2 minute read
6 Costed roadmap for implementing an OSS pilot in Timor-Leste
6 Costed roadmap for implementing an OSS pilot in
The important aspect of the roadmap is to note that this is not a procurement plan - thinking and responsibility cannot be procured. Therefore, most of the work must be done by the institutions and people in the public sector and the related organizations, and these costs are not included in the costed roadmap. The map must be carefully transformed into organizational action plans following the existing capabilities of each stakeholder, in order not to break them completely. The costed roadmap has been prepared for piloting a three-level OSS model, involving stages 1-2, and covering one municipality, two administrative posts and two sucos. The costed roadmap does not include the costs of internal resources (staff and infrastructure costs of the participating organizations are not included). A stable internet connection and electricity should be ensured before starting with the pilot, so these costs are also not considered. For some aspects, an external partner can be procured to bring in a specific solution or competences, but why, where and what are needed and the how will it applied - these aspects must be known and understood by the people carrying the day-to-day work of the Government of Timor-Leste.
Short descriptions of the columns of the table are provided here: • Area - the recommendations are split into four areas indicating the nature of the activity. o Strategy - activities that create a plan or vision. o Organization - activities that investigate rearranging and clarifying how the OSS works.
o Awareness and skills - activities with a focus on engaging people and providing them with additional skills for operating in the new environment. o Implementation - activities that create something technically tangible. • Planned activities - name and short description of the activity. To have a better reasoning about the activity, please revisit the chapters referred to. • Deliverable(s) - key deliverable that is expected to be achieved with that activity. • Numbers 1 - 13 – predictable months • The pilot phase – the period during which the pilot is carried out • Responsible - the entity that should take the responsibility of implementing the given activity. • Stakeholders - an initial list of stakeholders that could be engaged. This must be seen as the minimal list of stakeholders.
• Estimated cost - The estimated costs are based on outsourcing the necessary external competences or technical solutions:
• The estimate should be considered as a rough minimum estimate as the market situation and world economy might have a significant impact on the actual prices. • Resources - experts and solutions that are required and are not known to already exist inside the stakeholders’ capacity (within the responsible entity). • Basis of calculation
o Unit prices for days are calculated on the basis of eGA international expert fees (travel and accommodation costs are not included). o When providing days, technical solutions, and training, eGA relies on its expertise. The table is provided as a separate file.