Desert Star Weekly Feb. 26, 2020 issue!

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February 26, 2020 Vol. 16 No. 15

Modernism Week Hollywood Revisited Modernism Week Board Treasurer, Mark Davis, Sunny Thompson “Becoming Marilyn” star and Greg Thompson. Photo by Pat Krause. Story and Photos by Pat Krause Modernism Week brings more than bus trips, home showings, lectures, and exciting home models and furniture to the Desert. One of the most exciting and fun evenings was the Hollywood Revisited event on Feb 19th. The show was held at the Annenberg Theatre in the Palm Springs

Art Museum. This show is in its third year at Modernism Week. Everyone loves the movies and the glamour of its Hollywood Stars and the costumes they wore. Greg Schreiner has been collecting Hollywood costumes worn by famous stars since he was a young man. His collection is now over 500

gowns and costumes. He brought new outfits this year that reflect the theme for Modernism Week with fashion from the 30s to the 60s and a few from later years. He is an excellent pianist and comes on stage wearing Flashy costumes from the early years in movies. Schreiner tells about each design, the star who wore

DHS Classical Concerts The Popular Free Event Features Three Individual Performances at Three Different Venues. Nationally-Known Performers Visit Desert for this Special Concert By Desert Star Staff Desert Hot Springs, The sixth season of Desert Hot Springs Classical Concerts, presents its annual Afternoon Concert Crawl on Sunday, March 8, featuring concerts at three venues throughout the city between 2-4 pm. The third annual “Afternoon Concert Crawl” on Sunday, March 8, will feature performers at Cabot’s Pueblo Museum, Miracle Springs Resort & Spa, and Word of Life Fellowship. At each venue, short performances will

begin at 2pm, 2:45pm, and 3:30pm, making it possible for audience members to attend all three concerts in whatever order they choose. “Back by popular demand, our ‘Afternoon Concert Crawl’ is a unique concert experience,” commented Danny Holt, DHS Classical Concert Series Founder and Artistic Director. “Think of the Concert Crawl as a ‘ChooseYour-Own-Adventure’ concert experience. This gives our audience the flexibility to attend all or one of the

concerts according to their schedule and interest.” “With each season of Desert Hot Springs Classical Concerts, we aim to bring more free concerts to our community,” said Holt. “Our sixth season brings music to a broad audience throughout the city by featuring concerts at five different venues, including the local high school. Admission to all concerts is free, thanks to underwriting from the City of Desert Hot Continues on Page 11

it and in which movie it was made for. He even shows how some of the costumes weigh 30 or more pounds and hard to wear, with silver, gold, feathers, and beads. He wore one that had to flashlights. Each costume was worn by a renowned singer who sang the song that the outfit was dressed in that movie.

These singers are nothing short of fantastic and could easily have a show of their own with their fabulous voices. Schreiner gave the audience a thrill when he performed a solo on the piano and asked the audience if they knew what movie the song Continues on Page 2

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