Desert Star Weekly May 20, 2020 issue!

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Your adjudicated newspaper for Riverside County




Revisiting Retirement with the Secure Act see page 3.


May 20, 2020 Vol. 16 No. 38

Covid-19 Hotline

Free resources for LGBTQ+ people during COVID-19 can be found on a new website and helpline. (Andrew Pascual/EQCA)

LGBTQ+ Group Launches New COVID Help Line, Website By Desert Star Staff SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Members of the LGBTQ+ community can now get help during the pandemic from a new COVID-19 help center website and helpline launched on Monday. will include full lists of service providers in all 53 counties and will feature free webinars for people out of work. Samuel

Garrett-Pate, communications director with Equality California, which created the site, said it’s designed to connect people to the right resources. “They can look up a testing site near them, if they need help filing for unemployment, applying for a small business loan if they need someone they can talk to because they’re dealing with mental health challenges

as a result of the crisis. All of that information is on the website,” Garrett-Pate said. There is also a new helpline at (323) 448-0126. LGBTQ+ people have been especially hard-hit economically during the pandemic because they tend to be overrepresented in the hospitality and foodservice industries, which have been decimated by the lockdowns.

Garrett-Pate said the LGBTQ+ community also is particularly vulnerable to the disease itself because of pre-existing medical issues. “Higher rates of tobacco use, higher rates of HIV and cancer, lower rates of insurance,” he said. “And a lot of LBGTQ+ folks don’t seek out care when they need it because they fear discrimination or harassment within the health care system.” Equality California is

also pressing for better data collection to track the impact of the pandemic on this community. So they support Senate Bill 932, which requires the state Department of Health to collect data on the sexual orientation and gender identity of people being tested for COVID-19. Disclosure: Equality California contributes to our fund for reporting on Census, Health Issues, HIV/AIDS Prevention, LGBTQIA Issues.

Housing Advocates Press for Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program

By Desert Star Staff Housing advocates predict a massive wave of evictions and foreclosures once the moratorium on evictions is lifted, unless the state puts together a comprehensive program to assist families thrown out of work by the COVID-19 crisis. Michigan is home to more than 2.5 million renters and many are suffering. Kirsten Elliott, vice president of development for Community Housing Network in southeastern Michigan, says the money can’t come fast enough. “The sooner we can get

rental assistance for those who can’t make their rent or make their mortgage payments, the better,” she states. “So that we are able to avoid having this mass amount of people pushed into homelessness.” The state so far has received more than $152 million in CARES Act funds. Since the money isn’t earmarked for a specific use, advocates hope that the state will create a rental assistance program to mitigate a looming eviction crisis in Michigan. Jeremy DeRoo, executive director of LINC UP, a

Continues on Page 10

Folks who live in low-income housing like Jefferson Oaks in Oak Park are hard hit by the pandemic lockdown. (Community Housing Network)

Top Ways to Reach Your Target Market

Photo courtesy of Getty Images By Desert Star Staff An amazing product, a phenomenal business model and a great team may put you on the right path, but ultimately, they mean little to your chances for success as a business owner if you don’t get in front of your target market. Fully understanding your target audience and developing the right methods to reach those consumers can take time, but you can get a head start by following the lead of fellow business owners like entrepreneur Russell Brunson, who started his first online company while he was still in college. Today, he is the cofounder of ClickFunnels, a successful software company that helps entrepreneurs

get their message out to the marketplace quickly and efficiently. Brunson is also the author of a series of books, including “Traffic Secrets,” which is filled with tips for using classic and foundational direct marketing techniques to help drive traffic to business owners’ products or services, and drive demand. Build a strategy that helps you reach your target market with Brunson’s advice, adapted from “Traffic Secrets,” the third installment in his bestselling trilogy. Brunson believes in his methods so much that he’s providing the book for free to business owners who visit grabtrafficsecrets. com while supplies last. Make customers your

main focus. After putting so much time and energy into developing your product or service, it can be hard to shift your attention elsewhere. However, switching your focus to your customers and finding ways to meet them where they already are can pay bigger dividends in the long run. That doesn’t mean you should stop thinking about new features and improving what you offer but attempt it with customers’ needs in mind. Drive your business from the vantage point of knowing who your dream customers are by understanding what they want and care about. The better you understand who your customers are, the easier it may be to get in front of them.

Pinpoint where they spend time. Once you have a solid definition of who your customers are, learn where they hang out, especially online. Make a list of the YouTube channels they watch, the blogs they read and the podcasts they listen to. Try to write down at least 100 that you can use to get in front of target consumers. Make connections with the gatekeepers. Seek out the people behind those channels and contact as many of them as you can. Build relationships, ask what their advertising options are and explore collaborative opportunities

such as guest posting, being a podcast guest or forming an affiliate relationship. Let your affiliates promote your business. Even in this digital age, personal relationships count. That’s why Brunson recommends building relationships with the people who manage the places your target customers spend time. Through ClickFunnels, he asked those channel leaders to become affiliates; now they make money while promoting the company’s products. Family Features

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Coronavirus brings diamond sales to an almost complete halt By Desert Star Staff A leading global diamond producer, Russia’s ALROSA, is reporting that its sales were down tenfold in one month alone, as the impact of Covid-19 ripples through the global economy and supply chains. In April, ALROSA sold a total of just $15.6 millionworth of rough and polished diamonds. This is down from over $152 million a month earlier and from $400 million in sales in the beginning of the year. “Restrictions imposed to fight the coronavirus and a decline in demand for diamond jewelry have minimized the trade in rough and polished diamonds across the world,” Evgeny Agureev, Deputy CEO of ALROSA, said in a statement. The steep decline came as the company offered its clients a delay in purchases initially scheduled for April, to offset the challenges the



industry currently faces. However, ALROSA hopes that the crisis will be short-term and the demand for gems will start to rebound in the beginning of the third quarter. The deadly virus has resulted in massive production shut-downs worldwide, including in the diamond industry. India’s diamond cutting and polishing industry, where 90 percent of the world’s high-end stones are polished, is still shut due to its nationwide lockdown. Meanwhile, March imports of polished and rough diamonds to the key global diamond trade center, Antwerp in Belgium, fell by over 73 percent and 51 percent respectively, according to the Antwerp World Diamond Center (AWDC). ALROSA is the world’s largest diamond miner by volume and accounts for over 90 percent of Russia’s diamond production. The

pandemic forced the company to suspend production at some of its fields earlier this week. Despite the crisis, the company has not asked for additional government aid so far, but said it may May 20, 2020

need such funds if the lack of demand persists for up to three or four months. In the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, the Russian government purchased precious stones worth $1

billion for the state fund to help the company to stay afloat. Reportedly, similar measures are currently being discussed.


Revisiting Retirement with the Secure Act

By Janice Gough In what has been called the most comprehensive retirement security legislation in a decade, a spending bill that includes the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement. The (Secure”) Act was signed in late December. The Act brings on many new changes to retirement plans going forward. Further, the American Council of Life Insurers estimated that the Secure Act will result in 700,000 more American workers saving for retirement. As a benefits consultant, the Secure Act provides



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & MANAGING EDITOR Max Liebermann __________________________ OFFICE MANAGER Mindy Salas ART DIRECTOR Dina Rivera CONTRIBUTORS Beverly Cohn, Janice Gough, Jack Lyons, Kelly G. Richardson, Pamela Price, Pat Krause, Risa D’Angeles, Robert Kinsler, Theda Kleinhans Reichman PHOTOGRAPHERS Pat Krause

ADVERTISING ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVES Please Call 760-671-6604 ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Arlette Capel Desert Star Weekly 13279 Palm Drive Suite 4 & 5, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-671-6604

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a platform to entice more employees into saving for retirement. The operating efficiencies of a Multiple Employer Plan (MEP)s can reduce fees rather than increase service provider profits. The Secure Act also allows Annuities as a choice of investments. Most workers have very little time to watch investments, which is precisely what you have to do to avoid losing the money invested in the market. Most workers appreciate knowing what amount they have saved along with accumulation with being there for them when they decide to take a distribution. The reason employees are given tax breaks is to help them accumulate what they need for retirement. Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) should help increase coverage among smaller employers. The 401(k) plan is not the best option for most small employers. They are much more expensive to manage, along with Discriminatory testing (comparing higherpaid employees against the lower-paid employee) and being penalized if your plan is lopsided. It makes 401Ks challenging to manage, with fewer employees involved. MEPs are not impacted by

discriminatory testing. By taking a broader look at retirement trends in 2020, most experts believe the Secure Act will aid many people in building retirement savings. The market crash has had a significant impact on two groups: retirees or those close to retirement who are anticipating heading off into the sunset. Their plans have become disrupted recently, along with persistently low-interest rates. Most people have under-saved for retirement, which means that they still need to stay in the market. Thus, offering a combination of Safe investments (Fixed or Marketlinked Annuities) or Market products helps employees find a comfort level with their retirement savings. Social Security is the foundation of most people’s retirement, politicians need to make it sustainable, but they aren’t doing their duty; thus, it may not happen! This topic sows worry among most experts. What is happening is benefits are being paid out with taxes coming in or from the “phantom” trust fund. This recession will affect Social Security because it will accelerate retirements. When older people lose their jobs,

they will decide to take Social Security earlier to survive. That ratchets up the benefits being paid out, and, at the same time, with there is a drop off in taxes collected due to lack of jobs and closings during the Covid19 crises. People should delay claiming Social Security benefits, and use other savings as a bridge, if, at all possible. Annuities are allowed in MEPs, but you must know the differences in types of Annuities. Personally, I never liked variable annuities, as they are costly and are risky. They have a mortality charge, in which the amount you invested is supported with life ins. One way, I have helped clients achieve wholeness in them is by keeping enough money to support the death benefit, and move the extra money in those accounts to safer ground. This is referred to as Annuity Arbitrage. Whereas, fixed income annuities work well as a retirement vehicle because you can get a guaranteed lifetime income. Indexed annuities, with a guaranteed minimum accumulation benefit rider, can provide market upside and downside protection. They are the kind of investment, many are drawn to today. Indexed Annuities will grow in

Wait for the Board to Act

By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. In community associations, corporate formalities seem to interfere with efficiency. Some argue that if someone is making good decisions, why wait for board meetings and motions which might delay the action? Although most clients view corporate procedures as a bother to be avoided as much as possible, the process is an important protection for volunteers. Corporations are a legal fiction recognized by law as a “person” with rights to own property, to sue, and be sued. The requirements of board action and written minutes are evidence that a legal responsibility is the corporation’s and not the volunteer’s. If these steps are skipped, how does the volunteer prove that the commitment was corporate and not personal action? Failing to follow corporate process could result in an obligation thought to be corporate being imposed upon the volunteer who failed to obtain corporate approval. Obviously, that would be a nightmare for the volunteer, but it can easily be

avoided by waiting to sign a contract until the board approves it in a meeting. Corporations are legal fictions recognized by law as “persons” that act through authorized agents, normally a board of directors. Actions outside the corporate authority are called “Ultra Vires,” a Latin term meaning “outside the powers.” In business corporations, officers often act as the primary agents, but in HOAs, the primary decisionmaker is the board. If an officer acts outside those powers and without board approval, it is not corporate action. Proper minutes are a critical part of the corporate process. If the minutes don’t record it, then the corporation didn’t do it. Minutes document corporate decisions, including any authority given by the board to a director or manager. Managers or officers should insist that authority to act must be recorded in minutes. Occasions sometimes can arise when there is no time to convene the board and urgency requires a decision to be made immediately -- such as calling an emergency contractor, for example. In California, boards may take emergency actions via email, under Civil Code Section 4910(b)(2). It is May 20, 2020

critical that any director acting for the corporation in an emergency obtain formal corporate approval, called “ratification” of the action taken, which ratification must be documented in minutes. California’s Open Meeting Act (Civil Code §49004955) sets forth a variety of mandatory procedures -- in addition to the procedures in the association’s bylaws. That law bans action outside of board meetings, requires advance notice of board meetings, limits the use of executive sessions, and requires prompt availability of draft minutes. Some boards hold board meetings violating this law using excuses of efficiency or convenience. If an association violates the law and corporate process by deliberating outside of open meetings, are the board’s decisions susceptible to challenge as outside

importance as the population ages. They offer riders, like hybrid long-term care rider, critical illness riders, and disability riders. These riders are not medically underwritten. They will pay if you need it, and if you do not need it, you will still have the annuity accumulation. The LTC rider will double or triple the annuity bucket of money for an LTC event. The idea is it gives the buyer some optionality. One of the impediments to people purchasing fully underwritten long-term care insurance is some people feel reticent to pay into a policy for many years, knowing they may not need it. A hybrid product gives you some flexibility, If you end up not needing long-term care, then it defaults to a death benefit that is there for your heirs. Along with providing other benefit riders, they can cover many of the concerns we all face as we age. Janice Gough is a Financial consultant in Palm Springs, CA. We can be reached by email at Janice@GoughFinancialSvcs. Com or by calling (760) 2517724 or (650) 200-8291. Visit and sign up for our newsletter to learn great financial tips.

the corporate authority? Although the Open Meeting Act does not discuss the consequences of violations, such a result is possible. Sometimes it is tempting for a director to step outside of their authority in their zeal to “get things done” without waiting for documented board authority. However, what happens if the board later disavows the director’s action, leaving the director personally exposed to liability? Board motions, votes, and recorded minutes are proof that the corporation acted and not you. Don’t avoid those steps - embrace them. Kelly G. Richardson Esq., CCAL, is a Fellow of the College of Community Association Lawyers and a Partner of Richardson | Ober | DeNichilo LLP, a California law firm known for community association advice. Submit questions to Kelly@ Past columns at www.HOAHomefront. com. All rights reserved®.

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In these magical retrograde times, fulfill all promises, follow rules that make sense to you, act like a Taurus (which may feel a bit restrictive) and make sure that no resistance or opposition influences your attitude and ways of being. Honor is most important and one progresses more easily when the virtues of patience, understanding and grace are cultivated. You can do this. Standing in honor.

TAURUS Your energy is up and down, high and low, there and not there. Your responsibilities however remain and each day in this crisis more and more appear. You would rather turn away, find friends to chat with, take short trips to town and back, garden, and either envision or research all that’s needed for the future. When responsibilities and the need for freedom collide, it’s best to simply focus on goals. Or garden where you dream with the devas.

GEMINI Heavens! There are two distinctly polarized situations occurring. One keeps you behind the scenes and the other desiring to be out in the world where all your values are focused. And actually, it’s good to talk about what is of value to you because our values define us. Often you’re pulled into quietude and silence, a sort of repose before the storm. You need something.


Perhaps it’s a lot of praise. In silence revelations happen.

CANCER You consider your resources and wonder if they need redirecting and you wonder if how you’re using them is efficient for both long- and short-term needs. Family necessities crop up and you worry and fret and don’t sleep nights and past images and events reoccur and you’re sad and wounded sometimes and need help. It’s hard to ask for help, isn’t it? And hard to trust it will come. A great Teacher said, “Ask & it will be given.”

LEO Each day more and more clarity about values, friends, work purpose and resources occurs and each day you feel more courage to pursue unusual far away goals, to battle for what’s right, to realize that a values shift is taking place in your life and this shift may create a future you know nothing about. A new life cycle has begun. It’s summoning all hopes, dreams and wishes you’ve ever had while asking you to follow your deepest heart’s wishes. Who has your heart?

VIRGO The past months have been challenging for Virgos. There’s been a shifting of structures, a sense that someone is being your taskmaster and you’ve had many responsibilities to tend to. Soon, this will end and you will feel a freedom and

relief from the taxing demands and tests undergone. You have only a few weeks more. Then it’s over. You should quietly celebrate.

LIBRA A more strict and sober view of life is very quietly beginning to take hold of your thoughts and feelings. This is good. However, it could feel restrictive. Simply consider it as another step in growing up, being responsible, learning how to tend to the demands of life and how to act with more finesse and refinement. There’s a struggle for balance, a struggle to be heard and understood. There is no compromise. Be strong and call for courage.

SCORPIO You had duties and responsibilities. Then personal hopes, wishes and dreams interrupted your obligations. And you had to choose. And then relationship issues (their value) appeared and you felt this is more than I can handle. The reality, something is changing within. It’s pushing you to break all previous beliefs and patterned ways of being. Follow these promptings. It’s a call from your future. What seems to be real, isn’t. Don’t resist.

SAGITTARIUS Tremendous work was called for this month and it will continue. If you take each day and work slowly through it (like a Taurus), then you will come

to the end of each day with feelings of great success and pride in your accomplishments. “At the end of the day,” we tell our students, “Review the day, and know the day was good.” Is there someone you want to contact? Or something you need? Be prepared, after a small respite, for new realities to appear. Rest in between revelations.

CAPRICORN The force of your creativity and imagination expands when you find yourself in gardens, forests, woods, fields and meadows. It can be found with hands in the dough, hands in the earth, eating plants with deep roots, and in a pantry (or lunchbox) of sweet and savory homemade foods. These are comforting for you and maintain your sense of love, safety and security. There’s everything to be passionate about. Everything loves you.

PISCES You are reminded of a longheld vision held in your heart in service to humanity. You seek independence within this endeavor and vast resources. You know you’re fully capable and have the essential qualities and gifts to bring this into form and matter, to move forward into your future and make correct decisions based upon humanity’s present needs. Patience is still needed. You pray for direction. You wear a mantle and a crown. Risa D’Angeles is the founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies Research Institute: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology. She can be reached at

AQUARIUS What we do each day, what we talk about and believe creates within us a sense of identity. It’s possible people from the past may seek your attention. You are delighted yet unsure about others. Careful about things concerning the home. So many changes have occurred concerning home and shelter that continued uncertainty makes one feel jittery and unsure. Pray to the devas for the very best home to be available. A home with safety, beauty and security. Devas are your friends.


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Providers Worry Hepatitis C Infections May Worsen Amid Pandemic By Desert Star Staff As the coronavirus pandemic continues to strain the state’s health care system, providers are concerned about another viral infectious disease

spreading under the radar. The hepatitis C virus damages the liver and can lead to liver cancer and death. It’s transmitted through the blood, which

is why it’s prevalent among people who are intravenous drug users. Kentucky currently leads the nation in the number of hepatitis C infections, and ranks

Despite effective therapies, hepatitis C infections are on the rise in the United States. May is Hepatitis C Awareness Month. (Adobe Stock)



May 20, 2020

number two in the country for the number of infants exposed to the virus at birth. Lynn Hill is a nurse practitioner in Lawrence County. She said COVID-19 is scaring patients away from getting treatment, so her hospital has adapted. “So we adjusted things, we did telehealth; we were able to have the medication shipped to the patient’s home,” Hill said. “At our hospital, you can have bloodwork done from your car, so the patient doesn’t have to go in and be worried about exposure.” Hill added that medications treating hepatitis C are effective and, in most cases, can rid the body of the virus within a few months. According to the latest data, it’s estimated there are at least 42,000 Kentuckians living with hepatitis C. Director of the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable Lauren Canary said it’s a

misconception that hepatitis C is only transmitted among people who use drugs. She pointed out that prior to the 1990s, the virus was spread through blood transfusions and organ transplants. “Baby boomers who were born between 1945 and 1965 have a particularly high prevalence of hepatitis C, and many of them don’t actually have any risk factors,” Canary said. “So the CDC actually recommends now that every adult over the age of 18 be screened for hepatitis C.” She worries infections will spike if prevention and treatment get left behind. “If we stop our testing, our vaccination strategies, our treatment strategies, we’re going to have continuous spread in the community,” she said. Hepatitis C is the most common bloodborne infectious disease in the U.S., affecting more than 3.5 million people.



World War 1 Drama ‘1917’ Now On DVD

Spring has sprung, and summer is looming in the not too distant future. Hopefully, this dreadful Coronavirus will soon come to an end, and our lives will return to pre virus healthy so we can all venture out and about. On the plus side, we have had time to bond with

our families for days and days. While this is great, it would be nice to go for a walk with friends, dine in a restaurant, or see a show in a movie theater once again. Since that has not been possible, my husband and I had been catching up on Oscar-nominated films

Alfred Mendes, co-wrote the screenplay for “1917” with Krysty Wilson-Cairns. As the film begins, two young British soldiers, Lance Cpl. Schofield (George MacKay) and Lance Cpl. Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) is sent on a mission by their general (Colin Firth). They are instructed to deliver a warning to the Second Battalion of the Devonshire Regiment, which is about to attack fleeing German forces. But the German retreat is actually a ruse by the Germans to wipe out the British battalion’s 1,600 troops. If the two soldiers are victorious and in time, last year. We’ve screened they will be able to save “Marriage Story,” “Once Upon countless lives. But to a Time in Hollywood” (great succeed, they must pass fun with Oscar winner Brad through a dangerous Pitt), “Joker,” “Parasite” and enemy-held territory. this past week we watched There are many the World War I drama “1917.” famous faces in the cast English director Sam that includes Colin Firth, Mendes, inspired by stories Benedict Cumberbatch, told to him by his grandfather

and Richard Madden. “1917” is rated R for violence and some disturbing images and language. The running time is 2 hours. On the silly side, you might want to check out “Birds of Prey” about the fantastic emancipation of Harley Quinn. This quirky tale features a cop, a psycho, and a Mafia princess and is told by Harley Quinn. There are plenty of extra features that include a gag reel, Sanity was so Last Season, Birds of Prey: Birds of a Feather and more. The film is rated R for strong language throughout and some sexual and drug material. “Just Mercy,” based on a true story of a modern hero, stars Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, and Brie Larsen. It is rated PG-13 for thematic content, including some racial epithets. Have a good week, and stay positive.

Federal Relief for Seafood Industry ‘Woefully Short’

By Desert Star Staff RICHMOND, Va. - With fisheries on the verge of collapse during the pandemic shutdowns, Virginia officials are criticizing federal relief for its seafood industry as “woefully short.” The Trump administration allotted $300 million to prop up the nation’s aquaculture and fishing businesses. Virginia will receive only $4.5 million of that money, to support a $1.5 billion industry, according to Chris Moore - senior regional ecosystem scientist with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. He says single companies alone in the Chesapeake Bay area already have lost more than that amount. “Many of these businesses, which are very small operators - and many of them spent a tremendous amount of money to gear up for the season and then had to shut down just prior to the season starting,” says Moore, “obviously are going to need additional financial help.” He says a bipartisan group of 25 senators from

states with hard-hit seafood sectors, including Virginia Democrats Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, are pushing Senate leaders to increase funding to $1 billion in the next pandemic relief bill. The senators have sent a letter to their colleagues, stating that many fisheries have seen sales declines as high as 95% since the pandemic, putting thousands of familyowned and small fisheries are risk of bankruptcy. Moore is especially concerned about Virginia’s crab businesses, since watermen are dependent on the high prices they get paid this time of year to recoup money spent on fishing equipment. “A lot of those crabbers just invested, you know, thousands and thousands of dollars in gear just before the fishery started, and just before the shutdowns we’ve experienced,” says Moore. “And now, unfortunately, the market is nowhere near what they were expecting.” A new survey by Virginia

The crab industry in Virginia has been hit hard by restaurant shutdowns during the pandemic. (Adobe Stock) Tech finds that almost 85% of aquaculture businesses in the nation had sales

losses in March and April. More than 60% of growers expected their businesses

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employees of the local franchise to the franchise’s national and regional leadership team.


nce their service ends, veterans often expect to start a new career. In many cases, the same skills and characteristics that helped make them successful in the military, such as ambition and a drive to succeed, make veterans uniquely suited for entrepreneurial endeavors like business ownership. Franchising is a path toward business ownership that requires strong leadership skills, so veterans are often some of the most ualified and successful prospective franchise owners. ccording to the V eterans Transition Franchise Initiative ( V etFran) , a strategic initiative of the International Franchise Association and the Franchise Education and Research Foundation, at least 9 7 % of franchisors believe veterans would make excellent franchisees; 7 0% have brought on a veteran franchisee or employee in the last year alone. “The skills veterans develop through their military experience are integral to pursuing a new career,” said Tim D avis, president of The UPS Store, Inc. and former U.S. Marine Corps captain and Gulf War veteran. “Franchising presents a great opportunity for veterans to utilize the unique skillsets they developed in the service while also developing additional traits necessary for business ownership.” Leadership. Work ethic. D iscipline. These qualities are exactly what help more than 200 veteran The UPS Store franchisees succeed. n

Working as a team: The success of an organization relies on its members working together and a recognition that the business is greater than the sum of its parts. Many veterans learn to rely on their fellow service men and women; franchise owners must embrace teamwork at multiple levels, from


Executing a plan: Although a franchise owner typically has access to a proven business model and ongoing support, executing the plan is the franchisee’s responsibility. Putting the pieces together and developing a working business plan requires an entrepreneurial approach similar to the military training veterans received.


T hriv ing under pressure: Things don’t always go according to plan, and service members possess the training and discipline to remain calm in pressure-filled situations. or best results when navigating situations like disgruntled customers or employees, a level-headed approach often prevails.


Working hard to accomplish a goal: N ot all business owners have the level of commitment and work ethic necessary to accomplish their entrepreneurial goals. Service members are trained to understand the requirements of a mission and work diligently to achieve them.

F inancing a f ranchise dream

Through its participation in V etFran, The UPS Store, Inc., makes it easier for veterans to attain their post-military professional goals. For example, its “Mission: V eteran Entrepreneurship” program offers nearly , in financial incentives to assist ualified U.S. military veterans in opening their own franchise locations. In addition, the first eligible veterans to submit a complete buyer’s application packet and initial application fee by Nov. will receive a waiver for their franchise license fees. To learn more about franchise opportunities and special incentives for veterans, visit veteran.

Becoming a franchise owner is a big decision, which means it’s important to thoroughly research potential opportunities and carefully review all the available documents. In most cases, you will have an interview with the franchisor, which is not only a chance for him or her to assess your abilities but also for you to ask questions like these that can give you more perspective. 1 . How mature is the brand? Some franchise systems are backed by a nationally renowned brand name and decades of franchise experience. A mature brand with a proven track record of success can be especially beneficial for a first-time business owner. 2 . Will training be prov ided? A good franchise will be committed to helping you succeed by providing the tools and training necessary to get you started on the right foot. The best franchise opportunities will offer a comprehensive training program that covers more than just basic operational procedures, but also provides ongoing assistance. Ask if there is a support team you can reach out to with questions. Also find out how the brand’s franchisees work collaboratively to learn from one another and help each other succeed. 3 . How stable is the industry? It’s impossible to guarantee the success of a business regardless of the state of the economy. H owever, some industries are more recession-resistant than others. Those that offer essential products and services that remain in demand or those that flourish due to tough economic conditions are typically among the best franchise opportunities. If you’re exploring opening a franchise business as a means of controlling your own employment and financial security, consider an industry that can thrive even in the face of market volatility. 4 . What type of marketing, adv ertising and promotion do you prov ide? While you can generally expect to receive marketing assistance and grand opening guidance when first opening a franchise business, the type of marketing and advertising support provided beyond that can vary greatly among franchisors. 5 . What is the total short and long-term financial commitment? It’s important to discuss all initial and ongoing fees in depth with the franchisor before committing to buy. K eep in mind that you will also need enough operating capital to support the business until it breaks even. The franchisor should be able to give you an idea of how long it typically takes franchisees in the network to become profitable. 6 . D o you of f er f unding, incentiv es or deals? The costs associated with opening a franchise business can be a significant factor in finding the right opportunity. Some franchisors offer financing options, as well as special incentives for veterans, women and minorities; certain business models or opening a location in specific geographic areas.



May 20, 2020



Americana Music For Our Times

created in the early days of the new world we now all share. The baroque pop title track is bolstered by the refrain “Woke Up This Morning in a Different World,” a line that is offered at first intimately and later via intoxicating Beach Boysflavored vocal counterpoint. The album’s first countrified single, “Social Distancing Blues,” takes a calm and relaxed look at the state of the world when the pandemic arrived. Other songs provide a wry escape; the old-time bluegrass strains of “When I See You Again” and “I’ve Had Me Gin” along with the aptly-pegged “The Stay at Home Blues” artfully explore the challenges of sheltering in place in 2020. More poignant in tone are the wistful “Until Now,” the lovely piano-anchored “You Heal My Soul,” haunting “Cured by Love” and evocative “We’ve Got a Baby in Our House.” The instrumental solo piano piece “Quarantined” is simply exquisite. Information:

armed with nothing more than his rich baritone vocals and acoustic guitar. On the wellaimed acoustic cut “Labels,” he looks at the popular pastime of using bumpersticker tags to identify people: “Culture warrior, a redneck or a hick / a red or blue state, eccentric or sick / Put you in a space, Artist: Michael Ubaldini easy to classify / From the time Title: Music Notes your born, until after you die.” From The Underground On “King Of The Paupers,” (Blackwater Records) he targets a pampered and You might like if you angry know-it-all who is “one enjoy: Bruce Springsteen, of the haves / and not one of Bob Dylan, John Prine, the have nots.” Followers of Woody Guthrie Ubaldini know he is far more Tell me more: Singerthan a one-trick troubadour. songwriter Michael Ubaldini is a The tender “Blue Eyes Down true American treasure, having On You” is a beautiful folk issued a long and acclaimed ballad, adorned by Ubaldini’s discography exploring a myriad outstanding and expressive of corners of the roots music harmonica work. The beautiful universe including rockabilly, “Bells Of Harmony” is hopeful blues, folk, rock ‘n’ roll and while “New Winds of Change” Americana bound together takes a more realistic look at by sophisticated songcraft. a sky filled with dark clouds On the rock ‘n’ roll poet’s on the horizon. “I Aint Ta’ latest LP “Music Notes From Returnin’ Home” is a poetic and The Underground,” Ubaldini lushly-rendered confessional continues his life-long quest of farewell wrapped in a simple to share tales from the farand elegant song. “Little Mama flung world around him Everything’s Alright” is a warm via his rich and beguiling and reassuring dispatch of calm signature approach. We live to close things out on another in tumultuous times so it’s terrific album from the artist. no surprise that Ubaldini has Information: more than a bit to say about the world at large even when Artist: Action Skulls

bonus tracks. Flemons — a Grammy winner and two-time Emmy nominee — rose to fame as co-founder of Carolina Chocolate Drops. A talented multi-instrumentalist (banjo, fife, guitar, harmonica, jug and more!) who has a profound connection with early roots folk, bluegrass, country, jazz and other styles, this collection is a true celebration. The Title: A Different World buoyant New Orleans-flavored (Action Skulls Music) “’Til the Seas Run Dry,” an You might like if you inviting take on Frank Loesser’s enjoy: Gram Parsons 1934 country classic “Have I & Emmylou Harris, Stayed Away Too Long?”, his the Cowsills, America original acoustic folk ballad Tell me more: Action “Too Long (I’ve Been Gone),” Skulls’ sophomore album the fife and drum-driven cut “A Different World” is a “Grotto Beat” and playful “My resounding, perfectly-crafted Money Runs Out” are among response to the coronavirus my favorite selections on disc pandemic. Armed with their one. The second disc features winning vocal harmonies, a collection of original and obvious sonic chemistry, traditional songs that showcase impressive musicianship and Flemons’ genuine “love of terrific songs, Vicki Peterson ethnographic recordings from (the Bangles, the Continental the Library of Congress.” The Drifters), her husband John driving “Milwaukee Blues,” Cowsill (the Cowsills, a longsearing Chicago blues-styled time member of Mike Love’s “Clock on the Wall,” North Beach Boys touring band) and Artist: Dom Flemons Carolina Piedmont blues Bill Mumy (co-founder of the Title: Prospect Hill: The romp “Keep On Truckin’,” duo Barnes & Barnes, American Songster Omnibus the original “What Got Over” and a celebrated actor known (Omnivore Recordings) and an alternate version of for his memorable roles on You might like if you enjoy: the aforementioned “Have I “Lost In Space” and “Twilight Carolina Chocolate Drops, Stayed Away Too Long?” are Zone”) wrote and recorded James “Boot” Hanks, among the fantastic gems the Americana-flavored disc North Carolina Ramblers here. The collection includes in the immediate aftermath of Tell me more: There is insightful and detailed liner the COVID-19 outbreak. In a a jubilant spirit that races notes from Flemons and his recent video interview, Mumy across the expanded reissue wife, Vania Kinard, enhanced noted that he was very inspired of Dom Flemons’ 2014 by photography from Timothy to write about how Americans album “Prospect Hill.” Now Duffy showcased in a 16-page have reacted to the crisis, titled “Prospect Hill: The booklet. Flemons’ “Prospect penning specific songs from American Songster Omnibus,” Hill: The American Songster different character points of the expanded reissue of Omnibus” is available as a 2CD view — amazingly he wrote Flemons’ third solo album or digital release. Information: 12 songs over a 14-day span. comes bundled along with his The songs stir with listeners previously-issued 2015 vinyl sure to relate to numbers EP (“What Got Over”) and 12

A growing body of racial and ethnic data reveal COVID-19’s severe impact on low-income and minority communities. (Adobe Stock)

By Desert Star Staff COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting black and brown communities. Looking at states that have released coronavirus data by race, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found even with limited numbers, Black Americans accounted for 34% of total COVID-19 deaths - despite only representing about 13% of the nation’s population. According to analysis from APM Research Labs, African-Americans in Arkansas are three times more likely to die of the virus than whites. Uche Blackstock is a physician and founder of the group Advancing Health Equity. She said longstanding social and economic policies are driving the higher

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to challenge the health and economic stability of millions across the planet, stellar recordings from three American artists offer a welcome respite from the global turmoil even as their depth captures the spirit of the times.

Racial Health Inequities Compounded by COVID-19

May 20, 2020

infection and death rates. “And so when we talk about which communities carry the highest chronic disease burden - so diabetes, high blood pressure - these communities carry that high burden because of lack of access to, not just health care, but quality health care,” Blackstock said. She said COVID-19 is only exacerbating what poverty and systemic inequalities in access to clean air and fresh food have created for decades; noting that African-African, Latinx and Native American individuals are more likely to die from chronic health conditions than their white peers. Blackstock said in the early stages of the pandemic, racial and socioeconomic biases were embedded in

factors used to determine who had access to testing, such as if a person had traveled internationally. She said she believes many people who may have been exposed to the virus while working in jobs such as transportation and food production likely went undiagnosed. “Because they did not fulfill that very strict criteria,” she said. Experts say accurate and publicly available racial data will help inform policies to help the most vulnerable, such as providing alternative housing in hotel rooms or dorms to help people quarantine who may not be able to safely do so at home, as well as providing paid sick leave for workers and improving access to affordable health care.



Coal Plant Could Produce Jobs through Reclamation

Industry observers say the coal industry isn’t just closing smaller, inefficient plants. Larger plants also are being phased out due to shifts in the energy market. (Adobe Stock) By Desert Star Staff UNDERWOOD, N.D. -- North Dakota leaders want to find a new owner for the state’s largest coal-

fired power plant, which is slated to close in 2022. But environmental groups say that’s the wrong way to go. Minnesota-based Great

River Energy has announced it will close the Coal Creek Station, citing a difficult marketplace for coal energy. Gov. Doug Bergum called

the facility the state’s most efficient and updated coal plant and said he’d like to preserve the 260 jobs there. Gene Wirtz with the Dakota Resource Council said the best way to do that is to set the site up for reclamation, not keep it running. “I think some of those workers that are doing the mining right now could also speed up the reclamation,” Wirtz said. “There’s a lot of dirt that has to be moved and a lot of soil to be regenerated, so it produces as much as it did before.” Wirtz estimated reclamation jobs could last for several years. A recent study of a similar debate in Montana, where the Colstrip Power Plant is being phased out, found a robust cleanup there would create hundreds of goodpaying jobs and permanently improve local groundwater. Industry observers have said the report resonates with many other communities dependent on aging coal-fired plants.

According to analysis by Reuters, U.S. companies retired or converted roughly 15,000 megawatts of coal power last year - the secondfastest pace on record. Wirtz said the writing is on the wall for these plants. “Natural gas is so cheap right now, and wind power has gotten cheaper, too,” he said. “You can’t compete. It’s just economics.” The Coal Creek plant began operating in the late 1970s. Wirtz said it’s a challenge for the surrounding communities that have to adapt their economies, but he noted these facilities weren’t meant to last forever. Some states are working with brokerage firms to redevelop sites once they’ve been cleaned up. Disclosure: Dakota Resource Council contributes to our fund for reporting on Climate Change/Air Quality, Energy Policy, Environment, Rural/Farming.

Essential Workers Eye Congress’ Next Relief Bill By Desert Star Staff SEATTLE -- The U.S. House of Representatives has approved the next round of coronavirus relief, and some essential workers in Washington state are watching the bill closely. Jose Atil, a paraeducator for English language learners in Vancouver and a member of the Public-School Employees of Washington Service Employees International Union Local 1948, says access to sick leave and protections for workers are crucial. “Permanent paid sick days and family leave,” Atil states. “This means expanding the health care coverage for our uninsured and making sure that there’s PPE for all our essential workers.” The $3 trillion HEROES Act that passed last week extends paid leave protections from Congress’ last stimulus package. SEIU wants the bill to provide increased wages so essential workers receive time-and-a-half pay. Atil says his district is making a push to get high



school seniors to complete their work and graduate, which has been a challenge. He’s also been helping at Camp Evergreen, a day care program for the children of first responders and medical professionals. Atil adds that with revenue declining and demand for vital services increasing, investment in state and local governments to help public employees and first responders is critical. “I would rather see the packages put out helping more in that direction rather than hearing big business making the funding that becomes available going into their coffers,” he stresses. Demetrus Dugar is a security officer in downtown Seattle and a member of SEIU Local 6. He isn’t receiving increased pay during the crisis, but still is putting his and his family’s health on the line. That’s highlighted when he comes home from work to his four children. “They all want to rush and come, ‘Hey, Daddy!’” he relates. “I’m like, ‘No,

Jose Atil is a paraeducator for English language learners in Vancouver, Wash., and also works at Camp Evergreen, a day care program for the children of first responders. (PSE SEIU Local 1948) no, no, no, no. Let me change my clothes. Let me wash my hands.’ And stuff like that. ‘I don’t want you guys to touch. I don’t want anything to get on you.’ “ Dugar says regardless of their profession, all essential

May 20, 2020

workers need protections. “All of us need to be treated equally and on the same playing field,” he stresses. “We all need the same equipment because we got to protect others and we got to protect ourselves.”

Disclosure: SEIU Washington State Council contributes to our fund for reporting on Human Rights/ Racial Justice, Livable Wages/ Working Families, Poverty Issues, Sustainable Agriculture.

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SUMMONS FOR STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF: HORRY IN THE MATTER OF: GERORGE H. MILLS, III DECEDENT. IN THE PROBATE COURT CASE NUMBER 2020-ES-26-00731. THOMAS E. MILLS PETITIONER(S), vs. CORNELIA U. MILLS, and all persons unknown who are or might claim to be heirs at law of GEORGE H. MILLS, III, being designated as JOHN DOE and including and known person in the armed forces of the United States of America, any minors and persons under a disability of any kind or nature, RESPONDENT(S). TO THE RESPONDENT(S) LISTED ABOVE: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to Answer the Petition for Determination of Heirs, a copy of which is available to Respondents from the attorney listed below at no cost, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the Petitioner(s) listed above at the following address(es): Name of Petitioner/Attorney for Petitioner) R. MICHAEL MUNDEN, ESQ., ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER, (Street Address or Mailing Address), 1294 PROFESSIONAL DRIVE, SUITE A, (City, State, and Zip Code), MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29577. Your Answer must be served on the Petitioner at the above address within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Petition within that time, judgement by default with be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. R. Michael Munden, Attorney for Petitioner(s) SC Bar #4141 Date: April 21, 2020. NOTICE OF HEARING: State of South Carolina, County of Horry in the Matter of GEORGE H. MILLS, III (Decedent) IN THE PROBATE COURT NOTICE OF HEARING CASE NUMBER 2020-3S-26-00731. DATE: JUNE 29, 2020 TIME: 3:30 PM PLACE: COURTROOM 2A, HORRY COUNTY GOVERNMENT AND JUSTICE CENTER, 1301 2nd Avenue, Conway, South Carolina 29526. EXECUTED THIS 21ST DAY OF APRIL 2020 SIGNATURE: /s/ R. MICHAEL MUNDEN, Esq., 1294 Professional Drive, Suite A, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 (843) 692-7755 email: RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT/ESTATE: Attorney for Petitioner. NOTE: Probate Court recommends that all interested parties be represented by counsel licensed to practice law in South Carolina. If any interested party wishes to represent him/herself, he/ she will be required to adhere to the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure and South Carolina Rules





of Evidence. Publish April 29, May 6, 13, 20, 2020. false, is guilty of a crime). Signed: SETH SMYTHE, DSW20-2101 VICE PRESIDENT. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 04/23/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING BUSI- No. R-202004512. NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS NESS AS: WRIGHT CAPITAL: WRIGHT LIMO, BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE 221 E PARKRIDGE AVE, APT G, CORONA, CA YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN THE 92879. Riverside County. Full name of registrant: OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW FICTIMARQUINN MARCUS WRIGHT, 221 E PARKRIDGE TIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE AVE APT G, CORONA, CA 92879. Business is con- FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE FILING OF THIS ducted by INDIVIDUAL. Registrant has yet to trans- STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE act business under the fictitious business name(s) USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS listed above. I declare that all the information in this NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANstatement is true and correct. (A registrant, who OTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR COMMON declares as true, information which he or she knows LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, ET. SEQ., BUSINESS to be false, is guilty of a crime) Signed MARQUINN AND PROFESSIONS CODE). May 13, 20, 27, June WRIGHT. This statement was filed with the County 3, 2020 DSW20-2104 Clerk of Riverside County on 05/12/2020. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File No. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE R-202004825. NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS BUSI- FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS NESS AS: SELECT SALES AND MARKETING, INC.; FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE TRUE FOODS MARKETING, 55056 OAK TREE, LA OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW FICTITIOUS QUINTA, CA 92252 Riverside County. Full name of BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED registrant: SELECT SALES AND MARKETING, INC., BEFORE THAT TIME. THE FILING OF THIS STATE- 55056 OAK TREE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253/CA. BusiMENT DOES NOT ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN ness is conducted by: CORPORATION. Registrant THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME commenced to transact business under the fictitious IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER business name(s) listed above on 12/29/1995. I UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR COMMON LAW declare that all the information in this statement (SEE SECTION 14411, ET. SEQ., BUSINES SAND is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares as PROFESSIONS CODE). Publish May 20, 27, June true, information which he or she knows to be false, 3, 10, 2020 DSW20-2107 is guilty of a crime). Signed: DANIEL C. SHUBIN, PRESIDENT. This statement was filed with the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE County Clerk of Riverside County on 04/21/2020. FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING BUSI- Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File NESS AS: AMADA SENIOR CARE-TEMECULA, No. R-202004446. NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS 43537 Ridge Park Dr, Ste 100 ▪ Temecula, CA BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE 92590. Riverside County. Full name of registrant: YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN THE SOCAL CAREGIVERS INC., 45525 HWY 79, #196, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW FICTIAGUANGA, CA 92536/CA. Business is conducted TIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE by CORPORATION. Registrant has yet to transact FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE FILING OF THIS business under the fictitious business name(s) listed STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE above. I declare that all the information in this state- USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ment is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANas true, information which he or she knows to be OTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR COMMON false, is guilty of a crime) Signed DAVID RUSSELL, LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, ET. SEQ., BUSINESS CEO. This statement was filed with the County AND PROFESSIONS CODE). May 6, 13, 20, 27, Clerk of Riverside County on 04/14/2020. Peter 2020 DSW20-2103 Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File No. R-202004347. NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS BUSI- APN: 639-242-012-7 T.S. No.: 2020-1158 ORDER NESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS No. 1444551CAD NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, ET. SEQ., BUSINES SAND PROFESSIONS CODE). Publish May 13, 20, 27, June 3, 2020 DSW20-2105 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING BUSINESS AS: PAPE POWER SYSTEMS, 8089 CHERRY AVE., FONTANA, CA 92335. San Bernardino County; 355 GOODPASTURE ISLAND ROAD, SUITE 300, EUGENE, OR 97401. Full name of registrant: PAPE MATERIAL HANDLING, INC., 355 GOODPASTURE ISLAND ROAD, SUITE 300, EUGENE, OR 97401/OREGON. Business is conducted by: CORPORATION. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 03/20/2020. I declare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares as true, information which he or she knows to be

Housing Advocates Press for Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program

happen, once things start to return to some sort of new normal, the rent will still be neighborhood revitalization due and they will not have organization in the Grand it and we’ll see a significant Rapids area, says his nonnumber of evictions.” profit group has already Counties are working given out $50,000 in rental to hold legally-required assistance. But he says the public hearings on the best remaining need among those way to spend the money, out of work is immense. but due to federal rules, “They are unlikely to ever local agencies will need recover the money that they’ve permission to use the money lost in lost wages,” DeRoo to prevent homelessness, points out. “And so their ability instead of solely using it for to catch up is very, very slim. shelters and rapid rehousing without a statewide plan. “And so what’s going to


May 20, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE

YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 10/10/2017 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, payable at the time of sale in lawful money of the United States by cashier’s check drawn on a state of national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges, and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: HerminIo Hernandez Vega, A Single Man Duly Appointed Trustee: S.B.S. TRUST DEED NETWORK, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Deed of Trust recorded 10/20/2017, as Instrument No. 20170437169 in book XX, page, XX of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Riverside County, California. Date of Sale: 6/10/2020 AT 9:30 AM Place of Sale: THE BOTTOM OF THE STAIRWAY TO THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 849 W. SIXTH STREET, CORONA, CA 92882 Amount of unpaid balance and other reasonable estimated charges: $126,878.88 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 66369 3rd Street, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 A.P.N.: 639242-012-7. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first



publication of this Notice of Sale. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call FOR SALES INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (855)986-9342, or visit this Internet Web site using the file number assigned to this case 2020-1158 Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Date: 5/5/2020. S.B.S. TRUST DEED NETWORK, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. 31194 La Baya Drive, Suite 106, Westlake Village, California, 91362 (818)991-4600. By: Colleen Irby, Trustee Sale Officer. WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. (TS# 2020-1158 SDI-18527). Publish May 20, 27, June 3, 2020. DSW20-2106


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urging spring temperatures can bring volatility that translates into major weather events. The 2020 storm season could see above-average probability for major hurricanes hitting the United States coastline and the Caribbean, according to the annual Colorado State Tropical Meteorology Forecast. As those in the paths of seasonal storms know, property damage and power outages come with the territory. Being prepared for weather disasters and power outages is critical to protecting property, productivity and well-being. Assess external threats. Before storm season arrives, take inventory of potential problems outdoors that could be exacerbated by bad weather. For example, trees may need trimming if limbs threaten power lines, the house or other structures on your property. Also examine the house for necessary repairs, such as loose guttering, shutters or shingles that may need to be secured and torn screens, all of which can worsen in heavy weather and cause more damage. Another consideration is items that could topple in heavy winds, such as barbecue grills or lawn furniture. When possible, look for ways to secure these items so they don’t take flight, aren’t destroyed or cause additional damage.

It can be easiest to determine which type of home standby generator system is right for your household by first thinking about what items your family needs to remain functioning normally during a power outage. The number of home appliances or electrical loads you want to power will determine the size and cost of the generator. There are generally three different types of standby generators, which vary based on how much your home needs to power:

Managed Whole-House Power Generators: Smaller, More Power

Select Circuit Home Generators: Power Essential Appliances

Whole-House Generators: Maximum Backup Power Needs

A select-circuit generator system is a cost-effective way to power your home’s basics to get you comfortably through a power outage. These units can power up to 10 electrical loads in your home, including the fridge, some lights, television and the microwave.

A standby generator equipped with a smart power management solution gives your family the benefits of whole-house power with a smaller, more affordable generator system. These home generator systems can power all your electrical needs, including up to two air conditioners.

Whole-house standby generator options are typically used as backup power solutions for extra-large and luxury homes. They power an array of high-wattage appliances, from double ovens to hot tubs with commercial-grade performance.

Assemble emergency resources. An overnight storm is no time to discover your flashlight batteries are dead or you don’t have the right size batteries to replace them. Making time to update your stash of storm supplies before weather hits can save some frustration and help ensure you’re prepared to safely wait out the storm. In addition to replacing flashlight batteries and checking that they’re in good working order, if you don’t have a light source in every room it’s a good plan to place flashlights or lanterns in rooms where you may need to be able to see in an emergency. The idea is to give everyone in the family the ability to illuminate their path and move safely through the house no matter where they are when the lights go out. Part of your preparation should also include restocking your first-aid kit. Some items in the kit, like ointments and medications, can expire so you’ll need to replenish anything you’ve used and double-check that the contents are still safe to use. If you don’t already have them, be sure to add a batteryoperated radio and a portable power bank so you have access to news updates and can charge a low phone battery. Take inventory of your non-perishable food items to ensure you have plenty of options on hand in the event power stays off through one or more meals. You may also want to stockpile some books and board games for convenient access to entertainment while your power is down. Make power plans. Because power outages area near certainty during severe weather season, reliable electricity is a necessity for powering work, school and daily life. An appropriately sized standby generator can ensure your home power doesn’t miss a beat when faced with seasonal storms. Because standby generators are fueled by natural gas or liquid propane, the tank doesn’t require regular refueling with gasoline which means no last-minute trips to the gas station when your generator runs out of gas. “Standby generators can power an entire home, and because they are wired to the home’s electrical system so there is minimal interruption,” said Brian Northway, Briggs & Stratton field service manager. “When a storm knocks out power, the generator automatically takes over to deliver power, allowing you to take care of family and accomplish what you need to rather than worry about the power outage.” Generators with a smart power management system, such as the line of units offered by Briggs & Stratton, can help manage highwattage appliance priority. These power management technologies allow a homeowner to prioritize the power they need during an outage at a lower upfront acquisition cost. Learn more about standby power options at

May 20, 2020










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