“This is an important effort to collect data at the local level that can help track outbreaks and assist health experts in addressing them,” said Scott Sear, President of the VSD Board of Directors. “The testing is voluntary on the part of our agency and is being conducted at no cost to our ratepayers.”
The new surveillance is led by Stanford University and Emory University and is known as WastewaterSCAN. This monitoring and testing effort expanded the 2020 work developed by scientists at Stanford, Emory, and the University of Michigan. He partnered with wastewater treatment plants in eight California communities to sample and analyze wastewater solids as the Sewer Coronavirus Alert Network (SCAN). SCAN monitored for COVID-19, monkeypox, and other infectious diseases, such as flu and RSV, by measuring viral genetic material in the wastewater. The WastewaterSCAN data is collected to determine transmission trends and guide public health response nationwide. For example, the initiative detected the first case of monkeypox DNA in wastewater in the United States. The ongoing spread of the monkeypox virus was declared a Public Health Emergency by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on August 4, 2022. A total of 14,115 confirmed cases have been tracked in the United States as of August 18, with 2,663 in California, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Continues on 3 District to monitor wastewater for monkeypox August 26th is National Dog Daysee page 12. CA
desert STARWEEKL Y August 24, 2022 Vol. 18 No. 45 Your adjudicated newspaper for Riverside County
By Desert Star Staff PALM DESERT, Calif. — Hilton Grand Vacations celebrated a ribbon cutting for its newly rebranded resort, Hilton Grand Vacations Club Palm Desert, on Wednesday, August 17, and was joined by Palm Desert Mayor Jan Harnik and resort team members. Following Hilton Grand Vacations’ acquisition of Diamond Resorts last year, the resort is one of several properties worldwide to be unveiled under the new Hilton Vacation Club brand.
‘Hilton Grand Vacation’
Ribbon Cutting for Newly Rebranded Hilton Grand Vacations Club Palm
By Desert Star Staff INDIO, CA– Valley Sanitary District (VSD) will begin testing wastewater next week for the presence of the monkeypox virus as part of an expanded public health surveillance program.

The quartet – still featuring original members Roy Hay and Mikey Craig alongside George O’Dowd – has broken up and reformed sporadically since then, most recently in 2014. The studio album “Life,” their first since ‘99, emerged in 2018. This Pacific Amphitheatre concert took place 37 years before Culture Club last performed on the same stage (with this writer in attendance). As a result, several fans in the O.C. audience sported variations on young George’s signature hat and dreadlocks look. Following a montage of past video clips and imagery, the group emerged clapping and opened with the joyous positivity of the new song “The Next Thing Will Be Amazing.”
Boy George & Culture Club California tour
The nine-piece backing band’s power was instantly felt during a strong 1-2 punch: first, “It’s a Miracle,” which was heightened by a jaunty sax solo, and the fun “I’ll Tumble 4 Ya,” given a mini salsa break. Hay moved from electric guitar to white grand piano for the sleek “Move Away,” where the four backup vocalists bolstered George’s soulful delivery. George’s solo U.K. reggae hit cover of Bread’s “Everything I Own,” complete with dub interlude, was a highlight. Bassist Craig was smiling ear to ear. A completely revamped “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?” had a surprisingly airy vibe that recalled 10cc (think: “I’m Not in Love”). George started it a capella before being joined by piano, acoustic guitar, lush backing vocals, and a sax solo. “I love this country. You’ve always been there for us,” said George, introducing another new track, the tribal rhythmdriven “Planetary Karma.”
NeilYoungArchives.com.Information: Artist: Lotus Title: Bloom and Recede (Frontiers Music Srl) You might like it if you enjoy: Moby, Tycho
Neil Young, Return with Titles
Lotus, Goo Goo Dolls
Artist: Goo Goo Dolls Title: Chaos in Bloom (Warner Records) You might like it if you enjoy: Goo Goo Dolls and Fastball. Tell me more: Modern rock heroes Goo Goo Dolls are back with a tuneful and infectious collection of 10 songs on their latest album, Chaos in Bloom, the veteran outfit’s first-ever album produced by frontman John Rzeznik. There is a lyrical depth and range of topics tackled by Rzeznik and Robby Takac across the album that was developed amid the global pandemic. The driving opener, “Yeah, I Like You,” is a tuneful and uptempo delight. “War” is a more reflective take on relationships, the track’s dynamics creatively building with each measure as Rzeznik’s signature vocals soar. Other outstanding tracks on the disc include the shimmering “Loving Life,” inward-looking rocker “Going Crazy,” magnetic “Day After Day,” and poignant “Superstar.” GooGooDolls.com.Information: By George Paul Listening to Boy George’s witty between-song banter is among the best parts of a Culture Club concert. During a thoroughly enjoyable 80-minute, 13-song set in Costa Mesa, the British singer opined about his musical influences, astrological signs, life lessons, love songs, the recent Elton John/Dua Lipa collaboration, and more. The London pop band was initially formed in 1981. It was part of the second British invasion that took America by storm in the early Eighties alongside Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet, and many others. Over five years, Culture Club amassed nine top 20 hits on Billboard’s Hot 100.
August 24, 2022 www.desertstarweekly.com2 Desert STAR Miguel Vasconcellos for OC Fair
Latin-tingedopenerthechallengingMillerbrotherstracksAug.andnewwithcreativity.experimental-focusedSuchisthecaseDenver-spawnedLotus’full-lengthalbumBloomRecede(setforrelease26,2022).Thenine—craftedbytalentedLukeandJesse—areenticingwhileandrewardinglistener.Thehypnotic“DesertBlooms,”celebration “Pluck,” lush “Pacific Glow,” immersive “Time Dilates,” and cinematic “Desert Recedes.” The diverse field of instrumentals also benefits from some stellar guitar work that pumps up the electronicanchored Information:soundscape.LotusVibes.com.
Tell me more: The best electronica artists stretch their work beyond robotic beats and paint-by-numbers synth sounds to infuse their original music with emotion and
Artist: Neil Young + Promise Of The Real Title: Noise & Flowers (Reprise) You might like it if you enjoy: Lukas Nelson, Promise Of The Real, Neil Young & Crazy Horse. Tell me more: Few rock artists are as prolific, gifted, and eclectic as includesandeditionavailablerecentNeilsongwriter/multi-instrumentalistsinger-Young.ListeningtohisreleaseNoise&Flowers,onaudioCD(thereviewedinthiscolumn)viaadeluxeeditionthatanLP,audioCD,and Blu-ray featuring a concert film, it is amazing how the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer can sing the most intimate of quiet acoustic songs and then suddenly launch into thunderous rockers. The tracks on Noise & Flowers were captured on Neil Young + Promise Of The Real’s 2019 European nine-date tour that began just two weeks after Young’s lifetime friend and manager Elliot Roberts passed away. “Playing in his memory [made it] one of the most special tours ever,” Young says in the album’s liner notes. “We hit the road and took his great spirit with us into every song. This music belongs to no one. It’s in the air. Every note was played for music’s great friend, Elliot.” This collection offers raw and decidedly emotional takes on a far-flung range of Young gems. The classic “Mr. Soul” and “Alabama,” explosive rocker “Throw Your Hatred Down,” timely “Rockin’ in the Free World,” enduring “Helpless,” rarely-heard ‘70s cut “Field of Opportunity,” and gentle “From Hank to Hendrix” are among the songs that shine on the title.
The evening’s major high point came amid a medley containing “Church of the Poisoned Mind” and Wham!’s “I’m Your Man.” The sax player adeptly subbed for Judd Lander’s wicked harmonica work on the recorded version. Later, “Time (Clock of the Heart)” traded luxuriousness for a more disco-fied arrangement. The same held true for an even more danceable “Miss Me Blind.” Everyone in the crowd was out of their seats. Come encore time; Culture Club performed a cover of the Rolling Stones’ “Sympathy for the Devil” (George said, “I always said when I grew up that I wanted to be Mick Jagger – in my own way”) that worked fairly well. The band closed with its bestknown hit, “Karma Chameleon.” Pure fun, all around. Berlin opened the Pac Amp concert with a solid 40-minute set. Kicking things off with “Masquerade,” singer Terri Nunn was often an exuberant presence. The band - a mainstay on KROQ/106.7 FM during the new wave era - started in Orange County in the late ‘70s, where classical Berlin period keyboardist/guitarist David Diamond hails from. Both said this gig felt like a homecoming. “No More Words,” with Nunn’s fierce delivery, prompted a roar of approval from the crowd. She was equally riveting on “The Metro” as swirling synth sounds dominated. The title track of 2013’s “Animal” had a more intense, industrialtinged undertow as Nunn dramatically gestured and showed her camaraderie with the other musicians. Before paying tribute to the late Olivia Newton-John, Nunn admitted to not being a big fan until Livvy released “Magic” in 1980, “then, I suddenly got it. So, Olivia, thank you for gracing us with your love and talent for 73 years.” She and guitarist Carlton Bost sat on stools and did a mesmerizing acoustic guitar cover of the track. The success of “Top Gun: Maverick” has prompted renewed interest in the 1986 film. Its successful soundtrack contained “Take My Breath Away,” Berlin’s No. 1 single written by Giorgio Moroder. In Costa Mesa, Nunn ventured out into the crowd to sing it with emotional depth. The group concluded the set with “Sex (I’m a),” Nunn’s sext duet with bassist John Crawford. The latter appended a wail worthy of a hard rock frontman at the end. Culture Club, BerlinPacific Amphitheatre, Costa Mesa, Calif. Aug. 18, 2022 Culture Club, 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, 2022. The Show at Agua Caliente Casino, Rancho Mirage, Calif.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images
www.desertstarweekly.com August 24, 2022 Desert STAR 3
we are officially authorized to run legal notices. Each week dozens of courts, law offices, and individuals save money by running their legal notices in The The Desert Star Weekly. We Publish Twice A Week! Wednesdays and Fridays! (CDC) website. The virus is transmitted via skin-to-skin
3 Tips for Seeking Health Care Continued from Page 1 All advertising in the Desert Star Weekly newspaper subject to current rate card. The newspaper reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. The views and opinons expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of the Desert Star Weekly or of its clients. The entire contents of the Desert Star Weekly newspaper © 2022. All rights www.desertstarweekly.comreserved. WEEKLY desert STAR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & MANAGING EDITOR Max Liebermann OFFICE MANAGER Mindy Salas ART DIRECTOR Dina Rivera CONTRIBUTORS Beverly Cohn, Janice Gough, Jack Lyons, Kelly G. Richardson, Madeline Zuckerman, Pamela Price, Pat Krause, Risa D’Angeles, Richard Rowland, Robert Kinsler, Theda Kleinhans Reichman PHOTOGRAPHERS Pat Krause ADVERTISINGREPRESENTATIVESACCOUNT Please Call 760-671-6604 ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Arlette Capel Desert Star Weekly 13279 Palm Drive Suite 4 & 5, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-671-6604 NEED A LEGAL NOTICE? CALL US! 760-671-6604 Email: legals@desertstarweekly.com The Desert Star Weekly is one of the few adjudicated publications in the Coachella Valley, which
VSD is also part of a program by the California Department of Public Health (and the State Water Resources Control Board) to expand wastewaterbased epidemiology. For the state effort, VSD’s staff collects samples three times a week and sends them to a lab to be analyzed. For the latest results, visit valley-sanitary.org.
By Desert Star Staff
3. Ask if telehealth options are available Patients should ensure they receive the highest quality care possible and at the location of their choice. Telehealth or telemedicine is typically done online through a computer or cell phone, allowing patients to receive care from a health care provider without an inperson office visit. In addition, telehealth options can help increase access to care by enabling patients to choose where they receive it. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many physicians began to expand access to care using telehealth. Congress made this increased use of telehealth possible and now has the opportunity to make permanent telehealth reforms, so every health care provider in America can deliver safe, high-quality care using telehealth technology. Americans can let their elected representatives know they back policies that give them the tools they need to choose the best health care. To learn more about policies that increase options and price transparency for health care, visit lugpa.org/BetterCareNow. Features monitor wastewater for monkeypox means contact with the monkeypox rash, scabs, or body fluids from a person with the virus.
“Independent physicians work for patients,” said Jonathan Henderson, MD, president of LUGPA. “We often have patients we’ve known for decades, establishing a relationship of trust. We discuss health decisions with patients based on what is in their best interests. We have no obligations to a hospital system. When needed, we can freely refer patients to other physicians who expect to take the best care of our patients based on their individual needs.”
According to the survey, 65% of Americans trust independent physicians and associate them with more individualized and patient-focused care than physicians employed by hospitals. Physician-owned practices also provide a greater level of personalization and responsiveness, have fewer preventable hospital admissions, and lower readmission rates than larger, hospital-owned ones.
1. Shop around for health care When people are not in an emergency situation, it is beneficial to shop for the best health care service price. Americans have a right to price transparency in health care, meaning they know the cost of services before receiving them. Hospitals operating in the United States must provide clear, accessible pricing information online about the items and services, so do not be afraid to ask for upfront pricing information.
VSD’s testing for monkeypox adds to the District’s surveillance efforts for the COVID-19 virus, coordinated by the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) public health program. The program, which began in 2020, monitors for the presence of COVID-19, its variants, and influenza in wastewater nationally. Wide-ranging public health data from these programs are shared with the public at the county level.
According to a survey from LUGPA, the largest urology trade association in the United States, nearly one-third of older Americans worry they won’t get the care they need at a location they choose for a price they can afford. Their concern is no surprise since hospitals are usually more expensive than independent practices. In addition, hospitals are increasingly combining into large hospital systems, which creates fewer choices where patients in a community can seek health care. This decrease in competition can often drive up the cost of care.
District to
2. Considerpracticesindependent Independent medical practice is owned by healthcare providers who enjoy greater control than physicians working for large healthcare systems. Physicianowned methods allow patients more choices for where they seek care, including specialty care. Independent practices are worth considering when shopping for care because these practices typically have a lower average cost per patient.
As intently as ever, Americans may choose to weigh their options, read online reviews, and shop around to ensure they choose the best product or service at the best price. Health care should not be any different. People want options for their health care, receiving personalized care at a reasonable price and at a convenient and comfortable location.

You’ll return to an earlier interest, work, theme concerning family and home seeing how your history and early life interface with and influence your present. Don’t be surprised if home life is somehow disrupted, if time speeds up and slows down (like the tides), if routines keep changing, if decisions are quickly called for while patience dwindles. Hold all these things within a spirit of understanding that there’s no more normal, anywhere. For all of us, this is preparation.
The bill passed both houses of Congress and now awaits a signature from President Biden. Supporters said the effort to tackle climate change would prevent billions of dollars in climate-related damages in the future while creating jobs in frontline communities.
August 24, 2022 www.desertstarweekly.com4 Desert STAR
Risa D’Angeles is the founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies Research Institute: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology. She can be reached at risagoodwill@gmail.com.
In the next several months you’ll break from the past and all things (people, ideas, beliefs, fears) that have hindered your freedom, self-identity, creativity and self-expression. You trusted others to have your interests at heart. However, you found this wasn’t always possible. An awakening is occurring informing you to be strong and make decisions about and for yourself, and to change your image to that of success. You can do this. You are awakening to the fact that you are of great value, something not realized before to such depth. As your thought of self as valuable grows, all that you value will change. I have found that without a sense of self-confidence firmly established there is less forward movement because the self doesn’t know what to choose or how to take action. This will change. Watch your finances. Always ask if your choice and actions are practical. A return to a place with people previously known has, is or will be happening. You return to a neighborhood from long ago, or think about it to better understand that time in your life. You need new realities, ideas, fields of study, concepts that expose you to the future. Seeking new routines, you might dress, think, relate and express yourself differently. A new life-pattern comes forth. Read Christopher Alexander’s “A Pattern Language.”
CA Groups, Tribes Praise New Bill, Call for Climate Emergency Declaration
“It’s a great start to help fix the environmental damage done on the Yurok territory,” Williams outlined. “From gold mining, clear-cut logging of our redwood trees, and then damming of our rivers.”
If interactions or relationships seem confusing or difficult, you’ll quickly walk away thinking the situation too hard to bear. Cooperation is needed to understand what actions are appropriate and, if everything feels limiting, how to respond. Explore with those you love ways that bring about wonder to replace boredom. Explore the impossible, impractical, the unattainable and the unachievable. The outcome is interesting, almost It’smagical.agood idea to tend to money and resources with extra care as something could occur that’s unexpected, especially with shared resources. Keep up with all legal deadlines and matters – taxes, loans, debt. If not taken care of pleasure and ease could be limited and expenditures multiply. Something experimental and unusual will take place. Expect this and maintain balance each day through intentional Goodwill which creates Right Relations. You may be unexpectedly.travelingPerhaps travel is already planned. Something unexpected will occur providing you with a sense of freedom, liberation from difficult feelings, past beliefs, and that ongoing sense of limitation. Notice as you see the world differently than most, those that you meet reflect that difference. Tradition is cast to the winds as you begin to cherish and welcome the unconventional. It’s time to study something (unusual).
More and more you find yourself thinking unconventional thoughts, doing out of the ordinary activities that actually begin to describe who you really are and provide you with freedom of expression. It would be good to tell close friends and family that you’re moving into an unusual, original, perhaps eccentric period of creativeness. It’s also a time to seek more play. Unusual attractions occur, too.
By Desert Star Staff
The habitual, regular, normal, consistent, orderly and routine in daily life, work and relationships change unexpectedly. Anything confining will be liberated, including ideas and beliefs that create separations and block love, in your life. You might feel restless, and so a new rhythm will be found. Unusual methods of healinglaser light, energetic medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture – are of interest. Eventually only the unconventional (read holistic) will make sense.
As President Joe Biden gets ready to sign the Inflation Reduction Act law, California conservation groups are hailing it as the country’s largest-ever investment in the battle against climate change. The bill puts $369 billion into projects to reduce carbon emissions, boost clean energy, mitigate damage from climate change, and more. Phillip councilmemberWilliams,for the Yurok Tribe in Northern California, said the money could supercharge his tribe’s effort to restore their land after 150 years of environmental degradation.
The Biden administration set a goal of reducing carbon emissions by half over the next eight years. The climate change projects funded by the Inflation Reduction Act are expected to help the U.S. cut greenhouse gasses by 40%. Opponents cite cost concerns.
Alex Cornell du Houx, president of Elected Officials to Protect America, wants Mr. Biden to declare a national climate emergency to cut emissions by the remaining 10%. “A national climate emergency declaration would scale and accelerate clean energy so that we reach the 50% by 2030 that the scientist’s show will avoid the worst effects of climate change,” Cornell du Houx asserted.
Your circle of friends, groups that surround and love you, accept and listen intently to your hopes, wishes and needs. They begin to study what you are teaching for they are devoted to helping you and thus creating a life filled with all things new. A review each day is necessary. It provides a foundation for the needs of the coming days and weeks. what is to come forth. This is based on listening, asking, observing needs.
There is a review occurring concerning how you live each day, what your plans have been and what you want them to be. Also, you consider your career, how you as an authority relate to others. You want to be free of the past. However the past hasn’t revealed all of its secrets yet. More of your talents will be discovered, along with recognition that you approach your work in the world with dedication and care. Wherever you are, whenever you appear on the scene, everyone feels liberated. That is quite a gift!
Disclosure: Elected Officials to Protect America contributes to our fund for reporting on Climate Change/ Air Quality, Energy Policy, and Public
These are the requirements of the Aquarian Age. Uranus provides the pathway. Things unconscious and habitual come into your awareness. Then they are released. How do you feel about being anonymous and behind the scenes instead of being front and center? Pisces often hides away, initiating new realities from behind the scenes. Anything secret, already somewhat exposed, will have more light shed upon it. Nothing’s private anymore. The past needs shaking up and interesting coincidences continue to occur. The shimmering future eventually comes into view.

By Desert Star Staff
“The sea lions hunt in it, the abalone eats it, the rockfish hide in it,” Semans outlined. “There’s just so many ecosystem services that it provides. On top of that, it sequesters carbon and buffers wave action along the coast.”
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The kelp forests off the Mendocino coast are recovering with improved environmental conditions, thanks to a conservation program that sent divers to remove 45,000 pounds of purple sea urchins. The urchins have devastated the once massive bull kelp forests, leaving a lifeless barren behind.
HOA presidents often feel that it is their responsibility to instruct the HOA’s manager, employees, or vendors on how they should perform their jobs, but they do not have the authority to do so unless the board gives it to them. By taking the “boss” role, a president is often outside their authority and disrespects the board that is the actual authority. Furthermore, most boards hire professional managers and their role is to handle vendors and HOA employees. Presidents who go beyond their role often experience burnout and frustration due to all the extra time they put in the job (unnecessarily, if the HOA has a manager). Worse yet, they are exposed to liability because they are no longer just making decisions (which directors do) but are actively supervising (which managers do). Such a president also could be acting without corporate authority and exposed to personal liability for corporate commitments made without board approval.
The HOA President is Leader (But Not the Boss) Restoration Makes Significant Progress in
Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. is a Fellow of the College of OberPartnerAssociationCommunityLawyersandofRichardsonLLP,aCalifornialaw firm known for community association expertise. Submit column questions to rightsHOAHomefront.com.PastKelly@roattorneys.com.columnsatwww.Allreserved®.
The Noyo Center also is working to create a new fishery for purple urchins, which can be fattened up in an aquaculture facility and sold. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife said it plans to develop a comprehensive statewide Kelp Recovery and Management Plan over the next five to 10 years. The Pew Charitable Trusts provided support for this reporting. Public News Service
Good presidents are key for healthy associations and bad presidents bring discouragement, frustration, and risk to the manager, board colleagues, and themselves. So, keep the good ones!
Corporations Code Section 7210 confirms the chain of command for HOA corporations – “the activities and affairs of a [non-profit mutual benefit] corporation shall be conducted and all corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the direction of the board.” In a for-profit corporation, the day to day running of the business is typically the responsibility of the president, along with hiring and firing staff and vendors. However, in most HOAs, day to day execution of board decisions is executed by the association’s professional manager, as is permitted by the same Section 7210. The association president has just one vote on the board, and that vote is no more valuable than any other director. Directors who always automatically defer to the president are not fulfilling their responsibility to the association, which needs each director to contribute. So, “super-directors” do not exist in the HOA world – each director is just as important as each of the others.
Northern CA
Presidents normally serve at the pleasure of the board and may be replaced at any time and without cause in an open and properly noticed board meeting.
Sheila Semans, director of the Noyo Center for Marine Science in Fort Bragg, said the kelp forests are crucial habitat for hundreds of species.
If the HOA president role themisunderstood,isresult can be very serious board dysfunction, as well as stress and risk for the president. First, it is critical to understand that the role and power of the HOA president are dramatically different than the for-profit corporate president. The typical for-profit president is hired to be the boss, and can hire and fire, create or terminate contracts, and otherwise run the show. On the other hand, the HOA’s boss is not the president but is the HOA board.
Dan Abbott, kelp forest program director for the Reef Check Foundation, said it is the first large-scale kelp-restoration project in northern California. “It’s not back to where it was, say pre-2015,” Abbott acknowledged. “It’s still only about 20% of the historical average. But again, it’s only like a year and a half in. And it’s a very encouraging result.”
By Kelly Esq.Richardson,G.CCAL
www.desertstarweekly.com August 24, 2022 Desert STAR 5
Good HOA presidents understand the boundaries between board work and management work. They act as team leaders, not dictators. They help lead the board as a team of equals to stay focused on the decisions at hand, moving deliberations along smoothly and efficiently, but also graciously, fairly, and respectfully. They model respect for all directors, even when they disagree, and set the tone of meeting conduct for all attendees. HOA presidents are appointed in an open board meeting (no, presidents are not “personnel” so that does not qualify for closed session).
The purple sea-urchin population has exploded in the last eight years because a wasting disease has decimated their chief predator, the sea star. In addition, the area has no sea otters to keep the urchins in check because the otters were hunted to extinction in the early 1900s.

August 24, 2022 www.desertstarweekly.com6 Desert STAR “Mack & Rita” Should Have Stayed on the Cutting Room Floor RELIABLE ROOFING Best Quality! Best Price! Guaranteed! by Todd Gregory Young NO BULL!... Just 1st Class Roofing! Commercial • Residential • Mobile Homes ALL TYPES • NEW ROOFS RE-ROOFS • REPAIRS SINCE 1987 Bonded • Insured • Lic# 764608 reliableroofingbytgy.com • Shingles • Torch Down • Tile Roofs • Flat Roofs • Sno Coats • Waterproofing • Urethane Foam • Leaks/Repairs 365-0072HIDESERT568-1673 VOTED#1INQUALITY LOW DESERT
Diane Keaton is one of Hollywood’s long-standing treasures. This awardwinning actor has given dozens of brilliant, memorable performances. A few that come to mind include her seminal role as Kate in “The Godfather” (I, II, and III), “Annie Hall,” “Looking for Mr. Goodbar,” “Sleeper,” “Manhattan,” “Reds,” “The First Wives Club,” “The Family Stone” “Manhattan Murder Mystery,” and “Something’s Gotta Give .”I will never forget the scene following her breakup with the Jack Nicholson character where she’s writing the last chapter of her book – wailing, crying, and using mounds of tissues to wipe off the tears running down her face. Her stage work is equally impressive, scoring her first significant role in “Hair,” and eventually was cast in Woody Allen’s Broadway play, “Play It Again Sam.” Her nuanced characterizations, signature fashion look of hats, scarves, and high-neck blouses, coupled with her “Keatonesque” mannerisms and lookingisrespectedofsmile,megawatt-winninghavemadeheronethemostlovedandperformers.ThattheDianeKeatonIwasforwardtoseeing in her latest film, “Mack & Rita,” but alas could only find glimpses of her, thanks to a poorly written script by Madeline Walter and Paul Welsh equally poor direction by Katie Aselton. It was doomed from the beginning. Here’s the storyline for what it’s worth: Mack, played reasonably well by Elizabeth Lail, is a ageAlthoughdoneherpublishedfrustrated30-somethingwriterwhohasshortstoriesaboutlategramMartin,nicelybyCatherineCarlen.Mackisthesameasherfriends,sheforces herself to fit in but feels that she’s a 70-something trapped in her body and is more in tune with her grandmother’s spirit than her contemporaries. She gets along and participates in the Palm Springs bachelorette weekend for her bestie, Carla, nicely done by Taylour Paige, who delivers one of the actual performances, vs. the rest of the friends, who are generally just cardboard cutouts. During that weekend, nicely captured by cinematographer Sean McElwee, Mack stumbles upon a “new age” tent and complains to Luka, the guru (Simon Rex), that she’s in an age warp. He offers her a past life experience and encourages her to climb into his “regression pod,” just a decorated tanning bed. The top closes, and suddenly lights spin and flash, lighting cracks, and the wind fills the tent. At the end of that silliness, Mack emerges, and presto, she is her older self, and thus we are introduced to Keaton’s Aunt Rita. One of the many failures of this script is that Rita actually bears no personality resemblance to her younger self and is clearly just Diane Keaton, which almost 100% of the time would be enough. Rita now makes her way back to the house where her friends are all staying and has to convince Carla that she is really Mack. They concoct a story that this is Mack’s aunt from Arizona, where her “niece” is currently working. In short order, Rita becomes a role model for older women. She joins a women’s wine club, which meets nightly. (Lois Smith, Aimee Carrero, and Wendie Malick.) By and by, Rita, spurred on by Patti Harrison as her caustic agent, becomes an Instagram sensation and a spokesperson for empowering older women. With a good part of the film being cringe-worthy, there are two particularly terrible scenes: One takes place on the beach where Nicole Byer is leading a breathing workshop culminating from Rita’s awkward movements to her long, gray wig being set afire (not funny). The other embarrassment is in a Pilates class where she struggles with using the chords on the reformer. It wasn’t amusing, and if one of the points of the film was to empower older women, this was actually a put-down. Mack has a would-be love interest in her neighbor Jack, who acts as her dog sitter when she’s on the road. Honestly played by Dustin Milligan, you might surmise that attraction spills over to Rita and is interestingly handled. Perhaps with a better script and a more talented director, this could have empowered older women, but it just makes us look like a bunch of incompetent fools. I understand producing a film to create an acting vehicle; if it works, it’s perfectly acceptable. Woody Allen and Clint Eastwood are consummate examples of wearing two hats and never failing as producers and characters in their films. Wearing two hats necessitates moving from the objective (producer) to the subjective (character), and both of these icons produced, directed and starred in an impressive body of films. In the case of our dear Ms. Keaton, perhaps that money should have been used for a vehicle more in tune with her extraordinary talent, which director Aselton sorely misused.
MACK & RITA Director: Katie Aselton Writers: Madeline Walter, Paul Welsh Production Company: Rhea Films (II) Producers: Alex Saks, Diane Keaton, Heaton-Harris,Stephanie Dori Rath &
Elizabeth Lail as Mack in “MACK & RITA,” produced by Diane Keaton and directed by Katie Aselton.

www.desertstarweekly.com August 24, 2022 Desert STAR 7 MSWD Director Randy Duncan Honored For Years of Service
Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-YearWarranty*Extended A $695 Value! Santa Fe Restaurant Awarded Small Business of the Year
By Government Code Section 1780, the Board of Directors may fill the vacancy by appointment. Those interested must reside within the District’s Division 2 boundaries and submit a letter of interest and statement of qualifications to Dori Petee, Executive Assistant, at board@mswd.org.Materialscanalso be dropped off in the District’s night box at 66575 Second Street, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240. All materials must be received at the District offices on or before August 31, 2022, by 5 p.m. For questions or more information, please call 760-329-6448 ext. 137.
During the regularly scheduled Mission Springs Water District Board of Directors meeting yesterday, the Board honored outgoing Division 2 Director Randy Duncan. It opened the search for a replacement to serve the remainder of his term. A member of the Desert Hot Springs community for over 30 years, Director Duncan resigned his post as of August 16, having served on the MSWD Board of Directors for nearly 12 years.
In a ceremonial presentation, Board President Russ Martin presented Dir. Duncan with a plaque that thanked him for his “vision, dedication, and commitment while serving as a member of the Mission Springs Water District Board of Directors.” In addition to serving on the MSWD Board, Dir. Duncan has served on the DHS Planning Commission and has held board positions with the DHS Rotary Club, DHS Boys and Girls Club, and the Cathedral City Senior Center. In his profession, he serves as Southwest Regional Advisor to the Board of United Healthcare. “It has been a pleasure serving with Dir. Duncan on the MSWD Board,” said Board President Russ Martin. “Randy has been both an advocate and a champion for the people of Desert Hot Springs. In addition, his financial background and commitment to the community have made him an asset to the District and the customers we serve.”
By Desert Star Staff
By Desert Star Staff Sacramento, CA –Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) proudly announces Santa Fe Restaurant, with locations in Coachella and Cathedral City, as his 2022 Small Business of the Year honoree. On Wednesday, August 17, restaurant owner Pedro Padilla traveled to Sacramento to receive the award from Assemblymember Garcia at an event hosted by the California Small Business hungry.andlaunchedassistancetheessentialstrugglingsteppedEduardosaid14SantaCoachellaforbusinesseshepositionsdishwasheratMr.embodiesPedroFeforeconomycontributionsYear,2022Santawithinowner’sduringthelocalinselectedAssemblymemberAssociation.GarciaSantaFeRestaurantspecialrecognitionofthefoodassistanceprogramrestaurantorganizedthepandemicandthecommitmenttoservicetheCoachellaValley.“WeproudlycongratulateFeRestaurantasourSmallBusinessofthehonoringPedroPadilla’stoourlocalandhisbigheartcommunitygiving.SantaRestaurantandownerPadilla’ssuccessstorytheAmericandream.Padillacametothiscountrytheageof19,workingasaandvariousotherinrestaurantsuntilsaveduptoopenhisownandbuildthisdreamhisfamily.WithlocationsinandCathedralCity,FeRestaurantcelebratesyearsofbusinesssuccess,”AssemblymemberGarcia.“SantaFeRestaurantuptosupportseniors,families,andourfarmworkersduringpandemic.ThefoodprogramtheysavedmanyresidentsseniorcitizensfromgoingTheywereoneofthe first restaurants in the state who mobilize to provide this type of food delivery service, and they did so without hesitation or expectations of repayment. We hope this award expresses our deep gratitude for Santa Fe Restaurant and their community leadership.” In 2008, Pedro Padilla opened Santa Fe Restaurant in the City of Coachella, adding the Cathedral City location the following year. Born in San Juan De Los Lagos, Jalisco, Pedro immigrated to the United States at 19 in search of employment opportunities. Through hard work and determination, Pedro gained culinary experience in various restaurants before saving up to open his own business. Pedro Padilla and his wife, Mireya, remain dedicated to various charitable causes in the Coachella Valley community and uplifting the dreams of other immigrants. Pedro’s generosity as a local philanthropist grew alongside his success as a business owner. For example, as the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Pedro Padilla immediately began delivering food to the elderly, farmworkers, and needy families. Pedro also helped students obtain computers to keep up with their virtual learning studies. His other charitable ventures include supporting higher education scholarships and citizenship GarciaAssemblymemberassistance.intendstohold a local awards ceremony honoring Pedro Padilla and Santa Fe Restaurant’s accomplishments. Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) serves as the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy chairperson. He represents the 56th district. Ivan Sewell, Russ Martin, Randy Duncan, Nancy S. Wright, Arden Wallum, General Manager

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Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call CLAIRVOYANT1-833-610-1936MEDIUM, with special gifts to share; if you want guidance from above, reconnect with those you love: call Margaret 951) Prepare390-4469.forpower outages today with a GENERAC home standbygenerator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options.
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• For the Supermodel: Go beyond the usual selfie and book a
American Airlines to Purchase Boom Supersonic Overture Aircraft
• Donate: Give to your favorite animal welfare organization. Check their website for donation links or wish lists highlighting the most needed supplies.
“We are proud to share our vision of a more connected and sustainable world with American Airlines,” said Blake Scholl, Founder, and CEO of Boom. “We believe Overture can help American deepen its competitive advantage on the network, loyalty, and overall airline preference through the paradigm-changing benefits of cutting travel times in half.” In July, Boom revealed the final production design of Overture, which is slated to roll out in 2025 and carry its first passengers by 2029.
• For the Sophisticate (AKA: Seniors): Dine al fresco at a restaurant that offers canine-friendly cuisine.
• For the Adventure Seeker: Head to a fun spot for a long walk, such as a beautiful mountain trail.
• Re-share: Repost, share, Tweet. By spreading the word about a particular dog in need on your social media channels, you may help a dog find his/her home. Plus, you may inspire others to do it as well. To learn more or find a shelter near you, www.bestfriends.org.visit
• For the Beauty Hound: Give your dog a spa day at the groomer with a luxurious bath and blowout.
Source: Pam Price
• For the Gourmand: Try making a barkcuterie board of all the tasty yet healthy things your dog will enjoy.
tohuskiesespeciallyfromConsiderrecommendstheforwantpicturesphotographyprofessionalsessionforyou’lltreasureforever.Andfordogloverswhotomakeadifferencehomelessdogsallovercountry,BestFriendsthefollowing:•AdoptDon’tShop:adoptingadogalocalshelterorrescue,alargebreed.Fromtoshepherds,terriersmutts,manysheltersare at capacity with dogs over 40 pounds awaiting a second chance at a new life.
• Volunteer: Spend time at a local shelter or rescue to walk and socialize dogs. The more exercise and care a dog has during their shelter stay can often mean the difference in behaviors that will help him or her find a potential adopter.
• Foster: Fostering is a great way to make a significant impact in a short amount of time. You provide the home and the love, while shelters and rescues offer the food, supplies, medical care, and anything else you need while the dog is in your care.
• For The Social Butterfly: Plan a play date at a local doggy daycare or take a trip to a local dog park or dog-friendly beach.
Best Friends Animal Society Offers Tips on How to Celebrate. Your Best Friend and Help Dogs in Need
August 26th is National Dog Day Dogs. They’re our exercise buddies, travel partners, and best friends. And while most dog parents don’t need an excuse to hang with their favorite four-legged companion, National Dog Day on August 26th is another reason to celebrate what makes that human-dog bond unique. To kick-start the day, Best Friends Animal Society offers the following tips that any dog will be sure to appreciate:
By Desert Star Staff FORT WORTH, Texas, and DENVER — American Airlines and Boom Supersonic today announced the airline’s agreement to purchase up to 20 Overture aircraft, with an option for an additional 40. In addition, American has paid a non-refundable deposit on the initial 20 aircraft. Overture is expected to carry passengers at twice the speed of today’s fastest commercial aircraft. Boom Supersonic’s Overture would introduce an essential new speed advantage to America’s fleet, which is currently the simplest, youngest, and most efficient among U.S. network carriers. Under the terms of the agreement, Boom must meet industry-standard operating, performance, and safety requirements as well as American’s other customary conditions before delivery of any Overtures. “Looking to the future, supersonic travel will be an important part of our ability to deliver for our customers,” said Derek Kerr, American’s Chief Financial Officer. “We are excited about how Boom will shape the future of travel both for our company and our Overturecustomers.”isdesigned to carry 65 to 80 passengers at Mach 1.7 over water — or twice the speed of today’s fastest commercial aircraft — with a range of 4,250 nautical miles. Optimized for speed, safety, and sustainability, Overture is designed to fly more than 600 routes worldwide in as little as half the time. Flying from Miami to London in under five hours and Los Angeles to Honolulu in three hours are among the many possibilities.