2 minute read
Consumer Groups Question Bill to Regulate Car Sales
Dina Rivera
By Desert Star Staff
Consumer groups are calling for changes to a proposed bill - needed to ensure drivers can continue getting free computer upgrades to repair serious car safety issues remotely. One of the provisions of Assembly Bill 473 would forbid car manufacturers from competing with car dealers regarding sales or service.
Rosemary Shahan, president of Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, said the measure could have unintended consequences.
“So it’s a concern that it could be construed to mean that consumers could no longer get over-the-air repairs from the manufacturer. They’d have to take their car into the dealership, “ she said. Over-the-air fixes are software updates that can be done remotely by the manufacturer. Other sections of the bill prevent manufacturers from charging subscription fees for things like heated seats built into the vehicle. However, the statement would not apply to entertainment subscriptions like Sirius XM Radio.
The California New Car Dealers Association sponsored the bill. The group’s president,
Brian Maas, said he is open to amendments to clarify that overthe-air safety fixes are allowed.
“If it has to do with safety, and the manufacturer is not charging the customer, no problem, update the software over the air. But if it’s a feature that isn’t related to safety and they want to charge for it, the consumer should pay for that upfront when they buy the car,” he said.
The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a manufacturers’ trade group, said, “By prohibiting manufacturers from offering consumers subscription services for vehicle features, this bill limits consumer choice, stifles innovation, increases costs to consumers, and negatively impacts used car buyers.”
Shahan noted that car dealers are sponsoring similar legislation in multiple states. The bill’s author, Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar Curry, has yet to respond to a request for comment.
Disclosure: Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety Foundation contributes to our fund for reporting on Consumer Issues, Environmental Justice, and Social Justice.
We are almost midway between spring and summer. The Sun is in Taurus, a time when we seek solace, refuge, comfort and the Art of Living. Both Mercury (retrograde) and Uranus (sudden changes) are also in Taurus. It’s a complicated time for humanity. Holding onto the past as it falls away. Not yet knowing the future. In the meantime, we celebrate Beltane (cross quarter day, May 1) and notice that Pluto is stationing retrograde.
Beltane is an ancient Celtic festival celebrated on May 1 (which is also May Day). Beltane informs us we are now between (Taurus solar midpoint) Spring equinox & Summer solstice. In the Catholic Church Mary, Queen of the May, is crowned. There are also bonfires (purification) and dancing around the Maypole. This is about weaving a pattern of life, growth and fertility in the community. Dressing the tree in ribbons of color, musicians play joyful spring music, everyone dancing, playing, singing and merrymaking.
May baskets are made filled with flowers, green branches, sweets, breads and packets of seeds. In Hawaii, May 1 is called Lei Day, garlands of flowers and leaves are made and given away in the spirit of aloha. May Day is a day to go barefoot in the morning dew. Beekeepers move their bees on May Day.
Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, the volcanic force that transforms us, retrogrades on May day at 0.22 Aquarius. Pluto will be in the underworld ‘till October 10, returning to 28 degrees Capricorn. Pluto re-enters Capricorn June 12. As Pluto retrogrades, we move into deeper layers of awareness. Certain areas of our lives turn inward for assessment,