Luigi Bruno, Italian architect and designer, was born in Naples in 1953 and he took his graduation at the Naples University “Federico II” in 1981.
His education gave him the opportunity to learn from the masters of the Italian architecture and of the classic and contemporary design, as Riccardo Dalisi, Alberto Samonà, Massimo Pica Ciamarra and others.
His professional growth has been constantly fed by the attendance at several international conventions, which allowed him to learn avant-garde techniques and the latest design trends. In Luigi Bruno's opinion “Each day you have to learn something, otherwise it is a useless day”. After
his first experiences in southern Italy, where he nicely interpreted the Mediterranean nature of architecture in that area, his most important professional turning point was the move to Verona in the Nineties. Verona is an historic city of Northern Italy, but also the cradle of a great architectural tradition, the district of high-level cabinetry companies, the place of the excellence of furniture making, of marble works and of every element that the pure Italian design offered all over the world.
It was a big geographical leap, but above all a cultural leap, and Luigi Bruno felt the desire to study the architecture and the furniture of the local tradition, merging them with the inner features of the Mediterranean architecture. He started to study again the working techniques and he understood the value of what he was seeing and experiencing, instead of rejecting the elements which were out of the rationalism he was taught during the university period... and this fact made his fortune..
Companies in Veneto found in Luigi Bruno an outstanding interpreter of the classic modernity in everything he designed, such as houses, interiors, offices, shops and showrooms . His will to mix elements with rigorous lines and antiques with classic taste, even produced with unusual materials, is always perceptible. This choice grants a sense of continuity between functional interiors and the -often- antique exteriors of villas, historic buildings and court-houses of Veneto.
those experiences, gained in more that 30 years of professional practice, result in many interventions in the United States, in Europe and in the countries of Eastern Europe, making Luigi Bruno the testimonial of a high-level “Made in Italy” and of an unmistakable , personal Architecture. Luigi Bruno creates his Customer's “dream” and “need”, and he make it real. It is essential for Luigi Bruno to get acquainted with the Customer, and understand him: only after that he can use his experience and his technique to carry out the project.
Luigi Bruno always says “Look in the eyes who is in front of you, and listen to him.. and the right project will be brought into life”.It is like having a baby: you have to help him grow up, you have to take care of him, day after day, until he becomes a man. Luigi Bruno's mission (his “doing architecture”) is inside these simple words: an Architecture which is made of soul, technique, knowledge and respect for different cultures
A Life for Architecture
Architect Luigi Bruno, born in Naples on 25.06.1953 Degree in Architecture, obtained at the “Federico II” University in Naples, in 1981 License for Architecture Practice in 1982 Registered architect at the Verona Architects Association in 1983 1985: Teacher of Arts and Architecture in Italy, Public School 1989: Expert in projects for the elimination of the architectural barriers 1996: Expert in the restoration of historic artworks 2000: Expert in history and restoration of the antiques 2001: Expert at the Civil Court of Verona, in the Estate Valuations Section 2002: Expert in the field of worksite safety 2011: Expert in the field of acoustic projects 2011: Expert in the field of green building projects
Participations in Exhibitions: Abitare il Tempo – Verona from 1990 to 2010 Participation in the exhibitions “Progetti e Territori” on the occasion of “Abitare il Tempo” exhibitions Participation in the International Design Fair “Italian Icons”- Columbia University, New York, 1997 Milan Furniture Fair 1995 – 1998 – 2011 - 2012
Projects in Italy Naples - Milan - Verona -Venice - Varese -Vicenza - Padua
Projects in Europe Paris - Chiasso (Switzerland) - Bratislava e Samorin (Slovacchia)
Projects outside Europe Russia: Moscow - Saint Petersburg - Samara - Cheljabinsk - U.S.A.: Boca Raton (Florida) - Latvia: Riga Ukraine: Kiev - Dnipropetrovsk - Georgia: Batumi -Azerbajan: Baku - Tunisia: Kairouan Kazakhstan: Almaty – Astana - China – Shanghai - Dominican Republic: Las Galeras
R estoration of a private Villa,
dated back to the beginning of the 20th century, in the Veneto countryside
R estoration and Interior Design of a private Villa, dated back to the end of the 19th century, on the Lake Garda shores
R estoration and Interior Design of a private Villa, in the Veneto countryside
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a private Villa, on the Rubloska in Moscow - Russia
I nterior D esign of a private Villa, in Bratislava- Slovakia
A Life for Architecture
in the Veneto countryside
R estoration and Interior Design of a private Villa, dated back to the end of the 19th century, on the Lake Garda shores
R estoration and Interior Design of a private Villa, in the Veneto countryside
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a private Villa, on the Rubloska in Moscow - Russia
I nterior D esign of a private Villa, in Bratislava- Slovakia
A Life for Architecture
R estoration and Interior Design of a private Villa, in the Veneto countryside
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a private Villa, on the Rubloska in Moscow - Russia
I nterior D esign of a private Villa, in Bratislava- Slovakia
A Life for Architecture
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a private Villa, on the Rubloska in Moscow - Russia
I nterior D esign of a private Villa, in Bratislava- Slovakia
A Life for Architecture
on the Rubloska in Moscow - Russia
I nterior D esign of a private Villa, in Bratislava- Slovakia
A Life for Architecture
AArchitectural rchitecturalPProject rojectand andInterior InteriorDesign Designofofa aprivate privateVilla, Villa, ininAlmaty Almaty- -Kazakhastan Kazakhastan
AArchitectural rchitecturalPProject rojectofofa aprivate privateResidence, Residence, ininthe theVeneto Venetocountryside countryside
RRestoration estorationand andInterior InteriorDesign Designproject projectofofthe the19th 19thcentury century- Hunting HuntingLodge LodgeofofQueen QueenMaria MariaTheresa TheresaofofAustria, Austria, Private PrivateVilla VillaininBratislavaBratislava-Slovakia Slovakia
AArchitectural rchitecturalPProject rojectand andInterior InteriorDesign Designofofa aprivate privateVilla, Villa, ininthe theVeneto Venetocountryside countryside
estorationand andInterior InteriorDesign Designproject projectofof“ “Villa VillaSeccamani” Seccamani” RRestoration dated datedback backtotothetheend endofof18th 18thcentury, century,forfora aPrivate PrivateBank, Bank, ininthe theLenoLeno-Brescia Brescia, ,Italy Italy
A Life for Architecture
A rchitectural P roject of a private Residence, in the Veneto countryside
R estoration and Interior Design project of the 19th century Hunting Lodge of Queen Maria Theresa of Austria, Private Villa in Bratislava- Slovakia
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a private Villa, in the Veneto countryside
R estoration and Interior Design project of “ Villa Seccamani� dated back to the end of 18th century, for a Private Bank, in the Leno- Brescia , Italy
A Life for Architecture
in the Veneto countryside
R estoration and Interior Design project of “ Villa Seccamani� dated back to the end of 18th century, for a Private Bank, in the Leno- Brescia , Italy
A Life for Architecture
I nterior Design and Decoration for a Pubblic Building in Astana,Kazakhstan
I nterior Design and Decoration for a Exibition in Verona ,Italy
R estoration and Interior Design of the Restaurant, “FishGate” in Bratislavia,Slovakia
S pecial T hanks My son Leonardo young Architect My Collaborators Rosaria Cagnata,Elena Dal Cer ,Nicoletta Bruno Giorgia Faccioli and Martina Rigoni Miss Eveleen Maragna for translations GianLuca Zanardi of “Desart Graphic Studio” Company “La Tecnica” print Company “Eliolinea”print
P rinted in November 2012 To my family Paola,Alessia and Leonardo togheter in this wonderful architectural experience A Life for Architecture
I nterior Design and Decoration for a Exhibition in Verona ,Italy
E xhibition P rinted
N ovember 2012
A Life for Architecture
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a Luxury Relaix, on the Lake Garda shores
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a Residence, on the Las Galeras in Dominican Repubblic
R estoration Project of a part of the “Ducal Palace� in Mantova with the insert of a cultural functional space. in Mantova,Italy
A rchitectural P roject
of a School of Internazional Cuisine with restaurants and cultural space for meeeting and exhibitions on the Latin Quarter in Paris, France
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex co-housing and commercial spaces in Mantova,Italy
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex with low energy consumption in the heart of the Po Valley river, on Sermide in Mantova,Italy
A Life for Architecture
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a Residence, on the Las Galeras in Dominican Repubblic
R estoration Project of a part of the “Ducal Palace� in Mantova with the insert of a cultural functional space. in Mantova,Italy
A rchitectural P roject
of a School of Internazional Cuisine with restaurants and cultural space for meeeting and exhibitions on the Latin Quarter in Paris, France
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex co-housing and commercial spaces in Mantova,Italy
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex with low energy consumption in the heart of the Po Valley river, on Sermide in Mantova,Italy
A Life for Architecture
in Mantova,Italy
A rchitectural P roject
of a School of Internazional Cuisine with restaurants and cultural space for meeeting and exhibitions on the Latin Quarter in Paris, France
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex co-housing and commercial spaces in Mantova,Italy
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex with low energy consumption in the heart of the Po Valley river, on Sermide in Mantova,Italy
A Life for Architecture
A rchitectural P roject
of a School of Internazional Cuisine with restaurants and cultural space for meeeting and exhibitions on the Latin Quarter in Paris, France
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex co-housing and commercial spaces in Mantova,Italy
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex with low energy consumption in the heart of the Po Valley river, on Sermide in Mantova,Italy
A Life for Architecture
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a Luxury Relaix, on the Lake Garda shores
A rchitectural P roject and Interior Design of a Residence, on the Las Galeras in Dominican Repubblic
R estoration Project of a part of the “Ducal Palace� in Mantova with the insert of a cultural functional space. in Mantova,Italy
A rchitectural P roject
of a School of Internazional Cuisine with restaurants and cultural space for meeeting and exhibitions on the Latin Quarter in Paris, France
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex co-housing and commercial spaces in Mantova,Italy
E sperimental Design of the insertion of a residential complex with low energy consumption in the heart of the Po Valley river, on Sermide in Mantova,Italy
A Life for Architecture
To paint with the brains and not with the hands. Michelangelo Buonarroti
A Life for Architecture
Prototype - Tazzulella & Cafè -
Prototype - ContraPosto -
Prototype - SOStenuto -
Prototype - Crucipiano -