Reasons To Ride Great Lakes Vol4 Issue8

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4 Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by COLUMBUSMANSFIELD LANCASTER / CARROLL 327 Ashland Rd, Mans eld, OH 44905 Now serving 3 locations: (614) 212-7888 (740) 639-4143(419) 524-2222 5370 Westerville Rd, Westerville, OH 43081 4242 Coonpath Rd NW, Carroll, OH 43112 One of the Largest selections of Motorcycle and Powersports Anywhere! Get To The Pony!Get To The Pony!
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Each year we dedicate the November Edition of our magazine to our Veterans – honoring those that have served our nation, here and abroad, as well as their families that have supported them. We do this for countless reasons, all of which can be summed up with a basic statement – “we owe it to them”.

As American citizens, we owe a debt of gratitude to the men and women that serve our nation – both around the world and here within our communities. I don’t mean any disrespect to those in the armed services, but I do believe in including those serving as First Responders in this debt owed. For this discussion, though, I’m going to focus on our Armed Forces – the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, and most recently the Space Force.

Our Veterans have taken an oath and committed years of their lives – and some their very lives – to the defense of our nation. Regardless of politics, background, or race – they come together with brothers and sisters to stand the line against our foes. Even when faced with the most incredible challenges, unbearable conditions, or despicable foes - our Armed Forces face our enemies with the resolve of “NOT TODAY” and “NOT ON MY WATCH”.

A little over a year ago, August 26, 2021; we lost 13 heroes at Abbey Gate of the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. These were U.S. Servicemembers deployed in an impossible situation, essentially at the mercy of our enemies. Despite the seeming absurdity of the assignment, they worked hard to impose order and attempted to assist as many people as possible. And when the attack came – they and their comrades fought heroically. After the bomb went off – wounded Marines, some from our own communities, dispatched attackers that sought to finish off the wounded and ambush those attempting to help the suffering.

Our nation is one born from the spirit of patriots and heroes. And on that day in Kabul, our U.S. servicemen and women demonstrated the true spirit of our nation. Regardless of politics and the craziness of the day – we will stand up for those in need. We will face the aggression of our enemies united.

There are countless stories from that day, but one of the most telling is of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee just 23 years old. The picture to the right is of her comforting an infant while supervising the evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. Just days later, she was a casualty in the bombing attack which killed 170 Afghans and 13 U.S. Troops.

While we remember those we lost that day, we need to honor and support those that survived that day as well. Some came home with physical wounds, such as Marine Cpl. Kelsee Lainhart – a Midwest hero from just west of Cincinnati that was left paralyzed by the explosion. We need to recognize the thousands that came home with emotional and spiritual wounds that came from serving in Afghanistan and Iraq, like Vietnam and Korea before that.

Anytime we send our men and women to defend our nation, standing the line against our enemies, it exacts a toll. If not physical and emotional wounds, they are spending months and years away from friends and family – often in foreign lands for missions they may or may not understand.

Regardless, they answer the call out of commitment to our nation – out of commitment to defend our communities – to defend us.

And for that we need to celebrate them and the spirit they embody. We need to recognize and honor the fact that heroes remain in our society, despite what the media might seem to argue. Patriots still exist and they aren’t driven by love of one political party or leader – but for love of our country. One nation, under God.

So to all that have served in the Armed Forces, and to those that continue to serve abroad and within our communities, I say THANK YOU. May God bless you and your families.

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Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, Kabul Afghanistan

Join the Team

If you love to ride…

If you enjoy exploring back roads and discovering new stops…

If you enjoy being part of the show, not just on the sidelines…

If you enjoying sharing your adventures and undertaking new ones…

If you enjoy helping others on the road or in your community…..

If you feel a connection with other riders….

You sound a lot like us.

And you might consider becoming a part of our family…

This year we brought teams to Daytona, Sturgis, Sandusky, Geneva, and dozens of other events across the state and Midwest. We stood side stage at some of the biggest concerts and worked hand in hand to help pull off some of the biggest motorcycle events.

We are actively looking to add Road Reps, Promotional Staff, Contributors, Photographers, and Area Managers all across the midwest. Some positions are paid and some are volunteer, but most are a blend of both. You can make a lot of money, but it takes work, dedication, and a real passion for working with others within the riding community.

We have both paid commissioned positions, hourly paid positions, and volunteer positions. It all depends upon what you’re looking for.

We are a family of good folks from a variety of different backgrounds. We have different interests and skills – but we all enjoy being an active part of the riding community. RTR allows us to actively contribute to this community – helping it grow and sharing the stories we’re a part of.

The first step is to email some information about yourself. Next, we need to meet up and talk. Then let’s hit the road together!

For more information or to start the process, please email us at ReasonsToRide introduce yourself. We look forward to talking.


For a limited time only, those entering established events onto the website will not only have their events listed on the ONLINE + PRINT EVENT LISTINGS; but they will also receive a COMPLIMENTARY PRINT AD for their event to run in the magazine!

We only have a limited number of these completely free PRINT ADS –which will vary in size from 1/8 to 1/4 page spots; and once those are gone we will be randomly awarding FREE ADS to those entering their

In addition, we have a limited number of EVENT SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE – which can include FREE PRINT and DIGITAL ADS, EVENT BANNERS, and even ONLINE PRE-REGISTRATION for your event!

It couldn’t be easier, and all you have to do is visit

Basic event listings are just $1 for non-profit organizations and charitable events* and just $20 for commercial events. The FREE ADS that we are giving away range in value from $100 to $700! All

*Publisher reserves the right to qualify or diswqualify based upon our own

It’s a pretty easy process, and gets even easier once you’ve gone through it. However, it may seem intimidating at first – so, we’ve decided to take it step by step here. All these steps may seem like a lot listed here, but it’s really just “clicking here, clicking there”…. And

Get your information and materials together. This would be all of the details on your event, including were, what and when. If you have graphics, photos, and most importantly a flyer – you’ll want to have those available on your computer

or your state’s specific page, ie.

Add Your Event”. It’s located several different places on the page, including at the

This will then take you to a page that includes various options for listing your event(s) online. These are primarily Basic Event Listings, Featured Event Listings, and Featured Each of these options is listed with what they include underneath and the costs associated with each.

If you’re with a CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION (501c3) or hosting a NON-PROFIT EVENT, we have special discounted rates for Events. You can scroll down the page for these.

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Fall Photo Contest

Submit your Pics to RtR – maybe see them in the magazine, maybe win some cool prizes!

Reasons To Ride (RtR) is inviting everyone to submit photos for consid eration as part of our 2022 Fall Photo Contest. This is a fun, informal contest for amateur photographers and anyone with a camera phone that is interested in possibly seeing their pictures in the magazines or shared with our readers.

If you have a great shot of you and your bike by a landmark, maybe a cool shot of your riding group having a great time, or maybe just a cool shot while you were out riding around – go ahead and submit it.

Photos can be from any ride or event from 2022 – they do NOT have to be “Fall / Autumn” themed.

To submit a photo, please email the photo (JPEG) to Info@ReasonsTo – with PHOTO CONTEST in the subject line. You can submit up to 3 photos. Please include the names and email addresses of any one included in the photo. Please include where the photo was taken.

We will select photos to feature in the magazine and all entries will be submitted for random prize selection – using the RtR Event Prize Wheel! $100, $50, and $20 Gift Certificates are all available – as well as other partner prizes.

All submissions must be original work, taken by the entrants. No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.

• The photo must be in its original state and cannot be altered in any way, including but not limited to removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame. Do not submit photos with “filters” or vignette shading.

• Violators will be removed from the contest, stripped of any prize(s), and banned from entering future contests.

• Entries will not be accepted unless submitted via the official contest channel. Entries not submitted through the proper channel may not be accepted and can simply be deleted.

• Entries will be judged by Reasons To Ride and all decisions are final. RtR reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to stated contest rules.

• By entering the contest, entrants agree that photos submitted can be used by Rea sons To Ride within the magazine, online, and for advertising purposes. Reasons To Ride

• Submissions will be accepted ongoing for consideration, but may miss the contest and prize deadlines if submitted after November 15th

• All prizes must be collected by the person winning and is nontransferable.

• The feature and grand prize winners will be contacted via the email address pro vided during entry. If no response is received after business days, a new winner will be selected and the previous winner will forfeit all rights to the prize.

• The contest is void where prohibited or restricted by law. Not all submissions will be printed or awarded prizes.


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2022 RTR Fall Color
w/ Brendan Farren, RTR
MARCH 31, APRIL 1 & 2, 2023 • I-X CENTER • PISTONPOWERSHOW.COM A motorcycle can be entered for $50 under the any of the 20 ISCA motorcycle classes. All accepted and registered motorcycles will receive one (1) 10' x 10' space, two (2) all-event participant badges, one (1) three-day event parking permit, one (1) outdoor trailer parking space and one (1) event t-shirt. Go to click on REGISTER YOUR VEHICLE and then download the MOTORCYCLE APPLICATION ENTER Your Bike TODAY to be ONE of the 32! The show will award a total of $1,500 in cash prizes. Best Bike $1,000 + Crystal Award Outstanding Bike $500+ Plaque Plaques awarded for Outstanding Bike Engine & Outstanding Bike Paint happens in ’23 in the CLE @ I-x IF A PISTON MAKES IT GO IT’S IN THIS SHOW!


There’s a Reason for it…

Have you ever been putting something together that has a bunch of small parts to it and when you get all finished, there always seems to be this one screw or bolt laying there that’s just hanging out. Doesn’t seem to fit anywhere. It’s just there. What do we typically do with it? Well, Mr. G puts it in his mega can of leftover screws and bolts. I look at it and wonder what did I miss? It’s there for a reason. I must find out.

That is somewhat of a contrast to our own lives, isn’t it? Some times we can tend to feel like the leftover part of the machine. Unused, forgotten, maybe not talented enough or worthy enough to be useful for anything. At least that is what we have come to believe about ourselves. Maybe we have been told that by someone close to us as we grew up. You know, “Are you going to amount to anything, kid?” or “Hey stupid, didn’t I teach you better than that?” or “Better cross the street now because ugly is about to take over the block!”

All of these things said in a meaningless spout off of the tongue, cut deep into a person, especially when they are young and as you get older, it sticks, and you become what you were told you were. Stupid, lazy, worthless, and even ugly…at least to yourself when you look in the mirror. So, you begin to feel like the screw that doesn’t fit anywhere.

Well, I have some news for you…I found out something about the screws and bolts that don’t seem to fit. There is a reason for them and us! We are called the anchor screw. We are the final piece of the machine that holds everything together so that when things start running, they stay together when running! So, we have a purpose…

Want to know who else is an anchor screw? Of course, you do! His name is Wonderful, Counselor, Friend, yes…Jesus. He gave us purpose. He made it possible to be everything he created us to be and more because He wanted and still wants us to know that it doesn’t matter what anyone says about us, He believes in us because He, as the Father and Creator, made us in His image and likeness and therefore we are not just an old worthless screw, we are His children….His handiwork. And no matter how young or old we are, He loves us all just the same!

So, the bottom line today is this: There’s a reason for you and me. We have a purpose and a place to fill. Sometimes it takes a moment to find the exact place we fit, but if we listen to the right

voice, and allow His leading, we will find that place sooner rather than later and we won’t end up in a mega jar in a dark place with a bunch of other screws that didn’t find their place.

Jesus’n’ME are keeping it together for you…

Catch you in the Wind….

Mary G.

P.S. A Special Salute and THANK YOU to all Veterans and their families. Our memories never fade for all the freedoms made, without your sacrifice, we couldn’t share His.

COME RIDE WITH US! CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a nondenominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmosphere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways.

Visit us at for more information.

Have a message you’d like to share?

If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. Reasons To Ride welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries.

Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to

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So the Veteran’s Day edition is upon us. With free rein from my Editor-in-Chief I thought long and hard about the article I wanted to present. Since I, myself didn’t serve but several people that have influenced my life had, how should I write? Should I do a tribute piece to all of the Veterans? Just a few that I know? Whichever way I decided I was sure I had to present it with the utmost respect since I hold Veteran’s sacrifice in such high regard. It was clear to target all of the servicemen and women I was going to need more than a two page spread in a biker themed periodical. So then it hit me!

I would love to write and express my gratitude towards my good friend and Veteran, Guy Cherry. He embodies everything this magazine represents - is an avid Harley guy, owning five bikes (four plus his wife’s) a jeep and is a proud Army vet! I met Guy at Battle Creek Harley the day I bought my Street Glide and we have been friends ever since.

Guy (Corporal Guy Cherry) Served proudly in the Army from 1993 until 1996 and was deployed an astounding 13 times during this period. One in which he stuffed a Traumatic Brain Injury and is listed as a disabled vet.

Since his days in the service Guy has been active in Veteran organizations such as American Legion and was a past Post Commander in 2019. Currently, Guy donates a lot of resources and his time to Patriot’s Garage in southwest Michigan.

Guy’s collection of bikes is pretty awesome. The breakdown goes like this: ’95 Sportster 1200 customized with US Army paint scheme at Patriot’s Garage, ’16 Road Glide that has been to 49 of the 50 states. Guy loaned it to Gordon Cruden for the American Motorbike Challenge. (Very cool deal worth looking up), he has TWO 2021 Electra Glide Revivals!! According to Harley Davidson at the time of this printing he is the only one that owns two. Well, let me back pedal a second,ONE of those is his wife Christie’s. Last but certainly not least 2022 Tri-Glide Ultra (G.I. Enthusiast Collection) for the US markets only.

I am very proud to call Guy my friend. There is no question he would give anyone in need the shirt off his back without hesita tion if the person was in need. Probably why he is the President of God’s Squad CMC in Michigan.

When I asked Guy how he handled so much in his life with the deployments, his TBI the MC life and raising his incredible kids and he said, “God and Christie have always been the rocks I could count on. I couldn’t have done it without either of them in my corner.”

We all know a Veteran - if you’re not one you definitely know one. This Veteran’s Day make sure you take an extra minute or two of your day and thank them for their service they have sacri ficed more for us than most will ever know.

From me and everyone here at Reasons to Ride, THANK YOU for your service we owe each and every one of you our respect and gratitude. Until next time

Happy Veterans Day

Resources for Veterans

There are a wealth of resources and organizations dedicated to serving veterans and their families in recognition of their service and sacrifices made. We wanted to include a few items here worth mentioning specifically, but will have far more online at www.Rea , just click on the veterans tab.

Veterans Crisis Line

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Health Admin istration (VHA) has established a national Veterans Crisis Line to ensure that Veterans in emotional crisis have free, 24/7 access to trained counselors.

To operate the hotline, the VA partnered with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Veterans, family members and friends can call the lifeline number, 800-273-TALK (8255) and press “1” to be routed to the hotline and speak to a counselor about any issue that is creating a crisis situation in his or her life.

Contact: 800-273-8255 or text 4HOPE to 741 741 (Ohio’s Crisis Text Line) website:

Local and Regional Veterans Service Offices

Almost every county has a Veterans Service Office which is staffed with professionals that are certified and dedicated to helping Veter ans, their spouses and children, as well as surviving family members of deceased Veterans. They can assist Veterans in applying for benefits earned by active military service. These include:

Federal – Disability Compensation, Pension, Healthcare, Education, Home Loans, Burial and Survivor Benefits

State – Veterans Bonus, Education, Employment, Health care, Home Loans, Ohio Veterans Homes, and Military Injury Relief Fund.

Local – Claim Preparation and Assistance, Financial Assis tance, Transportation to VA Medical Appointments, and Indigent Burials.

Many County Veterans Service and County Recorders also make Veterans ID Cards.

The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency can be reached at 1-800-MICH-VET (1-800-642-4838) or visit the website at www. The Federal Veterans Affairs Benefits and Ser vices number is 1-800-827-1000.

Ohio Veterans can find their local Service Office by calling 877-OHIOVET (877-644-6838) or by visiting

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Veterans Riding Organizations

There are numerous motorcycle-oriented Veterans groups across the Midwest. We believe that comradery and time with folks that you can connect to as a Veteran is invaluable. We’ve included a few here in an effort to encourage those looking for Brothers and Sisters to ride with – to take the step and find a group. For each, we’ve included a few posts, but there are many more locations within the area for each of them. Googling online or searching on Facebook will usually show local chapters and their contact information.

Reasons To Ride will be regularly featuring Veterans groups within the magazine and online – as well as Veteran Oriented motorcycle events and service programs. We offer greatly subsidized rates for all charitable organizations, and have numerous special programs for veterans organizations and events. It’s our goal to help support as many legitimate charitable organizations, events, and the veterans they serve as we can. With the support of our partner organizations is often able to offer online pre-registration for veterans rides and charitable events at NO COST to the host organization or the charities they are supporting!

For information on how your organization or event can be included in upcoming editions or featured online email us at Info@

American Legion Riders

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans’ organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans. Hundreds of local American Legion programs and activities strengthen the nation one community at a time.

For more information, visit

American Legion Riders chapters are well known for their charitable work, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local children's hospitals, schools, veterans’ homes, severely wounded service members and scholarships. Since 2006, riders nationwide have participated in the Legion Legacy Run, to annually raise money for the Legacy Scholarship Fund, established to provide scholarships to children of U.S. military personnel killed since Sept. 11, 2001.

There are many chapters across the Midwest and nation. You can visit the group pages on Facebook, American Legion Riders of Ohio or Michigan – or visit your local American Legion more information. You can also visit online at –

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Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association

We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. Our mission now is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our membership is comprised of Full Members (those with verified combat service) and Supporter Members (those who have non-combat military service and have a sincere dedication to helping veterans). Many members continue to serve in our Armed Forces, with several serving in combat areas now.

Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association has over 250 Chapters in all 50 states, and even several overseas. One of the great aspects of this organization is that each Chapter can decide which Veteran issue(s) they wish to focus on to best serve our nation’s heroes in their respective Veteran community.

Veterans interested in learning more about Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association can visit:

Regional Chapters include: CVMA 12-1, Central Ohio

CVMA 12-5, Shiloh

Serving members from Sandusky, Lorain, Ashland, Marion, and Mount Vernon

CVMA 12-7, Northeast Ohio

CVMA 12-8, Hillsboro

CVMA 35-1, UP Michigan

CVMA 35-3, Southeastern Michigan

CVMA 35-4, Western Michigan Covering Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, and Kalamazoo area.

CVMA 35-7, The Lost Boys

Leathernecks Nation Motorcycle Club

Our members consist of a very special breed of person. In most military services, you can be all that you can be, but the members of this club who joined the Marines found themselves being more than they ever thought possible. Both Marines and FMF Corpsmen who wore the eagle, globe, and anchor, have a very special bond and loyalty to one another, which comes quite natural to us. When you combine this bond with the love of motorcycling through the beauty of the country in which we would die for – you’ve created a special breed of person

A Leathernecks Nation Motorcycle Club Member!

We are looking for a few good men who served with the Marine Corps, as well as Navy Corpsmen who served with the FMF. Honorably discharged, active duty, or retirees only.

Our colors are earned only through hard work, respect, dedication and loyalty to the club. All cruiser style bikes are welcome but American is preferred. We are not a 1% club

Leathernecks Nation Glorious Bastards Chapter OH Summit, Portage Counties OH

Leathernecks MC War Machine Chapter 1323 Eureka Rd., Wyandotte MI Find us on Facebook “Leathernecks MC War Machine Chapter”

Leathernecks MC, Dawg Haus Chapter of Michigan Open every other Saturday 7258 Lakeshore, Lexington MI

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Rolling Thunder

Incorporated in 1995, Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is a class 501(c)(4) non-profit organization with over 90 chartered chapters throughout the United States and members abroad. While many members of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. are veterans and many ride motorcycles, neither qualification is a prerequisite.

Rolling Thunder®, Inc. members are old and young, men and women, veterans and non-veterans. All are united in the cause to bring full accountability for Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) of all wars, reminding the government, the media and the public by our watchwords: “We Will Not Forget.”

Rolling Thunder, Inc. Chapter 1 Ohio Meetings are the 3rd Sunday of the Month @ 2pm VFW Post 6768 8584 Olde Route 8, Northfield, OH 44067

Rolling Thunder, Inc. Chapter 2 Ohio Meetings are the 1st Sunday of the Month 1pm VFW Post 3383 690 West Waterloo Road, Akron, OH 44314

Rolling Thunder, Chapter 10 Ohio Meetings 1st Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm Wapak VFW 712 Dixie Hwy, Wapakoneta OH 45895

Rolling Thunder Michigan Chapter 1 Meetings are the third Sunday of each month at 1:30pm Kaleva VFW Post #6333 13300 9 Mile Road, Kaleva MI

Rolling Thunder Michigan Chapter 4 Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 1pm At the Rolling Thunder MI Chapter 4 Offices 548 S Getty St Muskegon, MI 49442 231-534-5362

Rolling Thunder Michigan Chapter 5 Meetings are held 2nd Sunday of each month at 10am GBACC 218 E Grand River Ave, Brighton MI 48116 (248) 505-5953

“Our major function is to publicize the POW/ MIA issue, to educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars, to help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become Prisoners of War/Missing in Action. We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars.”

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Most Beloved Veterans

The American Legion Voted for America's Top 25 Favorite Veterans

The U.S. has no shortage of famous and beloved veterans. In the relatively short history of the country, it has given its fighting men and women ample opportunity to distinguish themselves.

In 2014, the American Legion, the largest veterans service organization with hundreds of thousands of posts and 2.3 million members, polled its members to find out which historical veterans are the most "beloved." Legionnaires were not shy about their responses.

Some 70,000 votes came in for a pool of 100 potential candidates. The Legion compiled the information to make the following list of America's most beloved veterans, which contains a good mix of historical figures, modern-day heroes and a few surprises. See whether you agree with the Legionnaires' choices below.

1. Audie Murphy

It's not so hard to believe that the most decorated combat soldier of World War II -- and maybe ever -- tops the list of America's most beloved veterans. Murphy is the recipient of every combat award the Army had to give and a couple of combat awards from France and Belgium to boot. He received the Medal of Honor for single-handedly fighting a company of Germans in France's Colmar Pocket for an hour at just 19 years old.

Murphy went on to star as himself in a movie about his own life and World War II experiences, adapted from the book he wrote about himself. That movie was just one in a string of film appearances spanning 21 years. He died in a plane crash in 1971.

2. George Washington

George Washington comes in at No. 2 on the list of beloved veterans, and just judging from his military experiences, it's easy to see why. He survived smallpox, tuberculosis, dysentery, pneumonia, malaria and diphtheria. He's had horses shot from under him, holes shot in his uniform and didn't care about winning the battle when that win would cost him the war. He defeated a global superpower because he commanded respect, and we made him President for it.

Knowing his strengths and weaknesses made Washington the best America had to offer. He knew to inoculate his men against smallpox, paid for his army out of his own pocket when necessary and stopped a mutiny by putting on his freaking

glasses. It brought people to tears, and if that's not love, what is?

3. Theodore Roosevelt

Everything about Theodore Roosevelt is larger than life. Before becoming president, he raised his own regiment of volunteers to invade Cuba, where he would later receive a posthumous Medal of Honor for the Battle of San Juan Hill. As president, he instituted physical fitness standards for the troops, and when they complained, he showed them it was possible

After a presidency that earned him a Nobel Peace Prize, defined the first part of the 20th century and turned the U.S. into a global naval power, he tried to raise another regiment to fight in World War I at age 60. Had the U.S. president not been a political opponent, he might have gone to France with the American Expeditionary Force.

4. Alvin York

Sgt. Alvin York epitomized the typical World War I soldier, but he was elevated to fame for his gallantry on the battlefields of France. A Tennessee farmer's son, he was drafted by the Army and tried to claim conscientious objector status. He was eventually convinced his religion didn't forbid serving, and he found himself on his way to Europe.

York received the Medal of Honor for leading an assault on German machine gun positions, knocking out 35 of them while taking 132 prisoners during the MeuseArgonne Offensive.

The reluctant soldier became an international hero.

The movie about York's exploits became the top film of the day as the U.S. entered World War II.

EDITORS NOTE: This year we wanted to share this list of famous and some not so famous Veterans that have earned the love and respect of thousands that have served. These are primarily historical figures and take nothing away from the heroes serving today – rather we believe that they serve as a reminder of the legacy and commitment that our nation has been built upon. We should all know these heroes and their stories. If you don’t already – “google” them or maybe ask a Vet. Thanks to for sharing

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5. George S. Patton

Being a standout as a World War II-era general is no easy feat, given the big names who led American troops into combat during that war. There's a good reason Gen. George S. Patton would top most people's lists, and it's not just his pre-battle speeches. He reinvigorated the U.S. Army in North Africa, turning the war against the Axis powers and then helped wreck the Germans in Sicily.

Even while he wasn't in the field, his presence elsewhere was enough to keep the Germans from reinforcing their defenses at Normandy at the most crucial moment of the war. When he finally did join the war in Europe, the only thing that could keep Patton from advancing was supply shortages.

6. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower is something of a military anomaly.

Though graduating from West Point in 1915, and despite repeated requests, Ike never saw a day of combat. Still, he was the right man for the job, learning lessons with every amphibious landing, every major operation and every political leader who voiced a concern about how he carried out the war.

Eisenhower was required to be not just a military commander, but also a diplomat, military governor and a visionary for the future. He not only oversaw Operation Overlord, the invasion of occupied Europe, he also led the disarmament of Nazi Germany, the documentation of the concentration camps and the containment of Soviet communism.

7. Norman Schwarzkopf

Despite descending from a storied military family and being the architect of one of the greatest military victories of all time, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf did not glorify war. After graduating from the U.S. Military Academy in 1956, he received two Silver Stars and a Purple Heart during his first tour in Vietnam. In his second tour in Vietnam, he received his reputation for leading from the front and a famously short temper.

Schwarzkopf served as deputy commander for the invasion of Grenada in 1983, but his rise to national fame came in 1991 when he planned and led Operation Desert Storm. It was the largest and most complex invasion since the invasion of Normandy in 1944. Moreover, he changed the way news media covered the war, allowing journalists more access and conducting regular press briefings.

8. Robert E. Lee

While some may disagree with the idea that

Robert E. Lee isn't really an American veteran, the American Legion included Lee on its list of potential candidates and people voted for him. The commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, Lee was the most painful thorn in the side of the Union Army for most of the Civil War, and when Lee surrendered, the rest of the Confederacy soon followed. Before joining the rebel army, Lee was the son of Revolutionary War hero Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee III, a graduate of West Point and a 32-year Army veteran who fought in the MexicanAmerican War. The estate he left behind to join the Confederacy is today known as Arlington National Cemetery.

9. Jimmy Doolittle

At the beginning of World War II, the U.S. had little to celebrate. The attack on Pearl Harbor didn't have the devastating effect the Imperial Japanese navy hoped it would, but the Axis was advancing on all fronts. Americans were inundated with bad news. Then, on April 18, 1942, 16 B-25B Mitchell bombers did the impossible.

Taking off from an aircraft carrier with no means of returning home, the U.S. Army Air Forces, under the command of Lt. Col. James Doolittle, bombed military and industrial targets in Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka. The raids had little effect on war production, but brought the war home to the Japanese people, a huge propaganda victory that raised American morale at home. Doolittle was promoted two grades and received the Medal of Honor.

10. Ulysses S. Grant

In 1863, the Union Army was fighting for its life, but by Independence Day of that year, everything would change. The Union Army won the Battle of Gettysburg, ending the Confederate invasion of the North, but an even more important victory happened in the West. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant captured Vicksburg, Mississippi, splitting the Confederacy in two.

Grant was the aggressive commander President Abraham Lincoln had been searching for since the Civil War began. Lincoln created the new rank of lieutenant general for Grant and gave him command of the Union Army. Grant immediately went on the offensive, defeating the rebels less than two years later.

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11. Jimmy Stewart

World War II was an interesting time to be in the military. It was a time when every American had something to contribute, and all contributions were desperately needed. Hollywood stars were not exempt. Yet, where many stars took lighter assignments or roles in making pro-war films, some, like Jimmy Stewart, fought to get to the front. He would become the highest-ranking actor ever to serve.

Stewart was already a big star, releasing "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and "The Philadelphia Story" before the war. He put his career on hold to fly missions over Hitler's Europe, receiving a Distinguished Service Cross and five Air Medals. He stayed in the Air Force Reserve for 27 years, even flying a mission in Vietnam and retiring as a brigadier general.

12. Doris "Dorie" Miller

Dorie Miller joined the Navy in 1939, at a time when very few career options were available to Black recruits. He became a mess attendant, which was the only rating he could get. After a stint on an ammunition ship, he was transferred to the USS West Virginia, a Colorado-class battleship.

While he was a messman, he was also the ship's heavyweight champion boxer, and his size led to gunnery training aboard the USS Nevada, training that would be crucial on Dec. 7, 1941. That morning, he woke up to the Japanese attacking the fleet. After first helping the ship's captain, Miller jumped on a .50-caliber gun crew and began returning fire on the planes and downing two.

Miller was awarded the Navy Cross for his actions at Pearl Harbor, but he would not survive the war. He was aboard the escort carrier Liscome Bay when it was torpedoed by the Japanese in November 1943.

13. Michael Murphy

Michael Murphy was a college graduate looking at law schools in 2000, but joined the Navy instead. He became a SEAL and graduated from training in November 2001, in time to join American troops in fighting the Global War on Terrorism. By 2005, he was an experienced officer on his way to Afghanistan.

While there, he was part of the team conducting surveillance of Taliban leader Ahmad Shah as part of Operation Red Wings in remote areas of the country's Kunar Province. Their presence was uncovered by local goat herders who alerted the Taliban. Under attack and outnumbered, Murphy got a message to friendly forces to retrieve the SEAL team, but it cost him his life.

Two others were killed in the fighting, and 16 more special operators were killed when their helicopter tried to retrieve the besieged SEAL team.

14. Eddie Rickenbacker

Eddie Rickenbacker was a self-taught engineer, World War I ace, race car champion, artist and entrepreneur. At the outbreak of World War I for the U.S., he wanted to put together a flying squadron made up entirely of race car drivers. Although that failed, he visited wartime France with Gen. John J. Pershing. The experience led him to enlist while in France.

He began his career as a driver for officers, but soon became the chief engineer of an airfield in France. Eventually, his superiors allowed him to learn to fly at a local flying school. It turned out he was really good at it. By 1918, he was in gunnery school and would finally become a pursuit pilot.

His first sortie came in April 1918, and his first shootdown of an enemy aircraft came two weeks later. In the seven months between his first mission and the armistice that ended World War I, Rickenbacker would shoot down 26 enemy planes and return home a hero.

15. Chris Kyle

Alternately known as either "The Legend" or "The Devil of Ramadi," depending on which side of the Iraq War you were on, Chris Kyle was a Navy SEAL who served four deployments to Iraq, where he was one of the deadliest snipers of the war and provided overwatch for U.S. Marines. He recounted his time as a sniper in his 2012 book, "American Sniper."

Kyle dedicated a lot of time, effort and money toward helping disabled veterans and vets suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder during his post-military career. Tragically, Kyle and friend Chad Littlefield were killed by one of those veterans while shooting at a gun range in 2013. A memorial to Kyle was dedicated in Odessa, Texas, in 2016.

16. The Four Chaplains

In January 1943, the SS Dorchester left New York Harbor in a fleet of other troop and cargo ships, along with Coast Guard escorts. It was bound for Greenland, but would never make it.

On Feb. 3, it was torpedoed by the German U-boat U-233. Only 230 of the 904 passengers and crew would survive the attack and their time in the freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Four U.S. military chaplains, Methodist minister George L. Fox, Reformed Church in America minister Clark V. Poling, Catholic Church priest John P. Washington and Rabbi Alexander B. Goode were also aboard. They died helping troops get into lifeboats and gave up their own life jackets to save others. It's said they joined arms and sang as they went down with the ship.

18 Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by

17. Pat Tillman

Pat Tillman was a star linebacker for the Arizona State University Sun Devils and was drafted by the NFL's Arizona Cardinals as a safety in 1998. After the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Tillman famously finished his contracted 2001 season with the Cardinals, turned down a $3.6 million contract extension and joined the U.S. Army.

He deployed to Iraq as part of the initial U.S.-led invasion before attending Ranger training at Fort Benning, Georgia, in 2003. He was then deployed to Afghanistan. In 2004, he was killed in action. Tillman's death was originally attributed to enemy fire, but a 2007 report found that he was instead killed by friendly fire.

18. Douglas MacArthur

Gen. Douglas MacArthur was a legend in U.S. military circles long before World War II. He served at Veracruz, fought in World War I, expelled the Bonus Army and became the youngest-ever major general. In World War II, he escaped capture by the Japanese in the Philippines, famously promising: "I shall return."

He did return and helped fight the Japanese Army there as the war was wrapping up. MacArthur was the principal planner of the United Nations' response to the communist invasion of South Korea. While the UN fought for its life at the Pusan Perimeter, he launched the daring Incheon Landing, which forced the communist army to crumble. Eventually, MacArthur's public statements led to his firing by President Harry S. Truman, and the old soldier faded away

19. John F. Kennedy

Before becoming president, John F. Kennedy joined the Navy and became commander of a patrol torpedo boat in the Pacific Theater. One night, during the Solomon Islands Campaign of 1943, his boat was rammed by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri, which completely destroyed it, killing two of its crew.

The others might have died, too, if not for Kennedy directing them to nearby islands and towing wounded crew members, pulling their life jacket strap with his clenched teeth for miles at a stretch. Kennedy moved his crew this way between two islands and swam to look for aid on two others. Eventually they found a canoe with supplies and native coastwatchers, who would go and find help from friendly forces.

20. Billy Mitchell

Have you ever believed so strongly in something you were willing to risk your entire career over the issue. That’s Billy Mitchell’s primary claim to fame. The Spanish-American War and World War I veteran was positioned as deputy director of the Army Air Service, where he argued that air power was the future of naval combat, and even proved it in an exercise.

Despite the proof, the U.S. military still invested in warships instead of aviation technology, a move Mitchell called “almost treasonable.” For his efforts, he was court martialed and stripped of the temporary rank of brigadier general. He left the military as a colonel. It wasn’t until after his death that his efforts were recognized and rewarded.

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Here are just a few of the many offers made by various companies in order to honor and thank those that have served. We will be featuring additional ones on our Facebook pages as well. If you’d like to have your business included here – please email us at

Retail Offers compiled by

Great Clips – On November 11, veterans and active service members can go into any U.S. Great Clips salon and get a free haircut or a free haircut card for a future visit. In addition, non-military customers who get a haircut on Veterans Day will also have the opportunity to pay it forward. They can receive a free haircut card to give to an active service member or veteran that can be redeemed for a free haircut from November 12 through December 9.

Kohl’s -- Veterans, active and former military personnel, and their immediate families get 30% off in-store purchases from November 11 through 13

Sport Clips -- On November 11, participating locations will provide free haircuts to veterans and active-duty service members with valid proof of service.

Target -- Offered only around Veterans Day and July 4, Target gives 10% off a military-affiliated shopper's entire order. Unlike some other discounts, the Target Veterans Day discount is available for military family members as well. To use, shoppers simply add their military affiliation to their Target Circle account via

TOPS -- Veterans and active military personnel receive an 11% discount off of a total order on November 11.

Walgreens -- On November 11 through 14, veterans, active-duty military and their families receive 20% off regular price eligible store items at any Walgreens or Duane Reade drugstore nationwide.


Applebee's -- A nationwide fan favorite every year, Applebee's annually offers veterans a complimentary full-size entrée from an

exclusive menu.

Available on Veterans Day only, veteran visitors also receive a $5 "bounce-back" coupon good for Applebee's dine-in, to go or delivery within three weeks.

BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse -On November 11, current and former military members receive a free meal from a select menu. Dine-in only.

Bob Evans -- Veterans and active-duty military get a free meal from a select menu on November 11. Dine-in only.

Buffalo Wild Wings -- Another lunch or dinner fan favorite, the Buffalo Wild Wings Veterans Day freebie gives a free order of 10 boneless wings and fries for veterans and active-duty service members. To get this freebie, you need to order at the restaurant for dine-in or takeout.

Chili's Veterans and active-duty service members get a free meal from a select menu on November 11. Available for in-restaurant only. Cicis Pizza Active and retired military personnel get a free adult buffet on November 11. The offer is valid for dine-in only and it does not include a drink.

Cracker Barrel Veterans get a complimentary slice of Double Chocolate Fudge Coca-Cola Cake in-store or online on November 11. Dunkin' Donuts Love free doughnuts? Veterans and active-duty military members who visit Dunkin' on Veterans Day can score any doughnut free. That means instead of just that simple glazed doughnut, you can go big with something filled and iced.

Hooters -- Active-duty military and veterans get a free entrée from the Hooters Veterans Day Menu with purchase of a beverage on November 11. Dine-in only.

Red Lobster -- Veterans, active-duty military and reservists get a free Walt's Favorite Shrimp, Fries, and Coleslaw on November 11 The offer is available for dine-in and To Go orders placed in-restaurant between 11:00am and 4:00pm local time.

Starbucks -- As with previous years, Starbucks will offer a free tall (12-oz) hot brewed coffee for veterans, military service members and military spouses on November 11. As a new addition in 2022, Starbucks is expanding this offer to include a free tall (12-oz) iced coffee.

White Castle -- Veterans and active-duty military get a free Combo Meal or Breakfast Combo Meal when dining at a participating restaurant on November 11.

22 Great Lakes
Magazine Powered by

Travel and Recreation Discounts

9/11 Memorial and Museum The military and veteran community, including U.S. active and retired military, U.S. military veterans, and Blue & Gold Star Families, receive complimentary admission November 9 through 13. Advance reservations are encouraged.

Akron Zoo -- Veterans, past and current, receive free admission with valid military ID, and immediate family members receive 50% off admission, November 9 through 13. To receive a Veterans Appreciation Days discount, go to the ticket counter to purchase tickets.

B&Bs for Vets -- Hundreds of inns and B&Bs will honor active-duty military and veterans for Veterans Day with free stays. Most of the inns are offering one free room night on November 10 or 11, but offers may vary.

Cincinnati Zoo -- All members of the military will receive free admission on November 11. The offer also allows military personnel to purchase up to six half-price admission tickets for members of their immediate family.

National Parks -- On November 11, veterans will get free admission to all National Park Service sites that charge an entrance fee.

Pro Football Hall of Fame -- Veterans plus one guest get free admission and parking to the Veterans Day Event & Expo on November 11. A 20% off discount in the Hall of Fame Store will also be offered.

Please call and confirm that your local location is participating in these offers. RtR is not responsible for ensuring the accuracy and participation of these offers. We appreciate the effort of to support the veteran community.

If you’d like to be included in next year’s Veterans Edition – please email us at


Sport Touring Corner

Getting Older Without Getting Old- Extending Your Riding Years Part 2- Trailering to Events

Last month we talked about transitioning to a smaller bike that is lighter and easier to handle, but not as desirable for long distance riding. This time we explore solving the long distance problem by hauling the bike on a trailer.

Hauling a bike is nothing new for me- I've been hauling dirt bikes since the late 1960s on trailers or in the bed of my pickup truck. I still do that with my Suzuki DRZ400E dual-sport bike, as I can just ride it up an aluminum ramp into the bed of my old Ford Ranger. It only takes a minute and I can do it by myself, but then it only weighs about 315 pounds and has high ground clearance.

My Suzuki 650 Wee Strom weighs about 500 pounds loaded and doesn't have as much ground clearance under the motor, so it's a completely different story. It needs to go on a trailer towed behind the truck.

Last June, the Motorcycle Sport Touring Association's national STAR rally was at Canaan Valley, West Virginia, about 350 miles from home. I decided to borrow a nice aluminum trailer from a friend and haul both the Wee Strom and the DRZ to the event.

My friend brought the trailer to me and helped me connect it to the truck. Its rails are about 14 inches off the ground and there is a loading rail that goes with it. I quickly found the trailer rails are too far off the ground for me to get the bikes on or off by myself, so I had to get a neighbor to help.

The V6 engine in the Ranger did a good job even in the mountains of West Virginia and I got almost 14 MPG on the trip. On the way there I got into heavy thunderstorms and was happy to be safe and dry in the cab of the truck. When I arrived at the rally there were plenty of friends around to help unload and load the bikes. It was a very fun week!

The drive home was no problem and a friend helped me unload the bikes. Then I had to take the trailer back to my friend who lives about thirty miles away. Is this the way to go in the future? My thoughts:

1. Being able to have two bikes at the event was a luxury.

2. Avoiding discomfort from weather extremes on the trip was nice.

3. Getting the trailer, loading, unloading multiple times and dropping it off afterward collectively took an entire day.

4. Having to get help with loading and unloading at home is a hassle.

How could I make trailering better/easier?

1. Use a different trailer that is lower and has a wide ramp to enable riding the bikes onto it. That would solve the assistance needed problem.

2. Get my own trailer so I don't have to go back and forth borrowing/ renting them.

The problem with buying a trailer is that I don't have anywhere to store it at home. It's also a lot of money for something I won't use

very often. One compromise is to rent a U-Haul motorcycle trailer for $15/day. They are well-designed and very low to the ground to make loading easy. I could rent for many days at less cost than buying a decent trailer, but would still have to book it, pick it up and drop it off. Time to start over on this problem.

I searched YouTube for bike hauling ideas and found videos where people easily rode full size bikes into the beds of their trucks using Black Widow or Big Boy ramps. These ramps are 10-12 feet long with a hinge in the middle so they fold in half for storage or putting in the bed of the truck. They come in three sections to make the individual pieces lighter and easier to load. Most important, the upper portion is arched to reduce the angle between the ramp and the tailgate. The added length and more gentle angle enable sitting on the bike and safely backing it down as well. I can hang them on the wall of my garage so storage is not a problem.

These ramps cost $700-1500 per set, but one of the videos suggested looking for used ones on Craigslist. I easily found a set of Black Widow ramps in excellent condition for less than $300 nearby

24 Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by

The most critical part of loading is adequate speed going up the ramp. I found that about 10 mph at a fast idle in first gear is what is needed. Start thirty to forty feet from the ramp so you are completely stable and you will be able to ride right up onto the truck bed.

I was more intimidated about the prospect of backing down but that turned out to be easier than riding up. With the engine off you can put the bike in first gear and release the clutch to brake the rear wheel. Control the front brake with the handlebar lever You can back up is small increments and stop whenever you wish to improve your footing. Now I can load or unload the bike in the truck bed in less than fifteen minutes and be on my way.

This is a good solution for me. I don't have to rent or borrow, pick up or return anything. I don't need help loading/unloading, and there are no problems parking or backing up the truck like with a trailer.

Will I quit riding to events now that I have an easy alternative? I might haul to an event that's over 500 miles away or at times when the weather is uncertain. On the other hand, I don't have many aches or pains, plus my bikes are so capable and comfortable that it's still more fun to ride them to just about every event I attend. That is sure to change over time, but for now I have secured a backup plan for the future by having a lighter bike to ride and the means to haul it conveniently if I wish.

Connect with local Ohio Motorcycle Sport Touring Association riders at these monthly breakfasts:

Southwest Ohio Breakfast, 9AM, December 18 Village Family Restaurant 144 S. Main St.

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Michigan Military







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30 Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by
up to the
event listings,
07:00 PM Pit Stop Bible Study PitStop Bible Study is our weekly time of prayer, worship, and Study of God's Word - the Bible. Victory Biker
12190 Miller Rd, Lennon, MI 48449 810-271-0002
our Annual Salute to our Veterans event! Join us for a motorcycle parade around the Ohio Veterans Home! *If you would like to donate a raffle item, please email anixon@ All proceeds from the day benefit the Sandusky Ohio Veterans Home Mad River Harley-Davidson 5316 Milan Road, Sandusky OH 419-502-2244 11/05/22 02:00 PM VCBI HARVEST FEST Hands-free Doughbut Eating Contest -Hayrides - Trunk-Or-Treat Victory Biker Church International 12190 Miller Rd. Lennon MI 810-271-0002
06:00 PM
Gala Tickets are now available for the second annual Michigan
Gala to be held on Saturday,
the Lansing
in downtown Lansing! Tickets are $60 per person and include admission, a strolling buffet and nonalcoholic beverages (a cash bar will be available).
event is open to the public. Visit the
purchase tickets or
a sponsor,
333 11/05/22 08:00 PM The
in Cleveland, OH The Hodgetwins, also known as the Conservative Twins, are an American stand-up comedy and conservative political commentary duo consisting of twins Kevin Hodge and Keith Hodge. The twins started out as YouTubers, but in 2016 branched out to live stand-up comedy shows as well. But you can see them LIVE. Masonic Cleveland 3615 Euclid Ave. Cleveland OH Garrett Zimmerman 216-881-6350 11/06/22 08:00 AM ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. $10 ADULTS $8 KIDS 6-12 $8 VETERANS & SENIORS 5 AND UNDER ARE FREE Eggs made to order- Ometlets - Biscuits & Gravy - Pancakes - Bacon - Sausage - Corned Beef Hash - Home Fries - Toast - Coffee - Tea - Milk - OJ - Bloody Mary & Bar @ 10am. Swanton American Legion Post #480 200 S. Hallet Ave. Swanton OH 419-826-2936 11/06/22 10:00 AM YANKEE LAKE FALL MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEET ADMISSION: $6 $1 OF THE ADMISSION WILL BE DONATED TO OUR AMERICAN VETERANS. AMERICAN, ANTIQUE, BRITISH, METRIC, HARLEY, NEW AND USED PARTS, RIDING GEAR PLUS MUCH MORE. 50/50 RAFFLES, DOOR PRIZES, OPEN BAR AND FOOD. YANKEE LAKE BALLROOM 1814 STATE ROUTE 7 NE BROOKFIELD OH 330-448-2074
11:00 AM Kickstart Sunday Service KickStart Sunday Service is our weekly Sunday morning worship service at Victory Biker Church International. Victory Biker Church 12190 Miller Rd, Lennon, MI 48449 810-271-0002
11:00 AM Harbor Hogs and Hot Rods The classic car and bike event returns to the quaint, waterfront village of Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Open to all makes, models and years, this family-friendly event is sure to attract some of the area’s best classic, antique and custom cars, trucks and motorcycles.
Harbor 301 3rd Street, Fairport Harbor OH Danielle 440-289-3781
12:00 PM FOOD ASSISTANCE FOR VETERANS IN DETROIT Soldiers’ Angels will provide food assistance for veterans in Detroit, Michigan. The monthly Soldiers’ Angels Veteran Mobile Food Distribution event will provide approximately 75 lbs. of groceries for you and your family at no cost to you. American Legion Joe Louis Post 375 19486 Sherwood St. Detroit MI Soldiers' Angels 210-629-0020 11/11/22 06:00 PM Pro Football Hall of Fame HEROES GALA A Love Letter to Veterans SINGLE TICKET-$250 Roaming cocktail hour with hors d'oeuvres. Reserved dinner seating in the Nash Family Event & Conference Center. Dynamic program hosted by Pro Football Hall of Famer Franco Harris. Live auction and online silent auction. Nash Family Event & Conference Center 2121 George Halas Dr. NW Canton OH Darlene Schuring 330-705-9228 11/11/22 10:00 AM Veterans Day Ceremony A Veterans Day Ceremony will take place at the Indiana Veterans Home at 10 a.m. Fri., Nov. 11 in the MacArthur Auditorium. MacArthur Auditorium 3851 N. River Rd. West Lafayette OH 1-800-457-8283

11/11/22 12:00 PM

Almost Home Honors our Veterans We will be honoring our Veterans by offering a free lunch at noon or a free dinner at 5 pm. Veterans may bring one guest to accompany them. Join us for food and fellowship as a small token of appreciation.

Almost Home Event Center 230 S 12th St, Sebring Tony330-428-4873

11/11/22 02:00 PM

Veteran's Day FREE LEGAL CLINIC for Veterans

In honor of our Veterans, Brennan Manna Diamond & the Baseball Heritage Museum at League Park will host a FREE legal clinic FRIDAY, NOV. 11 2 PM - 6 PM


Baseball Heritage Museum 6601 Lexington Avenue Cleveland OH 216-789-1083

11/11/22 11:00 AM

Veterans Day Remembering All Who Served Ceremony at Willoughby Hills Community Center and Luncheon following ceremony at Willoughy Hills VFW Post 4358 provided by VFW Post 4358 Auxilary.

Willoughby Hills Community Center 35400 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills OH Post 4358 440-944-1642

11/12/22 11:30 AM

CHILI COOK-OFF FOR VETERANS Our annual Chili Cook-Off to benefit local veterans! Enter your best recipe or just come to taste.

Battle Creek Harley-Davidson 5739 Beckley Road Battle Creek MI 269-979-2233

11/12/22 04:00 PM

Freedom Krawlers Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Rando & Tiffany Idiaquez Spaghetti Dinner with Chinese Auction and 50/50 to benefit Rando & Tiffany Idiaquez.Ticket Donation: $12 Per Person.

Jefferson United Methodist Church 125 E. Jefferson St. Jefferson OH 440-576-4561

11/12/22 12:00 PM


Do You Have the tastiest balls? Does your family fight to get the last bite of your homemade meatballs? Are people always asking you for your recipe? Think you’ve got what it takes to be crowned the Meatball Master? Join us for our very first Meatball Competition at Youngstown Harley-Davidson on November 12th!

Youngstown Harley-Davidson 5700 Patriot Blvd, Youngstown 330-505-2000

11/12/22 06:00 PM

Leathernecks MC Harrison: USMC BIRTHDAY BALL

Come on out and support your LOCAL LEATHERNECKS!

Leathernecks MC Harrison Clubhouse 16 S. Clare Ave, Harrison MI 48625 231-838-5152

11/13/22 10:30 AM


This Sunday we will be honoring our Veterans who have risked their lives in service to our country.

Lakeview Baptist Church 10202 State Route 93 Dundee OH 330-878-7966

11/15/22 07:00 PM

Comet Bike Night Motorcycles and Fun with Great People Every Tuesday at The Comet! The Comet 4579 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati,OHIO,45223

11/17/22 11:00 AM

Vetfest 2022 Well it’s time to reveal The biggest event of the year! You aren’t gonna want to miss this one, so save the date! All day fun, live music, beer tents, food vendors, and find help for veterans, while supporting veterans! Victory Sports Park

7777 Victory Lane, North Ridgeville OH All American MC216-440-1001

11/18/22 06:00 PM

Leathernecks MC Harrison: BIKE NIGHT

Come on out and support your LOCAL LEATHERNECKS!

Leathernecks MC Harrison Clubhouse 16 S. Clare Ave, Harrison MI 48625 231-838-5152

11/19/22 05:00 PM

Thanksgiving @ The Henchmen Social Club (Charity Event)

Come out & celebrate Thanksgiving with us. The ladies will be cooking up a feast! Proceeds from this Donation Only event will be donated to the Otsego County Food Pantry, Sponsored and hosted by the Northern Way Asatru Assembly.

see facebook for location

11/19/22 10:00 AM

Canned Food Drive

Stinger Harley-Davidson will be collecting canned food items for Feeding Medina County.

See below for the list of items we will be collecting. Brand is not important but size is! Please ensure items are not past best by date, opened or rusty.

Stinger Harley-Davidson 3054 Eastpointe Dr. Medina OH 330-443-3591

Visit us on Facebook or for up to the minute event listings,

Reasons To Ride EVENTS







32 Great
Lakes Motorcycle Magazine
07:00 PM KD's November Birthday Bash! Please bring a dish to pass. Live Music! 7:00pm till ??? or when the cows come! Roughroads MC Clubhouse 7257 Cutler Rd. Lakeview MI KD616-520-1722
06:30 PM Freddy's Thursday Night Bike Christmas Bash with Planet Of Fun Hey my biker friend's and family time for our annual Biker Christmas party since it's my last year hosting bike nights figured we still do our annual Biker Christmas party!!! Rocken the night Planet of Fun 7-11 Bike Night Food and drink Specials....Half off Pizza.... Completely buffet and desserts.... We'll have awesome come get your Christmas shopping on. And of course hosted by yours truly Victoria Marie So see you all December 1st Freddy's Bar & Grill 40000 Garfield Rd. Clinton Township MI 586-416-7777 11/22/22 08:00 PM JACKYL DOORS: 7:00 PM / SHOW: 8:00 PM $29-$49 | PLUS FEES AND TAXES Masonic Cleveland 3615 Euclid Ave. Cleveland Garrett Zimmerman 216-881-6350
09:00 PM Perfectly Damaged-Thanksgiving Holiday Party! Pre-Thanksgiving Holiday Bash! Crazy Fox Saloon/Speakeasy 114 W. Mansfield St. Bucyrus 419-562-1256 11/25/22 09:00 AM HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE PICTURES WITH SANTA IN OUR FAMOUS WINTER WONDERLANDSAVE 25% ON LICENSED PRODUCTS IN MOTORCLOTHES - SAVE 15% ON BATTERY TENDERS IN PARTS SOUTH EAST HARLEY-DAVIDSON 23107 AURORA ROAD BEDFORD HTS. OH 440-439-5300 11/26/22 10:00 AM After Thanksgiving MX Open Practice and Chili Feast. Laid back open practice on a prepped track, Saturday after Thanksgiving $20 bucks to ride and that will include the world's best Chili, chips pop and water included also. This open to the public, call a buddy bring a friend but don't you dare miss Roger's chili!!!! Bikes only, sorry no quads 3515 Stony Hollow Rd, Dayton DMC 11/26/22 10:00 AM HOG Pancake Breakfast Pancake Breakfast Queen City Harley Davidson 4860 Premier Way Westchester OH 513-874-4343
08:00 AM Walneck’s Springfield Motorcycle Swap Meet - Nov Buy, Sell, Trade - All kinds of New & Used Motorcycle Parts and Accessories New and used parts for American, Japanese, British, Euro, Dirt Bikes and More. Leather, Patches & Sewing ,T-Shirts and all kinds of bikes and whatnots for sale. Clark County Fairgounds 4401 S. Charleston Pike,Springfield,OHIO,45502 (630) 985-2097 - Buzz or Pixie Walneck
06:00 PM Leathernecks MC Harrison: BURGER NITE Come on out and support your LOCAL LEATHERNECKS! Leathernecks MC Harrison Clubhouse 16 S. Clare Ave, Harrison MI 48625 231-838-5152
11:00 AM Motorcycle Rehab Chet from Aden Customs will be hosting this 12 month program that will teach you basic maintenance, repair, restoration, and troubleshooting on motorcycles! All of these skills can be used on car maintenance too! Hope Recovery Center 200 Highland Dr, Medina, OH 330-952-0109


Slow Cooker

White Chicken Chili Ingredients

• 2 large boneless skinless chick en breasts

• 1 15 oz can black beans, drained

• 1 15 oz. can sweet corn

• 1 10 oz. can Rotel tomatoes

• 1 1 oz. packet Ranch dressing mix

• 1 tsp. ground cumin

• 1 tbsp. chili powder

• 1 tsp. onion powder

• 1 brick cream cheese


• Add all ingredients to a slow cooker, cover, and cook on LOW for 6-8 hours (or on HIGH for 3-4 hours).

• Remove chicken from the slow cooker and shred using two forks.

• Stir chicken back into the chili and serve with sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese.


Snickerdoodle Cobbler Ingredients

• 1 17.5oz. package snickerdoodle cookie mix

• 1/2 cup 1 stick salted butter

• 1 large egg

• 1 21oz. can apple pie filling

• 3 Tbsp. caramel topping

• 2 tsps cinnamon sugar


• Preheat oven to 375F and spray an 8" baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.

• In a small bowl, mix togeth er cookie mix, butter, and egg.

• Place half on the dough in small spoonfuls across the bottom of the prepared baking dish.

• Sprinkle dough with 1 tsp of cinnamon sugar.

• Spread apple pie filling over the bottom layer and add re maining cookie mix in small spoonfuls across the top.

• Sprinkle with the second tsp of cinnamon sugar and top with a drizzle of caramel topping.

• Bake for 30 to 35 minutes.

• Top with Ice cream and Enjoy!

Have a recipe that you’d like to share? Write it all down and send with a picture – to Put RECIPE in the subject line. If we use it, we’ll send you copies of the magazines and a RTR T-Shirt – so include your address and t-shirt size as well! Thanks!

Southern Burger Steaks with Onion Mushroom Gravy! Ingredients

For the Burger Steak Patties

• 1 large egg

• 1/4 cup bread crumbs

• 6 slice of bacon cooked and chopped

• 1 teaspoon of seasoned salt

• 3 tablespoons olive oil

• 1-1/2 pounds ground beef

• 1 large onion diced

• 1 teaspoon garlic powder

• 1/2 teaspoons fresh black pepper

• 1 cup all purpose flour

For the Brown Onion Mushroom Gravy:

• 1 large onion chopped

• 1 cup of beef broth

• 1 cup of water

• 1/4 cup of all purpose flour

• 1/4 teaspoon seasoning salt

• 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

• 1/2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce

• 1 Tablespoon Gravy master orange top

• 2 cups of freshly sliced mushrooms


• In a Large bowl combine all the patty ingredients EXCEPT for the flour and olive oil & mix well.

• Shape into 4 to 6 hamburger patties - all the same size.

• In your flour you set aside, dip each patty so both sides are well coated

• In a large- semi-deep cooking skillet, on medium heat heat the olive oil and place each of the patties in the pan.

• Cook until browned on both sides, remove and set aside--re serving all the pan drippings for the gravy

• In the pan with the drippings, add in the sliced onions to the skillet, add a tablespoon of water, and cook over medium heat until lightly caramelized, stirring frequently.

• In a separate medium-sized bowl, whisk together the beef broth, water, 1/4 cup of flour, seasoning salt, pepper,, Worces tershire and gravy master,until well combined.

• Pour this mixture into the skillet with the onions and stir con stantly, until mixture begins to thicken.

• Return your cooked hamburger steaks to the skillet, flipping a few times to coat each side with the gravy, you want to make sure they absorb the gravy on each side.

• Add in your sliced mushrooms, then reduce heat to a low simmer.

• Cook, covered, for about 20 minutes longer being sure to flip them every 5 minutes to keep them coated well..

• Serve over buttered mashed potatoes

34 Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by

If a man wants to eat a turkey on Thanksgiving, what does a turkey want?

It simply wants to run away.

Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?

The outside

What do you call an evil turkey?


Why did the police arrest the turkey?

They suspected it of fowl play

If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? Their AGE!

What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo?

A turkey that can pluck itself!



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Great Lakes Motorcycle Magazine Powered by 20 YEARS OF WORLD-CLASSSERVICE CELEBRATING
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