Desert Star Weekly April 24, 2020 issue!

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Friday, April 24, 2020 Vol. 24 No. 32

Move More Month In a survey by UnitedHealthcare, more than 50% of respondents said walking is their preferred way to exercise. (Adobe stock)

Walk to Stay Active During Pandemic By Desert Star Staff Even though Marylanders are housebound because of the coronavirus pandemic, health experts say getting out for a stroll is something people still can do to

maintain good health. April is Move More Month, which aims to get people to create daily walking plans to improve their well-being. Dr. Michael Bess, vice president for health care

strategies at UnitedHealthcare, says he’s encouraging folks to walk more at home or outside either solo or with immediate family members, which will help folks stay healthy during the outbreak. “Walking remains a generally safe option to help support emotional or physical

well-being, and especially because studies show walking may help boost your immune system, which is specifically important during this COVID-19 crisis,” he states. Bess says walking can help to ward off depression while isolated, and help to manage chronic conditions

such as heart disease, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes. For cardiovascular fitness, Bess recommends walking a total of 10,000 total steps each day. He says if that seems overwhelming, Continues on Page 3

Two DSUSD Educators Named Riverside County Teacher of the Year

NBC PS Olivia Sandusky Two Desert Sands Unified School District educators were named Riverside County’s Teachers of the Year. They’re two of four to be given this award from the county. One of the winners is Tom Buck, who teaches career and technical education at Indio High School. “One of my student’s favorite things is that I do a lot of very cheesy jokes in the classroom, and I’m not afraid to make a fool of myself in front of them,” said Buck. “All of the cheesy humor and all of the public failing is a good way to kind of building

a family relationship.” The other winner is Jodie Fecera, a family and consumer sciences teacher at Palm Desert Charter Middle School. “It’s indescribable because I’m still friends with students that I taught my first year at Indio High School, and they keep in contact, and kids check-in constantly,” said Fecera. Both have been working hard this year to navigate the uncertain world of education, including closed classrooms and distant learning. “It’s really difficult coming up with lessons for a food Continues on Page 3

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