Imported and Domestic, Touring, Trikes, Vintage, Racing, and even Radical. Specialty classes include Custom Paint, Patriotic and Military themed bikes, and even a Ladies Class.
It's important to recognize that these are INFORMAL, RIDE-IN SHOWS! While we do use Judges at most shows, the majority of the votes come from the crowd. These are fun shows with the emphasis on camaraderie more than competition. If you’ve ever stormed out of a show after not winning the big trophy – these shows aren’t for you. We’ve always believed that the best thing about our bike show series is the people that both exhibit and attend. This isn’t just about the bikes –but about the people building and riding them as well. Even if you’ve never participated in a Bike Show before, these shows are for you if you have a passion for your bike. Go ahead and bring her out – and PUT HER IN THE SHOW!
Make sure that you check out our events listing on Facebook and follow the ones that are of interest to you. We will be posting updates and more details about the new programs as things are finalized. www.Facebook.com/ReasonsToRide
As always, the RtR crew will be out and about hitting various Bike Nights, Rides, and other events throughout the upcoming riding season. At select events, our team and our partners will be recognizing one or two bikes as “BIKE OF THE NIGHT” as part of the 2024 Championship Bike Show Series –presented by Erskine Law.
The owners of these motorcycles will receive a special trophy and invitation to participate in an upcoming bike show – sponsored by the magazine. We will also be featuring some of these bikes in the magazine and / or online.
At some locations, such as Arsenal Harley-Davidson, Artesian Wells, Fink’s, and Zeppe’s – we will be regularly presenting a BIKE OF THE NIGHT Trophy as part of their Bike Nights! Follow them or us on Facebook for more details!
If you’d like our crew to stop by your Bike Night or other event, just email us with details and contact information. Email us at Events@ ReasonsToRide.com
Thunder Zone Vendor Areas
For the larger weekend shows, we often host THUNDER ZONE Vendor areas as part of our layout. These vendor areas offer a tremendous opportunity to reach not only thousands of riders – but far more, as many of the events embrace the entire community, drawing attendees from throughout their regions. Many of our shows are part of rallies and events with more than 10,000 in attendance, several more than 50k, and even a few 100k plus! And for all of our Tour Stops – we work with vendors to ensure a seamless, successful experience. However, at most – space is limited! So, email us ASAP to get on the list and reserve your spots! For a complete schedule and more information on vending at these events, email BikeShowInfo@gmail.com
We’re proud to present a diverse bike series with various locations and themes to our shows – making each one unique, yet all welcome all makes, models, and years. Our focus in on creating informal, fun shows that showcase builds and encourage others to participate.
Here are just a few of the shows on this year’s schedule. Check us out on Facebook for more information and additional dates!
Reasons To Ride is pleased to announce that we will once again be hosting the OFFICIAL OHIO BIKE WEEK BIKE SHOW in downtown Sandusky on Saturday, June 1st – right on the WATER! This will be an informal, Ride-In, Bike Show following the RTR Championship Bike Show Series Rules and Procedures.
Ohio Bike Week is the Midwest’s LARGEST MOTORCYCLE EVENT and this Bike Show does it proud every year. Like last year, this show will be held on the Jackson Street Pier – a beautiful park like setting right in the midst of the chaos. So bring a blanket for the grass and enjoy some amazing music from the main stage – 100 yards from the show! If you’ve made it out either of the past two years – you know how amazing the location is. We’re literally surrounded by water on 3 sides – in the midst of the WORLD FAMOUS BLOCK PARTY!
So go ahead and mark it on the calendar – OHIO BIKE WEEK, May 24 – June 1st, 2024. And the OHIO BIKE WEEK BIKE SHOW – June 1st! If you’re going to show your bike – make sure you register in advance. We have SPECIAL EDITION SHOW SHIRTS – for FREE, for the first 50 bikes to register in advance!
We are anticipating that feature bike space will be limited, so we are encouraging everyone to REGISTER as soon as possible for this show. We will be reserving space and assigned spots for bikes that have pre-registered online.
Ray C’s Harley-Davidson, Lapeer Michigan – Saturday, June 15th
For the 18th Edition of Ray C’s RODEO DAY, Reasons To Ride will be returning to Lapeer with the CHAMPIONSHIP BIKE SHOW SERIES with a fun show that’s great for the entire family. Presented by Erskine Law, we will be showcasing the best bikes in the region including extra RACING and OFF-ROAD CLASSES! We will also have the DYNO’s running ALL DAY in order to recognize and the MOST HORSEPOWER! Special SHOW SHIRTS for pre-registered exhibitors!
Zeppe’s Tavern, Newbury Ohio – Wednesday, June 19thth
As previously, registration will be discounted in advance AND you get a RTR Exhibitor Lanyard, Show Pin, and Bike Show Shirt – all free courtesy our series sponsor Erskine Law! We will be accepting bikes the day of the show – but only as space allows and priority will be given to the pre-registered ones. Make sure you check in on the Facebook event for more information and updates as they occur.
RtR OHIO returns to Zeppe’s for our 12th year of hosting Bike Night events at this cool spot known for a great patio with an outdoor stage that rocks all summer long. This will be the 9th Edition of the Zeppe’s Bike Show and everyone of them has been a success with unique bikes and great folks. There’s always a great mix of bikes –all makes a models, mix of vintage and cool customs. You just never know what you’re going to see – but you can bet that a Brother or Sister rode it in… even if you haven’t met them yet!
Bike show photos by David Eggert, Dan Hare, and Tyler Roberts
Fink’s Harley-Davidson, Zanesville Ohio – Saturday, July 6th
The RtR crew will once again be hosting the Fink’s Harley-Davidson Bike Show, and this year it will feature more of a patriotic feel as we celebrate STARS, STRIPES, and BIKES over the holiday weekend! There will be special classes and trophies for patriotic and U.S. military themed and vintage bikes – but of course, all makes and models will be welcome. This show always brings out a great mix of custom baggers, unique vintage bikes, and locally built customs – including some of the coolest rat bikes we see all year. This show draws from across the country and after the show – some of the best riding anywhere in the state is to be found in the surrounding hills. Pre-register for special perks courtesy of ERSKINE LAW. Follow the event on Facebook for more information and updates!
Hosted by Crazy Boar Customs, Ravenna, OH – July 13th
The RtR Crew will bring the Bike Show sheninigans to this downtown blockparty in Ravenna Ohio. The Crazy Boar crew is all about going big, and this one day rally is no exception. Look for Jasmine Cain to headline the live entertainment and our friends from Bikers for Boobs will be on-site as well! Can’t go wrong with this one.
Downtown Muskegon – Saturday, July 20th
Reasons To Ride: Michigan is proud to once again bring the CHAMPIONSHIP BIKE SHOW SERIES to MICHIGAN'S BIGGEST BIKER BASH - REBEL ROAD
2024! This awesome rally in Downtown Muskegon, Michigan benefits the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County and is on Michigan’s west coast, over looking Lake Michigan.
EXPANDED CATEGORIES this year and stay tuned more updates. Follow the Facebook event for more information as it’s announced.
Artesian Wells, Cement City, MI – Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
RtR Michigan is excited to return to Artesian Wells with the full Championship Bike Show Experience to showcase vintage and custom bikes at this great venue. With a newly expanded pavilion and great outdoor area, Artesian Wells is one of our favorite spots for Bike Nights and other events – and it’s right next door to Town & Country Harley-Davidson with their vintage motorcycle museum! If you’ve never been – this is certainly a great venue for a bike show and worth the ride from anywhere! Lots more to come on this show – be sure to check out the Facebook event page for more and updates as we get closer!
Register ONLINE at ReasonToRide.com for these Bike SHOWS and more! For more information, email us at BikeShowInfo@gmail.com and follow us online at www.Facebook.com/ReasonsToRide www.Facebook.com/RTRMichigan, or www.Facebook.com/RTROhio
INTERESTED IN HOSTING A RTR BIKE SHOW AT YOUR LOCATION IN 2024? We are currently reviewing locations and locking down dates for our 2024 Bike Show Series. We have a LIMITED NUMBER of dates available still.
Email us TODAY for more information at BikeShowInfo@gmail.com
– RtR Team Members and Contributors
Once again, Reasons To Ride will be kicking off our Championship Bike Show Series and really the riding season with the Wild Turkey Festival in Vinton County. For over 35 years, the Festival has been held at the intersection of US Route 50 and State Route 93 in downtown McCarthur.
We came to these rolling hills of Southern Ohio, inspired by our experiences in Geneva-on-the-Lake over the last 15 years. Along the Lake Erie shore, riders have created a tradition of wrapping up the summer riding season with a weekend of riding and camaraderie in the small resort town. We thought we might find a similar way to kick off the season in another small town – but instead of being on the shores of northern Ohio - this Bike Show and Festival would be set against the rolling hills and northern mountains of Appalachia. This region includes Wayne National Forest, Lake Hope State Park and Zaleski State Forest, and of course Hocking Hills – some of the greatest riding in the Midwest, possibly even the nation, all within a nice ride of the Wild Turkey Festival.
While the Wild Turkey Festival isn’t a “Bike Rally” – certainly Bikers and riders of all types have been welcome and coming for years. There’s free nightly entertainment, vendors, and all sorts of festival activities going on. There are vendors (and we are bringing some motorcycle ones as well to our Thunder Zone – email us for information) and cool local shops, restaurants, and taverns to enjoy as well. And of course, local celebrity “Moonshiners” come out of the hills as well – and setting up in town as well… So you just never know what you’re going to find in this small town festival! And of course there is the riding!
Vinton County might be considered Ohio’s last frontier as both the least populated and most forested – with over 80% of the county covered with trees. Thankfully, though, the county is crisscrossed with scenic roads snaking through the rolling hills – making for some of the state’s best riding. The roads don’t just twist and turn – they roll up and down and sometimes seemingly back and forth – all at the same time! It’s hard to imagine a more twisting roller coaster when you consider how the roads often shoot up and then drop back down – leaving your stomach in the middle of your chest.
“Riders need to understand how to ride three dimensionally on most of these roads – and when they come this way, they don’t have to worry about so many
“Flatlanders” mucking up the roads!” - Local contributor
While some roads such as the “triple nickel” get lots of publicity – there are so many more roads to discover. A few years ago, the Athens County Convention and Visitors Bureau decided to go after riders with a campaigned dubbed the “Windy 9” – and that’s WINDY as in twisting not like gusts of wind. It offers up 9 mapped routes for riders to explore – all of which are within an hour of the Wild Turkey Festival. RtR Contributor Norm Kern, who also moonlights as President of the Motorcycle Sport Touring Association (RideMSTA. com), hosts his annual riding adventure – The MSTA FlyBy Week by of Marietta. The Flyby Week boasts over 25 Road Routes and 9 Adventure routes for riders to consider and draws folks from across the country to these very same roads. This is clearly a great area for riders!
And throughout the area are also cool stops for riders to discover – including the WILD TURKEY FESTIVAL itself!
The Wild Turkey Festival is a regional festival offering a fun atmosphere for riders of all ages. They have a full line up stage entertainment including country recording artist Adam Calvert along with fair staples including crowning of the Wild Turkey Queen and even a baby contest. It’s not a rowdy biker bash –but there’s food, drinks, and fun throughout the town, that’s for when you decide to get off the bike and relax. Surrounding the town, there are plenty of extra stops to discover and roads to enjoy while getting to them. And this year, we are introducing the First Annual Wild Turkey Run!
The Wild Turkey Run!
This year, Reasons To Ride will be collaborating with the Vinton County Wild Turkey Festival to introduce the first WILD TURKEY RUN! This is a “ride when you want” route throughout the area, hitting various recommended spots in Vinton County and the surrounding area. Everyone that registers in advance for the ride will receive a WILD TURKEY RIDE shirt upon checking in and will have the chance to win CASH and PRIZES just by checking in at the listed spots.
For more information on the ride, including links to the preregistration, check out the WILD TURKEY RIDE! Event page. You can find it on the Reasons to Ride facebook pages or can access through the Vinton County Wild Turkey Festival page as well. For information on how you can help sponsor or possibly become a stop on the ride – please email Info@ReasonsToRide.com
Event organizers and Reasons To Ride, LLC – encourage you to ride responsibly and safely. Cash prize amounts dictated by participation and sponsorships – and will be finalized before the start of the ride. Additional restrictions and guidelines apply, see event organizers and ride page for more information.
Since it’s launch 2 years ago, this Bike Show has been a favorite of those that have attended it. Both exhibitors and those coming to check out the bikes have loved the small town feel of the show and the country carnival feel to the festival. Fun vendors, rides, and even a parade featuring the bike show bikes (optional to participate in) – gives it a unique feel and fun for riders of all ages. The show has also drawn in a great mix of collectors, custom builders, and just enthusiasts that love their bikes – all to share their iron and catch up with others with a similar passion. We’ve had antique Velocette’s from the 50’s and big wheel baggers with state of the art sound systems – as well as some winners that have gone on to win national acclaim at some of the biggest rallies in the country.
With the support of our show sponsor – AT HOY Transportation and series sponsor ERSKINE LAW, we have FREE T-SHIRTS, along with EXHIBITOR LANYARDS and SHOW PINS (New for 2024!) for those pre-registering for the show. Pre-registration is now open online – and you can access through ReasonsToRide.com or our Facebook event page
How do Adventure (ADV) style bikes and particularly ADV and dual-sport riding styles relate to the original Motorcycle Sport Touring Association (MSTA) concept of sport touring?
What exactly IS sport touring? For starters, it's a riding style rather than a particular type of bike. Let's break it down:
The term Sport refers to the side of motorcycling that treats riding as a purposeful activity that focuses on building riding skills, concentration, and control of the machine. Mastering challenges of riding skillfully at a
brisk pace on roads that have curves and elevation changes is a major part of the “motorcycling as a sport” mindset, and it's very much a part of ADV riding too.
The term Touring refers to riding longer distances- full days or multi-day trips. This is part of ADV riding s well.
Most MSTA members ride their bikes exclusively on pavement, but some choose GS or ADV style bikes for their excellent suspension, lighter weight, upright riding position etc. Of course, there are many other MSTA members who own an ADV or dual-sport bike specifically to ride ADV dirt and gravel roads or single track trails. SPORT TOURING ADV MODELS DUAL SPORT MODELS
Having done both ADV riding and sport touring for over forty years, I see that both attract the same kinds of riders. ADV riding just adds dirt and gravel roads along with the pavement. Only other difference is that ADV riders tend to be a bit younger, like bigger challenges and are more willing to "rough it" by traveling lighter, camping on longer trips etc.
The far end of my spectrum from road to dirt was competing in enduros. For those not familiar, enduros are a form of competition that involves riding a course on a time schedule with checkpoints along the way. The most common average speed is 24 MPH. This sounds easy until you see the course- it's on both public roads and off road with single track dirt trails that include mud, big rocks, steep hills, water crossings, etc.
What is “dual-sport” riding? Starting in the 1980s, when riders aged out of enduros, they transitioned into noncompetitive dual-sport riding. Routes are like an easy enduro course. (although it can have optional “hero” sections that are just as difficult as an enduro) Think of it as easier than enduro and harder than ADV riding. Enduro style bikes of about 650cc or less are the choice for dual-sport as they are better suited for rougher terrain.
That is the riding spectrum of MSTA- from sport touring to ADV riding to dual-sport- fun riding for every skill and comfort level.
How to join in the fun for 2024 with MSTA-
• Go to Facebook and join the MSTA - Motorcycle Sport Touring Association group
• Go to https://ridemsta.com/membership-2/ and join to become a full member
• Go to https://ridemsta.com/events/ to look over the calendar and make your plans to attend a rally.
I hope to see you on the road or at a rally. Please feel free to message me at nkernmsta@gmail.com with your comments and questions.
Connect with local Ohio Motorcycle Sport Touring Association riders at these monthly breakfasts:
Southwest Ohio Breakfast, 9AM, April 20th Village Family Restaurant 144 S. Main St. Waynesville, OH 45068
Central Ohio Breakfast Meet - 8AM May 5th Portside Cafe 6515 S High St Lockbourne, OH 43137
Spring has Sprung and over the Off-Season we have highlighted a lot of incredible areas to ride across our trail system and our mountains but now it is time for us to show you in person! As we get our bikes ready to make some Thunder in these Hills and Hollers our all volunteer WCMG Road Crew prepares for our upcoming schedule this year here on the Backroads of Appalachia. With over 20+ events on our schedule already and 2 Florida Spring Rallys in our side mirrors, we are ready to roll training and check our trail system before our official season begins. Although we are just public riders on public roads, us locals are here to show you what we got and from Honda to Harleys, Slingshots to Vanderhalls, all are welcome at our events even cagers as some follow us quite often! We will ride over 5 Thousand Miles in April visiting our small towns, adding points of interest to our BOA Mobile App, and bringing hope to our people from the saddle of our Iron Horses. For us it’s all about the ride and our region and giving our visitors that come to see us this season the best experience possible! This is truly a community effort as all who support us here at Backroads of Appalachia and the WCMG come together to show the world that there is simply no place like Central Appalachia or our people! From the rolling hills of Somerset, KY to the Governor’s Trails in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia, We are truly the “Last Unexplored Frontier” on the East Coast and our BOA Mobile Application is your guide to some of the most incredible places you’ll find anywhere all without the need for Cell Phone Signal. We call them “Uniquely Appalachian” with over 2600 Points of Interest all done manually by us so you can find the little General Stores, Restaurants, and Small Businesses who have been here since your grandma was a toddler!
Coal may have left us over 25 years ago taking our Industry and economy with it but what it left us is second to none and that is our roads, our culture, our music, and our history! We have mapped over 5000 Miles of Pavement and are now adding more Gravel Trails to our system which offers something for everyone regardless of your Bike Type! When we say we have the best riding in the U.S. we are here to show you and we are standing by to guide you at our events or help you plan your trip. This year we are inviting you to come see us early as we release our Annual “WCMG Road Crew Brushy Mountain Prison Break Run '' on April 27th to the Public for the first
time finishing our training with a great ride for all! We posted it on Rever last season and it has become quite popular and we can't wait to go to prison and then escape it back to the Bluegrass State! Then it’s on to the “Thunder Beach” Rally in Panama City Beach Florida May 1-5th as we bring our "Backroads Old School Bike Show" Format from our events in Appalachia to the Beach with our sponsors, media partners, and supporters at the Bike Rack in PCB! The following weekend we bring it all together with our Annual Season Opener May 11th on “Rattlesnake 192” with Wildcat Harley Davidson in London, KY with all proceeds going to the DAV! Did we mention our “Coal Train 421” ride to Harlan Kentucky and the heart of Kentucky Coal Country or our newly released “Scouts Honor Trail” Ride which includes many historic Civil War sites and Lake Cumberland, KY? We do it all for charity while bringing economic development to the small forgotten Coal Towns Across Kentucky, West Virginia, Southwest Virginia, and Northeastern Tennessee! There are many places you can choose to go and ride this year, but there is only one place like Central Appalachia. You have rode the rest now, now we invite you to come and ride the best all while helping our region prosper again. You can join us as we continue on our mission and all you have to do is come see us this year on the Backroads of Appalachia! The best riding in the U.S., A great mobile app/guide, A great local riding community you can come and ride with! Need I say more? For more information on our schedule this year download our Backroads of Appalachia Mobile Application and check the Calendar or visit our website at www. Backroadsofappalachia.org/events. You can also find all our events on our Facebook pages.
We are ready to ride, are you?
Let’s Ride Appalachia!
Jay "Frydaddy" Fryman, Founder, Whitley County Motorcycle GroupAs a rider, it’s not always convenient or comfortable to wear a holster while carrying – especially if you want it to stay concealed. While seated on your bike, anything outside the waistband on your belt may pop out – especially if you’re not wearing a jacket. Even a vest will often ride up and over – broadcasting to the world that you’re carrying.
While many like to open carry – it’s certainly our belief that NOTHING positive comes from that approach unless your goal is to make yourself a target. Even if your intention is to create a deterrent, you really just make yourself a target for foes that you may not even see coming. That’s not that they will be invisible – you just may not know that they are a threat, while you are carrying that sign on your side.
If you’re riding a bike, especially with a vest or jacket on – you may find that POCKET CARRY is a better option to consider.
We’ve used a DeSantis Nemesis Pocket Holster wth a SIG P365, and it’s been very convenient and easy to carry.
Practice the Draw The best way to understand the advantages and limitations of pocket carry is to experiment with drawing from several different positions (using an unloaded pistol of course).
Work from the positions you are in most of the time, like standing at a counter or sitting at a desk. Next try some possible positions you could find yourself in during a defensive situation, such as on your back after being knocked down or on your hands and knees while trying to stand up. You may find pocket carry is just the right fit for your lifestyle, or, the pistol may need to be carried another way.
Beware of Printing It was funny when Mae West quipped, "Is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" in the 1933 movie “She Done Him Wrong.” But an obvious gun-shaped bulge on the thigh defeats the purpose of pocket carry, which is to conceal a pistol completely. Depending on how tightly your jeans fit when you sit, it may be necessary to make some changes to your wardrobe.
Hands Off In a properly fitted pair of pants, with a supportive belt and holster in place, a pocket pistol is unlikely to draw much attention. Unless, that is, the person packing telegraphs its presence by handling it or squeezing the grip. Over the years, I've heard stories from self-defense practitioners and law enforcement personnel who spotted a pocketed pistol because the owner handled it needlessly. So keep your hands off the gun and completely out of the pocket unless you need to stop the pistol from falling out or to draw it in defense of your life.
Content drawn from B. Gil Horman, NRA American Rifleman Reprinted with permission.
Carrying a small pistol or revolver in a front pants pocket or vest is a comfortable and convenient way to go heeled. It's a carry method that has steadily grown in popularity over the last decade. A wide variety of pocketable pistols in calibers both great and small are readily available these days to those who are looking to carry in their clothing instead of on their hip. But as with any carry method, there are rules and strategies that should be adhered to in order to gain the most benefit and to avoid uncomfortable problems. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when packing in a pocket: Pack In A Dedicated Pocket By a dedicated pocket I mean absolutely nothing else goes in the same pocket as the pistol. Ever. Guns and pocket paraphernalia don't mix with positive results. Just imagine all the excitement that could be generated by having a set of keys, a pen or a lip balm entangled in a pistol's trigger guard. What about desperately needing to draw the pistol only to find the grip blocked by brick-a-brack? There's also that unenviable chance of having the gun fall out onto the ground while fishing around for something else. The safest way to go is to give the pistol a pocket all to itself.
Use a Holster Pocket holsters should be employed for the same reasons larger handguns are carried in hip holsters. Pants pockets are sweaty, dusty places that leech away gun oil and heap lint and grit into a pistol's action. Using a holster will protect the gun's finish, help to keep action-jamming dirt out, and cover the trigger to prevent unintentional discharges. Good pocket holsters also keep the pistol properly oriented, diffuse or hide the pistols outline, and provide for a smooth draw from the pocket. Holsters for pocket carry are as plentiful and diverse as the pistols they protect and many are affordably priced.
In any given community, the local Bike Night is a cornerstone of the riding community. It gives a designated time and place for riders to come together and connect with others with a similar passion for riding. You can show up with friends or just by yourself – knowing that you will have brothers and sisters there awaiting you, even if you haven’t met them yet.
For 2024, we are renewing our monthly Bike Night feature which highlights both the established bike nights and those that are new to the scene. To the best of our knowledge, these are bike nights that welcome all riders and you should feel comfortable riding up to without any issues.
Some Bike Nights will be designated Official Ride Stops – and riders are encouraged to check in at these Bike Nights with Reasons To Ride for their chance to win any of hundreds of prizes being awarded this summer. These include concert tickets, subscriptions, gift certificates, lots of swag – and even motorcycles! In fact, riders this summer will have the chance to win any of 6 motorcycles – including the Dale’s Wheels Through Time Raffle Bike and a brand new ’24 Pan America by HarleyDavidson.
With the support of ERSKINE LAW, we will also be visiting Bike Nights throughout the Midwest this summer and presenting BIKE OF THE NIGHT (BOTN) Trophies. At some designated Ride Stops and partner locations, we will be awarding BOTN Trophies throughout the summer. BOTN winners will receive some extra recognition, possibly some “swag”, and an invitation to have their bike featured at an upcoming Reasons To Ride Bike Show.
As with all things we do, we welcome your input and recommendations in regards to the Bike Nights we support and promote. If you have a local night that you’d like to see included, please shoot us an email at Info@ ReasonsToRide. com. Or simply tag us in a photo from their bike night with #ReasonsToRide.
Include your thoughts in the post “This is a great bike night that always has great music and great food!”. If you host a Bike Night and would like information on getting yours added or having us out – again, shoot us an email at Info@ReasonsToRide.com.
Please Note:
The information compiled here includes information submitted which we have attempted to confirm through visits, calls, or online. That being said, things change – especially these days. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the information or that things may not have changed since compiled. Please contact each stop before heading out – and be careful in your travels.
It’s the intention of this magazine to be respectful towards all riders – regardless of what you’re riding, your gender, and if you have – or don’t have – a club affiliation. That’s not our business, and we make every effort steer clear of any conflicts in that regard as we represent the general riding community nationally and not any affiliation. For Bike Nights, as with any motorcycle event, we encourage you to be respectful of all riders and not engage in activities or discussions that don’t really pertain to you. All bike nights and events listed in the magazine are designated open to the public unless stated otherwise. We won’t speak to discussions regarding colors and such in this feature, as we believe that if you have them – you should know when and how you should wear them. If you don’t – it’s really not your busy other than you should respect what they represent and the commitment it takes to earn one. We believe that it’s foolish to impose limits on wearing them – as it’s the folks wearing them not what they are wearing that always turns out to be the issue. Bottom line – just be respectful of others, whether it’s the hosts of the Bike Night or other riders on the road or attending. If you have any questions regarding this or have experiences at any Bike Nights or Ride Stops that you’d like to share – please don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing us at Info@ReasonsToRide.com
The Otter Lake Bar Otter Lake MI
10th St. Saloon Plainwell MI
Backroads Holly MI
Clair Tavern Clarington OH
Comet Bike Night Cincinnati OH
Flo's Pizzeria & Sports Bar Greenville MI
Hunter Street Saloon Logan OH
Jilly's Saloon Reynoldsburg OH
Mug Shotz Clio MI
Shielded Souls New Boston MI
Whiskey Jar Brown City MI
American Legion Riders Owosso Owosso MI
Cheers Lapeer Lapeer MI
Countryside Inn Byron Center MI
J&D's Place Worthington OH
Jimmy's Roadhouse Paw Paw MI
The Oaks Tavern Moscow MI
QSL Milford Milford OH
Quaker Steak & Lube Columbus OH
Rip Rap Roadhouse Dayton OH
Roadhouse 19 Yale MI
Tavern 62 Orient OH
The Horsehoe Bar Bucyrus OH
The Villa Huber Heights OH
VFW #1181- Valley Station Louisville KY
Zeppe's Tavern Newbury OH
Root's Pub St. Mary's OH
Artesian Wells Cement City MI
Bearded Saddle Saloon Oxford OH
The Dock at Bayview Richland MI
Double D's Pub Columbus OH
Doughboys Pizza and Pub Commercial Point OH
Farmer's Tavern Mulliken MI
Freddy's Clinton Township MI
Hide Out Grill Walton KY
The Max Bar and Grill Logan OH
Mill Dam Corner Grill Hebron OH
QSL Colerain Cincinnati OH
The Hideout Bar & Grill Elsmere KY
The Shark Club Waterford Township MI
Stingers Bar & Grill Wixom MI
Ugly Mug Canal Winchester OH
Wild Mike's Battle Creek MI
The Roadhouse Bar & Grill Livonia MI
Friday Night Bikes Lapeer MI
Smitty's Tavern New Holland OH
Akron Bible Church Akron OH
Ta' Bogo Cafe Cincinnati OH
Every 2nd Tuesday Knights of the Inferno BIKE NIGHT Middletown OH
Last Wed of Every Month Marine Corp League Licoln Park MI
Third Wed of Each Month Wayland Michigan, Downtown Wayland MI
Last Thurs of the Month Cincinnati Euro Bike Night CEBN Loveland OH
Every Other Friday Davison Eagles Bike Night Davison MI
Third Sat of every month. Northern Yankee Moonshine Ripley OH
Every 1st and 3rd Sun Crazy Fox Saloon Bucyrus OH
Did your heart sink as you watched the snow melt and realized you hadn’t winterized your motorcycle? These DIY motorcycle tips can get your bike ready for spring and get you on the road for a smooth highway cruise.
1. Check for Small Animals and Debris
If you haven’t covered your bike thoroughly for the winter, you may be surprised to find that a small animal has taken up residence in your exhaust or air intake system. Examine these areas before starting your bike, and send any critters on their way. Look for signs of any damage to wires and clear any possible nests.
2. Drain the Gas Tank
If the gas tank still contains old, untreated fuel, your motorcycle probably won’t start. Drain the fuel tank and examine the fuel. If brown grit comes with the fuel, it’s a sign the inside of your fuel tank has rusted. Flush your fuel tank with acid remover to prevent problems with your fuel system and ensure clean-burning fuel. Your local shop can assist with this if needed.
3. Treat Gasoline with Fuel Stabilizer
Even after draining the fuel system, there’s a chance that stale gas and ethanol are left in the gas tank. Stale gas and ethanol can cause engine misfiring or problems beyond simple DIY motorcycle repair. Adding a fuel treatment to the tank clears any unwanted leftovers, plus helps the fuel system stay healthy. It’s an inexpensive preventative measure that can save you a lot of headache –and a lot more $$$. https://amzn.to/4bSya1G
4. Change the Oil
If you didn’t change the oil before “storing your bike” – now’s the time to do it, before the season starts, especially if it’s been sitting. The oil may have condensation build up from the winter and lack of use. Even if you did change it out a few months ago – you should still check the level and consider any new marks on the garage floor. You should also make it a habit to check the oil before any long rides during the season.
S&S Cycle Oil Change Kit - https://amzn.to/3OUkWYB
5. Check All Fluids
Gasoline and oil are just two of the fluids you should check when reviving your bike in the spring. Check hydraulic and brake fluid levels as well. Make sure any fluids left sitting in the reservoirs over winter didn’t deteriorate. Examine fluid colors and consistencies. Replace fluids that look dirty or different from when new. Complete fluid change kit - https://amzn.to/48pWN2R
6. Inspect Battery
If a motorcycle battery was left on your bike over winter, you will need to either charge it or replace it. First, pull it out and charge it overnight. Secondly, if you don’t have a maintenance-free battery, check fluid levels in each cell at this time. Use distilled water to fill the cells that are below the recommended level, not mineral-
rich tap water. Distilled water keeps the combination of sulfuric acid and water as it should be without introducing minerals.
Once your battery is charged, test it. If it isn’t holding a charge, replace it now, especially if it’s over four years old. Replacing an old battery can prevent unforeseen problems such as being stranded or acid leaks.
Interstate 30Ah 385 CCA High Performance AGM Rechargeable Replacement Battery
7. Check Electrical System
There’s nothing worse than thinking you have enough gas for a longer ride, and then find out the hard way that your gauge malfunctioned. Examine all gauges, switches, head lights, rear brake lights, the horn, and turn signals before hitting the road.
8. Brighten the Headlights
If your bike’s headlight lenses seem foggy, and visibility is limited, it’s time for some polishing. You can buy a headlight cleaner kit for around $20, and clean the headlight yourself. Many motorcycle accidents occur because car and truck drivers claimed to not even see the motorcycle. Prevent unsafe riding by making sure your bike’s lights are at their brightest. https://amzn.to/3PjgAur
9. Examine the Controls
Test your steering, throttle, and clutch to make sure they still work. Examine cables for frays, corrosion, or damage to coverings. Inspect lines and hoses for cracks, cuts, or signs of leaks. Control cables or hoses should not be folded or kinked, and steering should move freely. If this is not the case for your motorcycle, consider bringing your bike to a trusted mechanic to fix issues with controls.
10. Clean and Lubricate Chain (If Bike Doesn’t Have Drive Belt)
A dirty chain will inhibit how a bike runs. For this DIY motorcycle fix, buy a wire brush and dip it in degreaser. Slide the brush along the chain until it’s completely free of debris and mud. Then, rinse with fresh degreaser and wipe dry with a rag or sponge. Finish by spraying the sprocket side with lubricant. Also check for slack in the chain and adjust to manufacturer’s specification.
11. Check Brake Pads and Levers
Check your brakes before you ride to make sure your first ride of the summer isn’t your only ride of the summer. Brake pads should be at the very least 1/8 inch thick, preferably more. If brake pads are thinner or broken—replace immediately.
Test the position of your brake lever as well to make sure nothing shifted while in storage. Sit on your bike, grasp the handlebar ends, and place your fingers over the brake lever. If the lever touches slightly behind your fingers’ first knuckles from your fingernails and does not engage brakes, you’re in luck. No adjustments are needed. If the brake lever feels far away, use the lever span adjustment knob to move the levers to the correct position for you.
12. Measure Tire Air Pressure
Check all tires to make sure the pounds per square inch (PSI) are at the recommended level. It’s natural for tire pressure to decrease during winter, but if your tire pressure is below the recommended level, inflate tires to proper level to ensure safe and smooth riding. Check also for any damage such as cracks, worn tread, punctures, or bulges. If you find damage, replace the offending tire before riding.
There a number of very convenient, portable air compressors available now that can also help you accurately monitor your tire pressure. Some units can also double as battery back-up’s as well while on the road for your phone – or even provide a light.
13. Let the Engine Run
Allow the engine to run for a few minutes and listen for strange noises. Doing so ensures the motorcycle can stay running. You don’t want to have your engine stall and fail miles from home!
14. Inspect the Spark Plugs
Check the gaps in the spark plugs for proper spacing. Check your owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s specifications and adjust. Replace worn plugs as needed.
15. Check for Loose Bolts
Once you’re sure your motorcycle can stay running, check all bolts on your bike to guarantee everything is tightened properly. Take the bike for a short test ride, and feel for abnormal vibrations. Once you’re back from the ride, check all bolts again to make sure nothing came loose. If all bolts and parts are in place, but you’re feeling a rumbling or unusual vibration, there might be a bigger issue such as:
• Motor mounts
• Swingarm
• Axle
• Steering head fasteners
• Wheel balance
• Suspension
These issues can be dangerous and most likely require a visit to a trusted mechanic. They should be fixed before riding.
4/01/24 07:00 PM
Beer-N-Bong Painting Party
The Kickstand Saloon
2045 W. Alexis Rd, Toledo, OH, 43613
4/05/24 - 4/07/2024
I-X Piston
Powered AutoRama
I-X Center
1 I-X Center Dr Cleveland, Oh 44135
www.pistonpowershow. com
4/05/24 06:00 PM
The Comet Bike Night
The Comet
4579 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati, Oh 45223
Enter your event online to see it here. Only a $1 Donation for Charitable Events. Enter at reasonstoride.com/ submit-event/
4/08/24 12:00 PM
Solar Eclipse Party
The Kickstand Saloon
2045 W. Alexis Rd, Toledo, OH, 43613
4/11/24 12:00 PM
2024 Tallahassee Bike Fest
Apalachee Regional Park
7546 Apalachee Pkwy, Tallahassee, FL 32311
4/13/24 06:00 PM
Chicken Paprikash Dinner and Fundraiser at South East
South East Harley-Davidson
23105 Aurora Road, Bedford Heights OH 44146
4/13/24 10:00 AM
Why We Ride
Route 30 Harley-Davidson
350 Tarhe Trail, Upper Sandusky, OH, 43351
Route 30 Harley-Davidson 419-294-4951
4/17/24 12:00 AM
10th Anniversary Rare Breed MC in Fayetville, NC
Multiple Locations
Braveheart 919-703-3164 Slim 910-974-4423
4/19/24 06:30 PM
Spring Fashion Show at South East Harley-Davidson
South East Harley-Davidson
23105 Aurora Road, Bedford Heights OH 44146
4/20/24 12:00 PM
2nd Annual Downtown Jackson Blessing of the Bikes
Commonwealth Commerce Center
209 E. Washington Ave Jackson MI 49201
4/20/24 12:00 PM
Macomb Powersports BLESSING of the BIKES w/ CMA
Macomb Powersports
46301 Gratiot Ave, Chesterfield, MI 48051
4/21/24 08:00 AM
Walnecks Motorcycle Swap Meet- Woodstock, IL
McHenry County Fairgrounds
11900 Country Club Rd
Woodstock, IL 60098
4/25/24 12:00 PM
Bullhead River Run 2024
Mayhem Motorcycle Rally Circut MAIN EVENT
Bullhead Comunity Park
1251 Highway 95, Bullhead City, AZ 86429
4/27/24 09:00 AM
Fink's Harley Davidson & Y-City HOG Spring Swap Meet
Fink's Harley-Davidson
2650 Maysville Pike, So. Zanesville, Oh 43701
(740) 454-0010
4/27/24 05:00 PM
Bother's Keeper MC Chapter 46 Bike Night
DJ's Pizza & Steak House
805 W Main St
Woodbury,TN 37190
4/27/24 12:00 PM
Blessing of the Bikes 2024
Otsego VFW Post 3030
124 N Farmer Street, Otsego, MI 49078
4/27/24 01:00 AM
Blessing of the Bikes & Ladies Bike Night
Marine Corps League Downriver
Detachment #153
1526 Fort Street, Lincoln Park, MI 48146
4/27/24 09:00 AM
Blessing of the Bikes
Wellington Eagle Riders #2051
630 South main Street, Wellington, OH, 44090
WSellington Eagle Riders440-647-2914
4/28/24 09:00 AM
Spring Fever Motorcycle Swap Meet
Sandusky County Fairgrounds
901 Rawson Ave
Fremont, Oh 43420
4/28/24 11:00 AM
4th Annual Blessing of the Bikes CELINA
Celina American Legion
2510 St.Rt 703, Celina, OH 45822
4/28/24 01:00 PM
2nd Annual Bike Blessing MASSILON OH
Christ Lutheran Church
3545 Amherst Ave NW, Massilon, OH 44646
Bryan Weller
4/28/24 09:00 AM
Bike & Rider Blessing
The Power Place Church
576 Rosedale Rd KSQ, PA 19348
4/28/24 10:00 AM
American Legion Riders Post 4
Blessing of the Bikes
American Legion Post 4
401 N. Groesbeck, Mount Clemens MI 48043 586-201-5597
5/01/24 12:00 AM
Thunder Beach 2024
Indian Motorcycle of Panama City Beach
13830 Panama City Beach Pkwy Panama City Beach, FL 32407 850-249-7627
5/2 - 5/5/2024
Downtown McArthur, OH VCWTF.org
5/04/24 12:30 PM
Renegade Monster Truck Tour
Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds
19201 East Bagley Rd Middleburg Heights, Oh 44130
Visit us on Facebook or for up to the minute event listings, ReasonsToRide.com
5/04/24 12:00 AM
O.R.R./ Motoboutique
Spring Opener, 3 Year Anniversary & Group Ride
Moto Boutique
1800 Georgesville Sq Dr Suite 1, Columbus, Oh 43228
5/04/24 11:30 AM
Bikers Against Bullying
Blessing of the Bikes
Horace Blackman Park
212 W Michigan Ave
Jackson, MI 49201
5/04/24 10:00 AM
Run for the Son
Westside Baptist Church
606 Mitchell St Salem, IN 47167
5/04/24 09:30 AM
Run for the Son 2024 - Fort
Harley-Davidson of Fort Wayne
6315 Illinois Rd, Fort Wayne IN
Route 30 H-D 2nd Annual International Female Ride Day / Blessing of the Bikes
350 Tarhe Trail, Upper Sandusky, Ohio 43351
5/05/24 07:00 AM
Biker to Biker Motorcycle Swap Meet
Warren County Fairgrounds
665 North Broadway St
Lebanon, Oh 45036
5/05/24 01:00 PM
Home Brewed Bikes
Stones Throw Brewing
101 Button Hall Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445
5/05/24 08:00 AM
42nd Classic Bike Show & Swap Meet
Monroe County Fairgrounds
3775 S. Custer Rd, Monroe, MI 48161
5/05/24 09:00 AM
Antique Motorcycle
Club of America- Metro
Detroit Chapter 7th
Annual Motorcycle Swap Meet
Eastern Michigan Fairgrounds
751 S Almont Ave
Imlay City, MI 48444 metrodetroitamca@gmail.com
5/05/24 09:00 AM
Annual Blessing of the Bikes
South East Harley-Davidson
23105 Aurora Road, Bedford Heights OH 44146
5/11/24 10:00 AM
Northern Miami Valley Bike Blessing
The Piqua Center
987 E Ash St., Piqua OH 45356
5/13/24 10:00 AM
Blessing of Bikes and Riders
The Harley-Davidson Shop of Michigan City
2968 N US Highway 421 Michigan City, IN 46360
5/13/24 11:00 AM
Blessing of the Bikes
American Legion Devereaux Post 141
3265 W Grand River Ave
Howell, MI 48843
5/14/24 06:00 PM
Knights of the Inferno Arrowhead Chapter
Cancun Mexican Bar & Grill
3350 Village Dr
Middletown, Oh 45005
5/15/24 6pm
Zeppes- Bike Blessing and Bike Night Kick off
Zeppe's Tavern
11110 Kinsman Rd
Newbury, Oh 44065
5/16/24 12:00 AM
Tennessee Motorcycles and Music Festival
Loretta Lynn's Ranch
8000 TN-13, Hurricane Mills, TN 37078
5/17/24 12:00 AM
Lost Highway Motorcycle Show & Concert
Poconos Park
265 Tom Ridge DR
Bushkill, PA 18324
5/18/24 11:00 AM
CMA- Blessing of the Bikes
Stinger Harley-Davidson
3053 Eastpointe Dr., Medina, OH, 44256
5/18/24 09:00 AM
James Wesley Shultz Poker Run, Car Show and Bike Show
Middlebourne Galaxy Food Center 10692 Tyler Highway
Middlebourne, WV 26149
5/18/24 6pm
Villa Tavern
6303 Rip Rap Rd Huber Heights, Oh 45424
5/18/24 09:00 AM
BATTLE OF THE BIKERS for Ronald McDonald House of Greenville
Margaret's Restaurant
402 S Norris Dr, Norris, SC 29630
5/18/24 10:00 AM
Ride For Joy Ice House
5516 W Webb Rd, Austintown, OH, 44515
Visit us on Facebook or for up to the minute event listings, ReasonsToRide.com
• 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (about 2 lbs. total)
• 1 tablespoon honey
• 2 tablespoons lime juice
• 1 ½ tablespoons chili powder
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 ½ cups sour cream, divided
• 2 ½ cups green chile enchilada sauce, divided
• 8 (8-inch) flour tortillas
• 2 cups grated Mexican blend or cheddar cheese, divided
• Optional garnish: sliced green onions; chopped fresh cilantro; hot sauce
Have a recipe that you’d like to share? Write it all down and send with a picture – to ReasonsToRide@gmail.com Put RECIPE in the subject line. If we use it, we’ll send you copies of the magazines and a RtR T-Shirt – so include your address and t-shirt size as well! Thanks!
• Boil chicken until cooked through (about 15-18 minutes). When cool enough to handle, shred with two forks.
• In a large bowl, whisk together honey, lime juice, chili powder, garlic powder, ½ cup sour cream and ½ cup enchilada sauce. Add the shredded chicken and 1 cup of the shredded cheese. Stir to combine.
• Pour 1 cup of enchilada sauce in the bottom of a 9×13-inch baking dish.
• Place a heaping ½ cup of the chicken mixture in the center of each tortilla. Roll up and place seam-side down in the baking dish.
• Whisk together the remaining 1 cup of enchilada sauce with the remaining 1 cup of sour cream. Pour over the enchiladas, and then sprinkle remaining 1 cup of cheese on top.
• Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees F for 25-30 minutes.
Source: TheSeasonedMom.com Please visit for more recipes!