desert STARWEEKL Y August 31, 2022 Vol. 18 No. 46 Your adjudicated newspaper for Riverside County
Bret Michaels. Photo by Pat Krause. Photos and Story by Pat Krause The band: “Poison” had a new idea for indoor concerts at ‘The SHOW’ at the Agua Caliente Resort Casino. Poison’s lead singer Bret Michaels used a platform that went out into the crowd, two small areas that went off the side of that tiny stage. This allowed him and his bandmates to go out and make contact with lucky fans by shaking hands. There were no seats on the main floor, so fans could be on the same level and closer to the band members. People were amazed to see the floor filled with people and no seats except on the higher levels. The concert was mostly sold out. Lights went on, and the crowd roared. Cell phones were at the ready to get the first photo of Bret Michaels. Michaels came out into the platform to the fans and
“Poison 2022”
By Desert Star Staff Joshua Tree, Calif. - The Joshua Tree Music Festival is back in full swing this October with a brimming roster of continuous live music from early til late and camping on site. Joshua Tree Music Festival: ‘Be the Light’ is happening October 6-9, 2022, in Joshua Tree, CA. This October, Joshua Tree Music Festival relaxes COVID capacity restrictions and returns with a full schedule of wildly talented artists. In proper Joshua Tree Music Festival form, music will rotate between two stages from early til late, creating a continuous sonic journey each day. The lineup is a diverse medley of genres and styles curated to blend and build as the days progress seamlessly. With just one stage live at a time, the artists and attendees feed into the intimate environment to create a truly unique shared experience. As Joshua Tree Music Festival’s growing community of music lovers will tell you, ‘if you know, you know. Highlights include Ibibio Sound Machine: Vibrant electro-afro-funk out of London; Ghost-Note: Headed by Snarky Puppy’s multiGrammy-winning percussion duo of Robert Sput Searight and Nate Werth, Ghost-Note is an explosion of sound;
Continues on Page 7 Continues on Page 2 Joshua Tree Music Festival Returns Oct. 6-9 Palm Springs International Airport Among USA’s Fastest Growing Airports see page 7. PRESORTEDSTANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Desert Hot Springs, CA PERMIT NO 00005

Tickets are on sale now
Brass Against A musical middle finger to today’s authoritarian machine. A collective group of musicians who share the goal of creating music to inspire social and personal change. We’re delighted to move forward without capacity restrictions this October. That said, JTMF continues to be a very intimate and comfy environment for all ages. We are thrilled to welcome back international artists and return to continuous all-day music programming to offer the whole JTMF experience. October’s lineup is stacked with outrageously talented,
Returns Oct. 6-9 Continued from Page 1
Trio Of Terrific Titles MUSIC,tickets,eventinformation,goto:AboutJoshuaTreeMusicFestival
Founded in 2003, the Joshua Tree Music Festival takes place every May and October at the gateway to the world-renowned Joshua Tree National Park. The fourday festivals are immersive, inclusive, and inspiring experiences catering to musicloving funsters and families with a sense of adventure. Family and friends come together with passion, purpose, and a mission to foster social interaction on a deep level, and to create positive, lifechanging moments. For more info, log on to:
Artists: Bill Lloyd, The Armoires, Mitch Easter, Lannie Flowers, Irene Peña, more Title: We All Shine On: Celebrating The Music Of 1970 (Spyderpop Records) You might like if you enjoy: Power Pop, 1970s rock and pop music, Lannie Flowers Tell me more: Anyone interested in getting a bona fide introduction — or immersive reminder — about the strength of music released in 1970 need simply listen to the wonderful new collection We All Shine On: Celebrating The Music Of 1970. Produced by celebrated artistscollectionJohnjournalist/author/drummermusicM.Borack,the22-trackfeaturesamyriadofcoveringsomeofthe most beloved cuts of 1970 with stylish aplomb. Kicking off with Alan Petsche and Delbert Raines’ soulful rendition of “Are You Ready” the track is bolstered by a gospel choir and fiery lead guitar work. Other early standouts on the outstanding collection include Bill Lloyd’s rootsy take on Randy Newman’s “Mama Told Me Not To Come,” the Armoires’ melodious reading of “Yellow River,” Mitch Easter’ inventive reworking of the Delfonics’ “Didn’t I (Blow Your Mind This Time),” Lannie Flowers’ alt country-styled take on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes” and the Popdudes’ rousing version of the Guess Who’s “Share The Land.” The track listing retains its magic and power on the second half of the disc courtesy of The Brothers Steve’s inspired reading of the Neil Diamond hit “Crackling’ Rosie,” the Legal Matters’ exuberant run through George Harrison’s “What Is Life,” the Test Pressings’ rollicking take on “Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)” and Diamond Hands’ psychedelicmeets-garage rock spin jaunt through the Kinks classic “Lola.” A terrific collection from start to finish. Information:
Source: Jackie Devereaux
August 31, 2022 www.desertstarweekly.com2 Desert STAR
Artist: Ben E. King Title: Supernatural Soul (Goldenlane) You might like if you enjoy: Ben E. King, Vintage Trouble, Bootsy Collins, Bette Smith Tell me more: Recently a group of friends and admirers joined forces to celebrate the talents of the late soul singer great Ben E. King (who sadly passed away in April 2015) with recut versions of his bestknown classics. The results shine across Supernatural Soul, an 11-track album available now via audio CD and on vinyl. Highlights on this excellent celebration include the affecting “Stand By Me” (bolstered by a wonderful tandem vocals between King and Bette Smith as well as flashy guitar work from Ronnie Earl), the funky gem “Supernatural Thing” with bass virtuoso Bootsy Collins, the lovely “Spanish Harlem” (featuring flamenco guitar master Rafael Riqueni), soulful “Don’t Play That Song (You Lied),” grooving “Do It In The Name Of Love” and smooth R&B cut “I Had A Love.”
Joshua Tree Music Festival
Joshua Tree Music Festival Presents: Be the Light is an invitation to immerse and fully connect with your festival community. Over four days and nights, attendees can enjoy a full schedule of music, yoga, workshops, mindfulness, and
Joshua Tree Music Festival Presents: Be the Light takes place Oct 6-9, 2022, at the Joshua Tree Lake RV & Campground, 2601 Sunfair Rd, Joshua Tree, CA. Tickets start at $225 for all four days and include onsite camping. Kids and junior tickets, as well as single-day tickets, are also available.
skilled artists that we are truly honored to have on our stages! Says festival founder Barnett English. During breaks from the dance floor, attendees can enjoy yoga and workshops, massage at the Healing Oasis, or take a stroll around the lake and the grounds to take in the art and the raw beauty of the desert landscape. On the lineup: Ibibio Sound Machine, GhostNote, Brass Against, Smoked Out Soul, House of Hamsa, Fémina, Mikey Reyes and the Feeling, Cytrus, Giselle Woo and the Night Owls, Madalitso, Mitchum Yacoub, Symone French, and the Trouille Troupe, Trevor Green, Q.Varo, Year of the Crow, Galaxy, Corinne West, Movie Club, Honeywild, DivaDanielle, Father Taj, Zebuel, Las Tias, Sierra Marin, and Roots Ascension, Ian Winters, Tia Wood, Mtn Girl, Rocket Synth, Passionfruit, Sensi, Bear. Check out the Joshua Tree Music Festival October 2022 playlist on Spotify to get an idea of the music vibe.
kids’ activities. This is an allages, family-friendly event.
Artist: Marcus King Title: Young Blood (American Records / Republic Records) You might like if you enjoy: Gary Clark Jr., Marcus King Band, Walter Trout Tell me more: Singersongwriter/guitar master Marcus King is back with Young Blood, a sharp 11-track set of hard-hitting Southernfried blues rock. Music lovers who miss the guitar heroes of yesteryear should run out and pick up King’s new album. While listeners thrill in King’s otherworldly talents (King began playing guitar at age 3), they will be gripped by a set of songs that collectively chronicle a dark period for King following a devastating break-up. The artist honestly addresses drug and alcohol excess as well as the real-life issues of depression and mental health. Tracks such as “It’s Too Late,” “Lie Lie Lie,” “Pain” and “Good and Gone” showcase the rising 26-year-old South Carolina native focusing simultaneously on his signature gritty vocals and astonishing lead guitar work in the service of stylish genre-meshing songs blending Southern rock, blues and soul in good measure. Elsewhere — take the lovely “Rescue Me,” sparse “Blues Worse Than I Ever Had” and groove-centered “Blood On The Tracks” and “Dark Cloud” — King uses his influences to create that same kind of dynamic firepower amidst a relatively quiet storm.

A new report on the plight of older adults reentering society after a long period of incarceration found they have a tough time finding affordable housing, health care, and community support. The nonprofit Justice in Aging report noted that 30% of the prison population will be over age 55 by 2030. Ted Booker, business development and grants manager for the nonprofit Arming Minorities Against Addiction and Disease Institute in Los Angeles, which helps people exiting incarceration, explained the need for support.
“When you go to prison, it’s almost like your life gets on pause,” Booker pointed out. “Whatever age you were when you went in, it’s the same age your functioning level will be when you get out. I have individuals from anywhere from 40 to 60, with the functioning ability of a
We’re in a drought. We all need to reduce our water use by 15 percent.
Senate Bill 1107 has already passed both houses of the California Legislature. If it becomes law, the new limits will take effect in 2025. They’d also increase ten years later - to $50,000 or $100,000 for injuries or deaths and $25,000 for property damage.
of fiscal administration for the group, said their New Beginnings program also helps people get an ID and connect with the right services. “There are many obstacles that do come into play,” Hughes knowareincarceratedresources“Nowadays,acknowledged.therearemanyforpreviouslyinmates.Butthereonlyachosenfewthatabouttheseresources.”
New Bill Desk to Raise Minimum Car Insurance Coverage Advocates Push for Help for Older Adults After Incarceration All advertising in the Desert Star Weekly newspaper subject to current rate card. The newspaper reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. The views and opinons expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of the Desert Star Weekly or of its clients. The entire contents of the Desert Star Weekly newspaper © 2022. All rights www.desertstarweekly.comreserved. WEEKLY desert STAR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & MANAGING EDITOR Max Liebermann OFFICE MANAGER Mindy Salas ART DIRECTOR Dina Rivera CONTRIBUTORS Beverly Cohn, Janice Gough, Jack Lyons, Kelly G. Richardson, Madeline Zuckerman, Pamela Price, Pat Krause, Risa D’Angeles, Richard Rowland, Robert Kinsler, Theda Kleinhans Reichman PHOTOGRAPHERS Pat Krause ADVERTISINGREPRESENTATIVESACCOUNT Please Call 760-671-6604 ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Arlette Capel Desert Star Weekly 13279 Palm Drive Suite 4 & 5, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-671-6604
SAVE 15% Swap grass landscapedrought-friendlyfor August 31, 2022 Desert STAR 3
By Desert Star Staff
Craig Peters, president of Consumer Attorneys of California, said the bill would double the current rates, which only require coverage of $15,000, $30,000, and $5,000,“Fifteen-thousandrespectively. today will barely cover the cost of an ambulance ride to the hospital,” he said, “and $5,000 will barely fix a minor dent in a car.”
He noted that when the current rates were set in 1967, they were intended to cover the cost of a two-week hospital stay or the replacement of the vehicle. Since every California driver must have insurance that meets state standards, the law would protect victims of car crashes from incurring massive debt. The bill’s few opponents, including some insurers, said it’s the wrong time to raise the coverage cost. However, Peters said the bill resulted from negotiations between consumer groups and insurance industry representatives and called the changes long overdue.
“California has lagged behind every other state in the union,” he said. “This will put us back into the middle of the pack.”
It’s easier than you think. Convert your front or back yard to droughtfriendly landscaping and save on average 230 gallons per day. For more ways to save, visit
The new California budget allows people on Medi-Cal before incarceration to have it suspended rather than terminated during their term so that it can be reactivated more easily upon release. The state also allocated almost $32 million over three years to support reentry housing, a move Booker applauds. “They need the same attention that children are given in the Department of Children and Family Services,” Booker contended. “There needs to be a special category and attention given to older adults because their needs are so great.”
That’s about 12 gallons per person per day.
By Desert Star Staff Consumer advocates are urging Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign a bill on his desk that would raise the amount auto insurance companies must cover in the event of a crash. The “Protect California Drivers Act” would raise the minimum liability insurance amount to $30,000 for a single injury or death, $60,000 if more than one person is injured or killed, and $15,000 to cover property damage.

You seek someone to share your interests. You seek happiness and friendships and group interactions. You seek peacefulness, a bit of romance tinged with friendship. You teeter between depth and impersonality wanting to trust. You’re here and there with your thinking like a twinkling star. You want to feel empowered but sometimes daily life feels difficult, challenged and wounding. Relationships change. Life eases.
In relationships you find yourself choosing to harmonize rather than to challenge. In groups of friends you may meet someone very intelligent, to support your choices. You remember your schooling and connect with friends from those times. Someone makes you very happy. You value them and show them more love and care. You don’t talk about it. You protect them from harm. Your compassion is strong. You help those in need. You are recognized for your work performance, seen as responsible, likeable, with appropriate authority, able to negotiate and be social at the same time. This is all in terms of your profession. There’s some ambition for something
2018. Statistics via the U.S. and Global Music Connect. Earlier this year, the band released new remixes of their viral TikTok hit “Vacation,” with producers such as Borgeous, and an acoustic version of the track after the challenge#VacationTransitionwentviralon TikTok, amassing over 378 MILLION streams and over 6 BILLION consumption plays across all social media platforms.
to your community newspaper serving desert cities and beyond. $25 For one year subscription mailed to your home For as low as SubScribe Now WEEKLY desert STAR 760-671-6604 Please Call
Several things keep coming to the surface and show up in your life. Things financial through a deep intimate connection, sharing power and finances, discussing emotional topics, seeking depth of union. Then there’s the unusual, where routine become a dissatisfaction and new realities beckon. The appeal is other people and places, attractive and charming and rather exotic. Synthesize all of it. Plan a journey. A most important task for Capricorns is paying special attention to partners, intimates, friends and those close to you. Personal, one-on-one interactions are needed for those who love you. Offer yourself, with intention and heart dedication, to be more present, to love more. Observe carefully the needs of those in your life. One can radiate love yet still be unaware of the needs of others. Do you recognize the subtle difference?
new, something managerial mixed with freedom, art creativity and your particular talent. Opportunities come your way. Keep a sensible heart throughout. Keep your eyes wide open.
Risa D’Angeles is the founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies Research Institute: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology. She can be reached at
It’s important to hear during these times that you are cared for and loved. You may not say these words to others very often, but you need to have them said to you. In turn do tell those you love and who love you that you feel safe and secure with them. And thank them. What you seek most right now are things simple, truthful, trustworthy and genuine. Be sure you offer these Soul qualities, too. The planets are affecting you in such a way that you are more sensitive, vulnerable, more aware and perceptive. Give to yourself all that you need during this time. You also may need to tend to your health and well-being with more focus. Less acidic foods, more alkaline for balance. You will feel the difference. Be sure to follow the morning and evening planets before they hide away. Parts of your life become more and more hidden, just for a while. In terms of love it’s like you’ve closed the door and gone into hiding. Secrets become interesting, you (or others acting out your transits) speak in whispers. There’s also a feeling that some things - people, events, situations - have ended. It’s not apparent at first but then you begin to feel a subtle loss, a sadness and melancholy. This passes. But you learn what you are longing for.
August 31, 2022 www.desertstarweekly.com4
Desert STAR You find it important for beauty, peace and harmony to be that which comforts you at home. Perhaps you will look around your environments realizing more quality, care and comfort are needed. You think about your childhood home, your parent’s marriage, and the intelligence and love imparted there. You either imitate this way of living or revolutionize it. Everyone’s childhood was a learning process. You always choose to be kind, to do no harm, to be tactful and likeable. You learn during these weeks to provide others with more compliments and recognition. Praise uplifts people and they do their best. You’re sensitive to diplomacy and sometimes, so that others do not hurt, you remain silent. You have very high intelligence which you hide. You are also at times, mischievous, secretive and ornery.
Above all other things you do this month, make sure the work environment is harmonious and peaceful, friendly and tidy, generous and a pleasure for everyone. Call for team spirit, ask everyone to be cooperative and share tasks. The outcome is everyone begins to recognize your gifts and appreciates you more and more. Wherever you are, home appears. Friends gather around. They bring their gifts to you for your health and well-being. Love flourishes. You find yourself more loving and appreciative. You see the gifts of those around you, recognizing and complimenting them. You realize the discomfort of your environments and seek more order and organization. You never exhibit aggression. Instead a silent magnetism surrounds you. People are attracted to something quiet and silent within. It’s important to have several creative outlets at this time – art, dance, drama, theatre. For fun.
LOS ANGELES, CA – California reggaeinfluenced band Dirty Heads have released their highly anticipated 8th studio album Midnight Control via Better Noise Music. To coincide with the album release, the band has released a new single and video for the track “Make Me.” “Midnight Control is the culmination of almost twenty years of musical exploration, creativity, and our love for creating original, impactful art and music,” vocalist Jared Watson said. “It’s the best album we’ve ever written, and I think that’s because we have been through so much, done so much, and are comfortable as songwriters, producers, players, and human beings. And knowing who we want to work with to get what Sonics. We are so connected and on the same frequency as Ryan Ogren that it was just magic the whole time. We just wanna continue to make dope shit and push music forward, and midnight control is exactly that.”
“Life’s Been Good,” the band’s take on Joe Walsh’s 1978 hit, is racing up the alternative radio charts and is currently in the Top 20 at #11 with support by stations across the country, including KROQ in Los Angeles. Since its release, the track has amassed nearly 5 million streams across all platforms. “’Life’s Been Good’ is the perfect follow-up to ‘Vacation,’ lead singer Jared Watson commented. “It just felt right. If you like the vibe of ‘Vacation’ and that song positively impacted your life, ‘Life Is Good is the continuation of that feeling. I think the story of enjoying life is really what Dirty Heads are all about.”
“Life’s Been Good”
Dirty Heads are currently out streaming some of the most prominent alternative acts in the U.S., with over 2 BILLION total streams ondemand + on-demandtrackoverWorldwide,programmed.thebandhas1.29MILLIONdigitalsalesand1.5BILLIONstreamssince
By Desert Star Staff

Dear Richardson:Mr. theDuringCovid shutdown, the board used Zoom to hold meetings. Now that we are able to have inperson board meetings, we have the following situation. If the board is in the community room and many of us are watching from home, there is no way that people watching on zoom can raise their hand and verbally speak to the board or even type a question into the chat. Our manager said the only company that can do what we are asking for is expensive.
Hi Kelly: Can HOA’s still hold zoom meetings when Covid cases run high but the state has not declared a “State of Emergency”? If HOAs must provide “in-person” meetings, how do HOAs provide virtual access to residents or board members who want to participate at the meeting, but due to an illness or fear of infection? What technical solutions can the used to add them to the “in-person” meeting? What equipment is available to provide both forms of attending the board meeting? Do boards have an obligation to find the solution? August 31, 2022 Desert STAR 5
By Janice Gough President Joe Biden reinvoked a 1950s law just weeks ago. He did it to unlock more than $10 billion in funding… alongside as much as $600 billion. But unfortunately, this 1950s U.S. government law was designed to only be used in times of war and crisis. After the law was enacted, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway committed a multimillion-dollar investment in this sector. And they were far from the only ones. This sector is up over 160% from 2020, and cash flows have eclipsed $5 billion, a 13x increase over the past two years. In fact, it’s one of the only sectors to be up year-to-date in 2022… gaining around 34%, while the S&P 500 has tumbled 30 to 50% . The government committing as much as $610 billion to this one sector. And that number keeps growing. In 2010, the U.S. imported around 12 million barrels of oil daily. Now, we export 8.63 million barrels a day. America is in a silent war hardly anyone knows about yet. But, incredibly, Ground Zero is in our own backyard. Clark Mountain Range in San Bernardino County, California, and the mountain rage, only miles away from Las Vegas, is ground zero…It’s the site of an age-old American industry. One America dominated the oils industry decades ago. Its rebirth will help us win what I believe will be the greatest war of the decade. It’s all happening now. Moreover, it has the power to make a lot of people incredibly wealthy because hundreds of billions of dollars are being pushed into a handful of places in the oil and rare metals sector. And today, six companies are perfectly positioned to receive most of the funding, providing the potential for explosive gains. A similar situation happened in Canada when this same once-dormant industry was reopened. As a result, one of their microcap stocks soared 17,899% in just four years. This 1950s U.S. government law was designed to only be used in times of war and crisis. Biden wants to remove our country’s dependency on imports of certainAftercommodities.thelawwas enacted, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway committed a multimillion-dollar investment in this sector. And they were far from the only ones. This sector is up over 160% from 2020, and cash flows have eclipsed $5 billion, a 13x increase over the past two years. In fact, it’s one of the only sectors to be up year-to-date in 2022… gaining around 34%, while the S&P 500 has tumbled 30 to 50% . The government committing as much as $610 billion to this one sector. And that number keeps growing. In 2010, the U.S. imported around 12 million barrels of oil daily. Now, we export 8.63 million barrels a day. America is in a silent war hardly anyone knows about yet. Clark Mountain Range is in San Bernardino County, California, and that mountain range is ground zero, only miles away from Las Vegas. One America used to dominate decades ago. And its rebirth will help us win what I believe will be the greatest war of the decade. It’s all happening now. We’re in a crisis now. The stocks in the oil and gas sector will bring the power to make a lot of people incredibly wealthy because hundreds of billions of dollars are being pushed into a handful of places in the oil and rare metals sector. Raymond Dalio is an American greatestHeofphilanthropist,billionaire,andthefounderBridgewaterAssociates.isknowntobeoneoftheinnovatorsinthe finance world. According to Forbes, Ray Dalio is worth $22 billion as of August 2022. These are his holdings in Oil: Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM), Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX), and ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP). Following the money makes life much easier. Janice Gough is a Financial Consultant located at 1111E. Tahquitz Cyn Way, Bldg#120. Contact us for a complimentary review at (650)200-8291or email us at,Janice@44yearsinbus.
For now, anyone who wants to speak to the board must show up in the community room. How can the board have a legal meeting using an inexpensive platform and make this work? L.O., Nipomo.
Best regards, S.K., Coronado
Zooming in on Virtual Meetings Follow the Money
••••••• •••••••
Dear L.O. and S.K.: Yes, purely virtual meetings are not permitted under the Open Meeting Act, which requires that in addition to a virtual or telephonic mode there must be a physical location someone can attend to observe the meeting with at least one director or HOA designee present (Civil Code Section 4090(b)). Many have mistakenly thought that last year’s emergency legislation, Senate Bill 391, authorizes purely virtual open board meetings – but the new Civil Code Section 5450 allows purely virtual meetings only if a declared emergency prevents the meeting or renders it unsafe. Since it appears there are no counties currently banning in-person meetings, the law does not provide any present help and is too late for the Covid pandemic. Hybrid meetings are not required, but are a good idea for most HOAs. Virtual platform company subscriptions are a minor expense. The most important part of the hybrid meeting is to ensure the HOA has adequate microphone and speaker function in the room where the live meeting occurs –laptops, tablets, and cell phones are inadequate to allow everyone to hear and be heard. The meeting’s video portion is less important, but it is important to have a device which operates as a “speakerphone” and used as the only microphone or speaker allowed on in the room – multiple speakers and microphones will cause annoying feedback or echoes. Open forum is required, but that does not require the “chat” function be enabled. The chat function sometimes is abused horribly by members, who use it during board meetings to argue with each other or to write outlandish comments that normal people would never speak out loud. Most virtual platforms also have a “hand raised” function so one can indicate a wish to speak during open forum. However, whether you are in the room or attending virtually, once open forum is over, then the audience, virtual and live alike, is there to listen and not to participate. - Best, Kelly Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. is a Fellow of the College of Community Association Lawyers and Partner of Richardson Ober LLP, a California law firm known for community association expertise. Submit column questions to Kelly@ Past columns at com.www.HOAHomefront.Allrightsreserved®.
By Kelly Esq.Richardson,G.CCAL

Receives Acso’s Most Valuable Player Volunteer Award Sign Toppers Crown Cathedral City’s Cove RELIABLE ROOFING Best Quality! Best Price! Guaranteed! by Todd Gregory Young NO BULL!... Just 1st Class Roofing! Commercial • Residential • Mobile Homes ALL TYPES • NEW ROOFS RE-ROOFS • REPAIRS SINCE 1987 Bonded • Insured • Lic# 764608 • Shingles • Torch Down • Tile Roofs • Flat Roofs • Sno Coats • Waterproofing • Urethane Foam • Leaks/Repairs 365-0072HIDESERT568-1673 VOTED#1INQUALITY LOW DESERT
volunteer projects, and volunteer organizations
of dedicated, hardworking and committed volunteers
August 31, 2022 www.desertstarweekly.com6 Desert STAR
orchestras and classical music organizationof[Lloyd]Boarddependorganizationsoneveryday.“ThequintessentialMember,eachyeardevoteshundredshourstorepresentingtheatcivicevents,
By Pam Price Cathedral City’s historic Cove, a historic neighborhood sandwiched between Palm Springs and Rancho Mirage off Highway 111, was initially founded by free thinkers, writers, and artists, each in their style, enhancing the desert, art-wise. Agnes Pelton, an internationally recognized artist, followed by Val Samuelson, a Minnesotaborn artist, continued to reflect the artistry that weaved its way throughout this idiosyncratic neighborhood affluent in art history but absent of model homes and gate-guarded residentialRecentlydevelopments.theCathedral City Public Arts Commission chose to honor three Cove artists who recently passed away. Tim Townsley, Bill Anson, and Joe Novak. When you exit Hwy. 111 at Cathedral Canyon Drive, look for the “sign toppers.” Tim Townsley, a lifelong artist, debuted his versatile talent, winning an art competition at age eight and selling his first painting at 17. He has 28 paintings exhibited at Desert Jet in Thermal, CA closing in November this year. Cathedral City’s Public Arts Commission is on the move, literally, with the opening of the current exhibit of Ricardo Breceda’s undeniably unique display of more significant than life prehistoric dinosaurs that could well have occupied this same area across Highway 111 because of Cathedral City’s City Hall a million years ago. “Cathedral City is visually on the move with everything artistic, from the Sign Toppers to prehistoric personalities,” said resident Grace Robbins. “ There’s no way one can get lost in our Cathedral City at the moment. I wonder what’s next ! “ she commented with a smile.
Lloyd Garrison By Desert Star Staff The Association of California OrchestrasSymphony(ACSO)is pleased to announce that Lloyd Garrison, Board Member of the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra (SBSO), is a recipient of the 2022 Most Valuable Player (MVP) Volunteer ACSO launched the MVP Volunteer in 1996 to recognize exemplary volunteers, and to thank a few of the hundreds that hosts friends and colleagues at Symphony performances, and generously supports Symphony operations,” said SBSO Executive Director Dr. Anne Viricel. “Although Mr. Garrison has built a distinguished career in international business, he finds time to serve on several Symphony committees, always bringing a statesmanlike thoughtfulness that ensures every decision will be well considered. In addition, he regularly attends chamber of commerce events, represents the Symphony at donor events, and is the one person we can always count on to sponsor all the flashlights, pens, and calendars our patrons receive. He also coordinated with the City of Upland Unified School District, allowing our organization to serve over 1,000 additional students yearly! Clearly, Mr. Garrison is a tireless board member; but he is also a caring and decent human who inspires others through his calm yet unyielding desire for excellence in all he does. Therefore, for the reasons listed and so many more, Mr. Lloyd Garrison is a true MVP, and we believe his efforts deserve recognition.”
Photo courtesy of Sue Townsley
ACSO Executive Director Sarah Weber said, “During good times and bad, orchestras depend on volunteers to help with almost every aspect of their operations. They are working behind the scenes and out in front as ambassadors to ensure their orchestra is strong and active in the performance hall and the community. Lloyd is an outstanding example of how critical volunteers are to keeping our orchestras vital and resilient.”
Photo by Peter Palladino

By Desert Star Staff Palm Springs, California – Palm Springs International Airport (PSP) was named one of the fastest growing airports in the country last month, and PSP will be among the top 3 most recovered airports in the country this fall. As for PSP’s passengers, the airport has announced its 12th passenger record! Last month Simple Flying, a leading aviation news and insight organization, named PSP one of the fastest growing airports in the country. Looking ahead, Simple Flying said that PSP is the 62nd-busiest airport in the country, moving up 14 spots, with 16% more seats for sale this winter compared to 2019 as recovery around the US remains at 90%.
shook hands with people. Hands reached out to touch his hand, and Michaels would reach out as far as he could to touch everyone. Then he and his band retreated to the big main stage. Michaels did this many times during the concert to please his fans. He said he hoped everyone was ready for as big a night as he was. Bret said he had waited for two and ½ years to get to the Valley. He thanked everyone for coming to his show. He said he was fired up and would make this a night to remember. The band was formed back in 1983 and has been in the mainstream ever since. They started with, Your Mommy Don’t Dance, and Your Daddy Don’t Rock and Roll. That got the audience in the mood for a night of Rock and Roll and Poison’s best songs. People were dancing while standing on the floor while others danced or moved to the music by their seats. Michaels would ask the fans to use their phones to sway with the music. Other times he would ask his fans to wave their arms or clap to the music. He got the audience involved with the concert. Michaels brought out his harmonica in the second song. Then he donned a cowboy hat and got his guitar. Michaels and his guitarists were constantly on the move, either on the main stage or the smaller one. Michels wore his signature outfit of a Poison sleeveless t-shirt and jeans with added American flag pieces sewn on the flared hems. Michaels has this unique speaking voice that makes you want to listen for more. The band is known for hard rock, pop rock, heavy metal, funk, and soul. They did a little of each type of music for everyone’s listening pleasure. Poison band members were able to show their talents with solo performances. First, they showed that they were highly talented and then asked for fans to show their appreciation. These men were natural showmen who constantly moved across the stage or into the audience on the smaller platform. In addition, Michaels would jump around and make a big jump at the end of each song. These concerts at the SHOW are not to be missed. Huge artists love to come and perform. It’s small enough to feel a part of the concert and close to the artists. There are big names like Tom Jones, Pat Benetar, Steve Adler, Adam Lambert, Priscilla Presley, and SOOOO many more. Check it out for dates. Something extraordinary to do in the Valley.
“Poison 2022”
“Palm Springs will have 2.1 million winter seats this year… That’s up by 16% over Winter 2019 and 6% over its previous peak, Winter 2018,” said Simple Flying in their article on July 22, 2022. “It will be the second winter that it [PSP] has had more than two million seats. It means Palm Springs is the USA’s 62nd-busiest airport, one place behind Memphis and only seven places behind Burbank.”
The airport also reported setting its 12th passenger record since last summer. July 2022 is now the busiest on record, beating its 2021 record by more than 3%, with 133,664 passengers passing through PSP. Looking at pre-COVID levels, PSP served 97,834 passengers in July 2019, or 26.8% less than this year. August 31, 2022 Desert STAR 7
An analysis of airline schedule data from Cirium via Diio Mi by Ailevon-Pacific Aviation Consulting concluded that Palm Springs is also one of the Nation’s top 3 most-recovered airports. In September, PSP is scheduled to be the Topmostrecovered airport in the US, with Sarasota, FL at #2 and Myrtle Beach, SC at #3. For October and November, PSP comes in at #3 behind Sarasota and Myrtle Beach, outpacing all other California airports in these months. “The competitive playing field for airlines operating at PSP is dynamic right now,” said Harry Barrett, Executive Director of Aviation. “While we recently lost a smaller airline due to their bankruptcy, we’re excited to welcome Avelo Airlines and additional service from Southwest Airlines this fall. This additional capacity to four cities will exceed anything recently lost, and we’re confident that 2022 will end as our busiest year on record.”
Poison Band guitarists. Photo by Pat Krause Continued from Page 1 Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-517-1892 SPECIALOFFER Palm Springs International Airport Among USA’s Fastest Growing Airports

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Certain types of GMOs have a disclosure that lets you know if the food is a bioengineered food. Bioengineered food is the term that Congress used to describe certain types of GMOs when they passed the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard.
Purpose of GMOs Humans have modified crops and animals to suit their needs and tastes for thousands of years. Crossbreeding, selective breeding and mutation breeding are examples of traditional ways to make these genetic changes, and they have been used to create crops like modern corn varieties and seedless watermelon. These methods often involve mixing all the genes from two different sources. For example, today’s strawberries are a cross between a strawberry species native to North America and a strawberry species native to South America. Modern technology allows scientists to use genetic engineering to take a specific beneficial gene, like insect resistance or drought tolerance, and transfer it into a plant without also transferring undesirable genes, which sometimes occurs in traditional plant breeding.
Cold Teething Toys and Household Items
Food Sticks For babies who are teething but have not yet had a tooth erupt, try handing over a cold, large, peeled, raw carrot. Refrigerated harder foods provide the cool temperatures and counterpressure babies often crave during bouts of teething, as well as exposure to new flavors and textures, but in a form that won’t break off into smaller pieces that would increase risk of choking.
Manage Drool During bouts of teething, a baby’s lips, chin and cheeks can easily become raw and chapped from excess saliva and teething-related drool. Keep these areas as dry and protected as possible, especially when it’s cold out. It may help to apply a thin layer of ointment to further protect the skin.
Pain Treatment After trying all other options, if baby still seems to be in teething-related pain, talk to your pediatrician about whether over-the-counter pain medications are an option, and if so, what dosage to use for your baby. Most experts do not recommend using numbing gels containing benzocaine, which are unsafe for infants and not likely to help with teething pain.
The Standard establishes requirements for labeling foods that humans eat that are or may be bioengineered and defines bioengineered foods as those that contain detectable genetic material that has been modified through certain lab techniques and cannot be created through conventional breeding or found in nature.
When teething, babies often look for counterpressure that’s soothing on sore gums, which they can get by chomping down on a harder surface. Cool temperatures also help provide teething relief. Soothing options including silicone toothbrushes, silicone (gel-free) teething rings or toys, or even a clean silicone cooking utensil from the kitchen can be placed in the freezer. Offer the item to your baby for chewing and mouthing, or gently hold it to the gums to help ease the pain.
Gum Massage Using a clean finger, gently massage your baby’s gums. The little bumps you may feel forming beneath the gumline are the tips of baby teeth making their way to the surface.
Find more ideas to help navigate teething and all of your baby’s developmental stages at
Photos courtesy of Getty Images Simple Ways to Soothe a Teething Baby
Nutritious Ice Pops Offering cold foods or liquids is another way to provide chilled relief. Breast milk or formula ice pops can be soothing on teething gums. Silicone nipple pouches work well as ice pop molds for infants. For teething babies under 6 months, fill the molds with breast milk or formula, or for toddlers, try freezing nutritious purees. Freezing purees into teething ice pop molds offers babies two types of teething relief (counterpressure and cool temperature) while providing nutrients and exposure to new flavors. Some nutritious suggestions for purees to freeze include avocado or fruit blends like Plum Organics’ Stage 2 organic baby food pouches, which contain blends of pure fruit and veggies in flavors like Apple, Plum, Berry and Barley or Apple, Blackberry and Coconut Cream.
The reasons for genetic modification today are similar to what they were thousands of years ago: higher crop yields, less crop loss, longer storage life, better appearance, better nutrition or a combination of these traits. Some GMO plants have been modified to improve their nutritional value. An example is GMO soybeans with healthier oils – higher oleic acid – that can be used to replace oils containing trans fats. Scientists are continuing to look for new ways to develop foods with increased nutritional value and other useful traits.
Updated Food Labeling
here’s nothing cuter than those first toothy grins, but cutting teeth is a tough business. When a baby is teething, parents often spend long days and nights trying to soothe their little one’s discomfort. Teething affects babies differently; some may not be bothered at all, while others only have trouble with some teeth. Swollen, red gums are an obvious sign that teething is the culprit for your baby’s sudden unrest. Some other common symptoms you may not immediately associate with teething include unusual irritability, increased drooling, a low-grade fever, flushed cheeks, rash, rubbing the face, pulling on the ear, chewing or gnawing on toys and loose bowel movements. Each stage of a baby’s development presents unique challenges. Since no two babies are the same, finding the perfect approach to ease your child’s experience can take trial and error. Begin a smoother teething journey for your family with these ideas from Malina Malkani, doctor and nutritionist, on behalf of Plum Organics.
“GMO” is a common term used to describe foods made from organisms (plants, microorganisms and animals) that have been created using technology called genetic engineering. Genetic engineering allows scientists to copy a gene with a desired trait from one organism and put it into another.
Safety of GMOs
Multiple agencies within the United States government work to regulate GMOs, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Each agency plays a part in ensuring GMOs are safe for human, plant and animal health. For example, the FDA makes sure foods from the GMOs it regulates meet the same safety standards as the non-GMO version. The three agencies also monitor the impact of GMOs on the environment. Research shows GMO foods currently on the market are no more likely to cause allergic reactions than non-GMO versions of the same foods. Most food allergies are caused by allergens found in just nine foods: peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, sesame, shellfish and fish. The way GMOs are created allows scientists to know precisely which new proteins are produced in a plant. Scientists perform tests to make sure these new proteins are not allergens. This type of testing, called allergenicity testing, is always part of the process for developing GMOs. As part of this testing, devel opers consider whether any substances added to the food have characteristics of allergens, such as whether they come from an allergenic source. Learn more about GMOs and their impact on your health at
Many consumers are curious to learn more about the purpose and safety of GMOs.
GMOs Explained
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