Dstarweekly january 21 2015 final web optimized

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The Coachella Valley Number ‘One’ Desert Local Newspaper




Movie Birdman. Oscar nominations and the Golden Globes as a precursor see story on page 13.


January 21, 2015 Vol. 8 No. 5

“I Have A Dream’’ By Carolyn W. Gaines Desert Hot Springs, First Annual Dr. Martin Luther Kings, Jr. Peace & Unity Commemorative Service at First Community Baptist Church located at 66-272 First Street, January 19th, 2015. The city like to ‘Thank’ Mayor Adam Sanchez for a Vision of Peace & Unity. The Superstar of yesterday the outstanding miracle speech from Pastor Dr. Tahlib McMicheaux whom sent cold sweat, daydreaming,

focusing on his speech, and tears running down some of the DHS neighbors face. We joined together to walk from the Police Station to the First Community Baptist Church. Dr. Tahlib and Mayor Sanchez delivered the first community walk and historymaking day for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to be never forgotten in the city of DHS for years to come. The program began with Patricia Mc Micheaux welcoming the Desert Hot

Springs community. Second, Pastor Earl Johnson provided Opening Prayer. Third, marched of the DHS High School, Color Guard, Fourth the reading of the Six Principles of Non-Violence outlines from Principles one through six from Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophy of non-violence described in his first book, stride toward freedom. Just to illustrate one of Dr. Martin Luther King’s principal one that was recited by Pastor Randy Adams, which

Story and Photos by Pat Krause Mitt Romney, Former governor of Massachusetts and 2012 Republican Nominee for President was the first speaker at the Town-Hall Series of influential and intelligent speakers. The speaker’s series was held at the Renaissance Resort and Spa in Indian Wells on Jan. 19th. Brian Harnik, President of the Board, served as moderator with questions from the audience. Mitt Romney spoke for about half an hour and did the Q&A for the next half hour. This is the 23rd season of Desert Town Hall, and Mr. Harnik thanked founder Lois Horwitz. Mitt Romney initial spoke

to about 100 students at the Youth Town Hall prior to his dialogue to over 800 guests in the Emerald Ballroom. Student Jackson Lindley introduced the first speaker Mr. Arthur Kimball, who gave a 15-minute speech prior to Mr. Romney’s appearance. Julio Mendez from Desert Mirage High School from Thermal was the lucky honoree to introduce Mitt Romney to the students and Town-Hall Sponsors. His speech to the students was different than the one he gave to the adults and related more to the young as they make their way into the world. Students Lindley and Mendez are Youth Ambassadors

from their respective high schools. Students were attired in suits and ties, and the girls wore gowns, which showed a sign of respect for the event. About 20 students stood with questions for Mr. Romney, but only 5 or 6 got to ask him questions because of the time frame of the night. Mr. Romney spoke about how he accumulated his wealth as an investor in the stock market. He told them that being successful didn’t mean a lot of money, but it was how they lived their lives. He said it was doing his best as a husband and father

Mitt Romney Speaks to Youth

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stated: Non-violence is a way of life for courageous people. It is active non-violent resistance to evil. It is aggressive spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. The community joined together to sing two songs called ‘’Kumbaya” meaning stand by me and ‘’Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho’ accompanied by Pianist, Be Be Green. Scott MatasCity Council Member, Pastor Fernando Leyva, Tom Swann, Police Chief, Charles Maynard,

and Pastor Suzanne Marsh read principles 2 through 6. Dr. Tahlib McMicheaux is one of the most quotable speakers of the 20th century. Here are a few quotes from the Recitation of Martin Luther Kings, Jr. speech “I Have A Dream” delivered from Pastor Tahlib said, ‘’Finally it came to an end long years of slavery the life of Negroes for 100 years. American Society signed Continues on Page 10

Mitt Romney At Youth Town Hall, speaking to 150 local area high school students. Photo by Mark Cieslikowski

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