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The Coachella Valley Number ‘One’ Desert Local Newspaper




Valley resident five-year-old Desirae Cechin was diagnosed back in April with a rare form of cancer. A fundraiser was held for young Desi Saturday at the fairgrounds in Indio with multiple entertainers and vendors. - By Angela Monroe

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July 30, 2014 Vol. 7 No. 56

Drought – It Is Upon Us Governor Brown asked Californians to “redouble their efforts to conserve water” By John Souillere Administrative Officer MSWD The word “drought” probably means more to you now than it did about six weeks ago. Drought discussions have dominated the media as well as activities in Sacramento since January when Governor Brown declared a drought state of emergency due to the

unprecedented and enduring lack of precipitation in the state. In April, 2014, Governor Brown asked Californians to “redouble their efforts to conserve water” and set a 20 percent water use reduction goal. Then on July 15, 2014, the State water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted “An Emergency

Regulation For Statewide Urban Water Conservation.” The regulation outlines numerous practices that will become illegal beginning of August 1, 2014. The regulation will endure for at least 270 days thereafter. Further, the SWRCB regulation requires urban water purveyors—including MSWD— to enforce the level of their

By Jack Lyons Theatre and Film Critic Novelist Thomas Wolfe’s famous admonition of one “not being able to go home again” (he was speaking literarily and metaphorically) doesn’t hold up when it comes to the current production “Into the Woods” now on the stage at The Old Globe’s Donald and Darlene Shiley Theatre. One, can indeed go “home again” as the venerable San Diego theatrical landmark, The Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park, has proven time and time again. The magic that took place at the Globe in 1986 that

sent the production to Broadway has come full circle. Almost twenty-eight years later, the Stephen Sondheim/James Lapine blockbuster Broadway smash hit musical returns to its birthplace – The Old Globe. The musical has seen many script versions and hundreds of stagings by theatres all over the world in last twenty-eight years. It’s considered to be one of the greatest musicals of all time. “Into the Woods” 2014 version, is once again a reimagined, inventive and energetic co-production this time partnered with the critically acclaimed Fiasco Theatre that

originated at the McCarter Theatre Center. Fiasco is an ensemble-driven acting company that usually produces Shakespearean productions but was drawn to Sondheim for the sheer genius of how he crafts his musicals and lyrics - much like the Bard did in the writing of his plays. Everybody loves a story, and fairy tales are especially good source material for musicals. Most stories begin with “Once upon a time” and end with “and they all lived happily ever after”. In Sondheim and Lapine’s world that’s just the Continues on Page 10

“Into The Woods”

local ordinance that meets, at a minimum, the water restrictions required by the state. MSWD will respond by enacting the section of its Water Ordinance that pertains to a water shortage. This will require a public hearing—scheduled for August 18th at 3 p.m. at MSWD. The four base requirements from the state in addition to

some new reporting requirements are as follows: 1. The application of drinkable water to outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes runoff such as that water flows onto adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, private and public walkways, roadways, Continues on Page 7

Emily Young as Little Red Ridinghood and Noah Brody as Wolf

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