Desert Star Weekly April 3, 2020 issue!

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Your adjudicated newspaper for Riverside County




A group of nurses and other health care workers show off protective masks made for them by Arizona volunteers. (Mask-Making-4-AZ) see page 7

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Friday, April 3, 2020 Vol. 24 No. 26

“Medal of Honor Day” Modified, but No Less Important By Desert Star Staff ARLINGTON, Texas -With a health crisis requiring all of us to display endurance, it seems fitting that since 1990, March 25 has been set aside to honor people

who’ve made extraordinary efforts to protect our nation. Today is National Medal of Honor Day, acknowledging those who have received the nation’s most prestigious military decoration, awarded

for valor in combat. Retired Gen. Patrick Brady, a Texan who received the medal in 1969 from President Richard Nixon for a helicopter rescue of fellow soldiers in Vietnam, said a democratic society can’t survive unless it “grows” patriots. “And some people think

that that’s kind of hokey,” he said, “but a patriot’s not someone who says they love their country; a patriot is somebody who will support and defend their country.” The coronavirus pandemic has curtailed public celebrations of Medal of Honor Day. It instead

will include an inaugural “Moment of Honor,” at 3:25 p.m. EDT (2:25 p.m. CDT). Brady said he supports establishing a National Medal of Honor Museum in Arlington. It’s an effort led by Joe Daniels, who served in a similar position Continues on Page 3

US jobless claims surge to record 10 Million amid coronavirus lockdown

By Desert Star Staff Over 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits for the week ending March 28. The number of claims has grown to 10 million over the last two weeks. The released figures are much higher than forecasts cited by various media, as economists expected the number of claims to stand at around four million. “In the week ending March 28, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 6,648,000, an increase of 3,341,000 from the previous week’s revised level,” the US Labor Department said in a statement on

Thursday. According to the agency, the latest figures mark “the highest level of seasonally adjusted initial claims in the history of the seasonally adjusted series.” Unemployment Insurance Weekly ClaimsInitial claims were 6,648,000 for the week ending 3/28 (+3,341,000). Insured unemployment was 3,029,000 for the week ending 3/21 (+1,245,000). — US Labor Department The data was adjusted as all states reported a surge in claims for the previous week, with the largest increase seen in Pennsylvania

Continues on Page 3

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