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Annex 6. Summary of the breakout session
Annex 6. Summary of the breakout session46
Team 147 Team 2 48
1. What is the role of the municipalities after the decentralization?
The municipality assumes an essential role in order to pursue the government's strategic lines to create the necessary conditions for an improvement in the quantity and quality of public goods and services provided to citizens, especially those living in the most peripheral areas of our national territory Until now, municipal authorities and municipal administrations have made every effort to exercise the competences foreseen in the inter-organic administrative contracts of delegation of competences between the relevant Ministry and the MSA, due to the lack of human and technical resources. It is with some expectations for the entry into force of the Local Power Law, and on the formulation of contracts of delegation of competences by Prime-Minister and relevant Ministry The municipal role will be very vital and strategic in providing public service in various sector and boosting development processes at the municipal level. The most reason is that during the implementation of the administrative decentralization, institutional and territorial decentralization, further strengthened by the presence of local power and municipal council (assembly) election law, all the municipal authorities as well as the staffs or officers had already experienced many kinds of roles and tasks. In the context of competency/authority delegation from the central government, the local government (municipality) realizes that it is impossible for the central government to transfer all competencies to the municipality. In this case, for those competencies that already became a municipality’s responsibility decision making competency should be attributed to the municipal authority and municipal administration. However, for all remaining competencies that are still centralized in central ministries, the municipality will act as a mediator to facilitate, coordinate, and organize all service needs and convey them back to the relevant ministries to be processed and finalized
2. To what extent should the pilot be implemented and why?
Should be at Municipality level, in a shortterm, due the already existing infrastructures and human resource. Should be at Municipality level, the readiness and availability of sufficient human resource and facilities often becoming the main reason
46 The breakout session was held on 17 June 2022, following the Presentation of the key findings of the interviews and field visits for the OSS implementation in Timor-Leste. Hosted by the Ministry of State Administration and the UNDP Timor-Leste 47 Compiled by Ms. Carla Lopes 48 Compiled by Mr. Papito Monteiro
Team 147 Team 2 48
After a study on the implementation of the OSS project at the municipal level, there must be an evaluation of the project and the constraints and opportunities identified. The OSS model should be operationalized at the administrative post level and then as a mobile service, after the assessment of the project in the municipality. AP and Village that is located in very remote area, the mobile car can be used to deliver the services to the rural community where they are urgently need. For instance: the elderly, pregnant women and people with disabilities (disability group), etc
AP and Village offices can be considered as information centre.
3. Who should be responsible for service provision and why?
Service provision should be ensured by the Municipality, however the Ministry with the competence to issue the documents, licenses and others, should be responsible to issue the procedures for proper service provision. The President and Administrator of municipality, because he/she is considered as supreme leader in coordinating, organizing and monitoring the entire activities in the relevant department at the municipal level. AP administrator will act as leader at AP in providing services.
4. What could be possible funding model for OSS?
Government funding as well as development agencies funding. It may be financed by municipal revenues if the municipal finance law so provides. The Municipal Finance Law was approved in the Council of Ministers (22.06.2022), and must be approved now by the National Parliament It will be Government funding as well as development agencies funding because the amount of service fee will not be able to finance all operational cost of the OSS pilot on one hand. On the other hand, half of these services are free such as: ID card, Birth Certificate and Voter Card
5. Services to be provided by OSS during the implementation phase. Prioritize them.
The Team also referred to the possibility of the OSS being a space to which the population can turn to request the connection of tap water to their homes 1. Identity Card 2. Birth Certificate 3. Voter Card 4. Driving Licensing 5. Car/Motorbike Inspection 6. Car/Motorbike Certificate 7. Passport
Team 147 Team 2 48
6. Which government authority should be responsible?
The governing body should be the Prime Minister, or an Interministerial Commission headed by the Prime Minister, considering that, according to the Local Power Law, it is up to the Prime Minister to sign the agreements transferring competencies to Municipalities. The executing body should be the MSA. The governing body consists of all related ministers for the OSS, such as the MSA, the Ministry of Justice and the MoTC. Common understanding of the OSS concept and objectives will become the key factor how they can commit to transfer/delegate certain competencies to the local government to implement the OSS faster, smoother, effectively, and efficiently. The executing body should be the MSA; the reason is that the MSA has strength due to human resources and supporting facilities. The MSA is responsible for the functioning of all government institution activities, as well as non-government organization, political party and etc. at municipality level. More particular, the MSA has its own structure established at the municipality, AP and Village levels.