Who we are.
In our position as promoters and advocates for motorcycle events, we often find ourselves trying to explain what it means to be a biker. After too many movies and tv shows have sensationalized the riding community, there are still an amazing number of folks that see riders as scary folks that can’t be trusted. Most reading this will laugh, knowing that the vast majority of bikers are some of the nicest, most loyal folks that you’d ever come across – and almost everyone recognizes that we are one of the most charitable groups in the community. However there are some that love this “bad boy” image.
Even within our own community, there are plenty of folks that just don’t get it. Many of these folks are the ones that feel compelled to give the finger in every picture of them with their bike or wear a shirt that says F** You! on it. Really? What’s the point?
Sure there are plenty of tough guys in our community – and yes, some of them you don’t want to cross. There are fella’s and ladies like that in just about every group. But after more than 20 years of riding with plenty of “tough guys” – some real, some not so much; I’m pretty comfortable with the fact that the tough guys don’t really need a shirt saying it. The real deal bikers – the guys that live the life, don’t really need to tell the world where it can go from a t-shirt or hat, or even the middle finger… their life and the way they ride – or even just walk –conveys the appropriate message in itself.
Reality is that “tough guys” don’t really go around telling everyone how tough they are. And I’m not saying this to offend all you guys with “F* Off” shirts and hats, I consider it more of a public service message. The folks that buy your act are most likely the same ones that think you’re either Marlon Brando or Jack the Ripper just because you ride a motorcycle in the first place, flip a coin. The folks that know better just shake their head.
The REALITY is that the vast majority of riders are GREAT FOLKS – patriots, that are often the backbone of charities and non-profits that help support those in need within our communities. And for all of you, there are an almost endless number of charitable rides and events within this magazine and on our website –
For those of you that put on the vest and feel like you need to scowl and act like you’re pissed off at the world – give it a break. There’s enough of that in the world today.
Now this isn’t some sort of cliché’ love everyone nonsense that I read off a Hallmark card. It’s a call for riders to stop playing games and let’s step up and show the world who we are – and maybe we might inspire others to do the same.
When we saddle up and ride – we don’t care about race, profession, or even religion. We are all brothers and sisters on the road. We recognize that we have differences, and those differences might just make for some lively discussion at the next stop – but WE DON’T HATE them for it.
And when our brothers or sisters need us – we step up. We stop along the side of the road and HELP. When our family, our community, or our nation is attacked – we step up. We stand up for those that serve and those that have. And we honor those that have sacrificed for us all.
That’s WHO WE ARE.
Don’t buy into petty drama from self-serving folks that would seek to divide us.
And certainly don’t feed the negativity by glowering like you hate the world. Sure, sometimes we all have bad days – but when we do, we RIDE! And then there’s a smile on our face…
Channel that feeling and treasure the knowledge we have – that we are all in this together.
Ride Safe and Live Strong!
D. A. SmithD.A. Smith
Publisher, Reasons To Ride
RtR Calendars!
This month we break from a tradition that’s lasted for more than 10 years – a centerfold calendar. In our early days we found many shops and bars that would pull out these pages and hang them from the wall as a reminder of what’s coming up. However, as we’ve expanded our coverage and started changing up our schedule, the center calendar has become something of an outdated feature. Quite simply, there are just too many things going on to really cover them with a single page traditional calendar. So, we’ve decided to change things up and maybe kick-up our “calendar game”.
Going forward, we will instead showcase feature events or cover stores on our centerfold section of the magazine each month. We will have online versions of our traditional calendar that can easily be accessed through our app and digital editions to be viewed or printed out – if you’d like.
And of course, we have the most interactive and easy to event listings to be found anywhere – at!
For those that enjoy having a paper calendar hanging on the wall, we aren’t really sure that our magazine centerfolds really even delivered in that regard. So – our intention is to instead offer a 2025 Reasons To Ride Calendar to start the upcoming year. This will be a high quality, full color calendar with cool bikes and folks –as well as major motorcycle events – featured every month. With the support of sponsors, we will offer these FREE of CHARGE to all subscribers. Additionally, we will offer these calendar up for sale at events and through the website in order to raise funds for local and regional charities. So that’s our plan. If you have any questions or thoughts on the matter, please don’t hesitate to reach out online or shoot us an email and let us know.
Ride Stops!
This month we begin announcing winners for our 2024 Ride n’ Win Riding Challenge! Each month we will draw winners from those entering in the challenge! This isn’t a skills challenge – it’s a challenge to just get out and ride as much as possible and share where you’ve been. We encourage riders to explore new areas and check out new events. We challenge riders to join us at new rallies and rides all across the Midwest – and even at some of the biggest national events across the country. And along the way, we’re looking for new places to stop!
When you participate in one of our shows – voting for your favorite bikes or tattoos, or simply entering in one of our raffle drawings –your name gets into the system and you have a chance of winning. You can also “check-in” at various ride stops found within the pages of these magazines and through our online pages. While visiting these partners and recommended ride stops, you simply have to post up a pic on your facebook, Instagram, or twitter account with the hashtag #ReasonsToRide. Our system will handle the rest… You then just have to look for your name on the list of winners.
You have a chance to win concert tickets, subscriptions, lots of gear, and even a few motorcycles. All for simply getting out and riding or participating in our events!
Since its launch in 2011, this program has evolved and grown every year as we try to improve things and ensure that it’s a great time for everyone. This year is no exception, as we add even MORE STOPS and WAY MORE PRIZES! Our primary area of focus for our Midwest stops is across Michigan and Ohio. However, we will are also adding stops throughout West Virginia, Kentucky, and Western Pennsylvania as we develop our new Reasons To Ride: Appalachia magazine and in upstate New York and even Southern Ontario as we expand in that direction. Our magazines cover some of the best riding in the country and there are literally thousands of really cool stops to discover.
If you own a business, are hosting a ride or other motorcycle friendly event, or would like to recommend a place for riders to visit – shoot us an email for more information on how to become a ride stop.
If you’re involved with a major motorcycle event or have a business that might be interested in sponsoring a month – or maybe even the calendars itself, please don’t hesitate to reach out for information on how you can be involved. We will also have the opportunity to theme months around major regional motorcycle events as well.
Over 50,000 riders have participated in this program since launched – and we’ve awarded over 5,000 prizes – including motorcycles, travel packages, rally passes, concert tickets – and of course HUNDREDS of t-shirts and other swag!
For more information, email us at
Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said [a]to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
Hello Spring and Summer! I usually don’t start out with a scripture, however today it seems so fitting. Spring is ever present out my window with all the flowers blooming and the birds singing away, which makes way for the ushering in of summer! All things are fresh and new again! We are also in the midst of moving…over 34 years of accumulation and oh the treasures I have found! I have also found things not as treasured as they once were and wondered, “why did I save that?”
It's funny what we keep over the course of a lifetime and how we hold onto things that really won’t matter to someone else when we are gone. I can see our children looking at each other saying, “What do they have this for? Dumpster….” Treasures aren’t always attached to dollar signs. Like words spoken or sometimes written are not always something that’s paid for, yet the value of them can weigh heavier than gold. God’s word is that way. Yes, we pay for bibles, but the words written are far more valuable than what we paid for at the store. The value is in what He did so we can live forevermore!
As we go through the house, packing and cleaning, clearing out all the junk, sorting through the keepers and the sleepers, I find myself asking, “How much
needless junk am I carrying around inside of myself that I think is a treasured memory, but is actually a hindrance to my growth in Christ?” Memories can sometimes be like old boxed up ‘treasures’, they are back there in the closet or basement collecting a lot of dust and cluttering up our minds. The older they get, the more unclear they are and truly less treasured than once thought. Just like old stuff…if you haven’t needed it in over a couple of years, you must not have needed it at all.
The takeaway…look through the memories of your closet and do some Spring cleaning…you may find some real treasures, or you may actually be able to clear out some trash that has long needed to be put out in the dumpster!
Happy trails and we will see you in the Wind!
Mary G.
CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a non-denominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmosphere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways.
Visit us at for more information.
Have a message you’d like to share?
If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. Reasons To Ride welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries. Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to
Managing Volunteers (Pt 1)
While fuel and a touch of oil may drive our motors, it’s volunteers that drive the riding community and the countless charitable rides and rallies that fill our calendars. With that in mind, we start a series on managing volunteers and leading your team to success for your event or organization.
Managing and motivating volunteers is one of the most challenging aspects of leading a non-profit, especially a grass roots organization without any paid staff. It takes exceptional leadership skills. Some might argue that those that supervise volunteers need better leadership skills than those that support paid employees. As a leader of volunteers, you need to be part cheerleader, part risk-taker, part herder, part teacher, and part visionary. It’s not easy balancing all of these qualities, but having an awareness of your own abilities and concentrating on your own growth can help guide you when supervising volunteers. It first starts with your core values. Values relate directly to your credibility as a nonprofit leader. In order to do what you say you’ll do, you must know what you want to do and how you wish to behave. Taking time to examine your core values will help…
• Describe your “bottom line” limits – what are your basic expectations.
Focus your energy amidst conflicting priorities – don’t get distratcted from the cause.
Align you with your personal passions – recognize what motivates you personally. Why are you making this effort in the first place. Strengthen your self-confidence, self-identity, security. Empower yourself as you seek to develop your team. Help you discover how (and whether) your values align with those of your organization and your team
Serve as your “compass” – truly understand what your goals are, what direction do you want to focus on.
Staff-led Volunteer Supervision
The four qualities people most admire in leaders are honesty, competence, forward-thought, and inspiration. How can nonprofit leaders channel these characteristics into actions that provide the best volunteer supervision? Here are some ways you can offer support while representing these leadership qualities.
Honesty- Provide your volunteers with clear expectations of their role from the beginning. Provide honest, fair feedback to your volunteers including things they do well and areas they can improve. Address any problematic issues with open discussion. Be authentic and candid in your communications and provide explanations for any changes within the organization to reduce confusion.
Forward-thinking- Make sure volunteers understand your organization’s mission, vision, and goals from the get-go. Explain where you want the program to go and the role volunteers play to get there. Reward them at each step. Continually observe the unique skills each volunteer brings to the organization and think about how you can offer them the next stretch-goal.
Competent- Practice promoting collaboration between and with your volunteers. Coach them when needed. Delegate responsibilities when you can and promote buy-in by sharing the decision-making on changes that might affect them. Be efficient with your time and manage your priorities.
Inspiring- Model the behaviors you want to see in your volunteers. Make sure your actions match the steps to accomplish your vision. Set goals with your volunteers and a plan to get there. Celebrate success! Simultaneously, leaders must also strike a balance between managing their time and priorities and managing the social space with volunteers.
Giving Constructive Feedback
One of the most important aspects of supervising volunteers is providing constructive feedback. Formal feedback can be given on a scheduled timeline (e.g. 30 days, 60 days, 6 months, etc.) as a check-in and also as issues arise. The latter can be more difficult, particularly if you need to correct a behavior, change an attitude, or find out why they aren’t performing. Informal feedback – both corrective and constructive — can be given any time and is more powerful when it is given in the moment.
Before you start planning your conversation, it’s important to ask “What part do I play in the current situation?” Be ready to own your part of the problem before asking others to change.
• Goals – Start by reminding the volunteer of the organization’s goals and their role as it relates to them. Remind them of timelines.
• Roles – Remind your volunteer about the role you play and how it relates to theirs. Be specific when talking about the behavior you want to see change and why it matters. Perhaps it puts the agency at risk. Be honest about the need for the change.
• Expectations – Describe the actions you want the volunteer to take to change the behavior. Give them a clear picture on what a satisfactory performance would look like. Make sure they know exactly what to do and understand the possible barriers.
Abilities – Does the issue have anything to do with the volunteer’s lack of ability or is it because of attitude? Explore this and see what solutions you can come up with together. Put a plan in place.
Time – Set dates to check-in on progress or for further training. Set a deadline for when the issue should be completely resolved.
Other tips for delivering helpful feedback:
• Celebrate in public and critique in private.
• Listen to the volunteer’s point of view, but this doesn’t mean you need to compromise on standards.
• Use behavioral observations NOT judgments. “You missed three shifts over the last month” versus “I feel like you don’t care.”
Have a real conversation
Accountability involves shared reality where you both agree on the facts and the problem, shared goals where you both agree on the same outcomes, and shared measurement where you both agree on how to gauge success.
It’s important to recognize the impact of underperforming volunteers have within a team. Failing to hold volunteers accountable can undermine your entire organization as your hardest working volunteers can feel unappreciated – or worse – their time wasted, if you fail to recognize and address volunteers that aren’t making a positive contribution.
Thanks to VolunteerPro ( for some of this material and their website as a resource for those seeking to improve themselves and their management of volunteers.
Sport Touring Corner
By Norm Kern, MSTA Editor / ContributorDon't Let the Threat of Rain Keep You From Riding!
As I'm writing this column in early May, I just returned home from a fun, new Motorcycle Sport Touring Association (MSTA) rally in New Philadelphia, Ohio. Named after its location in Tuscarawas County and the nearby Muskingum river, the Tusky-Musky rally features a new collection of fun, twisty routes in east central Ohio.
This was mostly a new riding area for me and I was looking forward to it, but the forecast called for rain. What to do? While bout twenty "Weather Weenie" riders gave up and stayed home, I attended and rode about 1000 mostly dry miles for the weekend as usual. Here's how:
Since the Tusky-Musky rally was only 200 miles from home, I originally planned to ride a creative twisty route to get there on Friday, ride a rally route on Saturday and go home Sunday, but the weather called for rain starting Friday mid afternoon.
Thursday was a beautiful, partly cloudy day with temps in the 70s, so I left then, starting at 8am. Arrived at the hotel about 12:30pm, put my luggage in the room and rode one of the shorter rally routes for a great day of about 400 total miles! By the time I got back, others had arrived so we had a nice dinner and social time at the Texas Roadhouse.
Friday it was cloudy but warm, with scattered showers coming in early afternoon. I looked at the Drive Weather app for area weather about 50 miles around New Philadelphia. Played with the time slider and saw that our best direction was to go Southeast starting at 8am. We got back from our 200 mile ride at 1pm without a drop of rain. There was a brief shower while I was at lunch but it was over by the time I came back to the hotel.
Saturday was a little more tricky. The phone radar app showed rain coming from the South and the area weather showed that Northeast would be the best way to go. We had damp pavement off and on but avoided rain until about 2/3 of the way through the 200 mile route. It was light and only lasted about 20 minutes, followed by some intermittent sprinkles. Then we got back to hotel on dry pavement.
Putting the route into the Drive Weather app for the Sunday ride home, I saw the best time to leave was 8am. Roads were wet at first but dried out and I had sun and partly cloudy skies the last half of the ride home.
That's lots of fun miles and good times with friends I would have missed if I had stayed home. That's why when rain is forecast, it's almost always better to go anyway! Here are a few things to keep in mind if rainy weather is predicted:
1. It probably won't rain all the time.
2. It probably won't rain in all directions.
3. Use Drive Weather ( and radar phone apps to choose the best direction and start time to go.
4. Be flexible in your schedule so you can choose alternate times and trip days for better weather.
5. Wear quality riding gear that also works well in the rain so that you are always dressed for it. Rain suits are uncomfortable and a hassle to put on.
6. Choose quality tires that work well in the rain- you won't mind wet pavement as much and have more fun.
7. Don't worry about your bike getting wet and dirty- if you get into that mindset, you will stay home and miss riding opportunities.
On to the next MSTA rally!
Upcoming MSTA rallies:
June 22-26- Canaan Valley Rally, Davis, WV- Head for the Mountains of West Virginia! Experience some of the best twisty roads to be found anywhere and some of the best adventure riding to be found in the eastern US. Come to Canaan Valley and enjoy those experiences with hundreds of other sport touring and adventure riding enthusiasts along with the amenities that the Canaan Valley Resort has to offer. https://
July 11 - 14- Big Lynn Lodge Rally, Little Switzerland, NC- This July event has been running since 2011 and it's a unique, must-attend rally. located on a mountain ridge right next to the Blue Ridge Parkway, a few miles south of Spruce Pine, North Carolina. It's one of the most beautiful settings you will find for a place to stay and there are fantastic roads in every direction- some of the best you will ride anywhere, ever.
How to join in the fun for 2024 with MSTA-
• Go to Facebook and join the MSTA - Motorcycle Sport Touring Association group
• Go to and join to become a full member
• Go to to look over the calendar and make your plans to attend a rally.
I hope to see you on the road or at a rally. Please feel free to message me at with your comments and questions.
Connect with local Ohio Motorcycle Sport Touring Association riders at these monthly breakfasts:
Southwest Ohio Breakfast, 9AM, June 15th Village Family Restaurant 144 S. Main St. Waynesville, OH 45068
Central Ohio Breakfast Meet - 8AM June 7th Portside Cafe 6515 S High St Lockbourne, OH 43137
After doing these shows for more than 12 years, it’s great seeing how many connections and friendships that have developed over the years between folks coming to the shows. There’s a common bond that exists among folks that customize or even create their own bikes. People start talking about what they’ve built, what they have at home, and what they rode up to the show. And this year – we are doing even more to help facilitate those discussions and really ensure that everyone has a great time at the show! Regardless of what you have – all makes, models, and years are welcome. Come on out and show off what you’ve done – and join the RTR BIKE SHOW FAMILY!
With June upon us, our Bike Show Series is solidly underway. Kicking off with OHIO BIKE WEEK to start the month – and then rolling directly into Ray C’s, Zeppe’s, Arsenal H-D, and then with finish out the month with the Buckeye Motorcycle and Music Rally! Wow – just when you thought we couldn’t get any busier, we not only add new rallies and dates – we even stretch into more states! Our goal, as always, is to get more folks (and their bikes) involved and to make the shows that more entertaining and fun for all involved. We want to grow the series – and with your help, it’s happening!
NEW for 2024!
Exhibitor Lanyards and Pins
Select RTR Bike Shows will now feature special badges and lanyards for those exhibiting motorcycles at the show. This will make it easier for everyone to identify who the builders are and encourage discussion as folks looks to hear more about the bikes. These lanyards will be provided free of any additional cost for those registering in advance for these shows, courtesy our sponsor – Erskine Law
We will also begin presenting “show pins” for those exhibiting motorcycles. Series and custom show pins will help recognize those that are “seasoned exhibitors” and the shows they have participated in. These collectible pins can be attached to jackets and vests; and will also be provided free of any additional cost for those registering in advance, courtesy Erskine Law.
Expanded Sound Competitions
We will be incorporating informal sound competitions into more of the RtR Bike Shows this year. These will be “King of the Hill” style competitions with winners chosen based upon overall sound quality – not simply the decibels they can produce. While we will have several classes – the emphasis will be on creating a fun opportunity to showcase quality sound systems. If you’re at a show and want to set up a “grudge match” style challenge –just let us know! In many cases we will have everything there, including custom trophies for those winning the challenges!
Legacy Bike Recognition
In an effort to showcase Best of Show motorcycles – and possibly give others a chance to win as well, we will now be inviting past winners to come and exhibit their bikes as prominent features of the shows they have won. We have special “extras” for Legacy Winners – and will work to get additional shots and features of these bikes from the shows to showcase within the magazines and online.
It's important to recognize that these are INFORMAL, RIDE-IN SHOWS! While we do use Judges at most shows, the majority of the votes come from the crowd. These are fun shows with the emphasis on camaraderie more than competition. If you’ve ever stormed out of a show after not winning the big trophy – these shows aren’t for you. We’ve always believed that the best thing about our bike show series is the people that both exhibit and attend. This isn’t just about the bikes – but about the people building and riding them as well.
Even if you’ve never participated in a Bike Show before, these shows are for you if you have a passion for your bike. Go ahead and bring her out – and PUT HER IN THE SHOW! Make sure that you check out our events listing on Facebook and follow the ones that are of interest to you. We will be posting updates and more details about the new programs as things are finalized.
Bike of the Nights!
As always, the RtR crew will be out and about hitting various Bike Nights, Rides, and other events throughout the upcoming riding season. At select events, our team and our partners will be recognizing one or two bikes as “BIKE OF THE NIGHT” as part of the 2024 Championship Bike Show Series – presented by Erskine Law.
The owners of these motorcycles will receive a special trophy and invitation to participate in an upcoming bike show – sponsored by the magazine. We will also be featuring some of these bikes in the magazine and / or online.
At some locations, such as Arsenal Harley-Davidson, Artesian Wells, Fink’s, and Zeppe’s – we will be regularly presenting a BIKE OF THE NIGHT Trophy as part of their Bike Nights! Follow them or us on Facebook for more details!
All makes, models, and years are truly welcome at the RTR Bike Shows. We have over 15 distinct classes for bikes, and we are constantly adding more as the shows evolve. We group bikes by style and origin, and try to balance things out as much as possible. Categories include designations for Imported and Domestic, Touring, Trikes, Vintage, Racing, and even Radical. Specialty classes include Custom Paint, Patriotic and Military themed bikes, and even a Ladies Class.
If you’d like our crew to stop by your Bike Night or other event, just email us with details and contact information. Email us at Events@
Thunder Zone Vendor Areas
For the larger weekend shows, we often host THUNDER ZONE Vendor areas as part of our layout. These vendor areas offer a tremendous opportunity to reach not only thousands of riders – but far more, as many of the events embrace the entire community, drawing attendees from throughout their regions. Many of our shows are part of rallies and events with more than 10,000 in attendance, several more than 50k, and even a few 100k plus! And for all of our Tour Stops – we work with vendors to ensure a seamless, successful experience. However, at most – space is limited! So, email us ASAP to get on the list and reserve your spots!
For a complete schedule and more information on vending at these events, email Email for information -
We’re proud to present a diverse bike series with various locations and themes to our shows – making each one unique, yet all welcome all makes, models, and years. Our focus in on creating informal, fun shows that showcase builds and encourage others to participate.
Here are just a few of the shows on this year’s schedule. Check us out on Facebook for more information and additional dates!
Ray C’s Harley-Davidson, Lapeer Michigan – Saturday, June 15th
For the 18th Edition of Ray C’s RODEO DAY, Reasons To Ride will be returning to Lapeer with the CHAMPIONSHIP BIKE SHOW SERIES with a fun show that’s great for the entire family. Presented by Erskine Law, we will be showcasing the best bikes in the region including extra RACING and OFF-ROAD CLASSES! We will also have the DYNO’s running ALL DAY in order to recognize and the MOST HORSEPOWER!
Special SHOW SHIRTS for pre-registered exhibitors!
Zeppe’s Tavern, Newbury Ohio – Wednesday, June 19th
Arsenal Harley-Davidson, Waterford MI – Saturday, June 22nd
Arsenal is a great family owned dealership with a passion for taking care of riders and anyone that comes to their events – so they are a perfect partner to host a Bike Show on a Saturday afternoon in June. Vendors, food trucks, live music – Arsenal rolls out the red carpet for exhibitors and those coming out to see the show!
Fink’s Harley-Davidson, Zanesville Ohio – Saturday, July 6th
RtR OHIO returns to Zeppe’s for our 12th year of hosting Bike Night events at this cool spot known for a great patio with an outdoor stage that rocks all summer long. This will be the 9th Edition of the Zeppe’s Bike Show and everyone of them has been a success with unique bikes and great folks. There’s always a great mix of bikes – all makes a models, mix of vintage and cool customs. You just never know what you’re going to see – but you can bet that a Brother or Sister rode it in… even if you haven’t met them yet!
The RtR crew will once again be hosting the Fink’s Harley-Davidson Bike Show, and this year it will feature more of a patriotic feel as we celebrate STARS, STRIPES, and BIKES over the holiday weekend! There will be special classes and trophies for patriotic and U.S. military themed and vintage bikes – of course, all makes and models will be welcome. A great mix of custom baggers, unique vintage bikes, and locally built customs – including some of the coolest rat bikes we see all year. This show draws from across the country and after the show – some of the best riding anywhere in the state is to be found in the surrounding hills. Pre-register for special perks courtesy of ERSKINE LAW. Follow the event on Facebook!
BOAR FEST! 2nd Year!
Hosted by Crazy Boar Customs, Ravenna OH – July 13th
The RtR Crew will bring the Bike Show sheninigans to this downtown blockparty in Ravenna Ohio. The Crazy Boar crew is all about going big, and this one day rally is no exception. Look for Jasmine Cain to headline the live entertainment and our friends from Bikers for Boobs will be on-site as well! Can’t go wrong with this one.
REBEL ROAD! 2nd Year!
Downtown Muskegon –Saturday, July 20th
Reasons To Ride: Michigan is proud to once again bring the CHAMPIONSHIP BIKE SHOW SERIES to MICHIGAN'S BIGGEST BIKER BASH - REBEL ROAD 2024! This awesome rally in Downtown Muskegon, Michigan benefits the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County and is on Michigan’s west coast, over looking Lake Michigan. EXPANDED CATEGORIES this year and stay tuned more updates. Follow the Facebook event for more information as it’s announced.
Artesian Wells, Cement City, MI – Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
RtR Michigan is excited to return to Artesian Wells with the full Championship Bike Show Experience to showcase vintage and custom bikes at this great venue. With a newly expanded pavilion and great outdoor area, Artesian Wells is one of our favorite spots for Bike Nights and other events – and it’s right next door to Town & Country HarleyDavidson with their vintage motorcycle museum! If you’ve never been – this is certainly a great venue for a bike show and worth the ride from anywhere! Lots more to come on this show – be sure to check out the Facebook event page for more and updates as we get closer!
Register ONLINE at for these Bike SHOWS and more! For more information, email us at and follow us online at, or
Dick Scott’s Freedom Powersports, Livonia Michigan – Saturday, August 17th
Like all RtR Shows, all makes and models are invited – but this show has special categories to reflect the fact that it’s being hosted at a Triumph dealership. Special vintage categories – including European, Asian, and North American Motorcycles will be offered, as well as a special invitation for those having “old school” chopped Triumph’s! RtR photographers will also be on site, shooting for potential magazine features and to showcase the bikes being shown.
Iron Pony Powersports, Westerville OH – Saturday, August 24th The RTR Championship Bike Show Series returns to IRON PONY MOTORSPORTS – Central Ohio’s Motorcycle SUPERSTORE for the 7th Edition of the Iron Pony Custom & Classics Bike Show. Over the years this show has brought out a great mix of unique and seldom seen bikes from across the state – and even West Virginia and Indiana. The show also features a variety of vintage bikes – metric and domestic, and usually a few racers as well! And don’t miss the RIDE FOR RHINOS – held the next day!
We are currently reviewing locations and locking down dates for our 2024 Bike Show Series.
We have a LIMITED NUMBER of dates available still. Email us TODAY for more information at – RtR Team Members and Contributors
Bike show photos by David Eggert, Dan Hare, and Tyler Roberts
The Buckeye Motorcycle and Music Rally is roaring into Historic Crew Stadium in Columbus, Ohio June 2729, 2024. This AMA endorsed event will feature 3 great days of music, vendors, food trucks and more! There are 2 parts to this event: the ticketed show inside the stadium and the free Biker Mall area outside the stadium.
Inside the stadium you'll see Hank Williams Jr, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Brantley Gilbert, Oliver Anthony, Lakeview, Fuel, Cory Farley, Taylor Austin Dye and the Rob Matterhorn Band on Friday and Saturday. Tickets are required for entry to the stadium shows and can be purchased here:
Out in the free Biker Mall you will find vendors, dealers, tattoo artists, food trucks, free live music and of course the BIKE SHOW on Saturday! The Biker Mall opens at 3pm on Thursday and 11am on Friday and Saturday.
Below are some of the vendors and dealers that will be in the Biker Mall.
Buckeye City Motorsports, Iron Pony Motorsports, Farrow Harley-Davidson, Marysville Motorsports, Flickinger Law, Columbus Audio, Abate Ohio, Acathla Clothing, Biker to Biker, Big Brawler Oil, Chrome Cigar, Damsel in Defence, Destination Bandanas, Ema's Tees, Flatlander Fabrication, Flipturn, Goobers N Gifts, Highway Leather, Highway
Vixen, Jill's Concealed Shack, Kid Biker, Leon Leather, Liwa for Love, Metal Heathen Jewelry, Mimi and Moto Kids Zone, Optic Armor, Painted Harley Fairings, Progressive Insurance, Resort Destinations, Shades by Cherie, Sinister Sounds, Speeds Performance, Sublime Endeavors, Tattoo King, Tattoo Saloon and Zeus.
More vendors are being added daily.
Admission to the Biker Mall is Free, you just have to pay for parking. Motorcycles will have in/out privileges for the parking lot.
Up to date event info including RV camping, hotels and more can be found at:
Hosted by Reasons To Ride, the ride-in bike show showcases unique custom and vintage bikes from across the region and possibly the nation, with an informal approach to voting / judging that is meant to encourage participation beyond just the professionals. However, RtR and the event organizers want to bring out the very best and have kicked things up with a prize package with more than $5,000 in cash and prizes to be offered.
For the Judge’s Choice Award, The Buckeye Motorcycle and Music Rally will also be presenting a check for $2,500 along with the custom trophy and wall placards. The People’s Choice award winner will receive $1,000, and Best-in-Class winners will receive $100 each – along with the custom trophies and wall placards. In addition, all pre-registered exhibitors will receive shirts and custom exhibitor lanyards to identify them as having bike in the show.
As with all RtR Championship Bike Shows, every effort is to make it the best possible experience. The BMMR event organizers have just kicked things up to another level with cash prizes and of course hosting it in the midst of central Ohio’s biggest biker bash of the year… headlined by rock and country music legends –LYNYRD SKYNYRD and HANK WILLIAMS JR. How cool is that?
Registration is now open for those interested in exhibiting motorcycles in the show. We encourage you to get in as soon as possible to ensure your spot. We also encourage you to like and follow the event on Facebook for more information and updates as the Rally approaches.
We will be hosting a motorcycle mall - vendor areas that is outside the “ticketed concert area” and accessible by everyone attending the Bike Show. As with all of our Tour Stops – we work with vendors to ensure a seamless, successful experience. However,
space is limited! So, email us ASAP to get on the list and reserve your spots! For a complete schedule and more information on vending at these events, email Email for information - Info@
This Rally has all the makings for an incredible event – but still not enough, you say? You’ve been around for a lot of “first year” events put on my novice promoters? Rest assured these aren’t novice promoters, these are the folks that host BASH ON THE BAY – the annual musical extravaganza held out on Put-in-Bay that has had such featured performers as TOBY KEITH, BRAD PAISELY, and KID ROCK. This year their show features JELLY ROLL and HARDY – two of the top drawing performers anywhere! But even with that being said, the BMMR organizers have collaborated with the biggest names in the motorcycle community to bring this rally together. They’ve left no stone unturned in an effort to make this the summer’s BIGGEST weekend rally. You don’t want to miss it!
It's also worth noting that this is an AMA – American Motorcyclist Association endorsed event, and ALL RIDERS are welcome to attend and enjoy the event.
Buckeye Motorcycle and Music Rally
Thursday, June 27 – Saturday, June 29, 2024
Historic Crew Stadium
Follow on Facebook – Buckeye Motorcycle and Music Rally Or for the Bike Show – Buckeye Motorcycle and Music Rally presented by Reasons to Ride
Ticketed Shows in the Stadium
June 28
Hank Williams Jr
Brantley Gilbert
Colt Ford
Cory Farley
June 29
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Oliver Anthony Fuel
Taylor Austin Dye
The Rob Matterhorn Band
Free Shows in the Biker Mall
June 27
Radio City
Appalachian Outlaws
Electrik Circus
June 28
Electrik Circus
June 29
Eskimo Brothers
A Thousand Horses
Alan Carl
Kentucky and West Virginia have a rich history that spans from colonial times to the present day, marked by significant contributions to our country through our culture, history, and our years of answering the call to service spanning all eras and the Wars that have occurred since the beginning of this Great Nation. Our unique history intertwines Coal Miners, Moonshiners and our Military Heroes and showcases the diverse roles that our Appalachian Mountain people have played in both illicit and noble endeavors.
The First Soldier To Shine:
Did you know that George Washington, The Father of our Country, was the first BIG Master Distiller and Moonshiner in the U.S.? George Washington owned a major distillery after he served as president. In the final year of his life, 1799, his distillery made 11,000 gallons of rye whisky which sold for 50 cents per gallon. He had a top shelf whisky that sold for 1 dollar per gallon, it was run through the still four times. Even our Infamous feuding “Hatfield and Mccoys” were also Civil War Veterans, Moonshiners, and Coal Miners, and some folks think that it is what started the Feud. They served on different sides! All of this just proves they are just as much a part of our country's history as they are ours! This also proves that most back then were one in the same and still are to this day!
Answering Our Country’s Call to Service: Central Appalachia, like much of America, saw a significant portion of its population enlist or be drafted into military service during the Civil War, World War 1, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Among them were former Miners and Shiners who became war heroes, fighting in key battles across Europe, the Pacific, and all other theaters of war. Their experiences growing up in these mountains hunting and surviving contributed to their ability to adapt to challenging situations and navigate difficult terrain.
Military Veterans Returning Home to the Coal Mines and Moonshining: After serving in the military, some veterans returned home and resumed their Moonshining and Coal Mining activities. Their experiences in the military influenced their approach to moonshining for sure, incorporating discipline, organization, and innovation into their operations. This made them much harder to catch by the Revenuers of the time and most of these men also worked in the mines also! Many also came back to the Coal Mines and Family Tradition they had left behind as their fathers did who served before them. They came home and raised their families while their military service record and decorations lingered as a distant memory hidden in an old trunk or old picture album somewhere on the family homestead.
Appalachian Culture and Community Resilience: Moonshiners and the Coal Mining communities they lived in developed strong bonds and a sense of solidarity, which translated into tight-knit communities that supported one another during times of crisis, including wartime. This sense of camaraderie and mutual support may have motivated many individuals from these communities to join the military and serve their country with honor. Most volunteered to serve our country and still do to this day! It is Tradition dating back to the beginning and the Revolutionary War for many families here including my own! Did you know the People in these mountains did not even know when the great depression happened? Life did not change for them here during those times and back then our Coal not only fueled the World but also our War efforts! How do you think they made all that steel and kept their boilers running?
Do not let anyone fool ya, so did some of our Moonshine and Bourbon! Remember there is no Bourbon without Moonshine! Our Kin folk who served brought moonshine to the world long before it became famous on T.V.! Now their descendants have all gone legal with these secret family recipes and the world wants some of that good Ole White Lightning! Some of them still make George Washington’s Famous Rye!
Honoring All Our History and Legacies: Today, We honor both our Moonshining Heritage, Our Coal Mining History, and our Military Heroes with our GPS-Enabled Trail Routes dedicated to them and in our upcoming Events here at the WCMG and Backroads of Appalachia! From our First Annual “All Aboard Ride” on Coal Train 421” designed to showcase our Coal Mining History to our Inaugural Memorial Day Ride on “Scout’s Honor Trail” for Wreaths Across America with the KMA benefiting the Mill Springs Civil War Battlefield Site, we are here to show the world that there is simply no Place like home while honoring our Ancestry.
Did I forget to mention Moonshining? You didn't think I was going to leave that out did ya? Well that is coming up on June 22nd as we bring our 3rd Annual “HillBilly Bikefest” and Our “Old School Distillers Bike Show” to Main Street Beattyville, Ky Again this year with the Beattyville Hillbillies and “Granny Moonshine” herself. They even have a Moonshine Museum for you to check out! If you follow us and our “BOA LIVE! On Tour” Series or you visited us at our BOA Mobile Trailer during the Rallys you may have noticed Moonshiner “Crazy Chuck” working with us and judging our Old School Bike Shows along with “Biggins” and many other famous shiners! Chuck was also known as “Chopper Chuck” long before he got famous for his Purple Jesus Moonshine! “Biggins” and many of our other Moonshine friends are also Riders! We are all coming together as a community here to bring the bikes to Appalachia while making our events even bigger and better! Even our Bike Shows abroad are often Judged by Shiners and we even get to ride with them for Shriners Hospital on our “Shiners for Shriners” Charity Ride on the River Dragon at 3:00PM! Now where else are you going to find that and that is just one of many great events and it’s always for a good cause and our region!
Wrapping This All Up Biker Style: In Layman's Terms, the story of our Moonshiners, Coal Miners, and War Heroes reflects the resilience, resourcefulness, and sense of community that have defined our Regional and State Histories. Whether engaged in illicit distilling, working in the mines, or fighting for their country, individuals from Central Appalachia have consistently demonstrated courage and determination in the face of adversity. This month and moving into the rest of our 2024 Season Schedule We are determined to show you the rider and the motorcycle world that there is simply no place out there to ride that even comes close to right here on the Backroads of Appalachia! Join our Mission today on Facebook and do not forget to Download our Backroads of Appalachia Mobile Application for more information! It’s Totally Free! You can also find our events on the Backroads of Appalachia Website, by visiting our media partners like the one you are reading this in now!, as well as on! What are you still reading this for? Get on your bike and come join us this year for the BEST RIDING IN THE U.S.! PERIOD!
Let’s Ride Appalachia!
Jay "Frydaddy" Fryman, Founder, Whitley County Motorcycle Group
Downtown Sandusky Jackson Street Pier Sandusky, OHIO
6/01/24 10:00 AM
Ridge Runners Ride for Lifeline Oak Grove Tavern
830 Alkire Rd Galloway, OH 43119
6/02/24 01:00 PM
Home Brewed Bikes
Stones Throw Brewing 101 Button Hall Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445 843-724-9426
6/02/24 08:00 AM
Walnecks Motorcycle Swap MeetSpringfield Ohio 4401 S. Charleston Pike Springfield, Oh 45502 Buzz Walneck
6/05/24 12:00 PM
Freedom Rally
Carroll Co. Veteran's Park 2038 Brenner Rd Carrollton, Oh 44615
6/07/24 06:00 PM
City of Lapeer's Friday Night Bikes
Downtown Lapeer W. Nepessing St.
6/07/24 07:00 PM 22nd Annual Bikerfest Weekend
Rushing Wind Biker Church 5715 E Pike Zanesville, OH 43701
6/08/24 10:00 AM
1st Annual Ride for Colin
The Nook Smokehouse 12356 Millersburg Rd SW Massillon, Oh 44647
6/08/24 09:00 AM
American Legion Riders Dice Run
American Legion Post #112 6671 Middle Ridge Rd, Madison, OH, 44057
Dave Glover/ Ron Widger440-983-8435/ 440-417-5621
6/08/24 02:00 PM 2nd Annual SPRING FLING Rogers Community Auction and Flea Market
45625 St. Route 154, Rogers, OH 44455 330-524-3337
6/09/24 09:00 AM
First Annual Rise Up for the Heartland Poker Run
The Ogenaw County Fairgrounds 2300 Rifle River Trail West Branch, MI 48661
6/09/24 10:00 AM
Steel Patriot Charity Poker Run Lapeer Eagles 2427 3565 Davidson Rd, Lapeer MI 48446
6/11/24 06:00 PM
Knights of the Inferno Arrowhead Chapter
Cancun Mexican Bar & Grill 3350 Village Dr Middletown, Oh 45005
6/14/24 08:00 AM
HAZEN 2024 HAZEN Motorcycle Rally 1352 Eagles Nest Road, Brockway PA 15821
6/14/24 03:00 PM
The W.V. Hellbender 2nd Annual Hootenanny Summerville Lake Retreat Campground 278 Summersville Lake Rd Mt Nebo, WV 26679 304-931-6858
6/14/24 06:00 PM
City of Lapeer's Friday Night Bikes Downtown Lapeer W. Nepessing St.
6/14/24 06:00 PM
Bike Night Davison Eagles Davison Eagles 3589 3270 N State Rd
Angie Carey Squire
6/14/24 06:00 PM
Fink's Harley Davidson Bike Night and Burn Out Contest
Finks Harley Davidson 2650 Maysville Pike Zanesville, OH 43701
6/15/24 11:00 AM
National Road Bike Show
Downtown Cambridge 2 N 7th St Cambridge, Oh 43725
6/15/24 09:00 AM
FCRC Chapter 65 Charity Poker Run
Ray C's Harley-Davidson of Lapeer 1491 S Lapeer Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446 Baldy320-491-9397
6/15/24 08:00 AM
Widow Sons Master Tyler's Presents 6th Annual Poker Run
Ashland Masonic Lodge 151 31 W 11th St Ashland, Oh 44806
Mark 567-203-8333
Frank 419-606-8251
Nick 419-689-0421
6/15/24 10:00 AM
Bike Run & Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Kent American Legion 1945 Mogodore Rd Kent, Oh 44240 Sean 330-980-6676
6/15/24 10:00 AM
Ray C's 18th Annual Rodeo & Bike Show
Ray C's Harley Davidson 1495 S Lepeer Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446
6/19/24 6pm
Zeppes BIKE NIGHT & RTR Bike Show
Zeppe's Tavern 11110 Kinsman Rd Newbury, Oh 44065
6/20/24 09:00 AM
Ozark Mountain Rumble Rally 2024 Pig Trail Harley-Davidson® 2409 W Hudson Rd., Rogers, AR 72756
6/21/24 06:00 PM
Downtown Lapeer W. Nepessing St. Visit us on Facebook or for up to the minute event listings,
City of Lapeer's Friday Night Bikes
6/22/24 09:00 AM
Rolling Thunder KY5 2nd Annual Car & Bike Show
Frederick Douglas High School 2000 Winchester Rd Lexington, KY 40509
Todd Matonich859-595-2770
6/22/24 11:00 AM
Hillbilly Bikefest 2024
Beattyville BAM Festival
Downtown Beattyville, KY 41311
Lee County Tourism 606-464-5038
6/22/24 05:00 PM
Bother's Keeper MC Chapter 46 Bike Night
DJ's Pizza & Steak House 805 W Main St Woodbury,TN 37190
6/22/24 09:00 AM Dash for Nash
Lake Shore Harley- Davidson 14000 W Rockland Rd Libertville, Il 60048
6/22/24 01:00 AM
Bikin' for Boobies 2024 Route 30 HarleyDavidson
350 Tarhe Trail, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351
6/22/24 12:00 PM
Gem City Charity Rally Rip Rap Roadhouse Rip Rap Roadhouse, 6024 Rip Rap Rd, Dayton, OH
6/22/24 12:00 AM
Arsenal Harley Davidson 4405 Highland Rd Waterford, MI 48328
6/28/24 06:00 PM
City of Lapeer's Friday Night Bikes
Downtown Lapeer W. Nepessing St.
6/28/24 06:00 PM
Bike Night Davison Eagles
Davison Eagles 3589 3270 N State Rd
6/29/24 11:30 AM Buckeye Motorcycle & Music Rally BIKE SHOW
Columbus Crew Stadium 2329 Silver Dr, Columbus, OH 43211
6/30/24 10:00 AM
16th Annual Widow Sons Charity Ride
Plymouth-Kilwinning Masonic Lodge #149
109 Water St Plymouth, IN 46563
For even more events, all across the country - visit
6/30/24 10:00 AM
2024 Angel Ride
VFW Duwel Post 7570 9160 Lawrenceburg Rd, Harrison, OH, 45030
7/06/24 12:00 AM
Fink's Harley Davidson Custom and Vintage 4th Annual Bike Show w/ Reasons To Ride
Fink's Harley Davidson
2650 Maysville Pike Zanesville, OH 43701
7/09/24 04:00 PM
Wauseon Vintage National 2024
Fulton County Fairgrounds
8591 State Route 108, Wauseon, OH 43567
7/09/24 06:00 PM
Knights of the Inferno Arrowhead Chapter
Cancun Mexican Bar & Grill
3350 Village Dr Middletown, Oh 45005
7/11/24 05:00 PM
Roll-in for Veterans
Erie Sports Center
2186 Robison Rd W, Erie, PA 16509, United States Dee Caruana
7/12/24 06:00 PM
City of Lapeer's Friday Night Bikes Downtown Lapeer W. Nepessing St.
7/12/24 06:00 PM
Bike Night Davison Eagles Davison Eagles 3589 3270 N State Rd, Davison MI
7/13/24 12:00 PM
1st Annual Ride Against Alzheimer’s American Legion Post 295 211 Smith Street, Green Springs Ohio 44836
7/13/24 03:00 PM
Ohio Valley Thunder Rally & Concert Devil's Staircase/Hillclimbs 1086 Corwin Rd, Oregonia, OH, 45054 Mike Schmitz
7/13/24 10:00 AM Ride for Remission VFW 1070 S Bailey Ave South Haven, MI 49090
7/13/24 12:00 AM
Boar Fest RtR Bike Show
Downtown Ravenna, Ohio
225 S Prospect St, Ravenna, OH 44266
7/19/24 12:00 AM
Faster Horses Festival
Faster Horses Campground 12626 US Highway 12 Brooklyn, MI 49230
7/19/24 12:00 AM
Rebel Road- Josey Scott
- The Original Voice of Saliva Downtown Muskegan
7/19/24 06:00 PM
City of Lapeer's Friday Night Bikes Downtown Lapeer
7/20/24 12:00 AM
Nostalgia Outlaw Racing
Lapeer International Dragway 2691 Roods Lake Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446
7/20/24 12:00 AM
Rebel Road- Texas Hippie Coalition Downtown Muskegan
7/20/24 10:00 AM
3rd Annual LCpl. Jeremy Shock
Memorial Ride Fox Cycle Works 1011 Fremont Ave, Sandusky, OH, 44870 Green Springs American Legion Post #295 419-639-8007
7/20/24 11:00 AM
2nd Annual Mike Mellow Memorial Ride & Raffle
American Legion Post 25 1240 Clinton Ave, Washinton Court House, OH, 43160
7/21/24 08:00 AM
Walnecks Motorcycle Swap Meet- Martinsville, IN
Morgan County Fairgrounds 1749 Hospital Rd Martinsville, IN 46151
7/24/24 09:00 AM
4th Annual Teddy Bear Run
Sutton Moose Lodge
53 Mid Mountain Lanes Sutton, WV 26601
7/24/24 12:00 AM
Zeppes-Christmas in July Zeppe's Tavern 11110 Kinsman Rd Newbury, Oh 44065
7/25/24 03:00 PM
Grass in the Glades 2024
The Glades Festival Grounds 154 Mason Dixon Rd Gibbon Glade, PA 15440 724-986-6152
7/25/24 11:00 AM
23rd Annual Bare Butts Rally Sunshower Country Club 3263 Mattie Harris Road, Centerville, Indiana 47330
7/26/24 12:00 AM
AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days
Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course 7721 Steam Corners Rd, Lexington, Oh 44904
7/26/24 06:00 PM
Iron and Ink Tattoo Party
Route 30 HarleyDavidson
350 Tarhe Trail, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351
Route 30 HarleyDavidson419-294-4951
7/27/24 10:00 AM
YOUth Matter Michigan
2nd Annual Mental Health Awareness Run and Event
Outlaw Pete's
7658 Smith Creek Rd. Goodell, MI 48027
7/27/24 05:00 PM
Bother's Keeper MC Chapter 46 Bike Night
DJ's Pizza & Steak House 805 W Main St Woodbury,TN 37190
7/27/24 09:00 AM
Paisley LaRoche Memorial Scholarship and Poker Run Neffs Legion
54001 Pike St Neffs, Oh 43906
Ashlie La Roche740-359-0591
8/02/24 06:00 PM
City of Lapeer's Friday Night Bikes Downtown Lapeer W. Nepessing St.
8/02/24 09:00 AM
2024 CVMA® IV Rally Holiday Inn - Independence 6001 Rockside Rd., Independence, OH, 44131 US
Annual Ride 2 End Alzheimer’s
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Ride starts at APPC Plumbing: 3247 Pearl Rd Medina
: 9:00am Kickstand up: 10:00am
$25.00 per person
(Ticket includes food & entertainment at end of ride)
Route will be announced morning of Approximately a 200-mile scenic route, with a lunch & gas stop ending at Medina VFW around 5:00pm for dinner, 50/50, basket raffles & The Jim Committee Project Band!
Non-riders welcome to join us on a bus, tickets are $40 per person including dinner
Thank you Sponsors!
Contact: John (440) 554.7617, Keith (216) 396-6524, Tiffany (330) 441.0650 or Email:
*All proceeds will be donated to The Alzheimer’s Association
*Find us on Facebook for more updates Events: APPC Plumbing Annual Ride 2 End Alzheimer’s
In honor of Catherine D Llewllyn Rick Curnayn SalesWEEKLY BIKE NIGHTS
The Otter Lake Bar Otter Lake MI
10th St. Saloon Plainwell MI
Backroads Holly MI
Clair Tavern Clarington OH
Comet Bike Night Cincinnati OH
Flo's Pizzeria & Sports Bar Greenville MI
Hunter Street Saloon Logan OH
Jilly's Saloon Reynoldsburg OH
Mug Shotz Clio MI
Pez'z Bar n Grill Sheffield Lake OH
Ryders Bar & Grill Midland MI
Shielded Souls New Boston MI
Sturgis Michigan Sturgis MI
Whiskey Jar Brown City MI
American Legion Riders Owosso Owosso MI
Cheers Lapeer Lapeer MI
Countryside Inn Byron Center MI
J&D's Place Worthington OH
Jimmy's Roadhouse Paw Paw MI
The Oaks Tavern Moscow MI
QSL Milford Milford OH
Quaker Steak & Lube Columbus OH
Rip Rap Roadhouse Dayton OH
Roadhouse 19 Yale MI
Tavern 62 Orient OH
The Horsehoe Bar Bucyrus OH
The Villa Huber Heights OH
VFW #1181- Valley Station Louisville KY
Zeppe's Tavern Newbury OH
2nd Tuesday
Root's Pub St. Mary's OH
Amy's Downtown Reservoir Columbiaville MI
Artesian Wells Cement City MI
Bearded Saddle Saloon Oxford OH
The Dock at Bayview Richland MI
Double D's Pub Columbus OH
Doughboys Pizza and Pub Commercial Point OH
Farmer's Tavern Mulliken MI
Freddy's Clinton Township MI
Hide Out Grill Walton KY
The Max Bar and Grill Logan OH
Mill Dam Corner Grill Hebron OH Pleasant Lake Pub Pleasant Lake MI
QSL Colerain Cincinnati OH
The Hideout Bar & Grill Elsmere KY
The Shark Club Waterford Township MI
Solid Gold Lounge Brookpark OH
Stingers Bar & Grill Wixom MI
Ugly Mug Canal Winchester OH
Wild Mike's Battle Creek MI
The Roadhouse Bar & Grill Livonia MI
Friday Night Bikes Lapeer MI
Smitty's Tavern New Holland OH
Akron Bible Church Akron OH
Ta' Bogo Cafe Cincinnati OH
• 12-16 extra large jalapeños
• 16 ounces cream cheese, softened
• 1 lb smoked brisket, pulled
• 1 lb chorizo (optional)
• 2 cups smoked gouda, shredded
• ½ cup BBQ rub
• 12-14 slices thick-cut bacon
• BBQ sauce
Prepare the Jalapeños:
• Cut a “T” into each jalapeño by cutting halfway through the pepper just below the stem, then cutting a slit from the top of the “T” to the tip of the pepper.
• Carefully pry open the pepper and deseed and devein the peppers with a thin, sharp knife. Rinse under cold water to remove any remaining seeds
Make the Stuffing:
• In a bowl, combine 2 cups of pulled brisket, 16 ounces of softened cream cheese, 2 cups of shredded smoked gouda, and 1/2 cup of BBQ rub. Mix well.
Stuff the Peppers:
• Fill each jalapeño with the stuffing mixture.
• Wrap with Bacon:
• Stretch thick slices of bacon and wrap a single piece around each stuffed pepper. Secure with a toothpick.
Prepare the Smoker:
• Set up your smoker for cooking at 225°F (107°C) with indirect heat. Use pecan wood for smoke, and if your smoker uses a water pan, fill it up.
Cook the Peppers:
• Place the peppers directly on the grate and cook for about 3 hours, or until the bacon has a good bitethrough and the peppers are soft to your liking.
Glaze and Finish:
• When the peppers are ready to eat, glaze them with thinned barbecue sauce. Increase the heat to 350°F (175°C) and cook for an additional 15 minutes.
Have a recipe that you’d like to share? Write it all down and send with a picture – to
3rd Gear Motorcycle Speed Shop..................... 11
AmericInn MI 36
Arsenal Bike Show 24, 28
ARSENAL HARLEY-DAVIDSON MI ................... 48
Artesian Wells ......................... 25, 39, 49, 57, 58
Backroads of Appalachia KY 37
Bair's Powersports OH ........................................ 42 Bash on the Bay OH 35
Best Bear Lodge MI 36
Boar Fest 2024 OH 8, 15, 25
Buckeye Motorcycle Music Rally
Show 1, 24, 32-35
Cash 4 Motorcycles OH MI ............................... 40
Christian Motorcycles Association OH 16
Crazy Fox Saloon (Bucyrus) OH 11
Dick Scott Powersports MI ............................ 21, 25
Dog House Saloon MI 11
EasyRiders Rodeo 2024 47
Farmer's Tavern MI ............................................... 11
Fink's Harley-Davidson Bike Show OH 24, 31
Freedom Powersports Bike Show MI 25
Gray Wolf Lodge MI ........................................ 36
Hi-Point Firearms OH 42
Honda Marysville Motorsports 43
Ink'd Therapy LLC MI........................................... 39
Iron Horse Campgrounds SD 36
Iron Pony ................................................................ 2
Iron Pony Bike Show OH 25, 30
Johnny's Grill & Pizzeria OH 60
Kickstand Saloon ................................................ 58
Lapeer Friday Bike Nights 58
Madrick's Tavern OH 11
MSTA .............................................................. 20-21
Muskegon M/C MI 49
Nutra Relief OH/MI ............................................ 40
Old Firehouse Winery OH 64
Omerta Tatto Co OH 39
Pony Powersports OH ..............................3, 25, 53
Progressive OH Inside cover
Ray C's Rodeo & Bike show MI 24, 28
Rebel Road Rally MI .......... 25, Inside Back Cover